Sun Hum Wm "Hdtttart, Mr and Mrs l-Ilmnrv Holdmnn and wumlx qwnr Sunday with Mr and Mrs I'anmn Palk M; Joo Joseph of Hanovvr is visit- Int' uMh Mr Wm [Inldmnn tit “maim- Darwin: ot Wellpsloy sprttt Sunday with his pawn". Mr nu! ma Thmdora Doerintt. M, Ind Mrg Loni. Domlnn spent <um|.n mm Mr and Mrs “Will h Mr and Mrs. Otto Smith and Mr. and “tr. Harold Smith of Kltchenor visltrul at the home or RM and Mrs, " u sum-m, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs J E homing visited ,.- Oh hortw of Mrs Andrew Eydt at Wrllvrlry Mrs Martha Donaldson and Paul Itouulu,svn of (‘Im’oland and Mrs. \'wl<.m of Ihstroit visild this Week with M, and Mrs Cttarlos Woyford, Mr and Mrs Harry Schmidt and limit) of Humpstonrl visitod Sunday wwh u, and “re Christian Schum- Woulwich township trsasurar to port in» ttrent receipt of a $4Mâ€)! rhvuuv. I‘nprvsonting tho 1% mill ~uhsnlv from the Provincial treasury. Mr. Wm, G. Watson, mpresenta- mu of the Provincial Department ot Mun ulturn with a Mr. Black of Ed- tttottiort wvrv on a purchasing trip to lmul inmu‘hvrs of the County York- HhiH‘ Hrvvdnrs Cluh last Friday, whrm tltpy bought a number of pigs In hm shippod to Alberta tor breed- To nnv- and all a Merry Christmas and " Happy stud Prosperous New Yum PL†a: M .md Mrs: Elmnrv Dom-1n: ttttd, Hum upon! Snndm m’nninx wltttl Mt .mul Mrr Ihtvid S‘W'OY at Radon of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kienzle, Miss Dorothy Koch is spending mm»- time with Waterloo friends, “r. and Mrs. Edgar Bowman of st. Catharines spent Sunday at the hum" of tho formers sisters and at- !vndnd the funeral of his cousin the lulv Wt" Clemens in St Jan-(me on Monday :Iflornot Receive Subsidy Miss Marie Wegener received thé sud news of the death on Saturday ot nor sister-in-law Mrs. William We :mwr or Denver. Colo, Mrs. Wegener waore» her marriage was Miss Vera Hun-[her of Waterloo. Misses Mabel Schmidt and Marie Unwhoin of Waterloo were over Sunday guests of their friend, Miss Vrua Bach. Miss Mildred Miller of St. Jacobs n spomling " short time at the home Mrs. Sidney Armstrong of North Hay and Mr. Geo. Hemmerich ot To- ronto attended the funeral ot their "rothrrr-in-iaw, Chas. Scheifele. The local Red croG organization t'i"tvat3sem collected "19.26 in this section. The Sunday morning service in the Lutheran Church is cancelled as Iho Sunday School Festival is being link] in the evening. A service will Ito held on Christmas Day at " o'clock in the morning. The Woolwich Township nomina- tion will be held this Friday after- noon. 2ua1itieations close at nine o'rlork on Saturday evening. The United Church Sunday School 1'ltristmas Entertainment will he held this (Friday) evening, Cancel Morning Service. This isi the second set or triplets ml record born in this section. The other set were three sons horn to Mr. and Mrs. John W'ieland in 1903. Two or these ded within a few weeks while the third lived to be about 2 years old. ing purposes. Nomination: Friday. Triplets. two girls and a boy were born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin, living near this village, on Thursday, Dre, Itth The daughters were still- born. while the son, although prelim. iurely born is doing nicely. At the time of writing Mrs. Martin was re ported quite ill. Mr and Mru, Ed Holdman and Mr " Mrc Allan livldman of Kitchen, 1ktr'yv Smulm visitors with Mr The annual school meeting will he held next Wednesday at the usual time. Triplets Born. One Lives. The members visited the homes ot the sick and shut-ins bringing cheer into the homes, by singing Christmas carols on Monday evening. St. Matthew‘s Luther League held its annual meeting on Wednesday evening of last week when the usual reports were received and the fol- lowing officers elected tor the