Four letters were read from New l gating Hamburg soldiers overseas any; 'Ad knowledging Christmas boxes. e from New Hamburg citizens. mu “HEALTH m ml: RURAL ls by " AREA" IS SUBJECT; letLLBANK.--Miss Jean H â€Holmes. junior girls' work leader. spoke Thursday afternoon at the meeting of the Millbank ieo%dGsl, Institute' at the home of Mrs. Bertl Mrs. Wray. Miss Holmes outlined the numb! work done by the Newton Soldier- a quill ettes and gave an interesting talk Sum and demonstration on "Health in Mrs. the Rural Area." She advocated a Harry national pantry shelf in every Kate home. urging the members to re- Mrs. I train from buying imported goods. Golbm The value of vegetables and fruit Mrs. J, in the diet and the need to build ScAr.tei up resistance in health to combat) Miss diseases likely to occur after the and M war was mentioned. yyentt The committee in charge of the Red Cross quilts reported six more are ready for quilting. Mrs. Boyd Hammond. the president. presided. There were 17 members present and three visitors. Cur- rent events were given by Mrs. McBain. Mrs. S. E. Stevenson gave a pa- per on "Peace Education". A com- munication from the provincial president was read which stated that a decision had been reached by the committee to meet an ur- gent need for a mobile field kitch- en toassist in the communal feed- ing in England at a cost of $3,010 and to spend $500 for seeds to be sent to the English Women Insti- tutes for distribution. Did You Buy YOUR War aa,muii"i"r', llama Tod." I h The affirmative side was taken by Miss Marie Weicker iittd Mrs. ft. C. Luckhart while the negative side was upheld by Mrs. B. Strange and Mrs. C. K. Merner. Mrs. H. H. Erdman, Mrs. H. Ho- stetIer and Miss Mabel Hahn were judges. Following the debate Miss Amy McDonald contributed a piano solo. The treasurer's report_showed the sale of Ghristmas seals amounted to $90.41 which was for- warded to the mutual council. It was decided to send $15 to the Central War Charities Fund of the Fegerated Women's Institute. "Resotved that mowers of 30 years ago had a better time than the mo- thers of today" was won by the affirmative side at a meeting Tuesday night of New Hamburg Women's Institute. The group met at the library hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. A. R. G. Smith in charge. Miss Mabel Hahn was secretary» DEBATE FEATURES NEW Harold Poth presided for the meeting and members gave Scrip- ture verses during the devotional period. Miss Thelma Lang Itgg', a piano solo which was to lowed by a story by Roy Gildner. Rev. H. F. Schade conducted a Bible study and " the close of the meeting Bible riddles were enjoyed under the direction of Mrs. V. E. Dinger. NEW DVNDEE.-"congo Choco- late Drops" was the title of on in- teresting new missionary story, the first chapter of which was read by Miss Irene Sherk at the weekly meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union held at the parson- age on Monday evening, It was written by Miss Viola altar of Grimsby. who was stationed with Mlaa Verna Schade during their my; tenth in the Belg_i§n_Congo. _ Missionary Story Interests Audience HAMBURG W. L MEET NEW HAMBURG. - A debate "HCt1t " becoming In- rn-nsinzlv maul-r with canadian youth Above are soon member, ot n