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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Oct 1938, p. 3

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Lttkrr, f, rmrrteietrittFetll "tlt. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Starr of Toronto were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Marr, Sundly. Recent visitors at the home of Sitar Maser were: Miss Clotildl hneider of St. Agatha, Mr. end Mrs. Albert Hose: and son Tommy, Mrs. John W. “our ot :Wabelloo, "iiiir, -ioTinia" iiiaG, 7 Miss Hui O'Connor, Rupert and Chuck Strung. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Forwell of St. Clements were guests of the 1ntter's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Sera- phim Kieswetter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Preiss and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dorseht visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John tltefBer, New Dundee. Kouun-I " BIAVIRDALI FICHIRI MILLS Peruvian. Mr. Nelson Cotter of Pnnlinch was a Sunday vislmn at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Charles Cotter. Willi“ Lillian Schweitzer spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley schwellwr. mm: iiiiiiiii' 'iiiii' iiiii m yamâ€"ELL Iii'";:,":;',';',-'.):",:',,::';,:,'-,"-',';',:::'.:, Mr. and Mrs. Norinan Marine and BRODEY DRAIMIN Hit Fur Fashion of the year . . . AND A GRAND GIFT! Square-shouldered with full sleeves. Have Your New Scarf or Coat by Thanksgiving 106 King W. C. M. gel-mm: Phone 3020 Sable Dyed Mamk- Rich Black Fox Chubbies BAMBERG Planned Me insurance is We a pummel ..'- lnsuasl of buying a who] iutGelt you sit down with a [wind Maud Die Cireuittt'.t discuss the future income needs of your (“nay and yoursdf. and are givw n Lrna, s',',','Gisre,ttl “insurance phn" which. if (timed. w'stt ire you and your hm'dy (“an tneoee " ALL times when it ls “Indy to be Geaed no“. There will not be any pp! in prawn“. Then A ' "ret" ng bet 'i'iiiii"iiytl, Life - Gaigr0 b 'll.llll"""""""" 'iii'iiiiii'"iytl, lune (ih'l,)'iiiiiiiiieii1? Insur ance - m: "iruNlllll 1'itaiii.tt,3l. ,. . . It m" "gun - ' " A" P"" -- my gs yum mun! miris Uroe"'t: Lotafwe tttS gre" ae.t d wo 'ie"tt “he! . a...“ eof. SW31: W ," -- - " tpor. tri'; I“; '0!” 1-60" d“ v I a all. up “an” “I I. V" G " -" h - . JAJO m mbll'k w be Land " l r - . . i,osios""' land “to hr "nu-Io. "I Walla...- Couulu - II. ”a. " w.. Kitchen-r. Ontario R. A. '3CHONDELMAYMR, Brunch Man-[er iruo TGa " n ooce, daughter Hamel and Mrs. Sarah Groh were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Orval Grub. Harold Halhnan spent the week- end with (Ben Gowtng ot Pusllnch. Miss Helen Schiedel spent Sunday at the home ot Gladys Schweitzer. Mr. George Housér of Water)» was a Sunday vlsltor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'toy Wanner. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snyder ot Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. ...1d Mrs. Clarence Rudy. . Mr. Isaac Cotter spoilt the week- end visiting friends in 81min. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leader and tamily spent Sunday at the home ot ihe 1atter'ts" parents. Mr. and Mn. Wesley wildrotttt. Misses Helen Marne and Mil- dred Rem spent the weekend, in Guelph where they attended the United Church Young People-2 Hum- mon Conference. held at Norfolk Church. Guelph. Hour Speclal speaker. . 