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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Jun 1939, p. 2

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1Marlk I q hind Wit Waylon-1 1mm. Cir." Eninied is the line through which will up!» may. tale, phone cells. "oN'TnRBAc-urtte no: train receive long hence all: to 1 which will carry Their “all. from losing: or any one ot not their tour at Canada and the United then 75 other countriel throuhol suite: has been equipped with one the won-Id. The telephone lyetem a ot the most modern telephone eye- the rorat train will one pun tell" in the world, it we: otNiaiir Prime ‘lllnieter W. " Intent announced here .by The Bell Tele. Kintt to keep ln‘clou contact wit phone Company ot Con-an. Elnor- pttnwn and all!" ot new. ate arrangemenu have been nude Special telephone menu: so that any member ot the royal per have also been mule tor the bend ty may communicate by telephone ot the otneiBu, matters ot n with mybody on the 1-0an train-- press, Ind omen. who will tnvel c even when it in in motion. the pilot train. ll he. been equlwl Furthermore. u all Important atop. the train's telephone - will be “plugged in" to the nearer! wiephone exchange. and tho, by merely lining the nearest telephone receiver. the King or any member ot his party, will be able to place or ~Perunalo. Local Teacher Indlapoud. Miss Martiuson ot Elmira, teacher in charge or the Junior mom in the Baden public school was unable on account of illness to teach her class Ins (Thursday and Friday. Her puree in the school room was taken by Mrs. Larry E, Miller. a member ot the Durham public school teaching “all, prior lo her marriage‘ Elect Mrs. L. E. Miller Pmldent. The minutes of the 1938 annual meeting were read by the secretary protem. F'lornce Fallis. and then it was decided to combine the offices ot secretary and treasurer. Due to changes in the Presbytery program, now convenca's are to be appointed for a slightly different tour-old pro- gram. Mr. Forfbes Thompson was appointed to take charge ot the elec- tion of oilicers for the coming year. The election of officers resulted in the following slate ot officers being presented: Hon. president, Mrs. J. P. Livingston; president, Mrs. Larry E. Miller; secretary treasurer, Grace Miller; vicenrresident, Lawrence Snyder; Fellowship convenor, Lawr- ence Snyder; Service convonor, Ai- hen Everett; Worship convenor, Mary Honderich: Leadership Train- ing convenor. Florence Fania: pian- lsts. Laura Louise Liyingston and Clara Selp. The annual meeting ot the Baden Pretrhyterhur Y.PJS. was held on Monday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Thompson. Mr. P. Thompson, student minister, took barge of the short devotional period. L.PJS, and at the regular church ser- vices one week in advance. A tire- side service was planned tor Mon- day next and all young people are invited to meet at the church at 7.30 pm. and follow the leaders to the appointed place. Mr. Forbes Thompson announced that an induction service for the newly-elected otrieertt would he held uert Sunday evening, June 4 at 7 The meeting was then turned over to the new president who received the applause ot the young people and asked for their co-operation and help to make this year bigger and better for the Baln Y.P.S. It was unani- mously decided that tho conveuors prepare their programs in order that tey may be announced both at the A short fellowship hour wu than enjoyed and a dainty lunch served. Ladies' Aid Convent. The Ladies' Aid ot Predbyterlnn (‘hurch met on Tuesday atmrnoon with Mrs. Hugh' Duncan, “cemen- dent, presiding in the absence of tho president, Mrs. J. P. Livingston. De. yotioual exercises opened the meet- ing and during the business period M was decided to hold their annual Garden Party on Friday evening. June 23rd. Announcement ot plans and program will be made at a later due. Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Miller run. ed over the week-end with the lat- le-r's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harding of Durham. Mr ad Mrs. J. Fred Edwards Ind daughter. Miss Nora ot Palmer-ton were week-end guests of Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Ross. Picture the“ the W: gold-thinned mam of the [that hen-in-hue d-mstaued,intuierrutrear_dtrertrrt1.teAs. 1t,,tgh'dt,,t't tdcphone switchboard located in the oomhirtrd bare. u: duping -.. w..:..|-.| " a..- u... chum-I. chin-h .m - i- M.surtnr'n 1.1.- C. F. Price, Optometrist " King St. Wore - Kim" YOUR GLASSES STEELE’S an thoroughly can-ind v-- " YOUR EYES Will give you eornrtoto “(hf-etio- If IADEN recpive long “nee all: to o: from England or any one ot Juan nun 76 other common throughout an won-Id. Thd telephone Anton on the royal nun will nu ”all Prime Mun-tor W. " Hacienda Kintt to keep ill-clone contact with Ottawa and thin of mu. . Special telephone mement- have lilo been nude tor the trmMtttt ot the ottieiW, makers ot the press, and others. who will tnvel on the pilot mm. It has been equipped with six telephone. which will be “nibble tor herring to my point in Canada. Great Britain, the United States. or elsewhere at nil overnight stops. There in no intttr.coaut1aieat, ing system between the can of the pilot train, honour. I As Mr. Gordon Mouser and " [brother Vernon were motoring home errom Linwood. Boon after dusk inst Friday evening, a full-"mm deer suddenly jumped out or the ditch rand attempted to cross the roadway it" front of their car. As soon as he saw the little creature, the driver im- mediately applied the brakes, but the glaring headlights had apparent. (ly so dulled its eyes that it wnl ‘tmt speedy enough to evade the re- tamed impart, And tell lined by tho lrondslde. A hurried flashlight exam- iination revealed no further injuries ithtm I email lbrssion on the side ot [its head, As it began to show signs ot life. the deer was assisted to its itesst, and in a few moments more it nmlhled " and soon disappeared in the darkness.- Population Up 138 In North Dumfries AYR.--'rtte Population of North Rev. J. H. Greuldbach sue " Dumfries township increased by 138 tarewel 'Myrmon " the Sunder mom- in 1938, according to the tursettstslf. service in the buxom»! rolls presented " a meeting ot the church. township council here on Saturduy.' Mr. and Mrs. Will. Bends and The population was listed at t,044.IMi" Ruth Beanie ot Preston. and The report was presented by Tdwerlthe Wm mm and Alma Det- ship Ange-nor R. Z. Kemkea. It/ly, of. PePer, were mutdtsr The total assessment ot the town- ship was listed at $2,389,091, an in- crease at $21,921 over last year. A total ot tt births and 14 deaths were reported tor the year. The total acreage ot the township was listed at 44.1.25. _ The Canada Conch Lines was granted permission to operate a but! line trom Gait to Kitchener over highway No. 14 by war of Blair and Deon. A letter was read from the depart- ment of municipal affairs enclosing payment ot the 1935 relief account. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MaoPheraon were: Mr. Ito. bert W. Dryden and daughter. Eileen, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson and grandson. James Holder. and MrsnEdith Kinsie. all of Gan. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alonom'ith Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SIM)!“ in Gooding this week are: Mr. and Mrs. Bur-ford. E. Ram and Mr. and Mrs. N. mu; Mr. anl Mrs. Albert Chapman ot and little son and daughter ot De- PineiHill,'Mr, Mr. Bertram (mama tron. and Miss Grace Wing ot and son Murray. and Miss Irene Kitchener. [Chapman of New Dundee viBiute at Mr. and Mrs. El} B. Frey and fam- tthe home of Mrs. M. Chapman on ily spent Sunday with yr. and Mrs. ‘Sunday. Me. and Mrs. Urns q Martin and daughter Grace, Mrs, Ella: W. Mar tin and Miss Matilda Martin spent Sunday with Mrs. Noah S. Bowman of Spruce Green. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Martinson and daughters. Donelda and Faye ot Port Colborne were Sunday visitors with Mr. J. F. Martinson. Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Frey and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Gingrich of Bresiau. daughters. Donelda and Faye ot PM” Recent visitors with (Mr. and Mn. Colborne were Sunday eigitorty with Clarenc Hi1ttorn were: Mr. and Mrs, Mr. J. F. Martinson. IMelvln 'Blckle and sons Don-u Ind Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Henry Bic-He ot Duncan MacPherson were: Mr. Ro-lKitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence bert w. Bryden and daughter Eileen, Rickie and daughter, Gel-116mb. Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson and Velma Ruddell and 'Mr. S. Phat of grandson James Holder and Mrs. Gan. ' Edith Kinzie all of Galt. I Miss Murie Sager in to be con- Mr. and Mrs. Abram Sham: spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stricken Kitchener. Mr. and Mm. Amos C. Martin spent Sunday in Markham. N Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh M. Mar- tin and family of Elmira were Whit- Monday visitors with the farmer's parents/Nr. and Mrs. i. F'. Martin. Newny Notes. Two of our latest arrivals in tea. therdom are the blackmilled cuckoo and that rich-toned marveP ot ex- quislte mimicry. the calblrd. , A slxly~yearold South Wallvnstein Peony is my! displaying exactly 311(- ty opening beauty buds on ma front lawn of “Sunset Cottage". Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Bauman spm Sunday with Mrs. Henry S. Bauman, Hawkeavllle. Several from this vicinity spent Sunday at the missionary conterence éast ot Kitchener, where Mr. George Lapp of India, now home on tttr- lough, gave several addresses. Mrs. Amos Gingrich of 4th line'ca Peel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ls Menno R. Marlln. nu How rare. Indeed. is a glorious day, In June'. , Leafy June-the month ot roses WALLENSTEIN fatnrduy.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beams Ltd at 3,044.|Mi88 Ruth Beanie ot Preston. and ,y Town-”he Misses Orpha and Alma Det. B. weiler ot Kitchener were Sundty he tumlvisltors with Mr. and In. J. We. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence NIOorglll an and family of Illinois. spent a few s. ‘days with relatives around here. l Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerr of New ' t Hamburg called on Mr. and Mn. If. Henry Weil‘s one evening this week. I The Jun month; at no Mull. .Luoury Society will In I." h tho local school on Wotan-thy _ 2tt T. Dr. J. L. In" or out will pinion: Intern and” at not". lukon It” be in. In Main for Ithe Carnation. Friendl Honor Pastor and Wife; Going to Elmira lulu-din. 1.11m who an but; In val-‘0 an IdtoadrmM-ohm um - u “an. " mum-twang. pmutmmohuwu o.egttma. An m It. not» JirtuA.ndth.-toraHN. Minn-Nita.“ cinema. mum-beluga“ by 11.8. Hall-an. mount“ III -ttrtaaoetalqmr. .v .w. mm...” an. - um, m m... Pte.. I Miss Bessie IHopo visited with .Miss Margaret Duncan at Reddgvllie ton Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Baum (Hilborn cud ison Walker. and Rev. W. Walker ot .Ney Hamburg visited at Cluenco and Stanley Hmmrn’s at Tuesday. "rolr Con-uln- iran - In the Untud Enthu- chmh " tho Sunni-onus -ea., t "_: I Mr. and Mrs. ctarenee%Tborn and son Eden. spent last Wednesday ”with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Billblck in The our, ”The Sliver Trumpet". no excellently presented hr the will; people of the Alma at. United ureth- ‘ren Church. Kitchener, In the loci! school Int Thursday evening - the auspice. ot the Iocel 013.01. in much