I Any Attic Holds Articles To Sell "For Vacation Gash I E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Odin: u Willi'un St. - l DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, 110 Weber Chnmbers, King St. W.. Kitchener. Phone 1756. BRAY. BRAY & LOCHEAD, Bar- rktora, Solicitors, etc.; G. Murray Bray, B.A.. George H. Loehead, B.A.; Row] Bank Chambers. 77 King St. est, Kitchener, Phone 4474. CLEMENT, HATTiN a EASTMAN, Law oftiees, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. 389019 will} Um". q. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ‘nd Conveynneer Oitie , It 10 Arthur St. 1i)iirii 88 ELMIRA HAROLD L. DAUFMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer -- tr8, King St. Feat - - SIRS, IlclNTUSH, ScHoFiELu & SIMS. Barristera, tiolacitom, eta; Medical Arta Building, " King Street West, Telephone 4600, Kiuhonu. JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARititiTER, Solicitor. Notary Public, Convey- ulcer, etc. Money to loan. Oftlee Banko! Montreal Bldg., Waterloo. DONALD DUCK I PROFESSIONAL CARDS I 12A King St. s. - l Phone d18J Residence 272w GORDON my 1_10NSBERGER, LLB. _ Barrister, Solicitor, converaneer, A. W. 8008, MA. Barrister. Solicitor. etc. Zeller Building " King SL_E._ - Phone 1867 DR. A. L. CAMPBELL Medical Arta Bldg. Dine-us of Women and Surgery Phone "" - “who" R. S. C. STALKER hum, Solicitor. Notary, etc. " King Strut Eat Ktteher"r, Ontario Talcphono 16O Brock, H. B. Weir and R. B. Tron; Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchener, Tele- phone 4080. T. B. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone 1606 WATERLOO CHRONICLE THREE STRIKES AND THE BATS ARE l-N-! J H. Smyth, B.A. 28 Queeh Bt, s., Kitchener Phone 628 lulu-I Caro - " "In vogh. '"." W your. '1... Lar nix was. - if "u-...-. h. hm - a: - at - 'Ire-ro-tae-oe' ... nun-u- I. can.“ 11- Chm-uh " - an; Phone 104 one. " " Frederick Bt. Kitchener " King Street East “one 2670 - Kitchener (Trustee in Bankruptcy) DR. T. C. PETERSON Dentist INITIIJC‘I'IONS POI. SENDING ADV.TII£IRDIT8 - - Inch ,ditio. the "GAtadriit I: id/ J" . - tttate In- nnny hunky-n you P_0;iutl and! -.- adva- “lineal... ' _ v _ Write plainly an on. I“. " M CH1R0PRACTIC WILLIAM CLARK Fied if i -Gia" aut - din-J and iii aa if.“ irira.caisd" WANT ADS MEDICINAL Phone "" DENTAL Kitchener BOE _ momiu Kitchener LEGAL ADVIITIIDIO Res. 1785' Wlterloo Waterloo ( CLEANING Keep It New With-- TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS DECORATORS _. PAINTING AND DECORATING 898% King St. East, Kitchener Sharp Riley A. Raddatz R. Knorr Wat. 896 Kit. 3520 Kit. 2773“ For Sunburn, 81.10. 59c, 54c, 25c and 15 cents, at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. E., Kitchener, Phone 571. " King Bt. Y]. ACTIVE MAN WANTED to: - ublhhed Within. rout-o in Wu- erloo. Not a so†who but will yield â€2.60 prom. per week " tstart to: eon-intent worker. No eapital accentâ€. Chance for Mvmement. 'et promptly to It. Sample, .1: It. pthina Com- 90 Queen S_§:_S1 AGENTS WANTED! ulna! '.rr.LL.arA" 3.ou. in , -ttt-, New Ind Bud PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERIDO AUTO PARTS 184 King St. 8. - Phone "" Waterloo (At King St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Remit. Rebinding Books. Bibles, Hymn and Prnyerbooks I specialty. Add more books to your home library tr hpvinq your fawn-its i'ti,rgih1 bouriii into books. [nailing Club Bags. Suitcases, etc. _ Pearl Laundry Co. AUTO PAINTERS The colour of your ctr matched perfectly. Phone 3738 AGENTS WANTED Prices "mum-Me. _ Good: called for and delivered. JONES BEAUTY RA RLOR J. C. Lehmann BOOKBINDER " Queen St. N. - Phone 2686 Kitchener SUTHERLAND - SCHULTZ GEORGE M. RUPPEL " Glukel St. - Kitchener Ogilvie Sisters Hair Gui Scalp Preparations and Treatments. â€:3, 2177 Union Street, IBE- tr . 