n A wanna!) mm . 35:99“an "ttiii-i" CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT OfRee: 44 William St. - Waterloo Phone 2-1357 Phone 2-3062 BITZER & SMYTH, BARRIS‘I'ERS, Solicitors, Notaries J. H. Smyth, BA. 23 Quay) St. g, Eychener BRAY, BRAW& LOCHEAD. Bar- risters, Solicitors, etc.; G. Murray gay, fr.A, t2eor.ge_H. Ipcheai. BROOK. CLEMENT, HA'T_rn_N &_E‘L‘.S.M JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer. etc. Office Bank of Mon- ztteaulzs Bldg., _Waterloo, Phone i PROFESSIONAL CARDS l. The last shipment of the Red Cross Society was forwarded to headquarters late in February. Since then, the following bale was BROOK & DAVIS T. H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davin CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) fl _ !:9A!(ing St. East, _ Ref, _ Cess Shipment. sent Knitted goods: 24 pair socks, 1 pair seamen's socks. 1 72-inch scarf, 4 46-inch scarfs, 2 turtle-neck sweaters ,1 V-neck sweater. ' pair knee pads, 7 helmets. Hospital sup- plies-Ar suits {yjamaa " hospital jackets, 3 shoe s. Refugee-tl new quilts, 4 crib sheets, q children’s caps. Of this shipment Hawkesville ladies donated 1 turtle neck sweat- er. one 72-inch scarf and s quilts. Rt-fren, In! yew Mrs. The Red Cross work-rooms are being closed the coming week and will re-open in Schnurr's Hall. Personals - viiiisismlrono Gicse of Waterloo Spent the wvck-ond at her home here. mMirss Hilda Mueller visited in Toronto over the week-end with Mrs, Jac_k O'Mally. - - -- GORDON McK. HONSBERGER. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer. _ etc. Phone 2-2362 Ofttce at 97 Frederick St. _ Kitchener 7 Mr. Joseph drmsby of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Mr. any; Mrs. flergtr_Renttio, -- _ Mr. and Mi. Frank H. Schum- mer, Betty and George, spent Sun- day, in St, qlcmc1tpc. ___ _ _ _ - Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wright and Jack spent the wcck-end in Milver- ton. Mr. Jack Friedman of the Strat- ford Normal School spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Roidel of Kitchener visited over the week- end at the latter's home. Mr. and Mrs. [wander Knobol. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Wright and Mona Mac spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Lambert. I?otlting, EX? Edi?) 359.1? Chambers Tf kGii Si: 'Wesi; Kitchener, Ptione Brock, H. B. Weir and R. B. Trott, Solicitors. Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchener, Tele- phone 3-3617. EGrrdtitiG,%iieriiiding, 49 'fine stret _East. Kitchener, Dial Phoile 06417. twnM;m‘l ed ..ria.qm.aqatt.- “WC‘lu-i. --i-...-. “wail-mullin- "mt-mitt.“ [Cc-but. Mr. Aarorfttopp made a buiinesis DONALD DUCK By Mrs. Kenneth Wright (Chronicle Correspondent) CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTOR LINWOOD Phone 2-1887 LEGAL Kitchener ETWINCII'YAUTOPAINTERS Xheenlourotroutearmrtehed . “A Mother's Care to all Y on Fear" Keep It New With-- mule: Inn:- ',ia"rl."gti'tflr.Mtegglt. and, and hub... full -d,tthtr__N1esedytertdr-t, W'ggwbglpmtpd 393% King St. East, Kitchener Sharp Riley A. Raddatz R. Knorr Wat. 2-2064 Kit. 2-0975 Kit. 8-8217 PERTUSSIN FOR SEVERE COUGHS AND BRONCHITIS, 59c; Family size, ti.39-At Geiger's Drug Store, 408 Kipg_St. East, Kitchener, _ BURTOL CLEANING Alone 2-4461 - Kitchener 90 Queen St. S. Phone 4-4735 KITCHENER AGENTS WANTED DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECORATING The young people of Linwood and Crosshill United Church pre- sented their play, "The Wild Oats B.or", in Wellesley on Friday eve- nmg. trip to Windsor on Friday. return- ing with his new Plymouth car. AUTO PAINTERS J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER " Queen St.