No. l No. 1 Old, large ..P_. do twins ..... do triplets . Medium, large do twins ...tt_ do triplets .. Quotation to Reta" Trade Btatter- Cream. prints. No. I.... atu to, do 38 score ._"'8r._.rr.r.. 21% to do 37 score F"'..'....'.... 20% to 1 Ct-e-- ' Butter- Cream. solids. No. 1.... 21% to 31% lo 38 score ..........r..... 20% to '" do sq score .."PP.._rr.rr.. 19% to 20 _ Note: Above closing prices nomin- Kitchener posted the only clings on reporting bacon-hog Inn-tots Wednesday-a MNeent advance for dressed weights. Live weights: t3hatham, $3.25; Hull, 88.60; Peterhoroutrtr, 88.5; Branttord, $8.25. Dressed weights: Kitchener, 811; Barrie. $11.25: Chatham, tu; Humil- tom $11.65; PeteNroextmth, $10.90; Stratford. 811. Northern whent--iNo., thigéhfo. g_§7%; No. 3 63%; No. 4 69%; bed oats-No. 2 ow, 361ic; No. 1 feed 34; No; 3 CW. 34. Bar-No .3 ow, 45%e. Delivered Ontario points: No. 3 durum 63-6 per bushel. ROB. Ontario country points: No. 2 durum 64-06 per bushel. Ontario winter wheat, 0340. Ontario feed oats, 'Bas. Ontario mamas barley 50-52. Natural, corn, 58-64. TORONTO. - Grain quotation- Wednesday. car lots, cd.t., My 9,111: Northern ,hrhog.t-.-ihra, I 7AlL1- "a Bttlt.--1, 1470 tu., 4.80; 4, 1400. 0.75; s, Ma, 410; 1, 1290, b. Store cattle-N, TOO lb... C. Veal Ctures--h 198 nts., 9; 40, 192, 8.50; lo, 210. 8.26; M, IM, 8; Mr, 1M. 7.75; 12, 162, h60; as. we, T; M, 140. 6.60; 2, IN, 6; 13, ISO, 5.50. 'rhest-S, no I)... 4.60; 3, m. 4.26: IT, 146. 4; M, 161. Mo; 5, 188. 3; 1, 140. 2.50; l, 180, s. Ihmrr--t 1330 lb... 5.5; s, IMO. 6; 4.5; t, 960, 4; 3. 990, 3.5; 1, m), 4, 1220, 4.76; 6, 1200, 4.60; 1, IMO, 2.75; 1, 160, 1.60. Spring 1aurvtir-a,'N In... 13.60; 3043;, 4, 75, W, s, so. tit; a, 70. Spring [unh- brought w1u0 tor choice and a for culls traded at 11. Sheep were “.50 tttrt. Romanian†“In: Liqht Btoero--4, .50 In. 6.60; T, an 0.40; w, no, 6.â€; A, 900, C; s, 1.037. 5.8; a. MB, 5.00; A no. 6. Heifers-4, TBO lhl.. "S; 8, 800, group- ware M. Mob†Wound by the Donn». to. livestock brunch In: at“. no; ulna, SOO; In“ IMO; - uni limbs. " Cholce Teal calves clued at "so. Common _ told downward to 6. 7 914nm: bacon hon cloud u "ir. manna-u. ititStEtyite.Liit.a.]EtfirEEi -...- T "or may - BN, 1'ii,i,iTi'i', th. II! but no, but mm.-(huh "do In an n. 'er-rs-na-ttroot' thrown! Wont-mar- null- 01 hot - as. In! a to 8e. and the Toronto live-cock, not“ hum: IN, M gm ue, m Wekmy use" were I to " alum to ‘c. you n to .3. - " lover for the Icahn-Intent". u'g. ' qaded on a - mo. Dual-u At a. usual. mm: mm.- Iore no. on bull: M Pf - I." up at (1.1. all “I l in. At the clue - 1.000 he“ no -tttttt- a g. k. ‘m s to untold. (hm- Innova- (to. TI.- " rumba. elk-a, luau. cum d;y Ill 1.“ It“. Ind “mm. Be I hunch: mil-lin- A for weighty than and. “.15. Butcher use" and heifers natal Iron: 5506.60 and hutch: can cold trom 3.166.â€. Ol-truck ho- vm mm; to " cent.