MLvAlber! Besinger of Knoll- wood Park of No 10 Militia Thin- ina anm spent a day with his amt); , ;i,i,tfr?j,',i,ii,Citii, fit,r,)'fA,'.'urfv',tl'tti'is of Cornwall ir I: spent e a a ueipn.) . . . The sale of Mr, Vim. Lambert Ls'sglendmg the Christmas leave " on Wednesday was well attended. lidronxi'd Mrs. Mark Jones and at h'i's"t,retrt,'rr,tGg,es.'"g,t,i2', l family of Nine Pines were Sunday “C Li ' J"' er, . ‘guests with the latter's parents, Mr. tt "twoo ' . and Mrs. Ed. Seebach, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Linsemanpfi Stewart and Myrtle Weber of Dorking spertt Saturday with Kitchener spent Sunday at their Joe Hanley and sister Vera. 'home Mu- .vul v..., 1"-..“ B'.'-...-- . Mr. and Mrs. Tony Eisenmentter and children of Linwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whiter; _ - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Linsemnn and children Gerald. Royetta and Ronald, Mr. Arthur and Clifford Kennedy spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mry, Jes.A: Kennedy. - --v~-- ... C"" "WWW-6 _ n In. Ruth Dam Mrs. Louisa Strebel s nt a few' ' days with Mr, and Mrs. Ifr! Schaaf i (Chroma. com-â€nan" at Elmdale recently. 1 Pte. Harold Howald of the H.L.I., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaefer Stratford, spent Sunday at his said {arisibiwwere recent guests of 'tTee,: t d S d . it . t r. an rs, Albert Trace t' even an un ay Vlsl on tt Waterloo. . y . a; acme of Mi. 'l','d Mrs. l i: Mr. August Kni tel who is mm Vt were v. an Hts. . . fined to his bed fhrough sickness Shanta of New Dundee, and Mt had a number of visitors rjariir"t','Jr'e.M" Ezra Becker of Williams- _._~______ : TI . _ i __ ___ A candlelight Christmas Service will be held in the Lutheran Church on Dee Mth at 7.30 o'chock .in the warping. 'H'.:. (3115111113.: 1’30;an Dee. 22. The Sunday School Christmas program will be held in the Lu- theran Church on Sunday evening Dec. 22nd at 7.30 o'clock. Will Hold Candlelight Service. Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, Mildred Weber were Sunday guests at the home of Edgar Mar- tin at Yatton. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Siebert and daughters Margaret and Joyce called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred chieglel gt Kitc_hener on Spnday. _~___-__- u. _-..‘.u,.n.n vu nun-nay. Elsie Siebert has returned to her home here after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Thyper at Breslau. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weber of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs Leander Snyder on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker and son Kenneth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kritz at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Meyer and children Florence and Edward of Waterloo were Sunday guests at_the home pf Wm. Klein. _ PETERSBURG Elva Weber spent Sunday at the home of her parents at English Settlement. Sunday and recent visitors at the home of Isaiah Cressman and Elum Martin were Simon Martin fo Strasburg, Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Cressman and son Murray, Clista Cressman. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cressman and daughter Gloria of Kitchener. Mrs. Edgariarijn "ariraiiirr'iin Wayne and Audrey spent Thurs- day with Mrs, George Weber. Mt and Mrs. Earl Snyder and children Karl, Mae and Mary Jean were Sunday visitors at the home of2naryAias Shane at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Martin of Yatton spent Thursday at the home of David Bearinger. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weber and daughters Carol and Lucille were Sunday guests at the home “Josiah ‘Slggntz y yistoriaburtr., system has been very successful during the year and the financial statement will show a splendid balance on hand. The Commissioners of the Wil- mot Township municipal telephone system held their final meeting for the year at the omce of the secre- tary on. Tuesday afternoon. The points, no hard feelings seemed evident at any time. The council- lors also spoke briefly. “I!!! Eymot. telephone; Meaty, financial standing of the village to date. He stated that if the council could hold down expenses for the remainder of the year they would finish with a slight balance. Deputy returning otBeera and clerks were appointed for the municipal election, Jan. 6th. Dep- uty returning oiBeera are Arthur