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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Aug 1938, p. 8

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_" Waterloo 'riyAht? last 1 _.', Scheduled Game To Guelph ot-a-ttri-tttmet" Aunt It, m m " - on gum In” flo- Punntlk; mammal-u and“... a. Guelph Mnp1ouM. - m; Alt-It u. u - "eterr,d" I victory In a. In... '"a1t,'Td11"1e,','; a dtato "A ”an. at tho lit-team; , Tt"'u', . PT on. tMt Ouch-1| In”. when my - Aunt I" Irglt a n Pg',t'.. (launch, the wool“ In. 'tBttudar. Hem “HIM" M. rich! banded _ actor-d . not clot. on. a. mall at a. has. tumultuous-to m sutured Mtn, in]. hull; all: has". Irvin Hon-k! aural a. tho - for the visual but an n; a my - in the third.‘ In of the - nu can neg-d " ”Email-obli- army-m tr-A-- tr'ar-oeeoe"" 01" Ibo. In tter “HEIDI. Milt MRI) wmnrs " at an: In» with .3MMNmeMl1BqtT net-Ht. ' - plum- ot the - in and. that M Chilooot. TO-I Bolton Brrrtnn,t,rtrtiBisarsMetn qCrtlgLNE--4hrehrh - um Gm». Am and Dillon Me meMnmlflatmcmcna.mumWwfldmr-htho-Iodine!!â€" mun-u mmhodMWdtol. Intermediate "A" w. m eve IL. hm.- cvonu for wmnao ...... on no tt"-4 o 4 um: um vh- um m old-kn . PM Chilean. the only Gnu .......... on m .u--4 o 1 “and mm. has: in a. "dill derby m. ed. Gram m of " to . much! the than: a! the Etrror-Tnit. com. Mann s, rat’- ',atlturd with A, quy. Tm Mtq--adndnng. a» The Les!- hlouunod forth with a w the m two but: rttieer ttits-H-ttt and .Tan. Stolen viciou- “one u an! “I“ tho tr/tue,',":',,', the Beld in the b-o--.-. blown“. an. In“ to I" corner: ot the tot, mar third. "yo-d-trs to Kelly to Ith. O'Wmm . Ftoa bstliett “H Vino-loo took it on the "tt on t--99mrirrts a. Wucrloo Kitchener had Mud up during tho at cm will sue- tt. Hit- ol-Homnki a In I Inna: ttget two III-inn Butter “a. tt'a,,tu'lt earn-and no! " Meyer, ' n1 inning; of m - Brat human ot the lab. "theat" Inna. it? w B. 'Dues on ttali-ttt Ham-ho A on ted tho Ron! tstr 51mm with tho Inn-let. Led: lull an 8-4 de- Hoyer d; cl Iluon '. struck mW-- willow by Donna out the. ma II but. in the itmt me they have by Mao h by Plum-kl 1; by lm'three “not a bat. One ot Smith'- been able to take I“! from Tigers B. Manning pitir-aEtrtm, minn- was a home run to deep let! in four attempts. The [Inc wound piteher--Ploma" Tttne-a. Inn-mad. IIn: the IT!" schedule for Titre" pirmr--Ahm" and Skelly. l Mu 2m, active little aitteitt- and left t: fir,?'t,t'uet gall --------_--._ - one we F, m . - -- a l/,teeer.lt.t. iiifiyiiii,iiiiii"iiii:Wts min-t Puthm your. (lawn “Dado" In“! bl on - but." with two menu. Mis Moo pimr and)“ man than» In: " luau. The View: tor the but: in thin gun nu 'her Tavistock Scores u . Initial Victory BADEN.-an the 'trat some ot tho semHtnalt, in the o.AW.A. eotruretG tion which was played on the local diamond between Baden nine and Tavlstock. the latter team choked up a 16-1 victory. The local boy- wm hold new until the ninth inning when they netted a eomttor x,hile the visiting team countql {but run: In the third, one in the fourth. n grand total of eight In the an): and three in the latter inning. The Beth end suns will he played in Tavlotook on man qmtrttnq. NEW HAMBURG PAGING DERBY $1500.00 DERBY RACE With three $500 heats. $3,000 WED. AUG. 10 MUTUEL MACHINES Open 12 o'eioek noon. (I! Chabl- M) 3 OTHER RACES $1500 PURSES 3rd ANNUAL Canadian At Aunt wr-tof “W an; Lulu 18.qu nod: All“ IO. u m . Vic-Var“ " m7 : “it u. m a a. In Ann-110. M a " I AmnM.C&N‘r!lllm In“ 17-8 Nut ,0th_Mratam VII-x Zink, active little atteitt- uhorutqp, led his mate with the wit- low with tour hm Jn [Ive tripe to the plate. Sane“ Welter sneaked on! I home run mr the been in the Bee- IPI' inning with the hue: loaded. ‘Kltohener ...