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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Jun 1939, p. 4

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h Tau 'A'I'IILDO cm: if w..- -_ --- - - o"t'ptst'."'atdrl"l= fifiap'umwu ta'g",'iitd.1itta's'i,'ii'iihiiTv'iyh' _ . iFriiiFirEeeifti-_ Luv WWI, IVI a.“ no»- n..- - V“, 7, -7 king of England m upon the soil of the United States of Amer-in. The buildup ho- tween King George' and President Roosevelt provifed visible evidence of the ngtion - . . . . 4‘ LI._._- Gain PVVI‘IW ___ "rw---'-- vâ€" v..v already effected between the throne of Britsinl end those communities on this continent who', were driven into asserting theirright to self government in the year 1776. It Was on'e hun- dred and twenty~eeven years British troops burned down the White House at Washington. the executive mansion at which King George the Sixth and his lovely Queen were honored guests on Friday and Saturday lest. That ac- tion was in reprise] for the burning of the legis- lative buildings at York, now Toronto. The visit last week to the United States capitol was not with an invading army but with messages of esteem and good-will from a world-wide British Commonwealth. A - The presence of the dignified King and the Queen, with her sweetness, will do much to strengthen the ties between these two great democracies which stand for love, liberty and justice. What the future holds is not known, but it is plain they have one common aim and that is to resolutely resist any attempt by any nation to destroy democracy. Those who make a hobby of collecting lumps will be ghd to learn thnt the Government is issuing tseveral Ipec'ul stumps to commemorate the visit of King George VI end Queen Elizabeth. The one-cent stamp is green in colour end been the portraits of the Princesses Elizabeth end Margaret Rose; the two- cent Lump, brown in colour, entries I picture of the national war memorial It Ottawa, which we: unveiled by His Majesty. and the three-eent stamp is red and been portraits of the King Ind Queen. The new stamps mnde their announce May 16th and are double the standard size. _ The whole family was placed on their best be- haviour and the hugeiamily Bible given I place of prominence. The table groaned with provieiona. One Western Ontario paper, after, the delegates had de- parted, once published aurtolm of two chicken. atie% ing their heads out from under a barn Ind repeating the familiar lines of an old Methodist hymn often aung at conference opening: "And are we still alive to see each other's faces." l It was equally an event for the delegates. DI the darts before automobiles travel wee diMealt and el- pensive. Ministers could not mord to travel far from their circuits. A visit to the city. billeted in some thte city home, with an opportunity of inspiration from leaders of the church and to meet again old chnrch and college friends meant more than it does today. THE BILLETING SYSTEM PASSES (London Free Press) Times ere changing. The United Church Confer- ence Ins no invitation for next yen”: pthering be- ettuge congregations Ire no longer prepared to billet the delegates In the old days the meetings of the old Methodist Conferences in partieutar were an event in the community. The fatted colt was killed. The spare bedroom wee dusted and the parlor aired out. What Be modest, but develop an underlying base of "1faronhdenee. And now the old custom, like so mony good old Ontario customs, will likely go into the direard with this rapidly dunging world. Homes Ire smlller; spore bedrooms are scar-cu; women do not want the worry of strange delegates to entertain. The passing of the billeting system marks o chnnge in sock] not! religious life of more signitleanee perhaps than tt not-I. OFFERS ADVICE TO YOUTH Welter J. Funk, maker of dictionaries, Otters sever-l suggegstions to the youth of today. Adults, " well u the young folk,' can profit by heeding them. Here they are: Be patient: _ Learn how to write. - Learn how to speak in public. Plan your dny’s work and pleasure. Learn how to get Along with people. Cultivate companions with fine minds. Don't take life too seriously. Relax and ploy. If yoh make money, learn to protect it personally. Give your health the consideration you would I ihte car. Mr, and Mrs Walter “which and son Raymond acromnnnled by Mm. Ed..th'brick and her daughtor Ger!!