Roth, H. N. Culbert and Earl C. Kataemnier, and clerks are A. R. G. Smith, Jonas Yantzi and James Riddell. Before the motion to adjourn the reevo thanked the council, clerk and press for their co-operation throughout the year, and though they did not always agree on all Treasurer L Hostettier presented , uneqchl report, showy; the The New Hamburg Council pro- claimed Boxing Day, December M, a holiday in response to a petition presented at the statutory meeting held on Tuesday .evenim _ The council endorsed the resolu- tion received from the Kingsville council regarding tree rail trang- portation of soldiers on ouch] Kitchener Motion â€whine Wage- 'ikuFGiViAii feibpen Jan. E New Hamburg Council Meets chployod 455cm" iidutatFird - '7" Wat-rho College and Sanitary cloned Wednesday for the Christ mu holidays. Both departments will 'e-os-i Jun]. WiiiérGo pub he and "pamte schools will close d M Vilniu. Jam 'IWI' -tirtg of Kitchen ei com. W1»! w, war-3M "e domed" - "itAuiiii' kieilieusiixtiGii -.-"'" rc ttmug,',',",,',"","., reported under . i! in. Ware. Aet. tyr I?!†GERMAN MILLS NEW HAMBURG own POI. HOLIDAYS Br In. Jon. Kennedy (Chronlch Con-"ponder.†Br I!" Rosette Knivfel (Chronicle Correspondent) By Mu. Indra! Weber (“mulch Correspondent) " A. n. 0. m (m Curio-â€Id.†HESSON rs Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Neeb and rhildran Elmer and Shirley of Bloomingdale spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klie. Carl Baker of Kitchener is At,',',",,",',', the Christmas holidays at 16 Lalnu1 Heights". Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Harvey Rickert at Kitchener. CORT 80 LITTLE. BRING Rushed To Hospital. Mr. Howard Bauman was taken suddenly ill on Sunday and rushed to the K-W Hospital where an ap- pendicitis operation was perform- od on Sunday afternoon. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller and Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer and Vernon, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sim Wea- ytorttte gjghgh line of Peel. Miis Margaret Bender of Kitch- ener spent the week-end with her parents, Mg. and Mrs. S. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and Gladys were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder in Elmira. Attend Fulani. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender at- tended the funeral of the late Val- entine Reiner in Kitchener on Friday.“ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Molden- hauer of Upper Pilkington visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Hts. Noah E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs David Bott, Blos- om, Ralph, Harry and Lloyd Bott and Messrs. Harold Miller. Vernon Schwindt and Arthur Watts visit- ed friends at Knollwood Park, Ki_tghener _ or? _Sund_ay_ afterqopp. Miss Vera Miller of Uppér'riil- kington spent Sunday with Miss Melba Sehwindt Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kelly and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Longman near Alma. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schmidt of New Hamburg were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maura. and children Geraldine and Stew- art of Heidelberg Were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Edmund Schwinde . _ Mr. and Mrs. August Schneider and daughters Delphine and Vel- ma and Mr. Memo Hoffman spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hoffman, Elmira KR. No. 3. . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Martin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Josiah Martin. Saturday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sittler's were Mr. and Mrs. John Brubacher of Heidelherg. _ . _ - - Sunday" visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David C Martin were Miss,tin from Hgidelbgrg and Miss Edna s 13th of Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brubach- er and family of St. Jacobs were Sunday visitors with Jacob Sau- dey-and fiery; Brybacher's. Mr. and Mrs. Titus Bowman and brother Moses, visited with Mr. Gf, Mrs Levie Frey neat Hawker e. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin spent Sunday with Mn. Catherine Mar- tin at Wallenstein. Sunday visitors with Mt and Mrs. Onias Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brubacher of We and Miss Rebeca Brubechet of Elmira and Mr and Mm. June-on of Stratford. and Mm. Oniu Weber attended the sale of the .10de- mother, Mn Theresa Di " SLHAgaghn on_'hnl_dny._ -- - visited with Mr? and nix-guide} Enochan near Listowel on Sun- 'e. - -- _ The Ladies' Aid spent Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mn. Musaer's. Miss Orma Steven spent the week-end at her home here. Mr.andMrtNvinMirtinand daughtertsVeenaaatdmnofthe fourth of Peel, span Sunday n thehomeotMr..ndMrwMan- Mr.. and Mrs. Herbert Shebel 19an Twit-34 In: Earl _-" _ doom ' ILM. .Otta elm-WWI“! badminton theâ€: es i 'T"" Ion! itt'h'ld"aMrd'mt,',t duty. " HAWKESVILLE M A WHEIM NORTH WOOLWICH Br In. Walt. Haunt (Ch-ohm. correspondent) dsk, in Yam-uh." aa-ara J1r In; As. unu- SO MUCH During ttft business. an I poll spent never-l any: at the home j,',) Mrs. V. King and daughter, Col- wns read from the Women's tl'flll her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Inn of Toronto were guests at the tute Branch, Department of Agri- Schmidt near Brunner. ihome of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. culture. "tting etch member for Mr. and Mrs J. J. Cracknell Ind man for a few dag! last week a donation of money toward the Miss Jessie Hammond of Kitehen- George Bell of amberg visited fund being eat-blinth by the Fed- er spent Sunday " the home otlwith Mr. and Mrs Burly rat: re- mind Irtatituta"oettt-tttrtgtqJottn L aagttggttrqtt1 and; The program was in chat of the Peace Education 'dilXiLl'. Mrs. R. C. Pitta gave a talk on "Twelve Important Women", Miaa Dorothy Walker was in charge of a demonstration of kitchen â€Jets The roll call was respond to with a Christmas thought Mrs. F. Shantz conducted a sing-m of Christmas carols. During tht business. an a pea] was read from the Women's tl'flll The Hnywille Women's Institute held its Christmas "new? " the home of the secretary. P. Weicker on Wednesdny uternoon. Dec. 11th. The president. Mrs. A. E Kerr presided. It is Interesting to note that the Bethel Ever-Ready Bible Clan which was organized in 1929. is still enthusiastically attended and supported by its members. Hlnvulo W. L M The following appointments were made: social convenor for May 1941--Mr. Fred Bean; pro- gram convennr for June, 1tM1-- Miss Olive Ruddell. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the class in May, 1941, dropping the meetings for the win- ter months as has been customary in the past. The toast to the Ladies was pro- posed by Mr. R. J. Bean and re- sponded to by Mrs. (Rev) H. W. "mlstein- - . _ Following votes of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Klinkman and Mrs Brinker for their kindness and hoa- pitality and to Rev. R. A. Facey for his address, the busing! for the evening yas, trtrpsarted. dress. Mrs. A. B. Fleming render- ed a vocal solo. A reading "Christ- mas In the Years to Come", was sign by Mrs. yeryirt.Faeer R. A. Facey of Ingersoll. Mr. Facey is one of Bethel's old boys and the class was delighted to have him present. He ‘ga_ve_a splendid pd- _ Mr. Wm. Diamond proposed the (toast to the Empire which was responded to by singing one verse from each of the following patrio- tic songs, "The Maple Leafâ€, "Rule Britannia," and "'There'tl Always Be An England". The toast to the church was given by Mr. A. E. Bean. The re- sponse was a hymn. The guest spexker for the evening was Rev. R. . Facey of Ingersoll. Mr. Facev The toast to the Queen was pro- posed by Mr. Edward Klinkmnn and an appropriate response was made by the class, singing an old Scotch song, "And for Bonnie Queen Elizabeth I'd lay me doon and dee." " Rev. Wm. Walker proposed the ‘toast to the King. Rev. Walker who is still vigorous at 84 years of age and whose birthplace is England, paid fitting tribute to the Save- eign of the British Empire He stated that we can be truly called a Christian nation because we are) one of the few countries where the ceremony connected with the crowning of a King is conducted by the church. The toast was re- sponded to by singing the Nat-1 tional Anthem. l A very interesting program fol- lowed, with Mr. Fred Bean, the president of the class, acting " toastmaster. About 40 persons sat down to a sumptuous repast in which ull the tempting viands usually associat- ed with the Christmas season, graced the tables, which were gaily degorated, and on which glowed Annual Banquet of Bible Clue. Despite the fact that the day was Friday and the date the 13th of the month, nothing happened to mar the pleasure of a very happy function, when the members of the Ever-Ready Bible