Mr, and Mrs. Moses Gtngerieh of Lowvillr'. NA', called on Mr. and Mrs, John Kropf on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, John Schmldt of Kilrhv-nvr were Sunday dinner 'rur'sts' with Mr, and Mm. Edwin Murmur! My .uul \Im. Nurmun Germ and mum) of KIII‘IIHH-l' called on Mr. and Mrs, Lu'uh Reichert on Sunday. Mt and Mrs Henry S'ehiet spent Sunni") ttt Hrrsslau Mr, and Mrs Hm'hen Preiburger and Miss Johannuh Freinburger vial!- ml “MI Mr and “m. Joseph Dietrich at ttummelhardr on Sunday, ttre Jul!" laws and daughter (haw .nul mu John, Mrs. Henry Hirtrouvrttus, Mrs K thull and Mrv;srrs Uquuu and Harold Hierony- mux r-pt m Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fwd Hinm H? Alma Sit' and Urs Clan-mm Germ. Mr. and Mrs' Haiku) Gvrth, Miss Elen- lmr lim‘rh und Mrs Srhnarr of th‘hu-Ihw awm Sunday evening “uh M, and ui, Reuben Seifert, ur. ",‘VIKLIHI vaulilllxvr of Detroit . In I Lou HESSEN ROAD I QUIKV. HlLt COIDUOVIO. COIVIIICIT. ‘00... I0. .00. ttot"--" “I?“ '1'†'e'" '0. MOI. Tl‘l A " LDII VIII sti'trtlCtr Germ. Mr. Gvrth, Miss Elea- Mrs Srhnarr of Sunday evening lleu‘hen Seifert, uhnngr of Detroit uh hi“ tanner. Mr. ai, trivialâ€: both the Mth “d you“ o.--Attendtutts u s: I may]: “1th ht', tarry: ie Josephs' Hospital reported ririuril verdiet u t en that William Came, 19, mm Ist) the tmme. . . Somerset. Ky., who ampuuted his In the nnt'helf of the eighth m- In toot alter it In eerttAed ln I aim Ruby pitched three, balls nn.d all from a vein V“ In "good" eon- three phyen were "tritht out In “mm quick succession. Emaler, shortstop After cunning on the toot It the 1ftrr New Hum. m the 'P.' ankle with a pocket tune. Capos by player " bat with three rum to his nttioned . tourniquet hon: m. cloth- credit. The only homer of the game In: “a In.“ . pair of crude we: hit 2 Norman Hill of the B" crutches cram Km: ot a tree. Then den. Sch det and Miller of linden he ttohtrhtsd “an," . mile to Vormll- hnd tour strikeouts end walked four Ion, o., when“ he '“ brought here (iii Ruby end Booklet struck out in In Bargtttrhmee. three and walked two. l Tart. "I but .wv 7.. __---"-" - artt.ytd 'T", “PIN. to participate Calvary Young People's meeting, n Friday nittht's me. on Mondsy eveulngjwns In charge Pom-ole. ot Mr. Carl Waht, .itsirseyderttt A Mr. Ted Snyder left on Toad-y song service led by Mr. Hurry Ger- tor e trip to the West. her. The devotional period was con- Miss Clue Selp returned home on ducted by Kerry â€newer the 'sehr Frid-y from within: her sister in mm reed or manna antler the to- Detroit, where she he: spent the ole "What can we lo about Interoper- wmmer months. are" by Ken Meeker. A mulle- Dr. and Mm. Anderoon of Tots el mutter by Miss Olive Garner and onto end their three children visit- a reading try Mr. John Walker end- ed on Saturday evening with Dr. ed the mum. 1 end Mrs. J. C. Ross. Dr. end In. Plu- WIener Rent. I Anderson were stationed in West gnome.“ Mr. Henry snugl- ttrei China at the some time as Dr. and aided " the monthly session of Bt. Mrs. Rose were minioneries there. Jamee' brotherhood on Mooney Anderson'e were returntn: " Too evening. A wiener roost tor Aug. ronto from the marrUge 0 Dr. Att- Mttt was wronged for when the derson'r brother, Rev. Herold Am members' wives wilt be the tpets. derson to Miss Florence Wood of Enjoying v.