The W.C.T.U. of Bethel United Church held their regular meeting and quilted a £11m on Tuesday, at the home of . Ralph Hilbom. The meeting opened with a hymn and sentence prayers after which the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison. Mrs. W. H. Diamond took charge of the devotional part of the pro- E','? after which the president, n M. Facey, presided. Clip sheets were read and a reading was given by Mrs. E. Z. McIntyre. Mrs. Ralph Hilbom gave a very interesting report of the W.C.T.U. convention held re- cently at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Ginger- ich and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brubacher of St Jacobs were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cressman. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting, after which lunch was served. _ Mr. and Mrs. Abner Brubacher and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Koch of Cones- Mm. Eva Worthman was ap- pointed to arrange for the next program. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fallis, near Palmerston. Misses Almeda Bearinger, Violet and Elsie Martin and Messrs. Ver- non Bearinger, James and Clare Martin of Strasburg were Sunday visitors at the homes of Addis and Ivan Cressman. Miss Gertrude Robinson of East Zorra spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Eva Worthman. Miss Margaret Scott of Mani- toulin Island and Mr. Arthur Bond of near Galt called recently on Mr. and Mrs. Ellworth Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good, Pearl and Walter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Martin and Mrs. A. Martin of Elmira. SUNNY' SOUTH-WEST “IN THE NAVY" 33“.!an is the word to describe the manoeuvre- of Catawba "with England. These bayonet: are sharp, and it would tttoo. bad tttt troops M their enthusiam for I tight MONDAY - TUESDAY Evin-9W?! Bud A bbol t (‘OMING l DAYS - Starting WEDNESDAY Those BUCK PRIVATES are back--- ANN NEAGLE NOW PLAYING Lou Costello "amr.tetd 00amâ€) Mr. and Mrs. Woraine Hotter and family, Miss Edna Brenner of Kitchener called on Clemens Bren- nets otySttMay, _ _ n -- .., "kinda; Sehiebei of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mt and Mrs. John Schiebel. - Mrs. Albert Schedewitz and Miss Anna Girodat, Mrs. Pat Do- heny and son Pat attended the 1argei-Hergott wedding on the 4th of Peel on Saturday. I..." On Vacation. The local teachers left for their respective homes at Stratford and Haven. for the summer holida s. Mr. and Mta. A1ex_Wey of Fl'c teiiG,Wiss Leona Grad of Lia.. towel spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Graft. Mr. Joe Kocher of Waterloo called here on Sunday. family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koemstedt of Macton. Mr. Louis Doggstadder and sis.. ters, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prentice of Sarnia called on friends here onuSundaylA _ -. Mr. and Mrs. John Moran of De- troit spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Renahen and children, Mr. Pat Hanley and Mr. Regius Hmley of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Thos. Hanley. Mia. Renahen intends staying for some time. Mr. Cecil Kennedy Miss Anna Dimer spent the holid'ay with Mr. mg Mr1s. Jamey Kennedy, _ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy spent Sunday af _l§ran§f9rd._ _ _ - The Reason Separate School has raised $130.50 for War work dur- ing the year. The raffle of a quilt was made and proceeds to the Red Cross, amounted to $60.00; Junior Red Cross, $1.00; Navy Lea e, $1.00; Sock rattle and dance, Br., table runner raffle, $17.00; War savings stamps, $31.50. Mrs. Albert Stemmler donated a table runner to the Separate School to be rained oft for war work, the children selling tickets and a dance the night of the ratne amounted to $17.00. Little Miss Gladys Ktaemer drew the tickets and Miss Cecelia Vollmer was the lucky winner . Road toSingapore Mt and Mrs. Ed. Bummer and REVIVAL TUES. 1045 PM Bing Crosby - Bob Hope Dorothy LII-non! in med-Land, rear - setyiee run awaywith them By In. Ju. Kennedy HESSON Dirk Powell {\‘J‘ Among those attending the Roth and Roth church wedding at Stein- man Church in Baden, were: Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart, Alice and (Floyd and Mrs. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and family and Mrs. Christ B. Jantzi and Mr. and 'Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber and family. Penna-h. Mr.andMrsEd.DoerrandMr. and Mrs, Theo Bierwuon and family of Kitchener were Sandi)! guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Lau- tenschlager. Mr. Jul. Wahl of St Agatha and Mrs. Mathilda Hoerle of Heidel- berg were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kniptel. Lloyd and Carl Lautenschlnger and Irvin Kniptel spent the week- end at Sparrow Lake. At Summer Fellini. - A A large number of people from here attended the summer festival at St. Agatha Orphanage on Dom- igion D_ay. _ -FaarrniGre the results of the promotion examinations of the Pe- tersburg School, ss. No. 14 Wir. mot: - - _ Grade VII to Vm-Ray Swar- tzentruber, hon., Ward Schmidt. rec. Grade VI to VII-Grace Sees- miller. hon., Omar swartxentruber, hon., June Baranski, Theresa Dist- ler, Willard Swartzentruber, Bob- by_Knipfti, -_ -- .. -. Grade V to VT-Melvin Dimer. hon., Stanley Dimer, hon., Grant Rueffer, hon., Joe Distler. LaVerne Neeb. Arthur Roth, failed, Shirley Meyer, failed. _ _ . “Ergéevlvitro V-Pat Eckersley, hon., Deuogd Settrterttruber, "'Gr'ade m to IV-Nelson Swar- tzentruber. Wilbert Ranch. Bea- trice Roth, rec, __-- - _ _ Grade II to m-Bill Eckersley. hom, Frank Baranski, Elroy Swar- tzentruber, Gerald swartzisntruber" on_reer's work, - _ - . " . -GuTe - I _ t5 "ir-aye-es, Knipfel and Donald Swartzentruber. equal hon., Vernon Roth, hon. “A -rtie téacher, Mré. Grace Klassen has been hired for another year. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel were Miss Reta Schlegel and Miss Ada Som- mers and Mr. Floyd Baechler and Mr. Oliver Zehr all of East Zorra. Mr. Dalton Boshan of Ayr spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart. - Attend Bunion. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentru- her, Earl, Paul and Helen and Donald Schlegel attended the lib reunion which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Jutzi in Kingwood 9n the l/tt OLJuly. . Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart were Mr. and Mrs. John Miles, Alice and Howard and Mr/ and Mrs. Et- mer Boshart Marlene and Carl all otAew liambgrg._ -- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller and children Marjorie and Laverne of Petersburg Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshare Attend Church Waning. Mrs. Christ B.'Jamzi spent Sun- day evening With Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zehr in Baden. Misses Reta Zoeller, Ruby Eckstein and Fern Shantz spent Sunday with Miss, Doris gowman. Mr. "and Mrs. Albert Chapman spent Sunday with Mr. Oliver Chapman in Rpsevi11e.,, __ _ Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shantz were: Mr. and Mrs, Milo Good and children Viola and Edgar of Acadia Valley, Alt... and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Snider and family of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Snider and children Miriam and Arthur of Bridgeport and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Baechler of Baden and Mr. Attor- ney and Mrs. R. S, Steiner of Lima Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Tobin Shantz of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt at- tended the Cressman-Cressman wedding in New Dundee on Sat- urggy. -- -- - w -- - U Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Wilhelm, Me- llsha and Ada and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Newmister