class of Be- thel United Church. met at the spacious home of "Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Klinckman to hold their an- nual December banquet The rooms were attractively de- corated with evergreen,_;ed and Amnery otBeers check the“: in d magazine beneath one of Canada's great coastal detence (um. These can be hurled to: miles " my enemy who ventures ne'er the Dominion's sham _ SOUTH-WEST By I!" In“ Bu- (chmnhlo WMC) [a Mrs. Alfred Ham and Lloyd spent never-l any: at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Schmidt near Brunner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogan and and family and his mother and sis- ter, who resided on the 7th line, moved into Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anucknap and son And Mn James An- ucknnp of Atwood Mr. and Mm. Roy Rowland of Mitchell spent I few houn with Mrs. R, Foster and family. -- Pounds. John A. Campbell of Stratford spent seven] days at the home of Mn M. Shane and returned home on Sunday with his daugh- ter Jean and friend. Mr. and Misfdébrge Squire of gtwood spenc Sunday with rela- Mr. and Mrs. 70“?) Smith of Kitchener visited on Sunday with Rey. and Mrs. G. R. Schultz. Mr. and MA." Eiiiviiiriiak of Lisbon visited Sunday with Mrs. Alvin Eidt and family. Mr. and smr._itiistreiiiTr'iing of gqmside yisited with Mr. and Mrs. John mimFsiritiGrtiif, Billnyeeb near Kitchener spent a few days with his grandparents, Mtuand thy, Theo. D9ering, _ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Forler and family of Doering's Corner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doetintr., A Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wettlaufer and son Ronald of Oetzel's, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and daughter Marion of New Pressia and Messrs. John Wettlaufer and Nyle Hartung of Burnside, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Do_eri_ng. - - 7 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church will hold its Christmas programme on Tuesday evening, Dec. 24th. Christmas Program Dee. Mth. The Cheerful Workers Sewing Circle of Bean's Mennonite Church held their meeting at the church on Wednesday afternoon. ‘01 St. George and Harry Zinn of §Preston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ellworth Bean on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mia. Ir- vin Lichty of Breslau and with Mr. and Mrs. Urias Martin of Kit- chener. The annual Christmas entertain- ment of Bethel United Church will be held Monday evening, Dec. 23rd. A splendid program will be in store for those who will attend. A play, “The Christmas Spirit" will be given by the young people and a varied program of songs, recita- tions, dialolgues will be presented by glue children. and family spent sGak WERE: and Mn Eldon Humberger of My PhiBetsurc, tr '_, - Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Linton and Miss Helen Linton of near Galt, Miss Margaret Williamson of Slttfrte11t, Mam Apttrt Henderson son Roger of Bream: and Miss Isabel Davidson, teacher at Green's School, were Sunday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amar served 'by the hostess and her tla, sistants. m in London, England. It was iii- cided to take up a collection at the January meeunf A donation o " was voted to the War Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London, Ont. It was decided to hold a Plunkett dinner on April 22, 1941. The members also decided to re- member the sick and the shut-ins at Christmas. of} ward in the Canadian hospi- Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cremman Mr._nnd Mtg. gordpn Lich_ty_g1d Po11ow.iyg an eyehpnge of Christ- PHILIPSBURG CRUSSHILL " In. Lorna Blank (Chronicle Correspondent) Br I!" Em boning (Chronlclo Correspondent) m1 The Christmas meeting of the Ir iWomen's Institute was held at the of home of Mrs. A. Futher on Tues- day evening with the president, nd Miss Sylvia Bock, occupying the It, chair. There was an attendance of t 26 and the response to the roll call o was "A Christmas wish". During 23 the business it was decided to do- {nate $15 00 to the Central Fund of M. the Federated Women's Institute 'st of Ontario towards the furnishing I: of a ward in a Canadian hospital t}; in England. The sum of $5.00 was it also donated to the War Memorial " Hospital at London, Ont Miss Bock read a letter which had been .3; ireceived from the soldiers at Strat- d. ford who recently marched . through the village expressing ap-‘ I' preciation for the refreshments) ill served to them by the Women’sl u, ,Institute. Mrs. "Clare Hilborn visited with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Brown at‘Plattsville on Wednes- day. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Gowing and daughter, Gwenith of Glen- allen are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Zinn. Mishap W. E. Musgrave D.D., of Huntington, Ind., was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich for a fete, day§_of Itstyreek. . . . Huston DOCK OI nammon were 1 The following ladies of the dis- _ guests at the nome of Dr. and Mrs. rtl'lct gathered at the Red Crossâ€; S Brown last Friday rooms to quilt on Tuesday: Mis, iiid M. H. Shantz .and Miss _ $1.5 g.2,1inh Mrs. yirrrdgr.sort . Luella and Miss Mary Shantz visit- _.. es oover, rs. . . . led with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saltz- Bock, Mrs. Frank Lefrancois and!man at Victoriabur on Sunda Mrs. Hubert Greulich. ( l? y. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. avelman and W.M.S. Moots. .‘Miss Nellie Kavelman called on The December meeting of the [ Miss Margaret Fairful at the Free- W.M.S. of the Bethel M.Biport San. on Sunday. Church was held at the home of MR and Mrs. Robert Yule and ;the president, Mrs. E. T. Coleman MR and Mrs. Ernest Egerdee and on Wednesd 1y afternoon. Mrs. [ daughter June of Paris visited with Oliver Eckstein was in charge ofer- and Mrs. Fred Egerdee on the devotional period and during Sunday. . ithe business session Mrs. E. K.: LloyAfrilt?orn of Aberfoyle and 'Bock reported for the Good Cheer.Dave Litwiller and children June committee. A letter was also read . and David of Preston called on Mr. which had been received from the and Mrs. A. Hilbert} on Sunday. (Red Cross headquartersatt Gait err-) Rev. Mrs. F'. M. Pitman of Kitch- pressing appreciation for the sew- -r-----------r-t-rr---------.----=------= ‘igg doneBrEcetétly bry "ti 'iiiijiiy o the M. . . hureh. rs. .S. lShantz then read a letter received 'mitti EE from Miss Bessie Plant, KN. mis-‘ 'Ga, EW) 'th9E £3 sionary in Nigeria, Africa. The Q “far Missionary study on “The Un-; I) ron “We . _ touchabies of India", taken from) Fu'l “I C,'i'igc.tttci the book, "Moving Millions", was Fl 'ii""'"'? conducted by Mrs. E. T. Coleman !t) (“mam "l " assisted b Miss Erma and Miss L All! , Florence Le'iu'i',g'rTr', who read} P, a a conversation in dialogue form be- a "mm a tween a missionary and a native (It. P) F in India. it I t Personals. l Sh, _ - a Red Cross Mating. At the conclusion of the even- ing Christmas gifts were 'ex- changed around a prettily decorat- ed tree. The members also brought gifts for the annual Christmas shower to be sent to the Coombe Home at Hespeler. Dainty refresh- ments were then served by Mrs. Futher, Miss Bock and Mrs. Ander- Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Clare Anderson, Mrs. Ed. Koehler and Mrs. M. Bechtel. An advertising slogan contest in charge of Miss Bock was won by Mrs. F, A. Poth and Miss Iva Zinn Christmas carols were sung at the beginning of the program and the Christmas scripture lesson was reaq t.ry Mrs. Lyle Bingeman. The afternoon devotions were conducted by Mia Jean Hellman. Rev. G. A. Shepherdson, pastor of Alma St. Church in Kitchener gave an address on the subject of, "Win- I sting Others for Christ", after which 'Gordon B. Hallman presented a paper on, "The Voice of Ontario Conference in Our Church Publi- cations", which was followed by a discussion. Speaking on the theme of “True Equipment for Life Service", Bi- shop Musgrave brought the closing message of the convention " the evening service. Bishop Musgrave 'said, "The' most wonderful word inmll the world is, Life which be- rgins here and ends in eternity. "What shall LDo with my Life', is "he great question asked by so many young people. today." The speaker pointed out that life is a jgreat fund of working capital and in order to make a good invest-; "nent, preparation for the largest ‘service is necessary. I Floyd Sham: of Kitchener led the opening song service and pray- er was offered by Rev. S. S. Shane, pastor of the Bethel M.B.C. Church. During the §ervice two vocal duets were also rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shane. W. t. Christmas Manna. “The curse of our day is indif- ference but the church. is the re- medy and the world he; never needed the church " it does to- day," he concluded. man persecution: and the French Revolution. The church is to-day facing a world-wide eriau-indus_ trially. Iocillly. morally and spirit- ually. Russia has repudiated God, open Atheism has gained nearly 1,000,000 converts in the United States and Canada since ms and Modernism in the name of scho- larship is blasting at the Rock of Ate", stated die speaker. n..."