“u.n, New Hrmttstrrg. l Rev. J. P. Hooch writee from Mr. Carl Se“; of the Dominion Chester that he and Mrs. Hooch Bank stem We ad. he been boll: “have bed delightful experiences en- dnripg " his home here. 3011" Immenaely this northern The sympathy of the community menu!" with “to trips " tar is extended to Mrs. Ed. Snyder in north no Tabermory and steamer n... An“. " her brother " Dunn- trips to Manitoulin blend and EI lor some um. ,_ Miss Dot Cowâ€! of Blyth spent Krug “thanâ€. the nreeh-end at the home of her Rev. J. H. Grandad: ot Emu-a friend. Mrs. J. c. Ron. Rev. E..A. preaehed In the Evangelical church and Mrs. Slick. dnughber Catharine on Sunday morning. ( itif,Piiii1ttggt12r,,',l,",titt'itt! Dr. a...» ot Waterloo had , . - I h ‘cluded Mr. and In. Fred Edward. taa,',,',',',,.""' m“ m t e Ipttter. mud daughter Thorn of Pnlmergon, Rev. Burton Weber of Vineland iMra. - Port .esd son Alex of preached the sermon In the Menno- Omwu and Me, Bury Johnston, nite "tttrch. 1ertntr. Ptaneis otd Mies Betty Mr. Lime. non of Prof. Little. at "lrpry"tit all of Jer,,?, the Waterloo Seminary, will conduct -- -..d... " u a an 0.0-- A, .___.-_ n- u... Incl-â€nil nhnrnh -iiiGiiiGnee [Pal-lb in on ma- tion this week. MI†Lila Manor of Kitchens: in spending . two weekr vacation at her home here. Mr, and Mn. Eloy unmovm Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mum: of Kitchen- er spout Blind†wlh Mr. Chum Matthews, "Digs-"id'uy manner of thhenor was a week-end visitor with her lur- entn. Mr. 3nd 'ert._'ri1't't!t."'r. - '"iii.GrunirLiits M. Martin and family of Elmlu spent Band" even- Ing with Mr: pmt pp. l. P. Mnrtitt. "".'di/GriG.uoo M. litmus of Heidelberg were Sundny vlnltors wlth Mr. and Mn. Abra-p gluing; Mr, Henry Manta ma his “not mu Sun-mm: Martin use 81mm Manors It the home of Mr. and In. Emmerson Mum: 91. Item. "Mes-9;: iiiG" and Elmer Seyler and lrvln Lip- apent Sand†It Goth-rich, -- A ._ family spam Sunni-y with Mr. and Mrs. John Hellman per Wollulay‘ Mr. and Mrs. Em" â€new“ and ramlly of Bunker: DEN“ Sunday It the home of Mr. In Nu. Chat-l" Hecldhlrt. -iipirra Motor. Mn. Alt Moon and daughter. or “anon out Thursdty um. gp._k_cyb Imam. Mr. Ind Mrs, Edwin "new and daughter Ruby “comp-nix! try Mr, and Mrs John Selimidi cl Kitchener visited with Mr ma En. Alf. Daub It Rattan. . "'sirrGiiho, bonh mm ot Baum"; united II the home ot Mr. Innis Prolmr‘er on Sunday; _ _ "Riggs-r; iu"Wottustter of mean“ and John Schmidt of "tamarind! spent Vanna-[mm wnh Mr. and in Dln|o| Seykr W)!†J. oretti of laminae: went I [at days In! uni with Mrs. Hr. Hieronymus. - _ -- - __ Mr and Mrs Ann: Us cl the mm "In of Wellodoy "and with Mr and Mn John Kroylan Build-y. Mr mmm‘m. 10ch of Kiwi-oust "an My M "" with Mr and In. John Lyn. WALLENSTEIN 'il- Cuts Off Own Foot the Crushed in Fall Czechs Arrive To Raise Goats {For Glove Plant 811.155.1338 _ Young People Mcet -ttnaas--Atroqtst to Can. ada to ruse mu tor (love nub In. a group ot 1ittiteStNgt unmade-I - throI'h on- lrul en route to Macon. OIL. whm u (love mubctumu ttrm will be ogree.tod by Anton mach], Whoeionklu buli- neu man. We“, who not the [out ex- pert. on their arrival m the liner Alum“, an that â€we no ruling the (out jun on the out- nklru a! Prescott.