- higher with a. all - Move Up To $11 ht Klein-er Guam-tum mun-Imus- manna-tn. Grain Quotations Hog Quotations Dairy Produce (Country Truck Prices) grade ............... so t (Delivered to Toronto) (fade ._r-er_.._r.q... 23 t CHURNING CREAM as. Mo, T; S6, utf, u 'Ill,',',','.". ISO, 5.60. dos on. i In. 4.60; t, IST, sturdy ai p. 167, 3.50; g, 188, u a dot! 130, 2. I -- I376 lbo., 13.50: SS, ,oo, til; z. Tti), MV, Eggs 21% to 00 21% to 00 " to 00 19% to 00 19% to 00 atu to 23% 21% to 22% 20% to 21% to Dr. Cairns Etc-pea Injury. I Dr. H. J. Cairns of New Hamburg escaped injury when his ctr turned Hume near the New Prussia school ,between here _ and Wellecley. The ,tloctor was travelling on graval and applied his brains to slow down when 'the car Ikidded into the ditch add turned over on in top. Note-B grade poultry Se below A grade and C grade poultry 3c below B grade. Quotations on live birds are Be to Se below prices on dressed poultry. Spring Gttletteet.- 2% to 3% tha. .rr-...-t_ 1% to 2% lbs. .Wm....... 3% lbs. and over ....F. Grade A Inge "mr......... 19% to 20 Grade A medium ........ 17% to 18 Grade B .'.rre...mmrr.rr...q..r. 15% to " Grgde c ...-.........-r....... " to 00 Selling Prlceu to Retail Trade Et-- Grade A large q_m.mrrr..q. 23 to 00 Grade.A medium ........ 21 to 00 Grade B ...........rm........... 19 to 20 Grade cases tree: - 1 Buying Prleot. ' l Toronto dealers aria quoting pro- ducers tor unguded em delivered, cases returned: _ Grade A urge .r_mm_mt, Grade A medium trpm. Grade B Grade C ....t.....-t.-et.. Dealers are quoted I PRWrWhN.-ritgtt prices were down two cents I down " Pretrton market Butlmhy morning to sell at " and me a down but week when no dropped two cents I. dozeu' which was the ttrat chase reeorded in three months. Eggs were plentiful and the demand was not heavy. The 'trat spring chickens of the season 'were ollered and found ready sale at 28e a pound. Yearold binds wet 26e a pound. Butter continued toaeuat21msd86e,trmmnd. hun- em reported a good market which was well attended, maroon “on" told at Ste, "naked 19, fl:- M, hum a and 86, bacon M, back bone 20. shoddor routs N to I. Join“ men :2. head choc. Is, tenderloin as. sirloin ss, and lard 11c 1 pound or in Inn-go o-tttim 10e. Tomato punt- some sold at 20c o dozen. some at We a dozen ma sturdy single plant: were as high In $1 I down. Eggs 19 to 21 Cents At Preston Mart l an“: we. won-newt! It i0.rdiptr'rtaaenrsrxr on q8MF Fiaiti' At M, "Antietam. Egg- tad been." won in damn at the Kitchener market on Sutur- day morning. h were priced u " to Me a down, tuner Me a pound. and broiler- " to to u pound. Dttealin" were Need at Me I pound. Baby chick: for poultry rafters were available u Te upleco. Potato prices were up It; iiiiidut 31.35 t? £1.59 c has. ‘muw-I-g "WI, Egg Rica Finn N Waterloo Mart At the "total. mm: mm.- Id. In at (1.10 and 01.5 a in. -tttttt- " to Us,“ . to On. radish-I. elk-a, luau. cum up! rind. be u bunch; mane: [ “mmhmu' -.--.--rt-rr- “munch-macaw go's. AmumwulflYmApgfld '3 trtrtll'.'Jg I 1"N'tP-e'..t ll" 'elrp,hlltallti11 "fe. l '68eNgtINMntM. - In... Eggs In Demand jj",',',".."',-"-, ht Kitchener l)krt1'st,l Potatoes Up $1.50,Five $33 Poultry and Eggs NEW HAMBURG POULTRY . (Prices to Shipper) A - 7 Dressed Select "A 21 19 18 graded ecu. " 16 14 " to 00 to 00 to 20 to " moo to l ears driven by w. a. Scheltele. Kitchener. and mm Mann. R.R. {No 3. Elmira. were involved In In accident at the corner of King and Cedar streets Tuesdty night. 