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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jul 1938, p. 8

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.. Waterloo Tigers Win Masons 9-0 In hm Frames Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein. Mr. and Mrs. Roy thonan. Hm. M. mtr, rail and Mr. William Holldty of But- faui, N.Y., and Mrs. E. Ore-luau and daughter Betty ot Guelph were week-end guests of Mr. Michael 'Roth. Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Ambrose nil son Dick and Mr. Howard “take ot Pendleton, N.Y., were “out. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roth over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mayer and chil- dren and Mr. John Zinger anon! the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Zinger. . Miss Martha Hunt iriiinearaim, spent a week with the C. Hutu family. Mr. Wilfred Febrenbac In!!! Mr. Norman Rellinger of km united with friends and relatives here for a few days Last week. Week-end guests at the “that Bo- tel were: Mr. and Mrs. Thom” No- lan. Mrs. John Shepherd, Mrs. cur. euce Nageg and son Inch, ll] ot Butralo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klell'er, mu Mary Kietter, and Mr. (Shula. W ler motored to Father Baker'- " Lackgwanna, N.Y., on July lit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert From and children of Detroit are visiting rah- tivea here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slocum ”an the week-end with Mr. and In. Rar- mond Zinger. Attend Ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weller and tamily attended the christening ot Marylyn Weller, daughter ot It. and Mrs. Jerome Weiler of Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Simon zinger was in Formos- 1tuyt, _wee_k_ tot a low dara. Mropf. 2b. a ....mm.t.... has, of ..t................-.. Tait, " ........t............. teehmidt, u ................ .Plomlki. " ................ MeAror, c .....e..w......... erd, In: .................... Mum, lb mm...“ Wdton, it..................... Mayer. p .....r.m....t...0...t. .Koval. It .. Din“. rt . hwwn, at Smith, 1b ' Mayer and McAvoy; and header. Mr.’ Oaear Knntz and children, Mary. Ann, David and Bow luvs returned to Detroit, Mich. Arm getting "I; to a to” nun, Letty 11mm, on a. “I! tor luau. allowed on The! only one hit in the hat men nun“. du- ing which ho with“ chum MI. Mayer hurled consistently tor Wail- loo and kept Gnolph'u In mu won neutered. A long triple try "Ttota" Ward with the hue: landed In the in: h- ams. Btttrted Tum “my to that! onodded vlowry. ‘WA'I'IDRIDO AB B. H PO A oorre.--'pe that“. " mud Built try Guilt tn thq W no Inaug- at an my Ill-- mdhu "A" am an. - a, night, wan-loot t-teutetq Titer-rm upanonth The" apNied the whim II “to m opening It“... nun-31 JMtt.e.Adk-4No W ' three "In“ In the lint and my” lauds. Ctr-uno- m thd hr ttmt INTI In; their worms to tho second with who. In that loan II a vault " Roche- A tron splurge. Edison-c tho 8W tooth“! Janey After getting “my to a wonky.