Prim this Fall suburban-nod“ Tum writing“. 'lr,th1l'a'tlh'lgrgrTg2'rm','tS'fleti More than $2,000 wu realised Al the sale of the Rudd Estate, It Mosboro, on Wednesday, when n large crowd attended 'ltt, in- element weather. Addison .Snider ms auctioneer. "Tops" for hogs was 845 while sows reached 850. Young now; from 100 to 150 pounds in weight, sold easily as high as 828. Steady demand tor and! his lap! fresh receipts clear on mum: - REL Ollerlllgu were light In - ot the seasonal decline in â€Wu and the (act that holder. of atom. stocks are pot Inclined to ole: a current price levels. Wool.“ blah!†sold at 22c. Ontario solid- ad-ad to the range ot 21e to in“: for No. 1 grades and 2016 to 10%: [or " score. It was doubtful if the Ontario product was anlluble below the int. [or "ttre In late trading. No can“ Occurred in prints. The egg market unnamed a in underlone, with dmaaatd (cod. 'te celpta 0' top grades were light. Mt pallets arrived in good volume. and this grade wu Inclined to at". Ores unions stiffened In the graded divi- sion. grade A-large selling at " to 370. medium at " to Me, pallet: at toc, medium at Me and C (MOI at 21 to 22r. t Auction Sale l Reaches and 46.380 boxes tn a. curmud- in period of 1937. to: a. W my 1 m Oet. l, an?! has In. been shipped thin your, 1 than.“ or 110,341 homo. or that " unu- poundl (mm the 015.5" m nipped In this â€Hod tant your. _ An improved (one In -tNett I humor on the Toronto produce - ket Wednesday. will. - m were reached by [ruled “I. Incu- d do... on at m tant not do»! n all. Or. a that u um- pull a. a in! no to been tho and in... It mourns! “told-hm has], " all“. BrqrW, It... remind In - - it (to Dominion Denna-.1 at aareatlttqt Butter mud to m 2Ndtt don during no In! In a: 415,003 mus. and m i. uportl during ti. e-mtg" e Mod ot In! your at only â€0.4†Oven-nu uhlnutl de ch... in week loaned 31.5“ how. u - “Anibal“ in tho -dtrrg tut Week's thtae his Our Mill Opens Friday AUGUST 19 For Pressing. Af tha " do _ 'rd', $53.24., and iii-rite/Illini:" lilih’. - We will thunk you for your jobs. THE WE‘SNIQER; mums-ca [BEE SNIDER’S CHICK STARTER GBOWINGMASH ........w. LAYINGMASH............ PIG GROWER ............. CALF MEAL .............. 321 Bahia-p! St. KITCHENER. ONT. Pine-u 3483 - " 3-“.- Death (or tho In. - "or In". Ne - M “SURE GAIN†comm - f. - "on . and. . "tthart. E. A. Stahl SUDDEN DEATH BUG KILLER R.0. X. SALT FOR WATER 90mm Binder Twine GOLD MEDAL Ind RED TOP m QUALITY “0*wa Orders taken for the divine friendship not. In con- (-lusion he alarmed that all true friendship ttoat-ttat do. Jun- Chriui expect or In it wer tall be known as his tturtd-othtng less than abooiute lanky to an. "Punching" lo To": in the evening he â€new: the very npproprlnte thatch! ot "Friendship" reminding his congre- gation that Jenna aid to hie dit ciplen, "I cell you not nervenu but rt have called you friends". This occl- sion which brought people meme)- from ell/over the province and even beyond the province. he pointed out was a rare opportunity. friendnhipl could be renewed here which had lapsed tor my yen". Friends are one“! richest treasures end are worth an Investment ot one'n the. HIV- ing dealt with human Mend-hip he then referred to the ("W0 of Jesus Chi-in end the extent to which I 60ml Kot Changed I 'In the morning the watcher doth. ‘wlth the ttrtettartttirttt gape! amid a changing york! Inning “Jun. (mm the name â€newâ€, today. 