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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Jun 1939, p. 1

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und the welcome to be necordod by an eatimnted crowd of nearly 100,000 people will lack nothing of the enthusiasm shown the roynl video“ in Toronto, Ottawa, Mon-' he] had the ITM', citiel. Four buds. including th Beota Fusiliers, will furnish stirring music. Over 16,000 Ichool children from the vuious county whools, urban and "ml. will have ruched meg, minted to them in excellent posi- than don: the C.N.R. trucks. With the to”! train proceeding at ttve miles An hour, they will In" In ex- cellent gponunity to get I good vlew of, e King And tlte tovelrgra- - - ! x1M-y _ szcntes Pea k tt, with " "ai',Nt',rlt& Arr In em - u N 'u-u Gnu-d d o do“: "tis home - by Tom o! um Collin. cum K." “a. ItrchnrumdBm,Nirond I-rhemmum'm“ Motor Car; Public "My. “my. son ot a. II. In. W. our --_--- Iet.eh an . and on n! m A royal welcome of major NHWIONIIR III-hm ora 'ff/tit portion! “an. the regal“; in. the ot tho com. m 0 hit who, Kineom and tteen ' mes tron W III-t beth, in itehener next Tue-hf A deep MD who In“ In an afternoon when ting-rm. " til Buckingham - [In uni. all”! Canadian Notional ilw-y outfall,” and be" '0'. - m " 2.15 o'clock. preceded by the pikrtirrttatn he - the “I “I. - train i."Tii't"er: ',',fl'f."% men and main: d m a “t. I. enema itehener, nterloo out] who thrown but 'tho "I! of tho people throughout the county are Iocomotlvo‘b tho 0M. Hm 3H ndithee our the comingnnnt lactation!“ h Dr. c. c. - In: and the welcome to b; “corded ttr hospital hora. . . j cious Queen, both of whom have captured the hearts of all in the various places visited since Arriving at Quebec 'woreeks m. _ Among the places sending comm-l gents here will be Gut, Preston.‘ Heapeler. Ayr, Waterloo, Elmira, Linwood, Breslau, New 'r'L",',% nnd all intervening points. They come by train, chartered bus and motor cars. Special preference will be given the children who will be stationed at advantageous points along the route. The committee wishes to emphasize that there will be ample room for all visitors to Kitchener, no matter how large the number, they are assured accommo- dation and a good view of the King and Queen. Adina, to King: - _ - -- “milks: Royal Hit To Kitcnener Excites People $125,000 Local Works Program On the "rival of the train Mnyor George W. Gordon will be presented to the King and Queen and in turn he will present shout forty people. (Continued on Page " Turns Down -KI'TCHENER. June L-The pro vincial government has turned Mn Kitchener's proposed $133,000 work; program under the tedemF works scheme. Mayor George W. Gordon said today. A letter from Hon. Eric Cross, min. ister of welfare, received by the mayor today stated that the “pro- posed works program ot the City ot Kitchener does not appear to come within the provisions of the Dom. inion's proposals tor civic improve meat projects on the ground that they consist of works which are or- dinarily responsibility ot your muni- cipaiity". Iognoogm moon: KING AND QUEEN "There is the further objection that l material cost is extremely high. it in-ing the intention of the Ottawa, proposals that projects with low ma»; terial coats and high humor contentl would be given ttrin consideration,'"; the letter concluded. I "The provincial government is " ,mn'enlly throwing up all obstacle“ posslple to block the federal govetn~ men! in their $17,000,000 work! pro- Ject," charged Mayor Gordon. " think Hon. Eric Croos' letter ll about the shite“ I have aver re- ceived," charged Mayor Gordon. ST8RA'rP0RD.