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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Jun 1939, p. 8

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ST. JACoBB.-St. Jacobs Athletics who captured the Ontario rural so nior championship during the put. hockey season were honored by the village trustees each member of tho team being presented with an all- leather Windbreaker. The presenta- tion was made try Solomon Eby chairman of the Era-lee board. CHAMPIONS HONORED TAVB'DOCK. - Tavistock Groan- shirts and the Bright nine opened the Oxford-Waterloo Sott‘hsll Allo- ciation schedule in Bright Friday night, the 'Shirts winning the seven- inning guns by the clone more 10-9. coming from behind in the int mm. to turn the trick, and holding the Bright lads tor their halt. 'Platmvule Continuation School suffered an b4 beating at the hand.- or the New Dundee school girls, Fri- day afternoon. Br innings: Now Dundee F.me9mr.rr._mm_mre Sh (tlr--" Baden mrmm..mmm_.-_....m..r.m..9... 103 1rlib- 5 Umpirea-9'ted Schneider. Baden, and Anso Lang, New Dundee. The winners but]: up a 6.4 [and In the titat three frames All, alter that were never headed. It was a good game of ball and " the season open- er. it attracted a large crowd of NEW DuNDmk-a'tttr local men'. softball team doubled the more on Baden. 10-5 in a return trxtdMtigttt game here Friday evening. Totals s..............." ' T M " o tr-Htan for Tut in and. Guelph F......... 000 000 "tF-a " ' Wltorloo ...... 000000 00x-l , 0 Twolbase hits. Manon. Plan-to. Walton; Bacritiee hits, Miller, " lewski; double plus, Plummet. Mason and F‘rnser; Brill and Coach; Robinson and Brown; left on bun. Guelph 9, Waterloo 7; we on bills. by Plomske A, by Manning t, by PinMtteyitter 2; struck out, by Ploms-ke 6, by PtttFrgtrr 3; time 1.54; umpires. Shawn and Brad- sbaw. Baden Loses to New Dundee 106 Atatr-runstntutMMt- an. no “11¢th be 'u7kkGo-,-it't by men: an wand-om. “whovummuw loo Parh,arsBataMng. Ilium third Ill] lotu- mutational; They dad on III. with 'M mtumomumouum three run on tour In: and ' III. the unicorn on Ga" a. m to wore his ”coll III. Lash omnmm10w1,mnd lolrotcha-lnthoma. m nicked Plum (or two I: out o! the III-Ind lemma-UM“ not were. Why run In” on In- loa‘I “We: in the but bat hi all“ to touch turd an In all“ out. PIonnko and “my Tull. g! Tum. upped the am a (“0 cup with no In tour u did Wclun Wu]: one in taro. hum inn two walks. luau poled on! than tn CV. tripe tor Guelph with Bron (out; two In tour. GUM}! AB It ll PO A I ia" 1th" iiaak "fl "in...“ ’ mound-m, who pitched “In - tor seven (an... "equal to Aqt Waterloo Wis" From Gabi 6-3 "I Q..- St. s. PL... ”1.. KITCHEN“ 0'.- I“ - SATISFY MOI" "o-r6ot.B. "" FORD DELUXE COACH .......... I.“ DODGE COACH ..w.........rF........w... 1936 BUICK DELUXE COACH.......... "" BUICK DELUXE SEDAN.......... "" CHEVROLET SEDAN m............... "" OIDSMOIILE SEDAN ..........t.w. IDS? CHEVROLET SEDAN .....rr......... IDS. CHEVROLET MASTER COACH OUT THEY Motorcycles And can. mucus DON EBY OPEN BALL SHOON ORDON '8 ooo The Greatest Used Car Bargain In Waterloo HERE’S WHAT WE MEAN BY A USED CAR BARGAIN- Reduced Prices - Easy Terms It’s your great chance to pick up I Wonderful Buy - But Act Quickly! illh'l'lillU)i) MOTOR SALES tite, luiltkril u.. .. r At 00.111303; -3 in.EtoMlc Fa WAT” . PKONE m t "an 1""t1""i.r--u'onuntr rrom Mr. am All”. ueo “PM or “Ir behind, the New Dundee team of terloo spent a day with Mrs. Patrlck lune South Waterloo Rural Softball Doherty. , (Ptet come to life Ind beat Little's M139 Alma and Mona Bettttil of Corner- 10-6 in the opening game of Kitchen!!