Mr. and Mrs. l-‘rnnklln McDonAld aceontpattied try Mr. and In. A. D. 'Bell and danxhler "ttet,itrited re- lulvea. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. {borer on the Mth of Mar. Sunday visltora at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Bell were: Mr. 3nd Mn. Simon Beer and con: Donald and Kenneth, They also visited Mn. Forum-la. It is regrettable that the Palestine Jews have turned to rioting to express their dis- approval at the terms of the British. It is im- practicable to establish a purely Jewish state and Jews therefore must learn to live in har- mony with Arabs. Premier Chamberlain's latest offer to Ger- many is most conciliatory and if -there is good intention on Germany's part: the maintenance of peace should not be dihUlt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, has under consideration the extension of am- nesty to certain classes of prisoners in peni- tentiaries to mark the visit of the Ring to Canada. To commemorate the visit of Royalty, it is said there will be a rush this month to get married, and men in years to follow will have no excuse for failing to remember the anni- versaries. Kitchener, Waterloo and district certainly have never been so flag-minded as today. For many of the smaller boys and girls of the various districts, the trip to places of van- tage may be somewhat diffieult and adults will have a part to play in assisting such of these to obtain front line space along the approach to the railway tracks, as the train, proceeding at five miles per hour, slowly moves in to the C.N.R. station at Kitchener. It should be an obligation on every grown person along the route to see that the little ones are so placed, that they may have no difBeulty in getting a good view. The King and Queen will be as anxious to see the children as the children are to see them. Help the thousands of the younger generation in getting a good view of Their Majesties during their brief stay in Kitchener on June 6th. Special provision has been made for chil- dren from the Public and Separate Schools in Waterloo County to see the King and Queen during their brief visit to Kitchener on Tuesday next. The committee in charge of the program have allotted spaces along the C. N. Railway tracks, to accommodate each group pf children from each of the schools rural and urban, from all parts of the county. There will be a measure of supervision and guidance by capable oMeia1s and teachers for these youngsters. - Etion of the coming visit to Kitchener next esday of Their Majesties, our beloved King George and Queen Elizabeth. Never before has a sovereign visited Canada while occupying the throne of Great Britain. Their Majesties are assured a warm welcome, as sincere and deep as they have found anywhere in part of their vast domain. For the people of Waterloo Coun- ty, including the many thousands of children, this contact with royalty will express itself in awe and Ent:" in a loyalty and newt. Besi the loyalty which will be given the King there will be great admiration and love for her gracious Queen, whose inner radiance, linked with grace and dignity, have made her so beloved in Great Britain. She is truly a motherly Queen, and those motherly instincts have been clearly seen in the love, wisdom and vigilance displayed in the training of the royal princesses, who have retained their natural loveliness. . Their Majesties have shown a practical and real interest in all homes and a deep desire to improve the living conditions of all. We are welcoming in Canada that type of royalty which will survive because it lives to serve. 7 77 On Tuesday nexbthe people of this County will be privileged to sing with great sincerity "God Save the King’ ' u. Vault. :tiitiii'ii'iiiiiiiiiii iii2UPie'llitif â€in“ 'mid "M - Itt "" "hr- " I!" “a...†_sfliiiiitii,: in. and . W A '9! - a - non-nun.