- dene spent Sunday at the home at Sun “when It Shannen-o. in honor to billet a visiting delegate 3nd partieutarlr some prominent clergyman! Ed..mrtirick and her dtsastttktgeri. Recent vhnom at the Wm. Rem Ilene spent Sunday at the home at home were Mr. Ind Mn. 0m and Sun “when It Shakeaoeu'o. Mr. and In. Wu Some" of Mr. and Mm. Hy. Schreiber and RIM". ’ son» Glon and Donald were Sum-1 The muorlty of local people lave BRITAIN AND AMERICA JOIN HANDS WILLIAMSIURG nun-mammal» “and“! In an“. __‘ "“4“ Else, THE WORLD‘S 0000 ms will come to you home "I by Start-tt THE CHRISTIAN SCIINCI now An hum-dad My NW Yr,',',,? 2Ul'l' 2td'rl."g'=1rt='ttn 'hh' Nitt bot an): mod"!!! with the: '-.go-- C - “any. Inc In. "" - Inc-l- - “2.9529“? tere. m "e. One, Wooray dirGi, buiariuaiaa-. ”one am my mama-inn. mun.“- . nomad of t you mu 0 .1th- OI.“ I 'MNMh' mums-y am, mm". um am fe. h HOBBY, STAMP COLLECTING week, for the tigrst tinge 1ilotiyrst FRIDAY. m IA, I... - II “my! "iiraiGqFaiirr" MOJ“. xuecu of hid Becker's at Kitchener. Mr. and In. Bin Becker visited with Mr. 1nd Mrs. Norman Raster on Sunday. , "a,gt,tidvrttrf,tght'h'.'ttl8 - L""' y hummus-Ipswi- ..; "i/r Yi) 'tts-d-tboa-tm. ,_y - Laa,,ee"i'iiidriiie' a-rua-ur-et-er.), "qd3t3ptetertf18te..P!1r,1, _. '.-0etist-.'atthr'iatttMt# . _ 'i-ikkt.t-i-itq"re$trtr- ' ftn,'gieg2t,u',."gtth1'd'lMp tur-tr-r-i-fe _ oetdg'tthttrar,yat',tdat'tW'dfit -trdtsst-qtett0ittrttttratgMtttt 'e.egxietr,eg'ti2tttgytt2'dt Gite-m-Ura-tqt-lt.-"- manmumwuhu tut-sr-ttor-te--' m-troster-q-di-trea-Boite' mum-“MM“MH.” “Wanna... . Prov-Son work - old“ chunk " -wtsntttt.tnt--ttnttttuOediot "tttie-ruth-e-it-e-tree "you. Wuowmw.uhw- than, new other Ield, the cod "anally h IhouL deredttrthemtbtV Mn is i direct com- be“... In loan almanac. WWI“. Thom -oatarreetis_qu-rrni. fugue-ab! tribe-our (M lean.) . i Notions-peLmbodna-m'um- high the lobby of the poet Mhee."Wt nqtieqd I m remove hie mail from lib box‘end than through it. Without taking half I look at e brightly colored - ler he toned it unopened into the hm was" baht. We ere certain that he‘devotod no time to even use!» min whet the contenti of the circuit! nought to bring to his attention. We are (habitual if he even knew what company we- sending hid the mm. Another local hd'nineu men noticed the into of the brightly colored circular end tho two men not talk- ing atrout.the mar. They investignted the waste basket and found several cirenlerl. The curious port of the whole thing we- not one of them had been opened. It cost money to print them end it eoet money in polltege to mil them to the loco! boxholdere, but yet their message did not strike home. On Saturday, June 10, in Queen's Park,' Toronto, an open air mass meeting was held, sponsored by this country's lending clergy, when the great voice of the church was heard in de" fence of the pitifully helpless, unemployed, homeless single men. It is hoped the meeting will result in relief measures to which this group of the unemployed is entitled. THE RESULT IS WELL KNOWN . (Picton Gazette) . - Fortune [twine points out that s leading eigarette firm in the United States shelled its adver- tising appropriation by 44.5 per cent. and suffered n decline in sale of 30 per cent. from the previous yeah: Many a mercunthas