$t.hahslUses ToWa'llael hlele notsi-droor-hueiruanr"'t_ vb. m sun:- in 't,',tb"'ae2,"2tr.UN'fgi,Tg "not mam-inn Into mmyu-uvh-Mmuqulultmm mhoenI.eamooatto-ttV unclM-ulluhluht‘lo may.†"der-mud-ttarg-th-o-m-Fe wttAantroroancBodreHe_eoattiamtH..rtaeCtnrha. mutuay-uumummmrmmmmmnau -uctnthteikrstrraeudw_teoanMet_ _ Munro-ushutaloum aux-uh. lair and Ida-gui- ,aiioscgacohadidthesameshrtHwerot-%qetarsmrtHarV Lauseori-iro-oer-ewuumGi.anawe-. Mt. JamAtq-<loai, Nor. and; do fence. Sunk. Steinâ€; can - M; wings. Garner Bouncing: and. [Eli-key. c. Sch-Hg n. Such, L sue-and. Ken Home". What To Do With Half llholl Subsidy? KITCHEXEIL - While Kitchener will appreciate the oan mill sub- sidy derived from the (Io-cent in- crease in the gmlme Lax. it has in disadvantages. according to an treasurer. Louis Daimler. Mr. Daimler appeared below eftg col-ti! uni penned on! that " " px and not not irhat action to use will the increased subsidy. which ic to be rotated to tho Lam’s-s. “It will cost 8600 or $700 to can in the present hats and change them." said Mr. Dahmer. “and we In: to an that expenditure.“ Council delegated the city m- ed to Fo " Toronto to confer with provincial authorities on the matter. Quinta' Teeth In Perfect Condition -tae Toronto dental experts an up to gisir the teeth ot the girl: a complete chat-up and to see that I’D at the hospital here are doing a good job.‘ Dr. Defoe sad atter the en.- CtraaAsDew---rhtur doth)“ a" the Onario Dental College enn- ined the teeth of the Dionne quill!!!» lets and reported to Dr. A. 11 Blind. their personal physician. that the molars of Yvonne. Annette. Hide. Emilie and Cecile rennin perfect. He said the examination showed tit? gfr's' teem ten tithont cavities and were stain!ess and remarked it Ias ‘most unusual“ for children nearing their tifth birthday to haw. not faultless teeth. nation Making the examination I'ere Dr. Arnold Mason. dean ot the college; Dr, C. A. Corrigan. chiet of stat. Dr, Allan IL Mecar. of Melbourne. Au tralia, and Dr. J. Benson. Sydney. Alumna. The Australian dentists "I Q..- m. s. M - ‘ITCHENE. _... SATISFY . h "" a (huf- m. s. M 580 USED CARS AT BUDDELL'S 1935 Plnnoulh Coach 1936 Terraplane Sedan 1936 Terraplane Coach 1931 Chesrolet Sedan 1937 Packard 120 Touring Sedan 1937 Packard 6 Sedan Motorcycles And can. BICYCLBS DON E BY TI: 0RDON'S Buddellll's Garage (b. Etc-i..- OClt RFPl TJTIOV rs root PROTECTION We pick a. -h d -L-f2C2KS3, G. L. BRAUN Ila King St. I. Too-shah“ cue-shin defence-II and um XIII Ila-nth, u. I no. will Bolling. â€all; then“ ". m WW - h In. ', 'ta-i-ink can»; - Is “a Debt: (use. Bowen Pam-c): ensue. It ---e Luann: It“. hit all Gillespie: 0TTAWN--aat the his: con-db at “In 3-10.. Greet. -. Filler every [den] you“ puny, an or ton and Wills. porluilii-s of the next m - mteheeer--A>" sluts; deface. non are being weighed ad m ‘Olender. Born: can lichen suuegy planned m m â€mill-1n. WM: ammo. use moan confused incurs-n cl CNaMhesAt. Buchanan-r, Halli-get issued gm! conu‘oveniel in c-dh- .uld Phi. 'history, 7 col-plea _ din-yin. lair and Ida-glu- werotA-%qetamgirrtAqarV nesewuiemau..anaasase-s. While reducing the rate. council estimated a an!