394%} AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS ' hum-led m ot All Kinda. " ASSETS OVER " "'"% & CLEMMER ( Government Deposit - ARAGE _ 8 Water fit., fi, - - Kitchener 1 J, Hyerd slle,Si'""'f FREE eatal o (no "Giuéii obligation. TrAlfA"lg.t, 570 St-Clunent tet., Montreal. 41.5 HMRDREStitNC, nblo bun-in.- likc handrail of when throughout Canada. No experience required. .. tutu you‘ plan] coal-lupin: “I loll- in 200. when! loco-dun. Meet all competition lace-fully. égg'gjoun .3-10-509, A write - tor 'A Mother's Care to " You Wear' Burtol Cleaning BOoKB1NDINc DECORATORS AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS Kitchener Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers DRUGGISTS WE BUY USED CARS KITCHENER NOXEMA Kitchener Kitchener Guelph Phone 4100 Phone 4526 Repairs Re-winding New And FOR SALE i MINERAL VAPOR BATES l SCIENTIFIC Swedish Inn-age. , Health Therapist. Studio. - " Roy tlt., Kitchener Phone 1171!. AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP For Churn- all Well- H-vo running Inter in your Male. and Menu of water for your clttlo. Inn.) n Automatic Preslure Puma on your "rm or murmur ' ROSA BROWN, N.C. Grnduate "linens. Registered D.P.A. Ph. 4429, Kitchener, 144 King W. PUMP An event of great interest on Sun- H I". an": r" 'dl'h d day and Monday was the gathering of IV rur"tttt WI . Ill Be. II . "JlCU WI“: tor your d'll'd. 'll/fa n 200 young people, “what“! 50 dew. \utomntie Pres-are Puma on your (an or gates representing 20 societies. at mama ' Ithe 29th annual convention of the KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY (Ontario 'District Walther League. . 988 King St. E., Kitchener held in Redeemer Lutheran church, Rep-la on I" - " Pun-pa. West Monkton. _ Insurance Agencies Great_Liteu-. Co. Pin - Automobile - Accident Teacher of Piano, Singing I Theory. Private and Ch.- Trt.truetio., W. G. Weichal - _ . - Pruitt!“ J. "ID-.l'd Shannon - ture-Pri" P, H. Moser . . - - Home: J. A. Huber _ - - Sent-u C. B. fugul - . - . flag-mt Ole- III-lapel _ _ Ford’s. ttumpr - - W. R. Bricker _ - Wm. Henderwn . - F. H. loner - - P. e. "than _ - J. "award sGGG I. G. W-iehel . 74 King S_ Very close in. Double-lined asphalt brick house, 6 moms. good barn, garage. outside underground vege- table cellar. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Radio Repairing Tubes MIMI If“. E. K. HEART“ C. A. BOEHH INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Diltrict Agent: REAL ESTATE Phone 1261 and The Chronicle’s Classified Advertising will sell them for you. , ASSETS OVER $1,500.000 6 A C R E S Market Garden . 'toiGr-t _ Bart. " “3.21.. J. Hooch I Hothnaa, _ - Inspectors A. K. Creséman Rent Estate Ind Insuranc- KISS ANNA R. BEAN KITCBKNER - ONT. Price only INSURANCE PERSONAL Your opportunity! 102 In“ St. South WATERLOO MUSIC RADIOS WATERIDO FOR SALE EXPERT OFFICERS M!!!“ Phone 781 _ Gul’h Waterloo . "Mm-kw K lichen" 3100.000. Wuuloo Wlmloo "lathe wnnbo . lurk:- and County People at Luther League Meet At West Monkton District young people, members of the district executive board who at- tended the sessions were: Noah Bru- hacher, president and A. H. Boreh- ardt. chairman ot Christian service trom Elmira; Gerry lRoth, vice- Dre sldent. Annamao Berdux, treasurer. Marie Voege, executive member. all ot Kitchener, Ruth ‘Malineky ot wa- terloo, secretary: Rev. Erdman, New Hamburg. chairman _ot Chrlsiisn knowledge; Hex. Mr. Branch and Ross Phillips of ’l'avistock, examine TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Dalmatia; and