1nd tor- ever" as a text He pointed out that even a short period of any years had brought my clung†but not to the need. ot n troubled world for with Paul of old we no a world which need. that which emu alone‘ can give to It. Rev. K B. Perth ot Trinity United Chm-ch. Grins)» as tho univer- sary when he being . grandson ot the later Rn. June. Boyd. In honor ot when the church cu named. 1 Sunday. October 2nd, m A red letter day in the history of Boyd United Chureh, mull. when two former ministers sud two who spent their boyhood days in the community along with the present minister of the congregation took out in the Mtieth anniversary of Boyd United Church. A double mixed qwtotto iron looroileld United Church also took part in the services at 11 um. and 7.30 tun. 29 ORIGINAL, MAI-k Ftftieth Anniversary of Boyd at borough. 81.40. l Dressed welsh“: min. "t.86; Chatham. 8tt.60; "In. 8ttd0; Kitch- ‘oner, 811: mm 011: Station]. 311; Marlborough. 811.30; Toronto. Grandson (lf Namesake 0f Church ls Guest Speaker W new“: around ate at W. be!!!“ unusual canto.- â€do. Intâ€, 1 to 156 In. ........ " 1% to " III. .... " Sol-In. 'ttth'-- 256 to I III. ........ " d to 0% lit. ........ ll 4% In 5 lbs. ...-.. I i to C In. ............ " Over ' lbs. ......... Mt tgrio punt-7 in mud - '3r"QC 0““ A ........_. . tttte A a. a...“ I Pull.“ ...--.....-....- I an“ B h. .mt.........h. " taie henna: Brannon. “.35 Paula-[and I“. Hog Quotations @mommonn. @8m~100,l§t Quantum. announce... FOUL?" am- to W1 MEMBERS ATTEND “AI-LIMA CROSSHILL " " ll " ' ate, and Mm. D, C. Prune ot Cluck-d. ONO. In. I. . Mum: (Dom Bruno), Marian. Ohio. In. Al“. NMI (AMI. Fun.) of or Among thou wild aGaerG. Golden Jlblho of Bord Church from a "ttttee clingy wore Mr. Ind In. Thou. William‘ of Gravenhunl and "tttttttee, In. J, B, "m and Mr. am ot Toronto, Mn. B. E. Lord (formerly Rune Mum) of Peter- howlql. Mr. no In. no: Frame. 200 fttvttatiogtg were um out to member- Ind former members Ind Minot-um of Boyd Chtrrett, may of whom were scattered far m We. A spoon] tribute no paid to the memory of the Illa Quin arbour. who during the put your. pas-ed nus at Edmonton. Aim, and tor over " you: served as choir lender During the ttfttyrttoon visitors were "can at the homes of member: ot the convention ma may friend- were renewed In this war " Orion"! Adhoronh Fromm In manque to I request from the pulpit that " those who were prel- ell II the opening of tho church " your: Mo stand. " persons role to their foot. "tend. were pro-em trom Graven- hurlt. Cleveland. Ohio, Marion, Ohio. Detroit, lick" Ottawa, Ptsterrtroromrtt, Grim-by. Toronto, London. Win;- ham. Strum"). “novel. Guelph, Kitchgner, Wnterloo. Elmm. Mitch. _-..-..