_ Market Reports ' The various grasses and legumes differ substantially in their ability to withstand 1erPg,, Certain species even benefit m fairly prolonged flooding, some are able to tolerate flooding without a - parent harm for short periods, while others are usually injured by relatively short period of flooding. The choice of suitable species must also take into consideration the nature of the soil. Heavy clay soils frequently remain Water-logged long after the surface water has disappeared. Among the more valuable culti- vated grass and legume species for establishing on areas which are subject tospring Booding, are reed canary grass, red top, timothy, and aisike clover. Reed canary grass will normally make excellent growth on areas which remain un- der water for periods. up to ten or twelve weeks' duration. This species is native to Canada and is now grown extensively on muck or peat soils. It is a tall growing coarse grass. but is palatable, and ranks high in feeding value. Red top is. an old favourite for low land but it will not persist under an prolonged periods of flooding as reed canary grass. " is frequently dnmsgfd by ftoodings exceeding peri of four to ttve weeks. How- ever. it prefers low-lying, moist toil, and withstands short ftoodings well. Timothy and alsike clover will withstand periods of flooding not exceeding ten days. They may be grown so ely around the outer rims of depressions, while reed canary grass and red top should occupy the lowest parts 0 the land where the water lies longest. Low-lying areas, so situated that‘Grade A large '_...... " to " they cannot easily be drained, pre- Grade A medium v... " to 23 sent a problem on many farms. Grade A pullets P..... 21 to 00 Where these areas remain ttnder)Grade B 'PP................. 21 to 00 water for a considerable period fol-‘Grade c "..rP.P.P...P_P_*P.. 21 to no lowing spring thaws, most of the Note: Above prices in both sec- 'g'g'gr,1an'nitar,tgllgnTe, tiom based on closing sales. speciesw' bekilled. and forthe ----- remainder of the season such areas POULTRY become overgrown with weeds. (Nominal Prices to Shipper) These areas are not only unsightly Dressed Select "A" but are waste land, and " such Ontario Young Tur-s-- detract from the value of the farm, All weights 'rrrr.tttrtrr. " to 25 says Dr. T. M. Stevenson, Division Ontario G-.- of Forage Plants. Central Experi- A grade, lb. _....... 18 to 00 mental Farm, Ottawa. Many areas spring "ou--- which are subject to spring flooding 1 to 2% lbs. ..... 24 to 00 have been made to produce good Spring Chkhqgtq-. yields of hay and pasture by seed- 2% to as lbs. mrrremPm.. m to 19 ing them to suitable crop Species 4% to 5 lbs. .F.....rr..t an to 21 which will withstand ftooding for 5 lbs. and over Me...... 22 to 00 "egPftels.1t periods. . , Famed Hus.- Plinth-link tkStert,lkik" In". on “I and'biba‘an calm he“, lamb .911 up m his. in the cattle â€can - Butcher MB, â€mun-1h", fluâ€. with a u- " an; butch: can “-35.15; bulls. 15- “so; fed calm - Calves sold at 811-313 In choice, with.tewt-t8tElNtentrsmn- â€my medium W selling at #51231) lamb_ gold at 311.8. f Hop 1Nathi,,'lu', t'trt'l w t . w Jpdel1gld/ "2l"ll' £15.41.†Creamery prints, ttrat do second grade .. do third grade ...N Ch-- Old. 1939 make, large do twins ..._...._m.._.V. _do triplets PPP.......- Forage Crops For low,l"looded lads my loall ' Eat} f. Contracting Cucumber Acreage Grow for Libby tor "all dur- - P". For â€rut-Ian wrtte large tparanined) " to 15% do twins .P__P._PP.