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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Apr 1941, p. 5

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Meeting Is Told Sums Depends h Good Habits NEW DUNDEK-."sueeess in life depends on forming good mental ttttbits,", stated Principal L. Shantz, B.A.. of the Public School, and President of the Home and School Association in an address on the subject of "Mental Habits", given at the April meeting of the Association which was held in the school on Friday evening. "Our needs and desires which arise provide our problems and the best way to meet a problem is to face it squarely," said the speaker. Mr. Shantz cited many wrong mental habits which lead to mina- tion of character and then pointed out ten ways in which right men- tal habits may be formed such as through tolerance. friendliness, de- velopment of a west-balanced emo- tional life, and self-confidence. My! Ct.. ' . _,i)ii',fljj), _,,.,,-,,,,.'], s'i:"5 Tt'5't:i; » "rfuEIf'jiIEIXi'laijuiri(L',IGilr'II Why Use A "Sissy” Laxatives? Chronic runslipzniun In to do with the rah-n or lnrw' mic-stint Unlem th,. btrtre Imucl in thor- nughly run ,ticd flu-In 1mm to liuw you I',',.',')',,,,,' a victim of rhmnic- otuctrporott and] "dinning " tho sx-h-m “M11. nmv rmul' in r-nlilu ur Mlur F' nun: III-ms". .hhld or "o, r" rsvutivre mcrrlv rnuso a nmvvzmnt " the bowels wullmul MIN-mm " Ilmrmlgh than» intt out. of the colon or hr" , lmwrl. For this runnn y"" are mum! into thinking that you am doing all you an to ovormmo n mnstipclod and CHOOSE CHEVROLET [or '41WITI (By Chunkle Cone-pendent) Old-fashioned exposed running boards are out'. . . . You certainly won't find them on the smooth, streamlined I941 Chevrolet . . . You will find CONCEALED SAFETY STEPS at each door of its famous Body by Fisher. Chevrolet for '41 is the only lowest priced cat "styled to stay modern" with completely CONCEALED SAFETY STEPS on all models. 'ar tl0lliltllllyuJlll0 SAFETY STEPS " ONTARIO BX. soon A. LOCKHART & CO. Ltd. Announcement was also made concerning the open night for the Continuation and Public Sbhools Delmore Toman gave a reading entitled. "My Financial Career", after which Marie Cressman ren- dered a vocal solo and Elva Diet- enbacher contributed a piano solo. The recreational period, which consisted of musical contests, was in charge of Mrs. E. Gingerieh. The second-vice J'"i',',if'it'; Miriam Hilt?ort.prttide? tpr the program and during the business a nominating committee eomposed of C. A. Sinclair, B.A.. Mrs. Lloyd Diefenbacher and F. E Page was appointed to report at the annual meeting which would be held on May 9th. _ which wilhbe held on Friday Mar. Group Mennonite Bishop Addresses U. S. Biphop C. F. Derstine, pastor of First Mennonite Church at Kitch- ener. and editor of "World News", was a guest speaker at the 18th annual summer Bible School con- ference held in Chester, Pa., last week. Bishop Dentine was men- tioned on the conference program as an “internationally gram nent pulpit personality of wi e travel" who has conducted a successful summer Bible school for 13 years. SCIENCE'S NEWEST TERRORS AIME!) AT "WAR OF TOTAL DESTRUCTION" How brews of chemistry. hidden flame mists, crop-destroying para- sites. and infected birds. are waiting to be unleashed. while spies work to discover to which of these barbarities there Is no counter- agent, will be described in The American Weekly with the April " Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week! lmimnml run-lino“ of the awn-m. Thome who know Dr. Chm-5! Kivlm-y-Liwr Po, appreciate the value of a tral Murine which not only cffoct._ a thorn” h r'rzlnvb- ine of the colon or largo ntl‘i In"! Min nrnunnn tho iivrt and kidtwyst to ttrtivity in tiltorintt "may” fram- the Mood. Onto you havo prawn the mreita of Dr. tine', KIdmy-h'ur Pills you will never Mum to the um of 'nimy" 1axAtivrm. Ker "flint by using Dr. Chan's 'il'iJ'2'y'llrde Pill: on"; or (wire I M. 1 Morgan Manna Martin and Jisrry IMarUn spam the week-end in ‘thdsor Konrad - Brinkett CoNESToG0.