- " nloudlun- " s“ “bu " do: and 'md 8& . 5. anal-Io ., ce .ftar4 Tttt Jf m . 'AtltffJ. Jul Téna of thousands of citizens of Waterloo County tquUrerond. are t.ryr, they? in unid- Tuit Inn-.90 CHESTERFIELD MAKE WAY FOR THE CHILDREN THEIR MAJESTIES HERE JUNE DAVIDBIANISONSIMIID may.“ Add". THE' WORLDS 6000 "It" will come to your home my “I in“ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE M0MrNtQ An "MW My â€a... Ity.? 32:12? 1t.ilf'tt1tt1terey3hie Jung- _ ,,r-".v__...__.._..._.. -..-. doe. mu "pm: mm. or man; III.- a... a u I but an]. correctlnly with can. “a h h - - mnuy. meludlnc an - I“ an: The Chrhllon an». tl',t'dt"Mr2Lu. One Harv-y and. 'htstmt, PM» on" my nmmu- I. m. an. m h . pmod ot I ynv “I I . month. 00.. I - . Rnurdny mo, "tehttttrt. Incl-ho -. M. AMMl EDITORIAL NOTES FRIDAY, JUNE 2. "" "U'dleh'fdud .1! M. was. Jun-7 O. "" The Y. P. ot this church prmrod an interesting program tor the rWol- Walter McDonald ot Kitchener and baby Edythe ot no" hora. Missal Anna Waldlo. R.N.. Agnes and lube] Baird and Eula Waldle also visited In. W. McDonald. Miss Fume »Bclrd. tturge-in-train- In; and brother Robert 11mm from Wells-lay. united their parental home last Bum] "ulna. Church Aquvulu. (Cleveland Plain Beater) After examinimr.190 of 467 motorist: brought into court for tunic low violations, the psychopathic clinic of Detroit's reeorder's court rpcently found 190 to a cart. " had become restless and was .pawintrliiato in an oddreae on “The Howl The Nutt',',', ot-"Iho Man the pavement, The younger child showed feelings of Era in Agriculture" given before the ‘with the it he lbrought home with fear. |rotary Club ot Toronto, last ,rma,ldramatie force in the in line- " "D 't b f . d m . lby John Martin ot the IMmewHarrll 'quoted iron Edwin Hermann new on e a ran ' Rebecca. her elder meter sought Company. (amour poem in which he 5.". ow- to comfort her. "The horse doesn't know we are! Mr. Martin, try striking contraate “master: Lord- and lumen oi " 1m!" . ot production ditmretr, brought homeland: to straighten up this Chane," _ Ito " audience the importance: bl: Mr. Marta; added, “each stop in _ .agricnltnre in Canada allowing t t't emancipa g ot the tanner iron GRAPE'FIEU". IPR fe'" [the value ot the fodder crop. of (311»!!th beck-breaking, brain-deadening (Cmemnm Inquirer) pm for 1937 amounted to '18tk00iV,'tdu has come neon: by the introduc. Anne of the amazing things in the plante lee/etc, whereu that for the tow sold [as ot To new 'llbor-nvinr m- 31-. efruit iuiee is "med is the iii . _ pro uction ot Canada. tor the name c ne, an thne modern bun ma- 'l2'2r,','i'tt :16“ The are de h L1teit.S",',',,'df t; year. was $143,000,000, or “practically [chinery had done more then all the . y - y . ' rm, an the name amount tor foddtrHetP"ttt horde and Ruler! ot all pressed. In that form they its) most tecephble food food ior honea and cattle, u tor the‘landl in “mental up thie ehape." for cattle. No use yet has been found for the aeed,'gold production oi tMasada," and thot Form Produetlen Com Lowered but doubtless one will be discovered. Cure, dairy productlcu ot Ontario and "Even with Canadlan farming on a ,Quehec alone wee $167,000,000 or higher standing than it had ever $14,000,000 more than tor the total been here or in any other part ot the "CRAZY" DRIVERS gold production ot Canada." world Jt sun had great grexArleerts eon- (Cleveland Plnin Dealer) “in? Story ot the development ot 1'ag,'g, it, such an dt dillcultlee ot After examinin . ngr cu ture trom the amall clearings “tern Cam Ion-drifting; into court for train: 1.190 .01 :67 TIre': hbron‘gt ot pioneer do" to the larger acre-3mm and graeahoppera; the low price . . . ' " 1110.10“. e PS)": op. c age. of todtpr," the speaker cold. Ithat mulled for none of lie pro-1 clinic of Detroit's recorders court recently found 190 “was largely the story of the intro- ductl. the disparity of iann product to be menul cases. These “crazy" drivers were, in duction and development ot 'r,iiiCi,'eii Jet the pricea of eeee ream Ch" in var in de eeB. w implements. and canadianahed play- tur note generally. and the f,','ll',,T'd'd is 'r"d,1r,f,','ll,'dl'i'." 