“1.83.140,†ty, atkktttit [with oEcupatiBn of Aiuni. p was immipent tonight. 15m - u - " mining}; iiiuusitiuT Jui- were tuled with crowds, chatting animntedly "rat I We tyd.fen "tstetk"., Into-u negotiations between my and Albumin were reported to- m on reports spread through In. that Italian troops were ready u Ateeupr Hunk.“ 'rny.moTent.. Expectations of am imminent 1mm no" in the Adriatic ten haigitened by n conference " Inns- bruck, Gen-any between Gen. Al- berta Purim. 9&4 of itairhtrers- en! Ital, and COL-Gert. Wilhelm Keitel. chief of the high command of German armed forces. Inquiries " Brindisi, where Italian troop- ue concentrated " 'bas heel of the Italian boot only so ails by leg from “penis, breught Albania Laid Ready To Resist; Expect Sudden Break tt my that no soldiers had next F.or.e.itrn cirqlu believed “I" " Strain] importance was latched and his tttg,"' were studying to e Italian-German military talks i/tlt,',',,, 53°90 . t3. fuel-{:3 because of Pariani's connection with Ita y 5 . lance with t e ittte - Albania. dcm. . - . _ . He not only is commander of the it WIS widely believed the Ita.1inn Italian truly " under-secretary of proposals exceeded the com m but formerly us chief military the government 1m New“ to “m to the Albanian "my. 'He i make and the "military pretentious" m in Albania from 1927 to 19321were believed tnken for this reason. end was considered one of Kinstl An heir to the throne was born Boe's closest Italian advisers. (this morning to Queen Geraldine, Gen. Bef Sereggia, the new Ol-land this was accepted inuediltely but†minister to Italy, flew back "ry the country's inhebitlm u an to Rome after a hasty trip to Al- occasion for a wave of intense na- Council Accepts Invitation To Sachsen Gd Schwaben Club f KrrcHE.NER.--On motion of Ald. Juan]: Meinzinger. cite council ac-' cepted an invitation ot the German Subset: and Schwaben club to visit that organization in the near luture. together with a delegation from the, *Canndlnn Legion. , Meinzinger Says "Won't fi?.: a: g?- " Hold Bag This Time"; All Council To Go. Tho Invitation, signal. by Sewn- tary J. Bell, read In part: "Mr. John Konrad charges in the press that WP have Nazi propaganda in our: club sad we cannot see why a Communist chunk! charge us with something of that kind. Aid. Meinzinger asserted that coun- cil would accept the invitation. "During the past week we have heard and read so much, that I feel we should accept. and see what sort of place they are conducting," declared the alderman. . "Our club has been functioning under all the rules or Canada and ot Democracy, and it will he our plea- sure to have you with us at a notified date so that we may call our execu- tive together and hold a conference with you". "This is an excellent opportunity for the city to look into this club and put things right if they are wrong in any way. It the latter is tht. case. (Continued on Page 8) May She Cut-off 'ile,ee, 0f Hitlers Speech Vim, ly NEW YoRK.---Radio company offi- clnls. puzzled by the sudden cutoff Saturday on Chancellor Hitlor's speech. disclosed that thousand! of Germans regularly listened to Ame rtean news Broadcasts by short wave in defiance ot penalties ranging as high as death. The abrupt stttttotr 'of Hitler's re ply to Prime Minister Chamberlain was nttrmated by German officials to technical reasons. NBC otrtcia1s hazarded the mpttm. utlon that German otncials were angered when W2XAD, me General Eteetrti Company short-wave elation u Schenectady. N.Y., as a routine procedure. rebroadcast NBC's pickup back to Germany. . - A National Bi‘oadcasting Company lpokesman said there wPre ll mm mm Ham receiving new In Genny. with many of them capable of rm c'rv- in: than was _trrotr1casts, "During the first three months of 1939 we hare rect >Pd 1348 [Nun's from Germ“ short ware listeners," the apokesman‘ â€NI. "A .mljorlly of them wrote guard- .dly of their appreciation of the ‘an jecuvo' news supplied by foroicn stat ROME, April 6.