ensu- mg year: Rev. S. J. Wittig; Hon. president; Alfred Schenk, president; Dorothy Koch. tice-president; Bea- trite Hemmerich, secretary: Russell Stroll, treasurer; Vivian Dawn, pianist; Alfred Schenk and Vera b%clt. assistants. The nominhtidn tor image trus- tees will be held this (Friday) even- insg. The median! ulcer of health air mined u: marlin report. Vile! allowed that the township had been practically not from the seriou- kluds or coat-slou- dim dorm the gas: you The report an. I to- sum of the pm youâ€. bend ot health work. A vote ot that. In tendered who. reeee. clerk, treasurer and road In- perinteudent tor their aeolian work during tho you. The meeting name in a clan by singing “God But the King". The member: ot the council tn an ('ussing their standing tor next M’s council expressed themselves all. tied to remain in their present posi- tions, in order to avoid an election. If however an election is “sprung" a general shakeup may be possible. The member: ot council and 0(1- vials with their vim were the guests of the Train End Hotel management at a cornptimmttary chicken diauteron Saturday evening‘ Wooliich com“ " It: In no “all held In: W “(MM no â€water to u! tho can!) tn to the county {ream-er and Ibo "to school lua- to the mum of tho various nocuoul. Clara noun. Interest in divided by paying “(.00 to each section In! ‘9.†to m Union Section man; Nos. , and IT, and Samoa School No. In In Waterloo tummy. A. Schenk Heads Luther League Present Health Report To Woolwicl Council ittur PHILIPSBURG afternoon Mr and Mrs. Norwnl Brown. Hod Mr, and Mrs. Roy Fields tttad Icy Honey, Bob Hamilton and Che mu Ronnie swont Sunday ttt kitrF Bench motored on Sunday to Wand rm‘r stock and visitod Mr. and Mr, “on A rink of rurlers enmnncod of Adams. tltr Mrk’onzir. Jae Formwenn. Wil, Mr. and Mrs, Whrrvn Hrinmmlfrml anhmnn and J R. EnglidL were Sundm Hanan to "amiHIm chip, t'omprtpd in ths London Ron. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weber of kitrh, vner spent Sunday at tho homo of Mg_and My}. Gilhert Thihndnnu. Min Mabel Form of Wt-Hmlm' Ind Miss Margot Fonn of Curly}: spent the weekend at thvir rvcpvn tive homes here. Dr. Ind Mn. M, Bord and familv of Welleslpy visited Snndav with Mrs. M. Berst. ville town GiG; Fndmowmng was well attended. Mrs. A. tt%rlGrtr'Miss F. Doc tnn__snont Friday at Woodstock, A number 6f ind] your": folks attended the skating carnival hold Saggrday night at Gait Mrs. ll. Nudd was rvmnvwl to Woodstock Hospital whcrt, she is sufferimt an attack of pneumonia, Mr. Nudd is staying with his dauzh, ter, Mrs. Clayton. of that citv, dur- ing his wife's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Grimes and little daughter of" Niagara Falls. N.Y.. visited the past week with the Grimes families and nthor relatives in town. Hedley Honey and Rohert Hamil ton of Riverhurst, Sask. are on 5 visit with the farmer's sister, Mrs Brpwn and Nnrval Brown. The girl came to Canada after visiting a relative in the United States. She was detained when im- migration men noted she had oven stayed her leave in the Dominion. It was said the girl maintained at a court of inquiry this week the silence that accompanied her arrest in October. Fraulein Haidinzer's silence led officials to suspect she was a spy. but no evidence to that end could be unearthed in an ex ‘terEive investigation. Because of the war, however, the action to be taken immediately re- mained uncertain. The immigration authorities said the girl might be interned for the duration of hos- tilities, but the question arose of where suitable quarters for intern- melt of a women might be found. ToR0NTo.--Canadian immigrw tion authorities announced that Katherine Haidinzer. 