tried the same thing and Buttered the some experience. To advertise is to be modern and in step with the times. People these days expect to be told of goods and services offered. The odd part of the whole transaction m the tnet that the men in their much through the white basket did not tind a single newspaper. Not one. You can draw your own conclusions. Upholding the Majesty of the law is ”hound carried to extremes and somewhat expensive. Acaae‘ in point is reported from Paisley and Walkerton. In Paisley three small boys, while peeking in a window, broke a pane of glass. To replace it cost so cents which was assessed to them in equal parts. Two settled forthwith, but the third refused to come acron and in o.id to have boasted that he would not. Such an in- dignity to the law was too much for the Paisley chief of police who logged the boy " to a court in Walker- ton at a cost, it is estimated, of $20, which, as the Herald-Times remarks, “thus evidencing to what oaks ‘little acorns grow." Little men and little idea: oft ‘remind us of the lack of judgment and littleneu of “treat" men. President Roosevelt's closest associates, it is said, are exerting every effort to have him break the precedents of the last 160 years and again seek election to this high omoe which he has now filled for more than six years. A bequest to the University of Western Ontario by the late Mayor Hume Cronyn, former president of the Mutual Life of Canada, has enabled the erection of a completely equipped observatory costing $40,000. ROYAL SOUVENII DOLLARS, Prom on souvenir silver dollars issued by the government in connection with the Royal visit are expected to pay a Inge proportion of the cost of entertaining the King and Queen while here. The margin of profit on this silver currency is between 65 and 70%, asgthe dollars cost but 27 cents each, in addition to minting and engraving costs which are small. A large demand is expected not only from visitors bat from Canadians who will desire them as a memento of the historic occasion. Americans gave the Kiqg and Queen a warm welcome on their arriva' at Washington. The substantial bequests to the Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital in the past year should atinur. late other Waterloo County citizens to assist financially a most worthy institution. ‘ MO NEWSPAPERS II wan BASKET OFFICERS POOR JUDGMENT EDITORIAL NOTES l xrrcnmsn. - Bitter mun. {nu-Inn Communism were made here in M. Father unphki', fol-onto indie print. " he warned mm- hon of m. Ruby achmlu m annual an. Minnow: no ml compr¢~ tho- who attended th "MW We hamkm of Ike Net that an M. 5. ml plrnk: Tuesday to Port Dalton-{come . mother. but ,rttert but my Me. M given to her the trotds out In Mr. and Mn. In: Dolor all! In. arms anger], mr IL 1 A number of mrmers from tteNy attended the “'00ch Hold my picnic at Waterloo Put Inst Thum- day. Mr. Ind Mn. In: Dolor and In. have Behmitt attended the "an n- nlverury of the lion hangout-Al church M Michelan- on Tuesday evening. " bolus community night. Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rent and their daughter Laura upon: Sunday with Mr. ad Mn. Bofomworth t! 'Urtin neg Guelph. F noon Thar Madonna- dorm: the my- a! tour of surroundmg emu Indul- nlg the pupils of the local whool and others were in Kitchener Tuesday for the celebration more. ATTACKS CMUNISI the Kmhonor-Wltorlqo --- queen's Park, _84YA, Pet.-rm-old up i Despite do“ “would in one American medial (We?! no to Linda no. leading pay-Menu In" jug-pea that Lin in not you the: six. The oll‘Iciel record- giro her [date of birth " Sept. M, I’ll. , Linn weighed a pound. and use t feet 9.88 inches In height a the {time of the him. i GUELPR.