Adding Machines., Filing Cabinet. Dosh. Safes. etc. Delegates from Elmira were Ear. rine Weber, Ruth Weichel, A0rval Honing. ‘Carl Hahn and Calfl Swami. Friends and neighbors gathered at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Christman, Elmira, and tendered a surprise mitMNtlltbneotttt shower to Miss Beatrice Geiger and Mr. cur. ton Chriatnmn. moody married. The “lair was "ranged by Mr. ttttd Mrs. Sylvester 'Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dreisinger, Misses Rho- da Schmidt and Olive Devin. ED. HOUSE'S SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP King St. B. - hon. “I _ WATERLOO, ONT. NEW AND USED TIRES All that. RE-TREAD8 in qtoek--G-steed. Mrs. Atbert Duguay was hostess at a twin kitchen \shower on Thursday evening In honor of Miss Doris Corn. hell. a bride. and Miss Helen Weber, who in to the married this month, at which the guests were member: of the shirt department of the Eimin Shirt and Overall Company. AN APARTMENT to 'li'.""', by 'grstroItIttty, Sem- 15. â€I, Ontario: Office Outfitters Ltd. " Queen IBA - Home 979 Hessenau;& Minsk)',','.,,,' SHOE REPAIRING Tho Hem Retiyg Co. Whether mung! sumo . 805 TIRES&TUBES Phone 2772 - 848 Kill. St. E. “than: Phone "f.. 2x . g In W. TYPEWRITERS Phone 127N Phone-3:7 1775, Res. "tiii. o. P. Behmitt ix an, Chioniere. LOCAL TIRE SHOP " In Artgt9a ht. nod%e WANTED ROOFING New natd Tmed Kitchener trda Mr, and Mrtt. Gordon Bevker of g Delmll. Mrs, Ada Harlock and Ralph Harlock spent Saturday m . I Niagara Falls We: Adolph ot Bridgeport ad the young couple to" mounted with a lovely wool blanket try In: lyrue [Devin ot Kitchener, The address rud u toliovu: day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shelby of East- wood and was Florence Shelby of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. i%eRry and Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Stolu. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder of New Dundee called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker tsit Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Clicord Sworn of Kitchener spent. the holiday week. end with the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swaru. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich and daughter Dorothea Anne ot New Dundee and Miss [Anna Gingerlch ot Blal-r called on friends in the l"- lage on Monday. a Menu tore new“. All “that P" real tr tPfrreidmst, “raw?" The Now Dundee<Rosevllle Com- bines uttered I " defeat In tho tirgt game ot the intermediate tombs“ t1naiit played at Tavislock t . Miss Caroline Nicholas. who has been a guest not the home at Mr. mud Mn. J. Hope tor the past several weeks returned to her home in Man. lius, Ill, last week. Dr. and Mrs. John Dot-Weller " London were weekend visitors with the formers sister, Mu. J. Hops and Mrs. Hope. The 4th annual New: Reunion mas held at Knipiel‘s picnic grounds on civic holiday with 150 present. Rae knives were present trom Bridgeton. Na., Springvllle, N.Y.. Detroit. Mich. and surrounding district. Wal- ter Neel) of Peterdburg was presi- dent and gave the-address of wei- come. -an. John Neal; ot Bpringvllle, LN.Y.. reviewed the history ot the family in Canada. Rev. Oscar Neel: ot Bridgman. NJ. also gave an ad- May God richly 'blens you through- out Four wedded lite and may you continue to be leader: in Christian service {or the weltare ot Four Church and Community. Sincerely yours, Members of the Waterloo County C. E. Union Execu- the. Toronto Speaker Hun. Rev. Florence Pltman of Tomato occupied the pulpit of the United Brethren Church at the Sunday morning aervlce in the absence ot the pastor. Rev. E. Glugerich. Lou To