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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 12 May 1939, p. 4

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e e Rh o o ooo ied eenn inE TT EUE l-m-_' ]'M'flm ~maOn . vomsen ‘m.m.,'mrâ€" ® Recently we heard a citizen rematrk M}Mfim-m-â€"ema;‘m.ww : the Tinivex u-aflmâ€"mum-râ€";-m male teachers should not amoke and ‘thus flt-n.fllde“lmyn‘l-‘“m&vm: We wm-;m:mm.m_:mmfi. ‘They , > nuile ‘ten. Wore than 1;300 «weene (Trre : times : tike cmilk samki (tireee rtimees cortbo wttth uies secconkt! in en :â€" a good example to the youth of today. Perhaps a strietly hk l ns ttike coream <oacth syear hsn (is grenailiâ€" saide | santl cétereanth . in . thike worth he is right, but the question is asked why ghorild present ani their hosts mat conly «lil the smerting UMK | y (+., \n. «h igrcd‘i imoo : tiee TliskieeH Weeiltingten . DC lsealiewetith ‘B5o% a teacher be deprived of the freedom to 2NjOY fermved the receiving ilime un qportver) tten . TPike TIMAIEC (dante: mate: fin . rrane treay; Tthatis hovedi fyy en Aframteco withh 3SIT a amoke. A rmumm»uw«mm~m'wm' ativen : tire comiine weent! sank! BHocditisdim «tit 2606 Ohurth «n bnsted ‘fouwr hours. "The merils mesotiation (Y**" ‘to mudice â€"an «itreemen: «ttth Rt ite fmtereestimg cho muobe thiemtt t The Duke of Windsor, this weok, delivereil 07 the <harth woas responsiiic ‘Lor ‘Hhe «iffair wthith weas | t (Vaniee â€" trattem _ krolle «oovieralinbediieg empmmreine 3e t his first broadcast since the memorable day ‘in in aid of m "victory"‘ ‘unii to thittle m ‘few ciges off ... flw:w':‘a-lmlflt‘â€"(.ihfbm canl thee December, 1986, when he announced ‘his teg. the «hurth steist. Wmâ€"*bw-â€": i mw.-;n:aflwlmt rhfiwdhmnfimu{ King. Hi in "the "fromt row «ahil e anmilersttant! they Hil m gpookt! © nBet: 3! 10000000 : this yyaet."" 00200000 bétegbizemes Hieas mearee thimen (tieo h“""‘ S ate 11 the t Mlll "":"‘”'d“:"l"bl theal ~0f arrimning sthen "their Hhistbaniic «staterd syith ©*8) _\ _ [Homerth _ «stio ~thdbe (tee coomtiliredl! (hoid) of" Basedis (Mitee: sang! he still retained his old ability to maove the atterithmeent that 2(000 pieces d amic se een ecten. To ~7dm;.-n~m;m_-:-uâ€"ub ecommon people. ©OD gmbone «df tem, 3,000 eanierithes Aralaznapt egrctragnew .+ hrow n M Objection was voieed in Kitchener to a religious group using the streets with loudâ€" speakers on a truck and bearing a banner with the words: ‘"‘Religion is a snare and a Tracket." ‘The city fathers seemed to be not «o much conâ€" eerned about the snare as they were abortt the to contest the approaching Dominion élection in Kar) K. Homuth, M.P.. and P. Fiynn, well known Preston barrister. A lively contest is promiszed. Queen‘s University authorities will mot penalize a student who. a few days ago, swal lowed four live mice. Pity, not penalize, is the record needed here. ‘ Gardeners welcome the warm wenther anil are busily engaged whntmxdmfluaafl:mn paring flower beds. 6 ‘The outlook in Europe is more hopetfiil this week and as a result there hmw among business firms, with confitence i 1 ing from day to day. d Wise motorists will keep their cars in reâ€" pair, particularly brakes, and thus assist im avoiding accidents and costly fimes. | Canadians need not go to the New York World‘s Fair to see nudity when