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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Jul 1941, p. 2

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St. Jacobs School Class Formation For September (I: M W) ST, JACOBS-AS the school classes will form on Grade vm-Ntutmi Gunman. Kenneth Putter, Glen Gabel. Shir- ley Good, Donald Henrich. Wanda Hubert, Elmer Martin, Lloyd Mttr- tin, Mary Ann Martin, Jean Hier- garth, Robert Bitter, Edward Schmidt, Billy Setsumacher, Ruth Snyder. Pylon} Snider: _ . . érade VU-Joyce Adam, Daniel Brubacher. Glen Doerttecker, Aden Frey, Lydian Frey, Earl Gilles, Henry Gilles, Verna Horst, Salo- ma Kenesky, Virginia Kerchner, Ursula McMichael, June Morlock, Harrv_Pay_1lers, - -. . . Grade vi-Henry Frey, Shirley Gabel. Lena Horst, Leslie Kenes- ky,Eileen Sander. Leonard Scheer- er, Ronald Schmidt, Jack Schuma- ken Lorraipe §niger. _ - -. Grade V-Sheila Adam, Lorn Bowman, Floyd Buehler. Mary Cressman. Minerva Frey, Murry Good, Willard Good, Nelson Horst, Lois Hurst, Frances Kenesky. Ada Martin, Amos Martin, Wayne Mu- tin, Robert McMichael, Doris Nier- ganh, Carl Enter, Edna Sander. Robert Schmidt, Annie Sinker. Marcia Smith. Grade W-Neil Cosford, Leona Gilles. Russel Henrieh, Jimmie Heelscher, Aaron Martin, Jesse Martin, Lorna Schlitt, Elaine Schumacher. Grade m-Leonard Bowman, Joseph Brubacher, Joy Cosford, Violet Cressman, Irene Frey, Ray Gabe], Bernice Hahn, Esther Ha- senpt1ug, Jean Kenesky. William Marshall, Irene Martin, "Leander Martin. Lois Metzger. Ethel Rieck, Jean Ritter, Russel Scheerer, Joan Schmidt, Joseph Simer. Oscar Smith, Karl Walker. Eleanor Wis- mer. Grade II - Bruce Brubacher, Alice Good, Marietta Kenesky, Isaac Martin, Lovina Martin, Ruth Martin. Jean Morlock, Patricia McMichael, Mervin Sheerer, Nor- ma Scheerer. Grade I--Lovina Frey, Ruby Simer. MILLBANK. - Eight entrance pupils were successful in obtaining their certificates without writing. namely: Mary Hewitt, Douglas Gray, Anna Mae Erb, June Moore, Jack MacLennnn, Elmer Baier, Jack Baier, Norman Wagler, Billy Robinson and Lloyd McKee. Grant 10 Pupils Entrance Without Writing Exams Promotion Results Of S. S. 3, Woolwich The entire entrance class con- sisting of Nancy Bowman. Ivan Sauder and Amos Martin, passed on their year's work. - - (Three Bridges) lBy Chronicle Correspondent) Names are arranged alpha- bet_i_eallr. _ - Grade t-Brubacher Levi. Bow- man Israel, Heist Lavina. Grade tr-Bowman Elvina, Bru- bacher Hannah, Cressman Erma, Kraemer Almeda. Martin Vera, Sander Gleason. Grade 4 -- Bowman Emanuel, Bowman Lincoln, Brubacher Me- linda. Cressman Florence, Kraemer Salome, Martin Abner, Martin Me- linda, Martin Emerson, Martin Simon, Wideman Jimmie. Grade T-Gingrich Gordon. Mar- tin Lovisa. Wideman Elam. _ Grade 5 - Cressman Harold, Gingrich Reta. Martin Milton, Ma_rtin_ David, 19nyder Elyjna. _ Grade 2 -. Bowman Melinda. Brubacher Orvie. Bowman David, Kraemer, David, Martin Nora, Sander Salome. Grade I - Brubacher Martha, Cressman Curtis, Martin Alvin, Martin Lydia, Martin Sydney, Martin Urias, Reist Elam, Snider Marie. ' To Grade Vm-May Mulcahy, Th_oma_s Stilliyp1 fl __ __ _ Absent--- Katie Brubacher. Lo- vina Kracmcr and Melvin