-... I“ 020 (W- 6 " 4 Guelph ........ 2000) 010 "--tr " a ' Gnu, GoMororthr Huber an Welter; Hammond uni thineon. (I: chm-hie W) NEW www.mo mo of “baseball played in the out here on Tttttradar evening turned out tether diustrousiy tor the Burgers. Erwin the T'horndaie oitcher. pitched mun. be] and we: eepeciaiiy - with men on hues. He struck out ”an and after his team sue him o lead in the sixth inning he val master at the situation. Lorne We: {pitched good bell tor New Bambi“! and with the more tied. he won tok- en out tor a. pinch hitter Ind bright was touched for the hue. He - a whit in the sixth. which than; with the hits use good tor six runs. like Dietrich, the veteran player, had a pair of hits tor New Hamburg. The games does not moon 8 greet den as both tonne are in the playotle. If Thorndaie win their remnants some with Woodstock they will be tied for Brtrt piece with Piottsvilie. Brrors--aCoestaL Hammond. Kins. Ramona. Hiba- 8. Home mme- smith “gamer. Throat-ale Mt--- an. the MW“ and Mason. Struck mst-at, ImtmrtoaM, 14; by Gran. 1. Blues on ttaiu-Ott ‘Hnmmond, 4; oft Goulworthy, 8; " Gun 1. Thorndale Hurler Strikes ht 13 An Incident during the game was interesting In Hill came on the scene rather late and unexpectedly. Greet cheering tollowed his arrival. He put on his shoes. tested his bat, rubbed dirt on his bundle. and was already to go but into which seals our ends. rouizh haw them as we will. decided that he would shale the nine fate as the great hero of Mudville, may was struck out There I“ no rejoic- Ing. The Inn]! has were Molli- ed and the locsl fun said "M. dear". MAMMOND WM " Dub Panthers :ornen of the lot, mar W. I No.2 bstliett I“ um Id Wad up during tho tttcf atr In“. 3mm “a. can tothe cur mum ot the lab. "theat" Inna. -- and - ,h4',lL-ht-rztftl 'tttjNg"a'Brrl'tJur1'lt.! q iiiri.iCtii.hi"iCEEi,lii"Eiji Clad Honky Dung August ”humanism-in s ijpii't?rt?'t,ttft'rl rruth.. _.,A4L_.._.L‘ MUMMhyMyTosu-hy In: cur-low» 'SuT,kTtAlfa"iTlsT'ea wmmumumb i2,trd'gtttrim2?pttfdt, "trip. uo 'ikilE?'i'i'i2 mandala-tum fat thud“. '-.dmtetbrrert "a nu; 1'lutt3'lh'tll'hl.l.llrtlrh',h' “Wham-mm ibiiri_.4t.tbr-,yettr S',Utte,%r,rhttti't,tttt, any Lt"2Tgatyta"'ttttC1"v' vubbrBottirl.Tts-y$tLeApre iWeaitgtiro-irithChikoot rtneiaseforqth. gr-G-tmths-i-Mmm' .tNreru.tmrhen.rastrrmeeqtt ,akiudarthtstP-r9i1..tert.ryyt an of ilh' hm.“ "on! fat “ohm". Pear Chilcoot. the only cairn! derby m. and Gruttan mod-h! no!“ the thrill: of the Three eight-end games were phyed with e aileron! drew for etch sumo and e Inuimmn plea ot eight ellow- ed. Three were tied tor Brttt. Harry Roth,' Verne Guam]: And Earl Kutnenmir. They toned I coin and received their Innis in the order mined. In. C. Berg was fourth with three wins end I mills ot 13. Fred Debus and R. C. Luckhart were tied with three wins and a plus or 12. Debug won the toes. Elvin Met: we: the seventh with two win: and a plus ot 16. 0130 Stock won eighth and he! prise with two wine end a plus ot 11. The Brst tour raise: more ham: and the In: (our new“ of bacon. Gait Terriers Whip Preston GALT,, Aug 6.--The Terriers, concluded the home Tune: in the LC. intermediate ac edule this afternoon with a 7 to 8 victory over the Preston Rivenidee end then went on to the Mineral Springs town to ploy their tinnt game. While Preston brought down I nuke-shift )iAneEup they {than gave up 'Th', . enture o e e w e hitting of Sid Latin, {cell eentreBelder, who had a perfect day " bat, getting I home run with one on, and three singles. Watson for the visitor: had three of their eight hits. Bob lamb, pitching for the locals. had ten strikeouts. Preston ........ 