Tnvlutock. Miss Dorisittrer ot Gait was a Sunday visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Elmer smlu. Mr. and Mis. Ephraim High ot New Dundee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweiler recently. Miss A. Jantzi spent the weekend with friends in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. George Shel'by of Kitchener are spending a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelby. The following were elected for the next reunion to be held in Kitchen. er in 194.1: President, Milton Neel! of Hampstead; firtgt vieoqtreaident, Chronce Noah ot North mmope; second vicepresident Henry Neel) ot Elvbsviile; third vice-president, Ar- thur Berg of Whyilosley; secretary treasurer. Miss Hildegarde Berdux at Waterloo. l Enjoy Family Reunion. To Melvin, we again who this op- portunity to acknowledge the won- dertul â€nice that you luvs under ed to the org-manor: which In to present and want to min that you for your leademhlp and counsel which we moored during your two year presidential term. To Mea, Becker, to extend to you a hearty welcome to the fellowohlp of Christan Endeavour in the Coun- ty of Waterloo. Att a when ot our highest esteem, recognition ot service, and Christian t'8howattip, we no]: you to accept this Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Becker of Demon were recent guests of Mrs. Ada Harlock and Mr. Oscar Schwei- hour "triatian Frtendn: We. the former member: and - ent when ot the “turbo County C. ' Union executive have amor- ed here this evening to oonmtnhte you upon tho stop am. you lave to cent when on the journey ot Mo. Mus Ida Holmer ot Kitchener ac" oompnnled Miss Martha Strebel to Detroit where they are spending a few days. Mr, John Kramling spem a tow all In Ramp-lead recently. Rev. and Mrs. John Net-b of Springville, N.Y., are spending a {on an with Mr. and Mrs. Walter lam: at "to Waterloo County Clan-tun Endeavour “out!" plot and) larva-on! Mr. and In. an WJnquorot melt mull-lb rhco. I their bane hero Int. M - "can. "e "can; w.- - WILL! Presentation to Bridal Couple PETERSBU RG By Walt Disney _ Fred Sapsiorth, Sr., has returned to his home here After spending the mast month with friends in Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender spent Sunday with friends in North East- hope. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and son Douglas Ind Beatrice Pfeiffer of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Pfeiffer. Mrs. H. Gill, Marjorie And Willis Gill and Robert Gill spent the week- end and holiday It the farmer's summer ggttage It Eon? Head. - Miss Margaret Wright of St. Catharines spent I few weeks' holi- days at the home of Mr. Burnham Fisher. A number of young people of the village were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adam of R.R. No. I, Prespn, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Weaver and Miss Salome Horst attended a fam- ily reunion at the home of Mrs. Na- thaniel Martin. Sr., at St. Jacobs on Sunday. - Miss Margaret Williamson of Shemeld spent Civic Holiday as the' gugst lrf_Mnry Wenger. _ - Roy Lehman of Kitchener spent Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pstyl $951190.