3 en were “and ed . mmrt Itnporttutt part ta it." sua; ot dwindling "port "m“ . Expert Important to lior wheat and its consequent low ="mmt"=--erx----.-.---=.----..rax=-a=a=====, 1 National Economy prim." PRISON POPULATION GROWS liioii%i'arliiitTi "all ii;i"iiiU"iirg m- on iarmr, “"5 Dimming the Penitentiary situation, the Minister| tie men in my tChr.,'; un- 'ii'i,l'ii?tit1y,tr"iil,r,?'i:t,i, of Justice "Tre the information that there are in t.?r'tz"',eau'ol','r. p/ft',, tttttitat'.!,')',"}',', and -ral t eight Canadian penitentiaries S,628 convicts, with There in too trig . difference In irir. would so a long way yards and oMeers numbering 984. This does not in-TG from an moi In the diteh, the to puddle tor them-or elude the numbers eonfined in provincial prisons, such “not; included. to the manner or Your; trul " Guelph and Bumuh. The prison population is not presi Bt. ' 3 W ml 0n greater than it w ten rem m The number of W young men under 21 were, in the you: named:- 1980, 887; in 1981, 484; In 1932, 527; in 1988, 467; Th N E I in 1984, 409; in 1935, 325; in 1936, 280; in 1987, e ew ra l 317. The member between the yen: in 1921 and 80 wr m somewhat Inger. The government is appointingI . a commission which will administer the mum of the 1Revolutionary Changes Are penitentiariea of the Dominion. in" n - I n It I . l . (“Wurst se"."'"".'.! _ Pioneer Days Recall: I A pathetic story Is told of two little Jewish girls. - ‘Thsy were walking along the street of the friendly The um changes that have been harm to which they had been sen! as refugees, but elected in farming tttrough the use the younger of the two, at least, had not forgotten!m l'tt,ri'T,l'g, i,"ttg",','gu'tf, "i: . par In em arm mac nary the 'rat 'tttgt', had grown accustomed. “laying. in reducing the (mu... B ey WI e , they Ipproached s horse, "1teeiis1ritr. ot production, were the lush- to a cart. " had become restless and was .pawintrlliattts In an address on “The New the pavement. The younger child showed feelings of Era in Agrimuture' *rern mm the fear. [rotary Club of Toronto, last week. "Don't be afraid, Rebecca!" her elder sister sought J'utt/."r"" ot the MtrtmerdTnrrU A- A-_sl-~s I A‘ml . I ., . I . bun-mm a.“ thmnghout the me. Great 11tet) in. exhibited in the discussion: whlch were aphly‘ led and in which all present took a lively interest. The iseat bunches of the Department of Agriculture Jill) Lt, follow up with en edueetiouel unwell, end a ‘Iilnllu come will undoubtedly be held next winter. ( I Fin-acid planning or budgeting he: been mecca- fully pnctined in industrial bunineu for .0va de- cuties. and is steadily growing in nine mung lumen. Fume" my secure copies of e circulnr. “Belencing the Perm end Femily Budget", from the lpeal branch of the Department of Agriculture. This Widget blank Ihould prove of mist-nee to the farmers of Simcoe County in achieving the best possible results on their terms. mo dull and ammo-ting any they wouldn't an for - cal-my. Think about the In... you want to (It acro- to‘your mph. and lush it touch] Old wink-m, an only in in upon] to “than“ u I ‘Ilmlln, bet u a rally vol] “in": mm. It will {inn-n your Inn-inu- bouuu people you hut - ,rttrueo- interested In you and your bullion. Mmeoe County has min led the we, in the hold- ing of the programme, it being the that in Gandhi history. Stewed L. We, Multan] representative for North Slmcoe, and others responsible for the course, ere to be concretnhted on their initiative. , A‘UNAI-Lm ' -bmttiiuAsiiiirdi qNeh-dartitth.gtrt-eaartrarb "mt0qt-tt_Hrt-at-rgst--rrdt. Johnna.