“ " on tho loo-l nond- ro W0 nun, Letty Hnmmnd, on a. noun :cutly. "or. an no m our phy- Byrum tor luau. allowed tho m ulnar Ate on lock norm; thro- ol MI: one hit in the but men mu. du- "" tour gods. Iota-t - mud luv-gt in; which he pitched not“ my“ south. mm Rom .Bul . Mayer hurled consistently tor Wail- m White m tho m. At Symon loo and kept Gnolph'u In mu won hall-unto tho Combin- Ind A " 39am scattered. had um. Although about“ in tho - Ci A long triple try “Toots" Wud‘lut lull. m In]. to hold o no mantra-l with the traserioadqdintttetitmtttt- millionth. lion-unautho- Toronto wing. stoned Tiger- uvay to “Jill. will It. M_¢_I"Ily 1?. mm" “10013" WARDEN” "r"'ttt2'dtht't'ttMkl'2gtntU"" "WUr 8,011- Meet" IR) il'ill1"s'l s. -"w.ter|oo II! Q...- " s. PL... "m. KITCHEN” [ - 0n- lv-Il-cn _ “no "" " Oahu-lo St. s. KITCHINBR Motorcycles" And can. momma DON EBY - THE HUB NEW GERMANY I. et ','lr2fllUlr2fl'la/hrd Fables ORDON'S ooo SATISFY T.t% woraao-Lra' i. L. lee.".'.' , n... "Aft; a Ida-an Put-y. atoll-o. tearrritutVii. In. Mr, all In. Job (blot. Mr. an In, In“ M It. All In Eileen. (mum. Ind Simon Mn- Mr! and Chane. onor "on! a any wlth Mr. And In. It." Inter In New Gunny. m: "in with In. mum Halon. won In. Mtt Mica-I. yr. .31 In. :1- lm A“ clu- Mr. iiiiaTriirrio" my; Joyce. and shine, - n a” recently In Guelph, Mrs. Home. Du And that“! Shirley. Mr. And In. Cool And clu- dren were recent (can with tuat. mon Manda. (Ma. - ot Mitch In. I vulgar he!) gm VIM”. Mr. and Mrs. Lom- Stuntman and family, Mary and My mm o! [Jo-morn. men. all“ on In. Vera Homo“ on Iona". _ Recent new at the Chm-lo. Relu- hau home were In. Prod Minus of Dion. Mrs. KAI-a Hurley, Kn. Mary Hurley ot Detrot, In. My“. Goal: of Poker-burg. Mr. And In. Herb Lattnerr Ind daughter Jon of Kitchener. Mr. and In. W. 000k and tshit- dren of Rorat (It. lick, won meek-end "out: with Mr. and In. Home Dar. n“... "wan. u- Inn-v, “.1. Mean. Bill Bach”. Mum: I” Ber, Bu Barthel), Into longer of Kitchoor and on Mr. And In. all Hanoi! focally. Mr. and Mn. Jerome You e, flmlly spent A day new“, with. .httsttd yrs. Punk Krootch. L Katie Goeu In spending tome time with Mend- ln Plko. NJ. Grade " to m--aamer Bonn. Phylu- (Emma, marine metal. Archie Kruger. Grade I to "-isrthetet by, Don- aid Month. Shirley DI" mm Holiday In Kitchener. Grade m to IF-hr-ot Dom, Edith Bruin, Joseph Fly, Bernice ‘Koerber, Ell: Schilling Dori. Koon- ber, recommended. Grade V to W--Heitsa Dunn, Flor- ence Oreo-man. Betty Danish, Ro- dger Kellot, not: Rump, Bum” Rosanna. who: gaming. I "eaNrT0N.--.mttthenqtr Pnnther- Waterloo .......-......-..... ,lhowed too much can for my“. Kitchener _....."..--....... River-idol as they humeral out n Guelph ..rmW.........o........... 124 victory In an Internodhto m. Cult ...........m.....-r..r......... tercounty 1mm “It!" here wee. Preston m....................... ‘needny evening. The game In a Sealer have |postponed out: which we. ache- F -- ,duled to have been Blind on Dom- '0ntdott Mr. inion Day. Goldaworthy on the Stratiord .rr..mr.q...r....-... mound tor the visitor. hurled smut 'rantrord ...........,»..... 