Martin. Beatrice T. Beisel, teacher. Give Millbank School Promotions To Grade vrr--clura Erb, Jack Henderson, Doris MacLennan, Murray MacLennan. Laverne Ki- pfer. Jack Schmidt, Mary Tanner, Della Vogan. Enos, Wagler. To Grade IH-kenneth Baier. Marie Lee, Gwen Moore To Grade. V-Sarah Albrecht, Simon Albrecht. Ronald Dunbar, Lorene Erb. Harold Gaucho. Clar- ence Gerber, Eileen Ki ter. Betty MacLennan. Margaret E'liu'fil'nv, Anna Mae Roma Arthur Stevenson, Anna Stilling. . MILLBANK - Public School prynotjonsi: _ _ - To Grade IV-Elmer Erb, Noahl Lichty. Lorna McKenzie. Aurla) Ruby, Dorothy Tanner. Marion Vogan. Jacob Waglor, To Grade II- Janna Erb, Norma Erb. Betty Gascho, Mahlon Gerber. Jean Gordon, Ruth Kipfer. Jimmy McKee, Carol Moore, Audloy Ru- by, .Cora Wattler. Allan Eehr Teachorr Fred V Brown Elva E Hulowood To Grade TIr-M- Albrecht, Lorne Erh. Raymond Erh. Wilma Erb. Ruth Gordon, len McKen- zie. Jimmy Mckenzie, Charlotte Tanner THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE (I: chronicl- Continues-t.) (I: Chronlclo Corrupondcu) MEf t,iyi,iirii iGariari. iici7iadi "Tic "rib-i a! “about! ttt'tgitrNltttttfteNetl,ttlt a t't'cl',t,tftt w’ 1cm” 'ttttht mic} DAVIDBEAN among mm Duncan-inm- 30mm 'AYAILI m ADVAIOI I]... ... put in m; .8... ... nu on MAY. JULY 4. 1961 “would.” l Certificates are being mailed to {successful candidates and state- :ments of marks to those who came bel_ow pass stagding. " District it School Promotions list iBearinger, Salome; Bearinger, Sa- iah; Bott, Blossom; Bowman, Ger- ialdine; Bowman, Nancy; Brahman. iLeonard; Brown, Betty; Brubeck- er, Eldon; Brubacher, Evelyn; Bru- bacher, Mabel; Brubaeher, Susan- na; Cunningham, Jean: Detweiler. Leeta; Dillon, Bette: Doerbecker, Pauline; Dreisinger, Alma; Ebr, iiMelinei Frey. Alvin; Frey, Mag- ;dalene; Fries, Doreen; Geisel. Har- PM; Gingrich, Edna; Good, Gladys; Hahn, Orville; Herzog. Mary; Hi1- lis, Donald; Hoover, Mary; Jack- son, Margaret; Kares. Thomas; Kirschner, Mary; Klinck, Robert; Knoll, John; Kochanowski, Henry; Kuhl, Edward; Kuhl, Helen; Leh- imam, Margaret; Lichty, Loraine; \Lutz. June; Leslie, Robert; Lavery, Graham: Larch, Kathleen; Martin, Aleda; Martin, Amos; Martin, Angus; Martin, Earl; Martin. Erle; iMartin. Grace; Martin, Henry; Martin. Lloyd. Martin, Mary Ann; Martin, Minerva; Martin, Nelson; Martin, Ruth; Martin, Simeon; Mattusch, Gertrude; Miller, Ed- win; Musselman, Violet; MeTavish, 1Russel; Norman, Jean; Plant, Glen; "tau, William; Reger. Nora; Bitter, Francis: Hitter, Fred; Robinson, (Carol; Sander, Ivan; Schethter, lMargaret; Schaner, H a r old; (chweitzer. Ruth; Shuh, Arlene; lSippel, Henry; Sittler, Clemen- ftine: Smith, Dorothey; Snyder, Mabel: Stahlbaum. Harold; Stroll. Joan; Thur, Maureen, Vines, Den- ‘nis; Weber, Melvin, Woodall. Der- iryL Zinger. Marie. trance Board on WM an- nounced the names ot candidate! who were successful in quaiityisyt tor High scho9P,Entranee, stand- ing .either on the reeommtmUtion of their teachers or on the recent departmental examinations. The Board of Examiners dealt with the candidates from the three cen- tres of Elmira, Crosshill and Wel- lesley and hence the results are given below by centres. The Elmira High School En- trance Board this year consists of Geo. E. Currie, BA., principal of Elmira High School, chairman; John Mahood. principal of Elmira Public School; and G. H. Do- brindt. BA, inspector ot North Waterloo Public Schools. secre- I Albrecht, Nancy; Albrecht Ru-, (hy; Amont. Myrna; Baessler, Bel-i Pn,' Bast, Mahlon; Cassel. Ger- trude; Diebold. Colétta; Dietrich.