'Rev. J. Armstrong ot the Baptist Church, Hespeler. conducted the an- niversary services held at Glen Christle on Sand-y. _ Church. Hespeler. conducted the nu- The" Annual Bale 'ot Zion United nlvorsary services held at Glen Church Ladiea' Aid. will be held Christie on Gundny. _ Oct. 12, anesday litetnoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Norman nllieck cud home or M B. Georg Schutt, Speeds- tamlly spent Sunday at the home ot ville. There will be ottered tor sale Mr. and Mrs. Henry meek. Moshor?. vegetables. fruits. baking .candiea. The Glen Christie Sunday School sewing. dishes. noveltiet. Biz, (II-Iti- Pong . . . Bright with Silver. 0m and two akin. Tia h In“ ' L"ius woeey a: ...... nu“. . Sher Fox 865 rg,, but rs6tet '° "w y writ Bot . u the - .4.“ with ore Beautiful feet a.asr2'r, e.sts, Emily l aka - i ’7 Fufru 6.1....“ - Grii7. a! tper. HAIL r ;tratltt,dautttfut "rubtu)iclGiiuit "mm "_""- ."'iiiGGi'GWuisTir NewYork it ft 0-0 it Chicago 1 0 2 0 0 luau-bu ' and W; Go... and Dickey. [fl-ST GAME (WEDNESDAY) AT CHICAGO NEW YORK ”RICA": P............................... m ttttt ".--a " t CHICAGO‘NATIONALS .......-..".........-. tl6t «I "b-t . I _ W: New Yo.h--audli" and W; cu--). lanai Will Demand Complete Autonomy Say Labour Group unity that we hue fought no had to maintain. It is a certainty that the International labor movement will ask or demand complete Canadian autonomy Io tttr be the AF. ot L dictatorship is concerned." tuiriad Jitt"e "VII-h b, $t2tt'tglggit tche" 'sHqWH6NER,--"t do not bolleve that the Can-dun labor moment will allow Mr. Green to d pt the So declared Lloyd Brown, orgenlz- er ot the United Rubber Workers. Thureday. reterrlng to the threat of William Green. President of the American Federation ot Labor. to break " Internal relations with the Canadian labor movement " tho ht- ter lulled to out all atntiatea of the Commlttee tor lndustrlal Organiza- lion. "I do not believe Mr. Green's ulti- matum wWe any great edge! upon we a Conadlnns.’ Mr. Green should realize that the 1gttertttttiona1 movement has many troubles in " It." continued Brown, "and rather than try to engineer a split in. the movement. he mid much better spend his time giving 1 little thought as to how the lot of Canadian work.. ers might be improved. Alfred Mustin. chairman of the Canadian District wane" ot Ruh- her Workers said members desire unity more than anything else. "Mr. Green or any leader of either action intent on continuing the war between the AF. of L. and the 0.110. in the United States. would do well to com sider that." he declared. “In Kitchener, even though not "iiiated with the local Trades and Labor Council. we have nothing but commenced in! Sunday at 2.30 p.m.. continuing through the [all and win- ter months. All are cordlally Invit- ed to mtend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemons spent the week-end at the home ot their daughter. Mrs. Rain and Mr. Verne sum of Grand Valley. . Baklng Sal. Odour t& - CM.“ . may... . l ""ttii'itr.'7g,citt.--'"" World’s Series Baseball Scores Today’s Game tie " Edward A, He" In Fowler at he“ 0.1.1.]. it. "aTrtdNtt'N'tu'atd.t Wit-IL lur- m W “MC-II lb . Beott, “all.” of SN 1uar. Mea.éteViyted may tb' Gill _ :II'VE an. In: nth-I the friendliest feelings toward: them. and hue the promise ot their but ”that they. too, anticipate marl)! the time in the near future 'whon we twill nil be one body again." stated Ila-uh. . "it Mr. Green insists that the C.l.0. unions be all thrown out. I believe no is manning without this deep desire tor clone:- emanation expreud so det1nitetr at the Gun- ulian Congress convention held in Masar- F‘alle, recently." he stated. Approve h. 7 Highway Plan TORONTO-The No. 7 Highway Association was formed here by re- presentatives of 20 Ontario munici- pnlities with the object of urging upon the Provincinl Government the immediate neceaity of completing a paved highway between Snrnin and Ottawa. . No. 7 highwoy follows a north- erly route from Sum, in Wemrn Ontario, across the