-.dte as W In. that [align h'e1',l1lff, of Says Mayoralty Election May Be Cause Of Council Heat mmnxm.~.\1a_ Gordon Hons- herger climaxed a heated ,ession of our muncil by “serum: "1hm'r- is a dim-rem atmosphere In this council this year than there was last". "The "use is the probability of a nnyonhy 'electlon. come December." warned me Alderman "At the ltrs ginninl of the war. I personally made a regotntion to refrain from making personalities in council drs Mutt. but I am “raid? hare broken " many limos. and l apolncizo to (hobo whom I have insult~l in thie "y. _ Continuing. Aid, Hottgherite said """"‘ "t (Mil that we are m annu- of my Numbers: Mil ht Mommies. and I tttmVmtml nn 9 V. 'm I“. " moment tterty),Hot"trerger guns P0ll8lliilllt Ito 000qu ALBANIA tderger ls ‘Fined $25, Costs TlRANA, Aim. hills announced “nil negation!" Ie"' via! iiirtiiGkiiie Alb-m M" In until 1 late hour aim the political amnion. Meanwhile Italian- vm hum Aihnia in Inge numb-ts a“ other foreigners to have adds- utle concern over the i-de.te situation. (Reports were current in Bel- grnde, J ugoslavia, that [will force: would start occupyhg Albania "r- ing the night.) V Tinna's leading hotel, which in owned by In Italian. was cloud utter departure " the peptide: and his Italurn Ital. ', Three ponEe Whit: tdd the court that the accused was in In "r.toxicated condition following . ‘slight collision on Frederick St.. (March 7. The population of This 'Il tense and expremd domination to maintain the eduntl'y’n independ- ence, Foreign circles believed In; lo" --------" and his ndvisora were "tidp.irw! ST. JACoBtg.-learett tor the italan pgoposulq to mew body ot tive-rear-ou Gordon (knoll. Italy's nllnnce with the little "drown! in the Inkling Conestoga dcm. _ _ . Sriver at St. Jacobs. entered it: see- " WIS widely belieyed the thhInlmm week Tuesday afternoon. 1 "Pretty popular occupation, I] would imagine," retorted the magis- Itrate. "ram giving you the bene- “it of the doubt as to your intoxica- "ion, but I wouldn't advise you to ‘cume before me again and tell me} I it', your duty to drink beer. I might) not be in such a good humour next‘ time!" t l tienalism gar. Wellington St., was fined $25 and costs when he pleaded guilty to rcekless driving before Magistrate John R. Blake. A chase of driving while intoxitAt.dt Pt? 1'reeef x Dnuberger admitted to the court that he had "had seven or eight glasses of beer. He said the reason he was slumped over the steering wheel when the police arrived was because he had struck it with his stomach when he applied the brakes too rapidly. "I am a representative for . brewery and it's my job to, drink beer with prospective customers," testitied the accused. Commemorate Vimy Battle KITCHENER. --More than 300 veterans who served ova-sets in the Great War will Issemble at the Lurinn Hall, here, Monday night, to commemorate the anniversary of the Tuttle of Vimy Ridge, Legion of- ficials said. The gathering is expectedio be the largest, as far as war veterans are concerned, ever held in the Twin City. It is understood that more than 273 have already signified their intention of attending. then 2.7.? have the-sly aitptitied their But the Government Wai' not to he intention of attending. . ldenled its objective. All through the Guest speaker for the eventntatternoon Conservative speakers. led will be Captain Norman ywsson, of hr Col. G. A. Drew, leader, had Hamilton. Memperg of City council tfred away at the unfaimegg of the have also been invited to attend. (iii, reminding Premier Hamill"! of s-----------------" his election promise in 1934 not to Iincrerase the tax on gasoline. lions and said they got the new- through foreign broadcasts as much as 2" hours before the official Ger- m in "Muny ot the letters Indicated that Ge:mans gather in groups to listen to thw lwoadcagtg, In deBttttee ot pub- iishml orders." (hunk of the Mum-l Bro-deut- . I J ll, .man said he telt, "eo. " lilo“. -er. Because Im- pmpxmv Humid h: inc up the matter ot FiErt2rVg'Tr,e,'lt,'ete" Cttmptttttt on m'I-: ian'viowsâ€. "We Ire very fnr‘mnmv- in that all here nre good! The Danish Nazis. a party dlsnnrt and tstrut, newspapermon and all 1",',h/'lu'g','tlt mi'nority party in try to xv! out good nowspopen, but . ort on! g. a armor ennui I think that in the future. 