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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Mar 1939, p. 2

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cum-um.“- Bodochnd Midland-*0. duh; can!“ nub- ol - council, when Clio! Conn-bl. VII» mwnummd mean-mum. Phrumirttqeh+ maeingtroarteorm.ti-totAMtt- "tudatttatroeeobrtAonM-. "i-tua-tinner.-- -tag---'_tto+ “momma“ a',Leri.'g'd,,ru'"u'tgt,'lt er-tn-.-- I. (ultra! worn" Meinzinger Threatens To Hold ll, Police Estimates Squads of Fascist blacklhlrtl lined up at railway stations saluted them and otricials gave them a m welcome Many more will he brought back to Italy in coming weeks. Two lhiploads were schednld to arrive Wednesday from Southern France. Amonz them were meant“ pro. viding for mziitarization ot the en- tiro economic lite ot the nation at tho moment, of a generti or partial tgtotrmzation, tor dividing the coun- try into military zones for Idminise (ration of economic life in town. and tor distribution or no nuts to all Government nmployees god in- Roy1Eh--Three thousand In!!!” rammed to their homeland from France in the greatest mm move- ment yet undetaken in Italy's pro gram of repatriation ot her soul abroad. As the returning Italians "end the total manpower on which he ier Mussolini can draw in event ot 'ar. several recently adopted do "we: dammed to Rive Italy greater power in wartime went into elect upon their pub:ication in the ollclll gazette. no.ararrqnimoqt8T.000huurtiltt-r_H"-tattMr- Hat you. " an. m ham-nudism“. wou1tt.ro.'sdetor.MithrtaottAmo “lanklt'ollbo-lcbw olicorl. 81.00 in - am tw " may Ion 'rt1.Hovar, "" to crasatse,t"0torr-uere.'"0itatruAA1hit-r. flu-ht! They crossed the (render In In special trains, um to tho em. up during 1988 would to can; while cost at operation Incl-ad to 846.000. “Actually, then, the out at our police force is only 885.000 . year. which is the cheapest wand division in tho city." and CI” Roam _ The department “In“ 1,100 calls, apart Iron: accidents. to - iinled. Asserting that “Kitchen". A. had-Irma: mnyshovuwhh about the cleanest city in the no Vince it not the Dom” Chief Hodgson told council that tr, Dr. Latino the- menu MttV thero In: any criticism of the large not it he thought his one.” could number of otrieera kept on the main “you a We. tut.” street. "tt's because manure-01mm!i “I don't think (It: could.” lulu- million: ot dollars to he guarded teted AM. Hemline. "M such than." tut: were undo they would you), “The cost ot the police force in In] loan of the. had high blood Still another alderman. who coa- tended most of the money Va: NF united tor administration by the or ganizntion. said he believed volun- tary administration as was the cm "in the old days." While ‘admittedly not in favor of a 81.000 gram. another alderman aid he believed council would be “throw- ing cold water on a wonderful or- ganization" it the estimate of 81,000 was slashed too much. The grant last year wu only 8200. it was pointed out. for I" cruiser can and -- “but year. I asked for tho mm:- 62 six men, and I only got two." I. told council. “Addition ot more no ‘ould enable no to (in our In- no any a week " instead ot all. m - eight or nine dun.” . In urging the reduction. one alder- mn pointed out that the Red Cross Society annually collects about $5,000 from citizens, a large mount of which is sent "out of town” be any Italians Return From France “The cost ot the police force in Guelph mounts to $1.05 per units. stile in Kitchener the cost is only " can,” he sated. KITCHBNZR. - Kitchener city council Inst night commenced o threeday session to ttx estimtes and Get a tax rate. While at the ho was of the year Mayor George W. Gordon urged all spending bodies to reduce wherever possible, estim- ntoc showed an increase of $37,737 over last Tear. _ The Turin City Humane Socloty‘l Wr- IM A 0.1mm. Mrs. estimated grant was cat from 8400 Is N“. aba. A. 'Rrettrr. In. Hoyt! to 3300. while 3200 ns slashed no]. Becker. In Gordon W. In. A. the estimate ot $500 for miBee11a- ITottitnatesr. In. Stanley mlbornmd neon: grants. The biggest reduction Mrs. Edgar Lnlcl. A duet In ten- came in the grant to the Red Cross dered by Mn. S. Hinton and Mrs. Society, after a ttattaiiar debate. C. Sun! and a radium: "Prayer" The grant was tentatively reduced 'ras given hr In. " Wife. from 31.000 to $500. l ----.-. while in Kitchener the cost I only Aid. Mmc In“ It might be " can,” he stated. advisable to can!» tho won: - No. AM. Henry Slum then brought up t itrty Inn " n Minn for no the question of police oncol- spend- hr the allot”. In (hm etch any. Indications are at present that tho min rate cannot be any better mm the same as last year. or 42.75 nuns. According to the estimates report presented by Louis Dahmer, city treasurer. tho tentative tax rate tor 1939‘h 44.153, or 1.403 mills higher than last year. At the suggestion ot Mr. Dunner. council. utter hearing all delegations. SNACK“ estimates or grants ttmt. They succeeded in tentatively M3 8300 on this department. n on." "Ir-z [tut-cull HH‘IOI’ fwd-nu} ”pm-aw nlu' ”10“ r'"Vatr "I‘m "'mpo- p The our“ m 15., m - vnu Begin Hope - I f" days rarily I III-nu that can! CHI! " -.. o- tt Toronto "I. '00. ':=.u-_=T.._--"T.'=---t==t===t-r, be M”. In" - "HI" " - h' si,' and In Noah lumen um!1 , "PIG!” nun n have”, sun - I . . . k S'.'",.:'."".' ”$3.333" an and . - mn Run" of out were Thursday' Iml': “pm“ colds and I rm , _ T _ 1,, m n "a"... Nb a - mum's at the hon. ot Mr Ind Mrs , , lam on 1u"'.,d'"g,Trt,e, p?“ KN! FYied and CI"!!! It the homo WWE r limNitl by am C, urn vita tn wrangl- D" K F' In... mum " a than in. ttro v-t. Ir ttttd In; Elm: Stoltz, ll I rr‘guhr am 0' oh-and h-mn I try les' uni I. w M _ I,")'.','),',':',', 90“. 'l7'dt u, on cum Inna-e mm aprm a " an .- 'eel I a D (h N F d " o,"'.",'.':',',,,,':')" T,,',',),,"',,:,,'"',',":,'.,'.' Ta"". Fomo of the forncr’l pron“. Mr ( r. 339! car .09 H mu» " on" " u m mama. .4 - and In. M Dacha " Wu“...l (ONYAINS V'Y‘um ‘ Pa p um..uM--numhnoh-_hnn F Fi-Grad-Gai; JGa irr."ir'TaurG ‘n Turnnto “I "I. . who. win at an”... a . Mr nd In. Hoary Inma- “Itl luv-'2'- nan...“ II- III . I. qtTrt. Russell of can we. mm.“ "h.", V,'".,,' N; an. d m Huron at the 30-. of It. In! In. 5t,r'=o'ltutg'Tgr,,t,t.etner?'h, 'Yfedaqde.ttednttBettomr t t , 'tt' "'"U' tr. I", Mr and In. liner Stole; l mu alt,. = Itt..= Itat. Mrs [one Md all non. Orrine.’ "c,',,"d ttt,'T,iVr.tQ spot“ a few in. but tool at (lei M" - "- home of the - mln. If. ”Hm IQ " In! 'teMtqtr I 'lall"llT2.. 1'Tdl'"..l'2"d'a'U8f and It! .8 In” " WWI... Valium of Slolen hitts--ileal Ulcers aa auiuGri aa - i...