PM}! E; "t% runvim-ml that this man is 1 good workvr mu! wants work, and I'm Kuhn: to tind out why he was tired!" [husky Workman Fired at Sham] Dam Sn dvrlatl'tl rhairmnn A. N. Far-l ries when a hu~ky OV-rcliefee up- pearod bufore the family relief‘ board this urn-k and said he hid been di<rhmmwl from work at the Shnnd Dam “nt no roman at nil". He had hvrn mnplnym‘ n'nly three days, hr, sap, "There are rumours going the round, that win-f workers are be. ing dikharmwl and rvplacvd by men engagwl In Toronto by contractors on the projtset," continued chairman Furric.s, "if this is true. we must know thr farts.‘ The 'uva’vl inqum-h-d Miss Mabel 1'. Frik, whrf administrator. to us- certain hum tho construction com. pany the â€awn for the man's dis- missul. on the 'mtee6mtt-... yacht and dinghy races, lilo International Power Boat races featuring the power. ful 226 class and roaring sea Beam One of the most thrilling sights at the Exhibition! Famed ypitroetr-., S'C'f'W'B-u. Familiar livestock at {Toronto Stall! can. giUgat We; 'ha his. F!!- Afue has“ m - u" ..9.'- e'-"'" -' _ _ nocdpu reported by a. Double- liveuocl branch we": on» MO; ulna OS; but. 1000; m A“ but» 616. A tttw would! noon brought. 5.00- 6.50. Good lulu butch.†- 0.- us. but bulk ot tho supply III a madam to cannon - n 5.110, Good can now " 4.4.50. eamMt" manly u 1.50. not! below bulb brought 3.50, noun bologna u but a 0., and - export in. Wood to choice tad calm In! " 71543.25 with mm down to iii.) Stacker nude In curly um" u 4.50 tor plain up to 5.35 tor good. Good veal calves were maul] 8.50 with a te- mp: at I. Cannon no- em sold do" to 5. and "use“ " 0.4.50. Hop clued " 10.60-10.00 (or dressed weights with bulk ot “I. at the lower price. “vacuum sold at 8. oil-1min. Good ewe and wetter mm were 8.50 wbth buck 1.50 and can. INT. with most at 7. Sheep were 2.4. Representative uleI: Welsh†sstoers-t, use In. "O: 2, 1115, 5.15; I. 1080. 5.15; 89, 1096,'; 5.10; t, 1180, 5.50. Light steers-iN, 960 lb... 615; 14, 870, 6.; 1, Mo, 5.75; C, 910, 5.50; b, 'tmr. 5.25; 1, 900. 5.; 10, 715, 4.50. Heiteras--2, 380 m... 5.35; Mt, 908, 6.15; M, 800. 6.; s, 900, 5.15; c, US, 5.50; a. 840, 5.5; Mit, 740. 6.; s, 880, 4.76; 2, 740, 4.50; t, TM, 4.10. . Corrs-l, 940 tn... 4.75; t, mm, 4.25; l, 860, c.; 6, 1010, 3.15; T, 810, 3.50; A, 1040. 3.35: 4, 960, 3.; 2, Tito, 4.25; l, 860, c.; 6, 1010, 3.75; T, 810, 3.50; A. 1040. 3.36: 4, 960. '.; 2. 780. 2.75; 18, 370, 2.50; l, 030. t. rmuiir--8. 1570 In†c. 4. 1600, 4.76; l, 12.10, 4.25; 6, 1140. 3.85; 11, 910, 3.75; 2, BIO, t.60; T, "it, 3.50. ""r1'i"ciics2r. 356 in; us; 8, m, 8.; l, 610. 7.50; 12. m, 7.35; 9, I“. 7.26; s. 580, T.: 2. 'es, 6.75; 3. no, stockers--A 740 lbs., 5.25; 5.10; 10. 510, 4.90: C, 'tro, l, 550. t.75; T, 520, 4.65; 29, " 20. 625, 4.50: 5. .66. 4. TO, Tsim, um; a. m, w. Veal eatves--al, 234 lhtt., 9.; 2, 212. 8.76; 130, 172. 8.60; 39. 202. 8.25; tl, 192. 8.; 5. An, 7.50; 12, IM, T.; a, 140. 6.50; 8, no, 625; T, 152, C; 8, 183, 550; T, 108, 5:26; IT. 170. 5.; s, 398, 4.75; M, 110. 4.50; r, us, 8.50. ToRON'r0.--Moat reporting no; markets remained unchanged Wed- nesday, after dropping steadily in recent weeks. Htunitton hem top po- sition with dressed weights at 10.36. ""fGeiarrtiiL-aaatt, mo; Brun- tord, 7.50. _ _ Dressed weigtha: Brantford at); Hamilton, $10.35; Hull, $10; Peter- trams. $10.05 plus transportation; Suntan! $10 plus transportation: London, 810 plus transportation. mnuuu, qu- y“.- “ml.-. w-.-_. “ML. - Closing: Hams Americans short cut, 12a6 Itta., 838. Bacon, Amado-n shoulders. picnics. 38 ttts., nominal. Btrtter-. Cream. solids, No. 1.... 21% to 00 l do 38 score ..t..prre...'.". 20% to 00 _ do CT score 20. to 00 i Note: Above prices based on clos- ing sales. Gh-o-- New large tparattined) current make r..e.rr. my. to 00 do twins .qr.rrre.e.'