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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Jun 1941, p. 8

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Mr. and Mm. Gordon Good, Caro- lyn and Branden of Kitchener, were Sunday guests of the Fred Beeker's, I Recent visitors of Mm. Ciara; Woelne’s were Mr. and Mrs. Benn} Kinzie, Miss Pearl Bloom, Mr. mt! Mrs. Otto Feick and family, all if) Kitchener. Lorne Kinda. ttle: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ma 1.1 Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Han-, nert, Rosebank. [ Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker were Sunday guests of Henry Shrleber of Roseville. Mrs. Hunt and Donna of Brant- ford spent Sunday at the Gordon Dubrick home. Mrs. Ezra Becker and Mrs. P. Becker called on Mrs. Ross Perth ot Roseville, recently. PD. ,Vll. V1603. M? In: nor-u VIII. . ' vitality? Try 0.0.x 'lh, bur Cantu-l tutu. mulch-u. 2m! eu-to-- ub to nor-nu MI a). a or " on a new In: unitary III. tor only teidtt,tr1uetp.riteijfriLu.tIi,i? today. or sate, It All good an; Mono. Mrs. Henry Shrieber. Mary Ann. Donald and Glen, Mm. Lame Fried of Roseville spent Monday at the "East View Farm". Miss Sara Honerich is spending several days with her aunts, Misses Honerick, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woe1Be were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Woe1Be, Kitchener. Several from this community at- tended a “Cooperative Farmers" picnic held at Rosebank school on Saturday afternoon. "on of ao, 40, " I, In. I. I. Jaha- 1 (“WII Corn-M) ( Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauser and1 daughter Violet, and Mr. and Mrs Jake Metzger visited with Mrs. Josiah Simer who is a patient at St, Mary's Hospital in-Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Matthews and son Ronald spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Matthews. Mrs. Albert Ruler s at the week-end at the home oFMr. and 3&3 Norman Stevens of Hawtrea- v e. Mr. and Mrs. Ion Martin and sons of West Montrose were Sunday visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. William Sobye and, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Sobye of Marden, and Mrs. O. Seheifele, Mrs. Alf. Trussler and son Dick. and Miss Ruth Jackson of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter', parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. WILLIAMSBURG “Ride onanaquero" Yt-eau, O' Gold' Dinnerware to the Ladies every Mon.. Tues. andiwid. After Sunday Mid-um Preview 12.05 um, and Monday. Tuesday. WM! Silverware every featuring Wm. mm... - Ricardo Cort? 'h 5Gi" in the Dark' mchnmgo-tu -amraoi"T'tamtet"-r_- Arthur Kelly - Joan Perry “THEY MET IN ARGENTINA" war ER LO 0 Theatre ci,").' Egg}, Alibi Br In. P. In“ umunu Wu FRIDAY - SATURDAY CESAR 3031330 In {on m - n - u mi} AMIGO - ADDED ATTRACTION YATTON Maureen o'Mnra Jules Ellison Slmsrv a Cog-rhin- WM. A. IOOEIS SILVEIWAII - - WIDNESDAY AND 'l'lIUISDAY Path-1h. tg-gs-M Ind Mun" Ina an. ll. all-nu aw aeroer ' emu“ I0 ”I"... M .v.., v, _, ,7, - - , L handed a: horse rm: " iseatorthl, m‘um mm Schultz iiiiittit'tliiiit?)iljie)it Wuhan! dis 'on Mondly. Gladys Bierman of Waterloo, Wit- Edd “MW laddeee 1 Mrs Christan Kennel. who ma and Jean Behneider, Mann Mr. and Mn Claude “Winch (spent some time with Manuel Fritz ma Versie Senate: larerrAnd mm ot mm - Steinmtut's, New Hamburg. return- Sunday guests of Min M. Kemp 'l,t'M visitor: " the home of Mr. ed to Sam Erb'n. . isomgry ‘ land a. Goedon Beorieh. Edwin, Margaret mam“! Wen- Mr. and Mn. Almond Schneider Recent mum at Mr. and In. mond of Guelph}. Geo e '7tTiiiGitan'i' daughter Shirley of rri'iiili'iskellfiee'. mark-h were Mr. and _ at Hamilton, Mus Sara 1ee.eey,diiiiai Sunday with Mr. and Malta Roheet my, “a son ‘ and Albert .st.ewart ot ctynptseu-fiiiik. Jacobi. 