‘ Eileen: Doherty, Helen: Erb. Ar-) Ian; Hackbart. Clayton; Hain,, .lronv; Hartman, Billy; Heinbuch,, John; Hill. Edward; Hirteis, Al-l zbvrt; Kumm, Theodore; Lutz, Betty; Moyer. Violet; McCormick,‘ lPrancis; McMahon, Edith: HOMO-3 te,','; Joseph; Nalziger, Kenneth; Runstedler, Anna; Runstedler. Jam ‘cob: Roth Eileen; Roth Loreen; lSchlueter, Phyllis; Schneider, Ol-) le:' Schnarr. Reuben; Squire, “OF‘ (ence; Walter. Theresa; Walter, iwmard, I Out of a total of 153 candidates trom the three centres, 133 were granted pass standing on the re- commendation of their principals. Of this number 29 were granted certificates under the provisions of Circular 27 issued this year by the Department of Education, allow- ing Grade vm pupils twelve years of age or more to leave school at Easter to assist with farm work. Parents or employers were asked to certify as to the need ot their assistance and teachers were re- quired to vouch for satisfactory standing in all subjects up to the time of leaving school. It is thought that this provision did much to relieve the local farm la- bor problem this year without the loss of promotion on the part of the pupils. -- A total of 20 pupils sat for the Departmental papers at the three centres on June 26th and 27th. and of this number 11 were successful in obtaining pass standing. This makes a total of 143 successful candidates out of 153, or about 93%. This figure compares very favorably with the records of pre- vious years. _ __ - The ‘names listed by examina- tion centres below are in alpha- betical order. On Final Examination - Eix, Harry; Hambly, Ralph; Hachborn, Margaret (Hon); Israel, Keneth; Matthews, William; Shoemaker. Evelyn: Snyder. Lucinda (Hon.) On Final Examinations-Martin, Leonard: Schnarr. Chester: Volt Edna Bondrr. Joan. Boudoir, Dan; Ber. dust. Kathleen; Borst. Patricia, Dion. Ruth: Froihurger, Ralph: Hammond. Douglas: Huber, Anna: Jantri, Erma. Kivswottor. Bertha Lichti. F.lsir. Lirhti, Orval; Mar- tut, Jran: Lchotd, Ruth: Spahr Jack, Stahl" Grrtrudr: Stooser Erma (0n Prineipal's llfg'a"g,",',igfakiiQ Aberle. William; Qaumpn, A gn; (01Priryripttl's Recommendation) l (On Prmcipal's Recommendation) 0n Final Foraminations-tiehti, Mary Old Von Buy YOUR War Caving. Ohm. Today! Wollnloy Conn. Crouhul Centro a: u.- (Inca) Elmira Conn. imam» )‘..“.‘.‘.‘.'.'.â€"'§...â€"-".'.".’.';.‘.‘ 1”th 2'kutttt,ttl,te.r"- Sim” Einwnchter tat-ntf, Mtriam Thibideau (glue!!!)- - - "bride m to Grid: [VF-Roland Brighton B, Lam Schmidt B, Newton Eimarttelttet (giggly). [ During the year there were ss pupils enrolled in the New Dundee public school of which 31 were ‘boys and 24 were girls. The aver- ’age attendance for the year was M419. There were 194 legal teach- ing days in the year and during these total teaching days there was 'ttotal of 801 IT isaed. This it?'.'