I. J. HOFFMAN. D.8.C. Chiropodiat - Foot Spechlist Graduate of , Illinois College of Chiropody OI" noun: 10 - " nan., l - 6 pan. Falling: T to 8 Fm. Tammi-eggs!) - 4815 King St. E. AlidVTrilus to; Hernia, at moder- n. pricey. le. over tyrtntr you: -___ - in Kitchener, Ont. - - Phone No. 2747 - " Stanley St. BURGRARDT, K. h o. L gag: Tdi"stl,gd F d Ugh e t re upports m 't9atie Stockipgs__lmi_e T? Organ D. _s.__39w1.§x. EAI,, 35113131123, man a smn. BARRISTERS. 891% my!“ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT DI. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist. 110 Edger Chugbers, gigs St. W., WY & EBAY. “than. Solicit- otl, dies G. Murray Buy, RA. than. h. Loehead, B.A.; EGi It“ $1hnmbem, " King St. 310°! £37313- 9, R. EN!!!“ on“: a William St - Waterloo Phone ia. cm. BATTIN a “THAN. mum! hi .0! Tom“? WILL!“ CLARK Wt, Solicitor, Noun-y Public and Consumes: - one. " " Arthur BL ram“. " HAROLD u DAUFIAN Wt. Solicitor. Notary Public sad Commune: " King St West hon. 1006, I Ba. 1136' Jul. C. HAIGBT BARRIETER, m. Nam hung. Co-- Illlrd; m. Iona: to low. can to! Montreal Btdg., W.tartoo. LlMrG.LArtrMroRD, HARRIET!!! aad Solicitor, N Public; lull of Comment Bt " 1 King St. lat, Kitchener. euphoric "r, “dance "oo Mullen-t. [In lclN’l‘OSB. SCBOFIELD & f'T2"gu'g,t't'? ltd -, _ We“. FiGitlG M40, , PROFESSIONAL CARDS 12A King g. s. GORDON my; gonaanon, W. Sandyâ€, Convoyunccr, ,W H . 'buildinc' " King tttur.. - Phone 1367 diriitiinktiarvliuNie and Conl Cq%neer. one. " Queen St. Nu M. 687, Kitchener, Ont. Kitchener. 7 Phone" 1mi." if. wall." _ ' Solicito ' mum " 1tQtttdt 'fllgle -.. Tofophm 4080. T. B. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (Trista tn Bankruptcy) - WATERUJO CHRONICLE J. G, SCENARR. BA. W, Solicitor. m. 101 "at Wu? Mac: f nhnn B (1..) no 0 "w - Mac. 610 " data Eh'Sq'Kltchenor Phone 628 it, niobium. Phone ttrt. ‘wâ€" -dgia-.a.ta..at.. “Ea-birdie“ ....ddr-t-q_goas+ "a...“ unocyquI-qggobgau, " link Street East has "" - Kitchen: 0‘. " I? huersee Bt. Any Attic Holds l FOOT SPECIALIST l PENNY FOUND , IS h PENNY mm DR. T. c. PETERSON Dentist CH1R0PRACT1C A, w. 3993, ILA. ,WANT ADS 7; I? PM 'h-iii-avi";.." R. I. C. ITALKII it. â€In, Noun, m. " In m u M, out 1‘ch It“ GHIROPRACTOR “0.1.5 Funk st,', Th I: In; tract lot. Phone 810. - Phone 418g Residence 272w DENTAL Kitchener LEGAL Indian: ', tbiiiitor, etc. Waterloo TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS PONTIAQ coma, 1927, my ttr, AUTOS FOR SALE qun 11an CAA. Will â€113th 1929 FORD COACH, newly painted, new rings, tires and battery. Phone Breshu lrll. . Keep It New With-- New and Uni! Put. " Frggorick‘gty on“? City Mitt ___-____'- Wuwr III - m PAINTING AND DECORATING mm. Ware. '6?l1%Ti6ll'ta, Bo-, Mm as an; at. East. thhcnu' htit; o'.",u'cl.'ue'uea'dgo,"ttt 'ttt Ella A. Rudd-n R. Knorr m, aT.. lullhun. "e. W I" In. “so In. 2118' "I Kb. I, (Reliant. Phone 511 umwnmm “any“ xt--, Now and Bud PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS 184 King at. B. - Phone EMU Watartoo WE BUY USED CARS a. u. aunt", rrv . Benin on All “a 'lf Cut. _ Cm