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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Oct 1938, p. 8

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Ill 0-.- m. S. no. 810' KITCHIm “M ”the. - 99 King St. S. - Waterloo M "" " o- St. I. KITCHINII Mrs. Mosig and damriiim orGiieU dainty refreshments. The funeral of the hte George Retho we: largely attended on Tues- dey. Rev. B. R. Magi; preached u very impressive sermon and re- ferred to the untiring petience of the deceased, who for the put tttteen years had safer-ed greatly. His most recent visit was only I few. days before the lute Mr. Retina hedyueed any. Tie November meeting will be held at the Lutheran pix-some tn Philipsburg on October “It, no week earlier than the maul-r use. In. Andrew Kmpe raided tgtg the devotiolfn'lll peri of the to er meeting 0 e Wheel Indies’ 'Aid and Woman's Inton- ery Society, held in the church IIE lors on Tuesdny afternoon. subject wu "Going ferther with the Master in our Chriethn onto reach." Mrs. J. B. Death reed the topic, followed , e aolo by It. Grece Peacock. women's chorus else contributed . won! number. Mrs. Nelson Home geve the million study from “Having Millions". The President, Mia. Roy C. Luck- d t 't? 'IJ,',',,'., the "1'f,1tuuite't me e usmcss. were made for the tunnel thenk- ofrerintr in November. Mrs. Don A. Kerner, Mrs. James Wiederhold end Mrs. Andrew Kruepe were appointed e committee to mist In. Verne Cevsnetgh, the 'rt-tee,',',,', score- tsry, err-em e promo. Mrs. Lshyette Hoetetlcr end In. L. Amuher were eppoinud to look after the Bower decoration for the glint-ch daring the month of Octo- er. Attord Felon-l. 1Pe,t,9tPPeauidotmtGv" Mrs. J. B. Dengis Reads Paper, AormdGUiiiii, aFaiar, - GG Shandy cram, 'elat but all 'til"",',' whims. e tar “an cc oo , n "" Hygiro olBem. 1:11: ttltr “It! 55.. Brdrd once, Gh idAViiU LiiG and Men duties. 00?:th to the mutant an plum _ OCTOBER 12 v- "III",- T'tte Bus-n had it: n- 1.“ than in 'tMe inning:- Bob mo, and M, and the In! not. of " than that but.“ that the In; than; , sdrtutlt. mm- 'tt y . m l =u th ii Pt t ii'F"i e um . u in lin t mach” f-tate ,'hu1si'll'l,%, insomniac. Ne ill month. Bo nowasr' Sti52aiti, don, the butting Quid, all OCTOBER 5 oi id] at LONG BRANCH Motorcycles - And can. mavens DON E B Y '"Tldr,'t,'gr, MCI-ol- W Opus-tall“. Batman thfirijiihiate (ltrii.! Miss 'i"ili..'j'.j,"'_'.','iii,'.'iiji', lit Bmghers In $airliriuils I" t.:.r,r.rir,fti" -ltttI..fatdi Ruumuu RACES BNRIGH'I‘ 0038 now: THE HUB ADMISSION $1 ORDON’S ooo Ops-l“ SATISFY WO’HuI-nhoi G. L. BRAUN “gill-I30. R. #:73555- To new aniline?“ maturing to . our" 0.50““ In on do I: [he tho farmer n no! I pron-t to tho compulsory -trtrrb hand," no "not. unlo- mnro. Dr. mm. ”but "Wu should not lollslnte to “om that on no hub of ”with, Mbit, for It porno“ and raw Kltchenu In "an“ to I. a " In good for them. thor nhoulcl tr, can ot Ind-lat {our for an out! man: have the rum to have tan-Inca it MI. taat nut. "eert.d All. J. th 3mm Dr. mm W the but! AH. c. “than my“ one man an mm “In hall - in. on . "tetntorUt um.- "Many noon antenna has bun made mum the the 1mm. m Inn epidemic summed tn Tor- onto was milk-borne. which In ttgt- truo." "and Dr. hum. '"l‘omto'l hum: Is not autumnal. wh- col- pared with on ot other emu mronghont _ on. though It h" been and u not." AM. Dr. S. P. “vine -rtqd that tho protect wu - from m ntandpolm of Increased out to the consumer as: not In tho than.