_.r"". 11% to 00 _ do triplets ...-.r_rrr.r6.r " to 00 l quotations to am" Trad. Bqttqr- Cream. prints. No. 1.... 23% w an; do 38 score 21% to " do 37 score ...-.r.tNN..9_. 21% to 22K cha---. Old largo'"". 21 w " do twlns ...r.r.r__tr_...'"". 21% to 00 do mum ..rr..rAerw...'. 2w. to on (Country Truck Prices) No. I grade ...-........._ 21 to 00 “V. - (BEliiered to Toronto) No. 1 grade o...,....'...... 94 to 00 Wednesday, carlots, 0.â€. bay ports: Northern when: No. 1 W; No. , 64; No. , all“ No. A 41%; No. ' garnet 95%; No. t feed screenings $10 per ton. j Ontario wtseat--Ahutadlan when board prices: hula Montreal export rues: l No. I winter " i No. , winter " , ' No. ' wlnler 62. _ Ontario feed oats 23-24. l Ontario matting barley $40. _ Kl). natural corn 46-41. No 3 Gama Prescott when 46%. Barley: No. 3 CW, 3916. Mixed teed out. an. Ontario gratmr--wF.O.B, shipping points: Lightning Hits Church Steeple TORONTO. - Grain - _tt'totatie" Oita: No. â€mini. the Mm “an“ the ‘namoa John Mord. non of luv, F 8 Meyer. motor of the "hurwh. and marten mm, more overcome by smoke. hm soon rerovorod Grain Quotations Hog Quotations st0rtRaN0WLLE.--Ats eleetrk al storm that hit (his vItuge we." ot Stamford than; than 7.10 Tueodar evening let". I lightning bolt Into the steeple of the Evangollcnl Church and 5:79 firemen from Shrmtord I am- rttbt foh. Churning Cream The Humming hit the “some mid started a are. As the steeple In hunt of wood it was ready to hump but over the wood I. a thick mating of an and that M what “we tho Brtymen Rouble. They had when “on; . mm- hmm hm Ind rhemhrat truck. hut as there was no water mm- ply Hm rhpmlral was wed-at Kahuna of II. Dairy Produce noon arm!“ "f 20W3l%;N0.30W ho, m; If, New Potatom Sell briskly at Weekly Waterloo Market Hut-luv- -- .____-, lamb Mod. Now you“ pull at to - . In.“ W‘ Eitl - nu at " can a - and touch"!- a " - can] m: clout honey. IN par pound, in: bonny, Be per youth] cooking a»)... 15: u but»; he.ti bani“. two boaren for t6e; black bonito. 16e per boar; tomb... Me' a but“; bum. 10 to " can per“ but“; padded you. We . pint; can. " eenta pot down; In†cu- cumbon. two for be; null cucum- bem, " cent: per huh“; lettuce, 5 to no eegtta . bunch. Butter, on: fowl, and menu were sold at Win“, the an. iG'aGr. ivék "o. Choice Offering Of Fruits, Produce At Midweek Mart one. rammed: Grade A large .rq...twr... 24 to Ito Grade A medium _..-... 23 to 00 Grade A wile! mmr...PW."'. 16 to 00 ‘Grade B .....-...F...r.._ 15 to 00 Grade C ...-....r--......M.r'. " to 00 Dealers are quoted on graded eggs. cases tree: Gnde A large .rr.W.r..P.. 26 to 26% Grade A medium .rrmm.'. 25 to 25% [Grade A planet m-.-..-...' " to " Toronto dealers are quoting pro. ducem tor unguided eggs delivered -oo's_Bytetd" WP! Ste Grade A medium ..rmmF.. 23 to 251 Grade A pallet .rrrt..t...' " to " 0M9 B .......,,..-.._..-... 18 to 00 Grade C .rr...rer..-..-'r.'r'. 14 to 00 Selling - to Rem! Trade Et-- Grade A large ...-rr-... " to 00 Grade A medium .mm.w.P. 28 to 00 Grade A pallet .m+H.....r'. as to 00 Grade B'. 20 to 00 Alrado C ...rrr.H....e..mmrerrr'. 18 to 00 1 Note: Albove egg prices based I lclosing sales. (twice alarm! ot. tmits, Spring Cttlek--- l% to 4 ma. t._...r...P.. 4 to 5 ma. 5 lbs. and over ..___.p.. Fatwa H--- Over 5 the, w...rq. , to 5 tba. tsq...... 1% to 1% ma, 1% to 3 lbs. . 3 to 4 lbs. ..... 