11» Srheu'ele cu wu muting t "U" an at the corner when It was and try the Martin cu. proceeding south on King street. Tho left runnlng bound and door of the Schelfele cur were dam-god. Delegates were present from Galt, Preston, Hespeler, Waterloo. Wilmot and from two bunches of the or- ganization of St. John's Church. The sessions marked the celebrntlon of the 50th anniversary 'ot the St. John’s Senior A Brunch, by on ad- ress by Mrs. E. K. MItheson of Saskatoon. EQMIRA CAR DAMAGED ,, 'Building Permits $59,345 For l The hotel was known " the i"paltuee hotel ot Ontario." It wee successfully operated by Mr. Walper ire several years end the;i by Mr. AM1htrrson, Ahel Waiver, r. anl- ty? father. Fred Davey, Ellis and Kane, George o. Philip and A. o. Boehmer. The hotel was purchued {by Joseph Zuber in 1908 tor 874,500. Mr. Zu‘ber completed the fifth storey. i Mr. Walper married Phoebe AP- delia Lucas. a direct descendent of Robert land, that settler on the site ot the City ot Hamilton, who sur- vives with two sons. C. Ora Wolves- o? Kitchener, and Detroit, G. R, Wat. per of Highland Park, Mich, one bro- .lher. Louis A. Warner, Regine. and ,three sisters. Mrs. J. N. R. Mills was elected to the presidency of the Waterloo Deanery Women's Auxilary at a meeting held at the Anglican Church in Kite ener. . Twenty Waterloo 6remen and policemen concluded a 22-lesson course in ttrat aid with a demon- stration before members of Water- loo Town Council " the fire hall on Tuesday night. James Westwell was instructor for the course. The de- monstration included application of seven ordinary bandages, 19 ban- dages for fractures, eight pressure points by hand and four by band- ages and tourniquet; to arrest hem- morhages. _ The funeral was held Sunday ar. Iternoon from the Ratsaoehtel Pun- ‘oral Home. Interment In Mount 'Hope Cemetery. l The frame Commercial hotel was destroyed by lire in 1893 and Mr. Walper. accompanied by Charles Knechtel. local architect, visited the United States to inspect hotel: there. Returning Mr. Walper mNscteit in it! place at the corner of King and Queen strete tour stories and tower of the present Warner House at a cost of $75,000. , He came to Berlin In 1887 and pur- chased John Roan Cameron! Ho. tel for his tether. Albel Weber. tor whom he also managed the hotel.‘ The Commercial we: built by Fred Gaukel in 1835. The Brat part ot what is now the Waiver block In erected!» Mr. Weber In 1888 adjoin- ing the Commercial Hotel. l A former well known Kitchener citizen, C. H. “Currey" Walper, who erected the Wnlper Home " year- Mo,, died at his home In Chwson, Mieh.. Thursday. Mr. Warner It: 79 years of age. He left Berlin in 1902 and has since reamed In Oil'- son. He was engaged in the real estate and bulldlng busines- ln De- troit until his retlrement in 198. Former Owner Of Walper House Dies in Michigan Alteration to the vnlue of 38:000 In being made by N. G. Bolduc to I dwelling on Allan street. while In- other permit bu been issued to William Gron for alterations to the value of $1,000 to . dwelling on William street. l