‘ TGiiii "'53": MYonlayRedleo Tentative llliill Rate ls Mill And Hall Higher hid-no. "can“ Ar Clint - _A Simple lie-oi Trent-qt _ Miss Jean Marsh-ll In. hasten to the girls taking the ttomeanakitut (protect. “Dressing Up Homegrown Vegetables" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stalls on Suntan] snor- ‘noon. This In. the sixth meeting of the club whose members are Jean Marshall, En Becker. Jean Fried. ‘Helen Kaiser, Dort- Mamhalt and ‘Evelyn Hinton. Nunavut-ballad. n.3tnatrarohre_t-" Ltee, eel. hilt-0. in all. WWsmhum }“lkmlbed-dbuw Ginreriett Mr. and In. Canon Hula“ and son. Gerda ot no" Plan-1m. Tuit. at! It I). Ion. of Mr, and In. A. C, Hrrker "can”. Many Take Part _, gln Unique Service' Tho members of the Sundey School of the Evmgelleel chant: held en en- joyable social at the home ot (Mr. and Mrs. George Barge " Cranium. Mr. Harvey Hallman presided for a short Humour man And genes were also enjoyed. The serving ot lunch nought the evening to e clue. The February meeting of the locll Women's Christin Temperance Union wu held at the home ot In. A, Sherby in! Wednudny “mi-noon, Mrs. J Hope In in charge of the "ovotlonal period and In. Omn- bach etmduetqd the am. study. Mrs. A Shelby. the Mom. pm fnr the human- Its-son. H cf f Stanley and dtaty Elmor- "'vrl, . hminm th‘ltofl In Toronto Ias' Tuesmy. Rev. . sum of Munich m I Sunday 'tent of It. and In. Win. Deoreller. “bow-Ivan...” .et..-P-. "St-ttq-tM-ttV -ttri-rvritrrmtoh9r., imnttt'. - 1 (mutual-caution.- w.tt.T.u.' um Rer E, - of Mannheim occu- p "f tho pulpit of the United Breth- -Htt church on Sand-y evening In uh shame of the pastor. Rev. E. ing discussion on the to'plc “looking at Penna through Chrutinat Brea" at the U. B. Christian Endeavor meeting held at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Wm. Bottoml- last Wednesday evening. Mr. George Perm: rendered the solo. "He Lives" Iceman-Med on the violin hr Mr. Goon. nope. Jean Marshall Host To Sunday School Children a Replace. PIMP. wave-Mmuhuorhocuy "ws-o-re-ht-ooo “Rewriting-detain- AM. Dr. B. P. Lam haunted mommwampua oncol- are "mm. "Inna theirea1tthetntit.toohuhoe ad: “an ot my to low. ttmiqhtheaetdtde.torrovuo than with Idiot.” ”but“. The chief tn admitting that com ('.u'd,".'a'z,ulter'ftt'l": weighty “do. and: _ u no IClutches. milder! tor the World Day of Ptbrer service tn the Dan- gellal chi-1th Inst PtHar afternoon. The following ladies led in tho print- ed form of oorvics and allot-ed ttrar- ers: In. C. Sums. Mrs. Tolford onto mrtteo" for”, and an member of the an wash at but 800 I Mrs. J. H. cue-much and Mrs. J. Hope. presidents of the Women's Missionary Associations of the local museum! and United Brethren "Looking At Politics" Theme Mr. J. Hope conducted an Interest- , Mr. and Mrs Ralph Copley spent the week-end with the latter's' par- lems. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Doerr at 'Kitettenee. lemons, Oranges EGrow ht Dundee ! The local Public School hockey: The report shows a slight menu. new suffered defeat at the hands of i of pesons on urban aid from both 'the Flames School team in an ex-',thrttyher, 1938. and November, 1987. citing game played on the dam InstiPersons on agricultural aid In No- ;Samrény afternoon, when the score,vernber, 1938 showed a season in- gresulled in 11-4 tor the visitors. cl‘mse from the Preceding month but ! Rev. H. F. Schade occupied the pul- a major reduction from November, pit ot