__.NN_ 15% to 15% do triplets ......, ' H 15% to 'st Woe. to man Tull. T Ae." trisritts, do triplets Id Stiltons WILHELM HARDWARE " King s. . Wand-o Churning Cream , . B. ttWArtYEENIItUBErt I'm-mama Dairy Produce Harness Parts (Cough-y Truck grim) Horse Collars (Delivered to Toiatoj" " grade ..9..mWWr..rr. " to Al height. Libby's S6%to00 35me 335mm 33%to00 StMito00 22%to00 16560000 16361000 21%to00 St3ito0tt at “u...“ .v. w..._.,....... mum-mm and it is, therefore, good business; to put up a supply of sods in the' fall so that the pigs may be FiTIt a sod at least twice a week during', winter and early spring. As an' added precaution the sod can be) sprinkled with I solution of ferrous! sulphate made of 1t'e"2r, one, tab espoonful of ferrous cu phacel in one quart of water. The ferrous“ sulphat can be procured from ttl logo] drugsgore. 7 I As a definite preventive for anaemia. the dosing of each pig with an iron compound is the most sure method. This is also a correc- tive if used early enough after anaemia develops. The feeding of iron to the nursing now. will not help, " this will not increase the iron in her milk. The iron must be given direct to the little pigs. A convenient form of iron in either reduced iron or powdered ferrous sulphate. At the present time the brood sow. By supplying a complete feed mixture to the sow, strong, healthy pigs will be de- veloped which will have more vitality to carry them over the danger period. It is worth noting that pigs farrowed in the summer tune and allowed outdoors with access to soil, seldom develop anaemia. Soda provide some in- surgnce for. sow! against anaemia, $tillllithbqlit Indium: Anaemia Control In Young Pigs Practical advice on the control oflwhich she did not recover caused anaemia in young pigs is given bylher demise. Edward B. Fraser. Division of Ani-i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Allen accom- mal Husbandry. Central Errperirpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur mental Farm. Ottawa. He says that Currah and Miss Belle Currah of one of the most common troubles Bright were Sunday visitors with which aitects suckling pigs and one Mr. and Mrs. Coulson. which takes too large a toll is Miss Helen McDonald of Paris anaemia. This condition has ttrnp- spent the week-end at the home of toms which can be easily recog- her uncle. Adam and Mrs. Patter- nized, the most noticeable being a son. pale, pasty white appearance tlrst Mr. and Mrs. Rex H er and noticed in the ears, and a listless~ son Ronald were 'i'ldalJ' guests ness not usual in little pigs. Dun-{of Mr. and Mrs. P. Binkle. rhoea is common and often the hair Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keutsch has a rough starey appearance. land son Freddie of Tavistock spent Anaemia results from a lack of Sunday with MI. and Mrs. E ir.on, and generally affects little. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart and son mes between_the axes ot.?. and. s Keith returning with them for a weeks. At this stage the little pigs visit. have to depend entirely on their Mr. and Mrs Harvey Pope and mother's milk, which is.low in iron sister, Mrs. Sothem of Gait visited content Unless tron is sy.ppli.ed, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs A anaemia will develop when the pigs Henderson returning with them have depleted the iron supply in for several m their bodies Once the pigs start to Mrs A Nadrofsky accompanied ea.t solid food the danger of anae~ by urs. Geo Edwards. Mrs. Lorne mtg ts largely past. - 7 _ Currah and no...