4 tom lbs. ..... Closing cash prices: Wheat-able. 1 hard. 5456c; No. 1 nor. 53%; No. 2 nor. 50%; No. 3 not. 66%; No, 4 nor. fer, No. 5 was; No. 6 34%: teed, 33%: No. 1 garnet 42%e; No 2 garnet 39%; No. 1 dur- um, 46%: No. 4 spec. 40%; No. 5 5mm 29%: No. 6 spec. 36%; mixed spéc. 39%; No. 6 36%; track 52350: “VIC. ....N.. wry-v. oats-No. t CW. 25%; No. 3 CW. ex. M16; No. , CW, M; No. 1 feed use; No. 2 teed 21%; No. 3 teed Miss Hazel Markle has returned home after speudlng the past week not the home of June Roberts ot Guelph. Buying Prion. Poinltry and Eggs tSai; "'.iipi."' Norman Duckworth of Cal- gary is spending a. week at the home of Mrs. Edna Melt. -- _ . Kenn-m " BIAVIRDALI FISHIRI MILL. -Ti;. -isi'LCcGirer and Mr. David Odbér attended tho Cuber reunion hold at Richmond Hill on Hominy. Mr. Addison Bosh spent Sunday at the home of his sister. Mrs. Arm- strong and Mr. J. W. Armstrong ot Peterlburg. Miss Mildred Week of St. Jaodbs spent Monday In the home ot her parents, yrland Mrs; Norman Block. "TGiG Ruben: of Guelph I: spend- lng a few dun at the home of Mrs Edna Mame. _ ___- _ Mina Gladys Taytrttt%y ot Waterloo spent Monday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrb. Norman Inmble. Sunday Manors with Mr. and Mrs, luidoro Moser were Mr, and Mn. Beet Strain and children (i Jor"tphir burg. Mr, and Mrs? Thou, Bummer bl Linwood and Mr and Mn Henry Kat-her and-hull Mrs. Eva Gingrich and daughter and Bonilttw ot Michigan went a few days I! the home ot Mr. Isaac Cuber. ' "ill-“Jud Mrs. A. Winner “handed the Cuber reunion head at Richmond Hill on Monday. - _ - ms. Alma mum. at Preston spending a few day: at the home Mr. and Mrs. C, Younkle. Sunday vlsLlom at the home of Mrs. Edm Mantle were Mr. uni Mm. Jdhn Mnrkle. Mug Sustn Ross and Miss Florence 'Slm of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crab and family Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Renehan and funny of Toronto loam the week- end with Mrs, Thou, Hunky. - -- A lump nunihor trom her» attend- mt the Gardnn Party m St Clement: on Mum!†evening. The Mm" Ruby Ind Thelmn KnoM-urh of bum" vlnltod Mr, and Mn It. C Knoblnuoh. ___ - irks: on Live Blrdg 'htrletertpker"-- Grade "A" ‘hlr Ind In In. Kenn-61 amt Sand" enam- Mm Mr. and an Alex Watch: In Glenllen. to down. Winnipeg Grain track 25% (Prlcea to Shipper) Dressed Select "A" POULTRY HIBSON III EAr1ULt.s.f?32 ttlgtetgt 2,r222l.USt,hlt 24 " " 20 " 15 to 00 to 18 to 19 to 21 - to 00 to 00 to " " 1 4 15 I -------- . l not! "-qu on Saturday anna- ,d an immune mud to tho lunch- ‘cnor unmet. Prize. showed mus ’mnne over a i no. “on no we ot the prices quoted: . Choice young chickens will lot “a a pound and year-old: were be. lures as! were Me, and medium goal we": Me, butler Me per pound, {crou- loc I pint, “on Me, boat Packs (ill tur Basket ht Weekly Kitchener Marl Chicka- ch PM at " Calls; Eu- " Cdott. mm " to 1Se, picnic ham We, quoted hum no, amuse rolb "tt, “we" ate, bacon Sc, lard Me, but: part “we 28: and naked tror,h “Hugo Me. - 9‘22â€â€œle were in tterr-d, oeu- m; at tomatoes 5 and toc a lac-tot. celery hurts 10 um 16c, mum.“ 6, lo, 16 and soc, van tn the p'od tic.. we (or " and S6e a hula, bean- bc a box and 80e a trauet,Negetttattles nun-ow 5. 8 and We, com " and IN, a Golan, lettuce ' tor 'e, three torl 10c and 6e 1 head, We, three tor i10c, s, r and 100 each, with“. ’onlonl and carrots, all three bunches ‘for 10e, pickling cucumber. 5. 36 and 40e a basket. [use cucumbers. three tor 5 and two for Se, new pom- Loel 20e a small basket and 86c I large basket, dill 5e 3 bunch or trree for loc, peppers 25c a basket, been 15, 20 and 25e a basket. Delicious fruits in season sold " follows: cherries " and 45c. when 40 to We a basket. plums 40c. utm- kan apples Me, menu“ 5, 10 and 16c each, mayhem-lea Mic a box. its of Potato Bugs Killed By Hot Weather Hm weather has killed all almost all the potato 'bugs. farmers In some sections of Ontario repent. The penis just couldn't take it. They crawled down to the ground and died In than» sands. while the farmers laughed. "My potato patches were cleaned thoroughly," Harold Simpson, mar- ket gardener at Cataraqul, near Kingston, reported. “The heat trilled the bugs 100 per cent, last week." Rob Bank of $2,100; Bandits Caught BAUA.