___N. - ‘Phone 6-600 Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Fraelick of Sacramento, California, are spending some time at the home of Mr. Sam. Spahr. - Mr. Harvey Beggs and Mr. Sam Friedman visited in St. Marys on Friday. Mr. Donald, Smith of Milverton spent a day recently with his sister, Mrs. Elgin Wright. Mr. Claire Cooper. who has been employed in the Bank of Nova Scotia for the past two years. has been transferred to St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. William Wray and Beatrice of Millbank spent Sunday with Misses Jean and Marjorie Beggs. w._r. Quilting. _ The Women's Irtstitute quilted two quilts, one at the home of Mrs. Joseph McCormick and the other at the home of Misses Jean and Marjorie Beggs. These were turned over to the Red Cross Society. Miss Delphine Karley of Kitch- ener spent Sunday at her home here. P Mr. Harold Gerth of Niagara Falls spent the week-end at his home. Bibles, Hymn ,n.d.?'rnverbooto I WATERwo, ONTARIO Gland: M. Bum " Gate] Bt. - Kitchen“ Add more books to your hon}: library by having your favori maxim bound into books. Initiating Club gags, Suitcases, Prkn Inna-hie, Good: called for and delivered. 'gtiatht,2SSattirgttr, SUTHERLANB - SCHULTZ Phone 2:212? BOOKBINDING PEARL LAUNDRY co. DECORATORS ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS Kitchener DRUGGISTS Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers CLEANERS Guelph Repairs Re-winding New and SALE I Private and Clus- btstrtgetiort ) Studios -- 48 Roy St.. Kitchener 1 AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE I PUMP For Adequate Protection - See our Local Representatives For (“Islam Ind Well- Have running water in your house, Ind plenty " - for your cattle. III-h! an Automatic Pressure Pump on your (arm or summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 983 King St. E., Kitchener THE WATERIm MUTUAL Personals. Mr. John Schiebel is at present confined to his bed. YOUR PROPERTY TO-DAY have moved to their new home near Heidelberg. Ref Cross Euchre P,ytrea.. The snow storm of last week was disappointing to many, as the Euchre for the Red Cross had to be postponed at both Hesson and Dorking. Roads were blocked. Mrs. Len Harrison and son, Don, Miss Kay Hanley of Guelph spent Wednesday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goodwin and family attended the wedding at their daughter. Mildred, at Guelph, on Wednesday. Mr. Patrick Doherty and mother spent a day with Tom Doherty of near Crosshill this week. Mr. Michael Logel of Macton spent Sunday at Reason. Fire Causes Heavy has. A fire on Saturday destroyed a local garage and pumphouse owned by Russel Bailey. Two gas engines. " car and other contents were lost in the blaze. The ftre is believed to have started from a spark from‘ an engine. Fortunately the wind' was blowing in the opposite diree- tion from the driving shed and barn. and with help of neighbours. the other buildings of Mr. Russel Bailey. northwest of Hesson, were saved from destruction. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambert have bought a home at Listowel and in- tend moving in there in the near future. John Vcitenheimer of, Torbnto spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. John Linseman of Manon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knoblaugh. _ Mr. Frank Henley of Kitchener, Mr. Arthur and sister Esther Ken- ncdy. of Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy. Victor Graft of Gait spent the weekend with his parents here. HOW NAZIS USE “HOMELY WOMEN" FOB SPIES Pretty women spies nearly al- ways got into trouble. so the Nazis are giving undercover jobs to un- attractive women. Read . . . in The American Weekly with the March 30 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times . . . how a homely house- wdo's arrest by the British re- vealed this radical t?g,'J'ggi in <pying. Be sure to get e Detroit Sunday Times this week and every meek. Toache; of Piano, Singing and Theory. 1rtfined to his bed. - 1psrrrst.t.inA and Adding Mines, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Holgchuh Piling Cabinets, Desks. Safes. etc. ID. A. m mtRmANaFamttetm ASSETS om "00tt,000.(lttt MISS ANNA R. BEAN (Emir-Id Uh A... Co. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,M0.00 Repairs on " makes " Pill†MAY BE ASHES TO-MORROW By Mrs. has. Kennedy (Chronicle Correi"tett' rum nu HESSON COMPANY Phone 643123 MUSIC ‘thther BUYING or SELLING a 3 ACRES near Waterloo with house and burn. inland _ an“; - Alt-cum Undergoe- Operation. Arthur Hahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hahn. underwent an opera- tion for "tr,"tififl't' on Friday afternoon. is condition is satis- factory. His mother was brought home from hospital where she had (been a patient, receiving treatment Jr, injuries received in a fall a year ago. . Ontario omee outahtern Ltd. " Queen SEQ-42 "f I'har'e 7-1“ Sunday visitors of Mrs. Shaner were Mrs. William Schaner, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kenesky, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, Hazel, Violet, Arthur and Harold Schaner, all of St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weigel and Grace of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. George Baler of Kitch- ener, Mrs. Henry Vogel and son William, of Erbwille. Weekend guests of Mrs. Matilda Hoerle were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers. Louis Rank is visiting with his daughter. Mrs. Andrew Lipps, Hesson Road. Miss Eris Kramer spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kramer. Mr. and Mrs: Aer.. Hackbgrt; Mr. and Mrs. Chris' Harnack spent Sunday with William Helm-Lwent Sunday with friends in pel at Lexinmon. :Breslau. Allan Kaufman of Neustadt, Miss _Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kramp and Gertrude Weichel of Waterloo. Mr.ilPa.spent Sunday with friends in and Mrs. Otto Lana, Helen andllmira, Ronald of Kitchener. were Sundayilmwtor Visit: Schools. visitors of Milton Kuch. l Mr. G. Dobrindt. public school i Miss Irene Rebetltfe of xiuhenerrinspectdr: paid his annual visit in...†on. ‘u-ok-on with Andrewâ€??? on_Mtday_. Miss Irene J,'ett't,'dr, of Kitchener spent the week-en with Audrey airrPtt1ytlnettyrt-. _ A,, -irai"iaijiir%erster returned to Waterloo after spending a week at the home of Aipttzo Hahn. _ “I“: Gig" Kari. Harvey Hartung and children of Waterloo visited with Gordon Roedgr. Furyltrr. _ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heier and Miss Emma Fries of Erbsville, Norman Duench and George Fries were recent guests of Mrs. Jacob Fries. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hackbart, daughter Gladys and son Edward, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schmidt at Heidelberg. W. Such o-ttmit" Ieldun mum-abuzuueud tte_tye't-thtty'med_ot1ter and Pom. on highway. Doubt bud hon. and excellent HESSENAUR & SHANTZ 305 Einii Fsiir." - xftcbener Phones: 5-5412, Rex. 4-4006 o. P. Schmitt Phone 8-8218 - K Limited Phone 6199;5__-_2_4_ Queen N. TYPEWRITERS REAL ESTATE HEARN ROOFING co. EXCELLENT PARIS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS mum-ml...†"than“ 'A‘l'llloo HEIDELBERG " I". Aim 1- â€In: . “I. I). R" By III. W gteebtotd (Chronlch mnht) ROOFING New I“ Um! ( A: -. t “3“*\(‘ . (A, C ‘ET? 'il -r".7 “v r , "." . y i _ P . _ _ y . _ _ V -'t" Eii'iiii; I LI , Save tttt 000’ , , Bahama ii'al Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eby and (family attended the golden wed- and ding anniversary of Mrs. Eby's ine, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Moses Heck- Yies endorn of Breslau. Baptist church. who was counted to the " lie-pita) for (hep-st two week: returnede his home hag on Sunday. met’L‘wP' "la w gue at man-on late spent the week-end with " Mr. and In. L Ila-mun spent Sunday in Hamilton, the (“at ot ad: daughter, In CHEM-d Me- are. In Demand Kalbtieiaeh, Hill Helmt_Kalheiaeh, pears: Raps: Mr. and Mrs. H, Luft and Mrs. L. Amaeher and Miss Bertha Antich- er_sp_ent Sgndpy in Jaedoq. _ Julien Vandenbrook of Galt Air- craft School spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs Chas. Ritz. George Scrip . and daughters Abine and Wilma of Seaforth :gent Sunday with Mrs. John atzenmier. Cecil Wright of the R.C.A.F. Manningjfool. Toronto, spent the â€JCampBom-nwtmi we9-eetdrrrithtrisftmitrt-e. Raert Beckér of Chatham is spending a few days with his par- hula“. .,Ph. - III-.1 ot in 11th _&.udlrtAnpnBovn-Id Ind Charles Daniels spatt a few my: nt yiaaea.Nls. _ an] weeks in St. Thoma; has re- turned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Natziger. Kathleen and Mariann of Milver- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roth and family spent Sunday wig! Mr. amiMrs‘ Ezra Kropf. weetreid here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schumm and family and Mrs. Aaron Ben- der and tgsi.1', spent Sunday with Mr. and s. Aaron Ruby. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yutzi were: Mr. and Mrs Chris. Baechler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Yantzi and family and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roth and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roth of New Hamburg, Mi. and Mrs. Peter Schultz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Schultz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- do_n_ Schult_z_anq family._ _ - - Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Schmidt and son Larry, of Baden, and Messrs. Oscar and Dan Brenneman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hoffman and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilhelm and Beatrice Bast all of North Easthope. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilhelm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schumm and} family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Bender. _ Mr. and Mrd. Ezra Streicker of Sebastopol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Yutzie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schaus and baby of Kitchener spent Sun- day, with Nts. Craerer. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Orth and son George spent Sunday with friends in Breslau. Julie Hartlieb of Kitchener spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ge. 368039 - i --_V _ Stanley Hamack of Kitchener spent Sundial at his home here. Mr. and rs. John Wilhelm and i'l'r'flv, were Sunday visitors with r. and Mrs. Ignatz Weiler. A1tpodlodtarutet Mooring. Mrs. Vera Hergott attended the dinner and meeting of the Teach- ers' Federation held at the Elmira high school, pp Saturday. 7 SHANTZ STATION Mr. G. H. Dobrindt met the school boards of s.s. No. 14, and ss. No. 17 to discuss matters of interest to the different schools. Goiden Wedding Anniversary. . Dorothy Koehmstedt of Gait spent the week-end at her home here. Did You Buy YOUR War Saving. 811m. Today? um Falls v- |ghr£nnq Se_im._who wept se EAST ZORRA Br In. Anna Helm-nth (Chronicle (humanoid-M) Br In. H. A. Benoit (Gimmick Corn-pondeut) Roach-ah Tanker Church. . the pulpit of the United ggegl Chunk: on Sunday moraine owing 8.ttiu'e11ego"hemini"""s Id Cn- Aldclu (lo-plated. The following article- of knitted goods were tent to the Gut head- quarters on Saturday by the loot! RedC-Unit:q0iuiiiotsoeu; 3paimof-en'shootsoua;9 segues; 3 helmets; and 11 pairs of Ill-Iona b and W. Mia: Viola Walker of Grimsby, 'piaaiortary-oiNrloutth from the Belgian fire; Africa, and co- wor er with is: Verna Schade of this village, was the guest speaker at the Bandit Chard: on Sunday evening. Miss Walker fave an in- teresting deaq-iptiog o _herpyort and mutated her talk by means of stereo tiean slides. During the service, his Walker and Miss Schade sang a selection in the na- tive language. sun-tumul- an Mr. Rev. P. J, Wiebe. m ot the IymehtntTiayter qluprely9mgried mi iitteuiiioriioiaGii -"eVe GauliGGi st,',',',"",.?,,,".'",',,',', lf.) Q-lIr in; man-ml Student Pied Neudoegfer of the Waterloo Seminary conducted the Sunday evening service at St. James Lutheran Church. Rev. Isaiah Rosenberger ot Mannheim occupied the pulpit of the