“ u..-..... m... The priivehtion of anaemia in little pigs really starts with Pe _ proper Seeding _of the Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases tree, delivered to Toronto: - Grade A large _..... 30 to 00 Grade A medium m... 19 to 00 Grade A pallets ...... " to 00 Grade B '"'......._rmr.-.m. " to 00 Grade C .. ..ft.._w..t._ 17 to 00 Note: Prices on ungraded ship- ments are 2 to 8e per dozen below abevtquoAtions. _ -- -. - s lbs. and over 4 to 5 lbs. FF..-.... 3 to ' tbe ..r.rVV Lima-ole huh-nap is/dN'll'fh'Ul'P'dru't'llt't; ifiiGilit haaua ii 'taku, -' in» mm,hmdthqm otiitwaryddttsrwd.t1e adn'twiattottmtgmatthe hymn-Indium“ yitpqov,ghq_-Id._mw iifiiiat%7diH, lwiiwc a. beams-Wk: m attd stey9tpi1itie In. . 'CWA. Maple syrup Scarce ht Kitchener Ian II. w-v-v- “I tive Te, H i" an 131. mm‘ m M -------- .tta recast], at 2,2Gl'lt"tflll1r't't'ulerau')".',t Map1earmpwtsasearxeeattthe, hiâ€. irTiCiteaifeiGiFltttrere.hyyset-tatitttheeu I.uteyeettm"et.eyydyn.edriiiastGCituarTiuiGG for Omanmu. Otis-Wm mellowofapwunldtobeflow.mimwmmmï¬mmw 2iuTtdttao'tY, formulation], mm need of the best Liveh.euhtrChathim." “W‘p'lLllfl-W'P‘ntu'typetoenmrememximumm- D_igtttrBmntfoed,tt0att 2seforatta1f- t vestneededmnhuito-amiouglu- mean; Chatham, At the mom stall- ee.ltoheeppacewithBritaiaNhmr Y,,t.:laul,t,"Mrrt,Tagt mngedttomMtoWe. ButtermtidlraGrGne"irtrtoriad. trtitm;PFemagtsundBtm atAht_apmytd., -- ___ The Ontario Crop Improvement 'pM1tWet-eretatiort;Ltm1tm, Mum. unrt.Meajpintor 'hTrlAlt'l'fJll'l At the produce lull: em mngr_edttomHtoWe. Butter-old at ' two- elr n 30e, tour-year-ou special at ate, limburger 23c md much“ (Me. At the vegetable cabbage mngedftom6to16eapieee,tur- nipsseeaeh,rooteeieiehor ttueefori0evearmta1setorsiar quarts. parsnip. Ate for six quarts and cooking onions Se a quart Rhubarb was pticed at three bunches for toe. pound, smoked 28c, backbone 20 to 22e,ham22to24e,shoulderroaats 22 to Mc, ribs Me, bacon 25c, tet- lied meat no. head cheese tse, ten- derloin Me, sirloin 32c. and lard 9c. At the apple will: Nathan Spy: ranged from $1.25 to $1.85 n bushel: Ontarians 81.25. Wagner: $1.50. Greening: $1.25. Delicious $1 to $1.50. Wealthies $1 and Md- Intoshes $1.85. Myths-mum at .aterioo_twittttnattiisem iygtt96eartoundoesde-19to at 'tea 1trnistirmiemooruettstu Ptruttoesweretobehadtgt96e rtiiyh not! game a1sld at an Poultry and Eggs my i'iiiiiiiii'itiitiiii icfiiiKiiiii. '%",dlllU,'rtta,s. - #9 " 17 13 to19 1018 tots Prevention is by all odds cheaper than a cure. It will ply to adopt one of the mutated methods bf preventing anaemia as I standard pumice in the raising M up. Aicraftsman Philip Grimes of Dunnville was a week-end gen of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ar- ren Grimes. powdered ferrous sulphate is much more economical. Treat the little Pitts when a week old by putting on the tongue of each " much of the iron compound " might be held on a small five cent piece. The treatment should be repeated when the Pitts are two weeks of Me. and again at three weeks. Another method is to dose each Pitt dag? for at least a two-week peri . starting at one week of age. with a teaspoontul of a ferrous sulphate solution (one tablespoonful ferrous sulphate gimlved in one quart of water). Mr. and Hts. Harvey Pope and sister, Mrs. Sothem of Gait visited Saturday with Mt and Mn A, Henderson returning with them for several m Mrs. Russel 'rirriusson and little daughter Beth are visiting Mr. and Mris, o. France, Woodstock. Miss