“ m high-dub d-a-d-is-sed-ar-tu- -.b-tnth-tmit--ts.. Tltr-tdr-bg mummmmuulaumu dhr-thottrttiemtoh-r--tt,tuv-t behteNtrtotutrmmbmt- “duh-tut. mmmbb-‘nm htpavhhthoho-‘udulmmdlo dt-r-st-a-ti-id-urs. mum-nuMm-Hum-bh I‘d-mm boll loudly. Alva“ b In“ 'r-ri-tHats-rr-str-rift-tr hmhddrutqhm. ' â€mumn'mumk-i-WM t.t.lhhaat_trtotheerrut_eer- 'tur-trt-tr-tr-tr-rt- to†Merton“ pooch would bd than TU holding of . My diam-ion prom-nine on [an lament here recently mould have a " million men mobilised. 10 million killed. _ 3 million missing. 19 million wounded. 10 million disabled. q million prisoners. 9 million orphans. 5 million widows. ‘ 10 million men, women and children were forced to Bee from their homes. Six thousand, four hundred men were killed daily, and thk went on for 1,558 days. LEST WE FORGET (From Voix du Combatant, Putin) In the in of 1914-18 throughout the world there 'n-tr-bed-th-o-r-r-ru, THE HORSE DIDN'T KNOW MANAGING Till FARM (Dude Examiner) Mr. It!" Be-ttmiller, who I“ badly lrodden upon by n flll-I'ly ttMtgt ot horn. in returned loin from the 1-00qu and I. well on bl. my to bola: we" _ I After the meeting I low - [nnd contestl were played. conducted be Min Mildred Runny. Mr. Stanley Chum-nan and Mr. Allen 'Hequ. who care - la- Jured when the motorcycle may wore riding. glided Into a has" an the road Munch Brfttht and (Shel- tprfteld are Improving splendidly. The Inner boy had his um broken In three pince- and A few Mulle- while Sunley hnd I broken ',,t"t,t"d tierhttttt lulu-kw. out: and has around " right eye Ind diluent sol-cc. on " flee. The Wolverton Youu "reed a splendid lunch coplllunc ot col... one. cookie. Ind sandwiches. Nearly twenty of our league won patent. Inland In Accident The prenldetm from each lane: all" Curt Johnson and Earl. Wat. die preslded. Dr. Hazel-loin [In an interesting speech. Gordon and Harold Hastings ("one than with a duet. verton young people It Wolverton on the night of the Mth. _ sereMkean1e_t-t- “do. "Al t result of in - Main... Matmer-Harru," he laid. "in it. - yenr period from 1mm", I'm! ll Cum“ â€ more than the to tat of all m "in in Canaan. mi, 1 worth-willie minimum to the no iionnl economy ot and..." Home". - from Farming "One of the olden of culling-("tho speaker reminded " “diam "farming had â€an tow chanson do" throttgtt they In. um the coming at mechanic.) akin. New chun- at. pine with such rapidity that In do not mop to con-ids: the inn-forum. tion that no when plum" no {and I ready mean ot mailing m forming meant in the â€machine dun by Moreno. in than um pleura. ot the - Mel Ania! Mill“. an "tit “on it. with I Nethnel Economy "Men "to the Hard-h, lunar- Wimery, Puttsrtsort's, Verftrh, Cock- shnu'l. ’FI’DI! and Wood. had put Can-d. right In the {entrant ot In- plement melding In the world." he “Id and told how the and] plum netted In Newcntle by that!!! In.†In 1842 had no" and ot the “alum-Mon with the Hurl- eon- pnny In IMI. How the hushe- Ipreed to " countrIee of the world and spoke ot It u be!“ u m esteblIIhed In um been.“ ol e more ot other comme- at In It. on nltlve lull. I "the Story of the development ot agriculture from the and! cloning- ot pioneer any: to the - acro- agec of to-dgy," the spotter laid, “wu 1";er the nor] of the Intro- duction and development ot mm implements, sud emulhnl 1nd phy- ed . most Important put In it." Export Important to {the result. no. New. Ma'a'., unsorted the trouble begins at home Ir teaching the boys to get white collar jobs. I doubt the. very much and believe it would be more correct to_uy the power in taken any trom the patella: our lending pub- tie men in may he“ van. for Aid. Henry Bturm ot Kitchener city council, remarked the Dominion iitg'tret'tt, heme not “we 847.000,- ‘009 lor a vorb 'htBmm. mun heme is where ntl your mou- mle Hes. That '17,000,000 rightly bo- longs to the firmer, u I hve outed in 3 previous letter. When the de- -ittet come the price ot under: dropped 38% and host 15%. A Conservative we the†war “to moat be you out of the top 4 inches ot the soil. Your unemployment ll Revolutionary Changes Are Wrought by Farm Machinery Seeing in your Chronicle I (“new lion on the youth unemployment prudent. I wish to comment on it. To - ell the points would nuke thin lettet too long no -l shall try And be Int-let. The writer made n mounuln purely tor the protection ot excessive prom end 1113!