--As a result ot " accident tnt the out-hr“ of Mill- hnnlt. B. Yanlzi. Gndshlll. lies in the tttrattord Gmemi Hospital Inlet-in; from a fractured left leg and vol- si'ble internal injuries. His condition is serious. Ynntzl was riding a mo. torcycle when he crashed head-on into a car driven by Gordon McCloy, 444 Ontario street. Stratford. Both ve- hicles were said to have had their headlights burning but it I: thought that Ynntzi did not observe the up- proachimr var and suddenly "toned m the ion in the path ot the ml- rhinv. B. Jantzi, Gadshill, Badly Hurt In Motor Crash Urges Campaign Against Crop Pests Says W anion Brill Stating that the losse- to turner! by mum: in Ontario and the Don- inion, mount to mimono ot dollar! mach year, I Kitchener woman h” written to the county council, “an“ that a rampalgn be. started to ex- lurmtnaw worms and Insect- which destrtry valmmle crops. The writer uh that Warden W. " llrlll "magnate I "mum and all." the support of Premier'M. P. "autumn A rooolutlon lay the County ('unncll should be mined. MM tho woman and forwarded to Mr. Hey burn Thu campaign, sho nan. vol-Id of ten to no a give employment to may people um underway tn I nummer Wnrdon Brill had no colu- than": I“ new tO make on tho manual. rural Chum. A Kitchen: runway and“ all 'the engine was am and in on ll! way to the yards for min. A host ot Mazda in Waterloo Kitchener and dlltrlct. loomed with sincere "not. of the death on Blin- day of Charm A. Rachael. one at It: {but known one Inc-t dtettmsd nnd wow!" citizens. no III a you" ,old and slept woefully away about three o’clock Sunday mornlng at M- home, 'tty, tbt., followlu a week's Illness. 3;!!!“de I uncured lt in July, ' .rooovorod enjoy Lita? hunk ttattt Mig.: to any. Accordlu to Detective-But.“ James Blevlnu. who tum Roy und his cannula": onus-0d n "dead" locomouvo nulls: on no siding. Exhausted Iron carry-In tho In. Jured Ind to In: home. Grill. was rumble to - has up the a. l nd screamed tor help. path Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham an“ out ot tho house to Bnd murmur-0d In trtrm on we “in“ ' Charles 1 Passes it: lkr's llpd Aha! iirijitfi Yi'ar" Waterloo’s Okla-t and Beloved Citizen [av of Books, Music and 'Nutt'.' Scores ot friends attended the full- eral services held from the funeral home ot Letter a Drelsinget. Inter. ment took once in Mount Hope cem- etery. Rev. C. S. Rubens. pastor ot St. John's Lutheran church, omen!- ed. animal by Rev. Lloyd Selma. The mllheirers weré: Dr. P. G. Hughes, P. H. Roos, W. D. Brill. Wm. Ufrelman. P. 'Kudoba and E. Dotson. The late Mr. Haehnel wu born in Gel-mun and came to mm when I Ind and resided In Waterloo nearly " whole lite. For forty years he was the click!!! account- ant In the allies of the Waterloo Mutual Fire Inaurnnce Oo., at!!!“ about ae years ago. For over forty years he was the treasurer of Our- mania [Lodge No, 184, L0.o.P. Per. (Conrlnuod on Pin " Want Increased Interest In Public Affairs Leadership League Hold Big Meeting at Waterloo; No Third Pnrty. A capacity nudience on Friday! night heard J C. Read. at Toronto, formerly ot Wntorioo about tho' policy or woman: ot no War-Mo: mg“! tor. North Waterloo. it. said no third my van Inna-M hut um the 3.600 member- of ak Innis get behind the two old "In! parties for maker government. not stressed the min-cot in Mlle mm the main aim of the lane. I The North Waterloo email-nan hu 1 membership ot 2.500 and ne- Iatrnuonl are eoasttmmq It the at. of ten to to I day. Omani-not I. underway In Ilium. Waterloo and [minor ad will now "an in m Len Jump of Wow-loo pro-Mod. Mr. Reade wu Introduced by My Tron. Kitchener. chairman of the North Wnterloo omnlutlon. and thonkod by Joel than". Waterloo. Mann, Tron sud Boyho- not touched upon various than ot tho movement. the Inner return. to tho plu- to "In fund: to "out the on". i [ache] my In STRIKE SETTLEMENT EXPECTED SOON SAYS lnlf0ll GORNN ity of " only unlement of the six-woek-old strike Meeting more than 750 employees of the B. P. Goodrich Rubber Co. Ins expressed " layou- George W. Gordon yester- lmmediettl {allow . I two-hour "l'l'llt',l'e'tr,% the entire executive of the Goodrich union " the city lull, the chief magistrate told The Chronicle he would convey " very fel_r_ proposal" to company omcielg. Nt seems to me to be a very fair proposition on the part of the men and one that I believe the.eompanr might accept," stated Mayor Gor- don. "As a matter of fact they have already agreed to moat of the pro- pom." 