Permits have been issued for seven new buildings. Four are being erected by Willism Arnold, on Bow- men street " s coat of $3,500 each, 1 total of 814,000. Koenig end Son ere erecting two homes, one on Elisabeth Street for $2,700, and the other on Roma street for 88,800. The other home permit Ins been issued to Ralph Sunder for con- struction of n dwelling on Allen street at , cost of $3,900. - -- _ Town Phrg Chad. Noctu- re- ports that nter1oo'B building for the ilrst tIve months of the yes: total 869,345 with the addition of permits to the value of 832,785 for lily, " compared to $33,800 a your Sketch 0f (luck I mttryyllf, I WWIIW“ ymmennmmam Who “on COUNTY DEANERY MEET FIRST AID cooks: Month Period Radio drama, wlthout comm " meta, would be pretty much "to a beef and kidney pudding without the "In. Every " India has In mud elects derartmattt manned by anon- who new ctr-nu looking equip-om shout. control an Imposing library, Ind (um their Inventive ninth to “Lion- of odd gadgets. About 1,500 pounds ot butter will be dlurihuted in- Waterloo. The re lief department will distribute 80 per cent and the Red Crom, an per cent of the vouchers. Dhlrlbntion hem Monday. _ The Red Cross Societies Nan to contact the Victorian Order of TNnrseo, the school nurses and other charitable organizations in search ot infatuation resuming needy ttun- llie. The relieteee will receive their vouchers on I. day to be determined try the boards. The relief department will (he one extra pound of tmtter each week l Federal butter vouchers have been received by the Kitchener and We- terloo Red Cross Societies and wei- tare departments. The butter will be dintri'bnted during the course ot next week or ten day to needy (milieu. Kitchener vouchers are for Upon-ox- imately 5,000 pounds ot butter for the welfare department, while 2,000 pounds have been given to tttepRed Free Butter to Needy Families In Twin Cities July lb-New Dundee vs. Dickie Settlement: Cloarview vs. Arr; Roseville vs. Doom July t1--qaitties Corners VB. Rose- rilte; Doon vs. New Dundee. July 13-Dieku Settlement vs. New Dundee; Ayr TB. Roseville; Clem-view n. Little: Corners. July 18-sNew Dundee‘ “boon; Limos Corner vs. Cleanlow; Rose- ville vs. Ayr. 'wm‘mmurauumm l_t'.l','li'1l11il"llldl,74t'll'. villa. Mott-0mm“! Myhlmnl-Oruthmw trCaAo8NhtttMtVtret.86attte. Moment-v. 'trat arqedtrtttrttttqttitq- bury and only am no body by! bomtrtttusd-.8-stuodetattn. The lad ended on. at Norton mum'- gmtcu mm In po- ‘mMIvukmhuTI-uky Elihu. pl- Ouuhun (In-M mum-noun. Metalw- mumthputomm about woman-010mm Bennett Ind Wt." .-. July '-ottots YB. Little: corners; Ayr u. Dickie Settlement: New Dun- dee v3.0 luniew. June "--ooon n. Air; Dickie Settlement Fa. Routine: Lime. thar- ners vs. New Dundee. June nanosevme vs: Chanlew; Dickie Settlement vs. Deon. June Sb-Arr vs. mules Come": Clearvllle vs. Dickie Settlement. June 2th193 Corners VI. Diane Settlement; Rosanne II. New Dudee n. Gleam". June Is-Am-ie. n. Donn: Rosevllle TB. Lime: Conan; M Dundee vs. Ayr. June W-Dickie Settlement rs. Links Corners; Ayr Fer. Clecrvtew; Doon m. Resume. June '-tittiet, Comm 1.. boon; Dickie Settlement u. Ayr; Clear View vs. New Dundee. June 6-dalttlm, 00mm n. Ayn Dickie Settlement n. CuarFr; New Dundee vs. Neville. PRMtmrN.