the Philipsburg Baptist Church 1937. ,on Sunday afternoon. I The figures show 142,537 fully em- I At this time ot the year when citrlu jfmit plays an important part in a 'healthful diet. it may he ot interest ito note that three women in this .Lommunity hare had much suceels in growing one ot the many varieties l---the lemon. Miss Lily Lautenschla- iser, Main St.. has the distinction in! outing the oldest lemon tree in _the village which is 28 years ot age 'and has borne fruit practically every irear since its maturity. Two years pro Miss Lantenschlagr's plant yield- ‘ed a lemon weighing 18 ounces and only last summer the crop included libreo odd-sized and well-formed lem- fy': Mrs. George Elnwachter who also owns one of these unusual 'plants tor this section ot the coun- Arr remembers that in January. 1938, she picked a lemon weighing one pound which contained sulricient juice to make three delicious pies. Mr. IN Mrs. Garfield Weher and son Paul spent the ,reehmd with Mr. and Mn. Elwood Weber at Wind. mr and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warm a? Detroit. S)dnoy Home!" has tnored to tho Weber apartment; where he will openn- his shot: my." shop temper mrtlr. l .111. Austin Bricker of Rooevllle spent a few days of last week with he? daughter.’Mrs. Merle Coleman and In. Coleman. Visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber on Sunday were: Mr. Fred RUF-tter of Waterloo; Mrs G. Tuchlinski. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Her: no! Messrs. .Clarton "Vher and Gilbert Smith of Kitchener. ' Mrs. Arthur Bécker. the Misses Ruth and Ellen Becker and Mr. Porcr Baku of Kitchener visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. George K'mwachter last Wednesday. Mrs. Levi Sararas. Mn. Clue Hilborn spent the past week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown at Plate ville where she was nursing her stun. Mrs Prod Howe, who II! seriously in with pneumonia. Mr. Gifford Waterman of Gait caued.on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Water- man on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. John Eterdee of Wil. IrasmstraN tisited with Mr. and Mrs. William Egordee Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egerdee on Sunday. The Miss” Mamie and In Shark ot Kitchens: were Mrs. Levi Sararas. on Sunday afternoon. I The figures show 142,537 fully em- Rev. E. Sider of Mannheim was in ‘pinyahYe persons receiving urban " charge of the Sunday morning sar- ir November. 19T8, an mm ot Vice at the United Brethren Church [151 per cent. from October, " per in the absence of the pastor. Rev. E. ‘cent. from November, 1937, and 35.. Gingerieh. jper cent. from November. 1936. Personals. 1 Total persons of " donut!!! Miss Thelma Boshart of Preston spent the week-end with her mother, In. B. Boshart. Mrs. James week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder visited with th latter's sister. Mrs. S. Stahl at Galt last Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith visited with their son. Mr. James Smith and Mrs. Smith at Detroit, Mich.. over the week-end. snis Mutenschlager is also in 1309 session or an orange tree which bears fruit annually and this winter pro (laced three of the luscious timit Maine: Whip Dundee. Mrs. William Goettling has the youngest of the three lemon plants which is now two years of age