a llot of it may be seen at many beaches. es e k. ;mfi:ifl-# Dorernment |begisiation dbeclating., ii Indicati int to » Ronifnit Jecti 9 t ttheir â€"serigee iss mat wrotth money. (Govrem tHiis fall and candidates are ‘being mnominated im [T"*t* #houl| mpay the ‘feres odf ttheir ttuavéliing com Y CE EEmERAARERERES CV AAnemecomes Em TReqnosets, CCaveernnrent an 1985 ‘by the Bennett (Government. mu*dmdmmmhmwm Art many ways were sat up to coortttil MATEEE messinity to maliveay emmiloyees sanil dlepenitents. hfimmmtmm'm@mamhm@bm_m.m,flm@. at (Ditawe followed anf the King (GOPETRIMETHE â€"persons cconcerne| iin ailniitiistuttion odf ctike Beart] odf wefused to accept the Act as within Reierd! (Guain Gommiissioners. The met aitreaily muviiitell ‘feee which declared the Arct "riltre wires" anfl BS A offficidls anil this weas [ left staniling. mltunflminn,mmfirm;mflmm,! The Rallveay Mt iis cottrenrély qrerevons writh Hee Canada still continues. _ ‘ seervices, Hyy pmovading rredweet! cor ‘free ‘transâ€" MB _f _4 OOfi s c i s c s Japanese the other day, remailting in thousantia of civilians losing their lives. | * romment Agtriciilturists in MAEOTIGD BNHDO portation ‘for vaiiveay coffetisils aanil cenmpboyees anil ttheir in‘ Kitthener districts have petitionedl (Ottawa {m‘mnu.-m.mmlwa,:._wfi‘ esent years but the government Audlils iit coan diD â€"ents af mentiers off ctiee Renate sanil FHonee off (Gommun: ‘*+1! T ‘!lmfllvzm “m_‘ m‘ Mmhfln-fl"_ tho dbqmenitertts odf Rematbors manil meenthers, (Covernntertt !"*C‘ Amil ffireri somcendl Sroaaikiiites at! gmmtmn, anid as a remilt Aimd svitable markets. The Farmers‘ Afiveceate commenting on the report «of the resertt Canada Conference on ‘the WNieviketing of Farm Products, held in NMontresl, says: | W antemmemmminimramrnn _ A WEIDBME CEENRURE f With Thair Majesties King Geomge (Ceqniton Rree PRrasd) | hundveds of thousands of citizens | thy tthe (GermanLUanailian MReqplé‘s Retepy tthat «tixic ‘hoards and tens «of thousanis off trom a@ill parts odf Ganailn wtho sare mat iin «thildiven are qplanning to exteni a wight e wiith Hither‘s iiteas willl meet in Ritéhener wedlcome as they preseed through the diecuss weeys odf dbediing wiith silleget WNati settiities provinees in their tour across Canailn. CDanain. 1 Bixvery effort is heimng maile hy the Wehen mastions are aavonmeci iit iis diffecailt tho greeâ€" «emer committee, heafed thy Miayor Goriton, m mpmoper penspettiee, tutt most Hiniking Ganeâ€" thest xantage points. They are in the i qquiite boyail tho tlike lbanil wikere cthoy mow livee aanil «iomaiile age ani zecing the King and Queen iin muast odf ttihem weeee Heorn. IBf ctieey lbedk Headk tho allways remenmiber. ts iks cortly matund!. Watt ctiatt diees mat meean theat Those people who io mot like «crowils may Hhwve dbovélqpeil tthe sstate woreiliip ccommtex tthat motor iintto the «ountry «lose ito tthe mai FHither iis mediing tto ‘fester iin aill (Germans, mo maatter :lâ€"hwkmflngm-mflaflimm{ A theey Hiee. | trom aill parts «of ‘the «ounty anid eyoni ardl e, im wikeey odf ttike stiniller aactivities conrtiell con asaured a warm weéleome in Kitthener wihaorg@iin ctther parts off tthe wwotii. Rut GermanGenaiians the Royal Visit Committee iis exerting »very }H heas caan Heast sanmsweer stiiis ttype off propaganiin «iffort to permit every «hild anil grrownâ€"IPS h90 banil ‘free tthemaéives "From sany ssuspiction odf Hecing | lisleei! Hree ear in Henadia. 