ll F EXPECT 4 MILL wr IN Tlor RATE At the same time he indicated there would (be no change In tho mur- ketlng policy pursued br, the Gov- ernment and the wheat board. (kn- adlan wheat would be cloud (or “I. continuously at world prices and more would!» no attempt to hoard or seek a monopoly. . He read a brief statement pre- pared by Trade limiter W. D. New. chairman at the when! committee of the Cabinet, which mu.. . Anya Drive ' Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced the price after a Mind: meeting, said It had been incom- mendod by the wheat board tad Ip- provod by the Monument. _ o'r'rAwA.--W-rn turner: no assured of a price tor their 1938 when on the but of 80c I bushel tor No. l northern when. deR1rgrad at Fort William. m: in the ttmd minimum price the minivan mt Bond in authoriwd to pay for de. liveriec from the crop m ripening. Ottawa Fails To Meet Higher . Price De-U-Will Buy All “and. The cam ign now under we we: 1u'lll'a'll,' slated for In]; 18¢: to 30th, but the absence 0 both committee members and my citizens from town on summer ma- tiohe ateeeattitated the extension“ of the drive for funds. Minimum Price Wheat Fixed ht 80 Cents ton. The buildinf itself will cost $22,300, and wil provide for ac- commodation for 2750 has. The eoinmittee plans to improve on the type of seats, It en extra cost. of 84,000, providing backs to cull mt and giving {In the beat possible comfort. The ice punt will cost $18,000 and will freeze In ice sur- face of 85 feet wide by 185 feet; loud, just. 15 feet shorter than the iceJIu'hce nt_lhple Leaf (Ewan! It is planned to complete the dEiye,ierirthismontftas- tilde no that plans may be com- pletod'for the arena and building commenced in time to LTC"" the rowed facilities this all. e rink planned for Waterloo is estimated to cost. $40,300 according to -eiBentiorts undead on Pouch- ly by Ahe Rigel Company oCPFeU-l have will to hold baud meetings to discus the must. while in other instances with]: no out of to“ on nation. ed: iii iacuaFf GTfGGtT. Iii I good to“! but." the week- end. it VII mound yuan-day by committee old-ll. '"'.ttJ'rt', to date toy-ls elm mi . neranltr unharmed, w e I lug. number of WgtteHoo fin-tint munic- hve a yet not In- lollcod the amount of their Bub. t"irtiolt.t. _ SW?! canon-tinn- cow Are, "thiaiiRuufiaivsdiGi -__ (Continued on Fuse C. No. 2) fetal.“ l5... [ ti'a'tgtettd?'tut Continuing This Week IE "jii5,s,o,ags,is,ti,o_.o CHRONICLE l Humboldt had been a tradhlomlly Liberal riding, but Burton. well. known mum of the China, cut down the Liberal madwlty steadily in the {our youn he previously con- tested the seat. l Result of the election left the Lib eral Government of Premier Pouc- ‘non rtth 81 representnuvel In the " aect Home. The CC.P., mu] mr. ;osmon. gained one for . tom of ll, while Social Credit has two, Union Progressive one. and Indepen- dent one. date“ -in iégili; l tht semen! election. ton, Cooperative Commonwealth madman), debuted Hon. c. M. Dunn. minister or bunny. in the GnMnet of Liberal Premier W. J. Pmteuon, in the Humboldt provincial broke- non. The Cell". candidate, contacting the riding for the am. ttmo, polled Mot, votes In the in polls. while Dunn had MBS, giving Burton a m Jority 01.16 In the two-my ttetrt. Burton not detect In his tour pro ‘vioun attempt: to any the ruling. ‘ The .by-olecuon no made neces- ury by the mutation of Dr. J. Ch King, Eben], elected In June 8 m- en] doctlon. He Ind resigned to (men ape-m mrDtmnwttoanat Saskatchewan Highways Minis- ter you} Provincial The converntlon also reminded the younger men that corn II the world'l large-t grain crop Ind “tinge to say no mnchine ha; been invented to do more an an the lulu. The grain crop of corn h harvested by hand. Ctl.lr Candidate Defeats HemCDunn The man who tinaaeed ltI inventor told him not to be discouraged for it It would,“ ,onahlt would. if lemmened. some day bind the no- ijor wt ot the world'a wheat crop. _ Our {orelnthern were loath to be- ,lteve what it won†do. much lean make a better job of cutting the [but :found than the cradle. By it the great crops of Rania. Argentine and the Wooten prairie. are harvested, making bread available at a mode rate price to everyone. had the “alt-ran". that only my...