Help Defeat Hitler 'i- Buy ‘War Grrtirficat;at 2iijlliil'; .-s iijiiii)ci,'t AIM? £329 f' Pst'" 7 sie-ii/Vi') It') 0.6 boy! (ii? f?'; lots g “P mhmmuulser'o STEELE?“ " 'id ::..:i:::-- YOUR CfASSES Meetive SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1941 Full humano- Iron - F. WESSON in King M. East. Kitchener When you want to treat the Children or Mother and Dad to atrip...sendthem by Highwa Cruiser tor a happy and carefree journey TIME TABLE CHANGES (ij,oj),iio,i,,y'i:i), take t I: Jeb. care '),jiisisif,,'ii, Rheum ' mo mroHA8tttt0 if, Canadian Pacific an Wynn-U Will gig. - n! YOUR EYE 56 JOSEPH ST. BULLAS Furniture Store CONGOLEUM Presents Floor Coverings For SArirtg ta'r.'lrte, T, th'lt 'dh'3UNel& 1mm Non-an 8L. Wat-rho. "ttthed) a, to L'.'UN2. Mttl; blame. Kim, a â€at. -u.-uu uncut mm Mtth April T. to Mr. and In.‘ a Robertson. I daughter. WM the Low. Hospital, tte, I. to Mt. ind In Theodore Inlet. I Ion. "rur--at Waterloo,, And! to Mr. and Kn. P, C. 15:1"an. um Meet west. . Ion. "An-At the K-W. Hum-1. Arrriitt.ttsNr._ytsd_MiBrie Kuehn. R.R. 3, Waterloo. 3 son. "ttV-At Gall General “equal. tttl s, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd we. Andrew street, . Ion. Ben.ry-rA.t St. May's Hospital. yard 8. tit..P.r. and Mm. Eugene Mqtlhtann-.-At St. my: Hospital, April s, to Mr. an Mm. John Holman. Kitchener. a daughter. Wette--At St. Mary's Hospital, and! s, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin olfe, a son. 'tteh-At St. Mary's Hospital. Arm tt.Mo Mr. and Mrs. Walter R ch. Kitchener, a daughter. 'tuedms-At St. Myrz's 1153mm, Mnetin--Near Floradgle, April 2, Shakespeare. " years. to Mr. and Mn. Omes Martin. a Behr-At North Whom. April 6, son. _ Mrs. Irvin Zehr. 27 years. KtteeB--At Sixth of Peel. April 4,ictmrehin--At Kitchener. April T, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koren. a, -..Gsyt.rtre.c1turt8t1l1, 'Ppeele, ' a i651. it Knox avenue. Waterloo. Nicholas Niehott. ,m Louisai . m. _ am a m NEW HAMBURG "A ril ct ik 333111. It,') Ttttflat,', bell u",el, T, Mrs.' â€HUN-m p ' . an o n an . years. Mothnan, Kitchener. a duiuhter.9er--At Ill'. Jacobs. April tr,; 10mm. m’â€â€˜"†"a1'grsf',offr My); lem"5c:am “ y?†A n] i) r ' .an rs. evin 'M-. t espeer. pri Fl 'W/k, a son. l Michael Sehaus. " years. li. Hamburg aide 'tteh-At St. Mary's Hospital. Jkt,r/l"'t1tgAt Detroit, Arril tr, Eck-" g.Mo Mr. and Mrs. Walter R ch/ hardt Meets, former y of Hamp- q Kitchener, a daughter. I stead. 80 years. i, eats '"rd',tr.tth'2: Mm; ','t','tltl; 'Nt,t"rhatl, Rtttt,'tut1a ' r. In . orman m. . u e o rmer o . mgrdon. Kitchener. a daughter, Millbank. In years. 2 y On Saturday. April Sth, Mr. and Wtttte--At London. April I. to Mr. 'Tesl--ht Preston. April b. HersMr.s. Ephraim B. cassel, esteemed and Mrs. O. A. White, formerly best Hench. 48 yew. _residents ot New Hamburg tor the or Kitchener. a thallium Mttimi--At mom. April l Gilbert past twenty years. observed the Scrum: - At an Hospital. 2Eatmr. _ "tttttt unwary of their mas-rinse April t, to Mr. Ind Mrs. Delta: Ctrmtughnan--At Lower Nichol, .They were married " Roseville. Schweitzer. New Dundee, a son. April 4, James C. Cunningham.‘ Waterloo County, on April b, 1381. Xh_ottyrt--.At the K.-W. Pteh 67 years. mew. Jacob B. Bowman, U. B. min- April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. A fred 'hqtdet---At Toronto, April s, Dru ister from Freeport, otriciated. Thornton. Kitchener. a son. Andrew Rupert, formerly of Mr. Cassel is a son of the me ltenetin--Near Floradnle. Arm! 2, _Sittahespeere, TIF. yam " .. .. anew B. easel. who was born um. -m_..