30-year-old German girl whose case puzzled of- fieials for days, has been ordered depprted to Germany. Toronto Deports German Woman "I think if we ever caught them we would find they were former students who know the buildinv: well." the secretary replied. "Why are they always breaking in here? Do they think"we have a lot of money in the building?" asked Chairman Mel. Snider. The secretary reported to the board that another break-in had occurred in the past month and that two large .window panes and a lock on the office door had been broken. Nothing of any value was taken. he said, "as usual". 'KITCHENER. - Belief that the frequent burglaries at the Kitch- ener-Waterloo Collegiate are perpe- trated by former students "with none too high morals" was expressed by Secretary Harry Brown, Tuesday night at the board meeting. Thinks Burglars Ex-Studénls I A total ot 63,000 yards ot gravel was laid in addition to 570 tons of calcium chloride, more commonly known as "dust-layer". According to the engineer there is a total of " miles of snow fence throughout tho countv. KdTomihNmt.--More than $196,000 was spent in Waterloo county try the road and bridge committee in the past Fear, county engineer D. J.i Emery reported to county council. i iii," iGeraiitci%huG -isrGihTiliG fST tho carrying ot a surplus by the com- ' mittee. I _Th'e "soejAitG"h'oiG'iiiaits Spend $195,000 h County Roads He pointed out that only a slight: surplus was realized as a result of! Charge Husband With Murder of Guelph Girl a coroner's jury held him criminally mpomible for the death of his wife whose skeletons was found in u maple grove nenr here on December The skeleton of Phyllis Hebert, M-rear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Upton, of Guelph, Ont., was found under I bush by 1 Gran, by farmer titer it had been un- covered by his dog. The jury under Coroner P. A. Leduc brought in its verdict after the dead woman's parents had testi- fied and identified the skeletqn. They said they had seen their dtuzhter last. in April, when she had left Guelph to visit Quebec. Mrs. Albina Hardy, Granby boarding house keeper, teatiiied that Hebert end his wife had resided at her home for a short time and 'they had terrible fights." London Gets .0602 (hudlepower III hid “way spinal ClarenZe Hobart. w, pf St, Align; Ire, after (EMILY, qe.--A "ytrder_eharare My (Humor like clone rum sunlight. The "new will in exten ed " tut u suit- able Mod litrhta m "alums. The glimmer was the equiv.- lont of I candle It a distance of " feet, or if you want it technically, .0002 eandiaaronrer. “on: throw-m like the tttmad and Weill". Pull In†and Bond Street had I unmou- PLATTSVILLE but they took f bit}? Mrs, R, Farrow andmphtu J Molntyrc and A. Rush worn SMur day visitors at Woodrtork. Mrs Ralph Huhnrhv'ck V ._. T. Ellis, of Guelph spent thr, “nu-k vnd with relative in Plttitsvillc. Wm. Grtteb and Reuben Lehman of the Canada Sandpaper staff sprnt the week-end at their rmnortiw- homer in Preston and Watnrlno. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nnanfsky'anrl Ihitdrtsn spent Sunday with My and Mr.Und Mrs: FParkhruw and son Rnymnnd visited with frinmk on Sunday at Stratford. J. McLean and Gordon Pirr of the Bank of Commerce staff were Sunday visitors at MitchM1, Geo. Thompson, J. Thompson. E. “can. G. Edwards. C. Canon and P. Parkhouse were Saturday evening visitors at Stratford and took in the., s!,rt"fordmetrojt_heV.v game. R. Fergussnh Lrihrepi,"v,, were Sunday visitors at Woodstock, Amongst those who spent Satur- day at Kitchener were Mr. and Mrs. E. Rhodenizer, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thibadeau and Miss Pearl Weber. and Harrv Stanlake. Miss Helen McDonald of Sam-oat. Sask., a niece of Adam Patterson. was a Sunday visitor at the home of the latter and Mrs. Pattrrson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hocktnn and son Hughie were Sunday visitors with relatives at Seaforth. Gerald and Jack Harmer 'wt're business visitors at Kitchener. 