sonthem section of" the province to the Dominion capitol. Delegates to the meeting, convened by A. C. Trussler, Semis. pledged themselves to request the Government to place the road in firsbelnats paved condition before next spring. No. 7 highway is 465 miles in length. _ - _ ___ " revised as the association will suggest, No. T highway would pale through the ft2,r% ','gti"ttb tietrt Sarnia, Point ward, ar- wick, Arkona, Parkhill, Ailaa Craig,’ Elginfield, St. NATL, Btratford,l New Hamburg, Kite ener, Guelph,’ Acton, Georgetown, iirGGiGi',l Woodbridge, Thornnhill, u-tair,' Unionville, Markham, Brooklyn,‘ Manchester, Sunderland, Lindsay, Omomee, Peterboro. Norwood, Havelock, Marmara, Madoc, Haber, leg, Perth, Carleton Place and Ottawa. 4 . a“ i." _ if - --..-- g-tJ. to ttdtrtL iiie,G-ec a_rettt.l"t 'ttttia-dt-Nt. l. I... lam-mummy.“ gag.uuum. 7 Mayor Henry, of Stratford, was elected president of the audition. It. M, riishiik.' __ i.ii'eiiiiee?iiiiia.tifiiiLtt te an " to == Aid - in "co-uh FtcrdE.iiHhurtu, D. we. Raw..." W ”at. . ' of... VOW, a,7ga.og.__ro91. a '.W.t'c.'-". . . weeding, 12.80; Earhart Dom, m“? tlt', TtCN'.';').," J.ht no my ' ' . . . . Bowman. my: and plus " Flor-dale road widening, 41.50; M. and B. Miller, 'i'.'a't'..'N and trucking you], 2,880.49- hum Bow. grove]. ”LOO; duo. Dru- bullet, val. 151.40; Bt. loco]. Police “loge. 115.70. Total A8,T00.64. lint Elly Schliemann of Wood- stock. Mr. Ctittord Steven-on of Inga-loll - the week-end with Mr. and In. 159d Seglkmy._ _ -ieiiirpTGi EeGGiirdrGf Gull- hill left for her homo utter spending iardkf months in town. - -- Mr. and In. Eu! Xena-born have bowed their hon-oykLQuu 'ing their sanitation. etca and the 'general health of the pupils. ‘Retume From Prize Trlp. l Mr. Cameron Honderich returned on Saturday night from a very en- 'torote weer. bonny trip to un- ‘cumer. Penn.. and other USA. centres. Cameron won this inter- esting and educational trip through >his judging ability at the Waterloo 'Oounty ’Junior Mera‘ Achieve- lmenu Day held in! May " We with Ham continued success of the some ‘character. iii; a; TGG Tt if; 7137: F0319. Mr. and In. Ed. III: of Toba- mory treat mm! (by: in town with friends. Mr. ind In. Ed. Vom Ind In. Wet Porter went Saturday with In. J. B. Millet _ It. Roy large“; has returned home after spending some time in Norwich. Ont. In: Rm: Schliemann left to take I buaineu course at Euler's Busi- negg College, Rigging"; . , Members of the Canndn Luther-n Ladies' Aid nttgnded the mud Aid 3311‘s,. St. John's Lutheran Church " __ st_er1po,, Wpdnegdgy. A In. on“ vvync- v. lvlvuw _.- I week-end - th his grind: mother, up}. Selig-fold; , , , -iirGiiriiATiGitUr" 'mn ma fur-51y spent 'yyder ".W."t.rhrr, -iir." ua- Kia." Taii"Beeord of Toronto, In; visitirttr with Mr. and L Miss Ruth Honderich ot the Bank 'ot Commerce lull, Toronto. went the week-end at th home of her nar- >ema. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Honderich. iiAriaii Wis. lntpecu School. Drr. Ross. loci! physician. and Ile- dicai Health once:- tor Wilma m. has been paying his elicit! visit to the schools ot up township, Inspect- - 3119339174713 Snyder of Preston vial!- ed over the week-end with her our. ems, Mr. and Mrs. Eds” Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Edward man-m "rd son Walter ot Toronto vtatted In! week-end It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Duncan. Griffin!