'tsalt, striking out " and with; Strathroy .................... none limiting the Rivenideu to eight _--------- scattered mu. The Preston club . Pred three hurleu in an econ to . R. I $iirALL ppm the htt made ot the visitors _ who whammed out " solid blows. . li.ii.i,i?e?ir,r.rtii. led the Kitchener at- H Id Real" tack with three him one tr tritLt, in o hallway trie- " the may, _ - " 1 Carl Kuhl. who upon-t tho week-end near Georgian Bay on I tutttrttr trip, captured a lunch pike that upped the sale at a: "a. He also brought back a goodly number ot smaller "h. Report tor S.S. No. 14, Witcloo. Names are entered altrttattertieanr. Grade vn to VII“ Id Oren man, Joie mono“. mocha:- uedc. Albert Schilling, 9t. ver. Audrey Wagner. Dehlner end Zlnk each collected three Inn tor the visitors. one of one ot the letter. being good for three hues. Kruger end Heller were the only Preston player: to no cure more than one in “though Ar lard connected [or 1 double. Kitchener ...t 000 103 teb--" " 6 Preston ....... 000 on 'ot-- 0 8 , newsworthy and J. Weller; m. welko. SnIder, Kruger and M. Walk- Students Pass at Shantz Station ""A"".2rrA'rto" Rural Fisherman Nets 23-Pounder the: an! M; Ute hub. M. Hall-rhea ml Maul; tor-uh. Crude Vito Vir-gioter Tucker, - Von megott. it???“ m! 151mm - ‘oi‘owr'w "i Ply. Mr. Amngham In: also built a brick addition to his homo all in building n page work shop and pump hon-e combined. When than buildings no completed Mr. Allin. chum will have one ot the all”! not lot {Arm nulldinu in thin loamy. Stephen Murphy of Dunn. Mr, and Mrs, Roam been and Pan, of Kit- (honor: Mr. and In. P. l. m d Waterloo, It“) - at M... Mr, and In. Ed. Erb of Toba- mory hue returned to the" hon. In" small: A week will the lat. ler’l mm“. Mr. and In. “on. Admin. Mr. and In, Render-on 5nd fun- lly of Inwood were gusts dnrlng the week-end wllh the former: “not. Mrs. Rom. Newton and Mr. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Mun" Alllnnun And family of New York ”on: "a. weekmd Tritt: his mother, In. 3. Web!" Althtttttaat. _ Mr. John Cooper and m- mule Hortop of Hamlet In. 11102 Sun“ of Elmir- and Mrs. mum. " HI.- nton were recent vlulton a Mr. A. Mr. and In. Earl Tumor: and finally were recent visitors with friend: at Calm“. Mr. Salter of Mahatma wu A ro- rent vlmorn ut In. an. Cranium". very auccauinl barn raising recent- ly. The building in a " n. try " " addition to the original bun. Min Vlvl-n Cooper ot Initial. In wounding her mammot- vmtlon " Mr. Alex Coopers. Guests were present trom Toronto, Hamilton, Bonnier. Punllnch. Pro. ton, Kitchener, Tobermary. lurk- dale, Elmira. Glenallen 1nd Wuhan- stein. The other. ducted for and year inettide: President, T. 8. Coo. per, Markdale; vietroresidmtt, Prod Cooper, manner; mum, MN. Bert Cooper, lie-paler. Makes Extensive _ . Alteations to Farm Property " wu decided in hold the next ro- unlon at the home of Mr. Alex Adan of Preston on July 1, IMO. Interesting midi-one; were (Iva by various members ot the “any. 'Durlns the evening music was our plied by Mr. cfarmuso Adam and sons Kenneth and Jack at Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Md. Erb of To” mory received the gift mounted to the members who cane the greatest. distance. The annual Cooper-Adam reunion Trad' held at the home or Mr. Aid: Cooper. Wa1lemrtein, on Dominion A special feature of the program was the presentation to Mrs. Sarah Dunbar, INtrperler, by little Min Jannet Cooper ot Bennie. of A bouquet. on the occasion ot her eighty-ninth birthday. Mrs. Dumm- also received the gin given to the oldest perm pran Mary French, six weeks old dum- ter ot Mr. and Mm. Mike French of Pnsllnch. received the (in ("on to the young’éat member mt. . London ....ct....s.....r., Strattord .................1 {Stanford .......“....\.. Btrathror ..............._ an” (my .