“ (laid: at 52.73035. thick mat he odraqt con- siderably by tho additional onehalf- mill subsidy to he received from the Provincial Government on the '- creased gasoline in The general _ratewas-tat26miusaodthiy school rates: " Ink. "st Fear thes Econncil estimated In abutting m iplus or 83.30? and completed m "your with an operating surplus ot 31.03512. With letter to Wen enclos- ing aural-Ix divide-d cheque, Presi~ dent A. G, Partridge sated: “0n vol-no or business for the first quarter ot 1939 col-[lam tutor- ;bly with the 'lirat [hm months ot 1938.. both in domestic and export borer". have deceased mint awn-Mwaywlsqbntun- der the circumstances. my be con- sidered satisfactory. Well Maintained "The Inns-ally so!†rather conditions through the post winter months have Jetted the use of both automobiles and and: dumb and the sale or new automotive ve big-lac is don Morality ova tho some period last year. "The elect of the new Trade Treaty thick talk tor a reduction in the protection alorded Canadian- made automobiles and trucks, will undoubtedly mean further curtail- ment of automotive production in Canada by seven] at the.†Canadian factories and the discon- “All this means a still further loss of employment in the automotive me- tories and - making automo- hile parts, without any perceptible advantage to any one in Canada, I feel sum that it this conditinon Ia: fully mliud hr the Canadian pm pie. preventive action Ionlll he take. Indore it In: too late. You should be interested. both as a tax- payer and an a stockholder of this Company.“ ulna-co by no larger Canadian manufacturers of certain models thick will here after be imported- “During the h.“ two you: over $3.01» motor vehicles have been ilk ported. most of which could and should have been made in Canada. There is also a further In: of ex- port business when Canadian nan} {acute of any model is discontinued. have been rocking in the Ontario College for the - not tor Earth. not.“ I) the an: loath last year. h - in records presented and]. Last month " panels received a total ot 8542.01. The III-her marked an increase at one recipient com- pared with Fem. Preston Rate Is At Mills, But Fear Deficit "aesrWKt--Ptmsto. in rate for 1939rimntrtmehatummsttrttte Mink-in] Council. a mu] db crease. A decrease of 8173 in relief costs Volume Government hlreadrf% " Next Election "s.. NKW YORK.- Excitement II. - e’atnd in the connexion at I tul- nlydad jit'arbu dance m “.0. far ".- d-J'h of Mary Riley. a“ " T'".- dir.,-: '0 death" ell-ll“ a 6013':- dau party early - tn thm Rsrcrxide Drive tum-n! " a run mu an on an" I “and :~vxr.d of \Innhar'al Mn, Te . ‘r:'- :-w ttrrd'me Ibo died "I. " ‘;0.'1'A!.,>U'I* hmorrhaze It (I. '.~- -‘ "w Eran -rather th- A 'e, .4 arrrand "bred when no col- ur-ul 111m" a piece ot mratt--- Iv" P}: ‘p Itoidz‘ain uni-ml I. that sumirrr raid the hm. ; " 4-4 fix-v ur-‘nrion ot her bed. Haitian m and Inc-cumin eehottmrittseeoeriAateaaH1tF 'ou-s on Pariiamell Hill, - liirly rm he made to the deem on matters at derearees any!" reh- tions, trade. unemployment, nil-m national unity and the mat-tin. Jitterbug Dance Fatal To Woman Enthusiasm for their chutes ms high in Opposition parties TBe m sen-alive: seem to have neg-ital an: rigor under their leader not. Dr R. J. Mania: and no. the - :imer members to tho 3’ng - l- the party they bubhle out-i- At every party gathering. the small"! introduction for Dr. Nation MI ts: “The next prime minister ot Canada.‘ The CUP. feel their great streak will be .n the Prairie: and Brim Columbia bn: intend to launch a u- tionaride campaign would; unu- I. J. Collie" "her. Ro.etonrwaiar' as the principcl spa-kn. _ The Social Creditels till he had. E. the tight again and several new] gmnps til join in what rreorrhes to 21> a homing campaign to choc-e (anzda's 19th Parliament. ' James Gray Turgcol, Liberal me.