-..u, w-u=uw. nun-III. mucu- ell, Atwood, Glmsalhstt, t9tr"tsrdvi1ie, Dayton. Now Dundee, on: ma many ot the announcing village; _ Mr. and Mn. Alfred Maryann ot _weneam, generouety donetd severe! ‘hukeie of beautiful Kindle": and damn. . Only Surviving Member Preeent Among the many guests who were present special mention might be made ot Mien Sen Boyd, the only surviving member of the lete Rev. James Bord and Henry Kelly of Mititratte in his 'ttrt your, eleo the Indy who denied the nomyrt, at the opening ot the church. Mrs. E. B. Melon (formerly Bella Prime) ot Marion, Ohio; l, The church In! beautifully decor. ated wtht ghdlolla. dahllu. asters and Zinnia. Among the tlower. was a basket by Mrs. Charles Vetter or Kitchener in memory of her parents, William hunger and Eula Jane Harris. and Mt yellow roses by Boyd Church congregation In memory of "The founders and builders of the church." l Annunciation Limited Ideal weather prevailed and the church was crowded to capacity. (hue who were unable to and ac- eomodltlon in the auditorium were nine to follow the Imice by means ot I loud speaker which carried it to the basement. The loud speaker was inst-lied tor the occaelon through the kindness ot M. W. Pu- ther ot Welleuley. . Other Minimal: Aunt ' Rev. A. A. being} of Guelph. a tor.. mer minister. led in prayer in the running. The scripture was read try Rev. t A. Ben, also a former min- htof. now living in motion. Rev. G. 8. Hunmond. who grew up in the community and in now minute: at Btrnthmtvimr, Ont., pronounced the benediction. Boat with: of the corimunity is “(ended to them. Tollgiinx the ceremony a dainty Hyper an; served to " guests. The bride was attended by herb,“ ulster, Mama: Bu: and My Both at of Wells-lay and the bridegroom by (hiss M. Mather, Joseph Gerber ot Wallet» her lay and Aaron Bast, brother ot the In", The bride I†Mentally gained in tur4ttoUo blue cheer gm nu} blue accessories. The trr'bmrryph" were dressed in pink crepe back nun. A pretty autumn wedding was trol. emnlxod It the home of Mr, Rudy But. when his damn: Clan, wu united in carriage to John Gerber, non of Mr. mg Mrs. John Gerber ot Welleslay. Bishop Dan {abold ot Wallaby! allot-ted. l Good awe and nether luau wont Ce, 51.7; to am with one load at n. Truck umb- were generally 87.76. ‘clthom 1 far will at low as $7.60. Other and. were priced from " to ‘07. sheep moved from " to 84.6tt cut. MissClara Bast The Toronto Liver Block Mule! will be cloud Monday. Oct. IO, “Waving Day. 811.55; Ind (Radium. “1.25 to pro- ducers and 811.00 to. trucks". “and been hon out!“ n gen- onlly a.“ with a to! but hauls up to $8.65. Hop nipped Lon were quoted in 1 range of " to $8.35. cum val uln- I.“ 88.60 to " u to. to†reaching â€.50. Common hog!) cunt used down to " an» m................-.......-..: - --e -. “Y. m u - - _7 1rATultra". "iiiiiilrd'iii'ri, an . . .-...,......._... a td m a... _ " t an inch W to and “W†m an ‘““m"mu.iwmta Ito "iaTiiiiiTUr.rrC. no W t*maMirq “3 m “I! "no M I. Inn-dun. - a Man the "a mum..- ' 18-80 I“. and. 3m WOMWMIIOPIO- ' t -r-q.e-ur"ro-trdibTeytriiiFiViiiria"'rat%"'i" undo-mu. mu rm in Chtpltt,'ti 'rr.f."t'. lulu: eet.trs1."".uete-lar." 1'lgdeururtitt",,,tpttie out]. ...'.....r....-mq....-..q..-.. I! and 3.] ho ot m; - SAMMY. $ter88tq" s. "" .0. - "h “ than! I... to m at". ,................................. LN! boiling “at Ne "ttttg u. A lit A. ' - tttUd tNttatTJgirt only to I. ....._.............H.._.t..-b..-.. at and bob use) a m “I. g. a a “at the: than I". a... m......-.-...-......-......... 1.10: At 'hed, an on ml. a.†. m" - "int.eodaatte â€â€™ - V“ DATEthbMduolouohu ",'ul2,"'tth"u'tgeU."eh' l."lll,'dlle'a'ltII uT2'd, "lltmb-4- an... m. . . . , ge. nluu I. um I... In... Inn-u. a a“... =td2'rftfSt"l'lriPda 8good-hrtqh-t8-d mummw. lde.ttt."2thet Mmgwmnnyuewumcmwluddm“: 'h-Wu..'