51 Benton St 338 KING STREET WEST Pres., Edward W. Lippert All Foot Ailments treated. _ Electra Therapy for foot conditions. .. 48!; King St. E. - KITCHENER, ONT. Phone 906 60 Frederick St NEW DUNDEE RREAMERY PRODUCTS Phone Factory 32 New Dundee 268 King St. M. Phone "' Poultry, Hog and Dairy Feeds RATZ & BECHTEL Funeral Service 1:355‘6’ R?erEifctt" BAKERS, PASTRY, RYE and WHOIEWHEAT FLOUR ‘. JACOBS, Elmira 264112 CONESTOGO, Elmira 365112 45 Erb W. WATERLOO Phone 239 NEW DUNDEE COOPERATIVE CREAMERY LTD. BUTTER h Apple Blossom and F.C.C.'Bl’llldl Powdered Butter Milk nnd Powdered Skin Milk. “all Every I?y. For you and your family's better health and enjoyment out or M IHREITER SANDROCK LTD. rum an autumn Moron cm "no column and AND "non Haggai-tutu! GOOD USED CAllbdooutnu. ECKERT'S FRUIT STORE CHOICE FRESH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Our own home-grown Vegetables. CIGARS. CIGARETTES and CONFECTIONERY IRPPERT'S FUNERAL HOME In over twenty-six years of our business experience. no family, regardless of financial condition, has ever been denied our service. Euler Business College Winter Term from January 2 Baden 4 FLOUR, FEED AND SEED SHIRK & SNIDER LTD. Tune in to our Sunday Hour ,,_ CKCH IM P." CHIROPODIST M. J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. "EGGS COST LESS the SUR-GAIN WAY" FUNERAL PARLORS BUSINESS Dignified Service'For All Since 1905 FLOUR FOOT SPECIALIST Centrally located and yet secluded SNIDER FLOUR MILLING FRUIT MARKET AUTOMOBILES (See ad. on Page 3) CREAMERY Kitchener 76 TELEPHONE 2230 WATERLOO KITCHENER COMPANY fl Phones -- and Mrs Hamér Hammond “Mini! I', at Woodstock. ttrc John Albumin. and Mr. ma A ndmher of Mrs Chrie, whlhrorht and family of wattloraRoth M" vrnr “'t'lllwlry. Mr. Ind Hrs. Henna Mt sum-y 0" 1[hrvr ht an! family of Elmira, .ndWN “a†Roth FEED Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Hammond. Mr and Mrr Boyd Hunmond 3nd Dnnzlnc. and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hammond and Murray spent Wed- nvuiny vvvnirut Inst week with Mr. Ths, Christmas concert of ss. No. 7. hold on Saturday evening, was onjoyml by a large crowd which packet! thv school-house. Seven] choruses and a cantata entitled "Santa Claus Irteorpornted" w†mvwntnd by the school ehildren., They “-nn- assisted in the promm‘ by Rovm'nl young people of the community. who put on I short comndy play, and Mr. Bid Spencer of Milvorton favored with several humorous sore. The “mull Vial! of Santa Cutts delighted the chil- alw‘n. and the National Anthem brunch! an enjoyable evening to n panacea Many Enjoy S. S. 7 Concert A rink composed of Dr. Me. Kenzie, A. Glendennintr, Alex Pratt and L. Milne, skip, took part in the Thauhurn Memorial Bonspiel and won the first three games before bring ousted. spiel on Wednesday and succeeded in winning third prize, which con- sisted of Turkeys. FOOT SPECIALIST Bridgeport 651 Mgr., H. Frederick Gmhn SEED KITCHENER. ONT. Arch Supports. . - Phone 2420 " Queen at. B. Phone 4480 7 King tlo-ttlt Kitchener of nil Kinds Feeds OHIONLGLI A ndmher of mp1» altondod tho Winn-Moth shower in an Axum; on 8.1mm evening at the home or I A number of people attend"! the ‘funml of the Mo Mr, John Grody pt Kitchgner on Sunday "tornoom l Mrs. Henry Nee!) oi Tavith-k Lu wading n few days with her m", ther, In. Loni“ Strebol. I _ Mrs. Wm. Kniptel and Mrs Peter sander attended the mural of their counln. the In. Mrm Lincoln Shelby " Kltchonor on Saturday man-noon. Mr and Mrs, Simon Wdhor of New Dttndee were Sunday mean of Mn. 11an Bochthold. Mr. And Mrs. Cllrence Bchwttrtxetr "tater and family were Sunday vim (on with Mrs. Louisa Rtrettet. A candlelight ttprTRNx will he held in the Lutheran Church here on Christmu morning at 7.30 o‘clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jncob Gucho Ind daughter Edna, of Poole, were visit on on Sand-y with Mr. Ind Mrs. George Albrecht and thmily. Phone 44761 rim-viii]; an In “puma ni the moi: damn wdrk) will remove this Month pennant], and safety without leaving I hue of a Bear. 0.