.' an average o " days absent per pupil, a considerable amount ‘of which was lost on account of ‘the spread of communicable dis- eases such as measles, whooping ‘cough and scarlet fever. The per- ':centage of actual attendance to the possible was 91.5 per cent. One (pupil, Delmore Toman, attended Alt complete school year of I94 jays, 38 pupils attended trom 150 ‘10 194 days and 8 attended below (100 days. There were 8 beginners admitted during the year. In addi- tion 95 volumes were added to the "b'ridé In}; Grade'm--Caverms Rattler B, Wnyne Einwachter B, Beatrice Goodwin C. glenn Koch- fete, _Kiryteth Both: B. Gn‘de I to Grade 11 - " which he has teen principal. has Brighton c, Shirley Coleman 'i', Imeow tt positwn " teacher of George Kmart C. Mary Jane Mc- agriculture In the Markham High Donald A. School for the coming year. In Grade I-Beginners-Ivan Bow- R. Canon who has been -istant man B, Erma Coleman A, Robert teacher " the N.D.C.s. for the Fiederlein B, George Homacher B, M two and one-13:11 ye”! has Ronald Hill A. Rots McDonald B, n enema! u pump-1 to unc- Maynard Rsmenberger A. Robert coed ser. Sinclair, it was on- Sararas A. nounced by the local Ichool board. Nine pupils tron) the Williams- - burg, Radiant and English Set- . . tlement Public Schools wrote their Hold School Picnic Entrance examinations u the 10- At So p k . i/it', 'Rttu,'g 9‘1"” tttttgd: ', y. Inclpa mean! on- per ar [tinuation School was the presiding The pupils of the Public School with their teachers. Principal L Shane and Miss Isobel Robertson. enjoyed a picnic at Soper Park in Gait on Thursday afternoon. Swimming and races featured the afternoon's activities with the re- suits of the latter being as follows: Junior Room Grade 1--Maynard Rosenbergor. Ross McDonald. - - - Grade li-joys, Ronald Grue- tich, George Knarr; girls-Patty Brighton, Shirley Coleman, ,Grades III and lv-Boys, Roland Brighton, Earl Goodwin; girttr--- Hagel Dipger, _Lauraine §chr_nidt.__ Three-legged race-Grades m andmr--Hazel Dinger and Marie Hallman; Earl Goodwin and Ro- land Brighton. Three-iegged race-Grades 1 and Ir-Patty Brighton and Beatrice Goodwin; Mary Jane McDonald iriiriiiiirhsy Cole1nap, _ - _ Shoe Scramble No. l-Grades I and M-wayne Einwachter, Mary Jane McDonald; No. 2, Beatrice Goodwin, Patty Brighton. . _ Senior Room _ Straight race-Girls, Elinore Ro- senberger; boys-Earl BtiÂ¥hton. 'rh-h-q -.fth. c Em Three-legged raa-diris, Eva Snider and Esther Rosenberger; boys, Hugh Hallman and Earl Brighton. Shoe seramhte-Jean Poll. Peanut scramble-Joan Dinger. Rolling oranges-Earl Brighton. Shooting the marshmallow-- Elinore Jtosenperger. ." _ During the afternoon. Principal Shanta, who is leaving to accept the principalship of the new four- roomed school at Sunnyside, was made the recipient of a handsome leather-bound loose-leaf note book on the cover of which his name was printed in gold letters, by the pupils of the senior room in ap- preciation of his services during the past two and one-half years. The address was read try Elinore Rosenberger and the presentation was‘mage by Joan Dinger. _ "t5Foirpiiti The "penny in the bottler-Hugh Hellman. _ _ . _ "Esme Chase-Beatrice Goodwin, Earl Goodwin. "Ehoé'écraihble-Grade m and