“an men. They lay they hate Hitler but yet they hnm1ittohimon them of military camp. While 1 late mill- tnry camps, we on hare menu-it: without them. , To the “Editor, FARMING V8. MILITARY - Wnlerloo Chronicle: Bir '. - Mei-ttml-tel-ii-Aiwa-lil-lr- Div. No. H c. Bullock chum "Both my “mum lo wonderful match I. up. .i.tIetthte â€so . P 21m. fPi19tto, 7.1:ch Snider on. latter. To The The New Era In Agriculture Pioneer Days Recalled in Rotary Addres- minnow Ind the own a hundred P" Mai-DAY "In the nut naad for emanat- ln. on lowar coat of production the agricultural nciaaar had efreetad an adaptation of the conlna method ot harvaattnc In tho nan anal] mar- tako-ol man“ which brought to man-mu at (Ma out economical matted of larva-tn: within the acopa of the fannar of In!" am a... A one man cunt." Mr. Bur. tln said, "farmer. laat nar told him; that than only out a not“ - tor oparatlon vac tla coat of “a and on which amounts! to what It would ‘lava coat for a. We. of Mill‘- twina aim. if no: had and the lyett, lm actual. nth: the coat of atoolala and ttlr-tne mwa.‘ and the vow of tho them way land the on“! ot coollng for tho than!“ cm. ole. I We". too, Md do" u "out lama-b. unduly in no re anemia of m â€. an- "But here min," the â€other and. "the quantum engineer come. to tho Aid of the minor And cited an development ot the Ono-Ward!†Seder which combining the vnriou annual“ at tillage And vending ull In one avoided too Inna our culti- utlon of the not] and loft it in a matted condition much moo-fully resisted mum; and " m same time an: the coat of till-co “I needing by " but M. Here in one wear- result ot Ion. " In. othuttorm at 10: ... IL. to- total cool “.00. To hoop on Home 'ot q milking can you hove to - I stock ot 10 hand at ttstu., and to, Giiiii , days a wool for 90.00. l I Yet our city-Mormon no, My] In; It the Government to do no†for the “my“ In odor to 10-" Deon the at. no it could In tho, ot my ho---") Angolaâ€, "The Gleam". and “The In with the Hoe". and pointed out that may all hed one Mgnittenat cluncleriatlc and that In: the bent Inch ot the people working in the new. II it not “no tor the note: I“ P. A. an“. luncheon mount “.12.? titu',u - ---.--. rsolutlon to " ' m 00 C" which Aid. sun-n in taking " at. NO 1. LWI aside in order to MM " - 1" Mn. It“ Thur in lm um- provo fuming condition. m duo sernt 1,...- with relaun- In South- will holy much to It†Illa-9hr on; Manitoba. meat. Another mm: is to m Mr. and Mrs. Mei-m emu ot bulldlnl â€than. reformation and arts:- were Sunny mt- ot Mr. beam "no action ,rtthett and an. aim. Want. bowls tow. I Mr. and In. Simon Wdtat, Mr. l Revolution is bound to come If the and Mrs. Solomon Beckett. lin- tnrnaerl cannot have In - foot- Wet and Mr. Buy Wine All ot lug with the rent. A: to your can alumni“ were miter. with the training. A DOM“ mom I city Iratd Bender Millet on an“. as a visit. While to m In†mik- l “a.“ my “a Edna Holden- ing he aid this queltion: Do you Inner seven] day: with friend: In luve to milk the com every Ittt,'ror%G. the uuvor VIA. you. twice I ear. Mr. Roy sounder ot Kitchener Then he asked. do the hens ur tqriee Ir/i a visitor at the name ot " par- 1 day? That Better provo- what kind out: on Sandâ€. ot tninlns men not 1 Friend- "... “my...“ " ..... - I - unnu- an“: unuuwrl 0! 'll'l. Would it not be good business, In- Jhrniel Horn "Uored . with; beg cloud of â€and!