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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Aug 1938, p. 1

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Doc-cud In Few will “sultan-1W y. 1,,lltlllrrtllllllliltll ll8lllAllllllllllilllrrtlllt $7,000 BARN FIRE In a rider to their verdict, the Jury brought in an urgent recent nondetion for are housing of Inch electric-l units. The Jury found that Mr. Snyder came to his death when he leaned unmet one of the tmnaformerrss n his son. Fred, pulled the lunch. while testing the equip- ment. "GktiiiUd - a Vina" j a an. - ham-1:22,! .iun-“Z’ir. reg Into ts. and: of "-r--oht ham Snyder, well-known Water- loo county tamer. Snyder VII ointment“ on his run on July M, when he touched I 1...ch tun:- former unit being used in t resizing omna . . .. . . vat aid? Snyder Elllmttromtthtn Termed "luoiantal" In his testimony, Sergt. W. C. Oliver, of the pro’vincial police, said tteither the transformer nor the box were adequately protected, especially considering the fact that melon or inquisitive persons might bent!" recipiengpf 2309 volts, _ “Anyone could easily have shoved their Bat imide the switch box which VII not under lock and taken a fatal shock." he declared. urging that such units be copdqmupd: Haunted on n steel-wheeled wag- on. the mnsformer unit was the propertir of a five-man syndicate. originnly formed by Mr. Snyder. The machine Ind been in constant use for the put 22__ye_ars. .. According to Hydro linemen Norrie Anderson, of Kitchener, who In f'trhd, in testing the machine when e fatal accident occurred, the case of the transformer had be- come charged when the relay coil of the switch had broken down, Anderson agreed with Coroner) Dr. A. L. Wellman's contention that‘ the farmers should have been told to keep as far away from the ma-‘ chine as possible while the power‘ is on. "With our own Hydro equip- ment, we stay as far away as pos- sible, because you never know when something just like this is going to prell," he dated. ' the opinion of C. D. Mac- Donald, Waterloo County Rural Hydro manager, so long as such mtdieatearuMta are in use, there is no way in which they can be made damage proof. MacDonald did not believe periodie_ inspection of. the S. Hamel, a member of the syndi- cate which operated the tramdormer equipment, said Mr. Snyder had worked done with the rest of them throughout the dny, right up until the time the mnelsine "qeityead", "lust ten minutes before he leaned on the transformer and re- ceived the fatal ehnrge, Mr. Snyder told me. he planned to setup the transformer: and supplement them with I tractor," related Mr. Hamel. “He told me he had been using them for the put 22.aytrs and they were Council Maintain Hinge Project Will Be Of No Beatetit To 16mieirtuity.--Commission Seeks Immediate Payment of $1,635; Will Appeal Assessment h Grand River Conservation SPENT LARGE SUMS ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT Maintaining that the town of " teNoo had spent large sum: in the erection and maintenance ot I mo- dern and efficient sewage ("wood plant. council in Bnanee tension. re comly. vigorously protested its u- mem at 6.54 a the 825,000 ex- penditure tor initial operations in the Grand River Conservation Genome. A motion tor appeal and protut In sponsored by Mayor Wesley Me. Kerale Ind Ald. Jacob Wether, imme- diately following the presentation of I communication trom the Guild Ri- ver Commission "king Wmerloo to lorwlrd 81,636 to enable Immediate progress In the work. n In understood the mum em; allure will amount to approximately) $100,000. ot which the federal an!“ provincial governments are to com; tribute $37,500 each and the tttttttich pnlmes the remaining $25300, l Pointing out that Waterbo‘n Ill-r0. we“ 'row" 'u" '"' "NU, '"" " - $1,635. In 6.54 per cent ot the mnnlcl- Hernia!" J"',','."," tttomg that W.” palltin' 825.000 assessment, the com-y oo ' ttl my . ”WWW" "1 6.64 trttttictrtiott stated that the Isseu- ion 3 ttcheme P. heh) Kitchener, tMtt ment was treimt made on 1904 and Ihantromi," Inserted Ald. Bum. "trrmr, In the event thttt any Mayor McKeMo informed cone“ changes have been made in the mm that he ttnd ndvUed am With lunamml from the 1934 tttturea, " loo would time-3 the use-mam. Jutmems would he made. the lentil-I otated. 