enjoyed by the eulence. The [tiny “shone ”twine“ at nineteen chanterl directed by In. G. A. Bhttohetrdson and In! T. Johnson. The theme end mm» ot the Nay wee to portrey the whole an ot the church In rennet! In the lite, the clrcmemcee end colcee ot the Wither-9000 bully. The scene we: held In the manic. l Miss Murie Stager is to be con- gratulated on having successfully concluded her year's work at Strat- [ford Normal School. _ Enjoy Phy. A hunger from the load Inn- aeucal Church “touted the was ot the Women'l Minimum Society Convention at Station] I“ Wednes- day and Thai-my. ( Holtday visitors at the home ot Mrs. J. Bricker ‘were Mn. News Mc- Orory and Mrs. Catherine (Micki-ht of Mamul. B.C., and Mr. und Mrs, I Mr. Geo. Pidoux ot Eastwood called on his brother James. thelatter Is at present staying with Mr. and IMrs. Jacob f9ettwnrtrentratrer. l Mr, and Mrs. William Schnmm and Hamily spent Sunday with Mr. Ind ‘Mrs. Ezra Strelcker. I Mrs. Aaron Bender and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and tttnt. ny were Sunday Hutton with In. {Christ Ruhr the home or Dr. and Mm. John W1; therapoon and their funny. Many young people of the district attended the Waterloo County Chris- tian Endeavor trienie'hetd In ther- loo Park on the Mth. ed at the homes of the Misse- aut.. man and Mrs. J. nBrlcker Inst Thun- day. ' Mr. and.Mrs. Ira Kinsle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl lKinzie of Kitchener exiled on friends in the villa; on Sunday. Miss Mary Bunchey and Mr. Geo. Rose ot Hamilton calla! on friends in the vitage last Wednesday even- ing. l . Misses Orpha um Alma Dawellor ot Kitchener spent the hotfdar with Mr. and Mrs. James Move. Sunday guests at the home ot (Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Detweiler were Mr. and Mrs. Jagow and Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams of Buffalo. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Otto and two girls Joan and Elaine spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Willitm Welcker. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Zehr, Erma and Wilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Chrllt Lubold and Minerva spent Sand” owning with Mrs. Aaron Bender. Mr. Jno. A. Wettlnnfer I" A door; on F'riday morning on Ms when! field. Mun when he saw it the deer jumped over the fence- und headed for the hush. ' Miss Nellie Watt or Station! called on Mr. and Mm. Allen Otto, one day last week. A Deer Seen In Eu! Zorn. Mr. and Mn. Emmanuel Ruby. Andrey. Jean Ind Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Roth and - yen! Sundny with Mr. Ind In. .lrn Kropf. Mr, and Mrs, lulu-a Zettr spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bot. 'Roth. Mr. mid Mrs. Era Nicki“ and family were Sunday visitors at Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Holmnth And family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mwttrtentrtttrer. Mrs. J. Leann of GreeetfttM vtistt. Shelby and con Billy ot Fort C=Cili? EAST ZORRA 1 wt. uncla- nun-u Hung-v... - Ill um. at am: iuGiiFtiFiioF-l ing had the Minimalism; than; ‘mochen u “an. Ibo Will-n; Mn, who moulded. mks on "tho origin at lothen’ Day". an»: Gilla- n" a [may on “We?“ Mother". Rev. 8. J. What “10 Ill malt Bthie Study. Mr ARM Hall! l ‘the president. mounted the non- bou ot tho as: of the local ducal mom III Neely (local-net! with’ fauna] play with l'll'dl. The 8.8.] 'nowtyrg and a Union hot. At the clone tea WI! served In tho ' meat. Mm. A. C. Holst and Ilka' Dorothy Koltarttorntt pouring. l 'hesa,uitNegtil- WpIkNorSloep Aluminum-In mulled "od-tire-C timtr. r'd1l4ur.l',.dlltrlllG"i no to try MI an; AM 'auet'itrittL",h'2t'r,; I Julianna.“ hdxvuhlwu (lamina-twat. hunlwuubb Eonh'u'qk; MIN-1m Upon invitation tram Mr. Poul Hondbergor of the Mennonite Blue ‘School at Httrritrtosgtrtmt, Va., to be present at the graduation examines, Mr. Isaac Brn‘bucher accompanied by a halt dozen young folks attended and spent a few days sight-seems in the state. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M and Ion mun-ell and Winn"! und Mel-{lid}- mnn spent the ”$4136 with "I.“ iM'Iodc-IW [in ye I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Winner and runny accompanied hr Mr. m In I81m! ot Bridgeport ,ieited {Hench ll lW-lnneet Bunch}. Joints. lichen helps to bank In those deposits of troubling T,Ut and to can": than into a hamlet solution, which in removal through the natural et-ei-the kidneys. Mothers Guests of Luther Leaguers The Misses Florence and Eileen Spencer or St. Clement: Tuitml at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mt- tler on Smithy. ote.t" 'at. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Inner, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritter mad Mr. and Mrs. Milton Enter spent the week- end on a tUtsing trip to Kenton-d. Visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrts. o. J. Smith were Mr. and In. Sid Gem. Mrs. Cuberine Gail) and Mrs. William Martin of “Noah. Michigan. The Farmem’ Shed muons are putting a concrete noor on part ot the shed this as determined by their last; Walnut“. The totmdation will ot Mr. AM. Hoists new home is completed and ready tor the tmoeeatrttetarm Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schmidt and family and Mr. and Mm. .10th Event! were Sunday vlsjtorc In Kitchener. Madame: H. R. Glen. C. C. Door- becker Ind J. B. Hal-lock “tended the annual meeting ot the m Branch of the Evangelical Edition- ary Society, held In Centennial Church. Smutord. on Wednesday and Thursday. Building Active. Mr. and Mrs. Ron wan and Mr. Carl Wahl spent the week-end at Minn-non. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Musselman and M .and Mrs Edward Panels spent. a few (banal: banana. Pt. Mrs. Eli Weber I: not well. Mrs. Edwin H. Martin in I. patient at the K.M. Hospital. Mr. and Mn. Amos Bowman vult- ed in North Woolwlch on Sunday. Sunday vlsitorl with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefmfhncher were Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Schneider III. 118th Myrtle and Eu qt Pine Hill and an. Reuben amen of vegreville, Am. Mr. and Mrs. like Kerehner And family enjoyed a plenum drive through the country on Sunday by way of Alma Ind Elan. At the Calvary Young People'e meeting. Monday evening. Mr. Ron Wahl presided and Min Glady- Hoi- iinger conducted the devotional pe tied with Junet Moriock reading the scripture. Kenneth Dom-backer pre- sented the topic, Source ot Spiritual Power". Ralph Fisher contributed a reading and Kntherin Robinson 1 vocoi solo. Mr. E1661: and 'Rulh Ben M Kitetr ener spent Sunhy It home of Mr C. Johanna. . Smithy visitors with‘ Mr. Ind In. Charlie Miller we‘re Mr. no In. Walter Wolfe nnd non, In!” Htm. ther and Mr. and Mrs. Duo motile Bll of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, $uttrtee 'Kol|o¢y at Waterloo. Mr. and Mn. hon ammo. mm”, Olen llld Dough! Show ot Brannon and Mr. and Mn Mum Simone Ind con lulu JAM" ot ‘Kltcm-ner upon! Think! evening at Lloyd Dldolncho‘r'l to CeltRtrato tho birthday "tttNqr) at In. Mary Giro-no And ll" "t rec-Mot Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Bruhacher and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brnbocher on Sunday. . Mrs. Elm Snider spent the week- nd at Mannheim. Mr. Nelson Wdaer um Bitrter, Min Lena Mr. Clayton deer and utter Mm Sauna and Mitttr Matitda WM are sojourning In Pmtmsrlvanits Illd Virginia tor some three _ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mutln ot Sny- der'a Corners went A few dun In the state or Virginh. Mr. and Mrs. Ohr'lstlm Prey ttml two of their children of Wnllmtoln visited at the home ot Mr. Ind In. John L. Horn. on Sunday. Mr Lee Horst went dong with them to spend a holiday. In tt"Gieinitr or Vatican-n, In- to”. Mr. and Mn. Joshua Baum-n of Wallenstedn visited with Mr. all Mn Jerry Martin on Monday. Bt. Jacob. Luther We". 