..-'. We: Imam“ 10Wâ€! h1terudut'e T choice a!" tf, I. w m"""-'""'"------.----"-- M; m. .1 ma . - 3'3... mam?" " 'itt,'t "" tot . N ST. JACOBS Wm" - W m" “u "mm. on a; " an 't."e,,ttt tttt'TA'N2'l"g'"2tt, "not C nun-m a: . -..-.---.t- . {v.01}: to aâ€: iypie'2iiri,?ir.i - B. HAITI", Inc-kn. Bold Annual Hear Heads of h . . " o I at: to J". cute. tod carve. moved EDWARD “a“ M’ Minion Meeting S.S. Convention hon urn to use with modluml """=""'"el"'-='"r"e=' A g be t"gl,l',n ttu?'""" oot6 “I," m wm‘ t t. J Mr. “In! Thur of “mir- - Um It" 3* “I I... “a. .,.-...“.‘.".................... a oum v._._.......~.....-. I. -.u...-....-...-.. I.†[An and W II II. ho In a Ontario. “is M my: My ...-_..._.........._-....... '06 in. ....._.._..........H-.t..r.t.-.-. no - -.....-r-.-._t..-..._-. 1.1†Weds John Gerber Mr, and Mrs, Id. Katma- and daughter (Ir-co of Imam-or. and an and Mrs. Harry Rodin, Ber. llce ml Hug-rm Arm of Buddha; spent Sunday It Henry Schmidt’s. Mm Florence Hum, an. of " “who. Mr. no In. Alix-n Schmldt and daughter ttt Kitchen. spent Smithy It Amen “to. mun-d LtiuGGirriar%rG' " terloo after â€cum: on. “III months with All!“ Hm. Visitors " the homo of In. Henry Elmnchter on and" "to: It. and Mrs. William Fox-lot Ind to: ot lawn. Mr. and Mn. Mellon no". “we Bird) of Detroit. Mrs. George Muller ot " “not. spent the weekad with In. Hoary Einwnchter. The October meeting of the tA. James Lutheran udder Aid was held at the home ttturs, H. Kano-Inn on Wednesday evening with the preci- ,m~m. Mrs. M. K. Toma occupying the choir. The Icriplnro lesson was read by Mrs. Kovelnun followed by a reading entitled. “The Mme From Attica", by In. Oliver Zion. Palms " ond 136 were rend by the President and In. William Goon- ‘iing and the meeting cloud with the Lou“ Payer on? Doxolou. Dainty ‘iefreshmenu were then IOI'VOd try the hone-I. Mrs. Eli Rumba-gen maiden or the Bethel Mia-ion Circle. wt: in (hum: of the Devotions] Period at the monthly meeting which wu hold at her home on Wound". no afternoon was upon! in making I eotntorter. Puma-Io. l f A meeting for alone who no In- terected in hockey will be held. It the home of 1Mrdteu Weber on lon- Itar evening. Oct. 10th, n 8 o'clock. Sowing Clrclo Moots. The member: of the Blanch: Mennonlto Sewlnx Circle not at the home or Mia. Omar Cranium on Tuesday afternoon tor tholr regular monthly sewing meeting. A brlot de votlonal period was conducted w the President. Miss Vera Hollman. St. JameI' Ladleo' Aid. Mrs. Norman Kate:- oondwctod the Devotions at the opening of the meeting and the loam was read trr Mn. Igtgtn liner. Wa. E. Gingerlch presided tor-"tho relaun- der of the prom-um which [new the following numhen: a vocal Iolo. "l Wand Be Thee", by Hrs. A. Hil- born; a reading on "Thanh-giving", by Mrs. Ed. sums; and the 4trat chapters of the new mission Indy book about India entitled. “Moving Millions", by Mrs. Clare IHnbom. ‘his bugle. which is a signal tor Ill herdamen to kneel In I. prayer of thanksgiving. She then an e brie! history ot some ot the early oblon- ances of thmmm me with its ‘origin by the Pttirtm " lthers in America in 1611. The Int Thanksgiving Day iii Chan" m In ‘Quebec in 100 when the French wo- P"" promised to make a pilgrim-go to the church every day it