Many preâ€"nuptial partios were held | _ The MmaBJ Mono® of MIZ J BC tor Mrs. Louis Sattler, whose marâ€" Lang, Queen street north, Kitchoner, l.tuuulomuuon-td.&- will be glad to learn her condition urday. Recently the girls of the Vak |is much improved. entineâ€" Martin staff tondered Miss * 0 a% a & L mtsur’rhoprtyatw Mrs. Emil Reinhart of Brillion, kome. Acroplane bunco was played Wis., is visiting her brother, ‘Mr. E. #following which the brideâ€"elect was Schultz, King etreet, who is recoverâ€" presented with an electric irom and |ing from a serious iliness. | pyrex bowl!. At the. supper hour nomrnmn m mmmmgmamen Misses Elizabeth Clayfeld and is Erdman looked after the seryâ€" ing. List Tuesday night a kitchen te der shower was given for Miss Wagstaff by Mrs. George Binning at her home, Menno street, Waterido. First prize at "500" was won by Mrs. Alfred e & Wasstaff. The consolation award went to ‘Miss Bertha Stumpf. The| M# . gifts were arranged in a decorated ears 5 basket sand presented to the guest of hkonor by Master Georgie‘ Binning. esns L The hostess wasassisted in looking after her guests at the supper hour Mr. and Mrs. Frank P by Mis: Laura Riyer, Mrs. Arthur Dombrowski Mark Anniversary Binning and Miss‘ Lily Wagstaff. <â€"â€"â€" Thursday© night a party was arâ€"| Assertion that young married couâ€" ramged at the home of Mrs. C. Frank,. ples .would do well to keep away Wictoria street, by her m;hteu.ltrom legal advice in marital probâ€" Miss Gertrude Frank and Mrs. El lems and settle them privatély is White, assisted by Miss Lily |given by ‘Mr. Frank Dombrowski; 31 agstaff. ‘The event took the rormiflenry street, Kitchener. For many ef a miscellaneous shower for the years a court interproter, Mr. Domâ€" brideâ€"elect. Pitt was played, the winâ€" ibrowlkl u‘rvecently celebrated his golâ€" 1 N i ropraptad Eum GSmIILEE Cutih This mer being Miss Wilma Henry. Mrs. Williair Frank was the winner of the peanut game. At the conclusion of the â€" evening _ refreshments . were served en the occuiiin of their silver wed ding arniversary. â€" > & A large number of friends of Mr. ard M»s. Otto Rook, of Elmira, surâ€" prised them at thgir» hpme_ recently, Mr. and Mrs. E. \\%ï¬Smnh of Windâ€" ser and Mr. Sam Sthmitt of Winniâ€" peg. were in the Twir City for the gunera! of their father, Rev. J. A. Schmitt. Miss June Forsyth who is attendâ€" img ‘Parsons School of Fine and Apâ€" ‘plied Arts in New York, came to Toâ€" ronio for the American Thanksgiving weekend and spent the weekâ€"end in Kitchener. Members of the Mission Band of Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterâ€" loo. held a successful tea at the home w Nrs. J. J. Murray, Charles street, Mission Band Tea. Word has been received here of we death in Milwaukee of Mrs. E. Bockleman, wife of a former pastor ef St. John‘s Lutheran Church here. ‘The funeral took place in Milwaukee en Monday. R recentiy Passes. Social = Personal "UP THE RIVER" Extra! MARCH OF TIME No. 8 Alsoâ€" First Twin City Showing The Sensational Surpriseâ€"Hit LADIES NOTE â€"Only a few more Dinnerware Nites and the lovel 'yvl;;;l:{fl‘n set will be disâ€" continued. Complete your set â€"â€"â€" ADDED ATTRACTION â€"â€" Spencer Tracy _ â€" _Bob Burns pencer "‘racy =â€" "UUP ZLZ%. Wednesday and Thursday "LIFE RETURNS" Monday and Tuesday were held YofA Mrs. Emil Reinhart of Brillion, Wis., is visiting her brother, ‘Mr. E. Schultz, King etreet, who is recoverâ€" ing from a serious illness. ;e'.__n' .‘;iï¬ lniorpro(er. Mr. Domâ€" browski recently celebrated his golâ€" den wodding anniversary with his wife. Both are natives of West Prussia, ceded :o Poland during the Great War, where they lived about four miles apart, or seven ‘German" miles. Mr. Dombrowski was 26 and his bride 18 when they came to Canâ€" It was while en route from Hamâ€" burg, Germany, to New York that the romance which culminated in a bappy marriage commenced. The following year, they were married at New Germany. After living at Mossborough for about 12 years, Mr. and Mrs. Domâ€" browski removed to Kitchener, then ‘Berlin, where they have since reâ€" sided. An engineer, Mr. Dombrowski was i employed by the Kaufman Rubber ; Co., and later by the Consolidated | Felt Co. I Despite her 70 years, Mrs. Domâ€"| browski is in excellent health. and | still enjoys doing her houseworking. | occasiorally "squeezing" in a little | crocheting and knitting. Mr. +Dombrowski â€"is 78. and al though only in, he i: as keen in mind and sight as ever. They hbave three children living, j Mrs. Henry Seiling. of St. Jacobs, j Frank Dombrowski, an engineer on a | Great iakes steamer, and Michael} of Windsor. Another daughter, Mrs. Michael Criscoe. died five years ago. ‘The many friends of Mrs. August Many Groups at Missionary Rally EL MLRA.â€"Groups from Moorefield, | Mount Forest, Fergus, Elora and Kitchener.â€" attended a missionary rally of C.G.LT. of the Guelph Presâ€" byterial, held at Wesley United j Church. Friday night. ‘Miss Baxter, a returned missionary from India and now of Hamilton, was the speâ€" cial speaker. She was welcomed with the visiting groups by the presâ€" byterial secretary, Mrs. G. Evans, Rev.â€" A. W. Fosbuary. Mrs. w. Auman, president of the local W.M.S.l and by Miss Catharine Rowland. viceâ€"president of the local CG.LT. ‘ A missionary reading was given by a member of the Mount Forest group, a vocal selection by the. Moorefield group a piano solo by Miss Ruth Vice. and a musical selec tion by the Elmira group. The local society was in charge of refreshâ€" ments. Mrs. George Cobean and Mrs. W. Auman assisted with the lunch. ELMiRA.â€"Members of the Presâ€" byteriar Women‘s Missionary Socieâ€"} ty, at a recent meeting reâ€"elected | Mrs. John Small as president. The| meeting was held at her home. Other officers are: Mrs. Peter Beiâ€"| sel,‘ viceâ€"president; . Miss â€" Bertha| Christman, secretary; Mrs. O. H. Vogt, assistant secretary; Mrs. A. R. Ziegler, treasurer; Mrs. E. McCorâ€" mick, Glad Tidings secretary, and ‘Mrs. J. Ort, home helpers secretary. Mrs. John Small Is Reâ€"elected Schmidt â€" Helmuth Vows at Baden Jute! united in the holy bonds of m& & Ei twimony Miss Ruby Helmuth, second 96 King St. ST daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hel W est Cummmemememmmmm muth of East Zorra, to Mr. Lioyd KITCHENER C. Â¥. PRICE, Schmidt,,son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ud ® Schmidt of Baden. i sammmppogee m omm conpnreeennge mm ez ‘The brride. was becomingly attired in Alice blue sheer with navy acces |School to not hold a public Christâ€" sqries and had as her bridesmaid her mas concert this year. Last year, as cousin, Miss Marie Helmuth of Waâ€"|in other years, a great deal of time terloo, who was gowned in Copenâ€" |was expended on preparations for a hagen blue and wore black acces |splendid Christmas cocert and it is sories. ‘The groom was supported by |felt that it would be wise to just his éousin, Mr. Harold Schmidt of |have happy llgrlo Christmas parties Baden. Following the ceremony a|in the separat#rooms instead. reception was held at the home of| Miss Oleeta Schade of Kitchener the, groom‘s parents im Baden. The |spent the weekâ€"end at her parental rooms were tastefully decorated with ‘lo-o. lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley and mums. Ounly. the, Miss Grace Snyder of Toronto immediate families of both parties spent last weekâ€"end at the home of were present. Refreshments were|her mother, ‘Mrs. Ed. Snyder. Grace \served from a table centred with leaves this week to accompany her bride‘s wedding cake. !employers to the sunny south for the ‘ _ winter months. solemnized at the home of Rev. Dan \Decide Against \Christmas Concert ‘At Baden School Will Present Christmas Pageant On Sunday afternoon at a special meeting of the Sunday School superâ€" intendent and teachers of the Baden Presbyterian Church it was decided to this year present the Christmas pageant entitled "The Great Life". Accordingly preparations are now be ing made for practice. It has been decided by the princiâ€" pal and staff of the Baden Public Some time ago I spent a weekâ€" end with a very dear friend. At breakfast, a glass of orange juice was placed before me. One sip and the breakfast was spoiled so far as I was concerned. Questioning carefully, I learned that my friend had reamed this juice the evening before and placed it in the refrigerator so that it would be ice cold for breakfast. It was fce cold, but it was almost flavorless. Orange juice should be consumed within thirty minutes after it is reamed. Mother Nature‘s protectâ€" ing peel will hold the flavor for weeks or months, but the fiavor beâ€" gins to disappear almost as soon as the orange is reamed. Not even a covered container and an fee cold refrigerator will retain this flawor for more than a few minutes. I told this story as diplomatically as possible to that friemd of mine. juice from iee cobd exanges and one move familyqpitkiy lesamed a lon By BETTY | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Weiler and sons |Ro¢or and Armand motored to De troit on Friday. School to not hold a public Christâ€" mas concert this year. Last year, as in other years, a great deal of time was expended on preparations for a splendid Christmas cocert and it is felt that it would be wise to just have happy ugl: Christmas parties in the separat&®rooms instead. Mtrs. Jas. Russell. has gone to lelington to the home of her daughâ€" ter, Mrs. Neilson. â€" Chronicle‘s 'S'G:'pcï¬" profusely illusâ€" trated Historical mm":lni each new subscription to The Chronicle. Send in your order now. 90â€"123 "But it doesn‘t break!" "No." "And the day breaksâ€"" thousands of women. "But it never falls! "Why it tastes one hundred per cent better" my friend said. ‘"The children now clamor for their morning orange juice." * Now, I could have become real technical and explained that orange juice standing overnight in a coverâ€" ed container will lose approximateâ€" ly ten per cent of its Vitamin C but after all, I was merely trying to teach a friend how to keep from destroying flavor â€" for flavor is all important at breakfast, and A free copy of the Waterloo BARCLAY passes your lips. Many restaurant and hotel chefs and cooks could well learn this simple lesson. Far too often they serve orange juice that has stood aight â€" not the L Glasses by Steele .":h- _ 9 A LA ks 8y m KITCHENER C. F. PRICE, Optometrist years. Don‘t do it, friends! It destroys the fiavor. Let Mother Nature work her magic in the flavorâ€"retainâ€" Queer, isnt‘ it?" Wha‘‘s queer?" Why the night fallsâ€"" FREE WHILE THEY LAST Nature is Wonderful in the first sip that +4 CROSSHILL * Y.P.C. En{::ly Lantern Slides Church hold their November meeting in the church when Rev. W. O. Maâ€" ther gave Lantern slides on "India". Miss Eva Ballard gave a reading "The Player of Self". Eileen Lather and Florence Squire sang ,‘I‘ll be a Sunbeam". A duet "Never lose sight of Jesu«", ‘by Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rennie. Several contests were giver followed by refreshments. Win Prizes. Elwood Squire and Irvin Hoffman were successful in winning 6th and 16th place in the Foal Club at the Winter Fair, Toronto and 18th and 19th in showmanship. ‘There was 46 in the class. They were given a free ticket to evening show and then transferred to Royal York Hotel for the night. Secures Position. * Clayton Berg, who spent the past few years in his umile Jacob Eydt‘s hardware store in ‘Waterford, has acâ€" cepted a position in Wober‘s hard ware store, Kitchener. e _ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hackbart and Verna spent a day with Gordon Schmidt‘s, Kitchener. _ Among those who spent several days at Winter Fair in Toronto and visited friends there were: Mra. Moses Shantz, Mr. and Mrs. Campâ€" bell Shantz and Audrey, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and John 'Hofl't!_an. l "Every man is valued in this world as ho shows by his conduct he wishes to be valued."â€"Bruyere. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seigner of Kingâ€" wood v‘sited with Mr. and Mrs. A+> bert Mundell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Hastings and Marguerite of iListowel visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson on Sunday. with Alonzo Lewis and daughter near Hollen on Sunday. s s _ Miss Dorothy Knight of ‘Palmerâ€" ston spent Sunday vflt_l_:‘he_r father. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilford and son Thomas and Jacob Snider visited -".\;lâ€";._afla Mrs. George Glaister visitâ€" ed with ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr in Milverton on Monday. We are glad to report that Miss Emily Reid, who was on the sick list is improving favorably. _ o ‘Mr. William Neilson, Jr., of Torâ€" onto and Miss Marjorie (Neilson of Stratford Normal spent the weekâ€"end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid, Joyce and Douglas were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Oliver Reid. â€" Messrs. Wm. Neilson and Jack spent a few days at the Royal Winter Mr. and Mrs. Clarence iRoth and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Roth attended the funeral.of the, former‘s sister, Miss Nancyv Leis at Wellesley. Mr. ond Mrs. Eli Zehr and family were last Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schwartzentruber near. New Hamburg. Mr. ond Mrs. Ed. Homeyer and Mrs. Homer Hearth and Mrs. Mike Henning and son from Kitchener spent Friday with Mrs. Mary Salm. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Zebr spent Thursâ€" day evening with Mr. John Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kaufman from Bamberg were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Roth. _ Misses Loretta Oesch and Bina Erb from Kitchener were last Sunâ€" day guests with Mr. John Oesch. Mrs. Tony Olienick spent Tuesday with relatives at St. Agathaâ€" Mr. Emerson Schweitzer spent a week‘s vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch. #+ JOSEPHSBURG FERNBANK