__ -_i-ee--e- -,,, _ 'ue---at RR. s, Waterloo. .tol formerly of Preston, April s, SI Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Brennan. twin years. daughters. -------------. tu-m-At the W-W. Hospital,', 'iiiai,rto7ir.atdurs."ottriiroo'"""""""i'""""""""" Simon, Kitchener, a son. EttetHeh-At Reason. April 2, to Mr. q , l and Mrs. Fred Diem. a daugh- t s ‘ ter. . ' Bet1-At ChesteMeid, March 31. to 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell. a .rooeoooe " - . " , . " . " , r - daughter-Doris Gertrude. [ â€rum MM“ Walk: q “an 0- "kt.. Mr. Henry Preiss visited his bro- ther, Paul Frets. who lives 3 miles west of Clittord over the week-end and returned home on Monday. Mi. Pteiss could not make the complete trip by car as some of the roads are sun blocked to motor traftic. He had to walk 3% miles to reach his brother?!» hype. "$333; "ind uivin Kleswetter were gisiting friends in Hawkes- mt. micucucl, I wu. "re---At the K.-W. Hospital. April 6, to Mr. and In. Melvin Kmpf. 9 Knox avenue, Waterloo, BIRTHS MARRIAGE. M elm traumas.†CONG0LEUM in all its bright colors and many designs will be found " this More. . . . Many uses for thin inexpensive Floor Covering will be found in the home. . ' . Available in all popular sizes. Br w. J. Hum (Ch-wick Own-Doubt†BAMBERG Mrs. Ir., KITCHENS]! lmâ€"‘w"..u_'" - Tiurirvr, - Lula!“ to plugâ€?! Vim III-nu -rAt Ki_tetener, Apett 1. "Tuna" HiGuiie - I, tt ye'm" "ha-r-At Kitchenet. Aretl T, Barr .Syhmst hwy!!! _ stiriiiGa Cr-Ti_GFii4Gd" Jitesrt toryl, PRESENT - 3 The motet "Gallia", by Gounof/ was ably presented by an augment-', ed choir of First United Church! Waterloo. Sunday night, with Miss lam Gordon as soprano soloist. It was presented under the direction of Miss Anna R, Bean. organist and) choir leader. Rev. B. Va! Timon gave an interesting talk on the writing of the motet which was tirst presented in England. AWARD cam was Five young members of the choir at Holy Saviour Anglican Church received chorister badges for pro- tieieney and nie attendance at the beginning 0 the morning service on Sundnw The thre were Jenny ‘Cowie, imam Smith. George Kadwell. James and Edward Crane. The presentations were made " the choir leader. Leonard Grigg. At the evening service the anthem solo part was taken by Arthur Wilkins. -a-t--aiR_t mun ,".titra','aag"hfsaagtth' trerCt2oiilrif_riyten. mu MEMBERS new Three members were received in- to voting membership of Redeemer Lutheran church at the quarterly congregational meeting. Sunday. Rev. K, A. Kriesel, pastor, address- ‘ed the members on stewardshik 1111c meeting was in charge of P. Schendei and William Allernang. Henry Bauer was "rttt't to the music committee an H. Runner:- berg was named auditor. _ ( CLOSE For: EASTER VACATION Waterloo Seminary closed on Friday for the Easter vacation. The College closed on Wednesday. Both yin reopen April 15 after Easter Monday, ANNUAL L0.0.F. SERVICE I The annual church service of the Waterloo LO.O.F. We will be held April 27 at St. John' 3 Lutheran church. Arrangements for the ser- vice were ma e at a meeting of the lodge Thursday night. " was also decided to hold the annual banquet in the club rooms on ttill M. A social meeting in the cub rooms followed the business ses- sion Id. In Once-I. The auction sale of farm stock and lmrlemenu which wu held recent or Will Hamish. brought Mgt v',',',',"',',') Q','] m Jef ',hg, on; t a 3 rec. the 2leu',Q'l'fl 33.400. 13. R. Roth was the auctioneer. Mr. Mar- wick solkhil farm to Mr. Ezra Linglebach and has retired and moved to Georgetown. an may friends wish him good health Ind hopping: in his new home. lrPgdeht Mrs. Clayton anmer of Wilmot visited with friends In tttttg community Outlay Mr. Frank Kemblwer of " mid on Mr. and Mrs. John ht and “mix on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. . 