-ortte Salt.) Waterloo Rural Bold-nu mutton “module tor the “non bu but role-nod " felon: Rural Softball Schedule For South Waterloo 3.3.EMtï¬glâ€"ugww - ',',h'tret'tt.ttt 'e'gt",u'2tltlllfft,Pa1'l',u',tt..'tAJW, BU“. M7 t-i6r oe, " Tout-1W†ifillerf%dlhsd ' ‘Sound 2igrects" to“ Ity re to each ttunity up to three members. re 80 Families with from three to fire, 3 per members will recive two pounds ntlonleach week and families ot more then I.t.r.t members will get thrs pounds give weekly. The vouchers are redeem- week able try merchants It the Duke. Tom , a-t.'ttd'.ttf.., Mrs. O. W. Reiehard. Election of, I where many of the elaborate draina- oMeers resulted as follows: preai-‘tic productions for the Canadian alr dent, Mrs. R. H. Corbett; vice-:are staged, the sound etteeta depart- president, Mrs. C. E. Gibson; secre- men! la in the dexteroua handa of tarrtreasurer, Mrs. A. Bricker. lCharles Emerson, who wan a well --tTr----=-----e--=----------g--.= lknown theatre “on: More 110 muer. to each family up to three members. ed radio. For â€a" he “a. stage mm Families with from three to live Mer for "c" "cc“‘m ttCtorantuV members will recive two pound: users " Maurice fit/1'hTt,2."lt, each week and bullies of more than Iliagrer and Camera Matthews. He tive members will get ttre pounds alao did hla share ot character acting weekly, The voucher. ire redeem. and served his apprentlceship as pro- able try merchants at the bank. Per man in repertory and on the ==x==k==-AaGsaGGGL,,, ‘road. Bo, when a dramatic script is turned over to hlm to plot the sound " (iiiiit'i, " goes Into the hands ot a meets man who knows instinctively what Il"', requirements will be. To him it x is a show which mun! he rehearsed ~ï¬w~ir~ 7 7 '.g.g-- iin the some thorough manner that 1:5,, 'IIE-rat, la, director rehearse: his out. It "‘ ... Iha ‘ Ihe hasn't got all the contraptlonu - __ ‘ ,needed tor accurate reproduction or _ l ,the sounds called tor, he get: busy and invents them. Lag! Bwlm_ W. The nnnml Liaiiia; meeting of the Elmira Ladies’ Bowling Club m held tt tte, 1eyte. of.t1ttrreAsidertt, Mr. and Mris.iiiitGrr of To- ronto were Sunday guests of the tower? pogerL Mrs. [by gun. afr. Huléy YfiAG of Baden ind Mr. Bricker of Tavistock made I call in the Tilutrt, rggegtly. - __ Mrs. goilit)iG' of Heidelberg spent a dny with her sister, Mrs. My tttart, regently. A -- - 7 Mr. John H; 1);}; oriditeiGG was , business visitor here Monty. I Mr. and Mrs. George Barge and ‘fgmily of Apr were new of In. Berge’s parents, Mr. end Mrs. Ed. Trauma. In. Joseph Rani: returned to her home here After spending the Wigner in Waterloo. 1 moon man .u muons-r um" (i,iii.'irri'i.i Pellet bud. "etted IIDWARD GM]. Auctioneer l “on. I†. s. 31-h . ‘ June 8 2"g,'Na,ttttiit'l a]. of furniture And cuckold doct- for Henry Gciul, Elmira. l Jun. " (Snturdny) - Auction sale of furniture and household elect- for Carl Beta, corner um St., Elmira. "I loved her and Pm willing to die for her," were the prisoner’- only words before the judge sen- tenced him to be hanged on Thurs day, Aug. 10. _ Sentence of death wu pasted on 30-year-old Bill Petrukowich by Kr. Justice Mucky Wednesday After an Anise Court found him guilty of murdering Mrs. Annie Genunic on Batlyeat titryet, Tomato. Jets, 80. June 12 (loud-g) - 10 Ban., auction sale of real entinl to?!