IV-Hazel Dinger, Roland Bright- A delicious picnic supper was served at the conclusion of the afternoon. Miss Robertson. who also resign- ed at the end of the term, was presented with a lovely glass water pitcher and a half dozen tumblers by her pupils of the junior room. Marie Hallman read the address and Hazel Binge: made the pre- sentation. Statistical Report: lunch-u; lean NI~~~I '."d.ebettet'pbifetehe9rae 't-.raeshsar'MteretrdArm-of thsbqeduo.ot-ett_mtttaeeatt I! In - WNW W b nun/am: m a a: -- 'ritoisti-ld.s.tettutaho,ttq2t. waldo/~4- net-. - "alto-att-ether- ummmuWaw-p me a, "Elm-Ii! "iGiiiii; tiT"Gi' work. I. le. Robertson, Jr. room teacher. have. Local School. C. A. Sinclair. BA., who bu been a member ot the Continua- tion School teaching can for the put four years. the lat three, of 0.5.“ um The semi-monthly meeting of the U.B.C.E. was held " the home of Mr. and Mrs Bert Chapman on Thursday evening. Miss Alta Stoltz read the scripture lesson other, charge of the topic. “Leaders Who Carry the Torch". which was pre- sented in the seven] parts by "in Irene Chapman. Bert Cha man, Miss Isabel Baird, Robert mama“ Ralph Harlock, Mrs. E Gingerieh, Alice Hellman and Miriam Hil- born. A sing-song was also con- ducted by F. E. Page and the meeting closed with the business period presided over by the presi- dent, Miss Irene Raster. Give New Dundee School Results Mrs. Leslie Graham and Miss May Graham of Vineland visited with Mrs. Leander Cressman on 'nyysday, - -e.e----e, - _ __ Geogre Wits of Scotland visited with Mt and Mrs. C. A. Sinclair on, last Hgnday._____ _ A Mrs. Milton Hill spent' a few days of last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Grittin atyyrr. ___ U ___ ___ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ertr and Mt and Mrs. Joseph Knechtel and son Glenn ot Kitchener were meant visitors at the home of Wesley Etb. Mrs. W. Spaetzel and little granddaughter, Audrey Piederiein are holidaying with relatives at Kitchener. Mr. arid Mrs. William Detweiler of Roseville visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder on Tuesday. my am We) NEW DUNDEK-Report of the New Dundee Continuation School. I denotes 75% and over. II denotes 66-74%. m, 60-85%. C. 50-59%. Grade XI-afar), Creamer). Aer. C, Alg. C, Eng. Lit. 1, Eng. Comp. T, Frill, A. andrM_Hise ll. Lat. Grade X-Ray Diefenbacher, Agr. IT, Eng. Lit. Ir, Eng. Comp. C, Fr. C, Can. Hist. 11, Geog. m, Typ. I; Joe Hallman, Agr. n. Eng.' Lit. m, Eng. Comp. C, Fr. C. Qan Hist. C, Math. I, Geog. m, Lat IP, Eng. Lit. It, Eng. Comp. Ir, Ft. C, Douglas Hamacher. Agr. 1, Big. I, Can. Hist. II, Math. TT, Geo. I, Typ. I; Thelma Lang, Agr. II. Beg. C, Eng. Lit. C. Eng. Comp. m, W. IL Math. C, Geog. to, Typ. IP, Roy Shanta, Agr. n, Eng. Lit. l, Eng. Comp. Ir, Ft II, Can. Hist. I, Math. I, Geog. I, Lat. ITP, Cloyce Tainan, Agr. C, Eng. Lit. m, Eng. Comp. C, Fr. C, Can. Hist. m, Geog. C; Jean Hoover, Agr. l, Btrg. IT, Eng. Lit. C, Eng. Camp. ll. Fr. 1, Can. Hitt. C, Typ. n, Math. l, Geog: C. nr, Elva Diefenbacher. Agr. C, Alg. l, Eng. Lit. n, Eng. Comp. IT, Ft Ir, A. and M. Hist. Tr, Lat. III; Dalbin Egerdee. Agr. C, AU. yn, Beg. I, Eng. Lit. C. Eng. Comp. II. Fr. C, A. and M. Hist C; Russel Snider, Agr. 11. Alg. C, Eng. Lit tr, Eng. Comp. C, Fr. I, Lat. C, A. and M. Hist. I. (iEREaE] Grade fxCiiiG Coleman, in; " Mes. "M h“ I, Bus. P. 1, Eng. Lit. ll, En " mm” o--- Comp. II, Ft It, Can. Hist. 