- upont the week-end with Ian lesion Wednesday night. The their plrontl here. game, played in Little'. Corncn, Mr. and Mrs. George Isle, and non “uncut! I Inge number. Frederick. Mr. and Mn. Tod - I KeP3mimDR.-<ritchener Punther ~bolsmen ruled Woodstock Ntching utor 15 hits, good tor 27 bases here 'Putrftr. to blast out a MNT victory over wood-wok Red .801. It In: the locals' third victory In on start: Ind Woodstock’l third tstraight rover-e. Red Box managed to hold Waterloo Tigers to I 'tix-alt tie In their second game ot the season. Woodstock .,............ 020 no Mrr- T Kitchener m............... 104 401 trox-IO o0ELWT.-4mmehirur hits In mm " main”. Guelph bonnet: deteat- ed Kitchener M in an lntercounty Junior handball opener Saturday. Kitchener and three twirlm In the free-hitting content and Huber tad Shlple were both pounded hard. GUELPH JUNIORS WHIP KITCHENER Eitclgenel: Whips M'. MAEtYts.--Weid to tive hits by Newt Stevens Saturday monsoon, the Waterloo Cardinals, lensue lend- en at the intermediate "B" series. loot to St. Marys " in the opening home gene or the season. The Stone Toners took on only lead in the lint inning when two me crossed the plate. Waterloo tied up the score in the fourth. but St. Ma- rys put on a scoring spree in the some inning to romp with three counter: on two hits and an error. . Waterloo ....... 000 200 1no--a 6 5 St. Mary- ...... 200 330 60e--7 , 2 ood, Ewald and Hahn, Sonnet- der; Stevens and V. Ndblo. Woodstock 10 " In], 1-4WtMeettto atatrattor6,a.trs., an“ at Waterloo FBL. mutton] " Wooduock Aug. 1-Milyprton at Waterloo. " Woodstock " Phrttavimr. " Hinttord at Milverton. ) .. Ht. Mary: at Woodstock; _ Thorndale " Waterloo; ( New Minibar: at can. FF 8--Milverton u (N. Hamburg. ., F-6alt at Thorndele; Wood- stock " Stratum]; St. Marys at Puttavuie. The gene ot Mar no between Gen. and St. Marys will he played Aug. , unless “tenements are undo Ibo tween both clubs to play it before this due. an m on 83mm:- end hots. days no at 3.16 with week day Waterloo Loses To St. Marys 7-3 games " 6.30 mu min-Wm». “hanv-u'lllnhldl tttmth"., , g an PM at m: "IPd,'lrga"f". " cum "-Htmtgtrdat.W-r. . " '---waurteq at WM“ ".mnmm. NEW DUNDEE NINE WINS Toronto. ' - yr, PUNPEErQominz from, _ I". and y": u)op.'or?t '.8PP: " b--hooatoee at Human; Mao-1L " F801 Humbug at Sin!- Thorndcle at N. Hamburg. Momma: It trt. Mun. “trauma at out. SF-Waterloo at Phttsvllle. Mood-lock " Thorndale; Thomdale " Woodstock. Ht " Station}; New Hamburg at Woodstock. Maurine It Waterloo; Villa " Woodstock. "-Wtvorton " Stratford; Wood-toot at N. than"; 1t--'rtorndple at P1attsriller; Waterloo at at. In". _ 12~Woodltock " Gut. Hymn! It Waterloo; St. Water at Btratford. . M-Mew urg st unver- ton; tmvillo " Gait. lu-n a New “In. n-4Mtt at 8mm - “mum at m Hun uVWoodotoek; Waters 100 a New mun-in. -oodatoeh u Wat-tho; M IR. Iggy: " mallard. 'e-Aer “in"; it 'itiirrn. In” at Thoma-lo. 11-Mtavlle at lllvu'ton. "--ANterioo at out. IW-Stratford at St. Marys; "s-ot-toe' u an; I.» ammu- at It. m7 "-WtratAt" at Nu 'Tam. “18.00 we a none-hf _ 'K-tfee, a Woodstock; $408.00 "no.” mum lord; can " Plan-ville. Hunt-Ion " Thermals. T-etir. u Gall; Pints- It“; Wan-loo " M "" FORD co-...........'..'.'.............. - "" CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN. sumo an uncut DELUXE SEDAN .....F.v.... use.