'tenr(ditrtrtt. we“ led by rm: Chou-n. should Ito nuts only after it is Tiii'? 1g1TAt',,".'l', L'",: (impugn no: hotnrv." he ttgtterted. t at Manor m I t not . some _ tttr-Mo/tr. unions tho Aid "onrtreturer "id he t,etioveltt.te as Cree, . .. that "tttrv'-, should he restricted ',t'y't,tatlrt dunno "' Bolsho to the chairmarts of the various com-r JL',",,',",,",',,')',': retttrTtg "w the pro- mittee .. " iqerrntnt one "at which they pro Mvmhorn or count? made no '"1"riror"tt hold. ho a,†I. 1... mm on either “nation of “Luna's. was wuehed "tsttortsty In KITCHENER.--Berbert, Dunbar; l now to not do tbitt sort ot thin; tho future." K of the Mann! Bro-dent- cm said they also received as of appreciative letters A from German 11atetterB. Will Iiiny IIWalerlu Walsh» to" mull. u that: “Joinedtlogplmhofl - on...†tn - In to maintain. u III notâ€! out tomunmmmwmn f "t tom. m “happily w. the lat nldvuy Io allowed to loot. In Wnterkto." hushed Reeve W. D. Dru. “Whlfe It in primarily not up new the cemetery. it rained no lard v I W _.'---- if v- t ll! met an! "guys-II torch: "Ila-um at It}. mu in prove at gl- on the grounds mt . couldn't“. gun! or mono, h at†out or town." commuted All. While dragging operations thus tar have been tame. the professional life loving crew tron: the Toronto Hor- bour Commission and today they did not believe the body has been car- ried over the dam at Conenogo, the mile. down the river. They ex- M the belief the body will be recovered somewhere in the vicinity ‘of St. Jacobs Search Enters Second Week Expect Mutual Wing Open By hd Of May an: Irina?“ to he chic -." Work on the new $250,000 addition to the head ottitNy of the Mutual Life Auurance Company here, will be completed before the end ot May, ac cording to otricialts or the company. Comprised ot four floors and a basement, the section is the third 5250.000 addition to tre made to the main building since 1912. The new wing is 68 by 142 feet and neona- dntec an ultra modern auditorium 124 teet hy 60 feet. Several departments ot the bul- ness will also 'be housed In the new section. ottieiais told The Chronicle. Gas Tax Goes Through Just Before Deadline T1NtoxTo.-ahttario't' two cent guns in increase Became law ohoniy before midnight Friday. By sheer force of numerical strength the Lib eral Government rode roughshod over the Conservative Opposition in the Legislature to possibly save the Government from an embarrassing and awkward position. It was, only l0 minute. short ot 11 o'clock when a vote was taken on the second reading of the act to Inland the Gas Tar Act. boosting the levy tram six to eight cents. Tho rote was " Liberals tor the increase. while 21 Conservatives in the House voted against the increase. The bill went through tour stages In eight minutes to receive assent by the 1ietttenantegovernor. Had not the hill received third reading in the pressure drive the when]: applied, the Government might have found itself in the potfr tion of having had to wire all gas companies at the last minute. can- ceiling the imposition of the tax. Nazi Provide Upset ln_ Danish M mama; tXYPENHAGEN. - Danish Sula. who were regarded as havlng llttlo chance to win a seat In Parllament ln Monday‘s elections. were shown by Brtal returns today to have stayed " upset and won thrtse. Communists “so wowed sharp gains, Jumping from 27.135 voles In the int election to 40,896. The num- ber of seats they won I'll not yet known. hover". because the Monor- “out! reprtrsertttttion computation lull I'll In progress The Danish Nazis. a party distinct from the German minority party in North Sci-loath. . former German district. to" led by rm; Chum-n. tho deem-ed during tho campaign that Denmark mum haw the "mo fate as Crectttr4%ortthitt, uni": tho "trtittiBtmtfon e2titttred its "Bolshe VII" policing. V‘s-no. (in... ria‘h t" - I The “like minister . I Bea. me Will. - ll- Il-ll - - -..