released trom the mum. illusion. - giving was first observed in mum on Sept. 28, 1768 when peace ,eassl, signed between Great Britain and France and again in Quebec in Jan., 1798 after the victory " .00qu Bay. In later year: it was set aide I. a statutory holiday We! ell Canada. of n splendid paper preeentd by In. R. R. Bailie at the Dem“- meeting of the U. .3. Women's Ills-loom Association which "I hon at the home ot Mn. L. Clemens on Wed- nendny Incl-noon. in her introduc- tory remake Mrs. Bailitr referred to the country ot 811th when Thanksgiving Day in abut-70d "or! day when the herdnman who in high- est on the mount“: at sun-ct blown to Pennsylvania with the Womb!) County Junior Fume:- OIoup. A vocal duet entitled “mu". m rendered by In Lyle Diesel-u and Min Muriel Poth followed by a lively discussion on, “Where I Would lee to Vlru And whe. At the eu- union of the meeting “my takeou- menu were served by the committee composed af the Mine- Dorothy Newberry, Elisabeth Roll! and lot- nrot Slam. . . Mrs. R. it Hallie . lees Address At W.M.S. Meet 1t'h',,12 vs on topic about.“ att omonthtr 'rtqettgqtetho"nietr Woman Mun. which In - a the home ot In. up"! soon: on Tue-any evening. We In new er was In our†of the progn- an alto gun a chart talk on the nub not. The response to the roll all no, "A PM. I have vhlud nil What I Sir There". It†Alta 8mm gave a reading, “Shim". that which Miss LII"! mandala (an III In- teresting “count of her recent trip Newman Amd"--'..'--. 'ttN' DUNDII Junior W. I. Enjoy . "Travel" T)',.,,, 4hTGlll21rM'il,r; "rtueerfyme", w" the “Meet Tmm on do: " uk. A†c. HAITI! and IMO: I. â€TIN, lung-bra. EDWARD 621831. A“... Mr. I“ In. In lawn-r all children. Cum. IMHO! nu Now- as VIP. "a ot Mr. - In. " to» claim» at It. an: M Inn. on the m Mr. no! In. David lunar m In. "an “no: ot Eleanor "and at "I. bone of In. amp Hun-nu on W“. Mr. and MnIiovy'mo‘r-vimt My†'rlet med. n Tao-to. Mr. and In. M In). In sol. lien â€on: Sunday with Mr. and In. T. Hum at hm. Mr. and In. Clare-co attrsrberorr at Waterloo "all“ with Ir. III In. Mold No? on 'yt"ne. lot m†Alum biekdrGt 75.363 our the week-n1 In. Non “mm and Mr, Arctic Willem of mum» mum at the huge M 37qu In on M. mug: with Mr. "iirirriGiiiii Zlnkon this week. In. magma-pg wu lye (not! Gait; Mr. and In. John alnol at Dumbo; In. Goon and In. Schu- fer of New 31mm"; Mr. and In. Loula lucid-r and dual". las ran. AM In: and Audrey endings:- of Kitchener. Holn can. alum! Immanuel! tron the Trundomn n-onuor tome and police nations ot neighboring "tttietttqtttta. all Anh- woro mm and the remainder ot the hand mt- Armed with rifles, bomb. and AaaaerB, the Anh- swooped down on Joweh homes. They centred their Attack on lllroe houses. at: mon- vero killed In one. In In “other. and two In t%stttieu. The other Jun were killed In shooting tn diagram Bart. of the an. l Suddenly u shrill whistle sounded. It was the “all tor I concerted nt- ‘tack up the leerlu pollce nation. Government alien and British po- ‘Iice barracks. Hm broke out In the Jewish synagogue. the district com- nlulonu-‘n one“. “(I -erat houses. _ 1 “ms. Pele-tine. - Nineteen iii; were killed by Arab ten-ode“ Mend-y In one or the worn out~ bteeh In current Jovian-An}: who in; out um chin. to Peleeune n e homeland. Bodies of those lull. About half