“ In. mucosa: scam .....P.P._w.P.r. sum um ESSEX SEDAN .rF.....F..Fr..r.m.qrFtF.__. ”no In: BUICK SEDAN .F....F.FF.re.q.....r.t....' an.“ "" FORD 32mm .F....F.r.t...q..t.rFq_.tFqtst an." rill their [econd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence “to". and - ot Kitchener, Mr. and In. 020 no Mrr- T John Querln of the 3rd “no open: 104 401 80x-10 Sundly at the home of Landm- Honor. - I Mr. Fred Dietrich open: Monthly trt " I Mr. and Mn. Bert Kennel of We. torianrurg spent Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. Edward Witmer. I Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Mnrtinnnd son Nyle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Snider In anmohardt. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Roth Ind tun- lly ot New Hamburg called on Hr.‘ and Mrs. David Bostrart. ' Mr. and Mrs. George [slay and Bon Frederick. Mr. and Mn. Tod - all ot ‘Breslau upon! Bunch, with' friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ju. Kennedy Ind Cecil clued on Mr. Al" Wuuhn.‘ who I. at St. Inn'- 30mm, Kitch- ener on Sunni. V Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schnarr of " terloo what Sunny with Mr. Eugene Stemmler. it being the occulon of Mrs. Joe Stemmlerl birthdly. I mr----- - and ttttL-rc.'::.-.:::::::: .huhv-muud-tuit ' C.Cr.CC.C."ir. "ruouikiAiririaiiutiuai- mun-- Fa" tn -_'-9-‘!-w - and! Pteicr-----. Mr. and Mrs. David Balkan md son Foyd spent Sunday with Mr. Ind Mrs. Amos his in Mellesloy. !Sun¢hy guests with Mr. 1nd Mm. Lenny Schlegel were: Mr. n'nd Gir.l Noah Bender ot Indian: and: Mr. and ' Mrs. Henry Jams! and tighten Enema. and Eunice and Mrs. Cull- erine Zehr and Mr. and In. Aaron Schlegel and family ot m Zorn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Min and son Frankie ot Hamilton and Mr.‘ and Mrs. Dan Lichti and hunter Jean ot New Hamburg And. Mr. an]. Mrs. C. E. SwtbrtaentrtAter and (um ily and Mr. Dan mrartxenttutrer ard, Miss Alice nnd Dalton Boehart of Pine Hill. l i Mr. Paul Swartamttrutrer mot ‘Sunday with Ralph met-Hen In Pine Hill. Mr] and His. Jacob ”Holst and Mr. Fred Schneider spent Guilty wlth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt In “no Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Christ B. Jana! emu Sunday with Mr. and Mn. John B. Jantzl in Wilmot Centre. Mr. ad Mrs. Elmer 'hrartaetttrtr ber' of New Hamhttrtt and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jams! and ttunity spent Sunday evening with Mr. And In. LeRoy Schlegel. __ Maple Grove-Getn Sunder and Glen Slants; Comatose - Russ Stroh, Roy Stroh and Roy Kienlle. The [not in: an.” to nhouhthooultfummm cmuvdthwhrmm victory. AAWIQQGW M CONEtmrG0.-G1en Sunder of the Meple Grove mm was in top form and Conestoga was lauded In 8-1 drfeat in I N.W.SL gene play- ed here Tuesday night. The bat- teries: Ill-J manhun- '1th1o",n'%8tefldltrt an: iu-c- , and“ an; med, 'll."gte'.t'g mu. “69merbo-md-a- mrqhollntluonotnmug added to any h. "a." on 'tt you new: Ions new to and (00-qu no. he. " I Tuesday hte, " 3%.. new " In the an we. there MIN! sqt, that wtgteA ‘0' new - feated the red.“ cub. " home " worldu't In" m . duet," the ettempt. Mr. Ttthte eeld. mil-fl in en exci . glue which wee tied court melted lining the three one 'tetrtomtatuto eleo hee PM“ HI up in duets: with the more re. dollar end coete cosh. even - Dim I , vetting to the seventh when the Lohmen Remand“. I I". Toteed IN“!!