--h-tds of On- urlo'n “emu plau- for 1940 have been manufactured u the Guelph Iteg"ttgt hm. The pink: can. strttrfbFet1etprrort-rtty- KpF. St. Railway Shows Gross Profit . a----- [unl- Anna.) alum mum on The upon stunned to the Kitetv Wodnooduy. Jun an. no m "aOitdrtumitttu.otm-msattstoho- by team! new It: hot and” showed owls from Apt”. com for my - by My "oo, In. Eldon. - at ”now-l than they ware In my I you no. went the week-cud u a. bone or Om mu we $301.81, . any at lot has. Mr. In Jackson. ON.“ tom an my will; In ”US-l Mr. and In. m We" The we: report Mod an and mrrtity and It. all In. Ralph incl-sue in the number at muon- Jack-on Ind - att-ded the (on carried hot-eel Klwhcucr an! Matthteg" reunion In Illnln on Waterloo. me can: hang "toA" WM. who! 161,004 a you up. Tho no. Mr. "M manur- ml Mr A-~ - --,.-n_- -s=--"-" _ -- _o OLA iidjtit)dle,i,lt" ii.uliiii, -- m" _ he av 13ka . I”! plans have n it. an. Matt: My an In poor I“ n2 CAR PLATES FOR I940 BLACK WITH YELLOW is mm'm titrtm In: bench. The Brianna! he moved ulna at "10.28 computed with "M." a you ago. There was "so an in- 'BarNN' “can" new-nu... creme no" In the Duncan" can! Mr. 130an "ekqttgt and "tar ried lat month " coupled with Jun lad Mr. lode: Jack-on - May In: your. the total being 13mm . Mr. and In. Burl Incl-on VII".- against 11m. The menus in iriiyu' Sunday with the NW! “that; unset! m an and a halt mt Mr. Charles Matthew. on the K-W line at! " pu- cont on' Mr. Bern-rd 00110 " West - the Bridgeport line. I“. - the rook-old on this me. The manager. report showed the' ninth“ link". all Mr. hm mulled 81,156 miles with 1 All She}!!! “(Lula Inna:- mam. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilford and con visited with Jacdb Brunt attd can In Tavlstock on Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Curie. “In and daughter were Sundny visitor. with Henry Schmidt's. 7 - A l 'Mrs. 'Howard 2mm ot Hench»; 1“slum! with her sister. In. Gimp ‘bell Shunt: on Frill], A meeting of teachers and "unnee- ot school action, Ora-hill, No. IT, Tth line No. " sud in: tint No. 6, met In the school home Monday and "Hanged tor a joint picnic to be held here Saturday anal-noon. In: " Bverytbody welcome. Bring Inna. total at 53.86 passenger. earHed. Mr. Ind In. She-d and daughter There tn: 3 ml 0W!!! Ion. oe Kitchener IN the week-end,n A petition “sued by more than " the home ot Mr. Ind “In. liner-on nope wu received by the oommh- Hume's; [ ' “an “an ml. interacted In t In. (hu-leo Bit-herb"! of Dor. buc line to Bridgeport. kins open! load” at the homo ot mun-mm inner Gnhu- minted Mr. ll Mrs. Emmet-Ian make". 43ttttirttmn at", am pointed Mr. ll Mrs. Emmerich mane". on Friday. _ _ out that the unease-r f,'g,'2,',', to: -'-""'"""-"-T _ t Mr. and am. 1mm savanna at Manon in now as open at " a" I M New Dundee and .mdl' mm‘ a loss of well our “.000 I you. SOUTH WEE'! WI OT tor. “we shin-Icy Housman a! iial, substitution ot I his service you! Hold lamina malno- called on him. J. ’Brlckor on Sunday mainly - reduce this loan Thaw Y.P.U. new their new eveaing. "utd there was even the pol-Minot in; on Sunday "mm In the .If. and In. Eric Cox 4! m. Mahmud! dutch. aenrtttetrtNeshxtro at. - ham were week“; (out: of Mr. 1 The mum as amino u now a M. prodded. The mama: and and a... Plord W. losing proposition to the commission. with 3 mm ted te mm Mrs. A. Mod, Mt. and In. Duh. ‘but it was pointed out hy Hunger Bun alta- whlch CIII'GIIOO Dianna {RI-led we: gm, M of Rav.l N. B. McIntyre that with the nation ted In mm. The “than" bush artd um. i G. Hum In Kitchener. out an on some Irv-momenta was read by We: Eli"! this: u... liner m attended a n.3,. would have to be male to [at the man: I Peter. Wel- t vom- 8-10- erlng ot the Yorkihlro Broodm' mall to the station from the 'wti'tu2'liii'iiiir,ii, Bean “we newbie - Okla alt the mm Aartemtturat car. on "Peter'. Co-tSort ot 'tttnt It b 00M. Guelph, on Month! m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yendt