--Two hours after the may- al Bank brand at Bala. had been MUM of $2.100, Provincial Mrieer Benny levelled his revolver at an anmed suspect and said "Drop it or I about." The suspect dropped his own gun, a aawed-otr .22 rifle, (any loaded. onto the railway track ,and sur- rendered. Taken back to the bank he was identified by the manager. and said his name was Edward Da- vis, 22. ot Lapotttaine St., Montreal. INDECENT ASSAULT CASE Judge R. L. McKinnon remanded Charles' Cunningham, Gait, to the county jail until Aug. 16 when iii/ elected in county court to be tried without jury by the county judge on a charge of indecent assault. He 'pleaded not guilty. _ The charge read to Cunningham [was that he committed an indecent assault at Gale on July 19 against iiA.rireien Halstead. Toth on Economic Buying. The August meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held at the I home of the president, Mrs. M. Beelr. tel, on Tuesday evening, with the first Vice-President, Miss Sylvia Bock, occupying the chair. Mrs. Ural Mayherry was appointed as delegate to the Women's Institute Convention to be held at Guelph on Sept. 12 and 13. The members re- ‘sponded to the roll call by giving i',',,'.,, particular phase of Home Econo- mics in which I am interested", after which Mrs. A. Futher told of the interesting meeting of the Cen- tral Dumfries Women's Institute held near Gait last Monday which was attended by the large group of Scottish women. A trio composed of the Misses Ellen Page. Alice and Jean Halman, rendered several vo- cal numbers during the program. Mr. Gillies Fenn' of Plattsville was the guest speaker indurtwe a splen- did talk on the subject of "Different Kinds of Meat and Economic Buy- ing" and also distributed colored charts to the members. Rgfresh- ments were served at th v, con- clusion. . Talk on Bolivia Minions. "Bolivia" was the topic of a paper presented by Miss Emma "utensehltstrer " the monthly} meeting of the Baptist Mission Circle held at the church on Wed.. nesday evening. The roll call re- spouse was, "The Name of a Mis- sionary or Mission Station in Bo- livin". Psalm 84 was read respon- sively after which Mrs. Fred Poth read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Clarence Hilborn gave a reading en- titled, “I Call in the Dark" and Mrs. V. E. Dinger read a poem. During the meeting arrangements were made to hold a Missionary Tea at the home of Mrs. Clarence Hilborn the second week in September. New. Notes. The Salvation Army Band of Gait gave an open-air concert at the vilhge square on Wednesday eve- ning. -- - - . " The B. L. Group of the Sr. Women's Institute will hold I Penny Socinl on the lawn of Mrs. E. S. Brown on Wednesday evening, Aug. 23rd. , Porto-uh. Mrs. Arthur C. Jones nnd sons ArthurUnd Duvid 1nd Mr. Lincoln 0berholtzer of Elkins Park, Pa., And Mrs. Russel Chew of Wilkinsburg, P... were {wean of Mr. and Mrs. Joni-h Cassel for I few (llys this week. - _ Professor Sen le Burkhorouxh of Northwestern tl,'iivd.'l1"i, Evalu- ton, Illinois, Ind Mrs. Buckhorough visited with the former'n sister, Mrs. C. W. Backus Ind Rev. Backus on quneM-y. _ ... ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry anner of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cluel and Mr. Elmer (Inn! of Plattaville Visits-d with Mr. Ind “a. Joni-h (“usual on Wedneadly. - Mrs, George Lombury of Pres- ton wt I m nay: of mm In! with Mr. and MN Henry Water man, NEW DUNDEE To. late h Chas?! " VATIILOO PAIR. Soundâ€. A . Parr, ml and chin. inc plau- manhu- with the cut of Police " Wat- uioo and min mad. “-1 Sole krtim (lf Tragedy Jhlits he life coBoURG.