Washed, Grand and Blond 8 Witrmm St. B. - Waterloo Phone IM, Rea. 626 8 Water St. S. - Kitehener (At King St.) Welding - Bali-tor - Boll, Bangui AUTO PAINTERS " Quota Et._a, The colour of your cat matched BitrieCttiiG -afriAFirtroou . n upechlty. fdU,'"'g It.",'?,,'.",' Il"') tgg y you n Damn. bound into boob. 11min Club Boa. Suites-u, Phone 8788 - Kimmie: Pearl Laundry Co. I Y Cl? aifattl'Mrrxhi/PAa Mee- Adi-tri.. Goode culled for and have“. J. C. Lehmann BOOKBINDER IT Quail at. N. - Phone 2686 Kitchener ' 'huo MPras'gr. motor just overGuted," paint like" new; first $75.00 takes it. " Joseph St. Phone Kitchener 16. Phone 8660 GEORGE M. RUPPEL " (huh! at. - Eiteh, for clash. Apply evenings, 716 if. 6 Hex-Ian Ave., Kitchener. " 'ueheruCarearit You 'u†tEau, w. ThE ALEXANDER GARAGE BOOKBINDING Butt?! Cleaning In. 1136"":"73-9. cu AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Of 1mm. FISHER & CLEMMER GARAGE . 1936 Temphne Coupe 1984 Hudnon Sedan 1984 Terraplme Coupe 1980 Wilt?- Sedan 1929 'Fo Coupe 1929 CheVrolet Coach Dobbin Garage DECORATORS 1937 Tam Inn. Couch 1937 i'dl'i'l,'r.'rg' 8m 1986 Ternplnne Sedan 1985 Quench: Ouch Phone Ma" - Cleaners and Dfers Rug tihampooera 0;.ng DONALD DUCK THERE'S ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE Used Cars winding Aoou, (STREAM 229991938 “DIONAL memili â€on. 4100 itchener EIGHT-PIECE solid oak dining- room smite, excellent condition. Phone Waterloo 656w. GO-CA.RT, CALKER, bttry swipe, GREY PRAM in A1 condition; baainette. 151 Lancaster Eat, phone 1327M, Ktichener. GREY PRAM, perfect condition, End-leap thes I A.efr.. Apply 367 msmnc MACHINE 33.45 Waterloo, with 1self mgâ€. any can“ CABINET, anger, threé cunts AUTOMPBE-E. ttho SEVEN FOOT Frost & Wood bin- der in running condition. New connotes. Phone Brecht: 1:11. PLAYER PIANO, in good condition. Apply 62 Dekny St, Kitchener. TWO WHEEL TRAILER $15.00; t?ett,f11h.?0.. Apply 78 'iGiiiiGi PRACTICAL NILRSE._ eitg, tefer- nnpggou _§UIT;-;, CONSOLE KITCHEN cabinet, used only six months, $30 cull. Apply " Rock venue. Kitchener. COLLIE PUPS, three months old. 142 Bridgeport Road, Waterloo. 1987 MOTOROLA car radio, nix tubes. Apply " Benton St, Kit. chener, 6 to tr. GREY PRAM, in good condition. Apply 293 Wilmot Bt., Kitchener. AIRWAY__ new}, “guy. WHITE PEAK f,Y'xi nuke). ex- qellent condition. P one Waterloo A.9'hrMt5 '%rori0itit " _Wll_lov, Wgtg-Ioo, Phone 1088.! JONES BEAUTY mRBLOR qeireie sum- “It Emuâ€: 1nd 'r,t't't,,',t,,t'. " It t. I. _ - Phone 4526 EXPERIENCED PAINTER desire. work by hour or contract. " Milt, Phone 3643M. Kitchener. EXPERIENCED GIRL desires aueiFGuuiiu -- ii"? I h. . â€0.00 ml up: the t%U. ' about. Dobbin Gangs. m. 1natat . NEW GIISON FURNACE In]: Canton-bl. This Winter. LOW 3310138 - EASY TERIB mac-arm 'NMItAkMB.gtSAPm,Mt.. wow Rt was. h... 3-93-33 Ci"Gl'lP4lft1t Chottye, 18mat, chin, two tablei, Tttjj it}; couch, marriage. App y 280 Akron: St, Kitchener. baby? car himniééi. irGiu, giii, Kitchener. good edndition, mar iGui,uG-' dow lamp, living-com 1nd ttnil fixtures. Phone 472, Kitchener. Wellington St... macs; child's ' -eriti." _ 7 Ave., Kitchener. blower, blower, train ttirGaPiGriiiriis straw blower. Priced to sell. Walter Geisel. Winterbourne. strait; Kitchene-r: emu. V Pliime WEE-105773923: . FURNACES oven. Phone ititGi, mini; on! Is-ore/Guia-ii- an after 6 pan. Waterloo M6F. " HAIRDRESSING "Ian-w, "It-I'm, run-I “I! my. on " Ilka of Purl-nu. WC MOTORS l WALTER'S BEAUTY PARIDR .5353? 