partrot"hostoiers" photopraphr,d In the (‘anadhn Imam Windsor Station. Mount“. before one of three huge was" alumna; the “I. ot War me. Mftil$'rlilli's ladies' Wear See BERGSTEINS (or Outlay and tyle r"tauirstoettnto-ec...tuae- mmaunmumuumum Women's Activities QÂ¥uqlity Mérchandisc HOSTEL SKI-ING POPULAR IN QUEBEC “ll-Mint - $EWqNiiWmt I Mr. and'Mr-s. Jécoii $5.33. ...... l Mr. Mervin Kropf of Tavistock 1 Mr. andiui.WaiWoh1 of Nith- ‘burg and Mr. "rm. qolbech of "2tmlttrrp.Hpery Waiquay with V - """'M;V --v v.- """'"""& mucus-wu- Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert were Mr. Harry lifrteiderritt Kitchener, Mrs. Kate Wilson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bender,"Mrs. .Henry Golbeck. otWttierrrkr, and Mr. and Mrs. John Srhneider and Mr. Tohn Schneider, Jr., near St. Clements. Miss Annie Schpttner of Waterloo and Mr. Harry Brenner of St. Cle-i ments spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinsrlsberger. , Misses Dorothy Strut, and Helen, Jlltttl, retufrned 1013;; [genes at itc ner a ter spen past week at the home of Mr. .Louisi Freiburger. .. _ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Km?! were? Mr. and Nts. Menno. A bright and family of, Elmira, Mr. ind Mrs. Alvin Leis and family.=Mrs. Lydia Leis. Misses‘ Magi; am? _Annie tmet/ Menu-3.: Mattie and Annie Knopf. Messrs. Melvin and Mose Leis o Welledey, Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Seyler and Mr. Wilfred Sirens! Phillipsburg. Messrs. _ when Seifert and Wm. Dammeier attended the, funeral of the late Henry Holmhuh at Elmira on. Thur-351a): attermiom. 7 Br His. hurl-- Dunn‘s (Chumhk mwdnt) l _ Mrs. Earl' . Hess 'enteriaméd a number bt ladies' at this vicinity at a gyilt‘ing tyte.trp, may afternoon. Dahms. An article on thenife of Frances Willard, was read by Mrs. William Nathan-ton. A poem ya: read-by IriauWstottx./ g H - . T The president. Mn.‘ A. Shelby. took chartesceyrmutine business and the s'erviee.elomed with pray- er by Mrs. Netherton. . HOLD mun-um ROSEWLLE. - The February meeting of the Roseville .W.C.'I‘.U.' was held at the home of Mrs. Met- Vin Becker Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Becker in charge of the devotional period. which was de- voted .to a memorial plume life of ths..late Frances I}. Witlard. The scripture.' lesson was read and a few thoughts on I'Memor- ials" were folfowtd by a season'ot prayer led by Mrs. Clarence Hil- bor_-n, Rev.' Mrs. Pittman' 1nd Mrs. th am 'l "gt,?,',': "tl','ti'hr,tet [ ome is n Monte. ' very interesting. Ott 'etdlirdi'lt2 other boys in the navy who received parcels I wish to, than]: “[4113 la- dies who so kindly made the gifts possible." â€SEVILLE GROUP Juli",',' “by: $5.36 WWW†pan-e _ m t to“ . in it was your' card: f'would like to thank you _very uncanny for the gilt and I know ttttr,, are warm and comfortable, ex . y right for NEW 'll"fWacii2'.'t i',',','.',',',' Egordee o viuate _ loan- be more 1ie,%ttgtd than any other of New . 