†111030! on tho dif- at her home here on Monday. forent way: as outlined " the Board] Mr. and Mn. an“ North of St. ot Trade smoker. to $1gtd ny- to Jumbo and Mr. and In. Emil Mar bue as young mu mend their hoB. tin of sum were 8mm, new day: on mm when the! an (at ot Mr. “run, SOILW. Hon-u. good from mt milk to Morena-kl m. m In. Irvin 8mm um- heum: ond loom more about matt, ed friends and reunion at 'Nvtstoet garden Ind senor“ fun “It. It on Sud-y. . would so a Ions Wtbr to touch ""'"l Mr. Int! Mrs. Emmanuel Martin to puddle tor themelveo. Ind - were Sundoty neon of Yours truly, lpyr. Ind Mrs. Uri“ mum non Loui- Olu. [Waterloo I.“ r" - _ to In: Martin. In. Loni- Tilt, M Id',,',',,',::,,,,',',,',':',,",':,',':',,,,,,,,,,,-,-)',.'.'.' oe rteer this to Irvin K. " Ibor. so!" the Win. How would In. loved by J. W. Man seconded My ot you I"! at m aatttthqr I“. " Cart In": that clerk unto the neces- milk I can. "In I My. tor , d!†an ohms. on tho Amt-mat mu for an. 'and that this court a" talcum until How in on war- result at Ion. Jun. toth, "89.-AMrrii. " In. of (autism at 30: â€I I... to- P. A. Snider, aâ€; and out “.00. To hoop an new. _ ot q milking cowl you In" to - Attiotring the court the council I 'ttteh ot 10 he“ at with. and to P"'" into "new committee to dil- them , day: . Inst tor â€.00. 1“!“ various meidouh. [amen more. one ltd-king example In the new tractor In the 107111; in oil alone. 6 queu- Instead ot " being now me- qulred It . titling end of only need- In; to change 'mtr' 100 hours In- stead of - so u heretofore. Bev- in; us much " $80.00 e your. "Atrrietnturat engineering In working hand in hand with tho hr- mor In the Iolntlon ot his prdblotnl and In lowering the com ot produc- tion and no helping to put running on a more protitahie bail." Friends tuid _ neighbors ot In. Daniel Horn may“ a with; boo at her 'et hore__9n Monday. 1 Special attention wn ("an to the net that the licensing cl don In pin: gully neglected all (to our! in lulu-new to - . none. ot hurling tn tho loan! 11mm. and In. Solomon Beckett. Ill- Wet and Mr. My Wine All ot Pullman!“ were mum- with the Bender mule. on andâ€. W to Nor-mum "in fiiUG Bola: “a Katha-tn. Winn- to onâ€: Ichtoln. wymmobuum- ultimatum: ,M,â€- No. 1-qtgtA-txte ot Loo 1mm. “and no. It‘ll: Ochoa! to We W _ m m. a... “I can“. J. B. anon-u, u- m! -tntrMd. _ In. Me. No. may»: not... melt numb“. M. J. on ting. manhood Not wad“ lac. DIV. No. l-dat a. w on the “an: or Ms. All In: om our 'loot M!) '8 causal " follows: Annie I)!†to ho mm tor Bu" and Mil. M moduli-Didi- whom " John on." to: no. 111ch Plath. mam no Int-tue.-.-,- “In“, in the appeal of the 03:3. no u:- Uon In at... In me. 'No. &.-,mett6 m.- Mr. "--o.r---s iGTGTiTaTrd'G7Tar'i'l"r'iri2t=al, “1-.“ V ti-meth-ra-.-" amp-#u'zluu-“câ€"“u 'htet,tttshesrressene.t,ttetat “mum-boa: Iyou --<ho-m-i-- in.“ 'h'ul'i')'aarll'll'l'lld and 'itti,tit!9..tii'itt?i, 'i"ol'r"Cla'lG77t,Tl"lMtaT. 1Ptetet_rf-e----e-ur-.--. q"r.,ir-rir- Ind Mrs. George Schmidt. PHYSICAL CULTURE IMhl'ML mm NEW You hit! by I..." loci-ll- ““mdnfm.“w yl am â€I'm" 'vlsltod friends in Kitchener and [called on the formers ulster. In. llJ-rvia " the K.-W. Hospital on Sun- any. Changes drrain Service briireamc Eia. EtiGi Vania: “v†a; [to “hold.- ol echo; Wu Irurd Tttlit-ttttttttttMt, "ts. MD STEAMâ€! For lull particula- apply to Tum mu. Tm Canadian National m “V A! m '00.. CO" " EVACATION mas- -haqMttt-r-_t---" . a - "F “I W'Vi' Aeta"fa".t'l'dt'.. 'aiiiiiidi'!?l $32.35 ttttl Phone 3679 .. Kitchener VISIT OF THEIR "“3311?! THE KING AND QUEEN llm Ttlin Service in the bull] ll- A QUIIT. HILL COIOUOVID. GOIVIIIIII. IODIII I0. Iâ€. 'M"ttL--" WI?“ “'0' "I!!! m ml- TAII A " L01! TAXI Iâ€. - OI what".-."- --m" 730' RESERVATIONS Murr BB MADE IN ADVANG â€Wit“ VACATION SERVE! _ 'iiNrsh.e Saturday. but I“ “AD in - Jiibii i, ““572"