and which. within the past two weeks yielded a lemon weighing one-half a pound. Them plants are of the dwarf variety and grow to a height ot am proximately two feet., requiring plen- ty of sunshine and moisture. They nower most ot the time but accord- in to the ladies it is very ditrieuit n: the little lemons to form as many ct. the blossoms drop all. It aka nearly a year for a lemon to mature. . .W'FAC‘I'S 'Lri'IET18llrd ”manna! Human. ugh-Mm. mam immunity-sum, ,uulmnomm """"'8MERErT1 Kellsey spent the relatives at Kitehen- NEW DUNDEE no Sherk nest: ot Mrs. Clayton Moss spent Walnu- day with her sister. Mm. In Zoller of Breslau, u?“ Vornnlra mm of Kitchener, an.“ no“ spent Sunday with Mildred Weber. i - 1mm: vicitor, at the home of Earl Mr. John K. Schmidt or manor Snider wpre Mr. and Mrs. Melvin wen! u few any. in! won Mth Mr. Snider and ramlly of Blair, Mr. and and Mn. Chm” “RIM. Mn Harry Snider, daughter 1m Mnmmlbmdlndullm'. Ann of Prostnn and Mr. And Mn Juno. Ind Victor and "eghtqr' nmm Jnntr. at Waterloo. can. and Theron of new out Mrs Lrri Hangman ot Brain Sunni" alternoon n (to Ion. a! vic,'rrl vN-h urn Ben Lichty. re Mr. Loni! Preitr-. (Amh- Atw PM. Ji,, w, y Shana-spent and” Mr. and In. Join My! ad Mr. l, 'h Firm" and Grave Shun ot and Mn. Andnw Lips at“ tho Stcau1ru/tr tuner-l of tho man not“, In. Sr-' w» l ml Mr. Mum! sum 1min In“ a mmo. - rvntw 1mm] «Moral of their friends Cl}. __ --- - V; w, u and Mr. Mttrrel Sailor arm-L titted mural of their friend. or this virlnity at their home and”. prior to their hula: m. may» hood Ahout thirty or the young maple horn this community gathered " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ernst on Tuesday evening in honor of the approaching marriage of Misc Muriel k, mat and Mr. Norhmut Bowman " Waterloo, which will take pm unort- ly. During the evening game- tad mntests were played. Mr. Arthur Baker made an impromptu speech on behalf ot the group. The bride and groom to be were the recipients of many useful gift... Lunch was tho Floyd and Chrig Each tad Delbert nontrarrsr of Fairview, Mick, I'm Sunday melts at the home of Clay- ton Weber. I The member: ot the Baptist You; meeting at the parsonage on loudly Peeple's Union held their weekly evening with Miss Doris Beehhel pn- siding. knowing an opening em Arervice Miss Grace Tainan read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Roy Gild- ner ave a reading entitled. "On To Pentecost". Mrs. Harold ithif we seated the topic, “The Croce end the World". Miss Betty Tnchlinlhi rendered a vocal solo and Rev. H. F. Sehade gave a few remake on the topic. tr "1‘; Mrs Abam Horst or W. mira vlsned " the home of Goon. Weber and also Mr. Ephraim Weber. Me Walter Steiner and dingh- tcr Grace of Guernsey, Sal, were recon! Tuit-trs at the home of Mn. Ben Uchty. . Farmers and their “millet rocolv- i::g agricultural and In November “ere 240.025, an increase ot 88.2 par mm. from the previous month but A, decrease ot 33.9 per cent. trom No. temher. 1937. Saskatchewan " muntod for M.1 per cent. or 203,590 of the total, Total persons ot all domain ePassifieatious on urban aM (Indul- ing fully employthle, will”) ell- ployable. unemploynble and non- srorker) were 532.197 in Novomhor. 1939, compared to 473,261 the pre- vious month and 513.475 in Noven- hor. 1937. Seasonal increuel from Oc:oher were reported from all pro- vines. orT'AWA.