'Edwin apd Miss Anna Whom of Willa were when " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schmm at. page; We!!!) L. Emma? fyeel.tyc. ....." Waterloo spent _ $9nday. "A”; Mr. and Mn Angus lighted» i-nRi,fCiflttgreetrt'tu'll,'g"gS, mm week. it2tgit,et',%tattlr.'tti,,',t/ arruftoeo.t-tarytyq.Lh.- -iriitAtndmt-otehru.rratAer, iiriiiJiiGitirreyA:rsdwithMi" AddieundMr.tr3._t. 1Pteree,',ht'Nege,'t"e,t here toe the past imam hmdedtnherruim which hubeenoocepted. Mis.ameepitu,rtsots" tl"" UiiGilisut_tt,,treeltTi'iiaiiF'ia nenrummmmmtfidgggfi,’ tuFGiur..nditNasdar. hantudinheimsiota 2'rciir0teegtipct'gtlettJlforfiel'l In“: tuatteen-ted. -aiuai0iti.aimtimttnttttrlyrttetux 1ticnn1,,,'e'u,t1'ulil,fl,ii?,t' ital. Mgtrtamit “this: were mm tIllia,',','."'.'.",-..- “a“ Sam 9 J ',',',7,'L'C, 2fuf,,e,i2',rea',hhtetidfde Min eroniea In “leased MM“! Monaural! mu- mematew day: with Grll','Gra"i'rw"ii2i'i'i"tiriGiaT'gt u.A v In. Veronica Jun! of mast-Ileana from school on Thursday ener spent a few any; with herGGriilng to witness the parade ot aunt. In. James 1'l,ggig'gPs'ti “'D" Cmgnny of No. " Main; Mr. Ind Mm. Campbe ShantFcenue. w lob posse-tyah. Her. and ttunity and Mew M. Shim! '.'.t/de9trir, enroute to Paradise his. tended the horse rates n Seafortttl, The um 'dpa_schttlta ..ht.t.d Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mayhem and family and Mr. and Mn. Charles Binnlng of Britton spent Sunday at the home of William Wilton?! Br II- Iv- laid (an-U. Wt) cumm- 2.110ng Gee. Chant-n Endeavor Group. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sch-etude, Thelma €de n N Charles Perrin was in charge alland Miss Versie Schaefer smegma”, the Christian Endeavor meeting l panied Mr. and Mrs Alum Wing-i Miss 2g','ft, Keiterboe, held in the United Brethrenler of Elmira to Owen Sound ontthe WM Mum. church on Wednesday evening‘Wednesday. l Mt and m will! a The meeting opened with a maxi Miss Lola Schneider spent Bun- er and some of the Mn service. followed by prayer by day with Grace Schmitt. at the m of Grandma E Hrs. Melvin getter 2991 “page "c=tTaTcT,.CCi" ”and Aer. and Mrs. Ben I rxmdintt by Grace Hilbom The lender conducted an interesting dismal-Ion on the toplc 'Vohn, the Beloved". The vice-president. Harry Hilborn, was in the chair for the business session. tkMure Route March. A company of soldiers marched into the village on Friday and made a twenty-minute stop. They {were followed by three my [truck - _ Rev. Dr. J. D. Stamon of Win- terhaven, Fla., 'was guest preaker at the Evangelical church on Sun- day morning. marina Circle In Charge. The Mission Circle was in charge of the League in the Evan- gelical church on Sunday evening. Jean Fried presided tor the devo-I tional period and prayers were! offered by Mrs N ' Dahms and; Mists Irene Chapman. Scripture; was read responsively and Misses; Dorothy Wanner and Marguerite) Veitch contributed a vocal duet. Mrs. Melville Veitch brough high- lights of Mission Circle gleanings from the W.M.S. Convention held at Waterloo recently. Dr. Starnon spoke on 'Christian Resources in an Insecure World", stressing the principles of truth, honesty,, obe- dience to parents, but above all, faith in God. President Jean Mar- shall was in charge of the closing exerices At Home Show. Several from the community at- tended the Stratford Horse Show on Tuesday. Telford Brodhaecker and Elmer Stoltz were among the exhibitors. Roseville school pupils took part in the patriotic parade held in Ayr