099 gig INP-e J? 2 Flat Game of 'Two Afternoon Isnt, Ta. , the visitor: use - 0! men ”gm hits. Bob lamb, pitching for the WEEKEND Icons locals, had ten “Mm. AMERICAN LIAGUI Preston ........ 000 210 tNNY-a 8 2 St. UM: sa, Phiindottrhia a. cult w.-...... 003 012 10x-7 11 1 Chicago 14-6. Wuhlncton 6-12. ------- New York 7, Clevoluld 0. . .. q , , Daron T, 60mm t. ' f ti, Ends i Pun-dew- a. an mu 4. flip 0 E New York T, Cleveland 0. , Phil-demu- a, an mm- A. Ill will: Match N" York 1mm" s. am con Boston M, Detroit 8. -----_ Washington 2, ohm-go l. ('9 MI. W) “India. . Won tatet ' NEW HAMBTma.-.'rher "Ham and New York ................... " u . Bacon" tourney n which " - 030"“ -r..--.-... 5 S ' completed at the local bowling BMW" ----._.- H " , grounds was one of the but held tttits Eeeeton -.........._ St, , , COMMENTS - 'ere "ee as}: 641.13, 411;. F-The Te.rritrpr, Juan-ow L."- in! - Suntan! Bunion] Guelph Frrr Galt .._ Pro-ton ....r “We Wlterloo Kitchener .................... St. Marys ‘PlltthIllo tre................. Wood-took .............~... madam ..m_.._... Cincinnati Chieago .. Chicago ...-......-........... NATIONAL LEAGUE at. Loni- " Philuielphil IM. Brooklyn IIN, Cincinluti 1M. Pillsbury Bas, New York bs. Boston SA, Chicago 0-7. Bolton l, Chicago 0. Cincinnati It, Brooklyn B. St. Louis 7, Philadelphis 6. Sanding Won Lou EC. Plum"; ... _................. on as .635 Gull 7.11. Pro-tofu; Guelph 8, Waterloo f. - MM London " atmtta.or " Strum"! 9, mm, 4. -iaG. hm, Fla-I Galt C. Dunno!!! 8. OTANDINO Bullet lineman”? LAO? .ATURDAV" KIWI.“ Imty "A" Kitchener " Pro-ton. WEDNESDAY. - Scalar Immunity Btrattord at smthroy. SATURDAY. - 80M" tntrrxtertmtty London It Btrattord. Brannon! at Strathroy (2). teteettrzuue.'rah'rrrr=,Niiao -6o-r_urbethrut-i...oeo.4.r..s: of Md”....“ddbmun “curmunmnamwm aGa,iua.uae.ebectr-.eui-.-. 'ii"i'iiVGii'aGGiiriiiirGGUAiuet......:e-'1ef "aTiii.uFC"GGGirG-iS-....uttthorhéto_-. "aG-IA-.....-'.-)..--...."). 00......uvhphtml 29th Birthday SA L E GOUDIES HONDAV'O mu mummmmm lntemunty lnumunty "e" Final Min! t-rasrr--s-.---u0-alhs woi um no. won Loot Ae. " u M 5 S .611 . " I If! 6t 40 .610 ll 10 51 48 30 11 " 61 " a; In: m o-mite-et 'iii AatHeB.--W, mm of their 1:10 ai and tbt will over Howl-ton, Ark- '54» staunch will meet mum nu- . gen for the dubious!!!) ot the Guelph Ind District LIMOI' Mb.“ . I (or -. my NEW "ANmmo.-mto Dell in ot softball»:- eomplted their ache- dule on the local din-loud but Thur-any evening vhen they loot to Tnvisoock " to 10. A very muddy diamond following the Iplendkl- min mode We play rather um. P.0d The burgers. who fttgiBheyd in sec- an and place, roceivod tho bye and will .611 meet the winners of the Tlviuock» I“! an. uric. .510 'Nvietoek and linden, ttrat III .486 third "art" respectively, not in the .443 uni-mull. the lint me being play- .370 ed in Baden lust Thursday night. at .323 which Tut-took won with I more of 16 to I. The second state will be played in Tlmtock on Monday night. It a third game is nece-uy " will probcbly be played on the New Hamburg diamond later. i{ravistock Beats ',,-' Burgers ln'last Email.» .._.._.,.... u Manor. ....,.............. coveted Wellington County- pr, loll but you by Merriam. _ 0n Wednesday night the local softballm defeated the Daily More of Strmford on Stntford grounds by In 8 to 3 score. Ruby pitched tor New Hamburg. C. We: Mt .0 and Faulkner tripled to lead New Humbug bitten. "tT%tttATtoqtAC mun Balm H. Toronto :11. Iona-.1 ta. I“! City " Bum-lo no. man bt. Noun " Rochester Ta. Toronto I. “than C. Rocha“: I. Now-ft I. Sync“. I, Btgim3ts 0. The victor will hue upland the ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON PAGE ' Scheduled Gale Won Lost to. M}?

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