Junk etiaAds" BIKE}? m a week-end guest of Doreen Har- mer. Mrs. A. Nadrofsky accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Edwards. Mm Lorne Currah and Doreen Harmer were Friday visitors at Woodstock and attended the picture, "Gone With The Wind". Chésley Gable of Hamilton is on a visit with " sister, Mm. A. Bryce of thitp_Uee. A __ A Nan Pal“ Not hr Seal Ilse neiiGFWiFiehs%aimiiiitLA 1rwonth-d0pt+mberqt'U unaduueddsbcmm g,Tigtthrtt,gt,td,',ttfL't can anew Aarb eultmued mm- that_graittot _quguqmn of Mr. and Mrs. P. amide? AEP"'--'" Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keutsch and pn FrttldieyA'ravitstost Spell! Log-IMTFMM The Harmer families of Plans- ville have received word of the passing at Breslau of Mrs. Harmer. wife of Isaac Harmer, a former Plattsville resident Mrs. Harmer suffered a stroke over a year ago, which left her quite feeble. A stroke on Saturday last from which she did not recover caused her demise. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Allen accom- mmhaameuedthepm'ehued only registered need of the best trpetoensurethemaximum har- vestneeded thishll itOnuriois to keep pace with Brink's we: requirementatortood. The Ontario fi'guigrk"i'rgat Aasoeiationthrougr [ahead other agencies has done much to stimulate the motbetterleed in the province. Farmers are med todiscuutheireeedlequiremenu 91.3mm. 'uve" Dob": 'r1eht1temiF. Plattsville "Ks" hockey team and 42 fans boarded a chartered bus on Saturday afternoon enroute to Bolton, where they met Klein- burg in the return game of the second series of the play-oils. The arena was packed with spectators who “rimmed a hard fought game. Kleinburg had a tttree-goat leash whiph Plattsvijle_yviped out and lead by one goal. Ties were a feature of the evening's play. which it took almbst two hours to break. The players were all very tired and the game finished at ttl.. moat mid-night with a score of 9-3 in favor of Plattxville. The goal- getters were: J. English 1, Phil. Grimes I, Claire Harmer I, Ger- ald Harmer 4, Jack Harmer 2, and "itlr, l. lattsville now meets Bradford at Iradford on Tuesday _r_light. Sgts. Edwin Ferguson and Ger- aid Harmer of the Plattsville Pla- toon of the Oxford Riftea attended a banquet held on Monday even- ing at the Woodstock armories. A feature of this event 'llMe"l'lli tation of diplomas. Ed and Gerald were among those to re- ceive diplomas. Little Teddy House, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. House, Plattsville, was removed to St. il,',T',tdfe'g,t, tal, Kitchener. Teddy is tring from a ruptured appendix. He has been seriously ill. Latest reports show some slight improvement in his condition, Sincere wishes are extended for an early recovery from his illness. _ Hour of Mrs. J. W: Death. ,ritttrtn-iyftiqrtsrbqA tiF,'iiiiii!iir,'t'1,rA!ihlt,i in 05m to: 'Onarlo 2t'ttt hn I list " 1mm Evin. sand ttaai.iiit%oro-hnvin-d graipHorsaieurtdNmseerir_ vinedtoeontaettheirAarieuittaml Rqrreeqtativereeydirmthisti" which game was won tri Plait; ville. Word Has been received here by Mr. Fred Barrett that his son1 Air- craftsman ‘Berti Berett; has been transferred to St. Thomas, Airport 'nAhPerrhrh?el. - -- with member, of the in ttpe_ir county Irr their Agricul- tural Represen'tative. PLArrSWLLE .3, 'Am. The Millbank unit of the Red Cross Society forwarded to Mit- verton head - this week the following articles: gun-inch our": 9 46-inch scarves, pair socks. l pair mama!“ and“. 1 pair rifle mitts, I pair gloves. 