Blenheim Mennonite Church on sings-y yEsrrtir.yr., - Owing to the severe storm last Tuesday there was no sewing meeting held at the Red Cross rooms; however on Thursday thirteen ladies spent the afternoon and evening there quilting and sewing quilt patches. The work was under the direction of Mrs. A. Father. Sch-9| We" Maths: A - qgetimetrearraew. Delmore Toman. president of the Public School Literary Society, occupied the chair at the semi- monthly meeting which was held on FYi1ur_aft1trrtpon._'"Nerxr'11 Al- ways Be An England" was sung in opening! followed by a recitation by Mary Jane McDonald. Jimmie Brown gave the editor's re rt and tiddlett were given by Ila]; genius. Eondupted by Glenn Path. An interestin'g teatime bf itiUsGi-' trr"lt W! t,t.?.rurte_ttsying game Twelve members ot the U. B. Women's Missionary Association gathered at the home of Mrs. A. Hilborn on Friday afternoon to discuss plans of work for the new W.M.A. year. The president; Mrs. Weston Sararas, presided and opened the meeting with a brief devotional period. Raoul; conducted b Glenn Path. My» win-.4 1mm ass-e.- Rudolph Hofeld and Mr. Hagen at Preston were guests of Mr. and Me, C. -Ryrskel las_t titIndtt, - Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie Schweitzer of Galt spent the past week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spaetzel and family of Kitchener were re- cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiederlein. l Dr. A. C. Rockel attended a ban.. quet given by the otBcers of the 24th Field Ambulance Unit for the North and South Waterloo Medical Societies at the Armories, Kiteh- ens; on Friday 92mins; l A Mr and Mri Mosesh'oman Mr.l (“WNW ummmmm’ and' Mrs. Frank lefrancois a9Persoaats. ' Mrs. Allan Bowman visited with) "Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Florin Toman at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch were Kitchener on Sunday. (Mrs. David Croll of Kitchener and Miss Mabel Henderson of Paris Mr. and Mrs. John Parks of St. spent the week-end with Mr. andtatherines. Mrs. Elgin Miller. . 1 Among those who spent Sunday Mr." and Mrs. Albert Brighton/ with Mrs. Eileen Dietrich were the Mrs. Catherine Walker, Mrs. Abner,Misses Ethel, Kay and Ruth Diet- Brighton and Gordon Johnson .oCrich, and Mr. Gerald Reidel, all of Preston visited at the home od Mr. Kitchener. and Mrs. Alex Brighton and 'iiiiAltk"s'lira Favorably. and Mrs. Mervin Beehtel on Sun- Friends of Mr. Peter Kuntz. who day, _ __l _ " has been seriouslv ill in St, Marv's Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cassel of Plattsvillo and Miss Alice Hellman of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Josiqh_(_lassg] op Surlday. _ 5tntt Mrs. Mervm Bechtel on tiun-l Fiiends of Mr. Peter Kuntz, who day. . ld been seriously ill in St. Mary's Mrs. s. Witmer was the guest Jhrjiariiili for the past eight weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Seanh while: will be glad to hear he is progress- visiting friends gat Kitchener last ing favourably and is expected wttlr _ .. m .,, n7 - , Ahnme shortly. ' Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Berkey of New Hamburg called on Mr. and Mrs, GilbertrcrgttoIt Sungay. Mr. and Mrs." Addison Riatert visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klje at Manpjneinl 09 Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich were guests of Mrs. Roy Lautenschlager pt Kitehtrrutlast Friday; 7 A Mr. and Mrs. Nyle Futher of Kitchener spent Sunday with the former's parents, -Mr.. and Mrs. Alfred Futher. NiiFjrijiraiii7"-FFiiia'"iFi"iiiFr"i" wtarEE'i:diiViiFii: 6i7'i"" " It. Ibi- “on (Gin-Ha Carnal-Adult) a THE WORLD‘S GOOD NEWS ', _ "te-o-iota-d-teg. “I! CHRISTIAN â€I“! MONITOR ..___ftyerre-h- By Walt Disney Patutriiaaaiiinriiiarciri"--. La swag-gnu... a. EgiWiiiiiiiiEiiiriiiEi PaIlNttL.'atterP,tt. "'tt,tS%. and In; Henry Ebel, accompaniod by E! .tuutrhter, Min Beam. 9f tritetreai7,' - Jiire -FaorrGihTG G Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Roy Evans and children of Kitchener were visiting at the home of Mrs. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. tr. W. libel. recently. Mr. Walter Martin has taken a position in TPapp's store. St. Jacobs. "trr'g. Vidal School r. G. Dobrindt of Kitchener. Mr." Charles Silk of Brantford failed on village friends on Satur- y. - The Allan Good family were in- formed Sunday morning that Mrs; Good's father, Rev. Peter, Cuber. had passed away at his home in Kitchener. -Messr_s. Jtortitoita of Galt and iti. G. Dotsrindt of Kitchener. district-inspector of public schools, paid our school an official visit last Ftftuy. __ A - Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Murray of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kienzle. Returns To Village. Mr. Gustav Barwa, who had been staying in the Freeport district tor several years, returned to the vil- lage last week-end. [nan-med cl Faun-1’s Death. Eimer Stoltz '01 Rosdviife GiiieiiG friends in this district on Sunday. Attend [human Funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Martin and Miss Maude Bowman, R.N., attended the Onies Bauman funeral, in Elmira, lust midweek. Mr. Menno R. Koch, assessor for this district. is on his annual round. 80.15 Farm: Mr. Vernon Jonas has taken em- ployment with a Waterloo mun- facturing concern, where quite I number of our young men are at work. Miss Mildred Ruby, who has sold W, property to Mr. Ford Kumpf of 'aterloo. has taken up residence in_gart__of the ITolt house. Mr. Harry Huehn left on Tuesday for Hamilton where he has accept- ed} positlop, 'Mr: and Mrs. M. C. Stroh were arguing Twin City friends on Sun- _y: - '-, - _ in. and'Mrs. Alvin Dreisinger of Elmira were visiting at the Herb. Hgghn Ilgme on Mon4ay, - - Upon the request of His Majesty King George, Sunday was observed as a Day of Prayer in local churches. Maury Speaks at Service. Miss Delight Hilliard, a mission- ary home on furlough, was the guest speaker at a service in the United Church on Sunday evening. Miss Hilliard illustrated her in- teresting talk with lantern slides. Woolwich Council meets on Tuesday, April Ist, when consider- able important business awaits to be transacted, amongst which is the report, etc., on the Municipal Drain No. 6 and a By-law for closing part of a certain road in Chalmers mtehtiels pougcil, Arr" lst. Block Mrs John Mullrr had thr mir fortune to fall on tho my pavrment near her homo and fractured an mun Among those who spent Sunday with Mrs. Eileen Dietrich were the Misses Ethel, Kay and Ruth Diet- rich. and Mr. Gerald Reidel, all of Kitchener. Progressing favorably. Mr. Joseph Weber of Hamilton called on several friends in town on Sunday, H.N.S. Hold Tournament. The members of the Waterloo Holy Name Socioly of St. Louis Parish. Waterloo. mot the St. Clements Society in a solo tourna- ment in the parish hall here on Thursday ovoninc. The game was well attended and a good time was had by all. Lunch was served by "w ladies of Hm parish. Lam's Dela! Floradale India-s. The Maple Leafs hockoy team were succvssful m winning the Euler Trophy from the Floradale Indians. champions of last year, in the last game of the season played in Elmira on Thursday evening. A large crowd attended. Measles Cuts Attendance. School attendance is quite low at present owing to a measles epi- demic. Mr. and Mrs. Albon Dietrich of Waterloo visitod Mm: Dietrich} parents. Mr. and Mrs William Vnisin, on Sunday, Successful Sale. A successful auction sale was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at the farm of the late Peter Meyer Large crowds attend- ed on hath days and good priees were trained Mrs, Clara Allt-mang moved hrr housrhnld 20ml: to Kplrhnnor this _ whoro sho will make her futurr homo Hor frwnds wish her all good lurk and happmms in her now homo ' ST. CLEMENTS " led M ICNoIkh Cone-mi“) By Mins Pearl Dietrich (Chmnirle Casrrenromtenty