-. -.w-r.l.-_r- tnulice in the m“ of cmumj-igm mooning virtually a r7iiFiii by mitt-mu... Frencttianadiattts nothings “yuan†“"9â€me with P.eet,ti PAmtF--oiNttrraathe mm:- or mit the right or any governlifent to ten in o,"' ot the emu-ion M new! W Gunny “I Itat, eonseript them tor service o‘rerms‘m Germ eminganeq. I?" was my he m in“ I?“ I“! {and enlered a strong plel tor ade said on Bmteq '“ awaitir= the "F amp-isn- of awn-io- 1- the the (male national deteegceB. Imam ot mm impediments baton of I Btrqtgug _ and We“ ' Another Lupeinle gave the debate outlining the tttttration. cm I“ I'M the " most dramatic tough, A. J. 14-; In this connection. Thom alumnae]: as a - hr a [cunt ten- point Lit, Magnum), - Cleveland attorney who mulled n in»!!! conciliation with the agno- ‘loughl in the Great War u , private like meeting. ma he I’Il Informed ot,eraeiea. [ and won a commission on the tield. the "eo-tling" mun: Um 'toi-Ther - lunar: an. declared against the participation at forced Jill - to tango Sil’ when: over the 'gtteratationnt nim- (canada in any war unleu this conn- dard meeting and Bait for lamina. “ion tended to hem-g Am lirr was attacked or directly men-jinn was not at Mac"! to din-Ice “5 felt lest the mm. an 1 Speaking II the debate on “tonal min set In Iona! tr Prune Illn- Eii? men-us m. an. update I). even - emphatic than in. luau-me nu that cum can not remain neutral tn a n: involv- ing other our. of the British Con- monthwenlth. Caulk-n In“ not ‘tolerate the leceuary implicatlouol GCrr"Gi,". seizure ot arm-n cup. “menu-em of British Bowers and 'snllon nod in reality separation from In. empire. Lapointe Says Canada Till Aid Britain all tor WWâ€; nee out» world an new Mutual-ottoman mICn-huoulilllhruuhuy In In which Grxsatdtettn1n In at- taehedtrrnata-rrratstm, i “In 1937. a lower tender from a {company equally as Canadian as the {one with which Ne have dealt for a {number of years. was turned down," ihe sened. "It is my belief that tho 'committee hunts around for reasons ho keep it with the present com- :pany." Kitchener City Council Stage Vigorous Debate; "IrretrlraNiesf' Charged. aced, KrtxsENEat.--mmtitsy concerted opposition. city council approved pur- chase ot this ptafs supply " astpttV tie mad oil from the same company which has been supplying tho city for several years. Need Oil For Troubled Waters Is Gl Purchased The motion was put by Ald.‘han Shana. the told council the city lead-been .grivercezessttirNr'errsee by the company and that it was a "heavy taxpayer" in Kitchener. He admitted that another tender. Hen- tzcal to that accepted. had been turned down. and another ignored entirely. Ald. A. w. Boots charged "irrezlr Ycrities" in the purchase of the oil. which he said had been held‘hy one company. for too long a period. He urged that the business he spread through other companies. Ald. Boos, in asking that sanction of the contract be held over tor a week. asked an explanation tor re- fusing the lower tender. "I have no axe to grind. but I do not feel this is in the best interests of the city." he said. The alderman said he had “certain things†he would say later in regard to the committee's action. "If Ald. Boos has numbing on his mind. I want,him to say it." inter- Jected acting-Mayor Henry Sturm. relinquishing the chair. When he says what he Ins to say. then I have something to say about Bill Boos. "While I don't want to go into per- sonalities. I don't rant him to heat around the bush. If he has anything on his mind. I demand to know what's going on," he charged. Ald. Jos, Moinzinger said that as the present company Ind given "ex- cellent tservice" the committee did not believe as change was wise. 