†_ laugh-e; Griir Ti Gel? lune I. being spent ilpl_ mgr daughter Mrs. Wm. Mr. Little. non of Prof. was, at the Wuhan-loo Seminary, will conduct the service In the Lutheran church nextASundny morning. -iicrrraGr"iiaii Ind tron, Wal. ter and his wife enjoyed . week-end mote rtrIp to T_erporru, . . Mean. Curl and Ron Wahl spent Sunday at Win-ion, In. no“ Wattt who ind been holidaying with her people in Win-ton. returned with than. um: um In. 1'me Schaeter and son Stanley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Thoma.“ - - HOW RAIL FARES Mr. and Mrs. Esra Shula ot Go. lden. Ind., visited with Mr. Ind Mrs. Ell Brubuher on‘Sunday mm Ins. Recent sue-(c at Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Keltertrortt were Mr. and Mn. Chan. Miller of Northampton. Mus. Mr. and Mn. Harald Hoelscher Ind non JImmy, Mr. and Mrs. - Siltler and family. Mr. Angus Sny- der. Mrs. Catherine Spencer. lemm- psnled by Mr. Walter Rank of Wa- terloo spent Sunday In Kincnrdlno. Mr. and In. Elias (imam: 3nd (our members of (her - of LII!- u'ter, m., were recent vlpltars at late home ot Mr. and Mn. John u -ifrrssro Horst - Sunny Town“), TORONTO EXHIBITION SLSS i Special low {ares good for travel in parlor can quoted on request. Roi-I'- Id-tt - Sort. " I Mrs. M. Kiting of Limerick I at Gt-------'-- V. I. WOW I day It the home of Mr. and V... has» " I " an. P-- Ago-I J. Snwworth. 'tree of St â€on " W. . "on. '" I Mr. and Mrs. Fred “11be Ind 'd'tdi, but“ on. _ alum some: went loud. it were . . the of Mr. Ind Mrs. E. ta,','. Kr, and Canadian Pacific t 1...... Ireland “a It. vm. am! a --------_ Block of Galt - I dat u an 0. Mint pd “I. Aug. 24 to sort. lu-n Linn - so» " IN éOACHt-zs ONLY artd that Giu- l-f‘CEOOPIYE Wt. Mtytra!e%tltilt Show -- u tho Leu lr.‘ Sunday visitors It the home of Jim. A, Meyers were Mr. and In. 00- Jon. Meyers Ind duughten Ruth and and Joan, Ind Mrs. M. Sch-fer of Kitch- Vel‘ ener. Mrs. Art Taylor and daughter Geo. Audrey of Gal: spent a few any: n has. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cum". um in: um In m".._ in _ iler futher. who grabbed far the "m â€W â€W ... m... - - and 'also an beneath an atom .cttool I“ “may Meal-c with tmetor and escaped ‘vith bruin- tlt. Pmum- New! - h: when the tractor wheels mined him. cm. ot the m â€In.“ union. _The child had been sitting on he! "I" tlun Bil-m molded tor the miner's knees while he «a driving mm- "at "I tn ama ot the ‘the trutor drnwintt three plows Guy-ttu M and tneiuded III!!!- "he hum of D. L. Ich. cut. but " the mm. arch-tn. hum township, 3 mile out of this “W ot Mr. M I". All!“ town, mm 5 Jun. The ttfr) 1.11 “not“ â€Scott: mm try Mus Ind n she dipped down the father but; “WM; vocal Idol " the . .. Ln.“ -_..I n n.- ..m. Hillel Union. "or m Mary Little Girl Killed Riding With Dad - On Triple Plow Humvavvuu. .. ___'-" slipped from a tmetor on which the was riding with her father, to {In beneath I [Inc of the. 9101!. Damn Pox, Meant-61d clutter of Mr. end In. David Fox. R. I, Wellueburx, In: to merely tn- ‘jnred the died _in cut.tte Tee: “I'll, III-nu " In... --- -- - and n she dipped down the father stopped the tmetor uni n. the all" time grubbed to try to ave her. - w- an...