1500 wer pes in the Trstsa Hastes <ramenthee. «hm + i& 4 Sttuble oppies, Tmedkey o stt‘ *The need for mavrketing |legisiation that img in «such m wery as to Thtimg coriter cont odf a new national policy »eas mow «ine anil athove mll that those engaged :in the groat "ferniing imdustry should recerve m "fnir «hare «if ‘the maâ€" Bouth Waterloo has chosen its canditdtes Rlu Waratew Cacemen. CReamdine Unmitfi siily Qwners and Publithers RRIDAY, MAY 12, 1986 EHLLUDAES uhi. cuiinti . Jeanumzy 4. 4806 TTeMmAmMmSs UIDâ€" mnil «others. We wee mo sountl rreason wihy theey sslvorilli m‘»mhwmmm ~ccompany wervice. } wiithont (Government |begiglation dteclating, iin A STRICILN WMALE TEa rive co (Toronto Deébegran: ) J ldrem The mayor â€"df Rédmonton , the thid? (0f policc, Hrrec |vaud \Mw mitistersaanid some 90 other prromiment ) «)]2) wecdliec that in this eatiy «iays in over, Wt . (Frepburn werbaliy tnamper «ill «vver the then mayor d‘ Doronto . "Tt is on Lbomg Hame tHatt Haas mo cturning‘" [Pf fre ‘foppets it :in regard to Wir. Drew, Hre coan stiike a |bodk art Wit. W ..J. Stewart, ‘former manyor ~df Toronto. [lt will Hie I L s BeNPTTOL oT VIe TDeetit! tFaalle sequre certtent aas thke rpeqgbte iin | mortt sbo gret Ahim aamid Hleey dddd. treaaty serith rtiee (Winitedd sBtmtes amil MAmmeettion ‘hor thiee fSovamer Haree iin M!r.])_!h“-hehmfl-fiewmmn'hnflbih“yy-rrâ€"ab'flm' lature ‘from those wtho dbeptived thim ~0f this position. | *‘ "‘fi aare "h:-r ‘:‘::mhnmaâ€":m-mm-flut wilcimtd sas. 13cc," FOttimg 1 gpat tho dboeee."" lteakl (Retnunzyy, wtittth wttth 4400 cean mow tornzent these whiko weeve so \ihkini "bo HHM , +12re,; TH chiee aoreernneent dbeesn‘t nasidecl] ffer dbowmn thiee 16t1. in (LQB4. mhs-fl!ndh-n:fium.‘imhfw,m ctire illis rhise gpogihte wtll) seecn|| Nyew Zediant Heas ati lAnt! return "to Queeri‘s Patk iin aan «offtin) conpecity, taitt Hee ;tise m»wrm»m-:x“m h_n_thmm atidfaction ~df Anowing that Nre ccomes Haadk in Htunits to remvey : Hizem mmmâ€"-ummmmuwwi -_:: itfflnentin ) :nuun ~than »fied:--m M-:". «2 qqcreernmrentt thistt coomil Tee ppdéistt od! viies o€! tobbagizeme TTO~ Jmovel WIt. UiFrow Mss weealking tiztiet ‘From three murth o#! this maatiimery. Ciat thils meearect coomtteniter fhor thiie Hoomer i# Patlianvertt huilimgs in LOBA" @peremment seeeans o mpatiidl toP ( tine [lsitbei1 9B trites whitioth regmart ts »2B07 s o it _ gr TUimiced Baates . Nio mantter wtizat theo? ccomreeractions ‘her thiee aaeeuege mann, .umrnâ€"--_-r, . Dreew: souas come : iemant rbo hy theey o tho thiee TisitbeR e e» C the ‘frest ‘to sample tthe corrtting ceigee cdf tthe FHeeptinrth <1 cos cor conse ooticer coomt®3 . Yikeayy) | Neswxt iin ordites commec Damimersy. axe. [Fie weas the eanguart vfl:fim‘m.w.mrmymum“hm.mmm.fl ani| employees that weas tho cvverkhaitow tthe Toronto |=ill ueotcome Tlkéir Whijesties weere wtith 100111 Thike meoqit: od! (Rrrea FRti Drange TPwélfth «of Laily qparaite. Wlis ismissail weas * (from Lsppan‘" | fadin (tanil Nvotteem [redank)) apifeey nat umexpecteii ; iit weas Ianown thlakt tthke [teentis weere |__HT_2+99 th. adieargiy | raquppe| thiee certl}y ddo murt usee : Hiee tediqiiaemetbo wtiho thanited Wiir. [Rrew Hiis weilikting ttiileet