“ the gnu: in ‘bpndlon to ho Would by [our III. to 6-0 machine Add thins. tint. sounded boll-h at- mm a he forgot that “The no". aâ€. On this trip it 1|. told that the mun who Invented the “buttr' of the â€mm" Ind I domonstmtiorr. I: bound one shoot “a then broke! Then I wide-cud yous-hr. um omel- - roe-nod that the III]! who to?“ goon sly, up the “dropper" on tho Huron I.“ attend" by the prospective buy." some Arty "an ‘ tn 'them-qt-a-ttt m HA-th-A M by. "o.Brartroer-rt-andrw and urn-I vi...“ a tu- h Bomb-Won Wilma! to and, I “com- blnd'u work. 0n the Journey out the can - vowel an to mattae what a†might think they would HOW. _ "".rJomoh any. Corn, World's Largest Grain Crop Is, Still _ Harvgsted By Hand No.10 lehille eoGiitGrGGii "u'.!ytE.Aey.,Pi..Eptrt__ythr, I When police rushed to the cells. (ther discovered â€ll-led George prune- lng mind tn his "birthday mt" an! owns or ahe- in the centre of the can noor--il an rammed of his allegedly "fled bitten†ml. l fa'rtitet--.Ptsqiee on (Int! II the guard room " the City Bu]. Thursday night, were treated to I surprise "hom-arming". Host for tho occasion was prisoner George Le Dourneau, a French Common. overnight 'ruiesksLiiiEakirT, - -.... w - a..." m. .---w nu nun-u warn. VII-o not: He was food shortly after 5.18MB" I" DION-"ll to my as high o'clock. D.S.T. Four hundred u M I mm and board to men when Ind combed the bush " cocoa-men therrdo not want to em- (Oolmnuod on has 6-Ntt. " (Continued on Paco 6-No. 8) “he BG isa, . [“"0 moment service reported fol," remarked thememtl 17:33:; "a: meet ot its one“ on m 'trr- Canadian people when they iiGiriir//f,', med term tttutdtg u soon u that it wee really true, that al " rod-tor. SIDE“!!! little tyke of only " This ldhor demnnd. however, be of {are have returned from the grim littm Itartp to the unemployment liti- unblemi- m a" a.†of m etlon In due- end hue tom shoe ship end peril urea-pm 9mm “up“: urban unemployed are not an brig; death .to epoxy], m. llitud for m work. Whle meet tearing down the main street nie- ing enough merry hell to observe an armistice. The tire bell started to ring and old and t{onus struck " for the station on e double, shout» he.» tie! "p. - In Sturgeon Falls eighteen miles south from the spot. in which the Tlh're,g wandered away into the nsh last Wednesds , news of the miracle arrived wzen truck-load nfter heck-long id rescuers came l So ended". as: of the North' country that has had few if anyl equals in the memory of the most veteran bushmau. , 'ae 33- m... mun-I." i ‘calm eyes from hi perch in George Morrison's Inns. His mother ran to take him, cry- ing as she came. Be dived from Morrison to his g'f,',t,','gyugil aid: 'Ce “new. Mummy. you 1hspnstraHttittwttereueuttse little farm home of the Tenders, I Arowd of 400 men cheered until (they were house. Half e hundred women gathered about the farm house wept. Young Femie Tender logked the whole thing over with than: that»! "lrtL1tll'tWfht'l'ttf. triide%uiurtrtarieii;'ii't7"u2 Leetf.lud In any region in all l ~8TUBGEON PALM, Aug. T.---A _t,ritiii'? pram In: mend here but“. and I ninth to Inning u to In mandible restored to In â€In. "tar '" days of M STAGE MONSTER "lt You an A Cake?†“minimum†last Irire hrs In Wilds, lie, Year-Old Safe 'risorutr Brighterts'lirsoiro-tt With Botxfire Inside CityJair Md been lodged In ERIE]; F" 3.929“! 