- m___ _,7_ t I A corn roast mu held by tho Norma Shouts eatd “The weary] Doon Young People It the home of “m..." r...) by the editor. Itral Kenneth Adam of Limerick on wr Becker. 1 m evening. About 25 yous male During the evening monum- Attended. The evening W We!“ in were made to Mr. uul In. Iehln singing around . an!) 6re while Becker la honor " their recent um- Inter on corn and lunch was well my; and to Ilia In Bucket, who enjoyed. Invo- Ihonly to enter the Brantford Quilting Boo. ' General Hound u o lune-unnu- l The Doon Presbyterian India Inc. An “drool n. m by Ward Asaoeiation held I gyiltirt bee " leiodwckor and an“ auto;- " Ithe home of Misa WWW! Watson melon prowl-toll Mr. and In. Bock- on Wodnggdgg evening or with a your not in be»! at the - - ,AL,_‘ _|.n_ .5. mun-clan m Rev. Dr. A. V. Brown of Helpelel' WIS in an? of the Deon Presby- terinn Chute on Sunday nftertMrott. Educating“. k u L a. In the name In - III-"w .._.___, wow- ,...__.v_ ___ ,, - on Wednesday evening, at via: . um no: in an! at the I Ladiu' Aid Meet. ' Ina-abut. while the mum-4m to The ral"',",',?,',', Church Lu“!- mu nectar ot n mu mum week- , Aid held t tr monthly meeting " and bus In mule by In. Ila-prod the home of Mrs. cm Reader on gum. roumuu the and“ at the [ Wednesdly evening. Halon! Anthem the may enjoyed l Mr. and S.",; "Anhy- Eagle Wrt . for - on the - after which‘ the week-e «an! friends " hr- "(regiments w†and. I ton. Mr. and In. Roy sums of Oatt Miss Sling was rammed to are My mm»- m the tom' her hem. sanding!" not“: mm. pug A. M. atom " her Mrs. Hnrvey Lindsey and Irvin of Kitchener spent Thu! " the home of Mr. and Mr [Elohim -- _A . Wen Selling, of Elmira. Arthur Snpsworth is co his home in the village wit fever. - l . Miss Vern: Goddard and George Goddard were visitors in Gilt on Monday. Robert' Flaherty of English Settlement spent the week-end st the home of his parents, Mr. and Hrs. " . a WALLACEBUBG. - ""Tiiiiiiiriaiiriiktt 5nd Em Kinxie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kinds spent the week-Quint BglllguntPip: Mrrpnd Mrs, Alcide Jenn were Sand-y visitors in Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Render, Misses Bertha, Nettie and Jean Klein.. stenber were visitors " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schneider of kitehemto" Thuggdgy. . Mrs. N. Wilfong bu returned to her home here after spending two months' vncntion " the home of her ',h'h Reginald Winona, of Rock- woo . . "WIRE? Snyder - of English llftna' matcn Settlement spent Sunday " the 'IX,',', of Mr. “a Mra. Riehard The New Dundee-mm Com- I get. m. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guillene and 'll,",','.' tt1etd,tt'Tdht2 mull: Cher. &tmett thy.8ette of Bridgeport were at I iGrauu Inst Wednes- 1were recent Visitors " the home of (In! with Tsvbtock mm . two P",. and Mrs. Wm. Guillette. \xonl lead, and “than they won thd Mrs. o, Goddard and Miss, Lenin In" SGodd-rd were visitors in Kitchener unmet $811,"; " I. 