'tt Red Cm knitters in that Ihe has just to: 'eived her third hotter fNen o member of His 'Mnjesty’s tome. here in Canada Thetwomvious letters were from Win and a“; last one which arr-Wed on Mon ay came tttten te Don Schell. stationed Matt Nova Scotia, expressing apprecia- tion tor a pair of mitts that had, been made by Mrs. Egerdee. It read in, part: l, Suldiéis flank _ l N. Dundee Knitter In" Cgtrtiti-. The party con- sisted of young people from Mont- real. Toronto. Quohec. Hamtlton and Phitadetphta en route to spend‘tha New Year holiday thi- ing " Iron Hm Youth Hostel near West Sharron! In tho fun- ou. all-lug district of the Eastern ?“qu In the Province of HESSEN ROAD (I! may mu Quebec. At the hostel. the young ,pemulo are provided tor by "house parents". In the use of the Iron Hill hullel. Mr, and Mrtt, Tom Wilson, Mr. um Mrs Prod Don- itott, chairman and monetary roe pectIvely of the l'run'inou of que- boo Yodth Honda Assad-tum wort laden at tho My. A quartet composed of Miss; Helen. Erb, Miss Agnes Weber†Clayton Burkholder and Gordon! metsbergttr sapg. _) A wedding dinner was served at the Forest Hill Gardens following the ceremony for about " guests. Guests were present from Toronto, Baden and Lancaster, Pa. After a trip to points in eastern Ontario the young couple will re- side at 128 Erb street west, Wa- terloo. Joanna. '4rg.'tigtge son "ut,',': tinned _ an ts. . . uns rger, n, Pray on Saturday afternoon. The bride- od'gi,drrt,', 2,,“th 'lrfiuJI't groom's father performed the “Hwhen the _E.angeiiea1 and United remorw, assisted by Rev. J. B.iiirTtiirii; Women's Missionary So- Martin, pastor of the church. 1'fG'iCl united for a service which Oscar Gingerich, an uncle. gave‘wa, held in the Evangelical the bride in marriage. tchurch. Mn. N. E. Dahms presid- t,,.iQgU,?tothy Lichty was the at: and the order of service was The bridegroom was t,t,en,tti)"it=ittu"ggu1f f,tg (i): by Paul A, Hunsberger, his 1rPcGaiiiui and pm an were Mrs . 'her, of Lancaster, Pa. Leonard Hallman Mrs E Dahms, Mrs. Bechtel of Preston and Wilson) . . . . ‘S. Hilborn. Mrs. M. Veitch, Mrs 2r',tt.erger of Waterloo were "t ' g Becket} an I}; bookie, Mrs. spent Monday with his parents, Mr. anngrs. Jyttt Kropf, -- __ __ The altar of Erb Street Menno- nite church was banked with ferns for the wedding of Miss Gladys Shiela Gingerich, daughter of ms. Owen S. peehteCKrtchener, and John A. Hunsberger, son of Rev. and Mrs. N. S. Hunsberger, Baden, on Saturday afternoon. The bride- groom's father performed the ce- remony, assisted by Rev. J. B. Martin, poster of the church. Misses ldella and Selina Seyler, Hilda Schott or,Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Seyler and Mr. Elmer Seyler of North Easthope spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler. The couir1d ikt on a trip to points east. The couple will gec side in Kitchener. T The dining room was decorated with pink and white streamers for the reception. The bride's cake centred the table. The bride's mo- ther, , in pale blue flowered silk crepe, and the bridegrodm’s mo- ther, in a black silk crepe. receiv- ethe 24 ggestgs. The bride, given in marriage by her father. looked charming in I street-length frock of dusk. rose crepe. She wore a corsage of pink rose: _ Miss Evelyn Schweitzer, sister of the bride, who was to have been the bridesmaid. was unable to at- 'ed. the wAeckiing tfue to illness. Edwin amber." 65:53:7me brifetrrtrrrrt, was best man. l Grub-mm A pretty wedding took place Saturday afternoon when Miss Ivadelle Schweitzer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schweitzer, Bridgeport road. Waterloo, became the bride of Wilfred Grube. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grube of Bamberg. Rev. B. A. Kellerman performed the ceremony at the hey of .tt.te bride's. parents, - ""he?"eMeP-eeltt. M‘ but“, I b.1MhAhnlum It.“h‘m¢h Winï¬eutheuhunmlbumew.mdu_ [Cf,aC, I""'"'"'-.'"'.".""'"" . M~'---~ w.mmnmqw _Attuutw . t9rit.eymtlmytsiidbue- qeNitC'intud ‘wwldwmï¬umm-mnmmnmd mundauabtaoflh.lndflnflnnuduuw 1hrinniptheosgrtadert,t- _. S‘OJ‘ . AtettMtioftAsrtisRoar,stmoflit. (kr. '_dr.anttMsSimortRottfotNeU J tdt"diu't','tNtt1tgt 33mm.mcerunonywutszfa~nmdusnemfly' 'ttttme thredtrrBisharrMoeeignn 'attAtteiie-raetietiitEi.TiaT: Ttyrbr.i1uwoiertt-trtthprVikGriiGii.' .. l ilttoTCaitTGirai;rrii"ti7Tnii"iii'. 000' l It: Tl,',' attended by he; m'a’lff cm Godard at an: tatt emBrenneman,0 Kiteh- 1uqttneot, 2atndtm, Ill?, tho‘ were} dress E duty awning-gul‘ujlg‘h a? his} After a short trip the iaiu gouple will reside in New Ham; from Baden, itiusrendr,-isv"iaTa -_-_- NeyLDundet and tew {13mm The bridegroom was attended . q q q by his brother, Howard Roth. Mr. Frank DH took his Sunday After the ceremony a wedding mlch-otGeorgesmlen- supper was served at the home of nonite Church, Watch a: a the bride's parents The bride's ta- ole6gh ride munch, akin. They b?,Predeeoratedieithpin'-+eisi'rtrGurirT'iaTi' acme while skgamer'; and centred with church which was new in un- tht _weddirlg cake. iUriu' 'uettaf siding?" i" t,tMt,xt"T"' - Atgiat of“ 13a!“ vod- mum's-ant Mr. “In Ali-hum B-n, V aim aa MiE " - I. “,1 unearth-uh}: . ' " ' let 9.1... 4.11.... '22 VIII,- att-q-qt- .2; Kinshasa-GM]: - oeatkiiif -- “-- i 1'At4iifiltfilgiEi, “if if oth. 1Certel"ii)'""i"i'k m irsiiii: 1'.uef2',.raeP,t2tlalk (I; 1 Sunday visitors nt the home of .Mr. and Mrs. C. Swan: were Mr. and Mrs. C Swan: and Mr. and (Hrs. Roy Swan: of Kitchener and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ttmn and [dagghters of Preston. nun with Schnau- visited " the home. of A. . Btottx and Il- met Show on M. 7 - ,v---" -- WFT.- "was: of the regular people’s ‘league meeting “the Evan- gelical Church on Sunday evening. Jean Fried lax-aided and the ser- vice was opened with an organ prelude and the call Worship after which a hymn was sung. Prayers were offered by Jean Die- }fenbacher and Alice Dahms A poem on prayer was read by the leader and Robert Veitch gave a reading. Other numbers were: a solo by mam Schweitzer; a reading by Doris Marshall and a solo by Harry Hilbom. Following the program the president took charge for the closing exercises. At Skiing Part1. About " y people enjoyed a skating party MI at the Gait (Arena on Friday evening, spon- [zored by the Roseville Literary \Society. After skating. the group 13:43er to the D_ick_ie Settlement Mr. and Mrs. A. C Becker visit- ed with Mr. and Mn. M. B. Sny- der at New Dundee on Honda . Elmer sum: made I [maxim trip to Allilton and Newmarket uttrterItttr. - 7 A. C. Becker accompanied Rev. E. Gingerich of New Dundee to Paris last Tuesda where they visited with Rev. 8 W. Backus. Mr. and Mm. Elmer Stoltz and son. Ronald. and A. E. Stoltz called on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stoltz at Rojebank on Sunday. - Miss Irene Chapman of New Dundee spent Sundar at her home here. Several from the community en- Enyed the play "Sulphur and Mo. lasses" by the Y.P.U.. of Knox United Church, tr in the Dickie Settlement schoo on Thursday 'ventng. PM MA. FiGa, 'rGii"isriii"irgtotirT al address and challenged the group to enter the work with a greater talcum Minion 61rd. “an. Pet Pt1iet,flevrto, inch-$8.0 A. C. Beehisr, -iiA.