- her tor Caribou and the younger In]! of the only father-av col-binn- lion in Parliament. is proving to be orte of I? . Government’s ml active workers. Th son of 90-year-old Sen- ator Onesiphure Turgeon. ohm! nan-her of the Upper House. and blo- ther of Chief Justice W, P. A. Ihr- geon. of Saskatchewan. he wan In! trieettd lo the Commons in 1935. true heart of the British people And which says to the ,ro.Idae I" no“ 'wack' No further wilt fol (of 'iv.. may be grateful an I b Lr'rtt < oar duty to so euro-nae a 1" xi U--zi::n':nz to despair tor on." who null: with as. cherish the ' ch" " :"re-h'n and will be stirred h; kmrnz "hyt their cause will be dump-114 and ‘ha charree. if Holding a record menherslip in the Communs of I?! sects, Gavel-Ir ment supporters are the not! lol- wmminal pesons in the capital toll~ earning the possible outcome of an an tion, In the position of being - tho defensive and upholding their re cord and aminement. Liberals are making few predictions. Contrasting with the old It]: at the twopany system than mic. were comparatively simplem lam :ies more distinct. this time the to!- ers till be lam] with a vast variety of questions and raadidatetc Hryttsss of Commons that than roam tight to protect Poland‘s Ind;- pendeme. the tar secretary “I: 0n the oiher side at the Bone, Karl Homnth is making a name for rats-11 as a "twisted debtor. The Us, - industrialist from Preston. on- . who :35 elected to Patna-at lar.: -.uu it): M'aterloo South after be upset a concerted Liberal elm to def-u: him. does not believe private rc-trttters should he seen all not Ewan! darime their first 5min. “INDOX -AVar Secretary Italic HoreBelisha Friday appeals! to the country {or 250,000 volunteer- for Crux Briuin‘s territorUI my. Be "Oar umnlrr has spoken. “It lam: pride to must " have he!!! ' mass" which springs (m tho <4 d thic maid be the be" in " sharing the Iorld Britain ii not vx-M}. compulsory military artist wttlt mien-nee to Prime limiter I hs:_.a'at's statement to tho He sins on the Tory but bud under the gallery and half a done- times has clashed with the Cabinet‘s bx: d-»b.1re:s His speeches on the r'ada treaty vanituhrly brought him to the attention of the Cannon: and disputes with Dance linister Maeketraies Pensions linincr'powet and Transport Minister Howe have ran! him m the litrte4ight, His C4- ,~»r:qu- volcanic): predict an - rensin: political future for this Pr.- ton citizen Appeals Foi. Armv Volunteers a}; ,ri tum-10v" '32 the tonal m rim! by I - mf- Ind slippers and lied uf/ W. Asks hid . m ly"?." of Aiwsiiitsa To 2da1T'h',ti':', i HA30LT0N.--BV nu up a persons In . Mai: all robbed "somotatebtaoet-reamh_y PareBdgel run-Muted. trroeotarearutersrsstheq-3ttr groeeterbwe-tMANto-eel ' It-nt-te-tu-tnth- stomrnnA-oeeutrto-arerxr rusedmgrartheteHrhne+tHer 'rarettasresateo-tertcThe-e- lend without --t and merely pointed their gnu. One of thethreeear_amr_A. mm‘l’m IoRoNT0_--AMtod G. Watt). ss. was held Inn [hi-turn: -rrrr "rnighte1PefeCorer8ero_n '.annrhoe1irnheahaMiaggt-ohh in. George moo-ale]! entertained at a birthday "not on My night in In of In! ma 18th birthday. Tho-o m: m: Nor-a- Morris, am deor. not mm Walker hon. Chad - minnndInLIluulolB. Pele. The - m cum tn phy- hg and: and bingo. Luck it. served by the mtm‘ "(ERIK-GI. ., ------ “you“ I'm the patient. a_trBoWhh-a.t_ â€5 In hr! launcher in the cm. tmo-ee-Ama-me-hr- Willi- (loading and a. mm-mmmmm Imo- after which the a-tot-e-tNeo-b-sr-dust)-) “manor-mm with. “Amy.