1 pair two- way mitts, , helmets, , sleeveleaa sweaters. 3 turtle-neck Peat sweaters, 2 pair pyjamas. quilt. 4 calota and I pair tt for w men'. auxiliary Mr. and Mm. Moses Lichfhy and Delmar visited Sunday wi Mt. and Mrs. Dan J. Gerber. tttth line of Wellesley. The Young People's Union met in the Anglican Church on Sunday evening with the Christian Fellow- ship convener, James Reid, in charge. Those misting on the pro- gram included: Mm. Cnmeron Hume, Doris an. In nucl- wood, Maid: Kel y. [Jack Why and Lindsay Coulee: Perv-rd lad Cu. 331.. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon were visitors to Toronto on Bun- day. . Mt and Mrs. Hugh Jack ot Guelph were week-end guests with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Winner. Mr. Allen Hawthorne and aunt. Mrs. Herb Macbeman visited the former's mother, Mrs. William Hawthorne in the Toronto General Hepital In Jiunfar. _ A of Wellesle . Ligand i'ilau,. A number of the ladies trom the village attended the quilting held in the Fernbank School. on Satur- $111344 -- - - __- A Mr. Jacob Cripps and family of Ailsa Craig were Sunday visitors with Mt and Mm. William Martin. Mrs. Cripps returned home with them after spending a week and a half here. . Returns From Bt. cm Miss Dorothy Bond has returned home after spending several weeks with friends in " Catharina Miss Elsie Conner has returned after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Jenner and Mr. Jenner of Blenheim. Miss Donald Gray of Stntford spent the week-end with her pur- my: MEuand MSO. M. Gray; Miss Margaret Fewinr ot'Lon- don spent the w k-en with her parents, Mr. L'N'S. Simon Few- Miss Isabelle Griy has returned home after spending two weeks with friends at Kirkton. in; Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Hts. Frank Kleinknecht. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roe of Toronto visited recently with Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Roe. Dr. and Mrs. N. H. McAninch spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McAninch of Guelph. l no. Quotation:- 'da m “m ed t mo w , t2ltll"ll,tt'ltt,lltt.trtlt'e' week. - â€"7"" '7 ----- An afternoon show was put on and was largely attended. the greater part being school children. Lathe 'i,"li'itNtil,eplT, crowd- connsung Mt tanner: mu. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman ace R I 'gtut; aâ€! this week. OPP one Mr. and Mrs. ',iirtl?,lihi?its f, Orangevi11e were men M the home of Sam Spahr. Jess's. Walter Brenner, Norman and Anthony Koebel spent Monday in Stratford. M.r... lass.. Fright yt parking was a tiytor. iy yriit Aloud-1:. Mr. ind Mrs. Ken. Williams of Heidelberg spent Sunday with the towers wreak» U -- _ A Itt.ygfttera Marisa“: and weep! 1mtMtrataritatt M - be - :ii(,i'i"lilttiiiiiii' ti .5: 'ql+y.ttre-hs It.“ - Li A.eiitrt..euitiiiis." r'fl"ll"JlSllikd. “not: sum " tnnsporhtion; Chum $32.92 J'glul,t,'vlllt ttl?Mgi ijiiFii'iiaii. tram-tam: tendon. Attend NH Valley Suki. Members of the Walther League attended the nodal evening of the _N_ith_anley '9eieties held, in Ifâ€! Heubmch " Elmdnle. John Bwartaentruber spent M day afternoon with Aw but}: Sunday mm at . and . Jack Rethateiner were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zinhn and family of Waterloo and Mr. Albert Knack. Farm 3lmehhher, m An interesting and educational picture show, sponsored by the International Harvester company, of London. for which Joseph Camel ttt Lima! Ayn any“. P" hem-a he.» “vial "-r 515nm a _Monday e.veying: nae menu. - Mr. and Mn. Chas Knipiel and family were new!