321593;? a? [M038 pon BALI FOR SALE WANTED ItTiifGii fGiiUF iii, 1:111:33; " head good young work harm: Belgium, mherons. 8 to 8 you-s. For Haney-Ennis Co., Regina. W. Swanson in charge. W. TW.' Friday, éugtiopeq. Kitchener Sales Stables, cmcopEE HEIGHTS FARM Lo8T---Monday morning, roll of ttills. on _Wi1m0t__9r_ King 99:955. Lott-Antique gold brooch, trea- sured as heirloom. Between Wal- per Egg“, Fitehenqr, and Fater- Private “iii-3' Vlnltructiou. Studios - " Roy at, Kitchens Phone 1111I. . 8 F. J. sum; ling much: - gold" - Emu-aged 1#AryyittrlaiytstoAkHihrelrange 1282 King gimme“; in. 2881' Lotm--car keys on key ring, Sat- urday. Phone 2438w, Kitchener. Bum-d. SAVE MONEY On Your PAINT 3nd WALLPAPER (Eastman. " KIT NEE PAINT I ___ - WALLPAPER CO. zu '"N inf: ink-{u T ‘25.... m our Door. mn Dr. lion’- For cutait. in! Wall- llnvo running - tgt your house. I“ - " mm for you catch. Inc-l tn Alum-Alla Prawn Pump on your turn or III-nor Iona. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 288 In; ttt. A., up}... .'iiftiie Das.h. Ph. “29. Aisha“, w, King W. AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP Insurance Agencies 03cc: 2000 Ttan... 580 KITCHENEB - ONT. won}: '03 min in uuu up. -Agglg n In. and. Watch». Great-waitin, Alec. Co. Fin - Automobile , Amid.“ Imac..--.-)" It?“ . W V cm brrii,rTAGa tgtgtetittiti'CtFf Horses, Cow_s, Young Cattle SCIENTIFIC Swodbh ] Health Therapist. MINERAL iuiiojt" BATHS 1 King Shoot East . Kitchonor mus OVER $1,500,000 Gonna-m I)“ - 8100.000. HORSE§ gamma, JULY 80, Jo. “a. loo. Libei-al reward." Apply 217 my» B., Waterloo. 62-8-4-5 Einder. Adi" Rikki; itiiiif. tt " our modern nacholylll method. the moles nnd mu. No Mod to to dt"ertred,ttr the., It}, blunt... 1-H tusa ku- -.", “flew" "a." Waterloo Mutual c. A. Bonn): INSURANCE AGENCIES mum WWW SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permapently Removed taufri' AT " Inn's. of i%GE - __ - isG,iiihtioi%u."" L. HUHHEL. Reg. Nun. Phone 846 LIVESTOCK Health Then lit. sa'kl't'lli6'l,"h't no. PERSONAL MUSIC titll! Company 6AU au lh-m" 7' Dim. -_ iii-iii ANNA R. BEAN M3!!- ' 'lit Sell For Vacation Gash REAL [STATE - INSURANCE - LOANS Phone 704 - " .Yederitt& St. APARTMENT, three room natd bath, “liable for two. Refract:- tion. hand. Central. one 12683, Kitchener. APARTMENT, new meant, that floor, three lute rooms, three- piece bath, hudvood tioora, priv- nte mandala, hot water hosting, softened water. halt, light, “at nnd phone included in rent. £28.03. Psntml. " Enhanci- THREE-£09]! Ipqrtmgnt, privgte APARTMENT, three nice rooms, Frigidaire. hot water and garage. Victorll Apts., 142 Wilmot, Kitch- APARTMENT, three rooms and kitchenette, refrigeration and hot soft water. Anal} 64 Water South: Phone 810 ' Minuet. Ae,hPNi,',',','; dthree and four roam. mm into possession. Phone 4125. Kitchener. "PrEMBER "r-wi" rooms, cor- ner Queen 3nd Joseph, thut,',', 1toneltieyees. Apply 107 ton Hensonau}_& Shane flit]: Bidet Git entrain; Ap. ply 888 Park Bt., Kitchener. A BRIGHT THREE-ROOM unn- Eugng. 