1, - mr-..--- A Um, Irf "midcntgl gnu.” According to pmont imitation. Wntrrioo'tt share at the total "we ditnra to be made in the who!” will I "mount to 33.000 ()onncil Inmat- od that "the commission might mt the remainder at that amount during "a." . White concurring with the bend at Reeve Albert Heer and AM. W. D, arm that Waterloo had not agreed to participate in tho tut-home, Mayor Me. Kenia pointed out that tho inlaid. paiity is named In the Grand m Conservation Act along with Kith- on". Brannon]. Gait. Pub. Pram. Fergus and Horn Citing a portion of the Act, Clerk N. C Boiduc outed the Commission had - than tho Act "to determine the proportion c' the total bandit to all the partici- pntiu Innicinlitin," iiiiiaiitGoiiid hive averted the - Prdvieioet Mano nude In the Act an It! gut-1gp! can“ 1mieA to Dominion Crops l In Need Of Rain Harvesting Operations In Full Swing Am Candi. Canada has reached the actual commencement of the harvesting season. with the prospects still good tor generally _,"t,tftttth7,, - in every Province of th Dominion. In the Prairie Provinces grain is rive!!- ing rapidly and it is expected that n Manitoba harvesting will be ten- eral next week. in districts where crops are not so tar advanced gen- eral rains are needed to aid nillnx. in Quebec the weather 11-1.me ideal tor moot gtetit and fruit CHqB, all ot which are making good pro- gress. in Ontario harvesting ot min crops is well advanced, with util- factory yields in proapect. Other crops are in favorable condition. To. bacco has made excellent prop-en. In the Martitime Provinces wet wee» ther has caused loss during the har- vesting of a heavy crop ot hay. other crops are progressing satisfactorily. in British Columbia a examination of hot, dry weather has cut pro-pectin yields below average in quantity ex- cept in irrigated distrieta, where there is still ample water. l, Ald. Theo. We": urged thlt the iWaterloo percentage " recommend- ed In the Communion be “no“ ‘etrongly protested." time All. arm pugs-stow mu all Btrttrms in connec- Ition with the cost d the WIWIOO amuse disposal plan! he obtained Nor evidence. Aid. Sturm expressed the belief that the municipalities of Heaps“! and Guelph would be required to ul- mst in tho payment a 'he Wk since they are on the Speed River, the same " Preston, I tritium d 'the Grand River. He lilo pointed out that Elmira amuse eventually and. Hg way into the Quad. l "A percentage ot two or slum not ‘cem would not be bid. but it no“ ’cerlainly seems “an!” that Water. Ito should my I percent.“ a B.64 ‘on a scheme to help Kitchener, tMtt and Brantford." Inserted Aid. sum. I Mayor McKemIe lulu-mod cone“ Last week I not mm machine nude in debut in the eorruruutit- machine ulna-l as revolutionary in design " the grain-binder was Mty years no. It is can“ an "All Cm Eh:- veuer". " out. than”: and bag: the grain in one (mention, Mr. Maurice Welckor has pur- chased one of the» whines trom an asrlcnltunl Implement manufacturing company. 80 his already harvested m. when! with it and I. now banana: barley and out. Yo! the out may apply to the mm cipal Board to hue and: apportion- ment reviewed. Even Sceptics l Welcome Advent Of Farm "Robot" sou'rH.ir 'wgLagor.--an the '0'e--e "mu. our s an century Mo-- tho ttrat grill bl.- der urn brought into Souths! Wilmot. more were not I (a who regarded It: advent with scepticism. claiming it will not work unanimity. but an. m demon-cued kl “may all! it has come to be regarded In In- dlspenuble to urlcultm. ' it you are‘ one of the may i) Lwhom driving in no loan:- a pin- 'ann~_hore is a hint thet Ill! be help tttl, Next lime you It"! out on . trip, take thui chip on your no» der! And like your In” of honor along Promise rot'rse1t that you Mnn't let little thing. dhmrb you. mad no what hupvenl. it Domenic attempts to uni your mm of way. let him ttttro it. Don't yell at III. but mine into“. no indumi. a you would be with a "narfsor vi. reaches tor the - place of all. [ on tho pine. A at. tm-r-a" a i surprisingl) pin-nu t--qHit t to your 'oimgd. Following the Situation ot Roe" Moor. letter! from Dr. Barry. of tho provincial depurimem of health. which said tho local plum would function prone-1y for I 1m growth ot 20 yearn, will mo be pre- sented. TAKE THAT CHIP OFF YOUR SHOULDER (I, Che-Ink W0 and" .