Harry Grundenberger Ind Walter Geiger, both P.D.D.G. Huber: of the Odd Fellows, attended a banquet of the P.D.D.G. Masters held in A. R. G. Smith attended the monthly meeting of the Old Age Pensions. Mothers' Allowance Board held in the Court House on Friday, November 25th. Thirteen applica- tions for Old Age Pensions and two for' blindness were disposed off. Miss Nye of Hamilton, a new in- vestigator added to the provincial mg, wns_intrpdufed to the Board. kitchen» on Wednesday evening. Hany local friends of Nancy Leis, who died at her home in Wellesley last Saturday, attended the funeral on Wednesday afternoon " Maple View Cemetery. Wellesley. De- ceased was a residence of New Ham- burg for several years. Attend: Mehug. A _ - - Per. " “which Elnyet a duet "Allegro and Ronda".l After “tending his father for is: Fisher sue a reading. Mine many months, fo owing an unfor- Grace Peacock end Mrs. f3onver,tynnte per-lytic stroke, Mr. Done an: "On Wings of Bone". F1orerrtisi,?rrxyrmeit left on Monday for De- Dengis " the piano and Marguerite tron whts.re he will resume " for- Geiger " the organ phyed the duet per position. Mr. August Pete,', "Adoration". Donald Vettor song I! new hem: cared for at the one "The Two Grenndiers". This wee of his son, Herman, followed by a vocal quartette, F'lor- My. end Mrs. L. Ruth were in ence Dengis, Florence Ridden, Gme Hymn on Wednesday evening to Peacock and Mrs. Convey, who snug visit 1rrts.. Ruth’s father, Mr. VOW“, “Love Came Ctmintt". who. radii]. 1atxitreidner accom- The prognmme opened with on organ solo by Donald Vettor, "Om- bra Moi nr". Katherine Thom-a and Fried: Mods, consistent winners of gold medals " musicul festivals, byet a duet "Allegro and Ronda". Bis: Fighet Rave a. redintr, Miss The Young Women's Minimal-y Society of Zion Evangelicol Church with the chum-nee of the Zion Bvantteiieal Church orchestra gave I musical evening on Wednesday eve- ning. The lac-l young people were assisted by Glenn Kropf. Donald vetor and Geraldyne Fishep - _ Musical Program Is Presented By Hamburg W.M.S. unnu In plats. - I)! me If... it. Stroll ems-me. laugh-om I hun- dred and fifty to two undred feet high. In the neighborhood. wild fruit was ubuudnnt. including plums, cherries and hqeku-berriii end butter-nuts, beeelmuu and base]: nuts grew in profusion. 1 "Bere, also. then ere two Maths roughly parallel, the dietence be- tween which, from crown to crown, h from seventeen to nineteen feet. "This lend is covered with n dell-e Ertt.tt tf Line. up†of the trees“ "A roman of the bank still been!) e in one hundred feet long. on etch side of which there has been a ditch. In nu tf/tttdnt', not so much plough: has an done, and there the k may be followed fat 'e'tgt g, l, tgte,tt -e ee e e from four to six Net, the letter be. ll; slang the side of I and] gully. - so "II-m “an! -v Fau In "in. kT. “NEW 'Peel,','; TAt “I. " ttttrt tho .. "Whoa-all: 'ty,i11tto.ti, Innulnm‘ 'tttttttttmei/utensil': m tiitWil'Nl%'thll'l'tt: Ml. ettiseri. m’vie . ' T 3 an: and Waterloo to and what} muonmmm-o- 1','e,,Pt.t'Ltl?,tg.tHltr.ltiiEitleift""Jl'St"",t"t'l the .atggtral "Ygeet','..a Iurort "bim- rm 'll'tuh.nrttt Nov W at: m: b Bum]. . In. “The ttmt earthwork visited this “gamma, Jt.utth a. Eh'inepwitdh,t 'ltt,2tr 'att. tttta/ttTrl arL.ttr, - or a a n as , tter:, dunhu'?a°fhg:r Ytgl the rir,iried .In Bot' o, e . “I . map-JIM by $00113 8231:. . Are I "Men most u t are It out. who 111:?qu much of his ungOn Departure foal will,†“awakening [lf) - . y - I eonaiderabU collection of material d'ST, stt2'Ctt.t,,Apu, ht illustrative of only life in his neigh- l Ila-hm “a: ii?i',ii'iiy,'iil. “Although mtltimtion ttnn to . 