501ml and family went Sunday with . and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Aaron Bender and family. Mr. and Mrs, I. Ruby and non Ti',", Sunday with Mr. and In. n Ruby. Mr. and Mrs, borne Bender and family limited with Mr, and Mrs. Aarorl Rub: Aaron Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schwartzen- truber of Tavmnck culled on Mr. and Mrs, Moses Helmuth on Sun- day 1m. . _ r--TCiptehroer,_Aeit .7- EAST ZORRA By In Aaron Hot-Int (GIG-lol- Wu magma... 'Evangelical Church N Hamburg Couple!“ strlritlt1., a}; "mTiuuiAptta, and came to Ontario in 1850 and made his borne near New Dundee. _ Later he taught school for some time at what Wt:" then called Biock's Corners, about two miles southwest of New Dundee, and about bk mile east of Blenheim Church. In this same log school house the Mennonite people held their church services for a number of years. until they built their own church in the year I850. Mr. E. B. Gasser: mother was horn in Blenheim township. about about two miles south ot New Dundee and Mrs E. B. Cassel's ta- ther was born at Roseville. Her mother was born in the state of Pennsylvania and came to Waterloo County over 150 ears Mo. Mr. Cancel was born in il'i','fi'l helm, Oxford County, two miles north of Washington on the farm now owned by Mr. Coleman and formerly by A. Y. Hall, drover. Mrs. Cassel (Hannah). who was the d youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bricker, was born ‘at 'ttpe' where the marriage took) p ace. _ - Mr. and Mrs. Cassél farmed for many years three miles mt of gaysgllehand In 1918 moved to may Hnniburg. Mrs. Cassel is in her and year and this winter knitted several pairs of stockings. and cut out and made by hand the dress she wore for the occasion celebrated on Sat- urday. Mrs Cassel does her own ihouse work. She is more than grateful to the many friends and neighbours who have these many years not forgotten her in both calls and favors. Mr. Casscl will be " years old this spring. and re- members quite well the building that many years ago stood on the north side of the road, one quarter ot a mile east of Haysville. which was used for a school house and I which no doubt was the first or :,an_rong the first in Wilmot town- The Cassel's and Bricker's, with many other Mennonite families, left Europe over 200 years ago for America and arrived at Philadel- phia (The Quaker City) to make their homes in the state of Penn- sylvania. In religion. both Mr. and Mrs. Cassel are devout adherents of the Mennonite Faith, being members of the Biehn congregation, three GuG south of New Bunhgrg. NEW HAMBURG Annual Meeting .113. r. Cam] started to school in the spring of 1862 at U.S.S. No. 5, Wilmot, situated on the farm he lived on for 37 years. The rpm] yard was then one quarter of an acre in size and seemingly unawar- ed for tour purposes. namely school, church, byu'inl and play- ground for the school children. TisT"iGriidrtk was an aside In about 183 Khan 1854 the Church of What] was built in“ tMero" the Ent-tairs. At Quilting. Mrs. Henry W. Bauman enter- tained about twenty young ladies at a quilting, on Tuesday. In!" Church hogan. NEW HIV! SUBSCRIPTION RATE Or theSpecial Club Rate of THE WATgRLoo CHRONICLE and PAM!“ HERALD AND' WEEKLY STAR for $1.75 For Year ' initiated" prograin will be given Take Advantage NOW of the THE WATERLOO thlllltthlll0LE FLORADALE have one SIP,, Allan. " - Gctrnh Ott (Mk Corr-mule“) Per Tear --Yoggr Local Chronicle Correspondent Is Your Closest Agentm ST. JAcoBs.