-A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the parsonage of St. Matthew's Luth- trf'? church on Saturday afternoon Ewhen the pastor. Rev. S. J. Wittig, iunited in wedlock Mr. Peter Kon- lrad and Miss Dorothy Brinkert, Potts of Kitchener. Sharpe-Mada: A quiet wedding was solemnized at Philipsburg on Saturday even- ing at six o'clock when Miss Ro- mola Madter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Madter of New Ham- burg. became the bride of Colin A. Sharpe of Hamilton, son of Mrs. A. Sharpe. Hamilton. Rev. G. R. Schultz, pastor of the Philipsburg Lutheran church, ofrr. ciated. ‘ The Fireside group of evangel- Ists of Kitchener hold their meet- (ing on Sunday evening in the ‘Evgmgchcal church here. The speaker was Evangelist Dawson, ‘Therr was a largo audience in at- _ tendance Conduct Service At Roh- than. Tho ladies' soxtette of St, James Church, tacrompttnitrd their pastor. tROV. S. J. Wittig. to the Waterloo County Home of Refuge on Sun- ‘day afternoon. where they com ducted a service. '.3tttt “from Mutiny Syrup: Pro-Communion Sonia. Rev. G. Barthel of Kitchener. superintendent of the Evangelical Waterloo district. conducted a pre- Communion service in the Evan- gelical church last Thursday even- ing, and following this serwca pre- sided at the quarterly conference. Mr. Holden Appel was chosen de- legate to the annual conference in May at Tavistock. Mutation To Bible Clan Teacher. Recognizing his faithful Services for nine years as Bible class teach- er in St. James Sunday School. with the awarding of a bound Bi- blc, was an interesting part of the evening service. Mr. Gordon Hol- linger, who recently resigned as teacher. was the recipient of this well-deserved token of esteem, Mr, Alf. Holst. president of the class. made the presentation and Miss Helena Warkrmtin, secretary, read the address. Evangelical [inside Group. Mr George Martin is producing maple syrup in a big way. He has L300 "or co-operating with him m furnishing the raw material Formals. Mr and Mrs Amos B, Bowman visited with Mr and Mrs, John B. Bowman '" Elma-p on Sundry Wilma Millet I an Weddings ST. JACOBS I, J. G. Hutu (Chronicle Corre-pondenn mom " Mott GIMIB Mrs. Walter McDonald of New 'r, Dundee assisted at the tea given by ithe Ladies' ‘Aid of Knox United lChurch in Ayr last week. ( LINWooD.,--The members of *the Women's Association of the iUnited Church met at the home of ers, F. W. Hill, Thursday after- :noon. with president Mrs. G. R. "Iain, presiding. A discussion on the improvement of the church grounds took place and Mrs. David It?.!?' and Mrs. William Nurse were appointed to take charge. /rttose in charge of the purchasing iof linens and dishes submitted re- ‘ports. Mrs. R. E. Foster had charge ‘of the worship service. w A: v.01. m - Mtggttqg to the my.” "935'! “A119: IE. Emu-1"" Km- of London. Ont., spent the heeeh-end'wittt his ttir,,',','; Mr. and In. 'Urry Kress, enno street, Watetloo. Visitors on saw with Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber of Innhetm were Mr. and Mn. Ernest Toms of Tor- onto, Mia Clan Weber and “can. Gleason md Roy Snyder of Waterloo. UM" auaiiartuGad M" - and John. but " the rook-a4 than Tacoma 0mm. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ruthertord of Toronto spent Sunday with the farmer’s father, Mr. James Ruth- erford of Millbmk. GROUP TO IMPROVE “an. mu. III-men Home. Mm. A. Hilborn visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. N, Wilcox at Hamilton. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce at New Toronto, on Sgturday. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krogman and; daughter have returned to, their, home at Doon after spending the; winter months in Kitchener. l W.M.S. GUEBTFI2F, , MILVER‘I'ON GROUP‘ MILLBANK. - The Women's) Missionary Society of the United Church at Millbank were the guests of the St. Paul's United Church W.M.S., Milverton. at the Parsonage, the home of Mrs. J. P. Cooke. on Wednesday afternoon last. The guests were received by Mrs. George Melrose. The pro- gram was in charge of the Mill- bank Society with Mrs. Bert Way presiding. "Following the Wary to Love and Victory", was the theme of the meeting. The Bible Study was taken by Mrs. S. E. Stevenson and Mrs. Reid Allingham led in prayer. A reading. "Easter in War- ltime". was given by Mrs. George Wray. Mrs. W. T. Shearer gave an interesting talk on the study book, "Apostles of the Outposts". It told the story of Oliver Jackson, B.D.. 03.13.. who devoted himself to the work of the ghurch in Newfound- BociaH'r1ls'0ersottal Women's CHURCH GROUNDS In M. W. M ot Chain lttNNatit'ta't 'ttvat tlet 'f,uttWtdtlf. ""-"i-" a..." -- W" MT -"- a: WtfW,ttT,,ttttttegrofdt BeyithiurtaatdhisfnrisitrinWnt-' weroSun - anthem Ttsem-sto-twith) of Rev. uw‘rulalome WITMWMVIMN- of Mannheim. . 'aneetu - mod by the honi- , . . f rand he mum _ Spoke " “not!“ Chuol ---.-- ' . Rev. T, H. Banantyne of Toronto, 1mm m on special 'tteg',', at Ftrst Baptist) mm W Church. "erloo, this week, WM, ROsEvTLLW-qhe Melgg'rati tt guest! a: IU'; O. MitehetVing of the Munich“! Aid ueen I ree ' ener. and Women's tumour-y Na . . . . washeldintlteehurehitW" Wyfuty‘ ._. " " . Egaday attesoel wittrMttVtk Visits Great,Grttndmother "I ammo “nulls All) Little Miss Geraldine Martin or BRESLAU.-The annual nor- Kitchener is visiting with heCganiaation mung of the Indies’ great-grandmother, Mrs. August Aid was held at e home ot Mrs. Kavelman, of New Dundee. Clarege Burkholder with 16 In ---.