- Shot From hm Gun Fatal To Elmira Boy SIMON KIN“! Former Wntorloo Townhip Rave and Waterloo County Warden who in Wily s"'ihogg.i.nu'1,'."', ih rc- eont notions inns-I. e in eoniined to the K.-W. Hoapihl. Willi. - Jerome Amllnger, IT, ot links, died m fat: amrr's Hol- pinl hero of a bullet wound over the left eye. The (Inch-rat) I“ tron his own rifle, which be but hinged ftt the ground after Britsa a shot. Condition Improved In company with two other hon. Amlthger had been practicing shoot- lng " Elmlrl. Ho won rushed to the Hospital by Dr. J Mallow]: Ind and mom 20 annals. after being nd- mined. Coroner Dr. C. C. Belyol, of Kitch- ener, said that it was unlikely an inquest would he held, but tint two eyewitnesses would Inn to be Inw- viewed before a daemon was mule. Alphonse Rm: wu one of Amman“- commnlons. Auto Fatalities Decrease in U.S. m um'mmm~uuy Council reported tratne mum“ for the firttt six mom-ha ot 1938 were fewer by " per cent. than during tho sums period Inn you. |By heading the plea to drive note carefully, motorists saved 3.670 lives during the Brat half of 1988, the coun- cil said. ' E1HBCAG0.-Motorttgts in the Amit, ed States are beginning to step on the brakes In time: to sue liven. u the parentage ot decline con- tinue: tor the balance ot 1,938, the council aid. the year'l mm ton would be the love“ mice was an! would represent a. saving of 8,700 lives In comparison wth 1991 . To Test Kitchener fire Apparatus Sir Earl Page, Deputy Prime lin- iater of Australia, will head a dele- ptlon to Cumin late in July to negotilte with the Cnnndian govern- ment for I new trade treaty. At front“ the Auk-[bu delegation in n Enghnd negotiating for I similu "at, with the British government. I‘lllumvluluin VIII-n4 .w. w... be nude on Saturday as n manna gt computing the merits at (ho new are lighting equipment with the aid the truck. Aid. Inn shunt: "normed Kitchener city council. Tuesday amt. _ I According to the “dos-Inn. mic "seem to hove the opinion in! the 810.000 engine in n Input-1m necessary only for ”(guarding n {at all buildings. He pointed out that the long ladder could he (would in one only nun. while in men won required to oet up the old typo. ' in: only that: or tour to handle tho mono linen. The "" automobile Is n mo! of speed, Power and ntety. but the was tredeutrtnn in tho nine Nodal” Indivldml he was 100 year. Mo. He hasn't my .1».on My; not Ina nature streamlined him to he cm move any father In this no of Oped. STREAMLINING He hu- one manna”. homot. it he will use It. He cu nuke up for NI slow he! by his quick qrtta. Ho can nvrid making the nine ml} at” which brought death to :97 Manning and Injury to "" 1trtdr,ut." “ M" - ttitqtCHBNER.-A public tent wlLl Heads Trade Delegation THE PEDEg'rRIAN (I: tN.ooHt. W) IT. AMTNHW out. " mm a double mu his but. .artr ”our!” man have" men. and)“ bull duh In. the heavy ohm Ind the!» min. _ he m “and to have 'i-red fru- tum of m um Ml. condition tacky I. "puma u “only tair". “and“ by Dr. 4.", an. of In- mmuwuwuww F AMER BREAKS BACK Ill nu, OFF BARN ROOF Dick was te','gtet b an... i trap door In the no! Us bundling to HOOD thq ruin " hm boy. when M to.thi.ftrotutgtaatdt+doertt" Severe Storm Levels Crops Twister Tears Down Barn and Portion of House In Mile- Wide Swath. "I: Chronicl- W) Em GoRItA.--A more storm ot rain, hail and cyclonic wind- panned throng: here about a mile wide be- tween “when. and Tip-lock. any in; 3mm damage. “the barn. owned by Mr. David Somme", 15th $1ne, “as nearly all torn down. Mr. Som- merl being In the building at the time but escaped luury. The from punch ot his house was taken any and all the shutters blown off: Sev- ‘ernl large trees in " lawn blown (down. KrtxyraritNraR.-"We may be erm- clsed today, but ten or 15 years from now our forethought will .he lauded," declared Mayor George W. Gordon. urging that the city ot Kitchener purchase the old post oitice site. The move should be made with a View ot :stmlshtenlng out the jog between IFrederlck and Benton streets at the [city's main lntersectlon, he Inserted. The barn. owned by Peter Bender, a neighbor ot Mr. Sommm, was blown on the foundation. Grain nooks were blown all over and were even seen on telephone wires and fences were down. The grain that wasth cut yet ’was Batten- ed as well as the corn. Kitchener Would _ Purchase Site (lf Old Post ()lliee Propose Construction of “King Square" In Honour of Prime Minister. m YORK. - . Carrie Chapman Catt. pl feminist. In In favor of alien y for hul- bands an well u w on. Council following heated delibera- tion. passed a motion authorising thy solicitor G. M. Bray m otter the Federal Government 820,000 in eaah and a 15-toot strip ot Lind at tho rear ot the new post oilice In exchnngo tor the old site. It was pointed on ‘the strip designated would b. suit- able for a knew-y to tttenitate truck _'lr"G/e' tor mm landing and delivery. Alimony For Husbands too Is Sugggesliad She told a luc‘on of wo. men's emulation. recently urging chanced ot mm s new program to mu boner rights tor women th bout the world. , "We my build I pubic mum on the old lite and itraightarn the log at Frederick and Benton straw, and sumciem laud might be left over (or the erection of 3 building." command Mayor Gordon. "The 820,000 could be mid over a Mb-year period u an came Interest rate In the govern- ment borrow: money m m banks." According to the proposal. the pub- lie square if " tnateri.lisetr, would be known as "King‘s Bqurtro", in honor of Prime Mininer ”when!“ King. who no born within 160 not or the location. Several members ot council " inced the thin belief thnt the tiny square, on which might he one"! a monument. would relieve tho pf. out mule problem gt that intense- t;on for many you" to Como. "But we need mind!» that men have a (my mm ecu-J rights, too." she cautioned! Complimentary In“: Wllmn Barrett. the Actor. nun» In: to [he . Immhor of workmen who were dmrnlnl his hon-o I "at. his-d If they would like to hue com. rilmomnry sous one evening to I“ Mm may ln "The “(Inn of Mada”. They and they didn't mind " may did, and all went one annuity In“. At the and or "no vat. know. no cumin night of tttis item an": rsaett workman“: nun on the 3., them: "Saturday night ”If - ovum-no u {Mum - an. Atlttqa." ' TREES ARE UPROOTED WILL OFFER $20,000 fr“ :"i'"irT"1 1 C C a , CHRONICLE " no FRIDAY! Waterloo Relief Hits New Low noun? LJITZ Who on My m availed the Ritalin-u Horticultural So eiete'. and prize for uni-tent “donut for the second Incest-iv. you in the city-wide content. Mr. an: is phat unperinundont of the Tanning only $1,078. toilet em dlturel tor the month of July were the love“ am you tor Waterloo. it was revealed tbt ihtgutttt, gee-Ion of town comic-n. The ugh-e - . do crane ot 3306 trom the June bill. at this year which anointed to 81834. and a slight dttCreqtqo non the My account: which tut yen- tgttatmd 81,082. _ Peculiarly enough. the number of Dermal receiving relief. however, has men to 244 u compared to 219 m July or in! year. The wild roll um 53 families. In June no pawn- were town. Ruthless 8aaiits Are Wiped ht One-Eyed [ampeh Who Terror- _ ind Brazil For 20 Yang. _ Dies In Gun Battle. Eleven confederate: and the Iweot- heart of the ”year-old outlaw, nick- named anpeao (Lamp Post) he cause ot his appearance, were killed " the bloody encounter. For more than a decade police ot lcur states had tried to trap the Miler. the mention ot whose name Launch fear In the hurt: ot thous- Ends of Brazilian. mo DE JANNimto.-2Ne law In! caught up with one-eyed minnow, long coneldered the most ruthless bandit and killer in the western world. Dispatches received by the depart- ment ot national telegraphl and the bandit, who murdered And plundered Brazil's northeastern hinterland for 20 years, had been slain in I pitched battle with police. The little brown man, who cut out the tongues of women for hut, words or "as and sometimes raided towns and forced the loading men and women to dune nude before him, was born in Villa Bella. BLAZED TORTURE TRAIL He was born Virgolino Fen-enab- Silva. but since his notoriety unreal h the early years of his cutest, he always signed his dread warnlng: simply "VII-50mm Lampoon" They Bay-tind the people who con- ttrm it are legion-tttttt Lunpem’l first murder victim was a man yrho stole a cow given hlm Br his “that. That the" curled a? career ml- [unlleied in lBrllIl'l criminal hi.