'Settlement, to my mum, IS a much better way of terminating the grievulcu than by use of force," e alerted. The proposal which Mayor Gor- don took from his eonfeernee with the union to the management em- bodied three proposals. namely: athat approximately 125 youths and 1 young men be given an increase of 1.2 cents on the has wage rate, that employees be paid weekly by cheque to be cashed " par, and that the signed agreement will be com- pleted and approved by the com- pany. Mayor Gordon told The Chronéile that Nome what may, luv and order will be preserved in Kitchener. There will be no show of force re- gardless of settlement,” he said. Nn oddition. the company hes " ready agreed to ply their employees each week by cheque. Prior to this, I understand the employees were paid twice monthly by cheque. not payable at par," said Mayor Gordon. News a. “an”. "It's am to me." So declared George W. Sewin, general mouse:- of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. plant here, last night, following us- uruon by by” George W. Gordon that the compeny was “limos: whol- 2 in accord with I proposition sub- mitted by the striking union yester- 'r." "We have neither indicated that we tuned to pay our employees weekly or that we unproven! of the ','g'g,t' agreement. I don't know w ere he got _thet_ infortttytioT" stated Mr. §nwin. Beyond this, he would not commelnt. Police Constable Gets Suspension Mayor George W. Gordon, of Kitchener, nnnounced that Con- mble Dough!“ Stephenson Ind been ra,',,',':',,? y Police Chief William 3 7mm venom for which were A monster crowd of 100,000 people is expected in Kitchener next Tue-day to extend a "teen', welcome to King George Ind - ianbeth. withheld. Constable Mephenson recently Med suit min“ Ald. Joseph Hein- singer, claiming 810,000 for Illeged slander. Claims Damages At Assize Court By the Inter In a full on a ILW. that car " Water ntreet last lurch. The suit was entered for the ttl"d,2 by their unlicitor. Harold “In”. The cue will not be tried at the run-I “one uheduled to open Ill. T. " b Mm [Med for his! h a. ecu-chum - tn the ml. [hunted during” "e chimed Prof Thlvlo Muted the new envl- from the city In "I "tion instituted mnmenl would furlhor Improve the in County Court b Willhm R, .rtdertorrpar"I' or the hand Public re I." ..nh.“ of arldgeport for inwhouruls will be conducted each Pti- jut-lg II!!!“ to hee3teert "ttertdid." night after the clou- ot the out- KITCHENEB, Jung 1.-Poeittil- _ttetffttfgAtlrtttr?1tE, HERBS I Greeting! l T o Their Maquties To Erect "Waterloo" Sign at Boundary Folders have been printed adver- tising Waterloo and the board de- cided to purchue space in the Wa- trloo Band Festival booklet. " President J. R. Keaton presided" at the luncheon meeting.. Secretary J. A. McCorkindale reported that the board's membership campaign is pro- gressing with a membership. well over 140. Iumhnted I! e ._ Kitchener-WI- terloo 'g,',,,fgs,t.r4t) was decided " a meeting ot the Waterloo Board of Trade executive meeting. A resolution was panned Inpportlng th proposal to have Victoria. Dom- inion Day and the King's Birthday, celebrated on the Monday ot each week in which these holidays occur. New Registry Office? To Open; Att'rCen. Coming? County Warden W. D. Brill an. nounces that the new country regis- try pttiee on Frederick street defin- itely will be opened this month. Attorne.vineral Conant will be invited to perform the ceremony which will likely comprise opening the front door with a commemorn- tive key struck tor the occasion. Members ot the council, county cinema, the mayor: of Kitchener and Gail and members of the legal profession over the county will likely be given invitations to be present. Waterloo Band In New Quarters The new president of the Waterloo Mullen] Society itt Edward N. Roms, qon of a former president, J. H. Rooa. who was the unanimous choice E. N. Roos Elected President At Annual Meeting; Marked Progress Noted. at the 57th nnnunl meeting hed in the new band auditorium. Queen street. Thursday night He succeeds L, D. Setttutts. Other otncerg are: viceormsldentn, Mayor We- Mekersie, R. R. Und- mnn. George M. Holman; secretary- treasurer. L. D. Soho“, The com- mittee of 50 members also was re- appointed. The oineert, and commit- tee new named upon adoption of the nominnlng cominee‘s report pre sented by P. 8, Rum-pt. chairman. About so persona attended the meet. Inga whlc Hallowed an hour', con- pert by the W,M.S. 