Wm llnldman, Mr und Mrs Elmora- lloldmnn and 5:â€:le ~|wnr .Runday with Mr and Mrs t‘hymn Palk M; Jun Joseph of Hanover ls vial!- (HL' will. Mr Wm lloldman ttt WNW Dom-In: of Wellpsny qwnl Sundzn' with his part-nu. Mr, Hui Mra Thnndoro Doerinx. . \I- ma Mrs Louis naming spent Sumlm “nh Mr and Mn 1Mwtn lhwinu hr Mrc Martha Dannldsmn and Paul llmnulvh'un of (‘lv-vn‘land and Mrs. \‘vlmn of Danni! risild this week with Mr- and Mrs, ('harlm Weyrord. M; and Mrs. Harry Schmidt and mum of Humpslnarl visited Sunday Wm}: M, and Mn Christian Scham. IV Mr and Mrc FM, "Pulman and Mr and “we Allan Holdman of Kitchen- .- Gtxit' Sumlm Tiqitorse with Mr H: and Mrs, Otto Smith and Mr. and Mr; Harold Smith of Kitchener visitrul at the home of Rev and Mrs, it H Svhullz on Sunday, tft' and Mrs J E Doprimz visited 4' th, hump of Mrs Andrew Eydt at ~nhsitly from the Provincial treasury. Mr, Wm, G. Watson, representa- xiw of the Provincial Department ot Agriculture with a Mr. Black of Ed- mmmm We‘re on a purchasing trip to [wall nmmlwrs of the County York, sir,, Hrvodors Cluh ' last Friday. who-n thny bought a number of pigs In h.- shipped to Alberta for hreed. To mm and all a Merry Christmas and " Happy and Prosperous New Yum w, um! Mrs Elmorn homing ttttd, anvh cpnm sundae "rrnintt withl Mr Mu! Mr: David Sm!" at Bath-n Woolwich township treasurer to purl tho recent rornipt of a 345114.94 dunno. representing the 1% mill \llhsill)’ from the Provincial treasury. Mr, Wm, G. Watson, representa- PM It! mum time with Waterloo friends. Mi'. and Mrs. Edgar Bowman of St. I'atharittvs spent Sunday at tho hum†of the tormerqs sisters and at- tnndml the funeral of his cousin the late Wm. (‘lemons in St Jacdhs on Monday afternoon. Receive Subsidy. Miss Mildred Miller ot St. Jacobs 'vii spending a short time at the homo at†Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kienzle. _ Miss Dorothy Koch is spending Miss Marie Wegenor received the sad news of the death on Saturday of hnr sister-in-law Mrs. William We :HIH' of Denver. Colo. Mrs. Wegener ho-l‘oro her marriage was Miss Vera Number of Waterloo. Misses Mabel Schmidt and Marie ()nvnhoin of Waterloo were over Sunday guests or their friend. Miss You}! F301). The local Red Cross organization nuu'assPre collected $1119.25 in this section. Mrs. Sidney Armstrong of North Itay and Mr. Geo. Hemmerlch ot To- ronto attended the funeral ot their brotlwr-in-law, Chas. Schelfele. The United Church Sunday School Christmas Entertainment will he held this (Friday) evening. Cancel Morning Service. The Sunday morning service in the Lutheran Church is cancelled as the Sunday School Festival is being hold in the evening. A service will he held on Christmas Day at " o'elock in the morning. The Woolwich Township nomina- tion will be held this Friday after- noon, Qua1itications close at nine o'r-lock on Saturday evening. This is the second set of triplets on record born 'Irs this section. The other set were ‘three sons born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wieland in 1903. Two of these ded within a tew weeks while the third lived to be about 2 years old. ing purposes. Nominations Friday. Triplets, two girls and a boy were born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin. living near this village. on Thursday, Dec. 14th The daughters were still- lmrn. while the son, although prema- turely born is doing nicely. At the time of writing Mrs. Martin was re- ported quite ill. _ The annual school meeting will he held next Wednesday at the usual time. Triplets Born. One Liven. n-llvxlvy The members visited the homes ot the sick and shut~ins bringing cheer into the homes, by singing Christmas carols on Monday evening. St. Matthew’s Luther League held Its annual meeting on Wednesdny evening of last week when the non-l reports were received and the tot- lowing unicers elected tor the ensu- xug year: Roe. S. J. Wittig; Hon. president; Alfred Schenk, president; Dorothy Koch, vice-president; Be.