†in Elmira, belonging to wr. Ir. och. " my mud on " Du. Jun. " (Tue-dug) -Auetton Ill. of furniture And ounhold good- for In. A. Enoch, on km % mile north of Zuber’: Comer, West Ion- Killed 'Woman He Loved; Will Hang Hobo-In unis. if“. "mi "ard blood and .u Bribuhotl' Sun-nit Wei hm, Brit-[3090". -A. "it. Drill bullet. an!“ m. a! - t6teni "_‘ TG a: 2tgh'd laugh“ “a " abh- te iiiitii'tiirt " an». . Lilli-tantalum ,CdAethierrt-tttr-d tdt'gtt",etgtettstfMUg'de. an... pan-mm 'g'Si,pgiit.rtghttt Ie.?""", know DAYBD as. mind. are: by. All 1009. â€PM“. '",Utar, 5.1.0.“. I.%N..I. "ma-ea-ora".:".'?,'.';,." Mm. 83-0-01 Auction Sale Lib; B. J. SEANTL Anetta-our PI... an. M {mpg to “(rug-y) lg“ l, 9.1 DAMIEN melee nuclei to the he†on hlncee Yea, sometimes Ihlnu go "one ‘In e‘plettonn (hooked up 'hen not A gulp: brute In the [nlddle of e in “I oat (Me nrevelllng - Icene end tho ehovr In on the " to meet ere doors, “Move, bum. me, My on week e word not In the ‘bllnde. letchee. bird cue new ecrlpt. But they cen look end ell end e piece to hen the mllk bottle. eyee ere rteetted on the eonnd ececl; l Then there ere the doeene of r. men. It h hie worry to do eomethlnu corded nomad elude. ennler lndue- end ecconllng to hereon that lo try by noel! in. he. Hollywood why e eon! elect: men cen - mile eon. of the lleeel med "poet on the Mt. He man an the col"! led. II etedioe end on bee breech no menu wine! the emer- tloe do in“ ee “I cm eel tttlee end I. he- to do It Ipfepm ere " the lovlee mm. In. Jeane. l The CDC- portable pound plutorm In as neat n puma of tri9s " you ‘ooIltl m some. Theron-wooden mum "totrt 4tve feet tall. At right Angle. “and to the has. on hinge. In a plltfonn (hooked up when Bot In In). On (Mo unveiling equip meat are doors, than", bolts, balk, blinds. latchâ€. bird can Mum nag . place to In" the mo bottle. I " teams that by playing a llttle T tune with the up. of your Ilium on Itt mebody’a haul hat you get a par- tt feet copy ot amtor boat "rnttt-mttt" s, and rby Iqueealug a loft morocco lea. If! ther pocket book you get that roman-P! NC crealt of a ship hravlng a "ormith at Bea.' J' I There are many more cecreu ot the sound elects department. For " Instance. It just takes that little to ’plece of cellophane " your package im 'trt cigarette. to eatthllnh the presencé .‘5 of a cosy grate are of a plan In the.“1 face wlth n bucket ot water. lt takes ot the two halves of an empty coconut, lor dry, to make horsen' hoot beats on W gravel. a Birth plunger to duplicate be the “no aound on turf. When you ' listen to that romentlc scene In the tie park. In the nth In the spring. it In cr, dried you In a New that make. the " rain. The thunder clap that [allows-W la a Iheot of .nlvahlted tht and when eel the storm whlpe uv into a real sale “I you have Mr. liner-on n'lnglng hard (ty (tn-me crank which revolvel a