†were eamtairUnq to-tH-tS-tttAshe-m-more". Mrt.Eigoraeh- toot_aitr-_a" and In can!!!“ were then up to out - wn - .erhrteAtothohowerCortoisittmome tutu. I-tT-ru-twant-tm-tEar-dine-xt', - -bathem. will I!“ of '13:!" non-cu that ten: to the mini“ Boom in huh". I“ given by “u: the “has of the Ones!- Mrs. luck Schmidt followed by a na- - new: when It pin-o solo eluded. “Gunning". by batman-1mm- aEigoduGoerttiirthalmTTarnn â€mmnmmmuan I.K.'l'omn and: and I’D In! am W" It.†"bald-cl. â€TheChrm otthe Crux.†"Hr_.'TaAtAoor.erMthemwasreied by the lines Grace ta0oh$qbtrexttiea3orthq-ArnHrNAeaterTttmaat, Atthe conclu- tlnl.†"tmottherrogramRerGooes- Col. G. A. MI. W n splendid talk based on Matt. ho - and I - cl friends gathered nt tho he at .1. and In WI. Inc.- on Sat-flu night in _ of no Inner’l jun-II. Mr and In. Pred Dutch at (man who in (launch: their an m din “literary. Tho may of Mr. and Mrs Band. mud “on with living roo- m. an. their Moods gun the. a -. blanket. Bingo and curd. can Mnred I“ a delicious Mel tn send by no In". a tho do. at 00 -- Married 36 Years at Kossnth , 'Ihoclole “new.†in enjoyed and a lunch III and. "our M m. Rev. IL A. “no. 01 moo-mu Tel-penna- retention. Tomato. In. the guest speaker " ZI- Unu- " Church on Slick: lull-g. no toldottlework they-redoing“ further tel-pom“ " - “or mixing neuron-cc m and to! thr minister: at All chum m eo- operating to "ht no mm Italic. .toatnnane%teHtheNrtHo-i- tumult...“ Then were a tew nhltu - deb-lo the. [novel My (mt-immmm Baht-.Prorhdnlmyl-hm 'Nixet.nuuhetritqrNor- Biplothehghael-spmcyh 19rr to was! It. “by - Birthday -ir. wmmummm“ sideline- of the ecu-slat The magnetrinlh. 'NeoRarthoNMar-ditee. can-l an repealing the Senate 36 Held Up As Store Robbed , [Joyd Semen-get I'll II chm ot the you; people“. league at au. l'niled Church a Sunday at.†The scripture m I'll nu. by Walter when: all the topic uul discussion period ten tutu by Lloyd Sch-hem. The subject was “Making don Barriersâ€. L On loudly arming the yang peo pie journeyed to Abel-yin all m meets at the young people at thnt church. The m- m m by theZiougroup'iththeprcuiI-t Ruth Km In the em. - Hurloek led in - and the scrip (In “3 mod by Ruth Kuhn-u. Taro mm: were given. “You Have To Believeâ€. by lhuie - III “Three Keys to â€asâ€. by Herb lath. The topic ot the neu- ing In mid by In. Parker. His deeet In “W. At "ro coups-hm - mucu- lonelgndsnclorh'ithbnhlto- woken. Alta-obi]. are an. {rum Prank AMI-I'M“)- cerich â€Mandamus. CttstomerstntherstorehoeaV term] as the htnden (at gun. bananas-mum“:- 'arie"iGirii;iCiiatTii"iG"a' . threatened Aim with l m TD In City Fathers jumped out Ind n- n In. their m - that an Continued from Young People’s utM0mL--q_etlrV man-ulumuu Duke wasâ€? New Bolt Braces, Fear “toâ€: Dru; From Mart l m1. sN.W-Arttert Water lick. " '11] he â€rained on 1 cm. of murder. Authorities a“ be joined n quart of whiskey. (II-MI; to In! himself and hf! manual Trite Instnd he lultud his hula-haw And his brown-in- his†- am. 23. brother ot anch It“ “to. lab. 19. [an a puny Why “on. muting it and“ pro "do . unit: at which his mm and in w could rot-anvil Mini? 