--"."'=e-"""---'-=====aa====tg===== “Len Tttle. A number of friends and rein- lives gathered at the home of Mm. Catherine likely, Charles street, Waterloo. to wish her well on her turthday, Wednesdatx evening. She was presented wi lovely gifts. Refreshments were served from a table centred with mum); rose- buds in a crystal bowl, keel by tour swans containing assorted candles. Guests From Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Lang, King street south, Waterloo, had as; their guests from Toronto iaatl week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair McEvenue. land, and then laid down his life in the path of duty. Mrs. Cameron Hume rendered a vocal solo. Mrs. Drawbridge thanked the ladies of the Milverton Auxiliary for their hospitality Refreshments were served by the Milverton la- dies, HISTORICAL PROGRAM GIVEN AT MEETING SOUTH-WEST WILMOT.-The Haysville Women's Institute held their meeting on Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Edward Schiedel with an attendance of 26 members. The program was in charge of the Historical Research committee, with Mrs. W. Schneller, convenor. Mrs. Schneller gave a number of suggestions for a His- torical Research committee which included compiling a book of his- toric event_s Ld the community. Activities Mrs. A. E. Bean gave a paper on the pioneers of Wilmot township and Mrs. I. B. Garland gave a pa- per on “The Origin of Towns and Cities in Wamgrloq County". _ During the business, it was vot- od the Institute purchase an elec- tric plate for the rommunity hall kitchen. The secretary reported $10.00 had been received from a recent brush demonstration. This money is to be donated to the Red An interesting demonstration on an Emergency Supper was given by Mrs. Oliver Kerr. Mrs. R. C. Gardner gave Current Events. The roii call was responded to with; "Naming My One Supersti- tion . _ tShanfz of New Dundee/the tt ispeaker. bringing.” inqarir? __ "t22"ae','t,er,rM't1't hambuclo-edwhh Na- tieamargtuoofterwttieArehestt- mutants-vac! by mm "tdttee-irtants. service Banned hound the maxi. “The pros" with Mn. Holman: various incidents which ocean-ea on God Friday as the scripture lesson and Mrs. ’Holtzhauer and Mrs. E. G. [human rendering I duet. A reading was given by Mrs. David Lockie and Mm. 1 G. Hall- man was in charge of the prayer league. riyeuue pn. eipg'rwneeg Jit the, At- rican 'miuion - iteid. Mn 7 ti. " Dahyu pregidgd. and Jty.s weahiar "-oRoANuAXMrN MEMO or ”SLAB LADIES’ AID The following otBeem were elem-y ed: President, Mrs. Cecil m; viee-presKent, Mrs. Harry ; seeretaryctrmunirer, Mrs. Clarence; Burkholder; assistant secretary-1 treasurer. Mrs. Roy Becker; Ill-u Harvey Dealer, rf_rtt,Hrr1e,r?tmArtrl ot the Red Cross section with Mn: Orville Mader " her assistant; sp-l cial Convener, Mrs. Joseph Carroll” flower convener, Mrs. Gttrtletd Ma- der; visiting committee which in-‘ tele, Mrs. Carrie Weeks, Ws.) enno Mader, Mrs. Aaron Mailer. Mrs. Ira Zeller, while those on the works committee are Mrs. Becker, Mrs. o. Mader. Mrs. Geach, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Werner Shields, Mrs. William Searth. Mrs. Vernon Zeller. iMrs. Carl Steppler and Miss Binge- man. From June of last year 11;: to the present time the donations mm the Ladies' Aid to the Red Cross has amounted to approximately $100. They have also done some knltunf which includes " scarves for so - diets and sailors. ' The theme around which the discussions were centred was "Spring", and wankers, Roy Sny- der and Selina: orst, introduced Young Mennoniteé Have Interesting _ Monthly Meeting [By Chronicle Commnlut) ST. JACoBS.-.The young Men- nonites of the district held their monthly meeting in Smith's hall, with Raymond Good presiding. Martha Horst acted as choline! and Ada Brubaeher u pianist The motto for the evening was "Whatsoever Ye Do In Word or Deed. Do All in The Name of the Lord Jesus". " PM” Ate W550i“! E313 for discussion. respectively “Evi- dence of Spring in “use". “Spring Cleaning",. and "What Easter means to me". Music-l numbers were given by Wayne and Melvin Snyder and Leanna Gingrich, with piano, harmonica and guitar. Alice Brubaeher con- tributed a poem and Lavina Fltg,- ler read the "Keystone Review", the society paper. Naomi Martin criticized presentation of the pro- 3mm SERVICE “W b - Vb” I. Ind-Int " It... I! have be} GU-ii "1:3; 2fl Idaho. Advance. hob coupon-no III fire the now My - to which hi eyes (you: em) "91°” (your 2tll are con- mll Thu. are tt ttet' how. ever. Inle- dny an ','p,'ieg,' your web. c mule van to "it on mice. Fs-utr'. gin-OI 'i, halite ion to Aiii

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