- torr. Lampeao learned to bundle I pit tol u I lad when he VII an may recruit. The discipline he absorbed In the army served him well when he became omen-In ot 'hi- own Mud" "my. Discipline was Ms untoward. For 20 years his followers wed the mark not by their leader. Ind for 20 you. they shouted I chlllenge to the I". In 1935 the luv almost cut down the bandit scourge. Deuohmentl ot troops were med. There were radios, Into truck; lnd modern Vietnam. "ttt Lampaeo and his henchmen, In- cluding two women. made their get- away. The ttttttttttht wind. proved to to lAmpnoo‘l In". m I.” by author!- uel he" to hue occurred In" tho town of Vllllnon. on the man Mates of new». “a m, - nua- trotth or no and», ”I; When the swarm, band“ would lead I raid on I town. reporu would come out of tttttttoth: orgies ”used hthe “nylon. There were tiny- women In the umpeao hideonta. Many of them, author-lilo: and. bore children to [Ammo that the rink: of his MI:- dtty might be kept Brted, Lulu-r. he "not! the child and m reported tutoring him to (up our the hadenhlp or In: "In; when the "me come. - A In: your.” hr took one of " sons and turned the chi” over to I vacuumed family at ”an: Crude to be raised an on." children. ' receiving ambiance tram the Conestogo Barn Destroyed After hire Believed ht . A Puzzling Toby-om A country rector. while mm a visit to London. Ind to 31" an older for I Sunday. School hound. I'll!!- lug he had forgotten Instruction. to sent a prepaid talent-I to his wile for details or the motto maul-ed and the use. The Pan omen authorities I'm somewhat puzzled by the reply. which and: "Unto In I Ion ll born, [our feet wide 1nd four feet long." Municipal Board Approves Kitchener Orphan-g: Bond Must Vac-u Spacious Seagu- ute on Willow Street. STRICTLY RESIDENTIAL AREA “in T3. Nurse hr Kitchenet KtTCHnNER.-otrmtrritttt with I request try the board of hunk, grit, chener city council. loudly MIN. granted 8500 to an.” An extra nurse for tuberculn Menu. “The gray-ten an! to my oom- munlty In good heath," snorted Ald. A: J. Candid. in rum to Aid. Brubuher'u contention, "that enough runes Ire “may being employed try the city." Mrs. Pussy Plays "Policeman" To Her Three Kittens As the expenditure val not Inclined In committee 4t.timntar, . outlined nurse will he hired after September 1. It a yearly uhry of 81,500. bynlnPn-qudI-mo tmerreitu-anattotruetotw "A apochl name for tnborcuhr work its not required by In," COB. mined It. Calumet, "but the city of Kitchener bu the opportunity at be Init one of the leader! In thin “dd cf work." aau in: No. 1 to Attttor. With very um. My”! obedient” related “a min; ruched the ow do in left more. Ionic Km that hauled mo- te at. .ggtteta. at her can" M an: an. no troouiur.oqrrtttngtoNumrtmt Mt by Mt was and do“. AM. Dr. 8. P. leulne urged that I followup 1mm be Inaugurated In onto no was!" the spread of when» cumin. "The “no. required Ill be better qmtif1ed an ordinary nuns. We enact “lord to Mil In our support at the Bond ot Hank ‘In such a must." ho and. tortsi, with man; itt In. our mkontolthowdooll- tune! than in their in how- lulu at ”any can: _ Dealt ot the pawl". lbw-wind “News. the “volume“ at which Chamlior mil-r In Mod man-My. won duehtq" Mb by Dr. not." by. but“? at It. “or.“ labor M, h a m to m m on .0 m B.ea.heemmeytorNo.Atmt JuntaattterBtnrudam-' car when! mannequin: sud In. Pu- !ulod up wan- iagtoproetsetdrtoNrthor,t$1itt tsadi-d.Brttmthrur,htttr 1AVtiilRKUmm, German - tHes imany'u new 'poople‘o at”. to "own-gun. In to can “0 math about use). can be bought on the Imminent "In It the rule at the murk- Mt a week, Witt "IV“ a t speed ot 03% will. nor hem. and will m about (any an” on I uno- at mule. Mrs. Pun. not to be outdone. that may no" and stneU, t$nttity got her but». and, on the other side. With . lick tor each one Ind I mow. which no doubt mount “Well he”, Ill. stretched on on tho an to msqttugdiooVdaa-htgqto sly. “Win: A remain, and what a can to be the mother ot three growing an." hid Mod. By this tune. it": No. l, deciding this - pity, Judge Is Not That Chummy '0Eim'W"r.