'it, Y.P.L. “can. Math. I, Mus. I, Geog. ll, Art Ir;; The Young People's League met Nyle Diefertbacher, Agr. li, Butt. 13.18! the Evangelical Church here on I, Eng. Lit. I, Eng. Comp. Ir, Fr.tMondny evening. After the gro- Il, Can. Hist. m, Math. I, Mus m, I gram. a nocinl hour was spent ur- Geog. IT, Art C; Audrey Feeri/ ing which Miss Laura Miller of El- Agr. C. Bus. P. C, Eng. Lit I. Eng. min, a former active worker in upturn”. beth Holtzhauer, Bus. P. C, Eng. Lit. m, Eng. Comp. m, W. m, Geog. III, Art C; Stewart Raster, Can. Hist. C, Math. II, Mus. m, Agr. II, Bus. P. II, Eng. Lit 11 Eng. Comp. 1, FY. II, Can. Hist I. th. I, Mus. C. Geog, I, Art m: Alice 9yyrttd, Act; 11, Bug. J?. ii, gm. lat I, Eula. Comp. C, Fr. ll, Can. Hist IT, nth. IT, Mus. I, Geog. I. Art m; Clare Snider, Agr. tr, Bus. 2- q, EN Us 11.595.999-11, Isabelle Toman--Agr. m, Bun. P. C, Eng. Lit I, Eng. Comp. m, Ft IT, Can. Hist. 1, Math, M, Geog. C. Art m, Mus. I; Matrguerite Veitch, Eng. Lit. m, batsman. C. Can. Hist C, Mun. m, C. Mrs. R. Carton. Ass’t teacher. C. A. Sinclair. BA., PrincipaL Ft. It, Cin. Hist. , I, Fem-.1, Art C. NORTH WOOLWICH R. M. MACFARLANE EARL R. PANNABECKER “VICTORY POLICY" °O.Howdoalh£spdicyhdpmfildqudtinmmpwioniowuy -tt--irsiiint A.Exceedmv bureau“ hlixedpulod' 0‘me cum invatingin arS-vingnmificun'flmwilldbywyoutolzlyw etmterurdatthesaaieti-gieermartuai1rthetiraumuroteaio. Ihcynoed. tit'?-.'.:'"?"'"-, shalom-3' 'rethemdeftkefaUreritid elm”? A.i.Buteveathi-thami.brttuaoheematr.te.'Aatdthe ruieruyoarra-dth_-Wtrti_certifreate-ttarerm' -canuel.hcmtopnyyouriumnneepumium. qt'fe'.hi'.""""P"'i'r wompknquw A.Thioisa t 1.t)etteeas-es'att, [:me etii2t2etxri'rg.ututt."2rgtgge'lU. VII-nova- yahowh-yorrhao-,r1mAmd4hei-utt reg-Ind “WuSafiv-hmmuddhawlmu.mu '2Srdlll'v'W,U' aaeodomketureoteetuahtoot M-ar-tr-ur-to-att-ed-enter-er" I-th-tvt-fart-fore-e-t_-uf-ttro-yer wan-line hum? A new “VICIOIY POLICY" In. been specially designed!” Mas-lu/n-ut-tthu-hte-ui. .MtirumiotherexamruorThe Mutual ue'. 'uituttveuderve1or 1aigieeut.erHeetomeeoheneedsofC_inawhmMies. WINE NOW Fort was; For full hformuion no to how MWidoI-y Policy”cen be adapted tomeetyoerrneeasgetut-hrjithoaieiretahutoa1ub Leyeetenutive. pr petite direct 'o9he Mutual Ute of Claude, Waterloo, Ort. 0011‘: delay! Act now! non-38mm “U” Q. moheratierartraehereiadf-'.. A. Yea.11ne‘renlizyhunnunberoflnnctinhtuuwhidlwfllbo explnined by company's npreoenutiven. a. Who can obtain this new Mgr? A. The new "Vinny PUiey" in available to - adult who is We“: . . . and in especially attractive to lien and women with modest incl-lea. Answering your questions about the "VICTORY POLICY" Your Country needs your "vhagst Your locally and: protection! THIS NEW [TfijijrEIlrl]jlq HEAD OFFICE "cw-.4 by tho Ath"er6tAKrs" _ . n. A. SCHoNmilLMAYrilR, Branch Manager GIVES THE ANSWER! ARTHUR L. BREITHAUPT. Jr. aa; GiaT JitiGrGrrariitai"y Sui] use?!i gifts"h A dainty lunch Lll'llt serv y e Young Mes.