- my “my, VIP sided {a the Wodlmday um. 1tOheamtaiMid-rearCituneiiand Mil-ion"! Convention which wu‘ 33d nub. legions. e,tieagc,5, morning wing vo-‘ tional period led by Rev. sucr‘ 3&th V1.1. Human, D.D., 0* Hununuon, Ind, ave an admirer IP. 'Ahe, Church Ind the Present; ity has I',,',""?,,',",' all Eli}; atom from e 8tt'llu',r'lu','l'tt=rt'reuo,! “mound'. '.8MgtfttfSttrtat'd,': “with. Amtqtrdtt, the 1hetStxtqsiaiGiikSriirNi'ih A hmdm'aIM "yei.iutd-t.tut-irot-i%ir- teAsiki Church hu (tii,teirhi,j'ti'iijiiiit,? ping utter another but inlan- 'h‘o‘hhun. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Rocket, Bliss Sophia chkel and Leonard Dr. and Mrs. L. L Stautter...of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Wel- lington Bock of Hamilton were guests at the nome of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown last Friday. Mrs. M. H. Shantz and Miss Luella and Miss Mary Shantz visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saltz- may) at Vchgriabgrqpn $unday. _ dag. Rockel ist Kliéilghgf TriitaiGriiii Mr. and Mrs. C. Rockel on Sun- Mrs. Henry Sag; ai"iicaton spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Koch and Mt. Koch. Miss Elma Rosenberger, R.N., missionary-on-furlough from Ko- rea and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sehiefle of Conestoga were recent guests of Mrs Allan Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefrnncois. Mr. tiitd Mrs. Clare Hilbom visit- ed with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Here atJIamiltgn on Sgnqu. Mrs. Andrew Koehler of St. Agatha spent the past week with ber daughter. Mrs. George Jacob and Mr. Jacob. son of Galt visited with {[1326}- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Henderson on Sunday. ! Beginners-Willa Cressman and ‘Mrs. A. W. Egerdee; primary de- partment, Mrs, Oliver Echtein and Ittth Schlichter; Juniors, Gre- ta Stoltz and Althea Bock; Inter- mediate bore, Eldon Sherk and Cameron Bock; Intermediate girls, Evelyn Cressman and Mrs. Lyle Bingeman; young ladies' class, :Mrs. E. T. Cayman and Mrs. S. S. Shantz; you men's class, E T. Coleman and Elgin Reist; young "narridd people, E K. Bock and Lorne Rosenberger; married peo- ple's class, Arthur Musselman and O. T. Coleman; adult womerN Bible Class, Moses Toman and Mrs. 1.. K. Bingeman; adult men's Bible Class, George (bleman and Henry Schlichter. I Intending Object I†1 Mrs. Oliver Echtein gave an in-; teresting object lesson on "Noah and the Ark" at the Children's meeting which preceded the Sun- day evening service at the Bethel M.B.C. Church. Student Preacher. Student Conrad of the Waterloo Seminary occupied the pulpit of St James Lutheran Church on Sunday evening. Baptist Contact! on Doe. and. The Baptist Sunday School will present its annual Christmas en- iertaiggnqnt on Sunday evening, The following hers Were 8159 aPpointeCtpr1 h l Harold Shanta waa rte-elected superintendent ot the Bethel M.B.C. Sunday School at the an- nual re-organization meeting which was held at the church on Tuesday evening. The PM, Rev. S. B. Shantz resided or the business and 'l'lreA'li'r'lSi'l elected for the new year are as follows: assistant superintendent. . T. Coleman; secretary - treasurer, Harrison Schlichter; assistant, Garfield Creuman; choriater, Floyd Sherk; assistant. E. T. Cole- man; cradle roll superintendent. Erma Diefenbacher; temperance superintendent, Eldon Sherk; mia- sionary superintendents, Mrs. S. S. Shanta and Mrs. Lyle Binge- man; librarians. Roy Shantz and Ray Diefenbacher; ushers. Elmer Poll and Lawrence Hoover; libra- ry committee, Rev. S. S. Shanta, Eldon Sherk. Mrs. l K. Binge- man and gr T. Coleman; visiting committee, Mrs. Eli Roaeesberger and Mrs. L K. Bingeman; and members elected to the executive garnnnttee: Eli Rosehberger and magma-n. ll “imam" ll Good going: Friday, Dec; 20 to Wetland-y. jun. t, t94t inclusive Return] this Latin, pl"'??)."?.',' Tir‘oncnl u'eH.rmaeau. not am In it“. (ES. . 