-ii. LEE}; iii; t 2 tabléspoons mefied fat J. Hope and Mrs. M. Becker. A Combine ingredients in order vocal duet was contributed by given. Roll mixture to about I Mia E Latch “a m Holtzhauer inch thickness on a floured board. tpf 13.117; §toltz_a_ls9 sang. Rev. .._.-.- _._..L.. V- -..- '.‘--.y mtutlllclll School where Minam- were zerved. 95°“ WON given by the when and short reading were given by Miss J. wag: Glue Emmi-n. Eva Becker, " Becker and Mrs- ELStoltl: 1o.1o by Gmefer: ttth Mei -trFae TGG ' "F. Christi-n End-um 806.11. The United Brethren Christian Fyheavor.eetet, tet at the home of Mr. and 'eih.riiiieiiirGit Tia-' '...trhteer.ieg 2m: m.SI-e1pv Gordon Kennedy of Toronto is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mm. J. M. um. Kin; street, Waterloo. _ Mr. and Mm. John Beynon and Mn. Wlmm Benn Ill of Waterloo were in Pre on: "Pr Spool- ' mu. an... Sn-Lelder Arthur Woods, R.C... A.C.. Ottawa, ls spending his leave " the home of In; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R-Woods, Albert street, Waterloo. “be - tion. Min net ' ton on 'h',tht to Wm '"41"ls,12,', Dumb. of u,,,au','t'n't'rkt'i,t,1 t2"Eg, Jacob. In Petr! Ind I“ w maiden! of the Rebekah A...» 3 was Doris .lttftlgnt, Q"g"tit ""l,'lltrg'a than u an. telr_ot_ottteia-uttriiiGiaroTtut.tyssis band 2Je,tit1eegie " Pted Quehl. 'gert mm ' let/ff,',',',',,'?,',',',',':,':,,,.,, the pum- the home cum Goa-gel m'e west, "eee . Li for the occuion and between m1.†MM“ ,ncts rendered instrumental num- 0W Barbe, m analog. of . ben. Vocal solos were also contri- the tuna" Sand- Cm, the Mruy1ttMt39tsnBevnonand 2.ttft?zhPts,Rg1etTePi,.FdliGta"l, andneesH-theee were in Tosca? on: byâ€. :Hilbom. ---. . . qunlnwuuloo wet: new to a lunéh at ttfe ettu.r.ehyltiehrierettrrudi'G SPeoueeeiruoettskeriaiiii. mother, In. 0:0“:di GiTse iiGE i"'"'"'"."'"', 'P" J55. '39."??? tote.ttis t?eteur it a rl',',,',,.?,','.",,.".':,','., Win-â€7W2"; tieiitii,eiiSi""iiiiiii2i21iii ,'i,',y'i,',?,iiiiyi'i tNt/P""" tiiib,l?i7,t2ii'pa!ii!ita'i?li.'i mm...“ than; . . Cb. . mam; Mk . a. ,/PtdNUtrggfrgteg ' frp'tJ"di,tgd,ttttutgt o/et,tgtoo2ggggrtgr:tttt, “ï¬mwmw tt,'augTegt2ttAt,et 'yl'f,.PglMlat'rgt2'htStpiflili,Uiei, "gre,uHtr",t.e BOSEVILLE huh-inlan- (MW) an: x: a. in: until wry light and smooth. A d icing sugar to make I past: which can be rolled into mall balls. Roll balls in cinnamon to ramble an." you“ Bake potato. Scoop out pulp gnd mash With butter and Bour. _ Mr. and In. Harvey mum Potato Choc-em ,/tu'lr'ee,m',"Jeuflhflle"g,r,,,',f,"fgg 2 cupB milk home in th van... 2 tablespoons ttour ‘ Mr and in: B C Wood- spent I 1 tablespoon ttour i . fternnun. . I!!!