fimt&em';r::nm HRart Patlianeent huiliings in LOBM" qqrvremment seeems seo mpatiid reaginity cho rraliveay cempboyees sani| dbepeniients. s Tihe meoint conmee um a ‘Eew dieys amo wrhen iliecnssâ€" cqureeil tthe realiveays bo grvart "free ttransporiattéon bo aill : PP °1BB CCE Mupiadivatsttractthhians . emmena | hike rmairthineery . rmanth 0#! whttth cCO nneceasopprerrt sank] 220000 {}12¢! U20EEOr0e Hearee iiseen rpoddaueced iin (Qamaiie . lm&rtbmlmi R. DREWS RETRN 1 "Tiee macitimery partinuee! byy t hiee og! hire Mmeet coan TRdtqabizome aamil TRébe ((Winieor Rte?) »pveemmen: ‘for thre Hugiis iartt im‘fi‘zm‘ ‘TTiheee figsrces Urting Wonento ccoost neeatiy $$9000000 ‘fh‘mnflmmm TThe return oof Witr. Qeagge Rrew tto ‘the Cuogisâ€" wwthhich sthont $$900000 wass sppent iin| | Fhor saonee yeeane (Remaiin Hass ruaskiect lative Buildings t Qumeeriés Ra#k iin tthe oapecity ~0f (Comuih: : 382000000 woorhth wmas Heengitt fiset tin thiee murntieer of! yeeatyy coomveer Conservative | eaiter iis mat wiithartt n cétemertt «df reetriâ€" !" (tit© BHoates annil samotiver $$9000000 seatioms prer cogpitte aanki withh 250600 that hation :ined6 ~Hre CG 1% carhâ€" im Efmugionii. Right Heeee im Neotth: 19997 coompparer) wtith 2224 od! t hiee yeaay o se â€" m“-",. . 2e Watetio® tiere savre secreend! muatititee rgreetiouss thiss \bealk] in thdlitime Byy thore m,fi‘.nwfimmmvumh whitth cooldi Havee podimed! mpiome iis weél! madistidime] . CGemaÂ¥xéc whizo Heomiiadl Yike Tiemomy Hiits sc titet . LNE L ap n s L e e n y t t e neartie _uu.-â€"â€"smwwmnhmu'smuhmi‘ ie ailing c oo ;-ijll »$7 t hire (flfl@ éfi'l anil others. We zee mo sount! rreason wthy thoy stholl! â€" w e e n se dn _._ oon thgp off thint. Thike stizdl] ccontnact w‘y“mhmwmhm E,-,,‘-,_ljjm,ubfl’! company serviee. [TDaat muman ddddn‘t coeen Haarce as Bhrtlieâ€" TThe â€"railveays thave cenough diffeailty. gpeettimgp Limg: bhatt hiee venes an counttnacber wieo Haakl) | Lipurs ham : e pp Hoailttrmamiyy ppos todifiees aanil oo tieer fdell~ | mmwm m'lm»m-lmt;lthum' effect, that their â€"serviiee iis mat wrotth money. (Goeemâ€" atieastt stieélis . FFke tbe, wass ffttemiliy too | ments sthoruld may tHhe ‘fares odf tthéir ttuavélling tmâ€" the omeermneeni. "TFike comitumtt woss ! m,flm“flqm&u:-flm-nm gtiven tho hiim «it aan w:..fine: empinyees ‘to mse tuiins. bvidromenitcommicdisnadionsnemantiiinainmmunncieac I m.w.m.m,m‘mmwm\m< This yeear, seddl Yitr. HhomatH meeree, weas fight wihen fae ttoll tthe Agrricailtturad] (Gomâ€" (tite povernnrestt iis aaiitine $$5300000000 miitbee odf <tihe Honse off (Gommens tthat tHike rediliwveays C‘ â€"rmanzents. IRarting chre gpast thiey: Hagree sqpestt railliéemss od" dibiliens con anr “'llmmm&zg,m“wafirâ€".u“m“_ Portliansertt . &WW‘WM ther courr mailiitin thaday. Wee Hemeesit hers odf Patlsamertt:" ,0â€"e mmflmsm‘ Hhavee present ikmovi ecttent reqpoliing stihats att san iinveaiter. s wike . P *‘fit&e 'fiwa-flhinihflutflah-l &m,u&mwwwmumm,“&d it eetions cemongh tho cosll attterttéon tbo ift. Tin IBBBD thee ceanse oilf Recethoeen, off (Coctie, off Séhiliet, oaf HBléine "_@2 0_ "" O u&wwfi:fiu M_umfihm-cfldbeaâ€"nmm*flmm_d h“m“”twwwmnfll_fil&rf““xfi h«b.“mwmwrmmamw silnowing that tthere sare in ttike wortli coeen yeet (Gerâ€" MEM“-:.,*-"'.._:“.’.