826.00. Phone 86MU, HOUSE, six rooms, kitchenette and me, tive blocks from Shegpard school. Apply 41 Rose Bt., itch- soul) RED ERICK __hou_se, a; 'xt-att-dead-ft-trs-eh. an. "mnnd.rtmehiehrnstatsu. "er-fini-ltr-tre, Hydro in all building; Yowelnm IN WATERLOO-pour room apart- ment with summon, gril con- veniencu. tyit, Roos Shoe Store, Phone 109w, nterloo. ONE OR TWO furnished rooms for "CALL. WWSHED gpnrtlnept: toetuwtmrtsahi.t-tdtho wkohrtht. Situated about (our nil.- in. supp may noun. but-on FARMS MEMO! noun tor-ab. also my... hon-o (strut. xuummguuu Whether BUYING or SELLING t Immune Mth, 8100 Tha tritttqAe.roir, Ant!!! an MEMORIXCIIANGI ia., Kitehisner. en". Phone 925 ener. Bt., Kitchener. Kitchenei. - ___ - ,, - 1 - 1et..!eeytteet,ty 1eP,p'g.',t Grife,iiGd - '31?“ Street km- on". tho bedottttntrro,om damned“; you: h£v_9_prlvnte entrances. 65 Scott, kiteiener. rooms, clean, South Ward, pend street, sense. ell conveniences, Egg-sedan September I. Apply " tonne. Kitchener. - at thi “ha-cvv'ini GiG male}. to -- tholie church. 14tt - i" 'hw. LCiarhui-i%Tii, 'rl;'TA..'.'. tu3Uht'lt,. In" -__ i"ttuiiiTriiiEidiGi"a" - Pf. Apply M (in. N., Wm:- laid, au. GR5itiGiiN Weber Eat. Kitchener. " In}: 1,CTtEA. m A. K. Creasman REAL ESTATE Bad Iht.te and Immune. 102 Kb. It. South WATERLOO momentum? FiirtikGGdiAaUV. - M - Bender’s In Bulim- Out " Yuri. FOR RENT 25 - 858 King w. {ITO-NEE 3 Acres I“ GEN-mam 30mm: 'rata. Tate modern home, vicinity St. 87%; lie-pin]. Phone Rik-boner TWO emu-IAN boarder-.1}; Vite - home. Vicinity Shem-ad School. Phone Kitchener 3353:. TWO RESPECTABLE caution-n boarders wanted to sure room. 1t',tui'Jefgt Apply 6 Hahn Ave., when". WASAGA BairAcrr--ctttt- for rent from Aw 14th, $12.00 pu- week. Huge 69thr, Kin-Janet. 207 Kfriiithnt.- J 71W __ New and Used Tires. when ___ _ All-hul- "rgh., A _ ED. HOUSES SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP King St. B. - M0 MI WATERIDO. ONT. YOUNG BOW. Have Ind Mn for 4 meta. Owner - tlttt Em" met-dd]: Ind my cost up. Hutu†III-tin, Biqrkdq. ville. 5940-1 RE-TREADS h'niuiqnmnmd. '1lt,'8leu,'."lgNuNgt . we . Kitchener. Phone 4868. ONE. " W9 PTntNWhrFDzoortta, tux 1100' HOUSE, my decor- 'ted, Apply 18 Show ma. "il? ROOM HOUSE. 'tfait. , MOI 880.00. Phone "tlt new». WITH OPTION or BUYING, ml] firm from two to ten 'tere.. 14,2 Emu Road, W-terloo. TWO OR man Nrattahed or Inn- ftrmiAioeartn. WNW hum“. TM 300‘. new. Man a nut M, [nu-loo. Home TWO ummmm mm down- q-in, Attt4tn only. no macho Tn“ 1a9NT HOUSWG Tn“ mtrmttatumD BOOKS. Apply " 'OW Bt., Kitch- We Fix Fina"; ‘VTa'lanizins SHOE REPAIRING Hem. 333mg Co. ite,,Tettt2tiirii,iSItiFitEii- mum-am: VII-m mm trtmmtatmrtD than in â€waxy-mus "rtBBtrtmnt+Dr-,tsts. 5*.