'l'. terqgu. The day before. woiettirt an lam u curt of Ohiskoy Authorities um Wojohicl con - In“; “It! a son My t " dont think the citizens object mAr-ti -ttitethet5t. 13-. -'aM-herMattAehqmeot no. hill from throwing his Alder Aid. Boos Baid Iomdhmlltd Ink stipend back into the city with the tmtrtiettr it" the (My ot (ms-n," remarked All. Jon. Hoh- Kitchener il rem to metal Nut zinger. activity. "I believe it is done non 113m '11]: AM. [natim- thar trs hung than we can MIN! rank. clients are resin: him. hut he was and by accepting {Ms manna. I m and wanted to be elected, so Una! dell of good any In _ no he “on“ give service to this rity." Haw." he Muted. . he said. "We must go to tho slit to - â€I'll- talk ot lelnziner'l sound- tho than that Kitchener I. I M very good in prints: marred Aid. wmre." â€and AM. I... Laud-g“ but while he values rm Council and to my our visit (in. very highly. there tr no proof until the recovery at Ivor than. we couldn't get along with lens of W. Gordon. nonhuman-n it!†than a week. lesson ., git-en by Mrs. H. F. We. Following I vocal solo. “head Me To Calvary". by In. an. splendid paper on the subject orFiar." "Eluerâ€. which had been manned The} hr Lyle Bristol BA., a son of Rev. of In W. o, Bristol ot Brantlord who was were 2' a ton-er pater or the local Baptist id chm In. (nuance unborn the Tere Aeting-Naror Henry Slum said that holding meetings on alternate tech would mean a dilerence ot only 3 cents to each taxpayer in a year. “It would appear that All. India thinks I want par tor every- thing I do for the city. He doesn‘t how that I served tor years and your: tor nothing. and that when 1 In layor. I had the salary out from 83.5“ to 81.0.0." remarked the act- =t',"rdi'"'lirrtr', '"z" ".Nir-o--4- y n . out: n a vocal duct. "The Christ of the Crux.†/Lhs"moP-f.rtr, h... M was valued by the lines Grace '"t yarn tn allâ€. Mu. Sch: Ind Ride-e Mn. At the conclu- rmsiarned Iron ther Macy III- ot the program REL Goo- gue In. D. lumen:- the mean- u splendid an: based on Matt. strip of the mm "mu" m .. S.o& tune at the Inn-Al need-g all we" . immedintely untrue! to tin encou- . . tire with their one“ animal. MiUrion Group . As . rent: or the election. In. “gt-Phalan- in - tho “an! Miss Sylvia Bock. president of the - link-I Circle, presided at the - meeting which mind!†the home of In. C. A. Sinclair on Wednesday evening. Isaiah 53 In and rapt-naively and the scripture true-ted a paper on. â€The linde- " CaNarg" Ind Easter readings was she- hy Mrs. Fred Lamen- Ichhgcr. an†Greta Buck and Mrs. local name: for a coal comp-In. Mr. Sum- denied the charge by Aid. Lavina that he secured contract: [or " It'll with higher tendert than “bl-med by other mum " Mute]: opposed to the pro- wl. Inc-ll. but it Aid. lathe wines to do no, there'- nothing to no. hill from throwing his alder- lnk stipend back into the cm.- (ms-n," remarked All. Jon. Hoh- zinger. Roy Gilda". Bethe! “union Circle. The Bethe! Minion Circle met at the home or the president. Mm. Eli Mrs" on Wednesday after- noon. Alter a short devotional pe- riod the time In: spent in tying several comforters. Altai-do Conference. new. L R, Pipher and Rev. . Gierie* attended the monthly meet- tng of the Set Hamburg and District Medal Association which ta: hold at the Evangelical Church in New Hamburg on Ionday afternoon. Mrs. W Bechthold of Peters- hlr: and In. Otto Hera and daugh- ter, Ann ot Kitghener spent a [or days at this wee-rink Mr. and In. Simon Weber. Mr. a. Esteban was a business visitor in Toronto on Wednesday. " law think there's I man hm who it! worth that amount. and it there