- at an genie wee celled on ecount of dark- l‘loyd Dolmen, .Weterloo youth. '0" ot the mteirtr. th. - ren- neu in the leet of the eighth. In IIholeoeeehergeeottheltendeecep dered by “manned them the meantime Cherlie Sittler, rokie in: from enetody, wee committed to In.“ the cranium by eltieene. g ritcher for the Athletics, held the the county Mil tor obeorvetion when On motion of Mr. 'arnge and. Dru eaeue-leadintt Winterbourne squad the one wee deelt with. J. M. UMton. e vote. ot than to six ecettered hits to win the some Among (hope who held an. " “9 tendttrod Mr, Thu" Mr " "r. by e cloee more of 2-1. Tueo1Ur'ts court were: In“ Bowmen, Vicee. “MI qrttitttt I lull: “he wee A Sure Bell Gene. Prawn. detective bane, no and Pieced. Mr. Kam.' and m A large crowd wee on bend and coete; 'Norman I9omnnn. Milt etreet OWN!!!“ ot whet the director Mei sew one of the best genes of the limits, speeding. " end cone: Ben. Wooten-1y hr momentum Meson et Winterbourne. Sittler for jemin Broil. JUL l, Blur, "we“ town. Credit dentin“ wle dIo ill" the Athletics held the one run lead driving. no end cone: Henna 3m. director for much at the m in‘ the homesten had taken in the er. KR. l, New Dundee. detective Inneic throughout} the Moe, Gl sixth while his tearn-mates tied the brakes. 010 end cone; Cliilord Wat- uid. Dr. Living-ton eeid he wee some in the eighth end won In the eon, imam, telling to produce or pleeud with tho but ettendenee ninth. eretor'e licence. " end coete. M enthuIieem shown. Cone-(ego Eu, for Visitors. _ I -------- I Mr. Selene. retiring Mont, CONEtmrG0.-G1en Sender of B e . then-ted memhere of the eoeiety tor the Meple Grove teem wee m top ride of Six their 'eorvicoe end elm-cued em form end Conestoga wee hended en cietion ot the eo-oporetion ot Wet-rm 8-1 defeat in e N.W.S.L. gemepley- Months Drowns Moo 'Park Board. He reported that ed here Tneedey night. The bat- I h h the eeetlnc tteettmmodatimt More teriee: , Ba 'tho ehell mum: at Waterloo “Maple G.rovev.fein. Sender tel, n t m , IPerh wee .heinx increeeod to so to six scattered hits to win the can: Among than who odd In. " by a eloee more of 2-1. Tue-day's court were: In“ Bowman, A Sun loll Geno. Pro-ton, dolecuve but... '" and A urge crowd was on hand and costs; 'Norman Ibomntus, Milt “not new one of the best games of the limits, speeding. " end cone; Ben- eeuon It Winterbourne. Sittler for 11min Broil. JUL l, Blair. techie“ the Athletics held the one run lead driving. no and cone: Henna Bu;- the homesten had than in the er. am. I, New Dundee. detective sixth while hie gem-mete: tied flue brakes, 010 end can; CtiKord Wet- d3; 'd"ifelha St. Jumbo can: "frg,t't n to e um on . you In Tuesday night I: 'titt'u Shirk " III the " tented the red-u Cubs a homo " Iorldn't In St. Jacobs Beat league leaders; Conestoga Uses W; PINE HILL HESSON Por information reg-rain; loco. tion of - ollotte to various schools of the county refer to loot week'o lane of The éhronhlo. After the roynl Mum leave, o monster poor-do will proceed along King Street to Victoria Perk when o N. prop-um of sport- ond enter. toinmont will be provided both afternoon and "outta. The - t.» 'tr my will.» I. M who rum-E hind} _ tUW - Sui." ihiiii bud and We and Drum had. visitor; Hollie noel-ltd. 