“ or while hum. compulwry noun" had 'ttet In the Twin City. Account: to I poll who by the ”location, "" voted "Otrt It and - 110 tor. I We are any to rover! mo con. unued mus-i of Leon G. Positional. who for tho put at: month- in but. quite m. 9.9!!! Play: Ink. menu for the ro'cep- tton of Mr. and In. Beverly Wilson on their return from their" honey- moon. Mm. Edvard Awe! u ”my this week at Detroit. The New letra Council In" 'otttmetitrWaatstm abusyotro- building the dam our the mill use on loot and West street. in front of the “on. of R. Bender and Vie. lieu. The ddmlk bod lowed owing to tho earth adding. Mr. C. o. Trmape has been Mil: colored pictures of the benutif local woodland; In. Don Honor In. Dr. Wil- Ion ond In. and. we: Jour- Ite' to Wok-non on fondly to (COIIIIIO‘ m- Piu " mu San Bentley. formerly at Goderteh with I!” Nollie Cook of Kitchener and )1li Bull of De- troit went Monday “moon " the lion“) or Mr .991! Mrs. A. R. G. Smith. I Mr. And Mrs. Hum Banger ot :Monkton Bpent Sunny with Mu. Banger 3nd the farmer's father, Otto Banger. Mr. Rania Bum. format» of the public school tuchlng ml. here. any} Sultan with Moods. Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins ot Enter and Betty Becker at London were guests ot Mr. sud In. o. H. Becker on Sunday Int. Mr. and In. Alex Richie:- and two children of Honda: spelt Smith! with the man parents. Mr. and Mrs. Romy Molnar. Ben Fun-ea. caretaker of the Trin- ity Lutheran Church Ind my friends from stratum]. Wallaby. Kitchener and Arr can on him on Sunday to congratulate him on the occasion of " birthday. the ratepayers. Thole col-lino. will, it is hoped hove the nuisance ot a committee iron the value council. The Continuation School Mon (no. will be lion! any for ttteorinttrr. The board hove nod Non South coal for about {our you-n. Wm. Kirkpatrick appeared he- ioro the Board to ask it a loco] or- ganization would he allowed to Inp- piy the pupils ot the little school with o and] quantity ot milk each day as I body build-r. This whi- lege no readily grantee. Hoar Sushi Speaker. Rev. Earl 0. Dale conducted ttl maniacs " the Bqtist Church, He.- peter Road, Motion, on Sunday. I The regular meeting ot the New Hemburg School Board was held in the Bond Room on Mondey menus. All members were present. Accounts beside the teachers 'snd cent-hers selsries to the amount of $200.00 were received and ordered we Mr. ‘Grmmx reported that to new type writers had been received and were in use in the newly estsbllshed oom- march] course under the direction at Miss Herb. Two committees were appointed to secure Intonation about plans ot a new school, prob sble number ot outside pupils end In- formation In general to by before Tho electlon or one." mulled In the reelection ot William Man: " [Arnhem and J. B. Dongl- u - tary-lreuuror. Rev. a. R. Schultz presented a - on “Fromm”, which lnlmdneod an Interacting du. can-loll. doe. A. H. My!» ot Putt-ville. It. I Face, of 1'11th " L Honor ot New Humbug. M. R. In“; at Dundee. Il 0. Duo of New Hamburg, New Hummus. 1 (Human ot New J. W. Sloben of Tampa, 0. I. Schultz ot Philip-burg. William wautrr ot Now Hnmtrurg and J. a. Dangl- of New Humbug. Will Supply _ Milk To Pupils l mm alum." (no - Rubin all surround” ecu-II- lty manila! [or and: October loo- Iion u may [autumn me In New limb-n on loud-y "tar noon. Thole pro-an. - a. 0. Plus ot Human, W. Goo. ot N" Dudes; L 3. Honor of New Dn- book. " You. ml- not.“ IAN", which in I. In an». "mn. tiu 'tMftt,'t'faanf; M an. ammuunuuo» locum. ThetdrtHnrrnrtitrtrtt. 'sireu.ittheuieo.t..ttattt. ”moron-mm Amen}. A iniir" "ii-"1h"? 