†1 4 tablespoons cheese "le, hail: of In 2l {a Jan. it 1 cup mashed potatoes Woods . I Melt butter Add ftour. Cook1 Mr. Vincent Whitehead of m. until frothy. Add cheese andonto is apendtng I... '- " " milk. Stir until thickened Ind.home of his M 'ittttooth. Add potatoes. Re-heat. _ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ila-rm en- "ertained a few of their Month I I 's'ttt,t't'i-"- Meringue a card party on Monday night. I I teaspoon salt i I teaspoon pepper "mm a any: In new. [ I teaspoon mace A ammo SERIAL nova. _ " cups hot mashed potatoes An 'mftittahie m1. undat- l cup milk sanding, and lntinataly told 3 tablespoons butter with striking illuatntiona in PULL It tablespoons corn syrup fk8A?rb-tkirins in The American t cup 8143100 cheese We',",',',',' the larch 9 lane of ‘ has whites The trait Sunday Tum Be, Melt butter and add to potatoes. sure to read Bele- T1qqdng â€1 Beat egg yolks until very light. let's novel about a spirited $2 Add milk. soasonings and ta- who dreamt dreams of I _ toes. Beat until very fluffy. RT, shared with a man she adored. Be into a groacrd baking dish. Beat sure to et the March ' Detroit egg whites until stiff. Add corn Sunday Kd,'. I syrup and , cup cheese. Pile on =============---t- potatoes. Shrinklo with remaininai cheese. Bah" 15 minutes in a mo- ll" derate oven or at 300' F. _ FORD fr Potato Candy . _, vt " - I I Potato We: 1 cup grated raw potatoes 1 tablespoon flour l teaspoon salt Mix well Drop mixture by spoonfuls on a hot greased griddle. Turn when brown on one aide. 1 cup ttour I 1 cup mashed potatoes 2 tablespoons fat 1 I cup milk I 4 teaspoons baking powder i' Sift dry ingredients. Add pota-l toes. Work fat in lightly. Adm milk gradually to make a soft‘ dough. Turn on a Boured board. Pat out to i inch thickness. Out with a biscuit cutter. Make in a hot oven 15 minutes at 400" P. l I small onion t cup cooked carrots I cup cooked chopped potatoe- 1 cup cooked peas 1 cup cooked string bean. Salt and pepper Celery salt Melt fat. Add onion. Cook un- til clear. Add vegetables and 1 cup meat stock or milk and let- eonings. Cover with potato crust. Bake 30 minutes at 350' P. PoutCCrest tot m It TEE mum MAN Potatoes once every day is 3 good rule, but because they an everyday fare care should be ob- servedsothattheydonotbeoome monotonous. Potatoa lend them- selves to a wide Tltr of way! of serving, all of whi m be made inviting. nutritious In- exoensive. The following redpes have teen tetrtef by the, Consumer Sec- tion, Marketing seAriGiriiiGiC ion Department of Agriumum. Every one is worth trying. in for the occuion and between sets rendered instrumental num- ben. Vocal solos were also contri- buted by was Rudene Team: and ttteu by I. H. Tom and Clare "Way Down South†In: to theme for the third put in which bandsmen dressed as neme- were seen picking cotton on the "'S lighted stage as they sang Southern melodies in solo form. quartettes and groups. inter: mingled with bits of hm conveying. Mir_MarBaret rum. 'Ate,', Pte with but. on: 2 tab espoons bacon a: Editok it; itUGiiGnd “mi"; 23. Stu: by the. president, Mr. Bow- mâ€...â€" - â€v"... "I- I. my. VIII" were inters’nedbyb-ndlobc-hammvak-dupnm nomunderliehedimndB-nd-hdom-vdlamkm marl. H.1‘oman. ed. #erMeetdsareNeaaedtir' Pflgflhmdm mmâ€, se om. PM... I t Truth", hem 135mg ._K:vehnan, and an ' __.._...._ .A w, .. ' 1 large potato I tablespoon butter Icing sugar Vanilla 1rGu7iiiiiaGarii%iri'i""h'" iiiiE " "'Emli i E ti,htll'Eetg 'ifi:,1ilf'li)i,iij7,i,iiiit) _~, 92-! ..._. - an: "itm.aGiiirifG-i'i"q".'li?tett- - was mmbmudhmmfl-ï¬- 1tandirif-t-,ur6iiiiiaTEaGiriLe.ttsag aeltrtttl Gatt, an??? In! 1iiiiirt,i5ilti1ut2',e"th"rasiai A :1 Idling In M a.