--Mu. lone. 24, so]. We! of the My that eatasod death to her mother mud naphtha, condnnu to itght tor be: [its in the Cutout-g General Hospi- scientist: are working was: to solve the unitary dentlr of In. Prestridaa, her mother, Ind the ft. I tal 'shootlnc of Jun: phylum", Thoma humus. ' The thro- was, drugged from " flaming hm hon-In It Grafton u week no byl At that time In. Preatridee wu dead, Mr. Puntridge wu still living with a bullet wound in his forehead, but later died on the wly to the hos- pital. Miss Morse, “no shot. in the forehead, was living, but uncons- cious. Fifteen pieces of bullet and twelve pieces of bone were extrat- ed from the brain of Kit. Morse by Dr. David Pratt, Toronto oped-lint. One piece of the bullet mu remains in the haeotthe bnin. butitwu considered too antenna to “an†to remove it until the girl regains her strength. Every German From 5 to 70 Years Must Register German between the ms of tive and 70 was ordered this week in the interest of national defence Is the nation stepped up its genertl pro- ‘grnm to establish I peak of pre- jpar_ed_ness " mif-..Autruah Only active soldiers and reservists are excepted. The cards must be Med in Berlin between August 13-19. The regis. tuition will be handled through the ‘police with the lid of Nazi party jrolitienl leaders. In etteet the registration supple- mented the regular police register which nlrendy has . record of Ger- mns of Bil uses. Two Barn Fires With Loss of $7,000 kt the we sir-- We: "Y! 1mAqtHAM.--4Lot" attuned st $7,000 partly covered by Insurance, was entailed by ttro which demo- [shed two large mama on the mm of Harry Stanton, Middle Road, Ra- leigh, Transients might have been responsible Gr the blize. The fire was discovered at 4 sun. ttut on reaching the burning build- ings members ot the family could not enter. Farmers from the surround- ing district. aided the South Hal-wick tire truck trom tBienhehn. hi on? oi the barns. which were and to end, a horse, halter Ind one sheep perished. The buildings cow mined unthreshed wheat and on. and considerable machinery. RESCUED FROM EVER _ sTRArFORD.--A ducking was all [ that resulted trom what might easily, hanu ween a drowning when the canoe in which Louis Strauh, ot De trail, and Bruce Hartlerb. of Kitch- ener, were riding capsized in tho Avon River. and only the qulck ha- tiott of Clarence. Price. done in t nearby canoe, prdhaibly - one or both ot them. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winkler of Hanover onlled on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Winkler was born here and left for Hanover tittLverss ago: ""iCiriiriirTs.iGiiG"sidmer ind gnmily spent the holiday in Grand end. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kress and family of Waterloo spent Sundty and the holiday " the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Semanti- Kress. vi}; Lavim. M. Schaefer spent a fegIAdnys syittt frit.yftr in Patron: " Sunday visitors It the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Golbeck were Mrs. Herman Jacobi, Mr. and Hrs. Henry Golbeek of Bridgeport, Mrs. Adam Sehaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Gross and son Wilfred of Wat- erloo, Miss Violet Reichert of Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. William Reichert and Mr. Herbert Greyerbiehl of Rummelhardt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emil Kohl and family of Nithbnrx and Mr. Allen Reichert of Hesse}! Red: BERUN.-Reit.rntion of Y"?.'? -ii.rifriGrer rand son Mnnhed of Humilton culled on friends here on Snnduy. PRESTON. --Flre on Sunday nftemoon razed the burn nnd drive- shed on Nick Cieuirn's farm on Front street, causing damtge ot livestock, eqquipment and buildings amounting to $3,000. It was pur- ti-lly covered by insnrnnce. One BOW, 13 young pigs Ind 600 young chickens burned to death in the tire. 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dietrich of Kitchener spent the holid-y " the home of the former's parents here. HAMrLTON.