-.............. loan-col ...................... - The afternoon was spent an our ing softball, mac and will; races. _ Hold Reunion ', _l ht Wallenstein' alumna .. WEDNEODAV'I MIDI-TI - - human, [Auden 9, Station! I. humanly "be “when" IS, Peqqtgtq I. Waterloo.9. Guelph I. Mr. W. Newton Allingham held n _ F -Eattittrttua, 'Brtututrtd Salon C. 619000 C, Junior humanly Guelph lo, Bunttotd I. Waterloo IO, Mn 0. INTIINATIOML LIAN)! Rochester i, not“ t. Janey City EMQ mr We " Tttextttto H. Syn-um 5, Baltimore t ”In. - Leg rad-M - T Aylmer T, [aural] s. . Till-01th:": ll. Delhi s. . paper-Adam Reunion hs Cele- bated in Conjunction with 89th my. R. I WALLENBTIIN Senior luau-county I‘l’ANDINO lnuroounty "l LIMUI VII L. PA Won" {an ac. ' It .965 Woo who. Won mt EC. "A" .11“ .114 NWT“? PITCH” NICI DALI. for PM!“ 1t'N'tt 2ttttthtrtpuANt12"tttlhe."."'"""""' " not“. "Pt-ttoh-s-r. "KILL?" angular: KITCIIIHII nine kept In step um: TmnbyddanIMcuhMmh-eknnl,nhou tape-r!» .htkttgh.t' mm ed - "deyhhtyq'1.eed to. 9." "A" of uni; “WV? and" a t a cal-t. him any harm, It would min hon 'iiTAituiii don min-t Quill: t"rottit in the latter [monk Wain-day mm. The hark! w o In done norm: mice for dim!” II put Ion-om. held the UGG to an ”that! hitr, so mm In bet th‘ Quint mm to round the elven“ and - the M vim mini-mod by the high- Mpplng In". hula-I. _ - _ - Giii%isiaéFiGaigii iGGratuii, - __ tthh - inAGiuiiuiduiiti" w .766 313.3. gusting: Mr. and Mn. A. - . t r. drive in two rum and my: hon: . on - that In In the l Mr. win". John Buck “a Mu. TOP com, mm for two of the trio Oren uc accompanied by Mr. and of hit-I‘mgd 'Wd Lt2a'tft'atrrt'g'f2,ht who drew moth)!“ Mar Buck of Known. vim. of “(anon chm-pd. path!!! In“. up for u by "errrttte lib Man’- mt with mu Emma Grammar And only other If”. W.; Irvin hammering" at Han- . . . . . - _ -, _ ... .. . oer on Sunday. in tiG%aieGTimiTrutrdruuid "ikSuiduuiiiii"tudtiii5 iffitikdiG Iwgy_f_rom_ pin, tht format gouging {our r'""." “YER! In @7931,- b t 832%“ d h A la to do 1't,tt tt dash“?! ll I owe nu «prom on an ow keen ability to capitalise on ill and any Tall',', which tmiied. Ernie'- bon were good new): t: ""'"P"r a... to P" up I lock of mm. t' A cor" LII} TIL! YMm8ttl my. graham ftmt I‘M!“ o enTGirttGUGFi/ 36.} - with. bidiniii i dtiiit _ -. ’dt’u'éhnce" ia, '12'ld the can of ttlrGuTr'llf any applied “which. I After arm flied out, ’Bchneldor 3m It Wmmn on Don- broke the hurt- ot tho wanna-1 ill“ Day. m tho Hell. tho hoe with a tripledoop into rich! new to WIN" horned. ntrortt,40rrtmrt- ','iili'l, in Weber and on”. new has , unions Peovlo'n Sodom in .mouu-mmm M Indoor and outdoor - or Human” a“ the throw-h. '9'. 0330!“ If!" WHO" dainty I" Pollux a smut-w ton and In tbo "uh-em were mod. mu. "an“. was: no]. loco-d and - "hoot o-. made home on anon by egttatUr The two weeks My Vocation Bl- Fltsmaurleo and contradict a» Mtr school-owed u the New Dull- non. It was "wan-3" "eqgtA m of doe School on lanky morning with tthe day and mm an mtrqtngrtttggt or " children. The London “gum up ”mm to (anchor! in china no Rev. and In. hold the “lanolin" “mum H. P. Scuttle and Mu, B. Mulch. scorolo- tn the m. but mu to "In w. 000- oocnnted the mum “on them In tho am am: allow- ot the Hither-n Church I Pro-m his Bott Incl-ram to nuke Int on on Sunday ave-tins» an error, Webor grounded "day. The local land tendered new“! but made that on a ttelder)' choice. tttttMeat ataattheqa for ml! Lydia when Richard.