- trice Hemmerich, secretary: Russell Stroll. treasurer; Vivian Leann. pianist; Alfred Schenk and Vera Egan. assistants. The nomination for village trul- lees will be held this (Friday) even- inn The medical all»: of health sub- mitted an Interim report. which showed that the ton-Mp had been practically tree tron the notion kinds ot cow-(Iona disequ- during the past yen The repott. an a re- sume ot the put yotr'l hard of health work. ' A vote ot that. In tendered the nerve, clerk, tremor And road In- penuteudent tor their excellent work during the your. The meeting rame to a close by 31:13th “God at“ the King". The members ot councll and all- vials with their vim use the guest: ot the THIH'I End Hotel management at a complimentary uhicken dinner on Sntnrdny evenlng. The members of the council in dis- Missing their standing tor next ml": muncil expressed â€munchies nu.- tied to remain in their present post- lions, in order to avoid an election. If however an election in “sprung†a general shake-up may be poulble. Woolwich council at ll. Inn not siogt held In: hid-y alumna! a. â€water to pay the coat: tax to tho county "water and Ibo tho school an: to tho In“... ot tho unau- .octlonl. Clerc MY. Interval in divided try paying 818.00 to each action and 89.00 to ouch l'uiun Section mun; Nos. 1 And 17. and 80mm School Mo. m in Waterloo will“). A. Schenk Heads Luther League Prcs'ent Halli Report To Woolwicll Concil PHILIPSBURG Mr Ind Mrs. Nona] Brown. Hour Irv Honey. Bot, Hamilton and cur Reach motored on Sunday to Wood, Mork and vinilnd Mr and Mr: Rnrt Adams. Mr, And Mrs. Warren Grimm! were Sundnw viailnrc to "amiHm Mr. Ind Mrs. E. Weber of Kitch- on" spent Sunday ttt the hnmp of M(._nnd My}. Gilher! Thihndr-nu, Dr. and Mrs. M. Beret and family of Wellosley visited Sundav with Mrs. M. Bent. Miss Mabel Form of Wollmlm‘ Ind Miss Margot Form of Cur‘lph spent the week-end at (Mir I'r‘nwr‘v tive homes here. The "Social AU" iusviG'iiiaus, ville town hill on Friday evolving was well attended. Mrs. h. firLatarims, F. Dee ton__snon§ Friday at Woodstock. A number of local young folks attended the skating carnival hold Saturday nizht at Galt. Mrs. H. Nudd was romuvml to Woodstock Hospital whores shv is sufferime an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Nudd is staying with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Clayton. of that ritv. dur-. ine his wife's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Grimes and little daughter of" Niagara Falls. N.Y., visited the past week with the Grimes families and other relatives in town. Hadley Honey and Robert Hamil- ton of 1i'tt,tup,Ur'tk; are on a visit with the for 's sister, Mrs. Brprn and Norval Brown. The girl came to Canada after visiting a relative in the United States. She was detained when im- migration men noted she had over- stayed her leave in the Dominion. It was said the girl maintained at a court of inquiry this week the silence that accompanied her arrest in October. F'raulein Haidinzer's silence led officials to suspect she was a spy. but no evidence to that end could be unearthed in an ex- tentive inrestistation. Because of the war, however. the getion to be taken immediately re- mained uncertain. The immigration authorities said the girl might be interned for the duration of hos. tilities. but the question arose of where suitable quarters for intern- melt of a women might be found. T0RoNT0.--Canadtan immigrar tion authorities announced that Katherine Haidinzer. 