“ Hours: 9 to " an" 1.30 to 9 pan. Evenings by nppointment. . eonBdentlr discussed free of 'ttgt Our molt modern and an: oquiprggnf. tieuetrie, nogdle, s_kil ully {negated (yigh entrolled MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . Phone 4 14-M Refrigerators Phone 2899 Phone 804 Phone 1790 " King E. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVING _ Where the Public': desires no well taunted. We eater to Banquets Ind serve Light Lunches gt nil hours. Come for 8 Chicken Dinner any Saturday after 9.30 p.m. only Me _ L HUMMEL. Reg. Nurse Phone 840 In- No. T, a». Bank of Guam, 1 Ki: Phone 781 PETERSBURG WATCH REPAIRING Corsets, Coraelettea, Elutic Girdles Ind Surgic-l Garments CARL REINHART FURNITURE ', - GRAND RIVER TEA ROOMS Special prices for Business Luncheon from 12 to 2 pm Catering to Dinner, Bridge nnd Wedding Pnrties. NEW AND USED FURNITURE on or WATEBLOO COUNTY'S los'r UP-TO-DATE RURAL HOTELS ST. AGATHA FINEST OF HIGH-CLASS USED FURNITURE Hosiery, Lingerie, Handkerchiefs and Costume Jewelery. BRODEY DRAWN FUR CO. YOUR PROBLEM OF UNSIGHTLY HAIR MOLES AND WARTS Clean. reconditioned and reasonably priced. KLINCK'S SHOE STORE Furnishings and Hats for Men and Boys WATERLOO 34 "Prices are born here and raised elsewhere" MANUFACTURER-S OF FINE FURS Personal attention by trained Corsetiers. "THE EMBASSY" LADIES' CLOTHING Foundation Garments "The Ethelle Shop' Dinners from 55 to 85 cents ESSENTIAL TO GOOD DRESSING L. R. DETENBECK MEN'S CLOTHING WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS TEA ROOMS Air Conditioned ED. HELLER A. G. EULER "IP, Washing Machines JEWELERS KITCHENER RADIOS WATERLOO SHOES Kitchener KITCHENER CLOTHING BUY AT From _ Bethel United Churrh will hold its innnull Christmas entertainment on iThundny evening. Dee. 28th. A pron-rum consisting of dtilottuer, ‘nonn Ind recitation: will be given " cordial invitation in "tendon! to ‘ovoryono to ntiond Mr, Ted Snider of Baden is at present employed by Menus Lorne and Roy Roth. Cancer! Doe. " Mr. and Mrs. Jerry SDI-nu. ac- rommniod by Mr. and Mrs. Munâ€- nh Shantz of near Eldon were Sunday visitors with Mr. Ind Mrs, Ivan (Treumnn and Mr. and Mrs. Zena: Pressman. Mr. and Mrs. C Johann" nnd family and Miss Edith Bean of nelr New Dundee were recent visitors wig] Mr. ttnf, Mrs. A, E. Benn. .---n:u--ui' mT l| lildnr l'IdIV‘ ll"). Mr. and Mrs. Edwin .Br.trn.nemtn Wmlnmday, who" they pltsurlrsrl mil and family of Camel visited with ty to shophrt‘akinz and nit-ft Mrcynd Mys._5mos_Gogd_ on Sunday; Also nll‘arlim: “my in " am†of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Martin and? VI """'""' W sons of St. Jacobs spent Suntluh _ ------ with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Huns- KIW‘IHENHR Lou-m I'IHI') and barker. Altrpd Divh‘irh, both of Kitchrmor, Mr. and Mrs Addis Fromm-n won: nonlnnm-d to two yv-ars loss on!- were Sunday vistitor's with friends day in m Ontario rPTormnmrv in inIYI'ltel'l?oh “I . n ’Maxhltralt- J R make HIM“: hvrv SOUTH-WEST WILMOT Kitchener-Preston Highway e, 1 King E., Kitchener ENGRA VING Electric Ranges M Benton St. " Queen suns: 21 Erb St. W. 34 King St. S. 106 King W. King St. S, Waterloo Phone 40423 [-140 gllicient I A juvrmh aim plmdod ("nu In (N! M tho othor ltd In 3' In!!!