'i"Pt_ebvainrtBur. ‘3. William Walker Reseieeted Head mum-cumulus” "MePru--tne-ea. Immune-nova.» “In. The devotional W in 91-)me ”nausea; Ewle-ml - of Clerical Group Bfithdar, oa. _ "Wm no“: not legislate to prev tht. for If venom and rut mllk In good tor than. they should hy I“ man have the right to new It," “and AM. J. G. Mn. AM. c. “M mm the noun" [ Md. A.U. Cudlci did not think " too In"; to In the exclusion of cream from "I. Act. "The least we can do In ulvo the tumor a helping hand." no "not. Hem-lunar: equipment for their u-e. proton. “than the manure. would deggue 'rtttrrtaattiallr. l Bishop Snider elm has M grand- children and three great grind. children. He wu made the recipient of n (In. when more then fifty of Lb {may went his birthday with mi We med ”my four years Ito. H. bu eight Ions and two Gunmen, who ore: Edgar, North Waterloo; Glynn, R.R. I, Water. loo; Deleon. int-m street, Water. loo: Addison, Bridgeport Walter, Bridgeport Clan, TGU, Benin-‘ min 3nd Gilbert. on the homestead. on! gnu-L ot New Dundee. I In excellent health, Bishop Snider um “do” driving " own car, and think: nothing of coping with heavy tragic inuany of the large; cities. l Biahogb Snider was pastor of Duvid 'r, church from 1892 to iii? hens succeeded by Rev. Noah Rymatrqeger. In 1895 he was ordained a bishop, in which capa- m! het Itrre Prttil. tttere- NP. He tho remembers when the first stone road wan put down in Water- loo, from the post one: to William ' tlutmetiitntlvarme the first ported flour from the Waterloo mill to Berlin nation for shipment, end when the area was sparsely scatter- ed with frame houses between Union street, Waterloo, and Wel- lingtonjtreet, Kitchener. The Prime Minister then disclosed that on appeal has been received from Prague through the Czech Min- ister here tor a low ot £3o,ooo,ooo, guaranteed- by the Britiéh Govern- ment. He did not rule out complete hifiiyiiii of the Czech request by the British Government, and intim- ated that other countries might also be Asked to lend money to the Clock. Bishop Snider h','.'."",,'.',) and ttte"ttiiiGtrTeViG Pts, which he distinctly remem- "cmtehottiovakin has earned our admiration and respect tor her re- straint, her dignity, and her magni- btetttt discipline in the face of such a trial as no nation has been called up to meet," said the Prime Minis- ter, amid jeers and taunts from Iav Ptrr members. who seemed to think his tribute insincere. l Must Room-alto Economy “We must recognize." Mr. Chaim berlsin went on, "that she has been put in the position where she has got to reconstruct her whole econo- my. Ind that in doing so she must encounter dimculties which it would be practically impossible for her to solve alone." l (Continued from Pu. " more than conventional sympathy for the Government and people of Ole- choslonku. A number from here attended the dance hold In Milverton on Friday night. Mr. and Mn. Geo. Zimmerman re turned to their home at Port Elam “to: spending u week at their homes here. Britain . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bruder and mu up!“ Friday night with Mend: in town. (Continued tron: Puo 1) Mn. A; susmmurumGr/ JdGie of dun " her home near St. Agatha [at week. Mr. Conrad Hahn, who reside- on the 11th tine, want ot mwood, re- port: he an I nampkln which mea- - Bl inche- by " Inches tad sighs " pounds. Lou of naming, pies than! Mrs. F. B. Schummer spent a cou- pl§_ot dun, in4Kitettenor last week. “Buck" Hurley accepted the Cup- ling tmphy from Jan Woolner on be half ot the M. and B. Shoe club. inter. medute champlou, while the Heller Bros., Trophy tor the junior winner- wn presented to Doug. Hal-bunch by "Pop" Koehler. 'Creets tor individual members ot the junior. intermedinte and senior champiomhip team. were bladed out. the sin. ot the federation. Mu Huge Pumpkin. _ The trophy. symbolic ot the m ground Nylon-hip or the TAMI. you wound to Goo. Wrath. manor ot tho Cariineaatttst “on by We Ileo‘Kmy. Bobby Boner. on new! ot the c.ac. Club, ucepted the 'tutr-nr, mom. emblem:- tie of the unloa- chnmmonohip tron Pram: Beulah .whllo the Ch“. 1htil trophy, In competition tor the Brst time on. you. Wal lccoptod on behalf at the Calms-Kant; tum, county chompin- by Fred G. Iron. um mutter. Ono (”tun ot tho ”can" pro- - III the graduation to Jo. Dub ot an “the! run In ”your “an or a. "teatitM work he did us proud“! ot a. autumnal: In an an! t98T. “ Net to" mud than on TIM! lint. than tho 1.081. not. “an." to m "I can. with I click- dhur ary. ulna-arm'- Bud hon Icahn ot no law can» Ammonia» club. an Iguanuwwonskouuuhot the an!!!" n In Goo. Juan. spam ot a. no»: chum who will ho ltd-517 honored u i hurls“. via Warm-hobo m to the has“. clamping. Pt. "Hart Noll Duluth was mum-t- or for tho dinner. a,,. 'dst-th, gun-ml“. “(than "ohu am “in." no Wan union " a. m mamma- eu- rig!_ol an. at no 9v. trophies “HEIRS GIVEN CRBS'I‘S B‘s-Iv. rg-tusa, sf Sunday vI-Ium um Albert ”In. wprrs Mr, and Mm. one Vol.01, can Rohert and Fred of gt"dnt I. mun-char of " Jacob. and 1- anmn of - _ Minn Florence Goodvln - a ”at any: with her Mend In". Stiller, Mr, and Mn Bill my)“. dun- tor Dolly. Herman smut-mm and Alfred Mare): nppm Sunny II Kitch- on” win. Mr, and In. ALI!!!“ Mrs. Fred Van!" In! I in this use): with tter lluer. Mn Ill- ton Kmart Mr. and Mn. nation Knuur all family went Sunny It at!“ Grove with Mr. and In. M B, Marlin. Mr. and Mn. Hound Mum. daughter spent and” In Peter-Mr: with Mrs. Mabel “who”. Mr. and In. Bert has. Mr. “C Mrs. C Waddle and child"! of I”: wore gnu“ um wool of In. . Hoerlo. Mr. and Iii-I. Chum "In! of Walton spent Tuudu In town All together ',rfth In. Howl. attended the tuners! of their mm In Knol- ener. the lute Mrs. Henry Groin. Mr. and Mn, cannon Zia-norm of Kitchener ”out a day with no my”. Clgn 9nd Imam Voila". Mrs. Joni! Schumann’s!- in - ing this week with her “It... In! M, Engelter. Mr. isnd Mrs. Schultz ot latch-nor spent a day with Mr. and Nth. cm- tord Hnahn. Mr. and Mm. Prod Silent-k. sent _ day with 000. Well. Rev. Carl Boa-nor or White"!!! spent a few day: with friend- in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hon"! We ot Detroit are spending um wont at the home of Mr. And In. mu ‘nraendlo. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bechtel of To- romo open: the week-end with "w uves here. 8 Mr. and Mn. Leon“ slight”! and family were viMttrte with friends at_ Nye P150. recently. I Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gi"irraio,, were Sundny guests at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Kuhn. Mr. Louis Stem um mum Mrs. Wilson ot annuals, were "all ing at the home or Mr. at! In. Oscar Huehn the utter part of Int week. _ Mr. Geo. Hammond: at Toronto was a we"?! begs on INretur. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer must were visiting with mauve: in Walker. lon_and_ "gnu! may, Ree. L H. Knitrneueh of Elmira was visiting Mich. Dreutuger " the home or Mr. and In. Herb. than last week. Mr. Oscar Stroll with" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroll and - vol-o spending Semday afternoon In the, Niagara district. Mr. and Mrs. but: Wander were waiting with Mr. and Mm. Walter Campbell in Guelph In! Blind-y. Mr. Hendry Pusmoro ot Montreal accompanied by his mm, In. Annie Harris ot Rockwod, we" ”siting friend- in their “the vil- lage on Thursday of last week. l St. Matthew'a Luther We phy- Ied has! to the Luther has!“ at St. James Church in Elmira, Thursday evening. A pron-um of magical num- bers, games and contests followed a short devotion-l period. Lunch we. served later. Attend: convunuon. Miss Audrey gamer upon hat sealed the np.tr. on in. din}! Church at a convention. Heavy Frost. ’lce (1-019 on quiet was“ during last Sunday night, being the ttmt heavy from. of the lotion. weetetmrirt 01ng 'whrerer 311919911; eo'ere"o Luther Leaguers Enjoy Social There'li be hurdle new: on three days of the meeting, namely, Thun- day, Friday Ind “May. when they'll be called to the pout art 1.30. On other day: the curling “no will he 2 o'clock. The $5.000 added. In. 0min Cup and Bouncer for two-Mus fouled In Canasta, will be m on Wedneedey. October 18, the he: do! ot the meeting. This nuke cloud with 77 nomination. but utter two more peymenu. but " rennin ell;- lhlo, end it ten go to the poet (he race will you more then ".000. It In the molt "lune Noreen-old stake in Canada. end. tor the! w- ter. it is only exceeded in nine by the King“; Plate. HEIDILIIRG 'Wo Md . beautiful a, for out woddln and n In "on an ttf married In. more have be” on of nice Inna-y an In our dandy Mutton in than have but lob of you: an. too." than]; (cum-u no. Put " \yl'llll'l Crap'? - tll", ‘" cont-l- - tether A In "atthntratmteoriutrtH- 9:0!an Mn was an to TU m count!” “In hag“: be than clout Mar." To. cold the 1,000 deli- to a. m- an! has“ -tutttt, a. fett Pte' rrp '?ymry.d who». in o!- Hepburn Tho mm further tutor-nod 1111an tint Guy's body would be found in 'r1Ydqaitheouatrtnottutenrii." to “I hid tt'dh wasn't mo] he: not. a manta advance,” Rankin sold at llh eon- Ir,',,","",') J'Pid'gc 22Sg'td won 0 no: - fg'tt',ht 2httt o with“ tti no nah turd”. . - ( ft be very P.',',',',",', f/,'1,rl"f, out on . ovt.t .33? W! Gear, . and“ ma who” wif- ond wont- tire in Winnipeg, had boon employed " tho Pomonr Gold Mino- lor o no: and o hall. a. mod " position lot _tHtueday after "turning from man. Chief Corona- P. C. Enn- "id Mar'"" ond no inquoot would (Command mm rm 1) Plans Funeral (Conan-u m- m. n hoof" and In“ Stalls. Kitch- ener; Cameron Chmersrtetr, Bun; Nbrnun Shun. Willi-In [mum and E. Becker. Ayr; Halon lunar. Blair; Margaret amen. out; and Maurice Damon. New Hunting. der, Norm. Webs}, wkid giaiirrik shah and Dorothy Shah. all of W:- Prttto; Hoyt}?! Snyder, “on Ben- The annual trip u danced by the Junior Farmers Atmoeution which you money for It: trttrtrmumry from "noun publlc and prints bodies and also from such Ictlvluel " shuns pct-luau which it spawn. Waterloo wait-i $3615 people who guide ttyt grip Cer'.', Roy G. Sny- So Down 00-! I!” Going on to Providence. suburb of Scrum, P... they were Man do" to the 360 level ot a not} mine and thou III the prom of min- ing. This way a very Interesting tenure ot the trip tor the My. At (than. N.Y., they our Cornell Unl- venity and then went on to lowly ton. Prom Lemma the may hold- ed tor home. _ Walnut. m mutuality in another my tor there some member- of the party at their ttrBt movie our. After man; the Bell Tele- phone Company building they wont to Liberty Hill where the Declara- tion of md-da-r - signed. " thor you emu-tn; the m; tho: - Mary Pickford who in jut leaving. At Windchill: they also visited the put union. The petty then visited a (Inn inl (Ana-tar county owned by In" H. Brubeck». This term we. one or the ant opened in that dtqtrtot III! we: of intereet to ‘the NNtme%o!, county Junior tome:- beeenu men“ of the tnmlliee new tn thin county came here from that section trt the American unto. Thrille at “Hindemith At Pttttadeltrtth they had a few thrills “on they View e planet”- ium where they were alum what scienttete believe mm new“ vital the “end of the world" camel. " was related then on electrics] atorm I 'rBsgrtedfortherh-ttt ninth“; name ot the girl member: ot tho party shrieking. This pineal-Inn! he received commune publiclly lately because of it. triettrriaatiort ot the world ending. ‘ momma- of mmm In" . mining In calcium to mtt but on "all If they hue has occupied In ghoul" cadaver. It. all In. Hub m Ind Multan Theron all am an to!