'lllltLrll Ind Waterloo and other glue: in the count; have declared need-y next I so Be holiday Ind public one”, in vitriol plants, in- Iorlnce once: end schools will close for the day. Mores wlll close in the nftemoon in Wnterloo end remain open the next Wodneednly "terttoott. In Kitchener store. wll clone from noon until three o'clock. _ lager-vol gpcoe. -- _ Veterans. and I number of other; including six from Waterloo. layer Gordon will preterit to the King er: illuminnted address from the city and the Queen will be mule the re- cipient of e lovely bouquet of Bow. en. Both will be invited to ntteeh their rig-nature: to the civic first. bet reserved only for dieting: shed l "AMIUroN.--Bride or only It months, In. Ruth Pearl Lockwood. drowned in the bathtub ot her home Sammy onernoon. sunley Mek- wood returned to the apartment early in the afternoon from work. and found the body of " 8-year-old wife In the voter. (Continued from Page " They will include Mayor and In. Wesley Hellenic of Waterloo, mem- ben of the Kitchener city council, ehntrmen of the various civic bonnie. one targrlt,'tt each from the girl Guides, . " Sean“ end Anny E. A. Rider paid 05.00 for - Ing on Albert Bt., und Goo. Pour-on u tine of .10 for orienting a ggt0tor. cyelo without a drNeem permit. l Developement of Choral music in Kitchener Winnie schools our the int two years wu outstandingly ozemp1itied It St. May’s Hail re- cently under direction ot the mule unnerving Sister ll. Camille. The choirs. manna" of all .ettoohg nnd grades, were communal in a mused chorus of 300 voice- " the conclusion, bringing the program to tk most elective mains. ROYAL VISIT POLICE COURT CASE. in custody for . week. Magistrate Blnke add that“ he will decide whether to impose reformatory len- tences or terms in the i'.'l,',"t jlil. The tive youths are Edwin Innis end Kenneth Pope Waterloo, and he, Meyer, Carl érdmn Ind Ken- ne Meyer of Kitchener. PROGRESS IN CHORAL MUSIC Wednesday: UGriGGii -iiiiiiF '0? atytttntr .81.09 from. Nbert Hratrer of Josutiairiirf,aGi "faiiGdiiCGa June 9 for sentence by Magistrate John R. Blake in Kitchener police court. Evidence wu that Watmer Ind paid I bill to Knehling, who, in turn, was to turn the money " to the N. o. Ripe] Company, Pr " n. nnd this Knowing admitted h had failed to do. _ Five Twin City youth: who Gil our " “I century. In rat: previously pleaded guilty to main; ttgt “v het, 'Std,',' t radiators, east iron, ete., from the In. It,",', "I. ot " ttre-tswept ruins of the Grand River 'l/ll tlla', :riotgu'éz and 1 country Club. min 'tere_temynded 'h't.lhe."'hut P? Et.teey, Must Serve Term For $169 Gheft .Doclon were ot the opinion that the young woman. valued by hot water, Ind fainted and Mien hack- ward. Lu'in. iiGuGG m iaia that “will .. “HON-l . ' “In. Mo told a. 'gtqqintratq an m... 'oo-tb--" 104 on. or thobrothou an all“ In. Carma-4mm. . "tamqh a," a. a. tuna", “an: m and by m 11-- mt when he had mud than "whw ”hf-“WM um- tho battle was on. mm!- ”'3'"- Btieoiteasoe-whranrt, -.-.----- one no“! recent being all“ C hr; not in an Inn-In; I. one ot tho‘ W, ...... nnd .... iii2ljF.yumilitL00 BAND when they - i In“: "ht. V "W" m The Henna 1mm:- ma '0“!- " ave M Istttrrg I mtiltr._rptedtpotmet1trar" 2y".lt -. teAtatr, - - _ mum-L BmattAteett,qntt6. Mammal 'm: W14. 