“ magic... " 'tul'tdNUt"ggftgtttg "fAefoty.tta1eeugr_eet my: My war-mum mt- hi hi - - _ "â€™ï¬ iii',?)',),),':,',:?;,;',".")!!,?,, Fei.", " te, t M has, Dunk! --__}!':.):'!Whvh . cr"' tl. ', :rt, LT: ttteq "ee l ai, ttouv 1 teaspoon baking powder M 2 tablespoons melted fat Combrlte, ingredients in order Vegetable Hi - t cup hot mashed potatoes , teaspoon salt A I. S. Bid-CUE! Tested RECIPES - "e-'-----.- "l"".-".'..-..-- â€inhï¬ng‘h'WMMIï¬'rw-mfl M. vtrttyd ".qrs.-ot-iu.o Potato Sme- In ad.. Karat slTl,"f."1ff, I'm: Mlï¬rmn‘m-Mm :garet fer, who I. JIM in "aking A16... in he recent music eliminating. _ Mr. Fred [than in visiting win ‘his all?†in Guelph. 1 M11. as; my; Win; The Detroit Sunday Thu... Be sure to mend Hale- Ttiqqrit" m let's novel about a spirited g: who dreamt dreams of I shared with . man Ihe adored Be sure to k', the March 0 Mott Sunday a. _tseisthGrte%tiEGGGG'aii,7i"ii-" ling on Friday " Plattwille town hall Muehre was ea by all ‘present following . come dancing and refreshment. WI. A's In: Mind. Plattsville Intermediate A's met Atwood in their Snd - of the play-on; on Thursday of last week at Tavistock Arena. Quite a num- ber of local tam were meant. l'l‘he play for the Ical team tnr; ‘ed fguteruutg'l'tAr a shut-out. but resulted a some ‘of 11-2 in favor of Phttsville, goats Ito count. An untoucthhle my. undu- standing], and intimatNr told with striking “Intuition: in PULL fkorA?R-tkirins in The American may ,rithtltet"riueot Straw - M-rr-e, luau. Ltd“. ttttthm1trrtkhootmmkiifttir, 2,it','di',ftt on “Jig: amen. er1u"e.w-ervedterattoueige who attended All food served “themotvmgnn- v'trti-sdmtraervedttreeitii; 'J1thtraiP-hetweeeitftnarr. I'tiaeyofpiodtatit.weeeGbairTéd forthemei.ho Win 1t'ire,,.,',it'liitie'i'dF,iiihi!ti'i'tt? tsetiingottid thatutte.tseing- in‘utisbctoryrenmt Viki-M. Mr. and In. Cecil Allen of Puttseue visited on Sunday " F.trht,ewhetetheprmrii'iGastir, 1nrtntetorBatrrvAvu,nirtio"iGii ttyi?1f1tettrtr.rtt.himoa.utiiif, wai guest}! 'anr. Ea; WEST MONTROSE emu .axm" . Ebfthrtk of can. tide yt/?ime.t ot P9117? Cm lyhla'oob (MW) Bloomingdale and Mrs. Wesley Cook and daughters Mildred and Marlene ot Kitchener and Mrs. Ja- cob Brodrecht of Tavistock. Mr. and Mn John Summa- ber and funny and-Mr. and In. Lorne Bender and family and His new. Buda- and m- GU- le 'h19r.Nteatstetdar with Mr. hmmwMtSmd-y with Mr. and Mn Wilfred Schle- gel, DOWNING, STERN and Co. “Mb-I‘mhcth MIN-W. My" )3. " d have, - q. WmJtpuyumh- 'uttura-iriirm-. I“!!! SERVE}! M b Betta. VHO." IOM It. '5... F Al ANKIS 19qu Sun In†S. Moms. Wu 7 " In. s. Want-ho Pl... 1-1314 I. Kilt St. W. Phone £4102 m on VIM. Omaha Ava. I - " In†Putin. pumm- m tn QM†OAhmuu-wyt...’ '""kqi-.auV.a-nrt and than. uni-.115 q... dye-Humanist.“ h v“ by. no “y inn-dud. Brtr-rr.-r-da.a, “Hindi-h... humid-akin“ Ilom WAVEIILEY Y~~VMM (A 1'll'tm) Frmiaira '63“ ','ttlt Lou Catriona, on no. - M "CI... il.? .. rant-nu. In. Win. 'te.trt= EAST ZORRA I U P ' Mf,, D ' ll '1tL1hh'h'trt /4hrrhhtfisAt 5.0“...†I la. Luna lid-nth /lMra me.) At FLORISTS IV Iv: Ayn- lid-III- EFF-h“;