1 Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, 2500 Bushels Good Grain and auction for Mr. Byron Trussier, on his farm situated 4 milea nortbwest of Kitchener, 4 miles southwest of Waterloo, and 2% . miles east of Petersburg, off Highway No. 7â€"8, at Waldau, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1939 Please Note: Sale starts at 10 a.m. Horsesâ€"Nice dapple r-y mare 13 years old, weight 1450 lbs., supâ€" posed to be in foal; heavy white posea 10 DE IM AORT EDCE CDODC team, mare and ge!dint, 18 and 14 years, extra good work team; bay horse 7 ye:‘n, weight about 1650 Ibs. ; bay hotse 6 years, weight about 1400 Ibs. 2 sets team harness, one nearly new; single harness; plow barness; good saddle and bridle; collars; bells; blankets; good horseâ€"hide robe; set bridles, ete. _______ . Cattleâ€"All T.B. tested â€"Holstein cow fresh 5 weeks time of sale; Holstein cow bred July 8; Holstein cow bred June 8; Holstein cow bred Nov. 1; Durham cow bred Nov. 1, both in flow of milk; 2 yearlings; 5 spring and summer calves; Durham bull 2 years old; calf 5 weeks old. Pigs and Poultry â€" Young sow with litter of 8 pigs; young sow with litter of 13 pigs; 2 sows bred about 2 months; 16 shoats from 70 to 80 Ibs.; 14 pigs from 150 to 175 lbs.; 1 nanny and 1 billy goat; some poultry ; good lively young Collie dog. j Implementsâ€"Frost & Wood 6 ft. binder, complete with truck, in good order; Frost & Wood 5 ft. mower in good order; Cockshutt 13â€"disc fertilizer seed drill, nearly new; 9â€" ft. 3â€"drum steel roller; 3 section lever spring harrows; Frost & Wood corn binder; Maxwell hay loader with truck; Masseyâ€"Harris side rake ; 14â€"plate outâ€"throw dise; 2 steel dump rakes; 3-Mnssey»Hnr§§s mowâ€" ers in good order; potato digger; 2& potato planters, all in good order; 2â€"furrow dise plow in good order;| 2, 4 and 5 section drag harrows;; Clima® cultivator with steel wheels; 3 gang plows; harrow cart; 2| single riding plows, Oliver and; Cockshutt; 3 single walking plows;| 3 scuffiers; Shantz turnip seeder;) Deering manure spreader, (needs a} few repairs); Cockshutt manure| spreader in good order; 2 good' wagons; box with shelvings and seat; top buggy; single carriage; good bob sleigh; Portland cutter; democrat sleigh; 2 good fiat hay racks with 1â€"man loaders; good 2â€" wheel trailer with stock rack; fanâ€" ning mill; stock rack; 1000 lb. beam scales; root pulper; stone boat; 36 ft. extension ladder; 28 ft. extension fruit ladder; step ladder; water trough heater; Stewart clipper; 3 40â€"gallon steel drums; % h.p. and 4 h.p. electric motors; good waterâ€" ing trough; steel pig trough; some hard brick and tiles; rope tackles; grain bags; some cement; steel gate; some hard and soft wood; wire cable; shingles; several good pine planks 20 ft. long; some new lumâ€" ber; 22. ft logging chains; doubleâ€" trees, neckyokes, chains, forks, shovels, all kinds of tools and many other articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. There will be sold by AUCTION SALE _ Grainâ€"About 2500 bus. of extra good mixed grain, fit for seed. _ Household Effects â€"Cosy Home, heater and pipes, like new; annex! heater; library table; settee; parlor‘ tables; arm chair; kitchen cabinet; lounge; extension table; 3 iron beds with springs and mattresses; severnl‘ chairs; 2 dressers and stands; coal oil heater, like new; butter worker; DeLaval cream separator, No. 12; meat grinder for electric power; ice refrigerator; 5 cider barrels; sink; pail stand; bedstead; round table; whatnot; antique clock; chenille curtains; rockers; fruit stand; oil can; pictures; tubs; baking utensils; dishes; milk pails; 2 iron kettles; large copper kettle; some potatoes, and numerous other articles. No Reserve, the farm is sold. Termsâ€"Cash on day of sale. In order to wind up the sale beâ€" fore dusk, Mr. Trussler will appreciâ€" ate an early start, so please be on time and meet your friends at Barney‘s sale, the well known implement agent. _ Scholl‘s Lunch Booth with free coffee will be at the sale. BYRON TRUSSLER, Proprietor. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th At 1 p.m. For Arthur Dombrowske, on the farm ‘* mile east of Middlebrook school, known as the Beatty farm. Horsesâ€"Percheron gelding 4 yrs. old; 2 mares 12 years old. supposed to be in foal. Cattleâ€"â€"6 cows; 17 head of young cattle and feeders; 10 pigs about 170 lbs. each; 3 Yorkshive sows with litters. their home al dr. inc e preé in Public Sale of Extra Good Dairy Cows Implementsâ€" â€"A full line of im plements. _ â€" â€" Hay and Grain â€" 30 tons hay 1000 bus. turnips; 200 bus. buck: wheat; 600 bus. oats; 1200 bus mixed grain. s Since the outbreak of watr. \'nlun-i:,i“z"";: er nimses and doctors who donate ;'ï¬tl\e eir time to conductine Red (‘rosu’T‘ow“ me nursing classe« have been hard *of W essed. Mathers, anxious to engage died war work, take home nursing Octob min ng. <o that they can take turns atur minding@ several families of chilâ€" any n The result has ‘been a threefold !the ‘ C crease in two months ig the DUMâ€"| agray W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, S. DITNER, E. B. HALLMAN, EDWARD GEISEL, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Special Low Prices now offered « of classes Horse Buanx«ets WILHELM HARDWARE 39 King S ntsil eal . M ar LX n#. so ndin« The r Phone Waterloo 459J. _ 56â€"7 HALTERS Clerks Waterioo Valusble Farm There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion the entire farm stock and imâ€" Fhmcnu belonging to Mr. C. L rits, on the farm situated 1 mile noflh&nlmfla“offlt.?h. or 1 mile west of Waterlooâ€"Wilmot Township Line, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ath Note: Sale starts at 11 a.m. Horses â€"â€" Heavy white mare 14 years old; black mare 15 years old ; sorrel horse, aged; bay horse, ï¬â€™d 19 Cattle â€" A good Dairy Herd with two clean tests: Black cow ‘due middle of April; Jersey cow due end of March; black cow due middle of Feb.; Roan cow due end of Feb.; brindle cow â€" due beginning _ of March; brindle cow due beginning of Feb.; Ayrshire heifer pasture bred; Holstein heifer pasture bred; 2 part Jersey and Durham heifers, pasture bred; 8 spring and summer calves; Hereford bull, 1 ‘4 years old. Pigs and Poultry=â€"Sow bred five weeks; 8 wellâ€"bred young Yorkshire sows bred 2 to 2%4 months; 3 pigs three months old; 6 pigs nine weeks old; boar 7 months old; 40 White Leghorn pullets (Bartam strain) some laying; 30 White Leghorn yearling hens; Collie dog. Threshing Outft and Implements â€"McLaughlinâ€"Buick power plant on ‘truck with circular saw and emery ‘attachment, iI“l good "runni’r‘\g order, Hay, Grain, Silage and Harnessâ€" About 10 tons of timothy and alfalfa hay mixed; 700 bus. good mixed grain; 200 bus. buckwheat; 200 bus. Early Alaska oats, fit for seed; a quantity of corn cobs; some silage if not previously sold; 2 good sets team harness; single harness; collars, ete. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AUCTION SALE | _ gesazmc Also 6â€"lid Peerless kitchen range; box stove; DeLaval No. 12 cream separator; Daisy churn; Beatty handâ€"power washer; Wisconsin 250 egg incubator and brooder; sausage stuffer; milk pails, and numerous other articles. PLAN TO ATTEXND THIS GOOPD SALE. | Town of Wattrloo, in the County of Waterloo, Widow, deceased, (who ‘died on or about the 14th day of October, 1939) together with the "‘nature and value of securities, if |any, held by them, not later than the 9th day of December, 1939, after which the assets of the said deceased will be distributed in purâ€" “s\mnco of Section 51 of the Trustee Act, R.8.0. 