30-year-old German girl whose case puzzled of- fieittls for days, has been ordered degorted to Germany. Toronto Deports German Woman "I think if we ever caught them we would find they were former students who know the buildins: well," the secretary replied. The secretary reported to the board that another break-in had occurred in the past month and that two large window panes and a lock on the office door had been broken. Nothing of any value was taken. he said, “as usual". "Why are they always breaking in here? Do they think we have a lot of money in the building?" asked Chairman Mel. Snider. KITCHENER. -.- Belief that the frequent burglaries at the Kitch- ener-Waterloo Collegiate are perpe- trated by former students "with none too high morals" was expressed by Secretary Harry Brown, Tuesday night at the board meeting. Thinks Burglars Ex-Studénts A total of 63.000 yards of gravel was laid in addition to 570 tons of calcium chloride. more commonly known _ as "dust-layer". According to the engineer them is a total ot 39 miles of snow fence throughout the cottntF. Kc1'H1HIihNER.--More than 8196.000 was spent in Waterloo county try the road and bridge committee in the past year, county engineer D. g.; Emery reported to county council. f He pointed out that only a slight surplus was realized as a result of the government's ruling prohibiting tho carrying of a surplus by the com- mittee. Spend $195,000 h County Roads Charge Husband With Murder of Guelph Girl by further Uter it had 1reen in- covered by his dog. The Jury under Coroner P. A. Leduc brought in its verdict after the dead woman's parents had testi- fied Ind identified the skeleton. They “id they had seen their daughter last in April, when she had left Guelph to visit Quebec. Mrs. Albina Hardy, Granby boarding house keeper, testitied that Hebert Ind his wife had resided at her home for a short time and 'they had terrible fitthts." London Gets .0002 Cahdlepowcr GRANBY, que.--A murder charge VII laid Thtamdny against Clarence Reborn 27, 9f St, Aims, Vt., after I coroner's jury held him criminally responsible for the death of his wife whose skeleton was found in n maple grove near here on December The skeleton of Phyllis Hebert, 26-year-old daughter of Mr, und Mrs Henry Upton, tuh',',?',) Ont., ya- found untier 'rt' - _by I Gran- an. starlight. The system will be “an ed as Int " suit- nble Med lights ue available. The glimmer In the equin- lent of 3 audio " a distance of " feet. or if you tut. it teehniealir, .0002 mdlepower. an Stun" _ Md Jul thi%iuft, Pill Mall and Bond Streot- had I My "trrnyser Jike clone urNDoN--9t-t tel,', can. hack to [Aldon odnudu night but they took a bit of PLATTSVILLE like i R. Fergussnn and D. Grivvv were (Sunday visitors at Woodstock. I J. McLean and Gordon fan of (the Bank of Commerce staff were ISunday visitors at Mitchnll, Mr. and Mrs, Roy fiflldx and son Ronnie upon! Sunday n! kitrh ("19" A rink of rurlors compowd of Dr. MrKnnzir. .13; Fonzuurm. Wil. frml Ithmnn and J. R Englhh. akin competed in thr, loann Ron Mrs. R, Farrow nrir/mri/,'v'. J MHntyro and A. Rush worn SIM†day visiMrs at Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. A. sud/iii, children wont Sumlax with M, Mr} Jlalrth "uhneherk T. Rnié of Guelph spent the “m vnrrwith relative: in Plathvillv, Wm. Graph and Reuben Lehman of the Canada Sandpaper staff spent the week-end at their roan-Him» homes in Preston and Wntorlno. Mrfand Mrs. Fm/i/rip,)',",,,, and son Raymond visited with friomh on Sumlny " Stralfnrd. F'. Parkhouse were iaidrja./JsyorirrE, visitors at Stratford and took in the s.tPtrordmetro.itptekrv gamo. Miss Helen McDonald of Saltroat. Sask, a niece of Adam Patterson. was a Sunday visitor at the home of thv latter and Mrs. Pattrrson, Enthodenizer, Mr. Gfiirsriiiifih' Thibadeau and Miss Pearl Weber, and Harrv Stanlake. Geo. Thompson, J. Thompson. Fi. £102an Edwards. C. Gofton and Amongst those who Shunt Satur. dayjlt Kitchener were Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. J. Hockton and son Huzhie were Sunday visitors with relatives at Seaforth. Gerald and Jack Harmer wore business visitors at Kitchener. 