is. than ho shouldn't he on men,†he asserted, Mr. and In. Fred Egerdee visited In) Mr. and In. John Egerde at Continued from Page It an. min“ that of any other alder nan." declared AM. fundick. "Aa to the city’s business, I would like to not the hours pm Jn by the works committee in addition to cull- cil last year. His suggestion is " surd in the taee of it." deeured Ala. to paying Ill " a week for the work we do." interjecxed Aid. Gordon Ill-shelter. in opposing the motion. Wellesley on Sunday Meant To Kill Wife and Self But Two Others Drank Poison Meet Whilss he was In II. a: tn from “It eh'l Jf'ir1'2"u'hel. ‘33:: n' Smurfs homo - no In. earetn " I e . . I . wotettfek, a..." m T, the "g, ‘lr. (bunny In. boon trat-fed k r and mixed . hum“ for In. to thtred.5" Julia Wham; 5 She (and n, Mr. “d " I"! Budget. Mrs, F la. I , rm alt My his Waterman IINI “not of - V â€1 . rl . ' ' gum - n the lone of It. “a haste! like moon," “If! It! I In CIâ€. gum" nip. bxrhlmel: "tt are I...†" In Albert lichen II can.“ ta hm Inter they no can In any.» not» than at... poison to tho thigh-y “m4. no» and " wife tihqd -. Smart. " wife. all no - I. knvt had heel invited. we!“ 'rittrs. and Wonk-l thought they could drill the who†h" th-rt had 'n the Mmâ€. er. Will the. on no “In. no tirst vice-president. In. P. a. Schniuner; second via-â€Halt. Mrs. A. Pectin; mm: -tarr- treasurer. In: $Earbte% M; " reetora, Mrs. 0. L 1---Ao If pointed district Win. P. lit-Goa]. In. J. Idiom“! In. Henry Sender; Mun, In. A, o. Sch-m and In. w. o. adults: pianist, an. P. ' Hm; publicity, His: J. manna-hunt, lull. Linwood W. I. Officers hinge "Despite the he: that no lnyor and the reminder at city council didn’t see it to sue-d In! mn. I'll not “and of having he: than. Spiben and and! won Id! “In; the but that time, Int Tgtt not gain to hold it this time." he led-I'd. til had been asked to notify the club In. Lunar: sue a report on the of the time of their vtatt and to nt- director-f meeting held in Gatt le- tend as a body. . may. win arranger-nu were In.“ If we accept. this brim than for the district mum meeting to to let's all go." interieeted AM. loin- be†" Pro-mi on May ". zinger. "The In: an. to war. '- At the do†ot tho busing-o I MF sited to such a an; (Gonnn In, an half hour was mental to celebration over the 14M “7 Malta we. and. week-end), Io accepted. but “I, AM. - Hart-no» Seibert Ind In." m up Hamburg Board "In the papers the next day, we ill Co two were branded " 'Nuh’ and our W nfer With names were 'peddled' uro- the coll- _ l""" an the two 'NeaiCin Flutes: Departinent and Elisa Sch-In rem " punt. In. J. C. many . presided for the election. Subject of Talk i'riirie.aiirii'ert'iii"iivegel --- given with the pram: of as. TI. A um m on 11m " question diner In! in cm. oe mum" teamed m. noun; a: Mrs. George Relnio. tho New Hamburg Woman but!†The secretary, In. D. A. - “mm Phenom gave a nanny of the III: Anon Gallows! not. a your. work. showing an the out. “M Bm-'", dodnrlng that tho yearhaahemsatmeeessftt1-h Minimalâ€! Mimi-ho Ilia Eva Ballard column-d u mute-I. paper on "AaHe_-"rhe Gm Mm u Conn! vote on “Won- and Care or House Plants.†In luteâ€. shins a latch at the “In the papers the next day. to two were banded " 'Nuh' and our names were ‘veddled' acm- the eon- tinent " the tin 'NAau' In mum city council." mun-ed the alder» man. man. The regular meeting of the Nov Referring to the "eon-nu" numb-r; School Board '3. held In marge in the igtrttathm to could! the m room on Mona-y "mill; by the Sachlen Ind snubs: duh. nu. .11 sue-hen - but A. ll Ald. leinxingor asserted that “we ' 3mm, The Inn account.