1937, Chapter 165; and any claim not so sent in shall not be entitled to participate in such distré | bution _ _Terms of Saleâ€"Cash payment of all accounts on day of sale, or otherâ€" wise arranged with the Clerk. [ Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had at the Town Treasurer‘s office. I certify that such list was published in the Ontario Gazette on Septemâ€" ber 2nd in compliance with the proâ€" visions of the Assessment Act. Take notice that unless such arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by public auction the lands mentioned therein at the Town Council â€" Chambers, Town _ Hall, Waterloo, on Tuesday, December 12th next begining at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the afternoon. (Signed) NORMAN G. BOLDUC, Town Treasurer, > Waterloo, Onilario. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. We will appreciate an early start for the offering is LARGE and the days are SHORT. _ ie Lunch and Refreshment Booth at the sale. C. F. FRITZ, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, CREDITORS and others are hereâ€" by notified to send in to the under: signed their claims against the estate of MARY B. RANK, of the Notice To Creditors Dated this 4th day of November 1939. ROGER F. GOFTON, 281 Joseph Street, Kitchener, By Clement, Hattin & Eastmaa, His Solicitors. 54â€"5â€" Town of Waterloo Phone Waterloo 459J. _ S. DITNER and E. B. HALLMAN Clerks. 55â€"6 NOTICE OF TAX SALE tests: Diack COW uuel nohurem.sl p : Jersey cow due end | BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTEKS, a NCR ZI @aliaitare Nataries: RNDOT PM LIMNE MOME CV 7 ApREE MAZC cA Mc ns . Of the 25 disputes recorded for| These figures do not include those tober, 19 wore terminated during strikes and tockouts in which emâ€" the month, two resulting in favor ployment conditions were no longer of the workers and three 11. favor of affected but which had not been mna, |the employers while compromise ealled off or terminated by the 54â€"5â€"6ettlements were reached K. asix unions Involved. Office: 44 William 8t. â€"~ Phone T68w BRAY, BRAY & LOCHEAD, Bu-} risters, Solicitors, etc.; G. Murray : Bray, B.A., George ï¬ Lochead, | B.A.; Royal Bank Chambers, 77 l‘(;lï¬ St. West, Kitchener, Phone j BROCK, WEIR & TROTT, G. R. Brock, H. B. Weir and R. B. Trott, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchener, Teleâ€" CLEMENT, HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law offices, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyâ€" ancer, etc. Office Bank of Monâ€" treal Bldg., Waterloo. 12A King St. S. _â€" _ Waterloo WILLIAM CLARK Sarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer OfllcoTnlt 18 Art::r St. elephone ELMIRA 49 King St. E. â€" Phone 1367 Kitchener miles southeast of Hawkeeville, near For Edwin M. Bauman, situated ; 3 miles west of St. Jacobs, 214 | miles north of Hgidol!nr;___lul 2\ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 : At 1 p.m. Stock â€" Black Percheron mare rising 3 years old; dark brown mare‘ rising 13 years old; 2 geldings, black and brown, vising 2 years;, bay colt 5 months; also 50 nice Rock | pullets. | GORDON McK. HONSBERGER. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer. Implementsâ€"G.M.C. motor power plant on truck, in good order, a handy outfit; 3â€"drum steel roller; Cockshutt 2â€"row corn cultivator; M.â€"H. 11â€"hoe seed drill; F. & W. springtooth cultivator; F. & W. stiffâ€" tooth cultivator; M.â€"H. 2â€"furrow plow ; International 2â€"furrow plow; 2 Oliver single plows; 2 scuffiers; F. & W. 5 ft. mower; Elmira side delivery; M.H. hay tedder; steel dump rake; 2 flat racks; steel wheel truck wagon; M.