'ddh,d up. .0" Saturdny. con- oe I . I n....j_.. “ha-.. -L .L- ' " Mud mm- - --- . --._, the Mm Betty Wolfe he! returned to her home here after spending three weeks’ vacation It the home of her sister. Mrs. Ralph Kuhn-heck. of Kitchener. t Bernard Rois! of Hespeler was visiting friends in the villue on Sigurd-y. fl -- _ .-- _ Mrs. W. Tact. Miss Eunice Teet. Mr, And In. C. Ktogmnn went I day It the home of Mr: and In. W. Clue". of New Hamburg. I Donald Kinlie of Limerick in spending a nation " the home of Mr. nnd_Mfs. John Sapsvorth. - I Alf. Boll of Toronto is spending u vac-don It the home of his father, Mr. Wm. Boll. Donald and Ted. Wolfe left the village on Thursday to spend some time in Western Ontario. I Kenneth 3nd by Jncluon and Miss Dorothy Jncluon of, Kimball! spent Sunday the (new; of "but Mn_r_jorie In}! Flotenee Cluthg. “EEK. Mum of Newark, N.J., spem n few dlys' vacation " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Worden. tfr. and Mrs. Bert Gill, Mujorie And Willis Gill. upon! Sundly It the home of Wr, Ind Mrs. Rnymond Gill of Gilt BOON and George in Gilt on {banned to with scarlet if: if; 53?}: [Ajteral'y ugust 2t'lt 1idtlkratintal Admit I tge-agar-eo-et' ariiiriiiau-eLheme.ttte lawman-nun} mutwmwd-Ihm "aiiuirti-it-irmy.eiefte mm-mouul'ul' mummuytuwv "and who: tn an» at m. mmcmuww mmwumm unnumn’onCImb idiitcti-cteet%nt-ree9e oaskw-tar-trrt'ttlMyrt a “up ML Union. not: "B...-.... Voed-I-Nu Ion eats-Mud by Me. all“ M " KW NAWQuMoo-Wd\ In. CUMM‘IN- "I" smut. - em “In! -iiiriiooa.ieaeriina.ei" Moduli-Dunn. 1‘. mt. In. ana-i. an». Manama-sewn.“ Giaida.ure-etttPeod?' 807,104-8ka mm the whoa-mummy“. otrttv.nsoetaIhm'r-eto" tho who! humm-n Immanuel-don. vino um and.†'0 hell “i tho school bu “and†"all! with m. pro-um. New" smu. tn cm. of the m but." auton- llba “In BM prodded for tho mgr-II ,ruetwastnet-sot In Vat-"m. you, no Included unm- m by the mm. arch-m. coupon“ at Mr. all 'fspe,e by In. Chum; out on “Grey oi" by Gordon Shuts; guitar so locum: by Marhm Willow And Dom “may; I radius on the origin at the to“. “When You and I were You; “inâ€; plum solo by Hill Phyllis Christin-I; I qua colt-t on “Gunilla: Authors", enacted by WM.S. Holds August Meet no “in: noun (“5% ar; -ai"i TIE: 'nviinmfeu church I" held at the @001)“: Keane:- any durum. In: “A Tuner, an. of New York Clty. the "at weaker. In In charge at the devo- tional period And “to in tnurNtSt- lns all on "The seeing We". lb lion - VIII by In. lute“! pon and Current Event- by In. Nell Wanner. In. alanine Voltch. vice- maiden ot the WIS. presided for B"'"'""" __- ._- ,, -ee - the but-non -tsiogt. noctudmu' were given by the tollo'in‘ Mission at and newborn. math ml Warterl PM. Andrey. Betty, hum and li, c-m- Holtlhnuer_and Bony ee,'"', mu. Rev. Mr. Dunn, pastor. (“a n Interesting MW! all to no children. A plane - wu mud on an school In" to won! an, mm“ of tho mar Socie- tlest, Mlnlon Band and um. Her- Mr. and In. J. Hope and In. out: Hope tinned the Demons:- mulch hold " no home or In. David Ht.qr It Kitchoner on Scur- dny. ' mu Ema Tumor. an. d Nov York cur, NN., and mu Till]. M par. KN.. at Moll-w, NN., "W rmm “0le with nm: mother. The AW meerPV S" ttur, Rm. Mn. - d the Iocu Bundles! cinch. Ins returned Ina-no "tar smug I two “on vacation with m in mm. XIII We! Smut m a “in: In Tomato In! Wodnondny Ind T'tutrmHy. In. - Tiicy. “on Ill a weak-end men at the II... orrha ad Am Dot- venar " new. . --. _ Hrs. B. Hortibenor ot Knchoner In: a reeot Tuuor " the home ot Mr. and In. D. tackle. Ill.