1t,1AtfAtf mtihr,tt2g 2t Inge extant_levgllod the bulb m- "um and other friend- g... rout-din: this "um me, “out†bled n the Mad of In... rem-ins toyttow. that they formed I Robert nnd Geo Smith and It tae l"g',',',.i"tP, 301°" "trt mm Smith 1','th them union-ml nun-acres. sen man "u.hthuCiGtTGiir'iTaririiiti"ii; all! trout strum 'r'l',',li'i',iuti"t', their iiii'iil . mp close by. '2fhu'.t2.otecAyetE __-___- “if 'ddl'dh'NS'dt Recall Discovery Of Man flelies Reported In 1895 NEW HAMBURG _-._.v-. -i_9r. V'Irl 1v Juana uxu. Mr. Wilmer Weieker of Trochn, Alberta, spent I few a“: with re- latives and friends. ey spent their holidays here during the sum- mer but Mr. Weicker came cut again to more his new at. l The death of Rev. J. A. Schmitt at Kitchener at the ripe age of " were, recalls the feet that he was in charge of Zion Evangelical Char-chief! we; {Query-go. 7 mer position. Mr. August Kro is now being cared for " the Eome of his son, Herman. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruth were in Elmira on Wednesday evening to visit Mrs. Ruth’s father, Mr. Volain, who is ill. Louie Seigner accom- 1£anied them and called on several of ', is Elmira friends. lire. Arnott Ballingal and Mrs. William Graham of Galt, accom- panied by Mrs. Frank Tye and two daughters of Sedgewick, Alberta, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Puddicombe on Tuesday. Mrs. Tye and family are en route to her for- mer home in Scotland. Many will remember the late Mr. Frank Tye, who was a son of the late R. C. Tye, near Haywille. we Former Punter. , ------- I e a e _ The Wilmot Tmmahip srtieBissatidied With Telephone Com-human with i??) man Ed. Diehel not at the home of q g. and IR A. as. Smith on Ikilhg crew uraday. e repo on construc- tion for the year showed that the linea are being kept up to a good ------.---. star-dent lane Warning To Man at Work So far no ice storm has canaed on (human. Scheme any damage. A; a precaution. the --- Commissioners decided to i?l'igi') Members ot the Grand River Coa- . Itoeh. of Mt' to .have. on W- eervation Commission, meeting in rg,'l,rgi,gr, qt "aim the - Kitchener, Thursday, urea-ed db tme eon 1'd'lffh', X I Eiiiiiiiiiii:'n, with drill work mg as?" tuladone are n d ed to done by a Motion-contractor. Chief mu mn. mg. at wat, the 'lNlrriihiugr'tart','tg"at recipient of the T. ton Special for . l the highest number of inta won tion is forthcoming. a replacement " the Wilmot School Fara. Min Tritt tte neceeeary. McIntyre is . grand-daughter of The engineer advised caution in Mrs. J. Leaching“, who is " present the matter however. will"!!! out visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. c, s, that the contract had been "Not by Shanta in Kitchener. {the Sndhnry Dialling! Drill 00.. with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gale of Cnt- whom the contains u had contract- ‘gary. Alberta, called on friends here ed. on Thursday while on a trip can: "We've trot to warn them that Mrs. Gale is a 'Ire', of Mr. Jacob things are by no means satisfactory Wigner and 'IN warns Si.",',',',.',',:.",'.', tint they are Igetting “53,5" all was rn cw m lug. Ia awful meal," stated r. erel. a is Ir 'tNe,' east since d:he 'egfg moat be done through the Sndhury wen eaten Cana en - company. as the London man in "'i,pe" ago.“ w ' " ' really only an employee." or n n luv u. a 4- - - -- - A - Telephone Lines Not Damaged So Far By Storms but to trg.rg may. of Now all- â€I. "new Inch-nod ‘tho home In“? oomph: by If, Wm. Savior on family. ohout sixty 3058th and other friend: nuan- bled " the Mod of In.