'y'g',g'"'s1'rrc'lEr,(,uc'" J'e. . " F , the present company Ind given 'ex- " . ce1lent service" the committee did Belietees keep coming up km P.ot believe gr change .3 wise, hoping to get nuisance from council tld Irvin Bowman recommended after their complaints have landmin- . i . e that council purchase the product f'12 2f2,ot,'recatr"i,,,o/irt'it into 1Tae,eteA,ggti'."uio','et,1ufti'l continue. we may as ttl? dismiss the been considered 1;; the committee. relief Board and hare " here in PP'.' cil every Monday night and distri‘ "There is no reMon why 're should bate relief onrselvu." asserted Aid. f:0 ','C,'g,"',u'e'fr, a ',,"r'g1',h4Te'hr.r, Meinsinger. .Or m. 5 t IC are pr “c ere." A . Meig1gitt er said that it they iutevjected Aid. Gordon Hortsbertter. (longed. reliefe‘ec um be supplied '1 lost understand Aid. Bowman tot,' one minute," he continued. “One minute. he doesn't want council to ltcI' laid tor branch of regulations that - mach"! ot the depart-ot for m" orettrred "very reeentlr". brooch of variou- mlulon that 1 "There will he mme momma)- hne impound lint-o the investm- duiom pm before the whee tongue» into thin and worlinls of the mission in ile no" inure. and there (are. commenced" tte mid The Hill be â€no chi-[u hid melamine. go into Quebec to buy rubber hose, and in the next break he - I. to buy this, on product from In Ame rican firm." acting-mayor Acting-Mayor Sturm ruled AM. Bowman "out of order" when the lat- ter stood up to reply. “You have " ready spoken three times." sated the (hid Will Lay Charges Against Police (liiieers orrAwA.-At. I“. wt " KtqtHE.NnR,---msplrirttr to Aid. Jonah Moll-zingers "anthem that his “(mare action will depend largely on the altitude of the Chief ot Pt lice". Chief Consume William J. â€cannon and churn-n will be laid .eaitt.t some members of his force. Chief "Mum! "id an (IIII’IOS will be laid for branch of regulations that have occurred "very recently". 3mm Itearth lot Czech Sleuth i than. 'might “can†virtually a mu- ‘lionary government. with Mur- 'ters in qua of the cum I'd-sol ho German emu-tries. This we: {Toronto Report Gsereilital By Jhief Hodgson uaiunn it In In "t6Mrt a- ura-d teiuqr.r-taht-tqe .MShnmme-nm. “The victory will on...“ all m. Bent-l. new â€an: d the u no. at. u‘der 'eotoetetd' i, cuiMM1tt. muH. “It Ill! be It. vio- tqry or a tree Europe." _ ‘ “CuckoSloukh has not be. our uni.“ deck!“ New Yuk city'- ‘myor. “the republic has not been destroyed. Casio-Slovakia has - kidnapped. When the my†ee.. that 'reotoetorau. be all. the We of the thinner who - mean the child and: to -. In "raid. or murder: the our “Mr-Dr. m - ud Iayot (an-mu of I“! Yak not ham 3 Cleveland a“ fe Dr. Benet u-ithheld In W meat..oxpecled In lane at Ill Indie-Ice. outlining plum "lot In} mining rem-um: of Cacao-Sleuth in nation. outside the territory it- KtTCHENER_-"I don't think there is s word cf‘auth in the story de- voted to “lend remarks of seven! of my police constables." Chief Hodgson said the story fol- lowed his announcement that clurges for recent infraction of regulations would be laid against cumin onieers in the force. He said the morning article accused him of "hitting at members of the force without giving them an opportunity So asserted Chief Constable Wil- litsm Hodgson, referring to a dis- patch in a Toronto morning news- paper, stating that several omen accused him of unfairness. to hit uni-k." Would Give Reliefees Mallet To Break Up P. ll. C. Coke Reliefee Objects to "Arbitrary Attitude of Belief ofriein1sr" In His Case. _ TCIT-pi-tlt.' council took no action on the romplnint of a re- lielee. A. McNeil. that coke supplied by the Public Utilities