wood- o, eat-gutted drum over which la lald a tht piece of thch can"; Yo "Sometlmel we hit on the, perfect solution just by a fluke. like tho bowler And the bill told," explained esrMined Charlie recently. ht the (BC studios at Toronto, where many ot the ehbonte drum:- tie productions tor the Canadian air are staged. the wound etteett, depart- ment is In the dexterona hands of hunk. feet and head are working Nil time. BONGARD dk COMPANY 1937 Packard 6 Sedan 1937 Terrapiane Coach 1936 Terraplane Coach 1937 Willys Deluxe Sedan 1935 _Terraplane Sedan" 1935 Dodge Custom Sedan 1937 Hudson Convertible Coupe 1935 Hupmobile Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Special Sedan Tomb Suck Bush... 'Wh-ipo' Gui- Bub-.0 W Suck m Now Yeti Curb (M) M-.-' Cub M “It... Board of Train C-n-‘k- Con-olty Eula†Causality Exchange Inc. may}? IP.".',".'.'.......... $79.50 A. L. Sander u QUEEN STIIIT SOUTH Real Bargains AT BUDDELL'S can II no 3" Till “WAG III“! YOU INVIST . m A WASHER. \ SAVES CLOTHES - USED , CARS OUR [EPWATION " YOUR PROTECTION 1938 Terraplane Sedan Radio and Hester Electric Washer KITCHZNEK RRANCH “ - iWWiirst.Hiai - - "on: an. m I. P. V.- l. Want. In. Buddtelllll's Garage WtID.Mi-r.eYmtThasat3-twaah... STOCK BROKERS AND BOND DEALERS comical-nu. GRAIN "Mao/tag" . KITCHENER - FRIGIDAIRE and MAYTAG - iii in} '3: w.--. -iiiie6ihi, - - Ion Be-ient to o-te. WATERLOO I There are scene- when only rally tie "human" can be counted on to create the perfect illusion end it " ,there that Emerson, who mu tk “use lumen, mun. excels. The ICIOI‘I Ire 1tt"f around the table for I brak- fui IMO. Enter the perfect butler "ntnrie. Jhnerson' with shining tray. Quietly he lets do" the tttttttht dish, the coffee cup. amt the itrapettait, You, at the living room radio. on nctunlly "see" the deft manner in Which he helps the company to cram and -. And that in "excellior" for tho count! cleri- man. of "It, And when the villain sneak: up the side drive. It's I bu’ of "mu beans. uncooked, ot course. But when you hear u pinto! ohm keep calm. for nothing con happen to your [Home slur. . . Just 1 walk ing such given I Imurt whack ugulult u cushion. When the Cousi- Ill our catches that 'glorloua sound ot from crunching 'now-ith n has you hear the cry ot tt baby it is the real thing, as no the dog barks. the bird songs. the monkey chuttm. the lion mm. the an mill scream. Who sound recording men go to Times Square tor the authentic notâ€. of that ttttttr thoroughfnre. they Itrenl into . mantra lobby to get the polite hubbuh of I first night gathering und they go down the Min- Iiulwi to (at that genuine wish of the old stem-wheelers that ply the grand old river. Min] Service Limited, with " unpacks Statistical emulation 1nd in Mteen you'd caution. in tho btanetn1 .dvisorrit d, h In the but position to (in you the new an Information to help form your Investment policy. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL EXCEPT FINANCIAL lNPOIIATlON, Investigate . . . BEFORE . . . L SAVES MONEY FINANCIAL SERVICE LIMITED Candis 7 Statistical (inundation Boo No.20 Dan. St. we" MONTREAL GUELPH BRANCH (a You Invest PHONE 3040 71WN. much]