“ Toronto br nn iw Also plnarllnu guilty to a thargn of sit-Ming a car. tho two arr-"9nd wvrn ‘wntrnt‘od m on" your. to run con- currPnt with thrs first soninnrn Whnn fvhr-y p1eadod not Irttilty to armml m'h- bery of a svrvicv srtation at "arttorh, m Grey County. liloy and hulrinh anhm‘l tho) In. Ialwn hm k In that mum; for trial, In passing Hontortt" “magnum di, recto-d that any term ho might im â€on "shall run mm‘urwnl with that Impmwd by any nthrr matintrato" "e pointod mu tho pair hurl hon" "Manned for rotthrsrv at North Hay warmth“ Get Two Years hr Robbery Mayoriloct Meinr.inger said he be- Iinwod Kin-honnr "is fortunate to en- Joy such a building project? ( "The construrliun company is act- ing in good faith for they have pttr- chased tho lots and paid for them and purchased permits for building and paid tor them too," stated Mayor Gnome W, Gordon. "They are mak- intt." , Aid. Henry Stnrm pointnd out it is new-wary to lay the water mains prior to erection of the houses or the work woulirrost much mow. "What chance have they to sell the houses it there is no water there. The hoard of health could force us to carry water thorn if thor desired." he stated. Alderman To Question local Improvements "While I am in favor of the work, I would like an explanation ot the suggestion for local improvements." stated AM. Honsberger. "I'm going to question any suggestion for local improvements in that area from now on." ' l Kd'rCHhDs'iNt.---Aid. Gordon Honk Permyr serwd notice on city councll Monday night he will "question ‘thoroughl3" any stttmtistions tor local #,Ul'ii"J/.:i'd,rh.' in the former Rumpel subdivision. A Brantlord firm com- ;nwnced contraction a week ago ot \l00 homes " that area, for sale at between $25 ' and 83000 apiece. In Illa-Mimi of work report, Ald. Joseph 'Meinzinger said the commit, tee will interview tho Ontario Mtttti- ripal Hoard regarding laying ot a water main to the area and at the same time explain proposals for con- struction now in progress. JAY? C. {15161113 BARRISTER, CL.EMEN'T, mum & ElASTMAN, WILLIAM CLARK Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public and Comreyttneer Omee " 10 Arthur St. Telephone 88 ELHIRA EBAY. BRAY & LOCHEAD, Bar, rbten, Solicitors, ete.; G. Murray Bray, B.A.. George H. Lochend, B.A.; Royal Bank Chtmbera. 77 King St. West, Kitchener, Phone 4474. E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR 0.": " Will“ Bt. - Waterloo Phone "" BROCK, WEIR & TROTT, G. R. Brock, H. B. Weir and R. B. Trott, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchener, Tele. phone 4084). BtTZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS s'olieitors, Noumea. J H. Smyth. B.A. 23 Queen St. S.. Kitchener Phone 528 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT DR J. W. HAGEY. Dentist. 110 Walter Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1766. Disease- of Women and Surgery Phone 1868 - Kitchener Barrister. Solicitor; Conveyance., , PROFESSIONAL CARDS l GORDON Mek. HONSBERGER. LLB. R. S. C. STALKER Barrister. Solicitor. Notary, etc. 60 King Street East Kitchener. Ontario Toleohone I574 m king tit. S Solicitor, Notary Public," C3151}; ulcer, etc. oftiee Bank of Mon. treal Bldg., Waterloo. Zeller Building " King Stl, - Pho Law ottiees, 7 Rink - orYoT.ia; Bdildintt, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. Y. ll. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (but... in Bankruptcy) Phone 104 06k: " 97 Frederick St. Kitchener . " [in Strut East mg. "" - Kitchener DR. A. L. CAMPBELL Medical Arts Bldg. A. W. 8008. IA. Barrister. Solicitor. ete DR. T. C. PETERSON Dentist CHIROPRACTIC Lulu» ot Kltrhl-nm who H In all rhnrxm mIml! _ hors, w" commit Mum lndns'rlnl "hoot, rm irtdoftnite period, MEDICINAL - Phone “SJ Residence 279w DENTAL Kitchener LEGAL Pane 1867 Waterloo