--Befort the gaze of two horrified witnesses, I well- dressed mm shout 40 - of Age. whose identity bu not yet been on- ublinhed. lay down in front of ii/ Approaching 'it,f,"ll.% train on t e main line of the C. .R., just north of the high level bridge Thursday night, and his body was out in two when three can passed over it. SUICIDES ACROSS R.R. TRACK In†"I. ...............:...... “In.“ o1iT.C.C.Cii.oo gull- WILHELM HARDWARE HARNESS mail-801W $3.000 BARN FIRE IAMBERG The 18th Breeders’ Combination Sale " REGISTERED COWS AND HEIFERS prevails. (has! sin. nice udder-s. nice my I ground so milk a day. A number st: of th (tinny, noted for high butter!“ tent. y 9 Elm-I Good GRADE COWS. A few l Kev DURHAM GRADES. These Gad“ are absolutely the greatest theme ales for tone time. Just cow- that are Also a number of very choice pure bi CALVES. Come early and look them over. This is a convenience that is more Ind more appreciated. We have lotion from satiatied customers from far And near, We Are in this business to stay and we sell every animal just us they Bre. A. B. BIUBACHZI. LLOYD SHANTE, E. J. SRANTE, .4- 3.---..- ' Audionur. saga" Miraculous Escape or Young Couple " “no. AcomrrrG v3- " HEAD, NEGATIVE Registered and Grade Holstein Cattle On Wednesday evening I cu was "iiiiittr"i'dfi __ - ' . . good sale, for Mrs. Geo. tg',rtedtiyr,,,2o1', Jg,"":",,":, tlf, Huehn, in the village of Wellesley. Ki.t.eherttr-stettyl hishvg‘y . tlf/liens',.,',',),',?',',,";,"',?,)-,,-:',"',.',"';,,,"?,,',':? 'e,'hr',',', g, tl',',',,"),',"."'.,::",'," hold effects and new hardware men which umemed to be taking up Ll2Ct?,ee,t'.. . Every Saturday is the than u liberal slate of the road,, the 'tLuge,'. '='2r='ld'g. Jg every body . " rear when?» any?†in the 'eiii gravel. idem y e turn-out ' been 'tf/P, navigated {:an accelef’ 5392!!“ “in t e Cnr to tret c ottto t l') Mr .uud Mrs. Gorduh Pfohl and road the whgels luui taktn ‘ yel!let and family of Newark, NUyare spend- ',iiiiiitii/e'Ar(t'tpalp,.esdiltlt'i ing a two w"iaFTtL.Utioif at" this side Fortunately the driver was bugle qt r21 tl"ld'/v1 nggy New; . . r. an . rs. arvey c m dt. . r. Tgteg tufra,gtg,'f, 'trd, and Mrs. (Herman Schaefer and Miss serious fad', occupant. tsattered . Bemlo Schaeter spent ySunday with out in‘her . t eye lid which re- Mri and Mrs. Norman Letter at Wa- . " h "er oo. jitNttfttri'/lcit,r, 222;:1 TheMisses Emma. Fries and Nellie 10tu 2'e"llu'lfiG'llil'l when she re- Schleuter and Messrs. Clayton Heier- ceived not even I scrunch after tPl',',", 1"r'yth,,v."'"" spent Sunday at agara . 1te,"u',tU'e/','l, Tatt' mien: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra :Hmwn and lam- .g a worn by the yelling Indy Hy ot Waterloo were recent callers wmere not even broken although Ci'dly the home of Mr. and Mrs. Helm , . temple was bent. The car 'i,llt"re7iiii"f/.i."lu Mr. H ttW H . .. one broken window, bent fender ind Ed sh ‘ F.. er , 'sl {let accom- the loss of two quarts of oil. pan y Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Plural Gan. Tied 1Ptohl and family ot Newark, N.J., and M . , . . . , . Before I splendd crowd 0f_ eager‘son lSlgnI23dof ‘lgaesgnvaoy; {23:15:1- tt,r,".%'l,",; the lee Tgd tied the ed the Scllnnrr Reunion held at the cw :mbnrgersgn‘ _e seety! Waterloo Park on Monday anter- - of the play-oi! “Ties on the noon. locnl diamond here on Wednesday Mrs. George Grosz and Belly Lou evening-Por the visitors M new ot Waterloo and Mrs. George Smith ed to be the outstanding player. and Miss Vera Smith of Heidelberg while Norm Hill for Baden received spent Tuesday with Mrs, Herman the star rating for his splendid f1.eld Schaefer. . _ ‘work, with Ktrs Lenka: le.servit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and wort, nun nu- u-..._.. -v--_.._,, . second for his eentre-fielding. In the ttrat inning Boehler scored l run