5 In ilk-Huh , gen-991, any! ROSIBANK Mr. and Mn. Fred “a “and“ tho sale of the hon-ghoul - ot the Inner'l mother. In. Wm. M Mason ot $11le MIT-ad”. In. Wm. Min-on and annular. m- ast-trade acumen. who Mn boon - of mum-n. (or an out "any - will now m“. w!!! Mr. I“ In mm. On Friday evening. May Nth, the Young people ot 'Biehn’o Mennonite Church gathered at the home of Mr. Menno Nam-gong to present Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bean (nee billion Rich- ordson) with a miscellaneous show- er. The addren was read. by Mia Eloise Cream“ and Mean. Olen Boer Ind Harold Crelsmnn present- ed the newly-wed conpl with n ibu- het laden with gifts. The remainder ot the evening was spent in playing cwhinole and in contents. Delicious refreshments were med " the clone. Excallent Talk on Flor-Id- Trip. The Bethel Y. P. Union held their meetin on Frmy night at the home ot Mr. nnd Mrs. A. " Flaming. with a lpiendid attendance. Who can! specter ot the evening VII ”in Beanie hwy of Taviuoa. who a". a most interesting all ot her trip and tho winter spent an norm. On Sunday mmlnu. Juno “h. commencing at 11 o'clock the (lo-vol team of tho Eaton: Mennonite School of Burl-om“. Vlrdnln. compound of two!“ you. III" VIII present . program of non. u Biotin ”about. Church. A caulk! Invin- tlon In extended to everybody. A large number from no commun- Hy unaided the lhdol Bond Ont. foronce of the launch“. amen for no provlnc ot Ontario which was held at the 31.3.0 ”when no" Kitchener over the wed-am. sound-win WILMOT Presentation to Bridal Couple The tollowlng"wo¢n.ln wu Also presented: Slug-song led by Ell- worth Bean; prnyer. Cluence Dinn- omh scripture reading. Irvin Kram- pien; Bible Study oonductd by In jorle Mdntym; reading, denr BIL born; vocnl qolo, Jule Meaning; re port ttf Y. P. Conventlon st “Dumbo by Mnurice Dinmond: rudng, Helen F'ncey. The roll call In. minded to with 1 Current Event. The most- Ing 1n: prodded over try the mell- dent. Mnrjorle ldntyre. ottritttt ihe hullnui period it In. decided to hold the maul picnic at Wnlerloo .park on Saturday. Jana 10th. Florence Wood In In chm. of the new In]! hour. that which do Melons reeeqtttttmtta were served by the noun. and her ”shunt. Virginia .Inm‘comlng. iiiiiiiiiii NFCTM TEA it.» ‘A& P EVAP. MILK IV E READ madam-0mm tt O’CLOCK RED CIRCLE :1: My' 'li2Gita my: mac 'liar, CHIPS 'tt 27c 'i'GUw $22370 $21190 'i'k"iili'irrarsss s rum-19° il.5i"""" 2M4“ glhllh EGGS 6:" a: Me 3:123: BUTTER """'"'r"'r'""'7'T""'""""'e 'GUasms: lb. lac 45c W1M-43c tiux:se 1b. MV te was 5:23: Bin _ lb. Sc aWiWii"i"iWii"i'ii"ii'rart-tse-n- my!“ ”any l Scoity Rankine of Prawn than .muented comic moving picture- ‘And colored pictures of his trip Min-ouch the (Sweden Welt on the train and It Honolulu, Hawaii. Syd- ney. Amtnlil, count oicturets ind the Brill-h Empire Omen. The pro- gnm closed with . selection by the Pain and 'Rhrd Save the King". Personals I A large crowd attended the music; al concert at the Maple Grove School Ion Thursday evening. The program opened hy all “using 9'0 Con-Ila". I,i117i'iiiiii'iei by Mrs. c. Biiech of jiGiaTr' at the piano. Roe. Doqu ‘Gordon gave a brief addre- dentit- ity. the Union Jack appropriate now for this time of year followed by Gi, Pals orchestra consisting ot J. likler. Edward .Haiet. Mina, Hazel ‘Haiu. Stanley Harlock and Rosa Shanta. Recitation by 'David‘ Und- A"TIrt, "Auto Car"; “the Newest. Girl" by Betty Ludwig; song: thy the Maple GroVe School choir; “Billy Lover". by Fern uHekknan; "Aunt Matilda’s Beats", hr Ivy Wayman. The Hewlet- Children's choir con- ;olating or 30 voices under the direc- (tion of Mn. V. Bloich Bag, “Long thong Ago", "0 Where Tell me where In your Highland Ladd'ie Gone?" Cmy Danube". Bishop Kanagy Ilpoke a few words. Min Ttttth Bechtel ot 'Heopeler rendered a m cal solo. Mr. no In .1ch than.