“ of Mr. and Mm. Jim wa' at Waterloo. -. Mr: mi .Wef. m1!!- teem the fown lull on'Moildiy of “If: qt. ("m M6Taiiifraii an. Iva-L. with. o. B. ton. Gut. . PETERSBURG " In. m erchc (cm-u- Gun-ml.†Br I!†m w. My (chroahlo W) fgd'a.'trtM2,' t LINWOOD I, Mr. aiUt Mrs. J. E. Doering spent Sunday with friends at New Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seyler, Mr. md Mn Edgar Seyler and Geral- COUNTY TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES COUNTY or WA'rlanoo‘ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eidt and family and Mr. F. D. Eidt attend- ed the funeral of the late Rev. Getaintrtet Watsrloo. Misses Gertrude and Alice Knei-l eel and Messrs. Norman Jacky and' Elmer Kniptel of Kitchener spent last Sunday at the home of MLI anAMrtr., Theodgre Doerigg. - I Miss Martha Berg of ttrtchener spent the 2rtaf with her par- enM, Mr. , _(_i Me. Ludwig Perg, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wettlaufe? were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Nils-s. William Wettlaufer at Burn- ' e. _ Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Boating. Mr. wryex Itoering, yperyt, 59.1199? of Baden visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Wesle Doering spent Sunday with 'IL, John Wahl at GadshilL Mrs. Noah Gardner and Richard Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mia. Albert Schmidt were Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt and family of Kitchener, Mrs. William Wine! and Verlus, and Miss Susie Hi11gardner of Victoriaburg, and Rev. and Mrs. Dahms and Alice and Edward of Roseville, and Mt and My: Hem Becky: -- - -- Sunday visitors with Mt. and In". Allan Janui and Mrs. Christ. Jantzi were Mr. and Mn. Aaron Junk! and family of Wellesley. -- Mt. DeltanBoshart -of Ayr_sp_ent Schmidt. Isaiah Martin spent a day last week with Mrs. Albert Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho. Laura, John and IIT.' of Ayr spent Sun- day with . and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber. itF,t ,,_ -____H 1',fSlartlra'3'fitafN't file [In lat-u llart " Am We are glad to report that our councillor, Mr. Henry Bowman, whoudheenintgseriousearacei- dent in a now atom between Baden and Petenburg, is able to be up and about his duties again. He annexed , broken ribs, facial out: and lamina. ' ieGE EGG -ihTriTis LfTstriiGiE, Albert and Clarence Holst and Mr. Button Bowman, and Mt. and “I. lbhve Holst and funny of Pete“. 11llLerr,errreryr, W999! sea Mannheim spent Friday evening with Mt. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzen- truber. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman were Mr. and Mn. Oscar Schmidt of Elmira, Mr. and In. Albert Elterdee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pauli and Mr. and Mrs. mime! Swirtzentruber. tuber and Paul spent Monday eve- ging with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tht 'tii/it/tt -e ','2.ririiiti iVrraroi will! ; mom tau-adds ;'l"tM,i'l',',r., kktArdtqetratefesettattiqitqtt- “I: t lather covered mm 'dhtiouogttMlSg.ute, G7iGiciTa7Gi'crtrai'l'iiiriar; ttttid 'lTuu'gu,'ttti' 'rtlfv',"tt8idt4tt,'ut'1,rg hmpl;lColuun human“: m; a ham; 1 Coleman iron; tum; hing): tsue, . urn; an. ; aiotoftti+ndeooMatgtateitsiU; wwm;om_hpmg non Donald spent Sindar with Mr. and Mia. Allan Swartaentruber in Tlirtorubyap, __ L, _ --" - Richard Siebert of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schmidt of Yellgsley pad w. gm! Mrs. Alvin gel-guy Rosetytnk. sara ttttr friends gathered at thehomeofMr.andMrs.C.E. syrartattstruber _on Tuesday ¢v_e- Emmy etreying with MP. ind Mrs. Edwin Zoeller and Joan Brent, _Saturday with Mrs. Albert doors; , uwiuorirerw, a lot of nui-ottserurtieiea- . Bemageandatteadthiaelean Pumitugetuiet Oow'o Juni- A!