for New Hamburg, with Clayton Nauman, the first batter for the home team, tallying one for his mates. No runs were scored in the second and third, but Ken Leisknu slipped in I nice one for Baden in the dth and Norm Hill another in slipped in a nice one for Baden p, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sehnarr and the 4th and Norm Hill anotl'iet Mt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz spent Sat- the 5th. With I change of p"etrrsliiiiia; evening at Waterloo at the hgrlf way through the we. New home of'Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brown Hamburg rallied with , run " 'les Several from hero attended tho in the 7th inning, none "I the tiettt.h, Law Social tgt St. Clements on Mon- but Pal? again scored to he the day. t game up in the 9th. Many from this vicinity attended ( Ten innings were played but 33.6w SehnarriReurtion which was held vthe tie "'3 not broken the P"neost the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas was called because ef the darkness “in at St. Agatha. ._ but! a third game will be played on Mr. Richard IKrVogman has return- Frig-y gyengng- This fut-‘53 ..__., led to Kitchener after spending some New Hamburg---Ruby and Boeh- let, Pl C. Boehler c; Fdhufer 1b; Rita and Meeker 2b; Doerr 3b; Ain- sley as; Reiha If; Pal? rt; Omnnd ef. Bittery--Boehter, Ruby Ind C. Boehler. - _ - Baden-Earl Schiedel p; Joe Weiler c; Clayton Nauman ttr; Clu- ence Biesel 2b; Albert Everett 3b; Norman Hill as; Ken Leigh»: cf; Sylvester [human rf; John Beemer If. Betterr--Sehiedel Ind Weiler, Sunday visitors with Mr. Ind; Mrs. Edwin Hackblrt were Mr. and‘ Mrs. Albert Duench of New Dundee,‘ Miss Lum- Dueneh, Mr, ikaiGiil Lautemwhlsger of Petersburg, Mr.) and Mrs. Ezra Hammer, Mr. Jturob, Hahn. New Hamburg. Mrs. "cot, Heimpel. Mrs. Adam Hildebrand of Kitchener, Ind Mr. end Mrs. August Schneider Ind dnughters ftitht' and Velma Ind son Rudolp of Hawk-ole. _ - Visitors It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Seifert on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holmium of Barking, Mr. Fred Moser of Glenallen, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gerth, Mrs. Phillip Grnhm of Wei- lesley. Mr. And Mrs. Louis Schiegel, Mr. and Mrs. Delford Schlegel of ‘Hnnover. and Miss Gladys Mossop jst London. -- “uE;VAugmt 17, at 1.30 pan. -. iirGif Mrs. Herbert Freiburger spent Tuesdny u Wnterdown. -- -‘ _ II . I ___, ‘1‘. u..." â€w--. -- _ -__H Mrs. 5.10m. Heimpel nnd um Marie Heimpel of Wnterloo spent Monday with Mr. Ind Mrs. Chlrles Hackbut. - - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert were Mr. tnd Mrs. Noah Holuchuh of Dorking, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schneider of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reichert of Rum. melhnrdt, Mrs. Adam Schleler of Wlterloo and Mrs. Herman Jscobi of Bridgeport. Miss ldelll Seyler of Waterloo spent the week-end with her pnr- ants. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler'. N Mr. Ind Mrs. John Kropf and diliiiitGiiyrry Ellen Ind Ber-usu- u-..,..--... .V--., _ Ind son Elton, “commuted by Mn. Lydia Leis Ind Misses Muttie and Anne Kropf of Wellesley spent Sun- day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry 22hr Ind Mrs. Katherine Kropf, non Shgkgnpnre. Suhdty viniwra with Mr. and Mn. Wm. Dammeier were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlegel, Mr. and Mrs. Del- ford Schlefel, Mr. Ind Mrs, Edwin Winkler 0 Hanover, Miss laura Logh of Toronto, Mm Gtndrt Mor aop of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ottrnan of Elmira Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reine um! Mr Lyle Rein: of mm.