--Persons In Canada rs. ceiving urban or agricultural old In November. 1938. numbered 772.221, a (increase at 11.9 per cent. from a year ago, but an increase ot 19.4 per cent. from October, 1933, according to revised November tigares of the national registration tabled by labor Ministers Rogers in the Home of Commons. ' Doris Bechtel Presides at Young People's Crokinole Party. Mij,s Marjorie Schweitzer enter- tamed 13 young people at a delight- m crokindle party at the home at Mr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alum Schweitzer but Saturday evening. Dainty refreshments *ere served u The report shows a slight menus of pesons on urban aid from both October. 1938. and November, 1987. Persons on agricultural aid in No- the conclusion Report Decline In Urban ’ Relief GERMAN MILLS m. y Shawn-spent and” Erma and Grace' Sham ot in. John Och-Id! at inn-u out PM” All - with Mr. at In. nm men-n We an glad to mart that Hum Henry ”nun in recovering “to? Al attach of manual“; Mm LII. - of Kimble! Maura. Harry and Alex Inner of Winterbourne wore My mum- at their home hm. , The Now Humbug Tar! Club held , o F the and“ dinner a the Commie! Neighbours Mark Hotel on Tuesday evening. The e. e tttrt had more! - who had Anniiversaries On lped to make tho mud no. noel _ a success. Lloyd Nepal, "will. Same Day mmmuter end unauthoee‘ present for . few ondI. Every one. -.--... ----- gt,',d'.'"g, ','t'del""t, stuff,', 'tit u'lt,utt', meta??? at'.", 2r ',df. t1"h"','grd'rdTl'dl ”Tm. ho'nor to Turyer Howell and - M Mr. . lbert Chaplain end Norm: " native town. There will be two Bnd Mm A race meet: this "sr. and Mr. and Mn Ephraim Shine. end Streets CI red f W h 1iiritli. celebrated their wedding an- The a: 'lld tlt "I niverurlee on Wedmdu evening a we. " o - or In! week. They all gathered at made the eureeuot New Bentham NV the home of Mr and In lphnun ther wet. Wm. Penn. town (man. Elan... . . had the lumen tn good chm used the - run "my my nieetr. |sew-nwrmu- Veer. Young. Illneee Del-ye Work. _ The well drlllen " the new milk P,fgt,52i, '2f"2'.'"g,'l"ll,rt at? nominating ,rL',',',,Wd, Aaron Jamal Ind dmhter New ng to all ty W" end eon Lloyd at Weueeley end Mr. the work wu delayed tor home the. end In. Allen Jami and {any m Reg Berger ot “M "W“ . Mr. end we. LeRoy Schlegd sur- tew "rs with WW“ Sum“ mud Mr. mum B. an": In honor Mark. 70th Birthday. ot hi- Nth birthday on Sunday. _ The family ot In. George than gathered on sud-y to honor her WM COMM! Meet. on the oeenaionpf her '0ttrttirthdar.' Rev. J. P. Barthel ol Kitchener Pen-lone "mung-tor Here. ,, win be In charge at the meeting It Mr. Harry Bulmer ot than“ was a week-end visitor with " ma. Mr. um In. T. A. minor. Mrs. Fraser. Inn-untol- of old no pension. And molhen' allow-neon. I'll In New Hamburg on In omen! vim u kw a." no. Till Not Negotiate Further tn- sum-(wot mmmwuu chm we... in “I! We! at...“ oo, no “tutor-Imam... g'.drt.2trgdt""""'"" “I.“ “am-mama..- magnum-om mm.‘MJ.Lb sandman.“ We plan. W with (I. sultan will may mu - thud. Woe-I no no -." At noon all”. thotr9oqttP tmavuhvlnoultm umbeoolu 11nd”. nu.“- an thallium-thump”!