“ “who and hi», ”on Stud-y with Mr. and Mra.sYeta, hummer an: Linwood. Mr. and In. Milton Baylor of Dunbar: “on! 83nd” with Mr. all lilo. lull. - nad Gladys Diana ot flint“. spent Sunday wig It. 911 'e, my Sula. Jon Itrore a My. Mr. and In. Home Bella-tor of an mm and In. John Hol- man at Ill! Wong-lo, not: autu- du with It. and In. W. Dun- in __ “I335- 'WB-rtrt. F In. a. umumnm “mum'uhnyum gt. Jot-19mm Wm (Conan-d no. to. " u a. '_.de"idr.-iiid iii-n? mun-cum.“ In!!!» , PM htd_t.heyeeerr n- the that! Ian-‘71. To this any union ave girl. und i one boy were born: Fannie. Mn. JI- cot km. of Baden; auburn. Mm. San: Stelnxnan. ot New Iii-minus: Mame. Mrs. N. M. swim-n, ot linden; Lydia. n home with her pal-emu Lavina, the lute Mn. Solo non Meyer ot Moon. Mich.. who died twentyvono you: Mo. Thor are also seven grandchildren In the funny circle. Mr. Gaucho. tho loan young in may of his yam and labors. say: he has'always enjoyed good hum: ', '8teeniEleotrid l It 0 N fthio hnppy young couple on sturdy pioneers moved out into tho but Where the rum of Mr. Jon. stunt; is not: locate; That Strat wring u soon u a tow tren- were cut down a Inn]! shanty no eroctod. Tho- begnn the laborious tut bt do» ing the ground (or building a horns. ‘Not only an the tree- Invo to'bo lee" down but the root- niIo had to be dug out. But on and on they worked from the Int break ot day until nightuii. Once the ind um cloned. oxen were put to work cul- tinting it tor their cropn which con- sisted In Inter your: not only ot grain: but fruits ot every kind. Thir- tymon your. or their married lite was npont on this turn no in 1981 they moved into the residence they now occupy in linden. In mansion thin grand old couple both belong to the Ankh-Mennonite Church and tor tho put. forty-[Ive yearn, Mr. Gaucho 11-..an I min. htor lg that church at Wilma Cur tre. TURN IN THIS COUPON " can. you “this. -- No chug-(ion. You nay win tha tra, "In“! " ...._... FOR A NEW LABOUR-SAVING PRIZE DRAW i)lll (llliylli ELIMINATES SPRINKLING I1Cthd_errrTh-btsu"oethutmqtht-u: “upon: as It presses with “can from Electric Water Scum y t - n.11 J; . “a. u... a M... dtit J'oul."82the.','aWd2l', 1 bq"m And hm" bathe mixture. ' King St. Floor At Goldie: YARN ,tylitFuie,? 'iiiiaiiiGi" “TW'WE KHAKI DENIM and STRIPED COTTONADE. 1 c 'Jra " an} 31:16.. Lt','d'.'a future 3 2-l- " ”36: yard. GOUDIES TICKING Wuhan-“Sun - MAJQIua-Su. Prize Draw 9 pan. Saturday SEE THE DEMON RATOR AT OUR STORE THIS THURSDAY . FRIDAY . SATURDAY WILL NOT BURN OR SCORCH THE FINEST FABRICS ROLLING KITCHENER I Mr. Geecho. whole hearing in slightly‘dlmmed is blessed with teen feminine end recelle many annulus incidents of bygone darts-tttty Jour- ney of hie grandfather when he came from PemtarlranU in the Con- eetogo ---Behoot any: spent at the little old echool-houee where both German and English were mush! ‘end where he was I echoolrnete ot the late Sir Adam Beck, who was a few monthl younger, and the late Mr. Joseph Hotele. recently decou- ed. Alweyl e - ot fresh fruit. Mr. Geecho he. seen to it that their town lot ie a veritable fruit semen end from the earliest crop (i etrew- berries to peers and plants. etc.. they enjoy their own fresh fruit. When asked for a recipe tor lau- evity and heppineee in wedded lilo. We Gaucho felt it could be I quote- tion of that Scripture verse which reede. “For i heve learned in whet- soever state I am. therewith to he content " uutd been able to out and also» Iii. ‘lt has not been In. Gucho'a tot to enjoy the heat or health u the in: boon bedridden at diner.“ [inle- during the put thirteen yous with n bronchial amiction “a In towed to IDOIId her wedding - tion on her bed ot Maria. I: out. at - lichen. In. Guano cull du. pia-n her love ot fiowm and the Chronicle found her liclroom I uro- tuioa of bountiful "oven” which kind friend. had tent with their shower- ot gm: ou thin in»! occu- lion. lacuna , 3nd " $21.50 PM 4280

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