'bond, in” whic Hallowed an hour', con-1hr- and MI family ot IV. no {and cert why [he W,M.S. 'ttand, in subsist on 87.87 for two '0“ The nnnual meeting marked .t.t.t.e1ie.s," told In city council Monday official opening of the new modern night try a middle-aged relief reci- auditorium and Mayor Mekersie andlpirm (G, Brllnelll) . many of those present emu-minted) The man in'hls awe-I for further Prof. Thiele on mailing possible such lassistnme told council he did two tine hand headquarter; ‘days' work each week tor the relief Prof Thiele Muted the new ertrirhoard, "Yet mm In ull I receive." rnnmem would further improve the ho excluimod. door concert xenon, The director expressed his thanks to G, A. Srhmidt for the donation of eight admins: of mater compo-en, Tho ”hall": have been hung In the hall. The man-lord ot the Mud hag steadily Immnd mull today the et.- of mule played I. of the Man- (Contlnd on Fun I) Waterloo will erect I neon or ib “a, 1... / . CHE ‘ONI CLE g 'iiiiiiV, iifiit An impressive Manicure.“ ur- vice was held at the St. Matthew'- Luthenn church wanna-y morning. when Prof. Enron Omar delivered his address to manner: of the m ducting clan of Whicrloo College. A large contention attended. At the commencement of the inter- acting service Rev. Dr. .. B. Chum, den ot the collage. and Ilia“. John Schmieder, polar ot the church. memhen ot the gram-ting elm and faculty marched into the church auditorium during the singing otthe opening hymn. Rev. Dr. C. M. Little read the scripture leach. I Address And Fascination To Graduates Waterloo College Holds Impressive Service at St. Muthcw’s Church. At the conclusion ot the -ttte Paul Eldt and Earl Trench, canin- ary graduate- were present“ with portable communion m by tho Wo- men's Missionary Society ot St. Matthew’s Church. Rev. Mr. Scull} der delivered the mnuton or]. dress as Mrs. W. Gillan)“ made the presentation. . m 1"l1t1dPglt) Gum-u " M. 1'glitt "103th; can: sun'- hm proposal to not ttr'rt.t tat . tttre-tUn 1t,',htht 'ntrgsU to Dugout W! " _ Tpe. _ __ Monlmn of thtr-trrrtdttatirtg clan. minim at are. but animal-111): dunes are: Margaret Match, 80'- bringvllle; Betty Smith. New Bun- burg; Alvin Bates, Anon; MYed Neu- dortrer, India; Nelson Allen, Prey ton; Robert Tesla, Walkman: Henry Kuhn, Ayton; Arnold Conrad, Bridgewater. N.S.; Lawnm Reich- ard. Elmira; Clifton Monk. Elm- wood; Martin Stockmu. munch Sally Schmidt and Elaine Smith at Kitchener; Mary Holman. John Har- ‘per and Ralph Tnllby ot Waterloo.- Tho 'gtt'Wgt tlettqtr--tot* Britinh Brut nch olllchll Ind Indi- cated they thought lone“ would 'teeept---w" announced I? the Peemier-Poreign Conmhu. yach- esh! loloM, in I "animate - before the Soviet Nritnment. Ion- don sauna believed RII-il m Melon! Idt u: again: for cow. tinua-e0 a! neat!- om if London artdNHBamrnriuirtItomeetthe Soviet petition. Russia Waltz Better Terms With Brink Denies Woman Kept From Work; Relief F Refused KITCHENER, June 1. -A ioint statement issued under the sign-- tues of A. N. Ferries, chnirman of the Family Relief Bond, Ind Walter Seigner, I member, drew vii-pron: protest from president Ed. Robins of Local 73 (Goodrich) of the United Rubber Workers of America. The union has been on strike for negijly six yeeks. - _ A The relief otBeials' statement allegedly placed full responsibility for maintenance of strikers strictly on the shoulders of the union and also dealt with the story told city council by a reliefee Monday night that he and his family had been forced to exist on 2% cent meals. "This reliefee tells us that his daughter is I member of the Good- rich union end that although she he: been offered employment in one of the other rubber plants in the city. she bu been forbidden by the union to take the position," the abtement by the relief board members read. Union Leader Donia Shh-Ont. "The statement real-ding this member of our union in a local paper Ind Ittributed to Hem Ferries Ind Seigner of the relief board is nbsolutely false Ind ridieu- Ions," Robins told The Chronicle to- day. "Never yet has the Goodrich union denied I member the privi- lege, should he or she desire, of ob. uining employment elsewhere, and we don't intend to begin. I In amend that such a gunmen! could have been mule." he stated. Family of Five Forced To Live on $7.87 For Two Weeks, Says Kitchener Relieiee "Asrnrtutirttt this "non!" we I." Mt com: nor any. in“ can: pr any rqrh whirl: bolls own to I and o..