or which were you: children trom one ttM, year- ot use, were burned by the Aruba. Two other Jun were in- jnnd ttetrittttsir. . _ After cutting all telephone com- munications. the Arab rebel- tgttter. ad Tiborlu from two directions. They had occupied the surrounding Mun. within . name'- throw ot the Sn ot ounce. Mr. Holst in the president ot trt. June- lather League and In. Bord 1- the commanding actuary ot tho “no league. mm In October. One of the Ntmwttorry" women in the southern and ot the village treated her neighbor's children to name befrie- she picked In her puck on Oct. We 18 Jews Perish In Arab Raid Bum- woro machined In the hu- ther-n cum: on Bum; tor Mr. Al- trod Holst.» - o! It. III In. Charle- Hobt or the yin“. and Min Marlon Bord, humor of Mr. and Mm. M. Boyd of Linwood. Our school been provided . work room In the bortf huement tor men- u! training work. A number of wol- and â€no machinery he: been u- cured. This Mention to the well- ‘eulpped at. leech- School, I: may Awful-tea by the be†" well a lane menu. Mr. like Brubecher. the Juno!- being a ctr-neuter by trade. I: overseeing the me of the tools. Luther [tag-pens To Be Married breached (to very pruned «mom in the [unusual Church on Sun- dar. In. his. Mun retired, de. "(its to - the on “no soap! ot Mn and Nation. In. Snot 1m mmum.mun.u.LWo her during " any h at. mobs. Th-ttitat-to-gt-ttneo, 'h. m "thee In“... untold 'trqrftt"rt.g to but ttto non nub a“. mum Alvh act-um ot minno- an Min. lnh Pd: ot Jim-ton. “can" of up unto: Lax-o ot can“... following an In. mun. Ionics . loch) hour wan T11 Be Taught In Rev. A. W. Sauer h, Guest Preacher - mil “Ishtar-hi lcixun nt- Cellar' of'School an“. at Humane Mr. and in. Goldbeck and Ion and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stroll were Sagan et" oily. Elenora Fries. Mr. in In. bfif iiGGi% YE"; terloo called on Mr. and Mn. Holden Angel 01: Bungâ€. Mr. and In. Kart -iioiicaT%d mu, of An united with Mr. and Mrs. John Walker on Sand". Mr. Grant Richmond of Toronto and on 31-11“. Ye op Sud-L In. E. ductile? pi TGG, pint. ls spending a few weeks with friend- in Aha vicinity. Mr/and In. H, ti0iGrCoFrtur- onto spent Sunday " the home of Maud In. P. E. Welter. A Mr. and Mrs. Andrew [Author ot North Bunions visited with Mr. and In. W. H. Behaner on Sunday. Mr. N. E. Martin upon: In: Wod- nefdny In the Miieerton district. Mr. and In. "wiiiiGriGGis and family at Elmira were Smithy guests "tAr. and Mn. John ll. Hahn. _ in. and in, Andrew Waht and non Curl visited In clitoral on Bum do: afternoon. _ Mr. And Mn. Eden Cream tad tinny and Mr. and In. Norman Bush!" and funny were dinner mu with friends in Waterloo tutd supper of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mar- tin of 05.8. No. 21, Waterloo. mm III-LING I. I. mu J. LOT! I. B. BLANK 'mA-. M. Joni- "on.