- Credo-to of - Illinois College of Chiropody tWee Hours: 10- " ..m., l - 6 pm. Evening: 7 to 8 pan. Telephone 2426 - 48% King St. E. Kitchener, Ont. _ DR. J. W. â€031', but“. 110 Etsttyr Chgâ€! Atpgr M. W., BITZER & SUITE, BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries. BRAY, BRAY & LOCHEAD, Bar- rlsters, Solicitors, etc.; G. lumy gen §.A.,_G_eor_ge__H. [tooling]! CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT once: " Willhm St. - Waterloo Phone 768w BROCE a WEIR, G. R. Brock ad B. B. Weir, Barnum, Solicitors, Nautilus 4? King _SALA Eat, Kitch- cycling, “T11". a magnum WILLIAM CLARK Dunbar, Solicitor. Noun Public and Conveyance: thBee " 10 Arthur St. JAIES G. MG"! DAL-181'â€, Solicitor, Noun Sari, Convoy- unccr. etc. low " loan. 0.0.0 “to! Montreal Bldg., Waterloo. HAROLD L DAUIIAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Puttlie and Conveymcer - _ ti8, King St. we". - SKIS, IeI'NTOSII. SCIOFIILD & SIMS. Ban-rm". Southern. ate.; lodiul Am Balding, " King sum Wont. Telephone 4040, manna. j PROFESSIONAL cums l. DR. T. C. PETERSON Dentist 12A King St. S. - Waterloo Phone 418.! Residence 272w _ J. G. SCHNARR, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, we. 101 Kin: St. West, Kitchens! ketan Bldg.) Phone 0 e 87' - Mane. 510 HAROLD E. [LUNG Osteopath " tttme th. . Opp. Woohanh’l [Kahuna Tome-u: In "a . 0.. m GORDON Meg: EONSBERGER, Barrister, tsottaU," Convoy-near, A. W. Boots, WA. Rainer. Solicitor. etc. Zeller Building 49 King su._p:._ - Phone 1367 Kitchener: _ Ptond "gi." BAH Royil Bani Chambers, " 'fl'g St. West, Kitchener. Phone 7 . "Mrr, Telephone atttttt. Liv ottiees, Banca-YG-Gu' ggilginz, Lt King, Spec: East, Mani}, Phozié 5311i: T. M. I. IIOCK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (has. in Wptcy) " It, and lust Phone " 0 - Kitchener Phone 1600 1tAr_rtujtreimtMput R. S. C. STALKER Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, ite " (in. Shoot East Iritehener, Ontario Tclophom 1676 DR. A. L CAMPBELL - All “. Din-n cl Iona and Surgery Phone "" - lltttehener M. J. BOWIAN, D.S.C. Chiropody T root §pecinlist Get What You lead " Advertise What You Don’t Need Phone 1261 -- HERE! - NOW! -- Phonol261 23 Queen tlt.h.,ittehener Phone 528 ' - "dft"'tit%igim"iftr" t. It.“ - ruck odtMoq LII m." I: not. 8. - how my inn-Mon- run “I. b M an“. my“, adver- b“ l . a. W, - on 0.. I“. " use Bull-o - -- " a. cut. “up I: nu. In. h,,. a; “Mull-Innis!!- â€W" '_'io m - laurel- M I“ - a a. of - “mum-1mm log-um one. nijf'h'oiinek an FOOT SPECIALIST “in. CHIROPRACTIC 'tMr-Tir-dt-t t a â€Oath-hunk CHIROPRACTOR WANTADS OSTEOPATH l MEDICINAL Tale hon. 88 1B'llh DENTAL Kitchener LEGAL Minna} to. [ammo Res. l 785' TWINCITY AUTO PAINTERS Keep It New With-- AUTOS FOR SALE 11qu Reg in I 'rtaetktl.Nms.thyt T DECOBA'I'OBS PAINTING AND DECORATING 898% King St. East. Kitchener Slurp an†A. mm: R. not: Wat. 896 In. 8520 Kit. 277“ Our Cough Mixture Me; Human Chest Rub Met but“. Cold Tab- lets 28e; at (Seinf- Drug Btore, th' King " E., Whaler. Plum AGENTS WANTED planners and Diets Rug Shampooem " Oman 1t.9..__r'ho'" 4100 AUTO PAINTERS The colour of your tht n... 36 gaging - mm - Bot I u apathy. - Add more books to your home library by having pyr fstortte uni-xii: trouiit Into boob. Initialing Club "taes, Suitcases. ALEXANDERGARAGE J.'.ldlrleh.ho’. Mia-“Imam www.mmm I'M-ml. - Wm “noughtâ€. Phone 3738 - Kiteheiier Pearl Laundry Co. "and“ PM POI you. GAR UAW AUTO PARTS I“ In. "..9, C an. I“! Goods culled foiind Holland. BOOKBINDEB " Queen St. N. - Phone 2688 Kitchener Phone 8660 GEORGE M. RUPPEL " Glukel Bt. - Kitchener "d Malta's Care to ill You - will ensue you to build In inde- pendent bunineu of your on with the distribution of over 200 'gfgtnttrl.gt'ettir, in â€31:20. iatrie t. ery " is y y. Repent orders on Ill Jt Lower prices. Oler open to ell honut. embitioun. alert men. Write Mai without obligation to FAMILE co., 570 St. Clement, lontreekz Rebinding Books, Bibles. Hymn nrtA?'tarertrooks AUTOIODILI “PM†oe All Kinda. FISHER & CLEMMER GARAGE I Water St. s, - Kitchener BOOKBINDING Burtol Clconing Dobbin Garage DECORATORS J. C 1980 Templane Gone 1985 Templane Coach 1934 Hudson Sedan 1930 Terr-plane Coach 1981 Studebaker Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach AUTOMOTIVE GRIPPE - COUGHS DRUGGISTS nmumcm DONALDS SHIP COMES m DONALD DUCK UsedCars Price- ranch-Na 2e','feh' __ INSURANCE Kitchener ‘BEDBOOII SUITE, lugs cook- ', stove, stdetsonrd, extension tub]. _ and 6 chain, sewing machine. I ‘Apply 69 Queen St. N., Watery 03ml. 8km Hair and Snip Preparation: and Treatments. " Kill: St. ff, - - Phone " Insurance Agencies M new". It IL). to tr tcp. 810.00 and up; ll“ n Wood: 6" _ Dobbin Gum. Kitchener. HEAVY YOUNG HORSES. put Belginn mute rising 3 you: old, my: rising ' yang 91d; . mach: BoroVoy's Livestock Exchange CHICOPEE HEIGHTS FARM once: 2006 . Reg: 580 KITCHEN!!! - ONT. Axe-u: Great-West Life All“. Go. Fire - Automobile - Accident "h _ -i2 fdiid allSlllBt . ettE?5r-r "" [In E.. 1WERBClLEANERS in)!!! A, 9m: {SEEKING was! In: ASSETS OVER ",600,000 Gammon: Deposit - 8100.000. JONES BEAUTY PARLOR Horses, Coiry, Young Cattle I. not.“ 3:375; 59.1“»: . , . E“ SALE ‘AUTOMATIC 33:53 PRESSURE MBI, = lllIRh tTG - For Churn and Idl- T.% tiilEllTo MW‘M _ .d,1t,"op',".tidT /,T"/dr" .1352. 'h",',gat, â€" --- ii.tg',tpli),geju" Pump on pour km or SUTHERLAND-SCHULTZ _ KITCHENEB muss FOUNDRY -rriiehetir-thtelrh 2'29}; Att, Es! mayor-er Ford B. Kim" _ . _ w. n. Irma - _ _ Wu. End-non - . . P. I. Hour _ . _ P. V. Wilson . . . W. G. Would - . . Pct-Mam 1. Bound Bil-pun ' Vice-Prank!" P. ll. loun- - _ - - Hunger J. A. Mia - . - Beeretarr G. M. Inn-l _ - Treasurer M. I lath-me! - Supt. of “who C. J. fat w. M. no u - - hunch" loaf HAIRDRESSING ed mm of turi ruiitirrAisjrtir" 8 grunt! 19911. N. g. Gerber, Ilfull Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company and 4 can bank, ant. Dye Works " 1tre_ttb B. -_rlhone trotr C. A. DOE“ INSURANCE AGENCIES Limb ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL IOTOBS FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchener Dim â€WARYG you have something to sell and are in T abigurrytotse1iit,iettheeh-itkd advertising department of The Chronicle prove its ability as a speedy and attiiatt lllOI _ medium. numerous Kitchener grunts . - Guelph - Wlmloo . - '7an _ Kitchen-r _ Vital-n _ Vaccine . . Wat-rho - Idaho in. new hunch" NW and iiiéi-iu} 4526 -92 IARM--ttm ACRES, on county highway, 8 miles from Kitchener; 20 acres wheat; 25 "res bush; _ trout creek; Hydro equipped. Will saerifiee. Geo. S. Schmitt, I . Baden R.R. 2. 90-2 To wind up ELI H. WEBER Eat-to, " Aer... One mile north of Bridgeport, half in fruit trees, K acre strawberries, mrket gardening, smell fruits; good hnd in excellent condition. Solid red brick house, barn, imple- ment shed, 3 hen houses, garage, electric lights throughout, all in good repair. Apply Hessenaur & Shantz Limited ED. HOUSES SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP King St. B. - Phone 941 WATERLOO, ONT. Registered D.P.A. . Ph. 4429. Etching-#7144 King W. Studios - " In: St, Kitchen“ Hm t TUE. Whether BUYING or SELLING . FARM SHOE REPAIRING Hey? i/,"ayg Co. son King Bt. w.’ I Km.†Phonon wo, Ben. 266 MINERAL VAPOR BATES SCIENTIFIC 8 edit]: Inn-go. Health 'A2'l'llLt'. TeneEiCoi -tyilirrtiGiiik' -.- _ and " King l. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Phone 926 EXPERT Radio Repairing Tube. mud tree. ___ E. K. HEART}! REAL ESTATE Market Garden For Sale A. K. Cressman Real Estate and Insurance 102 King St. South WATERL00 lei-l}? A iiGaGLGFFGGT. Privuu and Ch." Instruction. It It‘s Annual in Minn. "We Do It" PERSONAL wt%ANNAR.BRAN -r.r. 1s.rfe.ey, “new. RoliA. BROWN, N.C. ROOFING RADIOS MUSIC dridukie" Ell-Hun; " - 268 King W. KITCHENER S. - “one 781 WATERLOO FOR Mrs. Jacoh Fries returned home after visiting tor a week with her daughter. Mrs. Alvin Meier " Er)»- ville. A happy gathering took place at the