on hesday evening in connection with the Victory Loan drive cam- geign ip yidittriet. Viiii a R.O.P. m. L S. Purkis of Master. govern- ment R.0.P. inspector, was in the gommunjty last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Detweiler visit- ed with Mis. J. Bucket and Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins at Pres- ton on Thursday. Mrs. C. Swan: accompanied them and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuinnt 'fiisa Midge Douglas of Kitchen- er called at the home of Mr. and Nts. Elmerfitoita, on_ Mgnday. - -fir.Giid Mrid J. o, Starion of Winterhaven. Florida. were week- IT4 guests of Rev. and Mrs N. E. -iiF.Gnd Mrs. William Detwei- let visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wag- may): Kitehpper op Stysdiar, _ - Mr. and Mrs. Jacob sioltz' of Auburn were week-end visitors with the lormer's brother, A. E. Stall: and Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Stoltz. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stoltz and baby son of Gait visited with re- latives here on Sunday. At Fungal. Miss" Jean Waldle spent the holi- day weekend at her home near Chesterfield. Mr; William Detweiler attended the funeral of the late lbs. Ed. tit,','."'""' at Woodstock on Satur- 'e. o -- -- . . _ . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Becker called on friends at Hamilton on Sqr11ttrr, -- -.. _ __ - u - ADDED ATTRACTION - MONDAY . TUESDAY ROSEVILLE halibut” “in “mm...- ll “hm“... 1'tg"U'"gt, -..l_+ti.iyrt_alt_oOy,_i_i'treye1t.' M.K.M.hm oath ”to "itltatti'rtgg'1t"'rc1,S"t'i atan-uvfifimvmwwrt “I tttNS'?,,'?, ummuumuwruuhx- nag-Lint a 1't'ttuttt “1"” GdiuiaotistgtmdRr,bqtthrodarr m a. _tiihootwiutretseMitV a... 'tdutdM'tr,."gL, NTMSh hmww-meamcm churchbmrdandcumdanMc-m. tfietehitdt-r and» tioaatenrmt-eeBt IkWWfldNdeww 'i,ijriiitietUeggth,S'l "tAMr.artt9tsere.-liseututtvaeeartter1ivestesermn gisett-ttnrworkttsat tetlukruuuuiktvt1ttn-Hliirruuitivait.ttie"mtttewart mbnmwwmmdw.mmmwmotnwrm church um Inn 'triti%."urttte-sntiri tteto puetottt-thtWtgcOm" tgr.easdggmtRma-traarerlheer ttteSsteatnnmed",tteeau- tiuesanedtoherred umwwmeMIema-ditwu w..nmmnrmthnl'un autumn "tiGiFal.n.otextr.t.hein.diijhtttP,ttn J-rhkto.ttpse.etirtrcam" "i; and in a... maaf" tiirttrseatna-".ts- tiuetanedtotserree 1eedneduu.'N,.T'd'tu'tt'l trf2l'u"fd'l'f iiriGGuii'tTa Wemnrrytoreponthnl‘em tutadervigttodet "tiGiFaly.otqxttt.ttein.diijrttetye.tht Behneider, tttlt,'. of bl; and Start!” 1tgtt'gterdga"2ey,'.ti2"gW, unEmHSchne ,who be! .amt-atreimMtrttrt “w tioetaorttieh mwnyflLhupouututmvanmmgmwm J'l'li'Mtl'/ x3150??? Mrt%mfLMsrtigsoatgtagsd.r. Tttevaitaeeteahow-rhumtowardp '"t,tgttrs'.t.'1'trrg"det mammamwwn‘mum . - was _ 9m." _ 9 __ PPe2t: vditdil'fl?Au'"fi'lblhtllttill0gtert,Au'ttt'e'L,'l Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schmlm of Waterloo spent Sunday " the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mer- man. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schott and family sitar“ Sunday with Mr. on! Mrs. Ric turd Arndt at “when". . Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Schmidt were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Schaeter " Waterloo. A _ Ciiriei Mrs. Norman Vollmer tt ‘Glenallen spent a day recently {wig Mr. Yt.1 Mrs: JotPetint?t, ' '"'fitTiiirAiirU s. s. held their an- nual picnic on Saturday which was well attended Annual School than Attend Matty _ A large number from this dis- trict attended the Holy Name rally at Kinkora, on Sunday afternoon. Pet-sunk Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and John McGinnis of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Dennis Hgnley of_I!e_sson; - _ n ' """iir.Gikiirsrioe Koemstedt of, Macton spent Sunday with Mt. and‘ Mrs. Edw. Befiryrer's. _ - A -iiAria" -ffiiiGAr" and son Pat spent Sunday at Kehnelworth with friends. - - --. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy and sons Germaine and Neil spent Sun- day at Toronto and attended the tlrst mass celebrated by their nephew, Rev. J. Thompson. Mrs. Joe Kochgr is_spet}41ng g ”1333}: Mrs. Cyril Ray of Water- loo spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graft recgntlx. .. _ Grimm}. - villi; -iseTtiiid" 2kres called friends here on Tuesday. ., -. viiiirriiGGn" ii. _S: -eiiiiaren attend- ed the singing contest in Stratford orttider. -- _ --.. ,., - Miss Verna Maser of Milvertonl spent a day recently with her Ttor- ents here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Linus Gutscher. Mn} and Mrs. Herb Zettel and daughter) Mary of Walkerton spent a day} with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stemmler this week. _--- _ " --.. "iiiirFiirenee Kocher of unver- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 'rony1Cocter. _.. .. - ,. '"ir"r.Giif iiGir6rcar Chm at Elmira spent Sunday with Mn. Pauline Schedewjtz._ -- _ . _ I -iir.GririiiLdaidon Knoblauch spggt Surly?! at Eomgltokq'w --" Urv-I- ---. -- â€"~â€"v~~rr [ Mr. and Mrs. George Basic: and Miss Sarah Gaetz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Katmai of Macton., - A _ -. Miss Francis Bruder, Mr. Jerome Helm of Waterloo, Mt and Mrs. Ted Maser of Toronto, Cart Moser of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moter. __ _ - w iiiiiCir.' Vietenhelmer and moth- er of St. Augustine spent Tuesday with friends help. A u - Gunner Leslie Munn and Mrs. Mann and baby of Guelph 'lg,'. Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. w. Stemmler. A 7_ _ _ -- -iirrGtfirriL John Gate of Kitch- ener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr_s. George Lana." . “fl Mr. and Mrs. call, Ran and Mr. and Mrs. Alex ey of Waterloo spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graft recently. Mr. Orig. Sehiebet has secured 'tig'.' at amilton. building army u . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hanley and children, Miss Vera Hauley and brother Begins spent the week-end with Mrs. Thos. Hanley. -iiiCrnifNreirtiio W rge Isley of Breslau spent a day with friends here this week. -- - _ _ -_-., _ WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY "IE lllllli ”INDIE IIIIIIIE John Wayne . Thom“ Mttehen hm Shun _ 'Ted, [mun Br In. Jn. Kenn-d; (chm-kl. Corn-"mica" loom ATTRACTION HESSON JiiiiGer diutrhter" at Air guests at Mr. Ind In. Mitre Karenina. ' Mr. and In. Ezra News] of Listowel visited with Mr. and Mm 'Ben Eby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sittier and \son Barrie aseeompanied t Mr. and Mrs. Ciayton Ran and ugtt- ster Thelma visited " Midland on ,Shndty. i Miss Dom”? Keiterbemt spent ”In: urn-km n Humiltnn, "Iridium." "oi ttie man maid at the home of Grandma 'gu'Jllll1fl "idF."GdMycAarxtesweaverend Mr.andMiDavidM-pfVan- caster Gonna: Pt., were Sum viaitom o! .and In. John I, In. H. "I. (m We) 1.5” Cm Coupon Ott 1500 seszth?l?it . er I 23 schools. participated Whig annual Blenheim township music tettival here Friday,“ poked of the following: Charles Coldlum (chairman). W. H. Gown: tt','i'it,'t'l, R. A. Spleen John ot Public $2,331; my tri/it"'.?,) amen. m an . - judimtor was WA. Smale,‘ tgr"" rd. of school music. Bunt- o , The mural was divided into ten classes. The test pieces and prize wlnnerl In then- respective order are as follnwar Clu- le-(Runl School dun-In)- S.S. No. tA Canning; 3.3. No. a and, 27.1mm sa. No.10, Ches- Brown; S.S. No. m, Canning. James Curtis; B.S. No. ' and 4, Puttsviiie, Jack cotton. Class b-4'Pwo Room uni-i-- S.S. No. " Platuville; 5.3. No. 4 and8BrightsandtWNm tt Bright and SS. No. It Drumho. Clam 4-4er8 1 and SF-aB. No. 18, Showers Corners; BS. No. II, Drumbo um! 3.8. No. " Ridge- wood; Marion Giana. 