- m the Labor Day week-cpl I m tuchen’ nudes were named. Com. 151 led in allocation aaninst a“. muons were read from tho I). Swibert and III-lull." meat of “nation and tt VII "Despite the net that the layor docile! to nttend tn Toronto on and the reminder at city council Way to be In confersnco with didn't see it to attend Int MI: I'll tho dopartmnt of “can. Themeotin-heMattAehorr" otlrs..loaeph Immune opinion but the com-n It. - in; women’s pvt-petty unt- III - dlully being reetF. (Continued my. Pic. " then they should be removal m the city," he alerted. Aid. A. W. Boos aid that to Mil looked into the min of the club and said that in " opinion they no "dung exceptionally Sne work. Am cording to the alder-an. mo club - siats those who no not may familiar with the English “as. in addition to â€with: an In tho‘ sick and needy. visit the Sachem m Salvat- sometime when we no not invited." suggested Aid. Alex War. It I): pointed on, humor, that con- cil had heel: asked to notify the club of the time of their vii! and to u- tend an a body. . Council Accepts Mac-Hum is no. the Man. m. J. C. lath: ave " ultim- W‘HHW co â€"1“ a" "" - mo of a Nmtrfto ulnar. “k and rteedr. A letter than the Wo-u'n Illu- "Perhaps it would but. it .. ate-brunch or the donut-nut at sit the Such-en m at†ware. Toronto, was read. 00-- SUNNY NEW CURTAINS -qtasAM-a-g_i-- High-10.0“.- -- t.eitrdiitta:rtr:dd...1r.rf. tSe GOUDIES DEPT. STORE Mr. hm [anon has been uppin- d earetnker ll the CPR. union. Mr. ootittttty In. to»: "Inland to speeds“. nlr. Arthur Marriott. Mr. “new Guru and Barry new. an mail In: not. for tho manor “In. Mr. David Anderson um! I!" Jel- Sm as spending that: tum boll- dan at Lucknow And lie-mills. ro- "new. Mr. and min. Win an" “a In I. C. Wood: In! "tHn, in Guelph Mr. Edgar Bum open! uvorul (an with In. 'titrtrr, an. Cecil Dberfg u Calm-II. I. Cumin. Sioux; who may "The a.“ Story Ever Tout" In. Conny ab contributed two pleasing solos. ',sats.aaates. lounvothom ,0: than Hut, m, and on. m . Miss Alma. Jornll. who I. - “In; the winter months in flori- d. "and on Saturday to â€and m “liner with relatives but In. Huck! Hoolscher all con 'trosy of Bt. he». can! - vim In. "In [at-on. The wxs, met at the bone of In. W. H. Hawk-u on Wetland-y for their nonwly meeting. Roper!- o! the Spring Presbyterial held at Guelph care given by the del-. stunting. A good pron-ul- VII n- 10de by a good ntteodnco. ho hum (mutating ... "only“. Luci was sorted by tho but... Detroit Milk Down To 8 Cents, Result W.I.8. I“ Of Price War Music Appreciation Subject of Talk " In. B. G Duo, unto-h; tho tretoetttotnnututot1ttV Duo " a neuter owing to her col- tenplnd mom tron the commun- Mr. Asarasar"mthraneerMthot-ttt- In. R. c. Linen-art presented in. Dale with a black leather overnight M In. Dale expressed her m néndhgmolocalmchon dough landing unlined In the regular pro- In. L. Cont-y woke on “Won. In luteâ€, giving a sketch at no um ot In. Bench. who wrote “You: Janey milk have not In 11 'smrts-rtandoedtnarrtrsim auAtmrrtt.aerttrotorV line can: I can can“ anmuuwdaytlgy Items-n milk reducers all meduaronunpdnxto‘d tantalum] mum-nu -attse-ioaorth.Miehunn Tisutamt.tmtthe-tston thtottteanqstthqMk In. A. K G. Smith presided. Tho new Following this program, the - WEST Homes: