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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jun 1938, p. 6

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- 'rr---.-- - '""rrr"7""'""'ft cam,“ I'll Wutchoster. that Anne on derntttid? ritled uuueny ornhaned, he let! no'thlni man than a memory or tho fortune they chad, lavished an 1"]an mam- _ H --__ ""..ev.. Then-atom, came Anne. She was rather moth-like at the time. her lun- nlly any tones having been subdued a few months earlier try one of thou untoward "aeeidente" which follow- edJJm quake and the ruins of the home ot Midas in Wall Street. Edward Challoul Austin, Anna's father. had used a pistol to remove himself trom a most embarrassing sltutlon. To his only daughter, now Mummy orphaned, he leu nolhlntl so much my urns-HA; iii; the' up: ot_ ita wing; Ibo gorgeous purple ere lives its life in night-gs unlined the fancy of Ora None had pntangled his was common report Hut Diritur and Immediately i his college days. a mum.“ Mr ot butterflies. varying "I, from the modest grey . --"'--v “CID", WWII W “10 010'. level ot the sateen. She mid (“that on ecclely men, She would who tn (hone excluelve and elu- sllo haunts where society conceals. She would be the envy of the at]! In her set. the deepen ot their no- more. -Cralg Braden was better the e catch. Mo was a positive treunro- nove at everything the recline rent. less thrill-chasing young women of Mayfair and ot Its more democratic neighbor Broadway. dreamed. Mono): ‘mmon. POIOI’. Here whs the triumvlmto which brought. the bright butter-mo: ot 01- mm ,and ot tuhion to fttrttetr their wing; ‘before the tired one ot the 1 bored young men whoee been “I ' tttpt he had neon everything sad I dole. no» mt It. I no" on the balcony ran. Ho m loaning BO clone that he caught the ”out. at her hair and Anne I“ if. ot the dotgsr to men or not: gonna). " Out; Braden proposed to her tonight, or with“; the next o dun when the homo you, tra break Into ita component out: and so rolling merrily am In lean-h of other exciting "ttup. one. Anne Auntlu, wand be tbs mun-- Nature, kvhh with one. and nu. ver birctt. provided an annually” lovely new-g (or um Mum-o patched Mu. on a bin]! overlooking . mountain Me. Anne had at. are or the art, and the arttacq too. tt in her purpoao to column. has? to]! the mom brilliant. the most do git-Mo love! In the letting. - punhmem In within he: - Cal; Brndon‘l land but cloned 0" M-.. ___- A‘ _ . An. Audit dro- Md Into a. My; no but new: to any . bit "rthor on when nonnative. um... are." no no... man I. vldo mu tho nu: nu: lot a. um km. ot her whim gown. Ann. had annual doc“ long about to any . no“ of VIA-tent mum and a. nu provide, I and Immediately followlng yo "..-. - _ _ " ’ rules. varying all the a modest grey mom to I purple creature that in 'titrht-trardero, hall fancy of Crate Braden. mighty rt both Mant to enough I men. ' Ilon, A l u an I A dozen. two dozen Hum during tho last month. Craig Braden would have proposed to her. Anne knew, had she not been Miran enough to maneuver him Into a mum when a declaration of love seemed In. opportune. Why did aha postpone the moment which meant for berarelnrn to the lavlsh day- when none, In somethlng a teller drew on ot c bottomless. well and handed to hot on demand? For almost a your new Now tho summer season in: draw. mg to a close, Already the diver birch had begun to duke out the “we: of their autumn nasty. Goun- meur veils of crystal clutched along the paths and on the room of Adiron- dack and Boehtrhtre camps In the] early morning. _ Opinion trenerattr seemed to be that maybe Anne was not clever. Maybe she just pretended clovornou. But even though rho mishlbaclovor. she certainly was no that “no beau- ty Considerably Above average, of course. Gold glint: In her light brown hair. And didn't no know how to make the most of my lurk- Jng gum. too. " tumbling her hut about her head In i kind or studied disarray! Dark eyes with something or tho oriental In them, An mural-dim. to her nose, an upward curve to her , lips. Aa to the curves of not 4tmrrtr. even though they were dolteatA nun they were curves. The (union no ,1 tor girl: In short: to be militia for 1 their brothers. ' Shorur otter the week-end goth"- iug In Weslcheeler word in {lubed h along the grapevine union of mill F eecreurlee to the elect that in order r to gel Craig Braden one mile! em I Invite end securo the neonate of I Anne Atttttitt. An Ill-e mun Ill t in partial mourning. only mull and inform-i glut: could be con-Her- , ed. Amazing. the number ot mother- . with merrlngnble cinnamon who IM- deniy decided to coMhte their nuclei activities to email end internal slain, Craig Braden did ovorythlng el- cept lnengurnle o Braden hour on the radio tor the porno-o ot brood- casting to rho world the (not the! he ' considered Anne Auntin the pick of i the crop or girls he had met. or our I expected to meet. i "How dose the do it?" women 4 asked one “other. "Show clever. ot ' course, bruins and all that. mt Craig , has "oeted to deeplee eleven-nee- t in women. He bout. that he llkoe t them beautiful end dumb," ' linden wok mien oi it. nu. ' trirl's "(no Prom that Inn-u! In!!! t her sue-u won um their (at , wells. the noun- In buy darin- ' in; nu to 1m “er on." no. ' [he side ot . mm one ind not ' even considered. That Alum chit. t ot III people! The hone“ ttad naked 5 Anne only beam at the in: no- _ mom a realy “in“. girl out to _ yet-mud she is]! no out: to do mulching tor Nod Austin‘- dam- tor. She hm Intended Gui; hr herb , new The Austin minx m prune 4 any chained him to her side. Well, there was an and. no hr " also III I concerned. to my toolilh mtgsthtte- tolily obout Ned Austin's daughter. 1 Let the girl [and tor her-cit “I, [seemed well able to do co. m ii/ai/i.?!!,, I} iiiiiAittrt . LWWW‘ I - a 1 I "Putnam." Anne an. no can him the thou or I mule. 'n and w ttet about ortro A lot." I "I‘ve been you Ion. the." E1- ‘don an, obviously m all... by the (In. ItaNe or by an no." to hold him. lad has; no distorted by tho I!“ (alumnae: “Manhunt“ by Milan-e. that All. In W (a realm. m an. In. on. an "not“ by (I. m In car. a. mica mama II- ot A calla. - ed. with I at In It. on“. an un held until l um null“ Il- dur the am - cloth. Du In dark eyes, cool “a My. am not waver He “in! - (at an Wo. men he met mm mm nan to shared the marhqd autumn, ‘ulounu of 'iairiiraal rriiT, - f“ blot?! tn a. Inn's Halon ‘W‘PP‘Mhmm “..V __.___.r “I, “EU . person would believe it would have . I'm-opened. There were times when n she could no! belleve It Irene". But . ralg Braden was never farther from ,' her side than her band could reach, alert to protect. her from the major I lnsnnlllen. ,’ “Yen. Mira." The ittttrre Anne ad- dreeaed a Dennis walked toward a tone lean earmarked at the entrance of the clrde. . . "Kem, the engine In qulel as you can. please. Dennls." Anne 1tutrteet- ed whlaklng through the car btor while Dennis stood at attention. "I don't went the others to know I‘ve gone. " might dlltnrb the perky. 9" me to Glen Arden on quickly I. you can. Then come back and ex- plain to Mr. Braden that] tell- ,_...u luv ""t""ert' culled a camp‘ " was here Anne had come, a week earner. on a house party that Bruno Beasley boasted was to make house- party hlstory .Bruno's bout. Anne found. was no idle one. Bruno had Almost as much imagination n- he '%rnrtdr and m, ot Ice," Anne and. anal new, or I will b bring the lea. Won ken-Met and Park i haul Please go. ( plan on It." “H's tho-o Intel-nu cockulh Bruno lander: been inking up All our Jar." Baden growled. "Worse than Ihon shock Pit run tor 1 handy and soda " you'll promlleuot to do A (Me-out while I'm gone? _ or in a deck an" tanner back In the undo". N can't have you this in), Let me can a m to brtrur you a ttood an! no! of brand; That out" to Brace you an" “No plane.” Anne placed. The ma would be In" to make a In". All the other: would come chiming out. "t tool hotter already, but I do crave something cool. Get it for me, than“ a hm. Long Ind cool, In an Iced clan.” } "beam. hold ow-Hoo be m rub: In a minute." Cum Baden picked up ter tyrd.itr, and downed CI-l-my head} In a whirl. 00: me I “In ot who. will 'ow-oe .nter-- on' be. anything no w. cold. 1 mt I'm going to an: a Nut." a nun, with a m; tump “M. “I'm “no" nor will be n ma as you . Went out It In your put it on top ot mrl Anne could sense Mann’s collect- Ittg Margo)! tor a plunge. Something unpleasant. ot course. Maid: - looked ono up otherwise. "What's Hula I hear about you And Craig Braden?" "I'll nibble." Anne and. meeting itrdiiteretwe., "Wtat.do you lieu?" "That tsou let you do"; Ivory-1 l "You might ring Ill." "I‘m been terribly busy ends of (stiff; thin.” - v -‘ ....... u,. _ But that's a week slop on .r" answered sho'my. "l’ve beer-io Glen Ardeset. The Bruno Beasloyu' house party." Anne anttqrprod "ws...c. born on antlmdal Giga, separatist} ages. "Hello, Anne. Wherever In been?" Maid: Sudan). W blood relatives assume the r he querulons and demanding? and Mama's mothers were but the daughters might luv 1...... M. ---., - - a"..