---Vott Susannah. M, hate learned one can be too friendly in talking to judges. He. appeared In court More Circuit Court Judge Joseph A. Kayak bun, charged with falling to pay alimony. When he called the judge “Did". he was untamed to jail for SO any: tor contempt of court New German "People's Car" , Will Retail at $2 Per Week (Ivan-Hum By-Law 0usting Orphans l (I! “with W” 4xNatmoao.-a9tru" by In» [nun durtnq the new“ ot - May Ml'llhl’l mm. I Inn: and no imam», "not! at $7.000 you do law“ by he. The building. mod by - lawn. we“ no" u.- tHet “or. '3: located a all. mu: ot here on the well In. at tho Grand "River. According to neighbors. the bolt ot lightning entered tho lilo. I - sanctum. Mr. Martin m mum at tho In until 1:01:11on mind on mmmhum TiigtrveB_aitdtihraued , ”Walnut After a for minutes wotk. s W brunch which had torrudd befor- a. are aimed much headway. Deli-nil ee, u may nonhuman It, when suddenly tho interior of it. "rodtoro, main building hunt into that. Partner attempts to an the “mature proved futile. and in. building was completely gutted in I in mint... included In the loan was the you'- har. am when and rye crop. but fortunately no spring grain. A [a can.“ pm ”to purl-had In the bust, tho remainder of the live-cock NI" but In the Mid. Direct!” of the wind It the “In. of the blue was credited with av- lng the bottle and driving shed, which are situated om: a few (at! tron the ban. The [on in not cov- ‘arod by Insurance. the Small Child Has [ (Ir Ore-idem” BADEN.--adtth, Muriel Slums. daughter ot Mr. and lire. Clarence Blunts. bed the misfortune to have the little - of her kin and - cruehed when it we. amt by the lid ot I ,roodtrox in their am home. Impact or the blow. The top or an - hilt how. the mil In. almost tattaid all but it I: believed tho futgtnetxta will knit tt,totrertttor. The little tot, who is 11m W to wilt, happened to put her hull on the top ot the box a the In (all and the one - received the (an Bitterly fought by the Kitchen! Orrin-nose Board, who would! W- elland the former Seagull: Min "Brutal: House", the Ontario mun} cinnl Board recently handed am I decision approving "the ’Wotcrloo town council br4hor, designating Willow street. 'Waterloo, from fih to George street: a maiden-till .r... iThe district [any he med only (or the erection ot detached white ’dweriiings or liar a public park. A. A result ot the board'. Ion; mooted 'htdintt, the (cl-met rou- dance ot the late E. r. Sensual. pur- chued br the board at a reported sum of 310,500. 'nv not he mind a an orphanage. The decision w announced In eorrutumbctrtiotg only this week to ‘W. J. Mombbon. town solicitor. Following purchase of the propu- ty by the board, 'Willow “we! pro- perty owners immediately handed to gather and ore-outed a petition to Waterloo town council urging that I try-luv be Ian-ed making Will” \alreot I reuricted residential or... Snbneqnpnt passing of the by-hw required uppronl 'by the Ontario Municipal "Bard. and n hearing was granted. " which ttll planer at the (linen-don were presented. The art! lining of the board was held War In June, but wu adjourned until July 7, when counsel tor the Sauna) at“. chimed a dkcreplncy In that the etrtnto had not N? properly ttotittod ot the hearing by town Mark Norman Boldnc. l " the declllon of the Municipal Board In and. " is unknown just that notion tho Orphanage Board will nuke. A. R. Kaufman. club-mu of the bond. declined to comment on (he decision "until Icon-uh with tho Unfortunately a number of "I'd! at the Kitchener Orphnnage Bond were removed to new quarters in the IMIOII "Br-non Home" on July l, and since that “me, about ten chil- dren hue been In residence there. ”with; may. m. My III. every German worker an begin - Iac (at In or n ml an.“ n all“ - M a. - He added that "ten you" (to. no' there won't be any mum In MID! who dour! In" " ain't I." " or." mu tanner-try or the [twain-on work! of the t. G, Fttrbrn Dye Thtgt. "A whole - with (out or Iv. chill-cu cu m named In the Volt» men," Dr. boy and, "I hope nut famine! till deride to have (air or In mum at a result," NO INSURANCE Finger Crushed SWEET-i hymn-{m Fuse-u

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