'rdfhl't Agni. Timothy; Jun. P, 194t. - 6%,}.th qi%TiGiC." Mr _.aryrhhs. Clarence Bender. iii-“91717, ' at if“ tara; 'fdt't"ttli ',ftdt'g1iEaiaAaIi which up“: . ',tiittiitii and Eva. 'Alt,htt: you: blood PM" 251,-," inn-pith; you out rr,ttt,"d mam GET-10 mm mum A no. UN [in for you or 3*th "rpr fre NEW AGE “in†bill}; FARE AND A THIRD Mrs. E. L. Spear of Stevensville and Mrs. M. B. Shape of Sherkston were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn for a few days of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schedler and family of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egerdee on ngnesgax. ener was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder for a few days last week. Charles Gingerich of Blair visit- ed with his brother, Rev. E. Ging- gt? and Mrs. Gingerich on Tues.. ay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weppler moved from their late farm home to the recently purchased Wm. Lederman property in the village, on Wednesday. on "The work thist is%siiiiiUGi, in connection with Calfhood Vac- cination". Mr. James Bremner, secretary of the Canadian Jersey Breeders' Association, who was Wt,',') " the meeting in an inte ting ad- dress, spoke on "The Increasing Demand for Jersey Milk" and also Prof. Graham, past head of the poultry division at the O.A.C. in Guelph, the guest speaker gave a very instructive address on "The Contribution of Science to Agri- culture and some of its Possibili- ties in the Future." Hon. president, Floyd Hender- ich; president. Roy Roth; lst vice- president, Abner Martin; 2nd vice- president, Edward Amos; Direc- tors, Norman Dedels, Stanley Schweitzer, Harold Stager. Sher- wood Taylor, G. Dunbrook and . Honsberger; secretary - treasurer, E. I. McLougbry; publicity agent, Harvey Hallman; Fieldman, Ab- ner Martin. The County Je t',ttt'f/gi Club held its ai'tliYmi'e'tt'll t Trail's alnd Hotel here, on Twee- day. There was a good attendance of breeders present and with these was a fair number of Holstein and Ayrshlire breeders of the district. The e ection of officers for the en- suing year was as follows: Brief replies by these ottieem coucth in words of appreciation and short speeches by the remain- ing council members-mas followed by the singing of God Save the King. Council adjourned sine die. Janey Brood": Bloc: 0M1. Accounts amounting to $828.34 were passed for payment and I vote of thanks was tendered the reeve, clerk, treasurer and road superintendent for the eftieieatt and courteous manner in which they have discharged their respec- tive duties during the year. , Woolwich Council at its ttimtt session of the year, held on Mon. day, received and accepted an amended petition with record to the Sehneider-Doerbeekef pro- posed municipal drain. Council authorized the treasurer to pay the county treasurer the county,taxes for this year and to pairl the sev- eral school sections the school monies levied under the several by-laws, together with the Clergy Reserve interest of which $18.00 was paid each section and $9.00 to each‘ union section, excepting numbers 2 and†and Separa School section No. 13, Waterloo township. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Leder- man who have been residents of the village for close on to 30 years and who have recently disposed of their property. moved to Kitchen- er on Wednesday. Woglech Council In Final Soda. The members of Woolwich township council were guests ot Mr. and Mn Mathew Richter of TYail's End Hotel for an oyster and fowl supper following their ttnal section on Monday. _ Brief after dinner apeeehes tea- tured the event, with the reeve. deputy reeve, Councillor Snyder. the clerk and the treasurer speak- ing briefly. At the close which also marked the parting repeat with the retiring reeve, a vote of thanks was tendered the hotel management for the splendid ne- commodation rendered the coun- cil__during the ett.Cyearu, - A C ft Carl gum 7 of Wltéibo o we has n In on: had.†visitor at the home of his bother Rtsy 5-3.“:9: Hut “REM; Miss Ruby "millage! Kiteh- ener was visitiw at home at her ulster, Mrs. ellon Shelley and Mr=stteiitryArn S_u_nda_y. A __A _ ''2t,tttt', _ "Aretirrq pun-'55: The Public School Claims entertainment will be held in the school house and not in the town- shit? hall n "y1qtioned but wet. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Kitch- ener were Sunday guests of Mn. Erma Mann, Tp_._Coundl A.m Gaug- “_W new an aid Mi kiii. We'iri ia-ai "’EBau-tou- tet M the m- . â€Cook'- .I I... H (“Wt-.4,