1. that'mt unwmo. E.dwar.d Knehling, St: Anya. on_ Rev. “a In. I. m an chil- dren were nun at tho home at It. Ind In. M. Davin on - _ an. and In. In: Older and chill"- nd luv. and In. M In Ind humor wero may d1gtNqe - with Mr. and In. Imo- '" t Mr. and In. 1mm than: and son Mnmy spent Salad” with Mend- " Kitchener. Mun: locum luster and Mrr tle W00? of Kitchen. am! no "gnu n that Io... Mr. Wilfred Wine] of Kitchener mrchuod the oroPert, of Mr. I. J. Dqvttt. Mr. Ind In. Wlml will at“: r_teoirtortr-arettr. Rev. Orville Mar. "and Mammary m Atttea, will he the Gai - at the U. B. munch 0-36., mm. at 7.00 o'clock. Humid How-1d or Bula- Ipelt tho ,ee+eggd a In halo. [CHARLES HAEHNEL Mr. and In In! Bonus " Ho- ndue no am seven: can with Mr. And In. Orland) Bonn. Min 140nm Duel-h; of Kitchener went the week-cad with Mr. Ind In. M. J. 1mm In. Ada Harloet ot Potent-an lent Sunday at tho horn ot Unto Surviving no two cum Hard. Mn. Bury Guns, ot Damn, Alfred G. H-ohnol. Waterloo angst-t. " grandchildren and one not: - chlld. One non. Nelson. Bettotmtattt of Toronto, died any ”on no. benchee thi- yeer and that {our noodllghtl would be tttataiied to may mime Illumination toe the an feudal. no mid mm to the .serrlcee ot three damned menial-I of the executive, Milieu Killer. I. M. Devin end Georg Omega“ also George Schmidt. e member at the :vetenne' bend. who died during; the put. your. A mum of thunk: to If. :Schens tor his Ienicee was mn- 1 in 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Beeline! cele brutal their sixdeth wedding mi- vemry. Hitt helmet] wife pee-ed any three yen-I ego. Mr. Cult"" In. ot I genial diepoeitlon end and] a tow a." before " death. alert ot mind. end keenly Interated'in local and world events. He we: . lover of " gnrden and flower. end sue it " per-ow attention until his eccident in 1986. =P2t'pdtuttheutgdt am t. flog-ow 'Btototarttn-titq_t.qfs gnu-(mm ”In!” out: " Dun-w - - .51" Witt mam-mm d' valued mentor Ind with: to? over I In." century. He remixed " jngere-t up to the time or his death also a lover ot mule and continued " Interest In the Waterloo Ola-ml Society since In amalgam. no m n member ot at. John'- Fatti"srs an Church. . Mr. ‘Heehnel had tho abduction or being the second clutter member of the Cement Lodge, founded In 1876. Be In present u the out an- nlvernry held three you-- no. ‘nored by Fred mm l Mayor Won Halal-Ila. my ‘Reeve H. E. Rau, Aid. M. IT. Gould and AM. P. . Hughes wero member: at council mount. Along artth tttoo. at the council lumen. MW wry ewe-aims and unanno- a! continued support were ousted by Fred Huston. Thom" Rankin, Earl 81ml. J. 8. Melllhn, A. C. Ham-n, 'Horbort Benin, o. A. Schmidt and J. a. Woods. ICantlIned mm M. l) harp-hit grate“ Intern: vu unto! the )Vngerloo mile “bury. being Emma x. no In. i Pellet,,.!.!!.'....,,!,,, its" In. Adi-Fm “waif eiiiiai/ Ill., h Mn: with her Mr. a: In.” sum: Ind Mr. Sham um It. and In. Henry Waterman w with In. an Pug-on an! M. on Walla-day. Guest. of Mr. and In. E. B. Hull- mn for a few dun tttis week were: Dr. lawman Winch um! In. Lola Hawk, of New York City; and Mr. 3.1 In._ Agttinyln'h a! tytottto. 1t.tion of [in Aithea IAnc in Junior uncha- m the accepud.‘ During the meeting and Imus:- menu were node to have the Ichool pumi- mnlpomd by cruel to Fltelet that to In the King Ind Queen on June 6th. I Io-o-pgo Teachers. The Truce: Board met " the school on Touch, evening at which “In. tho following when were ro. onmcd for the ensuing not: C. A. Sinehir, .B.A., u Principol of the Conciliation School; In. R. Cor- tor, Album Continuation School who!" one! Lester Shana, Princi- pol_of thohghlic School. The mic- ‘on Walnut!" evening to no the “u" presentation of the most beautiful fit,', and run colored pictum on tier "Atnrkn-mte Lind of the Pele: W Sun”. by Dr. Lehman Waugh, on o- Sch: dorttkt, of New York City. ' the "Suaqnehnnneh Tull them American Civil War when torm- m‘beincolered tor-ole forunttlo ,1: My cents on are; he told of iUhtng trips to me Null-ins; and lot his numerous hunting tripe to 1the Perry Bound district when on lone occasion at 05 years of no he {shot end killed four deer in one day. iehlr, he referred to a cor ride he enjoyed to this village only lost ”not and restarted about the won- drous beanie- ot God's name at In“. season ot the yen and of the ohndnnce of biouoming fruit been} in the district. 