“ lb. an". I“ III-h WI!†It M Wm... I- " m â€and I." 0009'- Idloy Pt. In Tttm. m Pt. In Ind and mm. III-0v III-In - sen-m Pt. " " Vllm OF A WARRANT - by the W.“ " the c-ot WWI-I .4 Mantis-H by tho “of tho "MC-.uoru.Nstb.rthNrotFAr-v,t.o.aodto-areet.atorth.eiett-ottbe-rsotta-N.Nr 'h.oor-.-tbe__tsr-tursedm.da.oeHbee-theCi-troe6te.t..,attoda.b5ebt_-._ 'h-Ar-emi-arm-tOTH-mst-tsth-e-u-tF-tdt-.,-,.'.".-'..'.--.." 'NM-he-ith. toth In, of Jun. I'M.“ thoboorot In o'et.eAtothetsrt.rmoo.,mt Ibo Cdkrt M,b&o€hyol 'Crtehq-,.-dto.lbr-le-ettomthe.aquH..oreoar"reht-m.-bo-ttbeb-ttodHebar.o-eh-rsoe ulna-Imi- Mind Ind-I‘M! not. -temHm.thorH.dhrtho-MAet. Mrs. Walter Shanta and Mrs. yf,?1t!,!l.!,ihlll PHILIPSBURG Br, - lie . (OI-rah" au. Barnum-W" - - 'aiit 1M" "777W? - aadatt PINEHILL ltr We Em. Dough. visitors with Mr. and Con? _ KIM. 0.0.. ’h . I“. "ot. '._L_llla H. I.“ were an... Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Se let und children visited Satanic at Taviltock. itev. and Mrs. G. R. Schultz and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn Armand Lana. Mr. and Mn Edgar Seyler mil daughter Geraldine spent Sunday evening with Mt. and Hrs. George Hohl at Lisbon. Mr. Eldon Kropl of “men Road spent Sunday with Mr. Wilfted Segler. --- --- __ ., - Mr. and Mrs. William Seyler were Sunday visitors with Mt and Mrs. Ben Planer and Mr. and Mn. Elmer up}; at_N_ew fiamjmrg. L Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eidt and Mr. Sydney Eidt were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hahn at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Mohr and son Lloyd of OetaeN were Sunday, visitors with Mrs. Alvin Eidt and dine spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wetthufer. Mr. and Mn Bids spent Thurs- day at Shallow. Mr. Robert Mohr and son Rich- ard of Burnside spent Tuaday with her mother, Mn. Alvin Eidt. Mrs Annie Seyler spent Monday with Mrs. George Schmidt “I and “I. I n EHO nut. “r owner and the name Holochuh has been connected with that fun for many years. Man to Down.- "mt. _ “m3. “Kill“! WWI. III-Iâ€! and Hugh Adam of landon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. - it}; Leslie Bea: delivend t team of young horses to Mr. Edwin Miqtin, ner (Emma. - 7 - Mr. Gordon Cooper left last week for Chatham where he will "I! the next four months under the military training scheme. moved to Tobennory where he will be engaged in the sawmill industry. His son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mn. Ed. Erb, went with him. Mr. Adam was a lifelong red- dent in this commuth and we wish him - success " new home. We also extend a hearty welcome to In. and Mn. Weber. We also welcome Mr. and In Jno. Kraemer, who have taken poop session of their farm, purchased from Mr. Noah Holmium. Marge to Em- - _ .- Heidelberg, and likewise out best mg? with they). Of “all†ship of this farm is the bet. that Mr. Holt-chairs father. the late Wed Holydnuh. wag the_torper We also extend a welcome to Mr. and Irrsr, Jeesth Hunt, who_lnvg from Mr. MelvinBowmnn. Illa-ad Mn. Bowman have moved to Httwkesvii1enndthettegtwiahesof tttija1itvgeoriththemtotheir Mrs. Jno. Lose]. Private Grant Betas of London visited early this week with his Emerita. Mt. and Mrs. Wear new the staff of the Ba'nk'ot Nova Sootia at Linwood, In: been transferred to North Augusta, about thirty mites north of Brockville. 