- -ilfheiae Miss Florence week-bud nt her Pttimertrton. was Martha Tayior of Goderieh :in his Mth your. Mr in visiting this week at the home ot ( Mr. a. y was . son of the late Iter Polish. Mrs. J. C. Rm and Dr. lur,'.nd 'Ill'. Jouph 'ttg, and w" 3058- horn in Riverside. Water oo town- Mrm. Armstrong of Hollywood. ship, Jnnulry 25, 1851. His father I190? Lucknow, h“ been visiting we: the second Mennonite biahorI in with her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Rott- Waterloo county, and his mot er, dertch, who before her marriage was Re- Mr. and Mn C. B. hum m Mr. been Ericka, was the thart white and Mrs. Allen hum of Pine Hill girl hep in tttetryttr. a . and Mrs. Hugh DttttNttt. 'riiiat teacher in Waterloo ebunty Mrs. Albert Schmid} went to De 1for " ym 3nd I commercial mate. onPPet.ror.* e8-9r22212;_ i.trayy1tfor when deemed wee Mm Armstrong ot Hollywood. near Lucknow; hu bean Vilma: with her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Hon- dertch. Mr. and Mr; C. B. an!!! an Mr. and Mrs. Allen hum of Pine Hill visited on Sunday at Mrs. Aaron Waxlqr's. Mr. W. J. Mcxoown of Knox Col- lege. Toronto ,and who nu boon ate. dent mlnluor It tho “Huston Preo- bnerun Church for tho summer months. returned to the pulpit for In! Sunday’s Ionics. Week-end vino" with Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Ron Included. Mn. Wm. Dull of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Cochr- llne of WIMOII sud Mug, Mary Milne of Birth. .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wesler and Mary Eileen and Mr. end Mrs. Joan Wash- and Myrtle Arlene spam Sun. any It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmauel Klpter at Mllverwu. Mr. Etmir Ann-tron; of was": Pulls was I VlIllor m town on Wed- madly, We no my to report the “his ot In. Joseph Horde who» hun- band died in day! no. Mr. and In. Goo. Waterman of Belmont. Ont., were week-aid new. wlgh Mr. Ind Mn. I. C. tannins". ir.9ieif "corirr otfoy.oato "e After I brief tttne Howard no. Kai-h. Com-d Ivonne, Kitch- ener, - In, " the K.ar. 'htapitil, -lr Wed-dag, in his 80th you. Born In 'tttetiener, he m an employee of John hag Ind Co., an! " when“ of Ptrat Ian- noqu church. - idles _Iil vac. no hm Pthur, I. h III-Vina by In par- WILLIILlY "and I... III-In BADEN hm} spein the parental home In ants, Mr. and In. Chm-lea Knish. “neuter street; two brothers, Kenneth. of Kitchener, and Herbert of Wittinratsbemr, and bre sister-I. In. Stanley Koch, Comma». Miss Rota, nurse in training " e K-W mm, and the Mine- Mildred, and Pearl, ell It home. Funeral services are being held t_hieaYidniafter?ttto? foley.. ' AP. l'llllcr, w k an. ""'t"5 our, who "trt-travi?". innit” Tuesday night after a brief illness. Deceased, who van in her 70th yen. was I daughter of Rev. and In. C. P. Steiner, and was born at Bhdrton, Ohio, in January, 1869. She had been a resident of Kitch- ener since 1918 where her husband was engaged in the lumber business. She m . member of Sterling ‘Avenue Mennonite Church end a (y?.rm.er president of the Women’s' 'AeioptntSoeiytr: l . Besides her husband, she is sur- vived by four daughters, Mrs. (Dr.) C. O. Lehman, Genueo, N.Y., In. C knot. Toresto, Era Av. L: Sadat, EiiiiGrir/irGry (I?) '15: A.1yoer" worth, Kenmore, N.Y.; three broth- ers, Dr. J. S. Steiner. Bluffton, Ohio, R. B. Shiner, Lima, Ohio, A. J. Steiner, North Lima, Ohio; three winters, In. Chris. Bixel and In. C. C. Geiger, both of Blutrton, Ohio, and In. A. Geiger, Findloy. Ohio. Seven grandchildren also survive. ES--.--, _:II L- LAIJ _L "b-."-.. Semi?” will be held u Sterling Avenue Mennonite Church at 2.80, preceded by prince service " the residence. 