91 mm no. no um cum mom: CELEBRATION v ,,,_- __ - -- - clulI the 1ntter-grrohatri, so he night It- 'srai tire himself in the latest my prim l e garb. We wonder in“ what councidecl of nation George will take when to [due complete. hll tom union some kind and non) “cone- mou†with a mtit orient: clothes to reMaee his original “are? , Given the choice orGGiau a $10 tine or serving yoga" tn Jan he took y A huge police coat and a pair ot noct- wero d! that covered he Dom- man's nudlty when he mad be fore Illustrate A. A, Winter In no lice court the talcum day. :Dne Shortage l 0f Farm Help l, maRoMXr.--atrt- demand tor ox- }perienced tum hhor ll nomad ‘throughout the province and the On- tsrio Women: service reported that mom ot in once. on also. ex- perienced farm hands u soon u they rod-tor. two nut) Mol‘jillf iai,iriie"i7 than, one requiring three stitch. to close and the other two. door out 1nd It struck him: EEG; going right thrown}. The remit will Then 'Miror Ruby " Mr. tk M. Hank's (wad [has hindered his pro- gress. Burning around the “do of the game he wear to enter the door just " someone also and the A cash-s motorist. with driving ion tho nil: chore-Juno, - sacrum. M on - can hauls out oe.tt1. est. It In!“ on Mr. any, ‘1le Arivemt-ttnt- tsrsd Into millions of In _ What s lot of troublo such Ill se- tion an ereate-Htur, to bicycle Ind motor (has. to is: nothing of the untold “(can and tron“. it can csuss it s and st his! should get It In its hands or {out " csn't be “more! . absolutely clout. but with s mu; tor-smut! it night has)†on as!“ and id: with prints 131’th ohreu" In such. in; (In. In). nvatt tn â€a. BAmrN.--Mo It 'mart'tWenr on â€may“ rentals-ONMOH !ed.h-ttar.--tw Glass Troubles Baden Residents OFFICIALS PLEASE!) WITH Wil, In... Out by, By “no... Gov- ATl'rlulf8nuf,'i: mqtq,MMh-'aIgmmaik- "drlL"u'lh1'llllW'ltan'ffJdiat Waterloo Township Reeve Sees 25 Per Cent Slice nut! saa.tttiturt bulb; “a"; (I: Ola-ud- mt) ad Far Exceeds Supply “washout West. In 0ntario PAYMENT or TAX i, WTNNYPgi-Wtttt more] but vesting operations in the West only iriiiG any, prairie when 'lleldl. "u.eested to produce some 300,000,000 pbnnhele beckoned Armies of workerl. Government Employment Service. are enrolling men and railway om- jcieie ere grooming qniment for the In": nut: to the Noland. l Crop conditions in the West have icieciined ranting the that the week- Will Harvest Beat em Since 1932. AmiesOf Grin Workers Will mother. (ettetrsd. with (duly regatta-In; him- P" and a young woman In . hotel ‘u mu Ind We. 1 The mused. John J. Moro, also of Bmdorth, In: found guilty of the charge and lined 8100 and can a three months In 10.11. The {tightened youth went to nu dawn: the tearful pleading. of his KlPrcHIltNEi--'tet the damn tool so to Jul. We can’t may the money". declared 'Mr. Hero ot Baku-m, when " son was nrrnlgned More Mosh- trate A. A. Winter tn police court "lk Can Go To hil" Says Irate Father tgtTA' taxes" are coming tiii . town-hip more “th $35, end u I result the munici- pality has not been towed to bor. row urghfrot: the bunk. At.ths mean e e tovnehip e on e loving: account of some $16m000. Also to be taken into i,GiikiiT tion is the one mill subsidy muted by the government some time no. 2,t,t tu"er,"er,'12j?ti?lfie Ti In». and; 'tull, a no “out! coats." he told The Chronicle. “Reeve Ftber pointed out that 'tet',' biGGk $7"...me ,'2ii'ii'iii?',' education mug: to WW! [on than in former M may ion: 'ttiiiWio meal." I"; t the extent of 810,008.21’zm to 3 men I.“ F. cent. of provincial My can. New in -. W W, - --- melt. for 'lrii'F' patient 'dit '"4,',llay'g'l Mt M. .. S"'t guilty to - out In: .ta.xmuviGi0FFGTnTiGi1ii; New but you'- Its," ms mills, m w M [on]. Hobo In a t.t-itmr wit The (broadcloth-m to It". We“. WW...“ 1...... - " hhn into mat with sound In. tttt M... It fe1e.etrpait, to to droswtrt, rtmirirGaiiircr"i' .-n a.., ___.A,, . - Soon Pool Wed PtiooCirer.