Commission. was too large for use in small stoves. Ald. Jos, Meinzinger, in making the motion. said he had complete mm in the ability and judgment of the {Amity relief board. and felt the city council coutd depend on than. Md. Melnzlnger said that it they desired. reliefeec "can be applied with mallet: and hammer! and break up the coal to any sue. and do sev- eral ton: 1 day". Aid. Gordon Honsherger said that u relief matters bad been placed in the hands ot the board. council should not Interfere. He and that while he would not approve â€In: if? iiaGriritaiAnarCot the board to addre." council. he would like to hear him. Volunteering to address coutteit. Mr Hahn said that the public utm- ties commission Bad requested the relief board to assist them in "ro- in: of a surplus of role. um] that nu: boanil had amnd to direct all coke orders. to them during April. "We telt we were Nsrtifted in dealitttt with them as may no tt public con- rern." V stated. McNeil told "when he could not use theroV supplied him hy the PUC. He said he had unmatched both the relief ofnrer. an†Mabel Fell and the (human. Mr. Hahn. "I rather relented the arbitrary attitude taken by both than outcinls. Muse thtle they admitted l "9 correct in my contentlon. they potlu- ed to the doctaton ot the relief board." demand MrNMI. 'somnrny. _ _______ “When Ptemier ch-be-ir. lei , to Germany to learn Hitler's intu- tious. Hitler convinced the pea-in ----r-- lambto ll that his intentions were honourable. A n 0: Now It. Chamberth has learned In" much the Nazi Pietaer's word ) and protestations of honour mean. l e “The local Nazis are poor hib- ' _ tirmsot-st1er.tmttherd-t y , have to he expert-I in the art of :10†m aiaaiueetorieutheirloieyr.h. 1 mt when they expect a fut t from the city council. I a. are n 1 ------ that Nazi publications will not he , KrrtH_-More than 130 it. evidence, not will there be a he - umbton county has breeders mt swastika around. These will have kink there Tuesday in Kitchener and Waterloo. lheen removed before the alderlnen ' story de- «aha summing more! m come up. even if they are not al- of m City.' and particularly meat _ king really out of aiebt " . rplants. Four buses and a number or “Wore." continued Kon- table Wil- private cars brought the visitors to rad, ‘jnobody has neeused the man- '" . AU- the city. q leet tf, Je, 2testur1' Boi-The Iver-3e Inn-Ir: Im- eallneu over the international situ- ation tended to hem-e. Anxiety was ten lest the Bome1%rtin an: Involve Italy In I war in which lulu mama could he Involved hAs Value (lf Gmeil's Visit, To German Club and!" may. “W17- ppeoel on Saturday with In hunt not the W gtarat treaty mighty In demo-nod ad In M to mm pledg- lo up pro- tect Mill Nepal-duo. brought than mun-I †not]! “his: nwed"!!! our Got-n, in am - and will. htqiM u [an a could my: list a. count-ed â€smell Nets no stronger than an combined G-Atalian fleet by not. than m b -. PAmtF-DiNorraaMe quarter- u- (Waterloo Man ‘Hurt In Crash wpaAW--4'tttirtt upon-mo- av the speech as a possible “(can to pin] for time in which to - up the newly 2:113th â€:10th sotidarity. Under the leadership at E. I. In Loughry. agricultural representative tor Waterloo county. and A. “'auou. of the department of agriculture. To- ronto. the group “received the key to the city" from Norman RUter. no retary ot the board of node. Following dinner at St. Jolly" LI- xheran parish lull. Waterloo. the mi- tors inspected the recently construct- ed 515.000 hog-testing station, north of Waterloo, After hitting the tree the var spun around and cracked into another. Schmidt was taken to the hospital where he was treated try Dr. S. F. Wilson Gel-nth, Waterloo. Inf-f tered a possible fracture of skull and severe facial cuts Thursday' night when his car left the Guelph] Lynn} and crashed into a tree. l City fathers Clash h Semi- Monthly Meeting Motion Leaving " " I9c0"R-""."tr, null- a.) Man Has .Yen Saving Would Be Only For Goldfish , per T%onrer. Four Youths Cain Employment KITCHEN ER.