- -- h _ - __-_-__, Mr. and Mrs. McCarley and fam- ily have returned to their home in Kitchener utter spending a week's vacation at Willow lake. I Mrs. E. Perine in: returned to her home here after spending the paltweek_with frien_dNin Toronto, Walter Each of Ayr was I visitor at the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs. John Welfufott Monday., _ Mrs." J. N. Miller at Elmira mom several days with Mr. and Mrs. Weir ley Miller. Mrs. Edward Main and‘children David and Mary Jean spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwlndt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LautenschLa. Ber and daughters Mildred and are ta ot New Dundee were Sunday guests ot' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst. their son Aaron and grandson Orvle Horst were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Horst and Mr. and Mrs. C, Martin at Conestoga Misses Margaret and Orpha Miller are spending a week at their cottage at Erin. Mrs. Reynolds of London. Eng- land is spending a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Evans. Mr. Maurice Schwindx Is spending some time in Mtdhury. _ Mr. and Mrs. Cluence Roll and children of Kitchener spent the week-end " the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs. Wm. Guillette. Joan and Ruth Meyers of Kitch- ener spent a few that mntion It the home of Mrs. E. onner. _ it. and Mrs. Lester Well-name! daughters Joan, Phyllis end nth, of Kitchener were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and In. Richard Jones. Kins Etta Bowman of Kitchener spent the week-end with her listen Kin Kate Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nndrofski Ind sons Robert and Donald of Putts- ville, spent 1 day " the home of Mr, Ind Mrs. A, G. Wolfe. Blake Chapmhn of Simcoe spent the week-end at the home of Mr. an§_ Mrs. Jolly Brgpe. ‘ __ __ _ Mr. A.- WoolnEr with his threah- ing outAt In: in this district for tht past week, helping the frreery end In. hulk Clutch of Doon. to Goon-go Schnumn of Preston. The ceremony In performed by Rev. F-ther‘ P. J. Meyer. Following the wedding breakfast " the Central Hotel, Preston, Mr. and In. Schnumn left on a motor trip to the sum Mu ytrt-., -- _ _ Church on Sunday dum'in the shunt: of the minister, Rev. W. Manon. my.“ A wedding took place qsetJy on 8|th morning It m. luau R. C. Church, Preston, of In: Far- onigg -Chuteh, pull dnyehte of Mr. ty - 2' thy Doi- M ' mm- Bu. Dr. H. Harrow of BL PM)“ Witod Church, My, cqndnctod MORE THE wusox FLY no co., “mu TON, our. NORTH WOOLWICH PAY room for the Teat of their Best of " ter ' Clear, quirk. lure. dump. AA ymlr Drug- xinl. Groevr or Groern' :itorv. y Mrs. Clayton 96¢an ot Kitch- ener and Mrs. Alvin hull and son Glen at Wellesley were recent viol- tors ot Mrs. Allin-ed Gill“. I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heal-loll and children visited at Mllveuon and vPethsrs on Sunday. ‘ y Me's. Edwin Marlin ether a any of ‘three weeks at the K-W. 110-me during which Glue she underwent gall alone and appendix operation. ls home again doing well. I Mr. Allen Dietenbecker and Ike Barham Frey were united in nurt- jnge on Sunday, Bishop Jesse Bow- man calcining. " Young Folks Join Chum. I Smithy was a day of great mum-en u Martin‘s Homing House. when at young men end women were buy used and received into church maln- baehlp. Bishop Daniel Brubeck" ot Brutus, men, was the otticUtintg Bishop. ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Scull", sons Harold and Arthur and Min Norma Bird spent the long week-end at Ypsalanti, Mich. _ Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wald were: Mr. and Mrs. George Manor: ind son Robert ot Kitchener, Mrs. Norman Duench and son Junior and daughter Jean of Port Huron and Mrs. Alex Ellis and children ot Bull‘alo and Mrs. John Klein ot CHttord. Mr and Mrs. Noah Good of Gnom- sey. Sash are visiting friends in the vicinity. Mrs. Alt. Gilles, had the anon-lot woodwork ot her house repainted. Knischewsky Bros.. doing the Job. Mr. and Mrs. Ballentyno of Bt, Catharina} called on Mrs. Jttbtt L. Weber and Mrs. Amanda Gilles on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dun and the two boys