“ Robert and fit','tMret and [3 Boom Smith to them adieu and wish them continued good health in their new home. A Very Meaannt "win: was spent and they won presented with on electric helm, able long lad electric iron Tho, moved to or Hamburg on “my. l Halli-[LGIWH =t.d2ttr.et2EiiiiaAiLi? '.etr:afth--iUTihifr ,'pit1t'tp2Wtdtee25iiii; moo-mm . i Pinon! Coupie On 25th Anniversary German Elections Made Easy For Affirmative, While admitting the urn had only been on the Job since October " Mr. Acres minted out it woo only o two- month program, and required o little "tortthnndednmm" on the part of the commission. Commission Are The ballot reads: "Do you tteh- nowledge our Fhehrer, Adolf Hitler. the llbemtor ot Sudden- lnnd, and do you give your vote to the list ot the Nathan Sock}- lst Gsrman Labor mm?" York. Ihe bride tanned in I 'eammsrrortauitotdtmmhi%GhG tyrqoqt,xrithnee-oriutomatetl." 1CthfAimtur-ditiuridGi â€WAN. Gait. tiiiijiiiiiii1iiiiiptatee Fa. 'rhtB.BehemsrogNewtrGL. Heading the list are Hitler and two Sudeten Nazi leaders. Kon- rad Heulein um Karl Termunn Frank Beneath are u circle about 1% inches in diameter tor the answer "res" an a circle tour-1mm ot " inch :crou for BBRLtN.--Ttto oitietat Ga- zette printed a facsimile of the ballot to be lined In supplemen- tary elections, on December 4. in which newly-annexed Sudden- land will vote on parlitumtntarr representatives. gum LEE tiCtGriii Vii We; Emmi the common“ a recap- tion was he a For.“ Hill Gardens, Inch-Ir. " which shout " Epytv"rm you†fren Multanâ€, Mr. Vince-3' Sela-er of Brett. Netherat Ontario, In his W's attendant. In. loll-nth Bunch. of Waterloo, who In attired in I iuor length (In. at orchid Mon. wood "I": lad M “Int baht, aim hat of orchid an. and velvet at. can .entsouetororettidsGdvii. AtiiAraTtiia.' 2.aiitig' " Mr. ml In. I. I. an.“ ’mhzzuu, I. Winn, I " . all , - Inga nil and we: Ierrt cr 1u',t'uf'lh lily " a: HIV 'E9Bynfr.-rfu--. a"g't'nfgtg."gU.t.1e. a In. “on“... ii'ii7ia7iWiiiTGrill.rdfl'1t jinn-Mimi.“ d Jan-c Gout. 8th.. Paine am Sun Wed gt Kitchener it. bdrdrafid "in; arc - V. --m.qP9r.. VI 1'41qu 2f, they do, we'll be the 'trut oom- mluion to work for nothing." he - netted. --e _-- "_'"". ........r (tor ot lands and forests had recom- Imended that the commissioners should "dtntattr" their services. "That should show you how the wind blows.†he stated. "I don't think the government will take that attitude." commented Com- missioner U. Richardson or Elan. III. "-- "- - -“ - - “I think it is important that we do, for whoever an: on this (annulus~ sion for the next two you," will In" a “deuce" ot a lot of work to do," ro- tortod Mayor Wateroln. "tt We the ‘wlsh of the communism, however, not lto be and. then we'll drop the mot- ter. Chairman William Philip of out said he understood the deputy mints. .._.. " '--=, ,7 . - - "Why should we - to (at to munenuon when we’ve been work- ing for " year: without it," broko in Mayor dren Servlu ot Out. “Them' nothing Included in this constitution providing munch! for the etrmmuaiomrrs," he exclnimcd. urging members to wut.on tho gov- ernment it they hoped to got any- thing It att. 1 Presentation ot a proposed not ot lay-lawn to govern the Gnu! River Conservation Communion, Thurman, drew a slurp protest from Ivor Reg. 'Watemus, of Branttoert. Work W be Will Have ‘Brantford Mayor Wants Pay hr ill. Commission Fascists Chase S. Africa Jews In City Streets 'WNtoN'ro.----tat e3. " In. with Kenny. not! derby - der, In pieced It eight. your: and " month- try In. Jen Bron ony- choloclu attached to the psychiatric ‘hoepltel, mum in women’e court mild-y afternoon. Mn. Kenny we. teem; chance ot being a and do teeth. and Anna. Dr. Cherie. loom-lg o! the pey- chhtric tutepitat all! that tn " opinion In. Kenny- ebould be pieced In I menu] hound when Che would receive proper treatment. no and he had hem! that “no need he! lug-age and dunks} STORE DERBY norm HA8 8-YEAR MIND rtea.-ahirt, nor-nu was In- Jurod when a heist muting turned into In Anti-Junk that. A crowd laying the math; chuod Jew- through OM 'rhorrting “down with lawn.†" lice restored order with an 5.5. Moor. The an; turned eoGG7, “by with manually on a. can. But tho bandit out)“. with tho this out cub-awn In. New. m: cum to eon-nu. Ill-.011! an; tt In a robhry. Kindly In: “I! You. “not on a. nu. and In". the and“ “on; tho callable. aiiGaGari; the friend who loud lib at. "Egg“. it In turn; In. and“: no. on You.- Ilmt tubal-[Wat]. “KI-(mum, “(Mammal-lu- 'edtr.trtt-ttre_ “quantum“ tho-mmtmrmnuu also an...†nun-mum mmhmuhu “Quinta-co ot In. Blend- Boy Friend and dJriLGi"'i"i"i See Girl Robbed, “Dated," Let Bandit Stroll Past 1 In. Ml to Mr: "wilt an; ‘you mutter “It." 1085mm. as... u. 73990-1.me of , Take Idmmthe ChronieU'a Ipocinl ocu- of cc of the m to an sub-when. Remit $2.00 and itqrittrarsutr-trttidCio 81 Dog, ot the British Importer and that h an important considerntim.†Thoma J. Hicks. senior dairy pre- dnce trader. loaned. “in Dom~ union grading records showed 1 drop or 1.09 per cent. in ttret node que- my cheese during the yen. which in the !oweet since 1927, deeplte the hot alt provinces except Ontario, i9a"atehemin, and Alberta. made n beter showing than 1937. He binned dry, her-h, mid end open chme tor the decreue of ttrat grade- nnd all this In most objectionable in retail ltoree in the United Kingdom. "To my mind, you not only long: your own mam; but you In]! lower the landing of cheese and. in Eastern Ontario in the estimation l "In View ot the Net there is not much pos.itriity of may change " Immune, it eppeere to no It m be . action: mistake for choc-emet- 'rrafry_tstrnontariotorstsiol cord In making a request (or red» tion of this time," he new. One resolution urged the our. Hon to protest the regulation I. quit-in; cheese to be held eight Cm after mountain-e betote W 'boxed and recommended 1 - period. Joseph Bur-(eon, chief ot tho igrading and "trr product may» non lenice, federal agriculture " pertinent. worried that reduction in the time limit for holding one“ in he curing room “on have an I. uvon‘bie reaction on the industry. choc-mien will have to look as. their right: by paving tune hull at minimum rue mule," to null. Mr. menu- and an I. an.‘ wondered why then It In much a dorsnde choc-e und " it is been". choc-unher- are "an; luv and b diluent. “No doubt " luv. u M mouorum tmhutlmwmu Jorny of makers have been may forth their netted. cm to lab high-quality choc-o.†Choc-mum wm be “I. to no more help and provide A - w caucus of high scoring - it they no given honor “in“ he coutluuod. l Moluuoun aimed " humming the quality or cheese, 'rov%tnq M tar living conditions forth. Ink-n sud raising the luau-d ot no lust. om Outurlo choose Industry m _ presented to the convention tar on.- sidentlou. WALL. qhtt.--w mini-d me In]. in tho one. [nan-try v. advocated not. by Robert J. an» to_fttc_arirrtonPumsinhiarem. but!“ “are†to the Eastern o- “on. PhnAdmtdbym mmmmtimq Geese Makers Hear Wage Plea Irate ndnm III-lull! In an: III. I!!!" In! " am â€and that cannibal“, In u the mun so: tvay. um I"!!! 1. that â€was! Intona- u loo- " than III I†m ttttq that " I... . “than. Within a. we of a “It. lupulor new qntt9e.d Ca-it but go a... ah b "may!“ In. m l: a. umm- (m [In “a he friend. no. I stood a a. tun-u a. U more Itâ€. the [III III Mu robbed. ' on. I'M: It“ with?†an: - “the": In... I“ d Bel-nu amt 'Jl'l'Mltt ntopouon m {All-sum - . I“. ngtl “I!"