51 Benton St 338 KING STREET WEST Pres., Edward W. Lippert All Foot Ailments treated. Electro Therapy for foot conditions. - 48li, King St. E. 'e KITCHENER, ONT. W, _ “WV: I a, cs 4.3» 1!1Niarii,ttiit"/' ',llllf) 't?i,t-i'iCvS'r BAKERS, PASTRY. RYE and WHOLE THEAT FLOUR ST.'JACOBS, Elmira 264r12 CONESTOGO, Elmira 365rt2 45 Erb W. WATERLOO Phone 239 Phone 906 60 Frederick St 263W8t2. BUTTER - Apple Blossom and F.C.C. Brand- Powdered Butter Milk and Powdered Skim Milk. M Every Day. _ For you Ind your many; better health and enjoyment at for NEW DUNDEE CREéMERY PRODUCTS Phone Factory 32 New Dundee Oitiee Phone 4.0 Poultry, Hog and Dairy Feeds RATZ & BECHTEL Funeral Service NEW DUNDEE CO-OPERA'" CREAMERY LTD, tit IHREITER SANDROCK LTD. axiom up cut-Ln Ion-on cm um cont-cut. mud AND noon Mu . - -tmqItt of GOOD van on: u do... a... --ei- _ -- Phone 1666 ECKEHT'S FRUIT STORE CHOICE FRESH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Our own home-grown Vegetables. IAPPERT'S FUNERAL HOME ‘KLEINSCHMIUPS Limited ln over twenty-six years of our business experience. no family, regardless of financial condition. has ever been denied our service. Euler Business College Winter Term from January 2 l0 KITCHINER “Que Baden 4 Kitchener 76 Bridgeport 651 CIGARS, CIGARETTES and CONFECTIONERY - WATERLOO - 7 FLOUR, FEED AND SEED SHIRK & SNIDER LTD. CHIROPODIST Tune in_lu mlr Sunday Hnur --- CKl'R 100 P.“ M. J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. "EGGS COST LESS the SUR-GAIN WAY" FUNERAL PARLORS BUSINESS Dignified Service For All Since 1905 FLOUR FOOT SPECIALIST Centrally located and yet secluded SNIDEH FLOUR MILLING FRUIT MARKET AUTOMOBILES Tttgt warnnoo M" on'soorruso (See ad. on Page 3) CREAMERY TELEPHONE 2230 KITCHENER and COMPANY -- Phones ~ m at Woodstock, that, In. [Alla Strebol. uh John Alhrcrht nnd Mr, Ind A number M mule Man tho Mrs Chric Alhrorht and family ofi'"tt)trmfttt show"- In St Agatha tit ar “'vllmlvy. Mr. and In. Manna on Sun“: evening In the homo a"? tlhrrwht and familv of Elmira. and‘irc “0-00 Reyth FEED Mr and Mrs, Alex, Hammond. Mr and Mrs 13de Hummond and Dnuzlac. and Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Hammond and Murray spent Wed- nvsrrltty PVI‘Dth’Z last week with Mr. and Mn "nrrwr Hammond um! (um- The Christmas concert of B.S. No. 7, held on Saturday evening, was enjoyed by a large crowd which [cackml the school-house. Several choruses and a cantata entitled “Santa Claus Incorporated" "a trrrcrmted hy the school children. Thvy were assisted in the profem, by several young people of the community, who put on a short‘ comedy play. and Mr. Rid Spencer of Milvcrton favored with several humorous ROHK‘. The.nnnunl visit of Santa CUus delighted the chil- mm. and the National Anthem brunch? an enjoyable evening to I KINGwooo “any Enjoy S. ti. 7 Concert A rink composed of Dr. Me. Kenz’ie. A. Glendenning, Alex Pratt ond L. Milne, skip, took part in the Thauhurn Memorial Bonapiel and won the first three games before brim: ousted. spiel on Wednesday nnd succeeded in winning third prize, which con- sisted of Turkeys. FOOT SPECIALIST Mgr., H. Frederick Gruhn SEED KITCHENER. ONT. Arch Supports. ' - Phone 2428 " QM 8t. B. Phone 4480 7 King Nor_ttt Kitchener Feeds of all Kinds A number of people attended the funeral of the Isle Mr, John Grody 't Kitchgnor on Sunday aftootoorr Mrtt. Henry Nee, of “mistook is spending a few days with hor mo that, In. Loni-n scrubs]. l Mrs. Wm. Knlpfol and Mrs Petpr f.ety"eer attended the funornl ot the†comln. the lam Mrs, Lincoln Shelley at Rheum" on Saturday Quorum. y A candlongm sun-via: will ho mm In [ha Lutheran Church new on Chrinmu morning u T.80 o'clock Mr and Mrs, Simon wmer of New Dundee were Sunday (that: of Mn. "the! Bechthold. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schwartz“- trdber and family were Sunday vim torn with Mrs. Louisa Smbei. Mr. and Mrs. Jncob Gucho and daughter Edna, of Poole, were visit- ors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Albrecht and family. Phone 4476g -t"'i.C-==='_..___'l.___l..__- "While I am in favor of the work, SUPEBFLUOUS HAIR REMOVING ll would like tttt explanation of tho Isuggoslion for local improvements," T - -. 7 stated Aid. Honsherger, "I‘m going YOUR PROBLEM OF UNSIGHTLY HAIR i, question any suggestion for local MOLES AND WARTS 'ii.ey.Ty.y"'""' in that arna trom eoMdentl discus-ed free of charge. Our most modern and "ieient,mow on. T _ _ equipment: the electric needle. skilllully operated (with controlled curl, Ald Hrmry Hturm pointed out it rent whieh an be regal-ted for the most delicate work) will remove will ts' PT'""""" _to lay the water mains hie-nth â€when“: and ably without lowing a trace of 1 our. NI"; to “ll";"lmn of 'lt hottses Ir, Eh? . . ;wnr wmu ms: mum mow), $y , at 0.30 Rom: 9 to " Bart., 1.80 to 9 pan. Evenings by appointment. ‘rhanco have they to so†the Mums , LHUMMEL, Reg. Nurse it thero ls no water there. The Phone "' board of hralth could force us to lee- No. T, a». leak of Conn-tee, 1 King a. Kitchener " if": J,if"" thors, if Hm- desired," " s a o . MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . Phone 4 14-M Refrigerators Phone 2899 Phone 804 Phone 1790 " King E. Where the Public'l desires no well aatiatied. We enter to Banquet: Ind nerve Light Lunches at All hours. Come for tt Chicken Dinner any Saturday after 9.30 p.m.- only Me n Phone 781 PETERSBU R6 WATCH REPAIRING Corsets, Corgiettes, Elastic Girdles and Surgical Garments CARL REINHART FURNITURE Special prices for Business Luncheon from 12 to 2 pm Catering to Dinner, Bridge and Wedding Plrties. GRAND RIVER TEA ROOMS NEW AND USED FURNITURE on or WATERLOO COUNTY'S MOST UP-TO-DATE RURAL Horus ST. AGATHA FINEST OF HIGH-CLASS USED FURNITURE Hosiery, Lingerie. Handkerchiefs and Costume Jewelery. BRODEY DRAIMIN FUR CO. Clean, reconditioned and reasonably priced. KLINCK'S SHOE STORE Furnishings and Hats for Men and Boys WATERLOO 34 “Prices "a born here and raised elsewhere" MANUFACI'URERS OF FINE FURS Person-l attention by trained Corsetiers. "THE EMBASSY" Foundation Garments ESSENTIAL TO GOOD DRESSING LADIES' CLOTHING "The Ethelle Shop' Dinners from 55 to 85 cents L. R. DETENBECK MEN'S CLOTHING WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS k Air Conditioned TEA ROOMS ED. HELLER A. G. EULER Washing Machines JEWELERS KITCHENER RADIOS WATERLOO SHOES Kitchener KITCHENER CLOTHING BUY AT From H0111: and reeitatio% will LrkivVk' ‘A ordill invitation in extended to munch. to attend Bethel United Churrh will hold its Inna-l Christmas, entertainment on Thursday evening, Dee. 28th. A pron-um consisting ot_tiinlmtuett. Mr. Ted Snider of Eldon is at present amplnyvd hy Maura. LOH!" Ind Roy Roth. Coleen Doe. " Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shantz. no companiod by Mr. and Mrs. Mnnas~ all Shunt: of near Blden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cressman and Mr. and Mrs. Zen-s ('rossmln. Mr, and Mrs. C. Job-men and family and Miss Edith Benn of near New Dundee were recent visitors wig!) Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Benn. Mr. Ind Mrs. Edwin Bronnemnn and family of Cnssel visited with Mrannd Mr._ArnosLGoyt on Sundity, Mr. and Mrs Addis Cressmnn were Sunday visitors with friends in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Mnrtin and sons of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hum- berg". SOUTH-WEST WILMOT JGtehener-Preston Highway ENGRAVING Electric Ranges 74 King St. Waterloo 34 Benton St. 15 Queen SLHS: 21 Erb St. W. 34 King St. S. 106 King W. Phone 4042R Eu" jAlderman To Question s. Iaal Improvements I A juwnllq .akn of Kilrhr-um who plmdod guilh- to all "tarqos admit. ted by "In othor horn, was commit trd to Ht John) lnanrSnl srhnol. Toronto rm an indofhtite period, In pepsin]: 'etttorts '. “minim!“ " 1rm'wd that any trurttt ho might im pmu- "shall run Th'i,y,l"'d with that impouvd by any hr maR3tratrs" “a polmvd on! tho pair had hum "Munroe! for man at North Rm wouldâ€, I KrTX'tHK.NFNt Luv-no l'ltlv) and 3mm: Div-trirh, lth of Knmom-r, wnrp nvntnm‘nd to two your; [has "no day m th Ontario retorrnatory hy ’Maxlntralv J R "Inky "laku hrvrr, Wadnnday. whm they pic-mind Ruil, fs to shop-broaking and thon I Also plnadmw guilty to a t‘harap of stealing a car. tho two arr'usnd wr‘m sentnnrml to onn ymr. to run com Curr?!" with tho first snttt'srtCrs When they plnadml nut mtilty to armrd rob, hPry of a sortie» statinn at Imrnmh. in Grey County. I'ttlny and hiutrirh areked they In» talwn hack to that county for trial, a Two Years For Robbery Mayor-eloct Moinzingor said he he â€and Kitchonnr "is fortunate to en- joy such a building project" "The construction company is act- ing in good faith for they have pub rhasPd tho lots and paid for them and purchase permits for building and paid for them Inn." xtalml Mayor George W. Gordon. "Thpy are mah. ins." _ KdTCHENh2R.--Aid. Gordon Hons~ merger served notice on city council Monday night he will "question thoroughly“ any suggestions tor local improvements in the former Rumpel subdivision. A Brantford firm com- jmenced construction a week ago at $100 homes in that area, tor sale at Thelween $2.30» and 83000 apiece. In the hoard of Work report, Aid. Joseph 1Meinzinger said the commit- tee will interview the Ontario Muni- cipal Board regarding laying ot a water main to the area and at the same time explain proposals for con- struction now in progress, ', t2A King tit. s, JAYWC. 11516111; BARRISTER. CLEMENT; HAT3lrla EIASTMAN, WILLIAM CLARK Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public and Conveyancer Office " 10 Arthur St. Telephone 88 ELMIRA BROCK, WEIR & IROTT, G. R. Brock, H. B. Weir and R. B. Tron, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchener, Tele. phone 4080. E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR . ' " William 8t. - Waterloo __ - Phone "" BRAY. BRAY & LOCHEAD, Bar- riuen, Solicitors, ete.; G. Murray Bray, B.A.. George H. Lochead; B.A.; Royll Bank Chambers. 77 King St. West, Kitchener, Phone 4474. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 3mm A qu'rn. BARRISTERS mg}, W._MA9EY, Dentist. no DR. A. L. CAMPBELL . Medienl Arts Bldg. Diseases of Women and Surgery Phone 1868 - Kitchener Barrister. Solicitbr; Converuteer, , PROFESSIONAL CARDS l GORDON McK. HONSBERGER. LLB. R. S. C. STALKER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. 60 King Street East Kitchener. Ontario Tt-leohono 1574 Zeller Building 49 King syn - Pho Solicitor, Notary Putuie, CEIlJey- sneer, etc. Office Bank of Mon- treal Bldg., Waterloo. Luv ottiees, Bank - 51:73:0765170' Building, l9 King Street East, Kitchener. Phone 2310. Vibe? ctiujGir,' gGiCiii. W; Kitchener. Phone tttur. . T. I. R. BROOK CHAI‘I‘IRED ACCOUNTANT (Truth. in Bankruptcy) J H. Smyth, B.A. 23 Queen St. s., Kitchener Phone 528 Phone 104 Olin at 97 Frederick St. Kitchener " " King Strut East Mo L010 - Kitchener A. W. Boom IA. Barrister. Solicitor. ete DR. T. C. PETERSON Dentist CHIROPRACTIC Solicitors, Noumea MEDICINAL - Phone 418.] guidance 27†DENTAL Kitchener LEGAL Pane 1367 Walter!“