“ wat, clash! m w a her mam». Too-- to second. ' do! m. . “IN THE TWO can then wu u total of " nun scored, and tter,; but lawn enough. Wnurloo scored than all. Not I bad “mg! C. in]: giro! an . boy- fmm Howard ”auction's m on . end of n 1 drab gawk“. Tige- {on one lhm of the Inn-k. to con- tent “lemmin- with a 9-9 win cm “as. - “INTERIM: BASEBALL STOCK hit a m lath, Walla-dug: with both Junior. and humedhtu Mum out hurt-braking (In bin:- to London and Guelph, manly. In the Junk! itrrtare, Cards tsro A the, Wong-am [uh eggp‘ijncglop rug, while Thu-I chose the .0: at”). with I Ion. we. I For the «W -uegtae_, .Bu-neu was up with two - .In four chm“ will. com Ate mum-Ice been“ their only on": hit lot the one-died much In than iiaurhiiGuiarair ii, jlitk"" tiek tooth - '_ 56.1mm s'efmsot_reieie-rtTIt? ity1toeetnltvotteeeenruH ivyer stole tho-how Impact-m iott "out. In In mum behold, with Weber. afar [rounding out to second hue. advancing to third on More snarl. Ooh, drove him in with Waterloo'l “(In run And odunced to coconut AM taking third on BHIN, hit. Cote! ramped home who. Schneider on. his opponent: no chance on -ttot _ After having to bee any C Ian- (ttts batters In the month and eighth, Waterloo run two man around tho circuit In the damn to lend the Ion-ion Harlot. Gem-gut out into left dteAd for duty, while O'Meara ihtUhed the III-lug. holding the New" to one more "In. Waterloo Imam: let loo-o . ber, rage ot bunched hm. And mined by an error committed br Pink. " liar}. drove no more counts" acrou the it? WM cur-(ad it " with a mt! placed hit tut our third bum Swift. who male a nice try to ape-r it. Coley advanced him with I hunt, on which horn-do ttrat use. Ootey located his third - of the day to drive the hell but over .second into centre new and advance Weber. Brill drove in will all A nice single into richtlleld. Brill died on third when Schneider popped out to first hue. [ In the luv. inning; We. atarud the bull ot victory all!“ tor and. when, Horclouriuor -mado ttmt on an error credited to initial new McLeod. who mined the pitch. “in uedlu second, Bach-lunar MC third on a tingle by My. which tho latter stretched mud blue on the throw tn. M, nor clue In on Brill's fly-out to centre tuid. Retiring the Mono", one. two, Jain Dub Lulu W MONDAYS . lhtdiiiig If Boll MI ' durint July . "'""rerl'flii't'iitiktitifiit2nvtr""" and August m aeijiCiiy mum Open All Day Mann]: mumm- inmmmuuw- tor, while Ind: my!“ the nu 'dt2eea.tt%m"tit-t ”than“..- do “mummy-bum “swarm“.‘r tubOWnoloM'd- -r,tomst.d-etet" In momma” honIIMl-‘um. 3mm that: Int 'MP. In no cummwww nvu.mhmt-OIIIIO airioatotntugi-tBMrotat" “lull-d tqeTtited M“ mmmungmohubm wnn. Bob W. In no "rttrt-tlthrutrdor"retrto arc-unwed “and“! Tug ttnaAinrinoGG GG,,rmt to may" non-c! um?! dqr.htq m M sow. - menus» -i__e__e__-i_'V ““7 fl -q . O q ERNIE MAN’S BOYS - "d better hall, and wide from the nut. In"! an 'giet',2t I M of Arc: to alum fitlitiE?.tiuiioi, Ptattrers _ - an m tut, Mind 'ttar-. C.i.'i'i1SPORT'S mu Edna Dunner at KMchoner spent the no} week with Mr. and Mn. limou- Douala. Mr. and In. Anson Winner and m- Donnn Manor ot Brown (my. Mom. and Mr. and In. [4m Mills: of Flint. Mich, and at the landed the Hammer Family to union which in hold " the home or Mr. and In. Harry Bantams: M New Hamburg on the bond”, MMDnrothyBcuhoneoltl-o :93ch " the Duly Vacation Bible School " salon far two wan. Ton girls comm; two sunny School clam ot the Blight Unit, ed Church spent a low day- of this yogi u Aldon“. Park. day "mils. . 