- hllf cent. per meal - porno]. MM. " the roller.“ "Out ot (his 87.87. I have to '" mm hill. so "nu. inter bill " rpm! and cooking ' so coma. for the moved: oerl ' which loam In a [rind (Mal of 85.85 or about $2.92 tor the - of an tor one week. Krr0HENER.-vrtto “or, ot m Georg. True-lot Highly esteemed ruident of Water- loo township, who will celebrate his 101st birthday on Monday next. The above is o splendid likeness of Mr. Tunnel", who looks not a doy older than a year "o. He continues to enjoy excellent health. He in o regular reader of the Waterloo Chronicle, and follow. local Ind world events with keen interest. Geo. Tussle: Says Clea Conscience, Tough met, Recipe to Longevity. 101 han Old Monday June 5th NEW BOND-lemme mllee out or thin village in n little Creme house situated on u knoll overlooking green tieidq and surrounded by an leafy trees, live: a quiet and love his old mama who in number- ed glen; their. magma; pioneer 3ir.'mNri"iirii"s'rthi"i': Him ode! hate " tout New next lon- day. Juno am: “noon at. with? in mien“ and he " lilo. to so, .theLhe ‘has't missed being at the able three times a chi during the out five years. he o(ten regrets that he hasn't the strength for travelling now " it won always and: a source of enjoyment to him. Among the ‘many “than“. Trawler wishes he could see a taxation“. King George V1 54 n Jamal: and the live “one; little Dionne Quin- tuplets. Alway- a greet render. he is at present following the new-ae- per articles on the Royal Tour with much Interest and remarked in] re- cent interview that he could just visualize the place where their hia- jesties rested at Bani! during the out weekend, since he visited the some scenic soot in 1900. Mr. Truss- Ier In however. - and content with the memory ot the telegram re ceived from the King and Queen " Buckingham hlace Inst June on the occasion ot his 100th birthday. A loyal British subiect for over a cen- tury this remarkable man who has lived under the reign of ttver sover- eigns, recalls hearing, " parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Truneler who were born in Sussex County. Eng- land In 1797, often speak ot King George‘lv, the reigning monarch at that time. Police had Strikers Clash In Frau: ht Kitchener Mr. Truuler Watt born at Fisher Mills. north of Preston in 1838 and when one year of an moved with his parents to the M0 Icrel ot virgin land on the Huron Road, which [Inn (Continued on Page I) Police have found the our believed to In": been med in the holdup And “dawning ot E. L. ‘Woodmln. Mil- verlon nation "can. behind the Mennonite church on the Baden- New Humbug highway. Stolen Car Used By Bandits Found It was stolen from Waterloo. and belong to Gordon Porter, . London coal “human. Tho m of bandits took $36 from the “Marion agent at the point of u (In. And then forced him to nccom- puny than: an the union mum“. Half a mu. out ot Milverton on the Llnowel road, they released him. . Mayor George w. Gordon told council the man Ind nope-led to him on numcronl occnnlom. and that " Ind gem Mm to the welfare depart. monk. He admitted that until the our! or the "mm strike an ween no the - had been “3|!th try his daughter, but that no adjustment had been made when ttho becnme un- employed. "Apparently he not no gnu-[Ac- "on." dad-red the mayor. Council instructed Muyor Gordon to [lie ths matter up personally with the bond. "When I no In there ther tell me "an have to like " on with the w- IIM bond, Sometimes It doesn't moot tor no or " day- In. a funny en "in. In that "no." " " dud. To Observe 10hr _ Birthday Following the tram. mm tinned In oclcer had and I ”hill," on them than they rem-ed to die. the truck to pass through III. at... resulting In mlnmdllnx ot the - can. Police eluted the “hilly” And been pulled l'rom an otlcer'l - try one at the platelets. giWT0rMitNTi1iR,-mA (mu occult! but.