'liiititsithf WM. my mi ~........... o ' non-re t"ti'ftiL'lh1v=ti tt'u'Ler,t,St'Mtr1f,e Ind cheap drugs. My. animal: otttoftteattttMima1dbetmated- "tedingtottteiriikeitie H 'iiuat." livery. - i M Our New Inn. Hawkecville have taken pose-ton Ist, their new! malted it!“ M inure-3' ___ “in théexchan; -____e I aim: ship of this farm is the bet. that tnovell, tq_t_héir_hrm' pig-shunt! Ilse Quickies “IV“. m W‘ I†Wm.wmdm' the 851.9111 as; antiqued use d - weatheFot I week If). “If: vieinity ya: obligedtogowithout mantle- Mra.Geomeueetoettte0thoe -Ptseiiftteridittetitewd_tt '"o,',1flt"tTe';-,v,to,,,, labial.“ Mr." Earl Eidt spent Monday at nude-i btiiri9e This." - u . & . .1: WALLEN STEIN and“ ' (MW) FOR SALE "Am " Auction Sales EDWARD CHISEL. am Wed I“. M Illa on April 3, Thursday. at l an.--- Auction sale of farm stock. llillric ‘ments, feed, ete., for Punk Lock- ‘wood on the farm situated on the 4th of Peel, about 4 miles from Him]? M any no -Com on ' un. - munity Auction Sale at Elmira Fair, tear Cities Service Station. tiayye Four horses tistisd by -e_____ April 9, Wednesday - Auction sale of registered Shorthom cattle. fully accredited; also her, 8 mun north of statement: or June: McGillime & Sons. April 10. 'rhursdnr-ahe account annual spring horse sale at the Qxford Htttet hm- Tammi; 1pptLtsputhofths.ttttgtt-t Milt Weber Nrm.torttxmt9ehr-. April 3, Thursday. I.†pan.-Ahs reservedst1eoftuirrherd,Ctgde- due horses and pigs tol- Coleman Bmtk,twomueoouttterfNewDan- age. {mile northofPen-y’s Corners March 31, Hominy - Clearing etion aleofhrm qtoe%btotei, $911!: nt Ned. 8 miles wut od xenon. (Emma. April L'Nesdar, "pagsohamr- 'ueqrin-etioetyd1eo0tmotde% menu. feed Ind furniture. 5 mm of Tam tot 't2iitliettr'i?it,ixgtraizii, thunkofhm a ttee,",',',".",',',,".'??,,",",",'," land in!!!“ otSetei-iy on A '4, Friday auction der,'h'd are L-STM. Mt: menu. feed, ' miles tout]: of el- lesley. lk mile east of highway. for Angus} Minn-Inch. -. April 8, Crue-ur-pe) wt;- sham Yak Bert and Bezel-eras. waif-l Tm. 0-" Ayn] I M) 1180' tii'iiit,iiiCi"fc'thti?t,it- trtstrlllttll 13":th April t, My, 1.80 'un.- Fu-m stock. Implements, some pro- fue, 1 mite noyth, twin. or March M, Snturdmr-Auetion sale of cows, hop and hittrrettoid - Luyse vii1atgeMWeiie+rforC.L 'ptna.-ytorsitr, -iiiiii1eiRiFiiiirir" Clan-n m. 'beiet I†tad-h? t -" . “F m. 'a'2Tdgs,',,,t “h... at ttPi'"""""'""""'""'. . t' 1 - MrluaPe, 2,'g"epid at“... hm St Kitchen: sun andltorlP.Coe. “was. Audi 3. am no Jam. van.» mum 'Ad ttmaheAt deck at " Willi“ St. Wet, Wqtee1e,trtrWthew Bum-13L, a. May. t p.m.--hrm 313%ka feed and butch- " came tor Abram Kemhenhuum on the premises, 3 mites cut ttt Mn ad the Guelph highway, &nttntats_the_rter tarm. -- -- April m. View. at ttstr-- #ottet,1"grute'i't,1,tf,,ffqgt, Helium cattle " Summit tel Pym,Brugerort.A.B.Brubaeher, sales 7 humid: A f, new irii _ itiaNiiistm Fin-plat IN 1eutegtrg but of tuners shed: hams. 'alt menu. vehicle. furniture. t hee you; list with Anson Gina. "AN.“ H, 898W†.140 Part- Valuable furniture and Macho“ enacts at 101 Chestnut street. Kitchener, for Norman new I buy and sell Nmiture lay. Auction Sale M Ian-Hamming!“- dbone.¢oodhl-m an: an (uh-own. Pan-I- -Apet"rst',r-t888M0rer ttan-ore-her-ru." - to ETA I. ll, 'OMAN. AM. B. J. SEAN“. Author M. R. RUTH. Auctioneer um [0I'E%iji LEAD. II." It]. "A. DI.“ '. Yum ' Id.- I?“ "s." IO.â€