1ntermeett will be made in the East. End Mennonite ceme- tery, Rev. U. K. Weber oMeintine. For almost hnlf I century u resi- dent of Waterloo, Jacob B. “my died at his home, 198 Mary street, In: 110th “temoon. after an illness of - ree, mgthy A public At the age of 19 yen-s. the de- ceased begin his quarter century of teaching in Lexington, and subse- quently served " Floradele, Beer- inger”: School. New Prussi- end Wellesley. He we: well known later as I eommere9l graveller. -- -G iiiii ireGUrAid Susana-h B. Lehman of Markham. who prede- ceased him mix yen: Into. _ - -. Surviving In one son. Dr. J. W. Huey. of “dimer. two daughters, Nines Ida Hang. Rett.N., and Nellie Hugo, bot " home; one brother, enry. of Hupeler. four mndehildren and three men mdchjldrcn._ . .. -.. The funeral we: held on Thurs- day llama” from the residence to Emmanuel Evangeline! Church. In- terment took glue in loam. Hope cemetery. ev. R. A. Keller. mnn Mid-ting. Mr. In“ Rosenberg" l (It “I. my _ NEW D0N0ttW--a'tte death oe-l curred a! " home, two mile. west of New mud» on Wane-day after noon. of Mr. Mon lie-cam". noun " In. In“ Manhunt And the late Mr. Rosenberg". In " am your. The demand - born In BtBqdtord Town-Mp on December It. 1870. Hp funnel tor about " you" In the' Can-dun We“. return- lnu to Ontario "e yarn ago. Re In". to mourn MI [nu-Ina: m. no ther; three liners. Mn. Joann nam- of Mirna Tomhln. Mn. Norma an" of luv-vim and In. II amrsoi nnd the“ broth-n. In. [um humor ot VII-at. Erb St. West Glasses T by Steele " Bt. - - I. DELHI ‘* W ttdi'" dM2e.?tht.ily m: M“! C.r.PRmB, 0mm ”In. Jacob B. Hum ALLEN SHIRK Emory at home and Titus of Nipa- wan. Saskatchewan The funeral will be held on 81mm any anal-noon at 2 o’clock Iron the family residence to the Blenheim Mennonite (munch Mr services. In- terment wlll be made in the admin- ing cemetery. Bishop M. Roth of New Hunhnrg and Bishop M. Hall- man ot Mannheim will conduct the services vices were held Wednesday for John Hyde, one of North Euthope'a enriieat pioneer farmers, who died Hominy nt the home of his son in Stratford. Had he survived, he would hove celebrated his Mtrt milder. em Thurad.er. - -. . A lifelong resident of North Mom, Hr. Hyde was an active member of Shakespeare Presby- terian church, of which he had been an elder and a member of the board of management for 37 years. For some time, he was superintendent of the._Su_nd-v tehtol. . . He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James Peterson, of Windsor, and Mrs. Milton Lou, Shakespeare- gyro sons,_W_i!liugg_of Btratferd, Fil Linton of this village; one brother, eorge Hyde, Brandon, Mum. and one sister, Miss Grace Hyde, of Shakespeare. . . _ _ -firGGiai' was made in St. An- drew's cemetery. North Easthope. William Crawford MNWoOD.-After an illness of five weeks, William Crawford, Ti, died early Tuesday in the K.-W. hospital. Born on the boundary where he farmed until 16 years ago. deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crawford. He was an adherent of Millbank Angli- can Church. W The funeral WlS held on Thurs- dly afternoon with services in Grace Church, Millbnnk. with inter- met in the qdjojnjmz cemgterg. He is survived by two brothers, Alec, of Linwood, and Thomas. of Btratford, and one sister, Mrs. W. Fitzgerald, of Canary, Alta. - Roi-hr! The lumen] of Henry Reinhart, 47 Shnnley street, Kitchener, was held from St. Mnry's R.C. Church. Thursday morning. Decensed. who paged any It M. Mary'x Hospital. on _Molgdgy. was in his 62ryf yen. Surviving are his wife, two duughten. Rita and Helen, both " home, one son. Joseph. of Detroit, and three brothers, Alexander Ind Alfred in Western Canada, Ind Wil- liam, of Detroit. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S. - ”on. '" Waterloo No extra ell-rte for use of our YOU KN ow THAT Jrihn Hyde SHAKESPEARE. - Funeral agr- home-uh Funeral Chum]. $ehreiter - Sandrock FUNERAL ROME A to. " . no. KITCHEN“ (a? hm 'P' ROUGH the . - hurt-I c a I t o I I have changed. A I d always for the Waterloo

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