‘ t- ed Ar Mrs, Edwin Bender and Mrs. I s. M. Bird. Several families from mus dis- trict attended the Evangelical Camp Meeting at Mildmay on Sure day... Got High School Bah-nu. Congratulations are extended to Edna Erb, Lorene Howald, Lila Knechtel and Vernon Bowman, who have been awarded their High School Entrance certificates on their vettr'srwortr. _ -- -Misses Fern and Lila Kneehtel spent Sunday with Miss Isabel To- the North qulwich Raga; wag: Mrs. Irvin Bowman and Mn Harvey Grasser of Kitchener called on the Misses Elizabeth and Ella, Edger! urgently. -- _ Miss Greta swni of Gait was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt. Mt Addison Schweitzer of Mon- treal and Mr. Norman Schweitzer of Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E J. Devin of Mggnheim_reg_enuy._ -- _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Knechtet, Erma and Carroll and Mr. Chris. Snyder were Sundrl guests at the home of Mr. and 11 Isaiah Det- Mr, and Mrs. Earl Pannabecker spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schenk. weiler at Breslau. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kneehtet OF CANADA MANNHEIM " III: lath Devin (amid. cine-mint) Re presentation HIKE almanac. ONT. rum - 1mm ll rm "ION. mum I” [In " I... M m Astt.rr-e-.t_d.trse-f6rste0% "as-Orr-At-are-pmt' 72'. - $73; 'f;'¢371?3i-1w1 'i,3rtri'sk {ti-'- "f t?s"s . f. -; , -:’ 'v"Fir1?li's't, 'tutitii3rt"ikii?ti TT W. M. o. DOCHEAD H. J. MneCOREmDALE T, Jr. L. GEORGE Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Witzel were Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Witzel and Mr. and Mrs Herman Witzel of Kitch- ener and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wi- tel, of Peggrsburg. A _ were Mt and Mrs. Harold Schmidt and son, Gerald of Strasburg and Mr. Edward Schmidt of New Dundee. Mt and Mrs. Leighton Schmidt and daughters of Vietoriaburg spent Sunday at.the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider Mr. aid Mrs. " Words spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sykes near Kitchener. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Seebach were: Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Dryden and daughter, Erylene of Toronto. Mi. and Mrs. John Muegge of Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Witzel of Kitchener, Mt and Mrs. W. Klein of Parkway, Mr. and Mrs. G. Yaeck of Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Seebach and daughters. Jua- nuita and Pauline of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones and family of Nine Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family called at the home of Mr. anti, Mrs. pan Ebt a; Vigtgriaburg Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cober and children of the Plains, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knechtel of Rose- bank and Miss Myra Knechtel of Ayr called on the Misses Elizabeth ans!_ Elly Echen 9n Fundar, __ U Mr. Jonathan Hellman of Wir. liamsburg visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench on Supday. _ - Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Weber and Char- lotte, Mr. Stewart Weber of Wa- terloo and Miss Myrtle Weber of Kitchener. Phone 0-4713 '. "tr l. "e

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