--The annual con- gregational meeting of the Evan- gelical Church was held on Monday evening. Rev. J. P. Hauch, the pastor. presided "Auger the devotional period, Mr. o n Lapel acted as secret-E and the tmain ens groceeded. P. elker. Hunger/gave his report which showed a balance of $110 on hand after all current expenses were met. J. G. Hurst, auditor, approved this report. Mr. S. Eby. treasurer of Missions and Benevo- lences. presented his report. which after the apportionments were met, leaving a small balance in that ac- count. Holden Appel was re-elected con- Izregational secretary, while F. E. Welker was re-elected treasurer and J. G. Hurst, auditor; Jack Mor- lock, financial secretary; S. Eby, budget treasurer; H. Appel, class leader; H. Fisher, assistant clans leader; H. Apps], missionary super- intendent; B. Eby, trustee. A. Wald resigned as cemetery ‘caretaker and was voted an honor- laxium of ten dollars. at the Mennonite Church, on Sun- day evening at eight o’clock. wick were. Sunday m with} .7 T-T'"-' 2, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S!" 'bw “I.“ Mr. and Mrs. Elmy Shantz andI NORTH EAtmroPEe-rWrBortrttt Janet of Waterloo visited Mr. and a lingering illness, Hrs. Irvin 22hr. Mrs. Earl Miller. Sunday. l27, passed away " her home hen (By Chroaute Corn-â€Idol" . Pgror" JLout - tItgtqtto---ttlt.l-l-llI 'tasf gihrid Best? . Itt"il'f4arr EXOW's this for big value? This newetrt of all Web al I price that makes it the buy of a lifetime! And think what you gefior your money-Us thrilling action of Buick’a 115-hortsepower F manna. engine. the ell-binned comfort of soft coll springs all around, the beauty of Buick? new-day style, plus lots of modern features you‘d pay extra for elsewhere. This new Buick is mounted on I 118" wheelbase ch-U-oo you don't need an over-size page, and you can park it wily in clone quarters. You get top Buick quality concentrated in fewer inches, and pay a lower price for this compactly-built Buick. For long life and dependability-for thriftier gas miteate-for the best buy of the year-see- the new Buick: now. MS KING " WEST ot Feab. A. C. HALWIG MOTORS i St. JACOBtb.-Ahse of the olden residents. Adam Miller. I). died on ,Tyeedtty nyitmint 1353118?! Yet iirail largely Intent Deceased attended St. eerif Lutheran church where a memorial} service, conducted tL'tavi B. J.', Wittig, was held. â€110‘: It; W was predeceased w e in‘ ms. He in Wed "4 three sons and three daughters: cumin of Miller-thug. Ohio. - or Lucknow. an Roy of St. Jacobs; Mrs. Jacob Seip, Waterloo, Mrs. 31ng Atqstrblut, gmhemr. a.nd Henry Ymblut, Kitchener. and Mildred, at home. There are also 13 grandchildren. 1nd two great- grandchildren MTLLBANt--Word has been te- eeived hereof the death at WMtAgt A. Rutherford at Lou - Cal. Mr. Rutherford, forms-b at Mill- ' w†m y ','faltu, Hewasborn at A -4 _.__g_§on Rutherford who u _ the) pioneers of the T,il1't,t will“? his schooling he k over hit father's store in MMitmtk which he conducted for a number ot years, From Millbank he went to Nent Westminster, 8.0.. where he m ietirtt in the m1 estate balm " gem-amt and'runoval to 'tewtu'tpA2Nlt'f'irhl'f,',', ofthe, pMram1MrsTlritrem ZANAMAWV " MAI William-Lutheran Years For PHONE 244“ KITCHENEII EiiiiiihieiriCaeGirass ihé chums of, In and tte Ute Quid PM! of Wellesley. She was born Aug. l, 1911 Mrs. Eehr was a member of the communion of the Amish- Mennonite church near Poole. Besides her husband and mother, she is survived by three, sons, David, Dgniel and Align. null-c, In“ vuc muc- Schultz of Milverton. ToPPtNG.-abs. Irvin m. St, a former resident of this district. oassed away at her home near Topping on Sunday afternoon. The former Emma Lichty. 4autrlster 0.1 “at Prtrif Liclstynd ihe 'me David Lichty of King- wood.Mizehrwasamemberot 'lt,, Amiah-Menttorsite Church at e. . "swam-med»): her husband. tter-tree-ttttie-omni, magnet. 91} at helps. aiicuie" iiiier, 7r, _ Mrs. Malari Schultz of Topping, my Marlin CoNEs'NGO.-An infant ttee,; terborntoMr.andMts.W y vMitrtin " the W-W. Hospital, on M. _Myrrtt91st, died. tbs 89.1129 a; Bikini took plioe at Martin's eemttery the following day. FUNERAL 0mm 183 Kb: M. I“ .FEDY - WALSH (I: Chm-Isl. Out-mum)