of Poole spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt, . Mr and Mrs C E, Swttrtzerttgtr ber and Paul spent Sunday even- mg with Mr and Mrs. George Hoffman near New Dundee. PETERSBURG Br Mu. “elem Swutuntrubor [Chronic]. Com-panda») " In. m Kw (Ciro-kl. Wit-t) PINE HILL E'litiil',i'EttSlu2iii2 "W m at and! 11.10' ibum 'iili'ot'iSiti'hi'liiilti',ri1",iiii m m It Mu. n M grPg,ft'gt."g,erga't 13.31: mi. a1'lWul",u"tr'1Ul'A'r t7nYfiaiGer -iariiaua "37m" i. ‘m_ "iaTrrsaaGF av“; loo, - was gm y sme- tres of tdt Ygim-t of the United Laban A _esd a? “(mum lam-1' Strt , America add"- I held in atgrloo Pu! ah22e, iriaia '"i'aT'saF0TCtuiiik GUdd -- to provid- od.ttntt "ettenmitdntimt to; nearly 5,000 pet-Ions " the Putt-Du I“ M There will be convention new dons again on Mondn , with a ner- vice " St. Peter's batten-u: Church in Kstchener on Monday evening. Deana leave here on Tue-day to e their fbur-dny poet-conven- tion tour tltmuglt the. We“)?! "r.gmtrbet,tt-Htthrrhqr, qheaddruihemorDr.Knutrel, head of the United Lutheran eiruietfinAme-ti11mtthis ' Miss Kathleen Coxson and Mr. {Wilson Thitsideau, both of Kitch- ,ener spent the week-end with the "ormer's mother, In. Bessie Cox- aim" ' Points ‘includina NEH: Bar, tN11ander, and Ottawa be visited on the trip. - mm"? figii,i.atiii'ltih',t . Cam- dim In em. tre a“; tGGiiiGlairuitti Prime Ilium] MaeEiiiszieJPpg as the..lm.-nai: Mrs. Wilson Helwig in Kitchener in honor of her daughter, Grace, a bride-elect of last week. Twin Calm Mr. Earl Poll’s Holstein cow had twin calves this past week. It seems to be getting quite a habit for two weeks ago a Shorthom cow of Mt Poll's gave birth to twin calves. lucid Show. - u LiiitGan _ churches School closed on Friday with a picnic on the school grounds, Many participated in games and non after which lunch was served Re- sults of races are g_foll9_ws: - Pre-sehoot tsge-aotut KurpeL Girl: t to 2 years of age-Stella Kurpel. Boys. 1 to t-Kenneth Brod- recht. Girls, t to 6-Heien Snider. Boys, , to t.-WaMaee Snider. Girls 5 to 6--§dith tiryde.r. Rev. gorley. Girls, t to 6-Heien Snider. Boys, , to t-wauaee Snider. Girls s to b-Edith Snyder. Boys, s to lr-Barry Manning. Girls. T to tr-Beatrice Yantz. Boys. T to e-Donald Manning. Single men-Lincoln Yam; Married ladies-abs C. Rein Single ladies-Doris Clark. Rev. Schwalm of Kitchener preached at the United Church Sunde {homing in the absence of Mr. and Mrs Frederick Brod- recht and family visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wetuaufer of East Zorn on Sunday. The local aaa teachers, Mr. Miller and Miss Clark, are spend- ing the summer vacation at their homes in Elmira a_nd puma. _ Miss Eileen Manning visited in thytlph 29.5.undny; . tWm . ., Shawl»!!! Putin]. On Wednesday afternoon and evening a very successful unw- berry festival and tea was held by the Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church on the lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kerr. On Tuesday evening a miscella- neous shower was held at the Richardson home by members of Mrs. Ephraim Shantz's Sunday School class in honor of Mrs. Fred Richardson. Mrs. Richardson, the former Miss Gertrude Mohr, whose wedding was an event of this month, was a member of this girl's class in the Evangelical Church. New Hamburg. "xii; §hiiley Roch visited in East Zorra on Sunday. At Tum-u Tea. Mrs. Wm! Schramm and daugh- ters Olive and Esther attended the trousseau tea held at "tthorse of Yo Muskokn. At Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weicker and family attended their reunion on Tuesday. July lat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rotharmeal " Bridgeport. - _ -. enjoying a few days at Port Stan- ley Rev. Pith took the exchange service with Rev, Boulteel of Port Stanley. who occupied St. James pulpit on Sunday. Miss Jean Brown of Plattsville and teacher in the Haywille Public School has gone up north to the Muskoka district to work for the summer. Miss Jean Brown of PIatmille who teaches at " No. 6, Hays- ville, took her pupils on a picnic to Tye's grove. . Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Shunt: und children of Kitchener visited re- cently tat the home of Mrs. Shaun’s sister. Mrs, E, z. McIntyre and Mr. McIntyre Mr and Mrs ' M. MIcCallum of Ottawa are visiting for I few weeks at the home of the lunar! brother, Mr T G Walker at Cedar BLOOMINGDALE -iiisTrEikrn plunging spent Sat- (Whh’ll HAYSVILLE " [In lulled Koch . (an-u. Catapult-t) Br In, Clare-co Din-loud (clan-Ida was.“ and Mrs. R. C. Pitts are of -eVe"e Ft7NiiFiii. Bau, "In" L $gtetud't'rrg,ttl'afa'."tti (1.1mede lag-um“ “Hf . J'1i'.iiiilij'ia,'/a'thrggttre' you. cum saw 'l'" an? minimum Thirqrrehmemttemaetheeoet- tgetu',W,g'g'th,tutt"tl te't?hlrtLt, MGM U). church. G.rkruitrrsanistbrd_hmn theioeatehttgeh. SEEK tl,irgd'ttnft lures 't LTiirdirehaia" '7 tea it tise my _ of should be damned with the usual complete particulars: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Name and details of Unit (Le. Company or Section. Squadron, Battery. Holding Unit etc.) and Name of Regiment or branch of the service in full; and the Hull. of the Post one. who the We Unit I: mil for Delivery Ovenels 'ltoultl bear, the Emma!“ tAyn- Name and Details of Unit. Ke., Company or Section. Squadron. Battery, Molding Unit, etc.) Name of Regiment or branch of the ser- vice in tttil-and the words Can- adian Army Overseas, but no place-name should be given. All letters should be fully pre- paid, and a return address should Examination results at Doon public school, SS. " Waterloo: Teachers-MN. McLeod, Junior room; Edwin Mitchell, principal. Grade , to 8--HbnorB-Doris Be- wick, Grace Rosie; Pttas-Vivienne fiyiitette, his" Wreqg Beyyw Klensteuber. Lenord Pfeiffer, Nor- man Stable. Grade 8 to 7--Pttss-Kinneth Karges, Tom Kleinsteuber. Grade 5 to 6-Paas--Ethet Ares, Stella Bewick. Charles Drager, Jack Skipper, Doris Pink, Powell Grinyer, Sherrie Tilt, Arthur Sapa- worth, Mildred Stahle. Dalton White. _ Grade 4 to tr-Pttss--Ror Gill. Beryl Rosie, Nettie Kleinsteuber. Beatrice J'teitfer, Jerry Pteitter, Doon School Exam Results Beatrice Settel. . t _ V Grads, , to C-Paste-Harold-Gill, Jean Kleinsteuber, Jimmie Rosie. Grade 2 to '--Pass--John Be- wick. Esther Lies, Doris Morley, Betts Futhle, golce Sieyert. = Grade 1 to t-Pass-Jane Ayres, Alice Bewick, Robert Gill, Robert Kleinsteuber, Marjorie Morley, Marie Pottie. Dorothy Skipper, Isabel Sapsworth. Entrance [mails recommended on ttri','. work- uby Pink and Faith one. On Tuesday evening a successful strawberry festival was held on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hatt. The evening was refreshing and a large crowd attended. Music was supplied by the Gait Salvation Army band and a musical trio from Kitchener. Half the proceeds was donated to the Doon Patriotic Society. A number were seen to enjoy the surprise fish pond con- ducted by Mrs. M. Fisher and Miss Eunice Teet. The Doon Patriotic Society held its regular monthly bushes meet- ing at the home of Mrs. E. Perine on Thursday evening with 21 pres~ ent. “Letters of thanks were re- ceived from Pte. Chester Goddard, Pte. B. Skipper and MN. Major Earl of the Salvation Army for Hold Strawberry Fuck“ Ptttdotie Society .' Wm?!†Cool“ Yo given in the upper left-hand (Continued m we " FRIDAY I SATURDAY artrdll SAVINGS ($395935 L! It“. gm..- Jam! 