are spending . (all week: at Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ell [in-hater and two 'boys. Roscoe and Lloyd of Han- over visited at the home of MI. Anson Brubaker recently. Miss Lily Ernst and friend. Mr. Bill Adamsthwaite ot Toronto um- ed at the home of the tor-mere grand. mother, Mrs. John L. Weber. Messrs. Ross and Carl Wahl went the week-end and holiday at Mus- koka. Mr. Elam Bowman and sistor. Miss Lucinda were visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Martha on su- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer" Detroit open! the week-end at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. John G. Hahn. Mm. Nellie Wilkins and con Adhrey ot Niagara FINE, N.Y.. were recent visitors or Mrs. Henry lunar. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Martin visited in Ploradale on Sunday. Rev. J, H. Grenldhach ot Elm!!! preached a very tine sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday, Rev. J. P. Hauch being away on his holi- days. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Howard of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mrs. Holden Appel. Mr. and_Mrs. Prank Buddin and son Frankie of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Swartzentruber. The annual picnic ot the Mann Not ttusrttr was bold Mat Sunday. Only three or (in Mily were 1uravoitU6ly shoot“. The rut. children and ill-MI and grandchildren to the am ot forty were present to cheer the heart ot Grandma Brubaker They were A happy crowd. Young Couple Wad. On Tuesday ot last week the SI. hodbs' Women’s Institute “that the Linwood branch. Mr. ad Mrs. Henry Mlsel ot Vie. torithurg and Miss Lllly Mina! spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ludwig. Monday visitors with Mr. and In. Allan Jartal were Mr. and In. Prank Buddin and son mantle of Hamilton and Miss Olive Snkler of Bridgeport and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Janle and Norma and Ralph of Wel’ lesley. Mr Dough! Swan: of Kitchener spent the week-end with Miss Norma Swarm, Minn Gram Darla. Eva Junui an apt-"din: n In: any! with Mtett Helm Swnrtnmnlbor Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilmer were: Mr. and Mn. Joe Kennel of Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs Dan Botshart, Mr, and Mn. Fhra Rrenneman and Mr. and Mn. Gideon llnsharl all of Baden and Mr. and Mm Moses Fdteartaentrtbber ot l'wwsthurg. Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenco l-Jrlu or Tavislock and Mr. and Mn. Leottard Shana of Slraftord and Mr. and Mrs Emmanuel Comer of New Hamburg and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilmar and son Murry of Roqedate. Mu. M. Scum a! Linwood, r. with; the Women's humus ot Ontario, neatly cranked a bunch " “I mm the Aruowina on! " allows: Pro-Hem. In. Henry 1mm; vicopmuenl. In, P. . Welt“; nut whore-Hem, In. " Enjoyable Meet of Brubacher Family At Waterloo ' Mr (histav 7.le of ikLerrord awn! Sundgly with Mr, and Mn. tlhtt. manuel Rwartzentruher. Mr and Mrm Albert Schmidt and son Ward spent Sunday with Mrs. John Boyer m North Eamon. Mr, and Mrs. Abbe" Chapman zoom Sunday with Mrs. M. Chum-n in Renown». " Mr and Mrs I' E Swarmmrw" and family and Mr and ttrs, hallo,- Suhlva and 'ron Donald attended the F',warteentrigtter reunion held ll the home of Mr and Mn John Swm'tzvnlruhor In l-hm Zorn “In Mlklrvd (mapmln of Water. Inn In nttemf1tut a few Item with hor min Organize Branch vi.- Thonn; -ttarr<r-rer, In. R. Canon. Tho, mm on" third harm†or the month. Mr. and Mm Allan Jamii and family spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs, Chrittt 29hr m Baden, deen’s Institute _rJur3yW.,.,Nrc_atid Mn. Albert Chu- PINE HILL