5.8. No. " and, Byway: 8W2 yum tergetii. Clm 9 (mixed duet)--thS. Na. 4 and a Bright, Joan and Jopee Rennick; ss. No. " mummy. Bert Grimes nnd Jack Gonon; as NM and 8, gum-en's):- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Banner and son Ronald, Chlr and Jack [hr- mer and sister Doreen, Miss June Charles of Ayr Ind Weir Graham of Galt were guests " W of Mr and Mrs. C. 'rd22WI', The party tho visited the Shand Dam near Emu- entouAt _ _ Church held a Successful tea Ind home baking we on Friday In the Sunday Ssttopt Rm A- - Mm A. Brice Ind Miss Josue Deetoet _ we“ Saturday Vinita" Harry Sunni-kc wu I week-end visitor at Aylmer and other out- sid} points, - _ _ A _ Stéwart Brush. Jack Cnrmthemy Glen Brown M Woodrow SW‘ were Saturdny vUitnm u Kitch- Class 14N-Adoabie tHoy-duh Na. q and 8 Bright; as Na. " Plans- ville and S No. " town line. Mr. 'nnd Mm. E Schneider and family were week-end guests with friends at Lhtowel. Demon _ wee-e sauna; visit with Chute: Gable at mum. Mn T. Calder who spent n week with relatives It Mala and friends " Hamilton returned on Saturday tther home Sund- vlslton with relatives tn mi'l'd%T, were." “in Mabel Penn of Wellesley and John Penn of Fort Erie at the home of their mo- ther, Mia. Etta Penn; Min Edith Craig of Paris with friends in town; Miss Hazel Reade) with her father, Mr. Wm, Randal and Miss Anne Rendat; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sherrer and son Calvin of landon atthehomeotMr.andMm.Etl Hag-men _Mt.putd, Mrs._J. Struth and family. Mrs. Benn Sta-nth and daughmers Emma and Elvin of Ba- den, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Bren-men and Mr. and Mrs Walter Green; and sons Walter and Kenneth of Toronto at the home of Mr. and? Mm. F. Deacon; Mr. and Mrs. Mer- _ ritt Hogg of Thamesford at the! home of Mr. and Mn W. S. Fer- gusson;Pte. Tom Ellis with his“ ter, Mrs. ' Stewart; Donald Grimes tmd,Rarver thhnon of the Aireratt fieltookGnit, 9:14 Jan} Harmer of Gun, Illr. and Mn J. Hothnttn and Iona of BL Catha- Ines, with Mt and Mrs. Charles Hannah: Mt and Mrs. Grant Gil- lespie of Preston with Mr. J. K. Currie. Mia Marjorie Brown ot Kitchener at her home In town. Sacco-sh] rad The Ladies“ Aid of the United PLA'ITSVILLE " 1t,t'grgg,tttgt,ttdud it. - "kilowatt-mum!!! 'aaV'ieleeqget,:yqeetyeeye,'_. Bl ot Criiiiiiigii into tour classes nornrd- 'lt "" Inn- """' ‘ Mrs. ‘lng to brands. neariv 40 hoa'd of the 4 I. can'wnhun . and rounty's ttneat came paraded dur- W n Dunn _ , Mr In: judging competitions. Only one Mr. Kelvin Howiett ontcrtairscd New of swine was ludscd at the a large number of his friends from 3"” event. The atitrieuttural experts tar and near " a dance-at his on wig? ttf ti,',i,?fr'g.ustt'lSlt', (is! home here on Friday night. lineluded: .J.c.steetuetr:U. A t spent D. Graham. neldmn for thepzma- am? E', argue“ to Tor- “In: It,': Plt,2ig.ttlg', tAarvoii,ttt',teii, onto where he has secured . post- - mes rennet. secretary o e - Itittf Otnadiart, {any Came Fl'.)),'),',','.' in te ottiee ot Canada Ptek mm“ was; an... 13:75." joint tietd day mung iii)?) unable direction of. County Alt nullural Reoresettutive . I. _ toughry. The): are: Wharton Dir‘ the! Miorthorn Cattle Club; Water Inn Dmrm Hannah Breedege Club; Waverlnn puma Jersey ‘Breeden' Club; Banner (Io-mud [Ayn-sure and”: Ctub.endWater- [too Advanced