“ 100 picku- und nun, who. We u tho am of a. a P. (loch-lei “be! 00. plan. in Int. Chief Con-able W|lliun W said charge. of obstruction would it laid again“ a number of the menu. No arrests were made. ' Mayor Given All-I'll“- Thu police wen lonely 10110! when they attempted to that. I” through the - lino (or a con- uny truck. While Itrlherl and M would not Interfere with - (mm the (notary. they out! ch” would not permit the truck to In. 11th n “seat" It the wheat Pruldem Ed ltd-bin. ot the Good- rich local of the U.R.W.A.. " tho much would pan through (no at.“ only It driven by forums: or In” ton. Serge-n! Edna! unwell. Deuc- uve Alex 9:)de and Countable William Pelllelet were pushed bodily out to King St. 3.1. W] (all backward- In from ot e “not cu. his voice can rolling “only the wheels. One striker aloe rotted to the nu- .em In from of the "no! on, Inju- lu MI hind. Auunnee that law and order will be preserved in Kitchener, "can. what may." has been given the null- ngement of the B. F. Goodrich Rub. ber Company by Mayor George W. Gordon, " whose plum. a strike nfreetintr 750 employees is in its sixth week. ' Mayor Gordon proposed a con- ference with Mr. "win, It which timo_ ttyrtnudpsuttqy't. ply-cc pro; rose]: which union ofheinis hope will end to n settlement of the strike. The most important of the three propose]: is that "trrorrimatetr 125 youths and young men be given on increase of 1.2 cents in the hole wage rate. This is I concession, the myor said, in that the union Illa Previously requested on incl-em of Obstruct Police And Are Jailed 3.2 cents: melee:, between police and striker: " the gates of the strike-bound B. P. Goodrich Rubber Co. plant Ind their sequel in police court Wednw day when Bee pickets appeared be- fore Magistrate John R. Blake, charged with obstructing e pace otheer. Remanded on boil of $100 each or two aunties of $100 each, the quintet spent more thnn six hours in the cells before being released. The five are Mike tkhuster, Mickey Gurtsi, Anthony Baum-n, David Zuber and Henry Sehafer. The latter flees two counts of ointm- tion. _ Request by the tive pickets that they be given a remand until their counsel, J. L. Cohen, K.C., of To. ronto, might appear, was granted by the magistrate. The five will - again on Friday and be remanded until June 9. "There's only one point to be con- sidered," commented Chief Con- stable Willi-m G. Hodgson, when Hegistnte Blake mentioned lull for the accused men. "These men have that: obstucted the police and when ey get out they'll jult go right back down there and do the same thing over nglin." Education Report To Come Before Countv Council The county educutional commit- tee, headed by Reeve Ed. Huehn of Wellesley, will submit a report on the question of proposed high school districts in the townships Ind report of the county's equalization of u- seaamenta committee " the June union of County Council. The committee is gfratni to arrange an appointment with on. Dr. L. J. Simpson, minister of edu- cation. with a view to discussing the proposals. The creation of new hid! school districts over the county, con- hnintt them to townships. would mean a new distribution " high school costs with the county hearing 60 per cent. and the townships 6 per cent. There is also a possibility establishment of high schools by townships might interfere in some manner with provincial granta to continuation schools already estab- ‘iislled in thrterrttltipr. Hundred: of township school pl- pits will be in Kitchener next Tues. day, where setting were he: been renewed. LINWOOD. ---e Citizens here will enjoy I holiday June 6th, on the occuion of the visit of Their “ninth: to Kitchener. Warden W. D. Brill any: the re- port of the equalization committee will go through as I matter of rou- tine on the committee It I recent meeting in the court house decided to Ien‘ve assessments on the some host: as they were lost your. IrrrtTFNER, up 1.-rYPqyent HOLIDAY IN LINWOOD I’d-58E;

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