- mm In in. mm " - ployouunrunltotmou-lh She .uuzuwuulymm but“. eoasd.tuoaatasbttttt_ .randWatqettttt. "rtudMttuitto-utV an mgteog" it an abbot qrrtghqg. “can. who dqatgqd in In. to rennin unknown. and no um. "No nutter what hm no mm- orl my neck. now. will not I.” bulnou to In W to"! this you,” he mortal. In n unto-non! and In. - tho striker: all: “Our my“ lot I Macon not but have... to al- st'tprortesem'raeomtst.rtot_ mule. Leading to an labor Guam, one” on“ at the - nmn otiatror of m Dot-Inla- at Cantu. the out of um m noun!- ed in the nut low nun. “Prom therotntotvi.qroetmr watt. we - the be”... from the m: ot - of the that out all!“ wound the hunt... from the noun ot V!" ot tho donut)!!!” otraHirsqtttosta+otthitn our community sonar-ll}. tho VII. increase to "an.” . Annual Dinner NhtcettpottatimeawoHtooha up and u alumna!» raccoon wt Ion cl” our " eyes. The III baked it And whonthowdlwunp he could ot lee. A brown bird - along and licked tho claw from the worn eyes sud tn summing the vol! led the brown bird to who" tho ht. dian got his red cells» Shoo than the bad In. been comma." Turf Club Hold Reeve Hummer ha all“ 1 met- lnc ot the people of New and)“ to beholdln therLthearrHatioaNow day overine, March th " 8 o'clock when the lehool bond will be asked At New Hamburg School Vote ht Hamburg Mar. 13 The New mum School not“! "5'”, At P-st. have Issued 471 Inna letters to the l The» born I distance who attend- anpnyorI of New Hutu-x. The ed the men] of the has mm. Bor pmporty men will be and to mm m: Hem. Norma, Irvine Tote on has. 1m. land 81h. Baum an Em Ter The cudhul mm hue shown no lately. One will boy discount] an lumen story than the may“: In the book- recnutly mm by do New lumbar; Library Board (or the school pupils. to explain the whole prom. Common Scene WALLINSTIIN Sunday waning. Owen Bowman left Thursday. by Mr. and In. My Gem-col and motor for North Bay, Mrs. John Mr. I’m been: And Mr. and In. III- uld non Elwin, who have npent Dun In“! of What Cantu spun nun] month. with relative here, Sunday wlth Mr. 3nd In. Alvin "turned with him to their home in Schhxol In hat but Hunt-vino. I an. and In. cum: surnam- her and amilr “(I Mr. M In. Aaron Jamal Ind dmhtcr label and non Lloyd at Walk-lay Lad Mr. and urn. Attnn haul and family And Mr. and In. Lonny Behind In!» prlud Mr. Chrlu B. mm tn honor or " Nttt blrlhdsy on and”. _ Witt Conduql Meet. Ru. J. P. smite-l of Kitchener will be In charms of the mean; It 3.45 o'clock " the Banana] Church In Wilma! Gonna on and”. March Sth. Mr. and In. Henry Down-n and daughter Don- and“ the an": wedding “Mural-y of It. and In. John Bonn-n In New Humbug on Saturday waning. Mn. Gideon Hum-char and In. Wilma Han ma In. Wellington nectar and I]. Myrtle launcher nttegtded a quilting hold u the hon. ot Mr. tutd'MN. A. Kin“. in Kitch- ener one day of tut we“. mm m: Hem. Norman, Imus land sun Baum 1nd Em 'ritops (ot Ohio, wand Mn. Joe Mn. Mr. John Martin uni Mr. Noah Mar. tin, Pain, In. Theodore BW, Mr. and In. Ell 'Martin, um Martha Mania. Mr. Allan Until: Ind Mr. ‘Joo Horst ot Mannie, Maryland. Mr. Edwin Bantam ot Martian. {Min Wda‘ Balm, Toronto. in. culord 0mm ot Natchez has been employed try Mr. (Lloyd - tot the coming sen-on. ' Mr. and ‘n. Vic Woolner and Mr. 'Wea. Adol h of Bridgeport spent my evening with Mr. and Mn. Cart Steppler. Recent Villlorl with Mr. and Mn. Jaw]: Sunder were: Mr. and Mn. Sun Lehman and son Gerald or W.