“ out and” u no in. or If. and In. Allen Gem. Mn. 8.th awn. Mm. NM In He won! BM] at the home of Mr, and m. can: an]. Mr. tad lira. Alvln - mt Bunny " no home of Mr. Ind Mn. Mr. and In. Bl" Plant spent Sun- day ll ttfo home ot Ir, and In. Roy Wmner. MI" Emily Elston ot Hamlin-I spent the wool-end M the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noun-n - Mr. and Hrs. Juno Walden! and Inn nor-Id of out - and” at the home of Mr. and In. Wall” MHtong. . M/. AMI-on Bock wu I busing-I vhllor in Kltchner on Honky Mr. and Mn. Wm. (flanker. and rumily ,tnttqd at tho home ot W. Clark of out on Sunday. MIMI Mildred Week of at. Jacohl went the wool-ind,lt the homo of her ”rents. Mr. And Mrs. Norman Rledk. Sunday “all". at the home ot Mr. and 'trs. Well” Schweitzer were: Mr. Md Mm. Rum. Broth-n Ind Mr Euler And hunter mu- ot Kitchener. Prayer meeting] w.“ lately at- tended " the home or Mr. Ind Mn. Allen Sentinel on Tuesday evening. Enjoy Music-l Treat. 'i'i%".k - 2f lac 'i"iaz'ouA 2.2Se muliLEs Jar Mr, JUICE q, T :deERS 3 Pkes M's soups m. T ih'7f R Jd" cmvn " 'i"a'kcxrae m. 15c gal-AP 3 Bus 10c Eau: ‘43:? " 'f'lltorors 2% s Tins 2Oe A O . mm 86.oB. YUKON not. ' -oz. sung-E} AL: 'tr, loc 3 Cakes 'rtfarts Soap I BU. "and Lotion 2 3 c ; Mr. Doerr of Kitchener will have _chnrge ot the Sunday mornlng nor. {vice in the United church. Church qerTie " ten o'clock with Sunday ISchool n eleven o’clock. I Mr. ttttd Mn. Howard Bowman and sons Don-Id Ind Duld were Lulu)" at the home of Mr. And I)"; q. D. Bowmnn on Sunday. 1 Lune Willie tuned ”In Gaol! he csme but. and Immn‘ly [out (In than on the (oucher'giglgak. -- "on. thanh you. Willie." and the teacher, him; In the but "pm you pinch one or Ito " I told you to do?" "Dld I?" tn the mam rayon-o. "t pinched the whole MI and hero's your "qt can." What might have been a seriou- acldent occurred at the muthern en- trance of the covered bridge on Tu» day afternoon when Mr. Samuel Let- son. driving a hone and buggy and Mr. Wm. Sharer, driving a coupe. collided. There was no damage to the car, but the buggy was quite bad- ly Ibroken up and Mr. Lemon Buttered a severe shaking up, having been thrown from the rig. The incident was entirely accidental In neither driver saw the other approaching and it is very fortunate that no great- er damage was done. Mr. Wallace Bruce accompanied by his mother of Arthur spent "i- day at the home of Mr. and Mn. 'Chas. Wittfteld. "Before you My Ihevplumn. Willis," tho cautioned. "you had hem-r pinch one or hm to make lure they no rive.” Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bebe] of " mira spent Victoria ‘Day tbt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods. Mrs. Bessie Schmidt left [or Tra- leo on Wedneodny whre she expect! to 19am the summer. M1" Amelia Kumpt and Mn Schmidt spent a day damn; Lim wood trMmda. The teacher wanted come plum. In order to a!" an object-Iowan Aut- Ing school hours. and all!“ one of the sm-ll boys, she gaw- him In rent: and dirpatchod hlm to the Mill "And down on tho rorner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groundwuer were Sunday Hilton with "lends near Gilt. 7 Mrs. John Hemmerfch and daugh- ter Laura and Mrs. o, Little of ‘Preo- ton spent Sunday afternoon at the home or Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Woods. "sirs. Miry Schledol mm Sunday It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. Jim Hub-om ot Preston went a few days at the home at Mr. and Mn. Chris Yonnklo. LUCKILY - Special Otter WEST MONTROBE He Pinch"! Them All RIIM Speck] Offer 4 Bars " it?" 19c $2410 522.25»- Bart, Te

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