-- -. - M m " mum... Mr. and In. John K. 8ehmMt of HESSEN ROAD At SUMMIT Sula Inn-gar. ‘.v..w. to e1ose "Ed t'.l-i, Themmses Emma. Fries and Nellie t.the car ",'l'l"'d Schleuter and Messrs. Clayton Heier neg 'L'enfs ege‘mnd Harold Vogel spent Sunday at aerate .ltel r er Megan Fink. "yelled Ri ttly Mr. and Mrs. Elm :Bmwn and fam- vmdow. Inked" Hy ot Waterloo were recent callers the ppt “but the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hem) W. absolutely the wettest lot of _eows to be sold in me. Just cow: that are diluent. Come and see. rf very choice pure bred HOLSTEIN .HEIFER VIEW FA... IIIDGEPOIT. on W. W. PRICKEY. Auctioneer ' Pine-e 592w. Walerloo Aug. 12 tsaturday)--?! 1.30 p. m., furniture and household effects including new bedding and carpets. Just a real good sale, for Mrs. Geo. Huehn, in die village of Wellesley. Mr. ind Mrs. lHarvey Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer and Miss Bemla Schaefer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Letter at Wa- Jerloo. Mr .und Mrs. Gordo'u Ptohl and and family of Newark, NU.. are spend- Ing a two weeks’ vacation at this home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heier. Auction Sale Lists Mr. Richard ngman has return- led to Kitchener after spending some Aime with his brothers, at tho homo 'ot Mr. and Mrs. Hem Boating. son Stanley ot Hesson Road attend- ed the Schnarr Reunion held at the Waterloo Park on Monday amet- noon. I Mr. and Mrs. John Ituntro and Mr. “and Mrs. Charles Breman and daugh- 'ter Lois of Hanover. were Sunday Winner guests at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey tSetimidt. daughter Muriel. Mrs. Henry Vogel and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bienhaoh spent Sunday with Mr. Casper Vogel at Shakespeare. " srirriiTa%is has returned home after spending several weeks at St. George. , . _ Many from this vicinity attended the Schnarr Reunion which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fritz at St. Agatha. " Mrs. Eric Adler and son Heinz a! Bulalo are spending a. week's vacu- tion with the farmer's alum, Mrs. Reinhardt Proms. We are sorry to report that Mr. Allan Brown is critically ill at the RAW. 'Hospital. - _ - Hydro is being installed in St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church by Mr. Henry Vogel of Fort William, who is spending the summr-r months at his home here, Mrs. Jack Strome and sons Kreddirt Donald and Malcolm are spending a few days ln Waterloo wlth tho tor. iuer's mother, Mrs. Reinhardt Praise. Kitchener, Mrs. Walter Good and Mrs. George Hoimpei of Heidelberg spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. Charles Hackbart. Mrs. J. Gerth of Kitchener spent a few days last week with Mrs, chob Reichert. A _ Misses Edna and Helen Diebold and Dorothy Strut, of Kitchener spent lust week with their aunt. Miss Agnes Freiburger. in“; -iGli Mrs. Norman Hahn of Linwood spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. DnniejSeylern -- _ - - . _ _ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackbart were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schmidt, Miss Marie Hickblrt of Heidelberg, Mr. Wm. Len: of Hlysvilll‘, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clausing, Mrs. Wm, Bauer of Waterloo, Mr. Ed, Hob] of Bamberg, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hack- bart and non Roy of Heidelberg, and Mr. Henry Lent et Kitchgper. -Mr. Vina Mrs. Herbert F"reihureer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Mike Strauss st_Joyrrrhsruylr. _ WMV'IHS Selim Seyler- of Kitth-nrr spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dnniel Seyler. few GRADE JERSEYS and . Cider Mill Open Alum. Nth. and t7th "w'""" fii' pressing. Altar these any. evefy Mend-y Ind Thur-(lg, (‘r wâ€zoom-I. and pun-int Will you favor Its with y01, work? tte. The usual good quality , milkers. Some producing the flmous Snow Korndyke E.STAHL 321 Uranium-p9 " KITCHENEI. ONT Phone 3483 0' " Aug-t ll