â€"H. 14â€"plate outâ€" throw dise; new flat wood rack; 1‘ h.p. Fairbanks gas engine; 2000 lb. Renfrew scales; corn cutter; rubber tire 4â€"wheel trailer with box, rack and pole; set of light bobs; harrow ; sulky; single _ carriage; _ double carriage and pole; 50 ft. %" rubber hose; wire fence stretcher; bagger; pulleys; steel wheels; cant hooks; 50 cedar posts; 10 bags of Dooley potatoes; team â€" harness; double carriage harness, parts, and numerâ€" ous other articles that will be sold. The Stock is in good condition, and implements in â€"running * order. Terms â€" Cash on day of sale. Mr. Bauman is not hiding behind the bush, but is putting on this sale to meet a. financial +obligation,â€" so plan to attend. EDWIN M. BAUMAN, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone Waterloo 459J. Labor Disputes On Increase OTAWA.â€"The number of strikes and lockouts during October was 25, involving 6,630 workers with time loss of 35,201 man working days, compared with 17 disputes during September involving 8,804 workers and causing time loss of 23,652 days, the Dominion department of labor reported Tuesday. > October, 1938, there were 32 disâ€" putes involving 3,233 workers with a time loss of 17,295 days. _ phone 4080. DR. A. L. CAMPBELL Medical Arts Bldg. Diseases of Women and Surgery R. S. C. STALKER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. 60 King Street East A. HOFFMAN, Clerk. J H. Smyth, B.A. 23 Queen St. S., Kitchener AUCTION SALE WR. T. C. PETERSON Office at 97 Frederick St. Phone 1868 LIVESTOCK AND GOOD IMPLEMENTS Solicitors, Notaries. CHIROPRACTOR _ Phone 418J Residence 272w Kitchener, Ontario Telephone 1574 . Phone 17 DENTAL MEDICINAL Phone 528 AL 110 55â€"6 263 King St. E. Phone 490 Phone Factory 82 &0 Frederick St. ST. JACOBS, Elmira 264r12 CONESTOGO, Elmira 365r12 f 45 Erb W: WATERLOO Phone 239 £ Phone 906 s All Foot Ailments treated. Electro Therapy for foot conditions. â€"~ 18 +2 King St. E. â€" KITCHENER, ONT. Pres., Edward W. Lippert Poultry, Hog and " Dairy Feeds P 238 KING STREET WEST 51 Benton St. W. W. FRICKEY. Auctioneer Phone 592w, Waterloo FOR SALE 156 acre dairy farm, running water, 350 acres orchard. Good buildings, close to village and highâ€" Other farms, all sizes. Nov. 28 (Tuesday) â€"At 11 a.m., valuable farm stock, implements, threshing outfit, a grain silage, some household effects for C. L. Fritz, one mile north and one mile east of St. Agatha. Watch for further details. _ _ Nov. 29 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p. m., valuable livestock, imglements, B:nltry and potatoes for Edwin M. uman, 3 miles west of St. Jacobs, 2% miles north of Heidelberg, near Three Bridges. See ad. cases and the results of eizht disâ€" gum were recorded as indefinite. ix disputes were recorded as unâ€" interminated at the end of October. NEW DUNDEE COâ€"OPERATIVE CREAMERY LTD. _ BUTTER â€" Apple Blossom and F.C.C. Brands Powdered Butter Milk and Powdered Skim Milk. Fresh Every Day. For you and your family‘s better health and enjoyment ask for ° NEW DUNDEE CREAMERY PRODUCTS Auction Sale Lists _ ®‘; PLYMOUTH AND CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS ~ FARGO COMMERCIAL CARS AND TRUCKS A Alsé a good assortment of GOOD USED CARS to choose from. RATZ & BECHTEL Funeral Service Euler Business College Winter Term from January 2 BAKERS, PASTRY, RYE and WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR ECKERTS FRUIT STORE CHOICE FRESH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Our own homeâ€"grown Vegetables. CIGARS, CIGARETTES and CONFECTIONERY on8 L WATERLOO â€" 7 King sCHREITER SANDROCK LTD. LIPPERT‘S FUNERAL HOME Baden 4 _ Kitchener 76 _ Bridgeport 651 In over twentyâ€"six years of our business experience, no family, regardless of financial condition, has ever SHIRK & SNIDER LTD. "EGGS COST LESS the SURâ€"GAIN WAY" BUSINESS TRAINING CHIROPODIST Tune in FLOUR FUNERAL PARLORS SNIDER FLOUR MILLING FOOT SPECIALIST . J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. Dignified Service For All Since 1905 o in to our Sunday Hour â€" CKCR â€" 100 Centrally located and yet secluded FRUIT MARKET been denied our service FEED AND SEED TELEPHONE 2230 (See ad. on Page 3) â€" Phones â€" KITCHENER COMPARY FEED New Dundee 30 E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer Phone 222, Kitchener Dec. 6 (Wednesday)â€"Sixty head of pureâ€"bred Holstein cattle, acâ€" credited and bloodâ€"tested, at the Summit View Farm, Bridgeport, commencing 12.30. A. B. Brubacher, Sales Mgr. _ _ _ dn 2o 0 l x id k s oiï¬ o0 Aiccts amichs uiss ecichaint Dec. 5 (Tues.)