1 A large end npprechtive “thence BlletL the United Brethren ‘Church Talk on Mr. Tmller moved to his present |homo in 1892 and often an with I [humorous gesture that ho ho heen' "tired and retired for mt forty mare'. a. ttna watched with mtretr, Intel-eat the develovment of the coun- try through the greatest century ot ‘progreu In the hhtory of the world. In 159 Mr. Trunk:- vu hurried to Sarah Brigham, who died In her ”your after B marriage th-t hated near " yearn. He had eight chil- dren, ttve ot whom we "hte, mo! ly: Thoma of Trout Creek. who‘ will be " your. old next 0cm; tl June: ot ormuc, Glbert of 0mm; l Oscar on the old homo-teal: and',, Herbert ot British-Column. / A but of Mad- Joln In extending battle-t cont-tumm- to am Mo. near BgttHr who I; entering won the mound year In the mom] cen- tury ot lib “to. "tttring tho put you to Ill! hi. oklthml hon-chow. Ila mum. Imam": hive can 10. jug of ‘home can“ unnee- halide. . who]. an ot the and product. Mr. Thu-lot t.oartierthrtr {and of "'9qu Ind on out be Induces! to eat cake when It In ammld by I place or choc-o. mm: nro his tumult. and! had your cont-mine rocking chair beside the _reportot found him mm in his An we chatted together In the tul- light. Mr. Tweeter who it Nee-ed with a vendetta] memory. related one story [Mr “other of the only days. fie told ot e trip he and en- en] other .qttme. mule try nu down Peep-yuan! to Virginia utter the boeit In cumin-hula Manor and are: this you In looking forward to try " [and um boo once more. Mr. has." in also not I dun all-oat continuously up and] Deco} her 3th ot In: you when " (and that writing In Manning a um. too dillcnll. window at the cloao ot day with a null pile ot the white nint- - conveniently near him along with matches. his pin, a “light and plenty of reading material. Rod got- anium and other no-trm plant- Miesd the bay window when Mr. Trina-let who in an ardent lover ot flower-a can watch them grow daily. Whoa and how in wood- his days, he replica. "O, 1 Just read. smoke and than take a nap." Ha in quite proud ot tho fact that he can still see the windmill at a newborn: farm about a mile dimt without the_aid ot than. Ha ha- alwaya or an optimistic nature» Mr. Trunk still think: that. " char condone and - ot tomwu to an", is not.“ new. tor mm}. 'qtu"rt"mitrrietn._r.o.tPr Truulor. This but i- b.- the scene oi the maul mutton ot an Trader chm In the month at an. tor any nun. When mod an! the pun: for mum: colds-tuna this you. Mr. We: laughing” rolled. W0 aren't ham a Minn like In! you. It nuke: too much work." " 101 YEARS OLD Terry Towels sunnumcuuhmrm 1'on 20 . - Vat“, of column. Jun bre pelt Linen Towelling Lunch Cloths sun It.“ "tCos-mth ”land had» M - who future a only 89e. NEW DUNDEE (0am on. Pat. " “actual-um. ”an -dttFb_tNstareot*isareehat 1‘30}... a: Eine St. Floor-dt coma Mn Alvin "define. me 11qu Once Schmidt Id Emma his. - I (by u Heidelberg recently. Mr. tad Mn. Hem Senna" And funny and Mr. Ind In. Chum use! and - of at. Clemen- nnd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. hm, (hrl 3nd Doria, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Dd. Scum" 7--.