“- “I†IDCAL TIRE SHOP L. “on“ Phone M"..., _ N? I!!! M ' ROOFING TlrRliiSdk'rtlBES ROOM - BOARD NEW AND USED TIRES WEN BOO! HOUSE a 109 Egpip Bt. Apply " - St, one: 810†w Mit." rooms. iii juiaiuai "i-ici/Ari, au c9112. " Mint M Bib. Wanted To Rent of“ in". ii; Summer Resorts Local TIE-e Ahop it, KWi-EE a In - In no}. . I. 'il2gt um†(in: St. w. - h you“: 1775. Ron. 255 REM IE “IT ADS MO SAVE MONEY STRAYED 191 ( Mr. and in. Jerry Volhner d Chntham about the week-end with Mr. and In. Luci-e] Vollmer. _ Mr. Clifford und'Cecil Kennaâ€. uh. Grog. Schle‘bel and Harotd Diet. We]: upon! and†at GodorIch and lBaylleld. Mrs. P. DUertr and son Patrick spa-m Sunday with Mr. and In. Thou. Doherty of Linwood. Mr. J. Wuner ot .10“me camd on friends at this vicinity re- centâ€. Ml:- .Mn‘ry Kochor of Kitchener spent Sundny with her mother, Mrs. Joe Koeher was Kar Hnnley ot Guelph spent a law days with Mr. and In. Donut Hauler. _ Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Diebel, Grace and Walter, of Jordan, were week- end visitors, and Mrs. Hui: Kc. laren of “shovel. Ilia: Alice Fork. of Wintetbonmq; and Ayhncr Bundle of Heidelberg were lun- "Gt','h",' " M. Slant: and son. can Lather is standing . went with friendsjn Kite ener. . Kins Joule Livergood of Ne'. and n few days with In. I. ilford. Mi. and In. Alfred Hahn and funny Ba', Sunday with Fred Knchel, than. Wilfred “mm-n visited with his Mr. and In. Hillinrd New" and {may of Kitchener spent Sun- dny at Henry Schmidt's. In: Lilly Dosuedtor of Detroit 15 spending her holidays with In†Rem libel-stem Mrs. J. C. Moran of Detroit 3nd Mrs. J. Kennedy ot Waterloo m spending a few a." n the home of Jas. Kennedy. M “canâ€, Atw'ood, on an; “gr. mid In. Em Gaucho and My of New Dundee and Aaron Eu} ot. Pyjlipoburg spent Sunday " Mr. Ervln Mom ot Kitchen“ spent the week-end WM Mn All! ll". Alex Hour. Mr. attd Mn. Walnu- oirodat and brother Billie of Wnerloo. called on Mrs. Ivy alrodu on Sandâ€. Add]: Em of Toronto spent the week-end and holiday It her hon. here. Mr. and In. Omaha! Shut: gppntpn evening with intarbomn Wy. Enter and “my; Fit-n! lit: 191-5. 13mph.“ my}; his?“ Fistted at'die homes of Roy linu- l_n.nd_nlgd Wyn Chotren, Mitehelt,psd Mr. Ind Mrs. Roy Dillon at Wind- wr and linen visited his“ " Hes-on on Monday. Mildred Schmidt, Jean, Jeni. ind m 'mmmond and George Squire [put Sand-Lin Godcrich. It. and Harvey “that up tended the Knock“! reunion held in "tlt Weh., on annuity. _ n LII-pom ned owl-es Once of Inndon l Once " [nation Bpen' In. Geo Gunter. 1afl%%"d') of Mr. a! Mn. Ch“. Ghodat mm Monday at Waterloo. "II I" I; Cit wvnu. T Bl' t gay} I d†recently a tram. Rich-rm" aiirn'i.' WW "'7 Mr. and In. Wm. Wilford and In Thu, and In. Hammond. ne- hie '0th ,',m, iitrViGir.uii"ifrq DOV!“- with Home: Swain, and [31. qt! Hubris Butt with In. L. It. And In. Omar Hunting: Ind hull“! Marguerite Ind In. In, Halli-y " MI. hm "tteh air" . I. mm Toto'?" 'htlfL/illr' m mwmn rtiU, 8(b80 " q.rht. Apply 16 Baton It. By Walt Disney 'gttu'htlnt,a'lttEtehPif non-31,73, - mu no WILL PAY CAIN â€I GOOD U!!!) W“. “on 4116, m. matn, Vincent Lin-email, on Su- Y. gm! Ara., Atthtyr AN1er {all "fdfi2 H5380"