- Con - Ill. of the Wooduocl comm Mal open the wank-end " no homo of her pu- nts. Mr. Ind In. In. m. In. label mound of An And Inset am of Toronto were My whiten with I!" Home In. A. Print nil w. Moll Fried Halted It a. homo at Mr. and In. Hurry Brodhnclor It - Bottle mom on may. _ _ Elf-{'50: iii“! "no:- u the horn. of Me, and In J. Hoot home " Mr. and In. John HM. lie; of Slit-1mm.d I n J rs. one: in I one: um vac" In 1lrl, â€and; Mr. and In. NomggABA-vam iii. -iiGHsaikiu. of fee' tad ml In. Norman Eu: urn! It thanâ€. of It. um n of main. It tho Banana! II"- "fo. the Dino I Was Grace Pitts And ssisteriwiaw, In. Jack Plan ot Brochdau Halted 'at the home at John L Hammond on Thursday. I Mrs. Time. Birmingham and Jessie Hunmond entertained the Bre fresh nlr children and twelve other: on “Friday, . V Mr. sum Mrs. W. Wilford and son gum Friday evening with hvistock relatives. l Mr. and Mrs. Hsrvey Hacinbart went Sunday with Kitchener rela- ‘tivea, Veto. returned home; with men Alter. spending the pan week in Kitchen". _ _ _ Kitchener. _ _ Mr. and Mm. Campbell Sham: and I daughter accompanied by Mr. andi Mrs. ,Howard Zinkanu of Heideitrertr!, open! Sunday at Southampton and Wort Elgin. "Nreettore' Meeting Saturday. The Wellealey Township Plowman Association will Hold a directors' meeting in the township hall, Satur- day evening. August 19. "'shriria""sreiGio and chiklren ot Manon Halted with Mrs. Thee. Birmingham Per. "'"riirraiark idtvi, Von and mm. tly (I Bt. Thomas are holidaying with W. Van's, - __ n. w"... Russel Ind Elsie Bigam are spend- ing a week with relatives in Wollon- uein. Mrs. Isabel Best at London visited " John L. Hunmond's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Aiked Hahn and fam- ily spent Sunday with Ed. Polhke neu- Monkmn. There will he no service in Boyd Church this Sunday. owing to Rev. .W. o. Mather being away 'q-r-Aus-i-bm CROSSHILL nun-I a... o .; a Tfat - ttrg/ta 'lie. a'Cl.T-c -trrh.dhrar*rr.- Aria' " "Hui". ï¬gdthtuéum-a-mn.‘ h-hna-ul- no“. aha! “Della-Ho. -el-r'"""r-"f""Y'"P"'-"r *â€"â€"â€" - h"ATlT'JaTr=7"iaririTuii'iiirTaGc --r-orrtrsveatyretah-+,teetteyt'1n PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL DWVIIILNEWYOIIK f “auburn-lua- -..,...-..--reqNPqN-------" as-.--.---.-"'""" “HAIR my Inn II Mr. and Mrs. John Lather and son. Mrs. Foster. Laura Mr. and Mrs. L. Rennie. Jack and Thelma Gaga spent Sunday evenlngwixh Mr. and Mrs. w. ‘Hnras and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yeudl and lumle of Kitchener in Waterloo Park, F Mrs. Met Murray of Kitchener was a week-end visitor with Mrs. Thou. Birmingham. Holds Lucky Ticket. Mrs. I. Squire was successful in having the lucky ticket tor the Wool comforter donated by the Women! Classic Immune ot Stratford. "Sifan'a Mrs. W. Wilford and soy visited with Roy Mayberry's near Britten on Sunday nun-.117...â€- C. P. Price, Optometrist " â€I. St. Wont - KIWI»! YOUR GLASSES If. thoroughly cumin“! STEELE’S yoThit-th" ES. Will 3". you complete utiIf-cliggjL A aaiaG GGiraq at: