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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Nov 1938, p. 5

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lien in I lot. of fun for the kiddies. What toy is better than 1 nice cuddly little lunb or 8 nice mother duck and duckling; So my to lake and still. Pattern No. 400 contains transfer for each tor than, " well u my to follow instructions nnd complete material requirements. n.iGU, from Kitchener. 1.55 pan" Doe. 1 Return Limit - Doe. 8 Ticket.- not good on 3.00 pan. trains from Ottawa and Montreal. Round Trip Bargain Fares From KITCHEN]!!! - DEC. 2.. , - 4 to MTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $7.70 $9.05 $1 3.05 STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE $13.65 Us. at coupon. . Print your nun tad “dun phi!!! Inch-o " eegtta. To The Wumloo Chronicle Noun-wort Dept. Design N o. 400 Nun: Strut Am ............. ArcGaari%iiie Stations in New Brunswick. All Dominion Athntic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia. Return Limit Dav. Nov. Scotia points not later than Doc. 1 1.0". Now Bmlwiak point. no! later (In Doc. 0 Not good on train leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m. Full particulars nod handbill from any Agent, or V. M. WOOD. City Paul-(or “on! no King St. w. - “on. sas - Kitchener, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC $tdhduANehandhdih. TO THE MARITIMES - DECEMBER} del "Inning Iron! Iligelthe 'iUtveots, Int-rum: “all“ arehrhU, rhnmuIi-m, r_etiort all my other ordinary 'ti- " quit-Hy Pr- Ipond " Physic-I Camore. We oped-line in n-mnl mahml. ONLY-oo Maggi-cl - no ope‘nlimn - no drugs: Our iiaiirTa-iT. J"iiaii,Gi vuK-iinn Gig “you play while getting wen." “II we!” tumou- re.ort wan founded b Bun-I7 Mad-(Men and experienced con-n1,- Iubhlnlned in hu ung-um. cloudy upon-vino hall mining We-o-rr C. e howl "oastioi-r-+ ?gggei2'g','flstC,',ttof-'tTir,,i "e'"t- PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL 1eeettteat'tueeteuattt1'rg= -wuwd'” - DANSV'ILLE LLialtcueure., Neva . aatt I - no. - my moon-He. M.rtu. No. 400 PHONE mg mum m mot-anon " FRED wEsy9y,,, 'The "and To " rank LUNVKNUINILV LWIKII Mr. and Mr». Walter Maurer ac" 750 ROOMS-RATES x-ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mil- $1.50 to $2.50 ler ot Floradale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eben Howling u New SINGLE NO HIGHER Dundee. mumuuouoow Mr. and Mrs. John Smhlbaum. W““"""" ' Milton and Wilma visited friends in "Vtl'rr.rlmni: Watrxrloo on Sunday. EircifErout $7.20 Mrs. Joseph Rounds, .nee Miss - " Lue_lla Fry, of Irymbtr, Is qulte. ill Pr. Mod-I m Two pic-um m I” an may to: I]. M. W his. RE. Knew. All Mr. - s. ' Elma. Preston. who no to - rid this usk. W. at In. A)... Alton View. In.“ BL, m. “and.“ u I “own on ml even-c. Nov. 18. than a. m’ I. and noon-urn. I." “0"“! - ad not) “In. Twenty-tour ‘ "an not. present. At the clue I ot the "OBI" I 1|.“ch lunch in t and On may ovum. Nor. u. In. Nelson mm. IBW- ot tte - tobe sad Mr. mum. In” Hill Farm, 'e-ter, cum " I - “In." My tor the Willow he and Broom-tttre. mm the evening Mr. Snyder's Anton um blo- uwrs showered the you: couple “th lumbar ot human gnu. Word has been receivothore ot no aeriouq "he“. the "can of n mks. ot In. B. Bockollnun at not Mine In Milwaukee. Win. TI. “to at Ree. M. Bockelmnnn, a (can! pater ot Bt. John'. um amt. more, In. I has circlo ot friends-ho will "on loan of her "luau. A lance-Ital cud petty van ar- ranged Tue-tiny night nt the home at In R. Duchy. Cherie. street. by members ot the Wnterloo Scout Mo. then’ Auxiliary. Prise winnorl were Mn. Smith end In. Cook while the lucky cup unrd went to In. Geo. Lowe. A lecture at the evening wu the introduction ot e birthday take into the menu. in compliment to Mrs. w, Baldwin. Miss Ruth Hollinger ot Elmira. ' whose marriage to Mr. Frank Cook , at Kitchener, m an interesting i event at St. James Lutheran psrson- ; age. Elmira, on Thursdsy. visa the l, gust ot honor at my charmingly arranged parties. On Nov. " Mrs. Herbert Cress entertained the mem- " bars of the Chorrio Club at a bridge in honor of the bride-elect. The _ prise winners at the event were Miss l Clara Rain and Miss Emma Welgel. Miss Hollinger was presented with a silver chees and cracker dish. On Nov. It the Sunday school teachers of St. James Lutheran church, of which the bride-elect was a member, arranged a surprise party in tttyr, honor at her home and during the, event presented her with a table: lamp. Mrs. szlliam Rahn gave a tea ', for the Women's Missionary Soeiety ot St. James church Nov. 16 in com? pliment to Miss Hollinger, Ott the; next evening Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Mil- ‘ ler entertained the oilice stall ot) the Elmira insurance Agencies and. the stair of C. D. Miller and Com-' pany ot which Miss Hollinger was a i, member. On that occasion Miss Mol- linger was presented with a t1oor, lamp and an Electrolux, On Sutur- day Mrs. Jacob Conrad entertsined‘ at her home at an afternoon tea and 1 miscellaneous shower for the hridel elect. l Honor Elmira Brldo-Eloct. A wide circle of friends in Kitch- ener. Waterloo and district leaned with sincere regret at the min; this week ot Mrs. Conrad Biek. A resident of the Twin City tor oven- hulr a century. she made a hon of n-irutds by her.amiable disposition and thte Christian character. it; the hoGe of Mrs. Ainraf Heist, 229 Frederick street, Kitchener. Miss Margaret 'Bender of Kitchen- er spent the week-end hI-re at the home of her parents. __ - Mr. 1nd Mrs. Moses Weber of Conestogo. Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Mar- tin and children Alice and Paul were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Banman and iamily visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Martin at ‘Hawkesvliie on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt or Krbsville Mrs. P. Allgeler of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allgeler ot Kitchener were Sunday guests_ ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beater. Mr. and Mrs. Sam St. Bird and amuhter 'Ramona spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simona at Bantam. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender and Miss Mildred Bonn were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wag- ner at (Breath-ah. . Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. mand Schwindt were: Mr. and In. Charles Cuber and children Ruth and TG.nttrsttt of Preston, Miss Jessie Arthur or Galt. Mr. Maurice Schwindt or Gal! and Mr, Kenneth Schwlndt of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Noah E. Miller and the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Wagner spent Thursday with relatives tgt Amulree. Miss Phyllis King or 'Kllchener and Mr. All“ Renter ot Preston visited the farmer's puma. Mr. and Mrs. Norman King on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chrls. Schondelmay- 015 Mr. and Mrs. Baylor and all“ shaeter or Waterloo, Mr 1nd Mn. B. B. Boiler and funny of Elmira wot-o Sunday guests of Mn. N ,9 Roller. Social " "i"iii"iii"iiiiri"'y'i NORTH WOOLWICI-I I OUII'. 'ILI. OOIDUCVII. OOIVIOIIIY. CODIII '00 I00. 'ttri-" II'N II"! W7. '0. MM- VAII I " LUII VIII ”10!”! O. 'Illl- II. E ‘M. Snider, Reg.N. __" ls Lovely Brae t tgr.-teru.trc.cre-aad 'gr.anauer...1e0hr'h'u1t"in In. an my 'iuu'tg,reriu- irtsuiriao-ert. 1't'atti,nltSatlo'ff"" . I 8cm 3981.10”: A wedding of Interest in sol- Mud an the hone ot Mr. and In. Urlu Snlder. all. t, without, Wod- uudny afternoon, when their dingh- tor, In: Mud-Iona Glenn" has. KN.. beam the bride ot Mr. Md- Iud G. Snyder, Ion ot In. A. B. Snyder, (BB. s, Prawn. and ther. lite Rev; A. B. Studs. Bilbao S. si. Kunmmpulor or the Winner lohnoulte church. Blair. (matted. The hrlde. who [as given in mar ritute by tor tumor. took her place before the altar to tho linin- ot procession“ music was by In. Howard Ores-man and Min Alum Bechtel, both ot Heepeler. the ulster- and niece at the bridegroom. The bride was zoned In white silk crepe. She was attended by the bridgroom's liner. Min Emma Sn)" dor. wearing a gown ot [ale blue silk crepe. Mr. Selwyn Snider. R.R. 2. Kitch- ener. the bride's brother was the beat man, Another brother. Mr. Ar. tin Snider. wu- the ulnar. A_fter the ceremony a wedding re- ception was arranged and wedding relroshme'nu were served from a table centred with pink roses and lighted with pink candles. Covers were laid for 80. Immediately afterwards the bride and bridegroom left for Florida. where 'hey will spend their honey- moon. The bride wore for travelling . navy blue silk brocaded crepe frock with black cloth wax und matching accessories Upon their return they will take up residence on "Lydenbrook Farm". Rat. 2. Preston. the hridegroom's home Y. P. S. mists To Visiting Groups On Holiday evening twenty-eight members of Knox Presbyterian Church. Stratford and titteen mem- bers ot the Presbrteriau Church in Shakespeare, were the guests of Liv- ingstone Young People. In the th- sence of tho president, Min I‘m-s Louise Livingston, the vice-president, Mr. Gordon Holst welcomed the visiting young people and railed upon Mrs, Wm. Bell of Shakespeare who presided over a short devotion- al in the absence of their president. Mrs. L. Herold, Lengthy Program Enjoyed by Stratford, Shakespeare Societies. Miss Katherine Fisher mad the scripture reading. taken from the lst l hapter or John. v'erses 19 to 28, and Miss Jeannette Main led in prayer. Mrs. Bell spoke briefly on the theate or their worship service, 'Ourl Humble Service to Our Lord". tale in: as hm rettsrenee the 27th vane. "lie it is who coming after me is protein-d before me". spoken by John. She stressed the point that no matter how humble our service to God may see to us. the tact that Christian young people are endeavor- ing to serve and improve their ways ot service is gratifying to Him. t After the singing of another hymn. the young peoplerepaired from the auditorium to the basement of the church. where a recreational pro- gram was presented by Knox, Strat- ford, under the capable leadership of Mr. Orval Robertson. A particular [nature was a splendid toy hand, composed or C. s. Agar, piano, drums. Gordon Farrow and horn: Miss Jean Gibson. Lorne Hyde and Glen Enssou. who favored with such selections as “Santa Claus is coming to town" and "The Home Waltz". - Avpihno “not by Misses Jean Gite son and Ruth Ferguson was played and harmonica solos hy C. B. Agar. A comic reading. "The Deal Chick, en", by Mr Kenneth Keane and "The Soldier md‘hla cards". by John Jackson were greatly enjoyed after which a comic skit. "In the Van Pnrtvr's“. was DI'PSOHIKI: Several roppy Lannie were engaged In and lunch served by the Baden Society. Attpr lunch a hearty slug-song was enjoyed before all repaired to their home: after a very happy onnlng'a fellowship, Students In lively Debate her Feeds 0n Tumour afternoon he senior members of the Baden school en- used an n Inn-1y word dlucuuion of feeds and in the farming indus- try. On the reeommendntiog of Principal Norman B. Hill, each boy was assigned a particular kind at feed somp ttsw days provlnus. in or. dnt' m m mater“! on it. Raymond Gingerich won accorded the most votes hr the pupils. who Judged the winner making the best impression on his vlaumales. To illmtrue the A quali'y of the teed he represented he carried a large m ttlied with All kinds of Weds. an various. etc. t Some ttl A Hedda; at Intel-It In ooh- I“ in It. Jon-o'- Oouqo. Inch- olot. Thur-d” afternoon. “when mu Hal-I innit“) am. “all“: ot It. Ind In. Robot! E. mu. Kitch- onor. beam. tho bride oi Jam-o It'l- 8¢horon oo- ot Mr, M In. “will Detour ot New Hamburg. Faber Wino: oltchtod. Mn. Hellman launch of wnttMoo, “not at the bride, In bruit-mm and were u [0'11 ot wood violet t1oor. leunh elation. rm: (loop wood vb let velvet Jacket. and but And mutt of violets. The bride In: 10"." In u the» lohnl go'- ot nu. cutout. mule on Grecian lulu. She wore a dull III“. who: tttted lulu. an] elbow- lollgt‘h ohllou veil. with (“that huddreu. and carried a ml of white (antenna. Mr. Vincent Scheror ont., was but man. A r-utrn was held at Forest Hill QIMOIII.,'IM in the receivln; line were the brldo'o mother, _ the groom'- mother and the young con- Ne. The former chose n floorlenxth gown ot teal blue lace. velvet hat to match. and wore o corms of yellow room and blVlldiI. Mrs. Sister Wu gowned in t1oor-ieturttt plum col- orgd Mon. with black hat and wore a can“ ot Johann Hill rout. Following the reception, all retired to the home of the bride's parents. Water urea. (“totally decanted with yellow and orchid "rrtsattthtr mums. The happy couple Ian on a short motor trip to (3111310 and palm: out. On their return they will reside It 99 Salsburg Are., Gall. Mr. Morley Battier, who had been on I two weeks' hunting trip in Northern Ontario with a company,! has returned home. i Mrs. Henry Becker, who has been spending I few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Morley Battier. has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Butler spent Sunday It Morley Butler’s. Mr. Reuben Eby and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald and daughter Alice and Nile and Audrey Eby were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Let. son near Hespeler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schfeiber, Glen and Donald, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Ry. Sehreiber, Sr., It Roseville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Becker and baby Bruce, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Lorne Fried und Orvnl of Roseville spent Sunday with their patents at “East View" farm: Several young women attended a Club Project meeting on dressing home-grown vegetables, which was held at the Wm. Henhoeffer home on 'Wedriesdtty dtemoon. Mr. Jacob and Miss Mary Heim- El visited with Henry Heimpel It eideiberg recently, it being the occasion of his birthday. WILL RES")! AT GALT Mrs. Clara Wolfe and Lorne Kinzie visited with friends nt Wal. len recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hallman of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah E_by. - _ _ - Farmers are very busy finishing their fall ploughing after the min and snow, having been detained by the dry weather. WILLIAMSBU RG Quick Quake: Ul‘l D V ta. na.19' tWd STUART'S ORANGE OATS MARMALADE 2 'rg," Mt 10 Kine St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 mm Ammo, Hind AND son, cenpns- 311433 esutos' '"d'ipi't'5t"ft'y""i.'9ihf'tS" L. " "SPAGHETTI 3 'tT ttse “WAN s llll IIII F L o u R 3 'IC," " of Brett VIUORY SWEET MIXED !19fl-,,!Et". 1.. " CURRANTS 2 Lbs. " CANMED RED CHERRIES a. at: III to out». " writing. 1'ht'gttt 'suttiri " com on to write 'tqliatthir-,-boei.tlraastte in boon lulu-in; from rheumatism. This). wut " an ie his letter:.--, “The. you: MP. I Via in bed foe at: rock: with 'tnlummatory [hull-“ll. Since that time I have been taking Iranian Salts, and have not had another attack. But the complaint left me with in- hot] feet, and it hurt Inc to vdk. I: handa van also non-twin M. I took Kruaclun - morning be- low breaklaat. and shall continue todontt,t-eiamsurether have kept me in good than for the. years. Elem thin writing” J an ninety year- old, and lue th handa to "inf-4.11.6. The pain md Btithgess of rheu- 'rsatttmt an often clued by uric Add in the muscles and joints. Knudsen helps to dissolve and re- nown - uric Acid in I gentle " through the mutual channels. {and Ina-1th and - In ti. ram, The automobile ot a Twin City motoring party came to grief in the Intersection ot the Wittterbourne and CottmsotrowBtoominttdale road. only Sunday morning. The party driving north from Bloomingdale and head- ing [or Winterbourne. tailed to make the mm and run into a ditch and [once and was badly damaged. coulgoao Misses Turn, Car Badly Smashed Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schierholu and ramly ot Breslau were Sunday visitors at the Enron home. Miss Peggy Houston of Kitchener spent part of last week at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Schwaru. Rev, Peter Cotter. Mrs. Oliver Panahaker Miss Grace Stevens and Phyllis (‘lendenen of Kitchener were Thursday dinner guests at the home m’ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good. Miss Glendenen remained over tor the week-end. Attend Sale. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Heidlinger ot Preston were recent visitors with Miss Phoebe Htyidlinger. Mrs. Lillian Rank ot Waterloo. was the guest of Mrs. lam-a Houe. over Sunday. . Mr.Uno Mrs. Wendel C|emens ot Brecht: were recent visitors at' me home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Gdod. Mr. Ted Schmidt who has been employed in this district the past season left ialt midweek for his home in Kitchener. PLAN, SWEET, CONGRESS TEA Mr. and Mrs. Clitttrord Snider were visitors in Toronto last Thurs- day. 77 _ _ _ A large number horhood attended (state chattle Bale midweek. Many relatives and friends paid a last irihule to the late David Lichty and attended the funeral last Thurs- day afternoon Threshing In Full Swing. BISCUITS Mrs Mathew 'Richter has returned mun a visit with her mother in Citt- (innali. Mr. Tiiman Frey ttais been busy threshing for Jarmers in the neigh- boring district for the past ten days, Rev. L. kanrMiseh of Elmira was visiting Mr. Mich. Dreisinger at the home of Mr, and Mim. Herb. Huelm on Sunday. . Mr. Michael Dreitsinger. who had been failing in health tor some time' took a rather serious turn last week- end from which he had partly tN'- covered at the lime or writing. Ulc- Both Hands To Write [attain-ulna!” 2 u... 25e from this neigh- the Eli Weber in Lexington last, 3nra""""mNr"" AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE I Package GROVE'S PURE MAPLE SYRUP Va-h. loc Bad- Schmidt-Helm.“ Wow-l. ake A quiet wedding was solemnizud and In: the. home of Bishop Dnniel lutzi ‘on Wednesday afternoon, when r of ‘Ruby, second daughter of Mr. Ind with Mrs. Aaron Helmuth of East Zorn became the bride of Mr. Lloyd oltg Schmidt, second son of Mr. and.Mrs. [day Sam Schmidt, Baden. Bishop Banjo! Iytr) tied the nuptipllnet. _ I EYESIGHT SERVICE l, "Dedieatod to Better Vibl" I " FM St. It... II I Kitchener - 0-th "-01. Th Ity The bride was ttowned in dark blue sheer with navy accessories. The bridesmaid was Miss Marie Hel- math of Petersburg, who WIS .130 dressed in blue. Mr. Harold Schmidt of linden Aattendgd fhe groggy. _ _ Mrs. Borkwood of Kitchener is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Kuntze. Mr. and Mrs. Sehmidi" will reside in Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sunday with Mr. and Kaufman at Camel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schumm, 16th line, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ramseyer. Mrs. Aaron Bender and flmily spent Sunday with Mrs. Chris. Ruby. boom-ddIoI‘O-v-u Mr-she-h-b-eV-." “ho-l -. -_- in... 'i--'--". Md B-'s"-he"-_eeV “vino-labial. '.dqr,_r._ehn-i'.r% unbound-IMUW‘ “cum-microbial“... ”chlm‘n-dmm .eoeid..qb-_aq--er "tkr-..---. "eola.tot't-.-td6-ii.Nardrorrr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weil visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reibling on Sugdly. _ -- -- -. - . ‘___ -iir.Gnd Mrs. Daniel Zehr, 15th line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlegel. Death of Carol Erb, Following an illness of two weeks, Carol Eileen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Erb, Tavistock, passed away at her home‘on Satur- day evening. She was one year and 19_dtqts old, , . it is estimated that of approxi- mately 3000 perSons in Canadn and li: United States. killed ewh you in accidents with tireturtms, the“ I third are hunters ttfield. -jGiiieriier parents, she is sur- vived by one brother, Larry, used one week. 7 . . _ - iiiiiGGiiiriiiue -adioinintt cemetery. “WA pHvate service was held from the home, W90dstock street 90305. on Tuesday afternoén at two o'clock following which a public mumoriat service was held at the Eat Zorn AM. Church,_ 16ttt. ling. [Moment EAST ZORRA “I.“ " Puke?! Weil spent Mrs. Louis

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