- harlot); was Ruth Lehman and Mr. 1W than; Kitchener. In” [Nam - ot Preston uni Mr. Ind Mrs. Allan answer. " Hr. Harold Dedels of Kitchener upon! Sunday with Mr. Eul Moder. In. Mano Nader entertained the “130' AM to a quilting on Wednes- and In. “on! Shams. PINE__ HILL Neighbours Mark Anniiversaries On Same Day Mill Mxnlo Pack of Ginsburg. Mr. Mound and mm Brat Ore-mu of Shun: Station, Mr. Elna Hot-It and Mr. Curtis Brubmkor ot St. " ed!» were Sunday Vishnu with Mr. Mum! Colo. Quito A number m an: district attended the Isle of Funk 01mm not: Now Genny on mum. _ m- 21mm Sash Ivan the week-end with Min More Hear st Kitchener. . -iir.ard In. J. our: - . my day- in Toronto an. took. Many At Pun-ml. Thou born I distance who attgnd- Mrs. A. C; Snider entertained some ladle: " a, quilting op Wednugiqz. ROUNb TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS from KITCHENS]! Classes [by Steele n - _ - IU'"" DIDDLD: manna ttP.PRMlR,0-etr%t M n - To WINDSOR. DETROIT, $4.10 Equally low has from all adjacent C.N.R. Stations. "e----'""""""'"""""',',"] CANADIAN NATIONAL tt * " llt3lMl .. - - _ H - - I “a non-M \\ I l \\ " "m2; l / I SEiiE min-mu! Lwnnv“. 'GGidiAr-r_t. ”Much-3' smut: we: 10 - ll - To CHICAGO $12.00 t. Y.- n.- wen be Ihmugh'v v:- _ LI - [l I The I"! wttt be rm!“ to you! 7 mac - _ --_ - I. I". “II-'- tbttrd In your Indi- rl , "can hum.- 6. Tho tttur""'" “lull-cho- In - t l “M "I "w "um-No. " Kitchener- , , Reliable STE EL E s mm... _----..- tor thirteen Mum! Punctuation. Mrs. Edward Snyder enttyrttrhted the lulle- ot the neighborhood n I quilting. Tue-day afternoon. ' Mr. tad Mrs. Melvin Martin, Har- Md and Stow-n, Mrs. o. P. Bauman spent Sammy with relatives in Kit. elm”. A number from here “tended the mutation which was held near ”album Tuesday evening for Mr. uni In. Wm. Burke, John and Sadie, who are moving into Millbank. hav- ing mently sold their farm to Mr. Lela ot Tut-took. Min Lana Martin v of Kitchener went the week-end at her home here. Illa Mabel Wadswen went. the week-end It her homo in Sanford. MI» been when” visited with Mm Elvin: Bowman. Sunday. Mines Minuet Ind Dell Harm mom! Upon: Thursday alternoon with Min Eliza Forrest at Musselburg. J. Yum. Mil-es Gladys Yutzi and Alene Shut: ot Waterloo spent the week- end with the farmer's mother, Mrs. Mis- Madeline Bender spent the week-end with Mr. md Mm. Aiian Bordon _ Sou-chin; crews. summoned to the mine in Dry Canyon. round the body of Bart Hen-ix. of Salt Lake City. buried under four feet of snov end ice. Still missing were Clarence M. futon. 25. and Edward Roberts, 36. both employed by the United Sutee Smeltinx, Rettinintr and Mining Cour my which open-nee the lead end silver mine. ' The slide. born ot a blizzard that blocked road- into the area, demo. lished the superintendent's house and bunkhoueee. _ It hurled an automobile, suggesting the remote mummy other person: might be lost. Mrs. Margaret You and can Will "ttttd recently with Mr. Ind In. David You at tlrtwtslridga. opmR, mah.--Wear, miners and townspeople probed the depths ot I 80400th twnunette for two miw ers. companions of n 57-year-old blacksmith who died In a slide that leveled buildings at the Hidden Tree-we Mine near here. Snowslide Cuts Swath In Utah paw" ' -- alums Les meats A QUIII’. WELL CONDUCYID. OOIVIIIIIT. IODIII IO. .00. MOT"-" WITH “I'll ' 'IIYE Fol FOLDEI III! A " LII‘I TAXI no. - OR WKlMtF--2Bet FLORADALE KINGWOOD in“: $71.40

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