7 V [In Willa Cree-nun hr been room " the Pine Grove School nou- Prawn. I A new mom] I. -etad to .¢-!nnd.ln. M. ll. Tom and so”. and tho m mun mum panama 3nd Belmont! lb Dor- m Party tob-ttttooo- othy Mn visited with Mr. and I',':,":",', Park on Tush! (nu-1.33M". not] Semis: " Kim on Jul! 13th. (has only and no tiiy4tmdar. , bank-ll guns hem-I “alimony, Mr. and hm. "ed Pom. It. and 1A1] an" and the New m team .ln. Arthur Luutmchluer and Mr. at C.” o'clock, m Tritt 1.. mr und In. Hunk! Pom amended the 1010111“ I ttttage-t try the Now Dun- NW“ ot the Inter Mr. Sunni DION. ‘doo Band u 1.30 an I: am 3th "Net.',: plop-um at ' o'clock mm the Baum” or Wood-mock. M'- Shlrloy Tun-pie. the Gold (rook " rlocy Boy. at Mob and tho Bani. fer level: piece melanin. Postpon- “when. There we no mica hold at the Inc. much on Sunday. owing to tho map looting which " In pro- zrou not: Kiwi-allot. Batu-ulna! At Quinlan. My girl: of In. lander Ores-mun 5nd lla- Dorothy Dan's can“ of the Blenheim Monte ihtdar, Behool were entertained n a quilting " the home ot Illa Viola am It Wmlnnon on Don- Into! my. In the "all; the hou- te1tntttysher-ts ntrorttforrtmrt- has , the_Ymg Peoplo'l Soda”. m III-Ala.» - outdoor 1..- undo- _....... '0000.00.-' I I aratarArtp .... I. ".e--a. It t now-w. one": an 'Tu-. doc: met-Mao. an M. and m that wont to It in mud Vishnu-nor “at“ p. mm- C -- thought-.mmmm- "rsotrrsnteredttrtwthurmitsrt" ‘oloru which an. n M to: thvlllmtohvoulchnmx _ ttwittboar-aur80tA 9&0.“me vero enjoyed “(or which “my to fragment: were mod. Bible Ochoa 090m. The two weeks My Vocation Bl- ble school-angled u the New Dun- -tttaat-notitrsthomi-r. In; of W. R. III-bet. ho -ot-adaoetsowtotatrgt “moi-I." 'e." “aroma-tom“: 't'ope_-,eei1ttqotst_t.i6. Expect Record _ Crowd at PW (W M_~i O) I...- out "’ I Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald villi- din ed with Mr. David Scott And III-- - Jenn Scott at not. on Bunny. ' Mr. and In. Oliver New ot F. to Elmira called on Mr. and Mn. A. I. Hilborn on Sand-y. I Mr. ytA,Mrs. John Buck and mu lt- I Mr. " In. Ralph Howling at ‘Wuhluton mud with Mr. 3nd In. M, C. Howling on the W]. I at". I K. sham: and the It”. In, sham: and HM: In new "e" M In!" of m. wot! u ' ‘nce Centre. NJ. “morn It the hon-c .of View In on My no: It, and In 0mm lulu! n! no. VII-n oi Mr. and Mn. R. N. Bun-nu ot De trpit, Mich., ”out the weekend with Irehtlvol In the vllhgo And tour Sammy. . I Guest- nt the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Etterdee this week were: Mr, and In. Sydney Hopkins nml not Jack ot Antonia, Conn., Mn. Loni- Ooddard and Mr. and In. Cyril Goddard and daughter. Eleanor 'ot Seymour, Conn. A number [tom lhlrcomlnunny “tended the Mvamreiiatie mice. at the Bin-bum Immune Church on Sunday. Mr. Anton farm upon! the week- end at Intel-II. I Mr. Even-eh Storml of Owen Sound In. the guest of Mr. Round Bock on and”. I Rei. and Mrs. H. P. Behade TUitetd [with Mr. and In. Mace! mutant“ .1: Kitchener on the holiday. I Mr. end Mm. Wilfred Wanner ac-I unnamed by Mr. and In. S're [Winner ot Kitchener motored to Name hill on Sunday. I Mr. and Mn. Elmer Jecob end ehtr I area. Patricia and Donald of Menn- helm visited with Mr. at In. Geo. Uueoh on Sunny. _ mu Eunice Snider event A M due of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence stunts It Prenton. Mr. end Mn. M. Blake and bulk, tor. Betty ot Kitchener and linear Ronald Blaine of London visited with Mr. nd Mrs. Gordon he on the "l “any. Mr. Clarence Wilhelm ot {Mon visited with Mr. and In. Alvin Lou- lemhlagor on 811114.15 Mr. Mu Boga-at at Nut-mon- tholake spent the weekend with Mr, and J"". Willlun (looming. Itter. (In) M. Amman-d or.'. Mr. and nutmeg “rumor”. (hf Sula“. Mich, mated with re trait, Mlch., - the homily weer [adve- ud - In the village and and with the utter. puents. Ir. and community Int week. In. Norman Weber. ' Mr. and MN. Ltord Toma: ot Yo. Mrs. Durham Fem-gun“ of out and lmnto spent the week-end with Mr.uranddatttrhterrss, Barb”: "Id tttttr- and Mn. loses Tom. _ 1ey Ferguson ot Tomato were - I Mr. Albert DIIench visited with ot In. [under G's-emu durlu his mother. In. Stephen Duench " the wt week Wallensteln on the holiday. In. Fred [Antennhlnger I! - I The Mines Betty mum-m not! In; a few week- with Mr. and In. Ruth RtMttter accompanied Mrs. G. M): Begun! " Moondhe‘ake. raglan-pm and Mr. Gilbert slam: Mr. S. Balm-lob returned to the and daughter Jen of Kitchen.- on I home ot " Btster, Mm. Doehatadqr motor trip to Port Dover on Sunday. at WellIMDON Mtor npendlng- the Mr. and Mm. Roy Glldnq- W out few months with Mr. and In. with friends ht suntan: on Sway. r. E. Pue. . . 1 Mr. wNyhs hither spent the - Visitors at the home at Mr. Ind and at Roche-tar. NN. In. Josiah Clue! on made, were: Inn Homes Gruetner M Mr. G. A. Gruetméy- or Hocpolar mm at tho home ot Mr. August unan- achhcer on My. Mm. wmhm 'mu ot Toronto called on Mu. Inn Hinton-n Inet Bat- unis]. Mr. Ed. Koehler and DOM. Guns: and Glen called on the tormar'n mo- ther. In. Andrew Koehlor " St. Anna on the homily. l Mr. and In. Stunt Luke and non. Wilkes, of Dickie Settlement were was!!! visitors with Mr. and In. Walter Hominid. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. has and It" Ellen Page attended the Page "an. ity reluuon " Smithville on Domin- ion [by and also spent the week- end with‘reltuves at Patrick. Dr. and)“; u " annular ot Bra- terloo visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. s. Bramt on Sunday. Mr. 1nd Mn. [Ned Poul. It. and In. Arthur hummus:- and Mr. and In. Hunk Atttt no.“ the amen! ot the Inter Mr. an“ Blah-l at Hanover on Sud-y. Mr. Ind Mm; M. B. mum“ mn- ed with Mn. David Bethehen It Huston on Slinky. . F Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bogus-t. and children, Hertha and Hugo ot Virgil called on Mr. And Mrs.. Willi-m (zooming _lut sum-a”. _ - ot luv. and In. B. eunuch Bum-NOW. Mr. u all Mr. all In. Walter [M Strutt m when. "s-ag. mu of Bt. “an In. and In. Bury than. w.. saw“ ot m an “a nu Mr. and In. mud Inm- can of mm W with Mr. M tre HBO-0"- " In. M. C. Howl!“ on lucky. I Mr. and In. Jun In. Willis: mum he rot-uh Mr. nd In. e", ed-io-Giulia-su in" insulin: the - ”I“ ,'thAeeyfftter e-r-so-ara-u-sro-a-ode."'. -s.antoe..