'i':"?,',. Waterloo Theatre game]: received. Lunch wu served y Mrs. Perine. mined by Mm. K. Onset. _ . Luge Crowd at Lake 111er w." I large crowd f, mop e emoy “that In picnicking “Willow e on bominion' Day. Blah An: all be: Louis Leis had the misfortune to take a spill from his bicycle Int week. fracturing his arms and leg. His friends wish him a speedy re- oovety. ChttttraghtrVnrCm. ram'nen ot' the value and "dis- yin are tputyuttintt the hug-op- Mr. and Mn. Robert ponny and) daughter Dolores of Ton-unto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ohn Bryce. Pte. Bruce Ellis of the H.L.I. of ‘C.. at London. was visiting friends ‘in the village on Sunday. l, Mrs. Lester Weiland and daugh- ‘ters Ruth and Joan of Kitchener spent Dominion Day at the home of the former's parents, Mt and Mrs. Richard Jones. Gihk Bad émp in this district. -iiriyi5. BoiiGt7iGt family of Preston spent Sunday at the home ot9Ers. R, Dryer: - -- _- " Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and son Douglas of Toronto spent Sandal! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A . Pfeiffer. . Misses Louise and Verna God- dard of Galt and Miss Ruth Cas- kenette of Preston spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. O. Goddard. - 7 "was; hidim Aiturned to his home in the village after riding 1ftern days at the camp " gimme! Valley. -iiii." Gulllett of Bridgeport spent the week-end at the home of his son, Willing was. _ - .. - Jack Bernhardt of Stanford spent Sunday with friends in the village. Miss Rita Caskenette of Preston spent Sunday at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Chas. mm. A A . -iiirriidiiiiii igiéhce of Owen Sound is grendinz some time at the home o Wm. Guillette. 7 Dolores, Bonny of Toronto is spending] vacation at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mn. J. Bryce. Welvin Wolfe and "hrt Bryce iit"ttkiiiilitar, truining-camp it Thames Yancy; _ _ -. Pte. Jack mm of the RCA.F.. in Nova Seotin, was visit- tt friends in the village on Bud- y. Pte. Fred Morgan of Debert. Nova Scotia. visited friends here on Friday. Miss M. Ross of Station! is spending the summer vacation at her summer home in the village. miiriiis" ip he yditage 9n_§undai Richard Pfeiffer of Waterloo spent a vacation at the home of " uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Pfeiffer. 7 haird%ariiito iheir homes" in the yiiiagttyfter 'oe.sntruttt " aâ€! Wilma - - Whoa was My“ iii-737.7 John Grant, Sr., spent GIRLS' DRESS SPECIALS -WhitevotieswititemtoumdtgtttaotA1t.iniV8.81tif,ry.e this. Mm) . . . mutt]! nyluot I.“ (m. 31.“). tgum1iwittswhitrgrouayiaitiprV ting.... iitiuiiartttastme'VdiFndto "Ls GOUDIES BEPT. STORE Closed Mondays MON. - WES. - WED. Glued Evy}! new Until mm. Open And)†MyToSatutdny c cc" T1 ma liars - ' - tht-ted Br aoodteMmiud KING AND QUEEN STREETS - KITCHEN“ " ow m 0001. will? WK suns DINING BOOKS AND LUNCHIONB‘I‘TB operated By Gown“ Limited our "II! DA! 81.59 Mr. and Mm. Will'um Wolfe of MI} were visiting the farmer’s puma; Mr, and Mn A. G. Wolfe, on Slinky. A Sunellleg dt people Iran the attended the Band WI " Waterloo Park on TORONTO-idiot and Eskimo children m slum "There11 Al- ways be In ", 'rirflgL't, mm Mag-{hm of All ta School. vik, North West Ter- rttoriea,inttreporttothePeihsw- ghip otttte. Arctic Iter.e. they are Indian and Eskimo Sing Rousing British Songs intensely interested in the war situation, declares Miss Crochet. and at meal times always ask for the latest news. All Saints is one of the residen- tial schools of the Church of Eng- land in Canada, and Miss Crocker's report indicates -that the Indian and Eskimo students are given a practical as well as a scholastic education. The boys make their own duffle bags. and mackinaw mitts, and Lee]: etet.hes apd shoes. in repair. hides. Thi making ot new winter shoes In a iob for the girls, the footwear 9g_cgurse being made from soft tLtit,trty1r,ti].g After Snub! Midnight anlew IMS m, and -r, My, WM! "lrlilliVhrhrWhr' “Reaching 'iorsi' nun Hubert"? Bela Lugosi "Prawn O' Gold' Dinnerware to the Ladies every Mon., Tues. and Wed. mumo-mDII-lonlh. Silverware every Thur. & Fri. THURSDAY & FRIDAY “The Big Boss" mu. “mom: in ADDED ATTRACTION “The Black Cat" WY LYNN 5111.13-14 'ttrigid-ELI. Mr - Glorh Dickson John Lite] 31.95