--AS proof that the newly-omniud young men's hymn- ploymem Association is doing good work. president Lewis Hodpon void four members had â€cured employ- ment in [on then a were, _7 _ _ “Moon expressed the belief that the met-m of the made! of youths can be direct! attributed to inter- viem which WIT. of the â€socia- tion had with Iced m WALTHAI. '"...-rtto mt- Iecl 1'ttereoltegute live goidttsh ruining championship shifted to- dar to Gordon Somhtorlh. n "ml?!" " more than no spectators watched. Bonthh'orth slid 67 ttsh past his hm: In " gin-ate} _ He thus betterd by " the dif- nld record or Antert Hayes. Ill. Hunt-Insects Institute ot Tech- nology sophomore. who required " minntm lo nomtialo " Somhwonh quit only when the supply '13 nuns-led. Ilitfer's Speech lk. Hume's. Lynn Middle": Oliver-1U Mt; fuel-cl ind Suit-k- a... tteigt'gpgttett2Ant 'tyehtaeitiyhrtttrt,P £135wa Thom.b- iiiiiEEatiire?, council to will a. club. in we»: loam ,mttvaasAtheiyiitatiot-te.r, ope-ted by the Sakai and Martial». “inane-ores- ggigeghetgt,trg'ated forthitre-imieethw - In rsoeti.is_tmqqe,fororot_rNe. evening,nllthealdermenmtop 'irrthirenrdiookovttherye.e nisrtmrhattherseettatd hanit‘l med, will determine their “It see-s atrarrIe to use thrt eo-ii-u-Ht-eh-ini' tati-eo-rented-ke-iii' -uuefoopsht1texretth"yte “Citycouneil into be counta- utedNruviswdeeidedto_i-tb on the Sahel- and Sch-Ilia! tst.toi-whetherorqotft, uNnxicentre. T'hrmethodofin- ier.ta-idhewase- from the club for_hyinglo_uud a or hear. 7GriTiai GGaaA w" stations. Neither will they witne- ..,_violem or sun .Iraiid ertfrtt Melina-32F?! SJ": [khaki-it 1'Xéc6rding to Mr, Brmcher. an- ‘other shipment will leave shortly tor 'Middletott, Pl. bet-ship of the Sad-sen Ind Sdlnben club of being Nazis l have nude it more than) clear that I, who have been I member of tht club for three years. do not say that its members are Nazis. but I (by any that there is Nazi propaganda conducted there, and these pro-Nazis lave ' been running things pretty much as they have seen f.it. . -Trii Taa; t? /eako" n tint such . group will make itself scarce when than! when. titit tite eluk’f,, -irGiai “skirted that if city conn- cil does conclude there is some Haiku eonnerted, with the c125. "the Nazis will then new the alder-men of being Communists. “They will do that just as they have mused me nnd everybody else who his to expose them," he declared. f 'aT-tER.--)'-' by a Wanted debate. a motion hr Ad. s. P. shearin- that city council tte held on inns-mau- "on male-d of weekly Us at ureter". was date-ted hy conn- 'dl. Many Holsteins Shipped From This District Mr. Bruhaxher recently made an- other delivery of choice Holstein: to Newton. Na.. while a large shim at wont to the St. Thomas district. I Aid. Lavina said that met-(inn every other week wound be “(idem an the agenda was comparatively hint. "Wo need thtanreg and money would be and hr this move." he tainted. anemia: that 'ntttttiNicity of iertllre is no proof it is in the itV ,temu ot the tupayers'. Sprinz shipping or Holstein“. that tar, has proton to be very trial. according to A, B. Brawler. nt- enn slipper. f Dunn: rm statements which he pile-god inputs-d in the we“. AH. Len-me clued: "I don't know then ‘pomonal argumems are of any "he in I "e-ion. tut amordinz to n- qniromems of In aMermatt, us tatd Ion! by "Unruly-or "our: 8mm. I â€nun man be hither a "nut-mm of khan of which moro- In several inn thig rounrll. a man with all ht. d'lorom Malina.“ or a man will; Lain." Aid, A. 1. (“with objected stroll- only to remarks of Md. tactile. ts rrttard to a ,"nnnoman ot Munro". " that that ho cu dint-tin: tttat remark at me. but I will trit my re cord ot can!†to thr,g eity. “the“ (haunted on Pu. a) In t hate-ant Mr. Inland nil: m4.» MAL or "in; GiiG '25:...»- i than.