-'i.H-"oe'b-o Tuesday to Saturday b, 'ijji[,za'-d"i'iiEDI ' Btemrnrt-tata,e-aua'eAu1t-". _ TELEPHONE!“ . Canadian Pacific Also to many intermediate points; Gottt-. 7 0.66 p.m.. 7.66 p.m., July 16-16 6.16 a.m.. 11.27 mm. July 16-17 Return Limit-Up to July " Mr. Ind Mn. urrliiirrien mo." tored to St. Catharine. and Thotoid on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs? J. Riley Hallman and Min Dorothy Baum ot Port Credit visited ttt the home of Mrs. George Hallmnn on Snndly. l The following teachers are tsklng summer courles which commenced thin week: C. A. Sinclair. BA.,- Commercial at Toronto; R. R. Home ~51.an Twain; at Hummon; was Von Romsntrertrer-ayducation at Toronto; the Muses Miriam and Evelyn Cremmsmt--aktmsatton u Lon. don; Min Althea Boeh--AtrrieuOro at Guelph; ll- Carol Martyn, B.A.. --Mttgrte at London; and Ronald Bock Bur-Music at Toronto. "r Among those from here who was guests " the Hill-Wood wedding " "Woodtromat", Pro-ton last Sutnrdny were: Mr. and Mm. R. R. Mlle, Mrhm Hilborn and Mr. Wilfred Kin. mu of SI. “all: It. Jenn Schwinn of Eng. Mr. 31ml m and Mr. m . Joesph Knock- td at [unto-or. I Mr. and In. - Smith m Mr. lld In. Mord henna and daughter. Joyce at Mon. m. were new ot It. and In. (when IBmlth over an nook-ad. Mr. and In. PM "9e. It. and Mrs. “but Dun: and In Lydia mum landed tho "Church Mule 003m ad _ Choir maul". which was hold " BL runner. Lutheran Church, Kitchener. on Sunday. ‘Dr.andlu.l.8.nwllm Jon, Jimmy Ind Mr. and In. Mk Gem-Mt 1nd Ion. tarry. were [mu !o: Remand In. G. R. sebum n _Ptti1ittstmrtt on Sand”. . Consult AttettU---Ank for Hundbill ; Mr. and In. Mono he: and Mr. Josh): Bur visited with Mr. and Mrs. wnnm Bachort at Klwhanor ion Sunday. . ', Mr. and In. Bumpy Win: at D. tron, Mich" - the holiday mk- Mr. and In. Wllllum (loading. Min Lydia (looming and Mr. Harry (looming visited with Mrs. Arthur Becker at Kitchener on Sunday. . Mr. and In. Kenneth Lamon- echhger, Mre. Elmer end Mr. Syd- ney "rstenaettiatrer ot Kitchener spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Latstmtsehtagor. Mr. and Mn. an] Einwachter ad family called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scheel at Kitchener and Min tar. gnret Fairful " the Freewrt Ban. on Sunday. Miss June Lttwillor of Preston In spending the summer vacation with her grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. stillborn. A number (mm the village attend- ed the use!“ "when conducted by a". J. Batter of Detroit, at Humil- ton during the put week, Mm Dorothy Koehler ot Preston uni Mr. Emmqrson Harper ut Wa- terloo spent. the weekend with tho former: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Room-er. Rev. and Mrs. B. (Munich and daughter. Dorothea Ann attended , Family picnic at. Riverside Put. Preston. but Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willa McDonald and son, Ron visited with Mr. and Mn. Harry Scott " Elon on Sun- at]. Visitors at the home at Mr. Ind In. Josiah Ducal on ands, were: Mn. Hurdle Chi-In at Gantry. Alt... Mr. and In. Into Vanslcklo. mu Vern Blade ttnd Mean. Marvin and moon: Vansickle of Hamilton. scant-n ............r... an.” sun-m FALLS ............ an mono ...................... an." HAMILTON c................ Bargain Fares JULY l5-16-17 . t BUFFALO ...ff........., M.“ S"' twig”!

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