Registry Yorkshire aVoeders' Chm. Those present tn {wanna tho Interesting livestock unradvs hailed from every point in Prater1oe, County and adjmnt tress. Chairman of the event was ,Reeve Walter Hostctuer ct New fuaynbm: . _ _ . George E. Day. secretory at the! Ontario Shorthorn Cattle Club, and! R. H. Graham. ofthe Ontario Live-3 nook Branch. Toronto. i all!!!” In“: _ 1 Results of the iudttiittt compell- tlom are " follows: I Swine-tst, Howard Shah, Et- 'mira; 2nd. Eden Hellman. Water- Ito; Srd, Retold Hinaebberger, Waterloo. Shorthorn eattie-.-lat, which Shanta. R.R. I, Waterloo; 2nd, James E. Cowan. can; 3rd. Eden Hilbom, New Dundee. . . Ayrah'trest-1gt (ladies), Marion Rutherford, R.R. I, Arr; lat (girls). Dorothy Knapp. Gall; tat (men). Berle s. Sutter, RR. 1, Ayr; lat '?llJ,"if, Leonard Bamacher, New "17131381: cattle-tat, pep. Reeve Amos W11k19mngt yes1yr8th.toer.e- my. - mum- I ney George Snyder. a mutually satisfactory basis ot nettlement betsEeen,ernsr9er and epnptgreetC. He remarked that "we have been compelled to meet with more than ordinary dlmcul- ties on account of three companies being lmgolveql, and only one con- "We are hopeful during the ad- journment granted until Monday that we may be able to enter a conference as suggested try Mr. unclean. and in order that there be no doubt in employees’. minds we (manufacturers) are satiatted If the_ttdiournrmtnt until Monde is of 'iarGiGiit' will he arrived at," Gardiner told the board. He added that otherwise, the board would proceed. without further delay to cqmpletg tttttconsideration of the eitiaiton made - Emma?! tt of sett‘flgwg will h whole More date of reeonvening, Point- ed out Chairman (Judge) MacGib- bon. When told by in Twin City union head, Fred Meyer. that it G0"tsrritiotoeertiittroederin the various plants. as the men are becoming impatient". Judge Mac- Gibbon instructed "eonvey to your men that the conciliation board is j,iit,se,tAtti't,uat,ut,tt disputes. and t iieve they ought not to be too impatient during 'anee aria school“?! been erected) along the road. e ttag-pole, ha‘ been repainted red, white and btue.‘ Beautiful Bower beds are “Rent are of by the pupils. It may be onl interest to note that the white fence which surrounded the Rower bed‘ and the rose trelis wns constructed try Robert Egerdee. use eleven, tl pupil in Grade Six " the loch school. l Among-g. --t -. . , aéoewfe; dia 375th the tsoarg meet again. I think that in the fJnaCtnalrris you will not be in- J'I‘W N w. B. Gurton. head of Dominion) Truck and Equipment Co., one of 1 the plants involved in the disputes, told the board that "tntmuNeturers have really been working hard? and honestly to solve this metal-.5 but there tue a few more items to, l-ptomgn' Mn- A beautification seheme has been carried out at the local school dur- ing the "ring. A new fence. which {test y Im roves the appear- 'anee o the when: has been amped -"M'1:.vmn. Oliver Ecksteln md family attended the Eekirtein-Hogtt wedding in Chaley, reeentty. dron out." Board - timbers would be tleasetkwere ' settlemept reached CONClLlA’l‘lON (Coughing! may me " By ll" Elva Dian-Meta (Chronicle Communion!) ROSEBANK inutuat trash, W n Dunc. Mr. Kelvin Howlett ontcrtairscd a large number of his friends from tar and near " n dance-at his home here on Friday night. Employ“! At Toronto. Mr. Ray pott. has gone‘to TH,- Mr. Vernon Manner. cam enu- umtor'tor this district, In starting out Mr-tsis duties this week. _ Friends at m. John same will be pleased to learn that his health is Improving at the Turner Hospi- tal in Eimira. Rev. J. Gtenzehach occupied the man as she Melted cram Mrs David Bott and Mr. and Mm. Clayton Geisel attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Walter Gies in Waterloo on Monday. _ -- Miss Glen Brown. w. and Mia. John Longman and sons Kendall and Joe of near Alma were Sun. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kelley. Mr. and Mrs Noah Miller, Mtr- garet and Jtsnysts,vipited9r. ”q 'irk" Hubert Mitchell at Mansfield on Sunday. Mrs. Milton Bechtel of Brecht: and Mr. and Mm. Sylvester Ziegler gigging; were Sunday visitors . Mn. In Ziegler. ' Mr. and In. Howard Baum milk; Aqrqn not» ymted Mr. on Mrs. Dalton mum Yam onsSundny. ts th h t undady es " e om o Mr. an tll',','. Si,togt Behwindt mm- "In“ Explain (that Noun. Feiezwmues" iskiivivUMetser, Norm Shoemaker. Fern Dettwiler and Mr, HomrrAehwinft An 013101-87- ischwinite Koephe and children Helen, El- wood, Wayne and Ray of the 8th line of Peel. Mr. Arnold Sehwindt spent Sun- day with Mr. Harold Miller in Up- per Pilkinglon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Main and children David and Mary Jean of Kitchener and Mt. Vernon Schwindt of Preston were week- end and holiday guests of their Barents.“ Mr. and Mrs Edmund A COOL PROPOSITION cool "you chow from that human]: “sanctioned and mum .tMeyod , ,, voiu.att9e._.pehtteddimt- ties und thet" muslin! at 35c m,,dasandiiatttvoi-e ....Swtu manna And In: alumnuvltmm-lpa-weuu polka dotn and non]: at “I: yard . . . exceptionally amu- uve, novelty check Subs mus- tina mtTSe yard. in green, pink, aha-lured t BOUDIES DEPT. STORE The Great ts:ijicii:i:j,i. . t American Broadcast 92;: tlll'C'li MON. - was. - 'fCD, NORTH WOOLWN Ill Alice "re . John Payne not out. In Grd Mrs. John Bptt, Mr._and I, In - Infamy about"... Speck] Street Car Service after revival visitors ' w "'9T"iit'.--'T'he Mrrch- MN Wm! Hahn Br“: Co. pHved a 'P, '5 tin vamp on Mondav night in the town league softball series. It was a very interesting game. The Hahn Brass boys did not give up and at the end of the (tth had it tied up. may went Into the teventh and the am Btu: had phreerunn in. two on, and oneout when the game was culled on ac- count of darkness Umpires were Elohler and Reid. Merchants and Hahn Brass Tie 15-15 Tn Unmhttrg Game Attend Sum mm Mr. Chris. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. §ph_l{n_echtel apd family “teed?! t%rsrFieFiGyiiiG $11341 ("grew tiihtiis we of Mr. and m limes Bechtel at Elmdale on Monday. - Mr. and Mm. Simon Matt of Kitchener and Mrs. Reinhardt of Stratford spent the week-end at the home of the former's daughter. Hrs. Duench and Mr. Aaron munch. also at the home of Mr. and Mm. Miss Lorene Hellman and Mr. Walter Ketter of Hespeler spent Sunday at the home of the tomtee's sister, Mrs. Pannabeetrer and Mr. but Pttnnabeeker. I The Misses Matilda and Loni-I lDoerlng of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home at Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devltt. _ Mt and Mrs. Addison Rieeert, pin and Mrs. Elmer Jacob and chil- dren of New Dundee were Sunday {£11381th the home of Mr. and In. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shame at Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. Hallman. Mrs. Andrew Reinhardt of Strat- ford and Mrs. Simon Riehert of Kitchener visited with Mrs. Devi Hallman on Monday afternoon. Misses Matilda and Ionian Doer- mil}? -kitaGiei Guifed with the Misses Elizabeth and Ella Fckert on Devitt. Sunday. "mane Mrs. Philip Becker Kitchener were Sunday guests the home of Mr. and Mrs. . “RULERS OF THE SEA" REVIVAL TUES._103CP.M, 25e to 75c I "r ttr, MANNHEIM " In. 1-0 Dam "hroMe3. W0.) m it. nqor ts te In... QI~IIMIM' ' of It

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