and funny, Mr. ind Mrs. Gordon Bran- don of Kitchener spent Band” at the homes of Mrs. Peter Luther and John Luther. ‘ Mrs. R. Poster. than, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rennie visited Guelph ”but“ on Sunday. Mr. and Man. Ray ,myborry and baby daughter cl Britton all m Jackiin of Brunei: went Sand-y evening with W. Wntord'tr. The government In. named a an em tttNtttgttqiott of three who will decide on tngtintettatttte and educa- tion of both, pu- on contacts and defend " right- and property Inter- wriuun 1:1an 6t Britton visited with " uncle, George Rich- ardson on thtndar, Camlibell Shunt: was a Inn-[non visitor to London on Friday. Six-Year-Old Mether and Son .- Made Wards of Peruvian Government Median and the non to whom the an mm: any 14 were nude VIMI of the Peruvian government. to he reared and edutmted on I huh Illn- Ilnr to that of the Dionne qtritttttp lets. The mother and her con, whom she In: tamed Gerardo Alejandro, are well. The boy rem many. feat CROSSHILL th-er-air-hair-sth-tmet. Mr. um Nathan and Mr Muriel attended . About " the ot [lotion on My 'reqntitq In - homo ot Mr. and In. m 3qeAqtttt o! Mr. nil In. mum. (tor-or], Marlon when) newly“. The young people's organised clu- ot Home! United Church ttaid that? lama! piano on Sammy men-non at tho Waterloo bri.’ Owing to unfunny when be la; held In Che-(Mold United Church on My. Juno Mk the ser- _ was Marie Kama-cm ma Mr. Henry Rubin-ch of Sanford wore (CiUt “no" on Man! Benn. Mnand MuAmn-Ooodudhn- Hy Ind Mr. and Mrs. _ Hua- bernor and taattt, “(with the Inn- ernl ot Mm. Good: and Mr. Hun- tsman”. Mar. the Ute has“ mum at “when: on Monday Mur. MI“, and Mr. and In. - “nutter” tad - gnarled the “Warm-char mm on Satan-thy aw Kitchener. given try (liver Bum. "What will too“ our Contribution to Mm", was the subject at the topic given In thin-Ice Diamond. The meeting was mom: to I clone with mm at the IBM Innedlctlon In unhon. Forum-ll. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Zena Oren-mm and family spent Smithy wlh Mr. And Mu. Abner Ila-elm. of Mt. 1%. Mr. Simeon Hurst mad an. Edn- Schmiedendorll at Prawn were week-end rhino. with Mr. and Mrs. 'a-r-r------).'.)-.-.---' 'fat'tdtt"th"ieddlt'ttg,', . _ tr-q-tstreet-ah-ttrole-tik..-' ism-luau yams 'rt 2A','eatrc, ",if.egf,ti" Detroit, an: a. “a t the - _ . wand t. m- Mun an y [u a 'N.esttat-tua4ttqtru" 0“: In; and m the ninth: of 'Naod,r1rrtfPei1Bte1ttrrgrgt Rev. m " m ruttt ”MIN”. . All m M Miner, m ".4 tt ”and tt,,T'tT,',d ' on Ru. M. Bidor ot "Mqrstsqtgtt qrttt oo- Pele" and Junior MBUr of “WW “I. 'ut. 1'Wl'l, curb the mm: ot a. local Unanimous. Inch. Bev. Roy Koch " l to bo atvam w . “m" . mum Church on my I“. Cone-taco. Vista. lab-land Dono- w MP't. t Jun 18. m. 31min. cum Down. I!" “do”. “an” ot m" aft.. - no”. and ceete.lirt1til'oo.', Innin- lcumn of St. not the week-cod " the lane of Gnu-loo Pen-in “I m 'Etlbtmt Junk. and Mr. m In. Atrb If m." Mr. tgt “PM - In mum. " ggmmy tum Ind Glenn " Was-loo. ler. W' "1 m Mattttmr. Mn Dr. D. Palm. World Wt It. and In. ltr, Inch» and " mmity M It - In Ratoh of a. cam... “an: mm. many w wth n D. B. Eropt ytertt ttgtd 'tmit-ttte.", 'le who mole to an (hum was» of)!" MpqttmreuFu'tdsr., . Mr. and Mrs. Adm: Creumn and “ on Friday. _ t Mr. and In. Austin neurons" at fr New Dundee and .meu- Mull:- ter, “we tbttir1ey Balm ol Gait and on Mm. J. Brick“ on Sunday tet. evening. tho .112. And In. Ede Cox a: Win;- “ ham were Ionic-yd; new: of Mr. ted and um. Maya Foobar. Pt Mrs. A. Mod. an. and In. an. a iF. “initial; i“. Areau. if I. I.» ah _ £7-78" ”my“. _ “in. on Jun (”can " 7"GC%7i'"i"ia"i'iGeth-- 'e'AttueeN,eat2eAe.tdt “mum‘s-Iv “In. tog-nt-tWe-ashes" 2rtag,rtadr/eulf nor tftI=ttr,',euget5 G.- nnguhgwuun - mun-11.1w...“ what-“dunn- Mammal-nib!!!