â€"At 1 p.m. sharp, executors‘ sale of valuable farm, livestock, implements, feed and furniture for estate of the late Solomon Housser on the farm situâ€" ated about 2 miles northwest of St. Dec. 14 (Thursday)â€"At 1 p.m., farm stock, implements and feed for Allen Burgetz, :4 mile east of Centreville. EDW ARD GEISEL, Auctioneer Elmira Nov. 30th (Thursday) â€" At 1 p. m., auction sale of valuable liveâ€" stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, etc., for Arthur Dombrowske, on the farm 4 mile east of Middlebrook School, known as the Beatty Farm. FOOT SPECIALIST Mgr., H. Frederick Gruhn SEED Arch Supports KITCHENER, ONT 44 Queen St. 8 7 King North Kitchener Phone 4480 Phone 2426 Feeds of all Kinds 54 King E. â€" Phone 1790 At a slight extra cost you may store your Where the Public‘s desires are well satisfied. We cater to Banquets .y serve Light Lunches at all hours. Come for a Chicken Dinner any Saturday after 9.30 p.m. only 35¢ Phone 4100 Phone Kitchener 2372 LUIMITED Phone Water CLEANERS AND DYERS "THE HOUSEWIFE‘S FRIEND" Our 10 years of Service and Satisfaction our Guarantee. Phone 804 Phone 2399 Refrigerators Phone 414â€"M confidently discussed. free of charge. Our most modern and efficient equipment, the electric needle, skillfully operated (with controlled cur rent which can be regulated for the most delicate work) will remove this blemish permanently and safely without leaving a trace of a scar. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 9 p.m. Evenings by appointment. L. HUMMEL, Reg. Nurse * waATCH REPAIRING CLEANERS AND PDYERS ~â€" RUG SHAMPOOERS "A MOTHER‘S CARE TO ALL YOU WEAR" a slicht extra cost you may store your summer goods, fully insured. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVING BRODEY DRAIMIN FUR CO. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE FURS â€" ESSENTIAL TO GOOD DRESSING "orsets, Corselefttes, Elastic Girdles and Surgical Garments Personal attention by trained Corsetiers. Hosiery, Lingerie, Hn_n!lkgtehi_e_fs an(‘l_‘ (‘Zostum.e‘ Jewelery. ONE ‘OF WATERLOOQ COUNTY‘sS MOST B RURAL HOTELS ST. AGATHA LAUNDRY, PRESSERS. DYERS Phone TRL SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY CARL REINHART FURNITURE Room No. 7, mbove PEARL LAUNDRY COMPANY NEW AND USED FURNITURE FINEST OF HIGHâ€"CLASS USED FURNITURE Clean, reconditioned and reasonably priced. "Prices are born here and raised elsewhere" 2299 Kitchener 34 Ben GRAND RIVER TEA ROOMS vYOUR PROBLEM OF _ UNSIGHTLY HAIR MOLES AND WARTS CLOTHING Furnishings and Hats for Men and Boys WATERLOO 34 KLINCK‘S SHOE STORE TWIN CITY LAUNDRY "THE EMBASSY" , Lingerie, Handkerchlets ano TSCsvni The Ethelle Shop LADIES‘ CLOTHING Foundation Garments rEST QUALITY MEN‘S CLOTHING L. R. DETENBECK Air Conditioned ED. HELLER WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS _ Washing Machines _ â€" Dinners from 55 to 85 cents s for Business Luncheon from 12 to 2 p.m to Dinner, Bridge and Wedding Parties JEWELERS A. G. EULER TEA ROOMS KITCHENER Phone 846 Bank of Commerce, 1 King E., Kitchener KITCHENER Kitchener RADIOS W ATERLOO SHOES BUY AT to REASONARLE PRICES further international friendlinass Kitchenerâ€"Preston Highwgy UPâ€"TOâ€"DATE Phone Waterloo 7589 ENGRAVING 90 Queen St. S. Electric Ranges 15 Queen St. S. 106 King W 34 Benton St. 74 King St. S Waterloo Phone 4042R Eâ€"60 34 King St. S. 21 Erb St. W