~.7 itz mans wiho coarry con ctize greent fFree iitedis off (Dill (GeFâ€" . â€"IPioge aree sectomse ddagss (6#T mm remmmens Homow wtixct neiighitt Haqmppen sami magy Heaconce iinuadreci in a wast. IR. RULBR is RIGHT m:;lhem:a.-l tho ppodbect f ((Revastto (Giéize 4 Wikal)) «éteas . aauast maat thiiiskk wee an uw m u_ masiaee 5 o in mas nulimendiiie tho attteik Neconmee e h «ul Rottthener, wear 489. ' Nhu n ier uie e pra on me Mon. W. M. Wuiler, tho the moedlacttel thy awcdame MNitthener ani Wettedino on Jane Ath on the‘ necasdion oif Thiir Wiggeatiens® wiiit mani cittizens, « mestt fhree comailih dbo wikeas <small wey, wha a fumuit oo sn S e ~ mt n y ome 3 wl There thas heen Hittlh acdiwitt in Reterd politing} «iradies im Koerth Wethatinn anil itt is me porteil the GComnmererttiwes willl mat pliase » conili e3 stlhow tthherr dbevation tho thire aff thhdiir thhomes anil C OTpBAODD Aliait 18e mcmmme nc id 1 w2 2 a uh h ... tave coodidi «th ip ail) : bee crream iin werre wertdl. haldourer) mider chihe qsgreemsent i# FMiggrees (bor tiee ie peer ccommunitiées bevaahdid . conty cmmeamt ho camee z‘bmrmh_w mepecnfil| ‘tor reery rmaan «roman sank ctitien wtith 0JY ctoeqiinemes ger Lagtad 4 13. Wrake se meacis t Hesuall. " TD .comid i treme ~oon timee «as : bleyy aree 162000000 (chtgplances ines oveer Nixil! wow\ ankl ave Hurve a gooc! wthailortgD iimattementts iin thee @orthl. mank! | it. tike Wees : : this rrear |] wtill proiit: thiee cttyy odf Nes Tookk «tith «vee a Mahett ~0° ©$10500000000 <thiis yyaat‘."" 00200000 bélegbienmes Hiees enore tiner poun tract aamil wees Dnsuatizall Heeve SFrtikey migtht Smert | Ehbomutth . \B IP., moacth Wintetbeo Hhaatp cerititiom odf thike Bieen ggan| "I"I (g . | c > a PV (if )’g THieere goess Wheser, . witth Hiss Haemesvorkk . t corean pata fher imatuansentts (in thiee @oothi sant ctan: LAE Poumrsecns Tt? RasTHRn: CAna0o» imatuamnzentts iin thiee worthl. sant! (Hanl -a% tize ctiyy of! New: Tootk wtith cvee :}â€"|| "imkes, ogi__i.__ __.__ _ . TT PÂ¥ PEH en ce s i P Hiees aeaoree thiimes thiee | Tltksess . Beepbiqy: Cae~ | ortrd. DMALT â€" MNMY 16 â€"â€" MNMY 7; Wmuakes» awod rimâ€" Ractens Lhinttt :468 digrn» | (ONMOHKEE se fleve: spprosisantalyy | Mer perâ€" raile mm«n.-:n---.m mBeer thiee pogpetsy of! hm . JJ . (G . (Gaeyrâ€" . mmiiribteer of! sagrteaittree iin thiee 1 (Roeemment!. worre (toust in thiedi~ svndite . Hedltmredi too Hiee Wettime . of! | pedéonting. . arth ininth weere im thre baam of! e« "ie®. Usternee Toornstipp. Harom *‘ TK COMOHES: . _‘ â€" _ Itt its sttrtbel) thimet h -â€"-a: t t a# grbeen qawrdbr;, sood iin Tourist;. Pretéer fi-”m wass ‘teami) seat! hamdied| siceptigs cars: abioo availaibbe in +Wan casas an 2200 220 NLVCOOCCCDCD C0D phyymentt o6! slightti~ hasher onzsmame Mon. J. 6. Cardaetr o _ ‘bae santi thiee oobieer an geddiing; . thiee fhar WESTEERN CANADA Fiemmens . Béoptias Clan: Raccevattonn; . sn‘ abl) infbermarion ftoms any Awent MBE Hoss RRRTANT .. ""***"**" im & m IP aan ineveamee im _ (**tiMs o6! United Staten limes: c P"3 s ,,7*:,.., EV Procs: ail actsom» in Heetsers P STDPPIVEREâ€"eithie> legnk | innit: of! thekiet; u baobh . goéngs nad? returningsâ€"at Pbet: Abthine; (Kan:. Atruattonyy; (inti, sw weet} D Miigs Fit. N. â€"â€" 7. 1Ha® INCLUSBVE tmmtabys 1 the: per ruike CMes) AODITTONAML rlewbiess {roms: onny> eqppes: W. M Wwoknp "be

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