“ __.-..-. -.._. m “an. sun. In": In. Oscar Samar. Mrs. Louis. kt- tler and '.ttism um Sattler, .11 ot Worm, and Mr. Ind Mrs. Nick Sch“: of Bridnpor: Vere 8nd” [supper [new " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boulder. I Sunday villlorl u the home of Mr. Id In. M. echo“ were Mr. and Mn. JotttrsHehgrieh, Viola and Nol- Ion Hdnrlch. Mr. pm! In. Irvin Hour. and Inn Stanley of Hm Road. ll" [Avon Heinrich and Mr. Anni-t Tum-co of Wnterloo and Mr. um In. Bhttarr Echo“. I Mr. and in. Alt. Shah. and mm. "tr of mum uni Mr. Henry Koch- Her of Hunllwn. wont Sum“: " hire home or Mr. and Mn. Henry War. I Mr. and In. JuliurScholl. Harry Ind Kenneth Scholl of Kitchener. lvlllted with Mr. and Mn, Herb Dosh Ling on Sunday. Mr. and In. Pred-ar, and (unmet Marjorie, Mr. and In. “unsung Ipd Ion Carl, Mr. Ind Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt whilst! with Mr. And In. Norman Letter It _Wn_t_eroo an Sunday. The In?“ Gladys Blermn and Eda. tgetm " of the Twin City spent the weekend " their roman homes. Mr. and In. Emil Martin at Hel- delwrg called on Mum-u: Martin‘- onjatnrjjq mains. der, Sunday visitor. with Mr. and In. Josiah Butler were Mr. Ind In. su Martin and family. Mr. and In. Ja. cob Sander. Mule Stud" Ind .Mrtt. August Sandor. m“ Kaila Marti-n or near Three Bridges II spendlnr some time at lhe home ot Mr. and Mn. Jonah!» trend: ot Mr. Nun“ Martin win he lorry to hear that he ya moved to (New): one day. 1m week sud u not Improving very tut. Mr. tart 'l'ytek and Min ”ounce Ty-ck mm Sunday " their home here. Mr. Earl And Norman Steven- Ipent Monday " Toronto and Ham- mon on business. Mrs Abram- Martin and chum." Lent and Susannah have moved to their Slmln home where they will spend the summer manual. Mr. and In. Anon Martin Ind daughter Ahmed: spent Sunday with Mr. Ind In. David C. Martin. an. Pu! Ziegler ot Kitchener held June 8. called on " brother Karl on Sun- day. , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brenner of Dtrott ue spending a week with Mr. Ind Mrs. Alvin Oman. Tho-e mentor: ot the committee to are tor the Icon cemetery m musical to-attend a much; called for June 3rd. Plun- tor lmprovo non: of (round. will be dt-ed. The tuition ale ot the elutehot, the late Mrs. Marin Patton will be Mr. John Burnolder Ind the nu- fortune ot hem Ink head. cut while It wot " Preston. Rev. Yuan ot Hanover and I!” Purl Yates ot Kitchener ere unbl- lna Rev. A. Whisk in conducting Evangelistic service: at the H.131). Church. Bruin Cub- an! we“ " the hand. of the Mt 1100130 Ball on Tttes. day evening with u " more. Cecil under were In. “In. Orna- non and Mr. Prod om. ot TONI") ma by 1.1. can. Mr. ctaritravsna pinpointed the Humane] WHY. was E. Snyder ”out the week-end with her parent. Mr. no! in. A. Snyder at Bloomlnuhle. and Mr. and In. Armed Zach and non Timothy ot Kitchener. Mr. and In. Allen Good and daughter Ethel ot Consume were Sunday visitors with Mr. and In. Anon lulu. In. Envoy Den-lot u mun: a new dun with Mr. and In. III- umor-on Met at Ilium. , Bobby and England We: won wot-end donor- with that: - uronu, Mr. and In. mum 8mm u Ilium Min Mabel Denier attended tho You: Pam's Convention " lurk. Inn: on waned". lay um. Mr. J. Well: if Pin-ton luv. 'ere Ito im home formerly occu- Blind-y VIIIWI‘I with Mr. and In. HAWKISVILLI Ill-"ILL! .o.Nh.38-h.." a. L. IRAUN sign-.39]. ar IS"

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