“ ummmnuuym. Then-twinninluud evening. _ It: A. ham span the week-end with than. in macho. , It. Elmer molt! ad Ion. Room, mm It the bong 0! Mr. all My. and 'III. Harry am In Word 391. B. Mint or label- Im oo- mn the mm ot be loo-I Unlud Mm Church on my -. Jun 18. was In Hamilton on hard” to Mr Dr. D. Palm. World W! of the Christin “an: Unless. who more to an ontario ”we on In St. MW. Win cum Hamilton. Mr. Ind In. Win. Bummer enter- inth the in; In. (up nun- bm at the “AM, by Hut Club It their home on Sunday evening. Thou who my“ the veal-on nup- por were or. W. Bane! Ind we" Bond a can. Wm. - and Jack Hahn: ot Guelph. - m of Strain)“, Prank Allan and M. Pttttmtut ot Till-om and mun 8m and Lipe Wind of m Mr. and In. Win. [MI-- and sum Gould and that! of - Oomn and at the home at Mr. W. new. and Rel s. J. Hillel, Pigeon, use)... than and In. no». in». Ind“. Mm. lunar. Mm, Ind Rev. 8. M, May. Blur. eiKot iiti"istiirat in; In. hi 'lg,'Te,r; ‘13.de down 3 well in e yard 0 my.“ Mon opa- uud In " uncle. , Walker, III. on the landon road. 7 7,,,,,* are! rUttitad (hunch "ceqqritttrqqettttdrawttqttttqBr not: Final“. a: Sunday evening A number from this (ll-trim en- joyed the Grand River “unmet Flak] my and the Wzle-rloo Holstein Broaden Nettie n Waterloo Park accent than" at the Mn. d “when Fetch were Ira-tid Sci-lid: Waterloo. In 1nd Venn: Martin, out an the Ontario Agricultural 0011030. Guelph. on loud" and Tuesday” ". Mr. ad In. A, C. Becker and bane utter Mi; meal (by. on a motor trip through cm. e Moon - at th home at ill-on Martin were Rev; a. J. Miller, Pig- eon, Mel, Rev. and wt. Mme- Bowman “a funny, Kitchenw- and Mr and Mn. Noah - ot Ion- vllle. I Mr. Elinor lanolin“ - tho weekend u his home in Grundy. month-old son Ut Mr. ill Ir}. J. Minto AM- 1%“ road. ' Bil-l CHILD onownzo m WELL BA3tN1A.-J-eJtar Aer, t In” Con auger has returned In. A. C. Doctor on Sunny iEikrt,reir. pinu- a... L.ra..iTrB%"Paus-..-. " who.” that.“ 1e'ra"iaairitGakriuu-. '-t.._+i.f_riG7airkkkiiraiuau"-t 5-HT Indium, idirhique - W TiiFGai" hug-1' . W Mr. ad " m -- of ’hTra-dlnlm'tulm'hm -itrv-dFheg'Bemi%w 'lr.'l‘l-I - eeatre-t humuohvdsn “an“ Orin-.1 Ii ".-darvtsfte.t_"?re4e? nn’u who Mr. all In. I” - and - and Mr. and In. - - and w. and b.011- Mr. Eldon Weberillpondh‘a lekuhjnhiuoldvudw “New Beads. . 'Ueettt and Sunday - at the but of Nikon but In" In. 'fat'tdtfrth"ieddltht,',f, W. hat. and in Lila In! Mr. end In. Clayton lone end daughter were Sunder - et the home of Siding Sher-u of Kitchener. Mr. end re. Edward Siebert, Elsie end Manley Siebert. mm " the home of John Siebcrt. Tevkwek. aligned”: -- - _ A _ . _ Mr. and In. Edin- Miritn a family of Elmin were and” - " the home of Norman Bmi.. man. _ Hr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker son Kenneth, Mrs. Ben. Lichty Grd It. Juob Rein visited " the hon- of Melvin Baker. of Ltiftrmrer, Spud".- -iir-.uitii In. Harry Snider amt funny of Preston Mud " the hope ofjgmgd ther, -thrrttur. _ In. Melina Drab-elm of Bt. Jacobs. who in unending none the " the home of C you lose. visited with relatives in est Iona“: on Sand”. 8”“,me u the home of Milton t were In. Levi Ernst end sons David, Lorne, Herb. Mr. Oliver Eby of Guernsey, Sunk. Ind Laurette Jutzi of Kitchener. Mr. Ind Kn; Earl Snider 3nd {may visited at the home of Hilton uyptrke_oftrrysn, Sula-y. . --- _ Rev. 8.1. linen-'0! Pink-a. In" visited " the home of Lender Sayer. be?!» A - _ - Me. Ind Mrs. Anlnhs Sham: of Kitchener visited at Earl Snider'l, Supglay. - __ -_--_-- ___ 7 - Mrfand In. William Klein and 'ytytr.hter..ynriorie spent Sunny in LET CHRONICLE ADS BE YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE tutiuevims.' C.P.Ptbq0rtmi"te%t ”WILWQO . 'mA-. YOUR GLASSES GERMAN “ILL. STEELE’S How's-n.“ YOU? EYES WI“ I!!! - - If

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