†"like. Mr. and Mrs. Dlvid Kramer and Mr and Mrs. Joseph E. Brubacher are sojourning In Pennlylvulh for two or three week Among friends. Mr .and Mrs. Ell Brubschor vult- ed It the homes of Mr. and In. (Means, Brutraehor, Mr. and In. Pe tor Brnbachor and Mr. DIM Horst in the Three Bridges section. on Sunday. ROE FARMS MILLING co. ATWOOD, ONTARIO Gnnd John Schmer .and Miss Iso- bel Roth ot Heidelberg visited with the William Banner - on Fri- Mr. and In. latter Shelly und some of " funny visited with Mr. and Mn. _M_._L. Yer an Suds). luv. L H. Winner of Kitchen. will punch in the Manual Chgrch my gun†morning. el Mr. Jacob aood hide Vim-Inel- out It Hammett and Mdenhot on Monday. at a. nudist? Ji'ivJIG-Ty Bun: day School Convention . paid the Evangelist} " here an 1|;th mu 'uul mum . eiGiGrGriG Mr. Raul Wood and - of boon - entity at the home of Ir_._andi In. Horn usher. Yr-. “my TArttsr night. - 'toereedoMdioenttrb, == " I... .. (night and “In... km “0th can. mamm¢.umrhmm. and win. It e... " etc-laying. you " bo In. (in and.“ with the haunted prod-ed.- of largo m. of - but!" and Invent . . . I no.â€- ION-l I'.", foe tho iguana-Ii. far-or. I" u ask . , . you'll bo incl. Tu.rl-u-dout chem. Una only - wall. a. of" you Iona-In t'% he that do .00 too-lb. You do you: w in lining. and you'll have the that no.†on it," . - - In", Vila-Ind for tteat& and Fun-m kn Imus. a no? i2? GaN Faaa Gia. -atiiill about no pond In only an. or bu M o! hone-wow- gnh, duo-db. fP - In"! of '.mMehs yoga-tub In “cam-dialli- his. iFgt1A's'li'i7l41llll';u"dA.Nf,Tll ROE 32% and 40% (caplet. 'pebcoNcENritAreis elttrftt/etc',t,ttto '_r-u--ro,e,t-. w. STUMPF, Auctionqer " PM St., Wanda. Oct. 8 (t1aturdroy---At 2.30 p.m., at the Waterloo Auction Hurt, com. munity collection of everything. 'rotryelyytrltprodry. 7 Oct. 15 ’is‘iiiFé'uy) - Amine Ygterloo Auction Mart. Watch for oetoher 18 (FedneqdarqV-At 1 mm, fun stock. implements. hay, ruin sud some household - or Geo. Scheil, situated 8% miles northeast of Brest", 1 mile north of if,taith't, service station, " Guelph- when" highway. _ 'tgo-dart-Ana'.." (kl4ti3Alll'l3l4hihtiti4h,llJ, ttptPSt'dtt%rd (at '1--.1. on!!!“ P'tdht"t12%., ) Att '..."tf?Au,,ttt'JtWattA,t tttttttSt", My and not. Mahmud 'ed-tYeti-i-ttVe. PNP. GMBEL, A“: M I13 P s. 31-]!- 1 0cer " 1Wednedar)-At " t'ritth, Executor! 8-10 of mm. “in. machine, impiemenu. hob, human ducts, for the out. " Elk; w. Mn, 8% mil.- vogt of Elmira. Nov. 8 IT-ary-att; Guolph ll]. of Holstein attic " the Wirttkr 'Nt, Building! Guelph. A. B. Bru. o?gra1t.t'M,1' " 'ste:. 11tetmru-ta, "Links. poultry. Oct. 72767 (wane-tin!) - Auction do ot [ha-tack in Imam: ud ted 5nd househoid Wh' for John ma did REESE aria Tir- iiiiii Behedcwits and In. Edna Schode~ will. " miles west of Elmira. October Mr---Etmira Fuir, I lot ot ttrt, furniture, tools and minceL aNM8n mielu " retro! Stoddiek Hotel. at Auctioneer George Clau’ ad " ttaa I tii Tar-71K?" ---At an Mat Shed, '.u'?2l M V“ tq all. and it out. . a ot_hitl"ia.rrbrt-.-.At. w. p. Vii-Iii yfrty ttkgtiiiibts" .wioni'mlm 61,13 {Sin-Th F-at 1 .n.. tiil'igiiiii,ti'liiif,iiciiit?it - than“ “I.“ an. tt'.ut"t'tN1t'rtd"itrl: Bdga,.tMt.hetrt.N,.trtteunqr. "rua ___ 'il.L1iltiiFyiiii Gi.- __. Mrg,'Mt.tMtgt " I.ll:. “this i ST. JACOBS Elder Mull w. R, “7,2,5“ luction Sale Litt- Will operate every Tueadny and Wednesday until further notice. J. B. Sander Pmr. Phone 152 r 13, Elmira BARRELS & KEGS E. J. SHANTZ. Auctionâ€: A. g SNIDER. Auctioneer CANADA BARRELS & KEGS. LIMITED but Avo. "In. Wat. 303 Wank». Ole. Freshly Emptied White Oak Used Whiskey Bunch and Regs " to to Canon Capaéicy 40 and " Gallon Cap-city I lines " New Bunch I KW“ in stock. Cinema? and Tanks, ete. 0p.- Snlu'duy "to-s. Wing, Cider, Vinegar with far-or- a?“ in}? - it Ind N