home of Mr. Henry Heimpel on Sunday. the occasion being his birth- day anniversary. Those present were: an" Mary and Mr. Jacob Heimpel ot Wtititunatrurg, Mr. and Mrs. John Heimpol, Jenn and Orville of Nine Pines, Miss Alice 'Heirroet, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scholter. Mr. Ind Mrs. Nelson Heimpel of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs Earl Hound, Robert, Kenneth. Noreen and Min mom Helmpel ot Waterloo and Mr and Mrs. George Hedmpel, owing to ill- ness. Mr. and Mm. Herb Metrrumt ot anrloo were mblo to “and. Sunday guest. with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bechthold were Mr. “(I Mrs. Allan Schmidt, dunghter Lau- rene and Mr. John Knur or Kitch- ener. Mr. and In. [one Schmidt and Miss Mule Hackbart. """' I Mr. end Mm. William Se l d Mr. and Mn. Ed. Hnohn and (and y er an ily spent Sunday with rel-liven “aim Wilfred were Sunday “Sim" New Hamburg. with Mr. and Mrs. John Kroph at Miss Mule Kramer of Kitchener _ Hestron Road. we." the week-end at her mum} Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thiel and Mr. home. iaryi Mrs Edward Brandt of London Mr. William Steins of Toronw‘vére recent visitors with Mr. and visited for a (at dnvn It the home 'Mrs. E. D. Eidt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hush]: and um- ily spent Sunday with relative! a New Hamburg. Mr. William Steins of Toronto visited tor a few dun at the home of his brother. Mr. J. A, Stein. Miss Mathilda Neuter returned to her home here after visiting for the summe' months with her brother: at British Columbia. Mrs. Elsie Barnard: and Mm. John Wilson “Kitchener called on their cousin. Miss Annie thl on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn, In". and children visited on Sunduy with Mr. and Mm. Emil Hnelm, Heston The eervioee at M. Peter’s Luther- nn Church tor Smithy. Nor. 20, will be in the torenoon: and.†school at 9.30 end preaching service at It an. Rev. Carl Kneul' of Kitchener will have charge. Mr. Louis Steinbach of Kitchener is spending some time with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kappa. Miss Violet and Herman lumps were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lirtdner, North hathope. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hackbart, Andrey and Phyus Master, Lorne and Howard Ksppes spent Sundsy with Mr. sud Mrs Russel Home], near Wellesley. Mrs. Mathilda Hoorle, Mine! Mir dred and attttt tad Mr. Emil Brown were Sunday vialtors with Mr. and Mn Chub! Selim at Walton. The 13de Aid ot St. Peter's Lu- theran Church are buy preparing 1 program tor their birthday noel-l, which is to he held " a latter date. Mr. Valentine Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hahn and Min Mathilda Punter Halted on Sand" with Mr. and Mn. Albert Coupe“. Palmer cum. NEW 1989 FORD V8 Ill-Tm it; atirekca-ttood. IDCAL TIRE SHOP flttl5t kitiiUTid mu -___ m1." ., Ontario one} tltLt'Nt as on... tttrtt. - Phortq on Phone 8778___ _ 807 King Int TIRES&TUBES Coach. [in not been driven. A but-in for can only. No duh“. Apply Chronicle Box 648. " NEWANDmED'rmilt? TYPEWRITERS USED CARS sum and nuns 12:5 kg Mrs. Alvin Eidt. l Mr. and Mir, “(when Wettlauter Mrs. George Schmidt visited Mon- and family wary Sunday visitors with any afternoon with Mrs. Annie sdss Mr. and Mrs. William Wovuaufer at I ler. Burnside. Misses Yeya Koehler ot Berlett'n Corn-1" and liner“ (but ot Amul- ree Id Hours. Roy. Knowing ot Kitchener and Harvey Kneisel otLitw bon were recent visitors " the home of Mr. and Mm. Theodore Bowing. Mr. and Hrs. Nelson Seyler and daughters Doris and Marie and son Hamid of Brunside and Mr. and Mrs. David Seylor ot Baden and Illa: Viola Seyler and Mr. and Mrs. Olly- ton Seyler and daughter! Jean and Marguerite were recent visitors with Mr. and Mm. Elmoro Doerlng. Mr. and In. Harry Schmidt and family ot Hunpateod were recent vision†with Mr. and Mrs. Christian Sch-nub". Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Becker of Rataburg were visitors with Mr, John Mom and Miss Ollllla Mohr on Mun, day. Mr. and Mm, Theodore Doering spent Sunday with #r. and Mrs. Lloyd Neet at Hamilton]. . Messrs. Nelson and Floyd Gerth and friends of Waterloo were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Door- ing. . " Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sham: and mm Stuart and Sanford of St. George were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mohr. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Shelby and! Min be“ Shelby of Toronto visit-' ed Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Her. bert Midt. I Mlues Helen Seyler and Isabel Chaser of Waterloo spent AWednes- day evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Seyler. Mrs. Annie Seylor Hailed recently with friends in Kitchener. Mm Muriel Niehiom, of Strnttord spent 'he week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin mm Mr. Samuel Atrt visited Mrs. Gen. Schmidt on Friday afternoon. Mr. and In. Allan Roth of Strat- rurd and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buck ot Lisbon ahd Mr. und. Mrs. Eldon Doom; Ind con Alvin were Sunday menu with Mr. 1nd Mrs. Alvin ERIL Miss Ruth Schmidt of Doering's Corner spam Nd†afternoon with mum Inn. and Marie Doc-ring. Mm. Edwin Doeriug Ind daughters Hilda and Irene wished Mr. John Wottiattter It Burnside on Sunday. In. Lloyd Neal: and sun Billy ot s-An lam-u. fi-Fira' ml and "--Ptonoun Instead of a "-Ptttral for. -tttatiik - itiiiiiUi Ite-oe 1-99-82 PHILIPBBURG lijliiiiijfiii l A special offer to new Chronicle subscribers is balance of the year free. A remittance of 82.00 will m "ry9Aeritstipn_in advance to 31 Dee., Mrs. Norma Alarun and chm Willis. Grace. and Verda, all ot El- mira spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlégel, Mm Olive Snider and Mit Ezra Baechler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Din Jantzi in Vietoriaburg. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Witmer were Mr. and Mrs. William Wilmer of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilmer of wer land and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Witmer and son Murry of Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt and son Ward spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kellsey in Water Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman and daughter Doris spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ward Waller in Water- loo. aiaiir" Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Herlick and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Christ E, Swarnemru- An enjoyabln meaning was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman in honor of Mr. Bowman's birthday. About 35 were present. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Jantzi and fam. ily anvndt-d an Holden wedding anni- vsrsary or their uncle and aunt, Mr. ad Mrs. Jacob thr, in Poole on Sun- day. Mr and Mrs, Allan damn and daughter Em and Mr. and Mm. Aaron Jantzi and son Ralph have, left for a two wnnks' trip to Indiana and Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winner and family spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Boshart in Rosedale. Mrs. Arthur Rhiel and dunner ot Kitchener spent a day with Mrs. El- ton Swartxtrntrutrer. Mark Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Moses blrb and tam- ily of Wellesley spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs David K. Bosharl. '""'-"'e"". ... awn-mu: w a; new" 1939, and also givc you a free copy of the Chronicle's profusely illus- trated Eli-page Waterloo County Historical Number. 89-012 Mrs. Charlie Miller of Rosebmk sent Friday witli" Mrs Gideon Thr macker. Mr and Mrs. Ho-rh maker and can Rayburn and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haas spam Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacker. Hampstead visited Wednesday after noon with Mr. and Mrs, Theo, Boer MK By Walt Disney 'it,,ifiii'i' FREE! FREE! PIN! HILL