- "a. "The Colony". she lai “Just this [not once. I'm meet some one.". She was ' alone. hungry tor her own I was at the door at her rm Illa telephone Ilnkled tt "Craig". she breathed. her a panic. “Perhaps It‘s not lever, not?" Her voice In an! ‘vibranl with hope. Anne Austin pulled smart angle and allpp pair ot while glow“. she lunch? When she less than half at the dollar- retrieved trom her fortune would ten tel-she must ha' Expensive. Where did one lunch beaten Martair truck? the remoteat Idea. She steadied horse)! before the mirror. nddreoalns the white-(need. feverish woman who confronted her. ‘There are only two thing. you can do." she told the woman. "You, can be I reasonable human being and many Craig Braden. or you an ‘bo a silly little fool and so to work." Tho whlle~faced woman gazed back at Arms with steady tttttrhttt- ing eyes. In; Vic-Mm for her white no. Shem from write a now 00' and (ll-puck " to on! a the boamouno. He'd coma to her-- my t "Bo Whit?” Anne, _ staring three at banal! wide-eyed and disheveled ther 1 in . mirror “He'll take no in In. make $trtntr--hk, up. on mine-mo'." " One! 'ruptly she ma. F'ttuttr her Arm be “the: tore her " though aha were riding “00 " horror. she I» laughing 1tr+ I ttttt lerlcally. “lcnn'l an n. run a foot. ring I A toot and I pauper." all h Wasn’t there come way the might explain tter (light to Craig? To" Mm aha tell queer after he left, and when her mind cleared she III In her room " Glen Arden. That would do. tt was easy to accept In! one want- ed to believe. Craig would be a will- lng Vic-Mm for her white no. She/d write a note not and til-ouch " to the boalhouno. He'd come to 1"tr-- "WORK! .. .,â€"â€"v. _--4 .. I'v IIIN“. ‘The other: will “to their lead trom him. rn be dropped completely and worn be cruel About It. too. It’- nnlnhed, tmi----" I and thought tt NH." to not w tto t new I act.“ t "Very Id], Mina." I The car my,“ on! at up and. and wound It. II, Anon; tho uln- _rl"ttou_tranaNrooa.Utmat I longing. “we, “I. "tae. unnu- l and use "amend 0cm. the lab race of Glen “on. carom! not to “tract the nae-luau of n, - who man he loitering. M In a. mm mm: to her room; cloud tho door behind her, turned the in], m collapsed on c chino tongue. “Why did I do It!" no erted. nut “a: her voice mm: the pillow; “Why dtd I run from Mm? " I. had lined am " have acre-nod, or In“ _ my dun again-l. " clout. or an; my 1 ualltlnm MI cueu--ioa" the in" where may yawn. III, at! l I. 1 rumble! Why can I Mo bin? The other: round. my one of a... i They'd lake Mm 1nd novel tor the I chance. I've loot Mm. He'll - I come back. Never. He'll know the r tun! can a (the. He'll be furious. ' Th.» ”cl-4,- - ... A . . Austin pulled her sense Maidn’l collect. a plunge. Something course. Maid. - ,_ - m“... breathed. her he." in “A” ... she and. De H's not too late, Totee In answer In Wherever have you Du “)4 _ --- slipped a lunch. (inside the rennin. i',t'i,,tilthiij,s' L aomelhing less No Ilsa - Why did Pe fitrht to Jug? Toll Mm' "Then get lame control over him Hermann! whon'You'ro the envy of - gm you no III In her know, In mile ot what’s 'tapparet-F- That would do. the accident to your father and vintage ':,il.'t.tli,"/',.rl't'j2lt You've simply an: m at...“ L- - N... W . Some lug hive be; _ in widely , Anne'- slqtorl. Ditch " to out (t to her-- my M. Btnrtng like dbhevolod ther no in u. mi ND!" My One you "Darling!" Pt tall g was pttetmd to a buck} "How jolly to see you as; as Bhe spoke. her are: we: beyond Anne. “mauled In 1*... ._ L _ ' I "mos." she so garb?" A tau ttirl "i, ""83" entered, 'l‘l'd. Her new) bill. "The management would appreciate prompt remit- tance" That gossip item in the la- bloid had traveled far and (an. The Colony. Anne lingered In the layer. Some one would surely come along. She disliked lunrhino “A..- No. none. Did the expo: Batget--tt lo the clerk wank the operatora-. No need, It was not Imp: Then Miss Austin won] to receive this-the clerk In an envelope, He was wan to not» any expression ot any llny worry “no that u able Mano relay her sum. manager. m an! tho cu! M coll hen MP Bra " in In! "hu {on Malda's money he we in humble bread. At the hotel desk Anne Were there any Inc-lugs: Austin?" ruin the ,V‘.‘ I. uuulllll Anne put down the rect was trembling so that ttt, to" " the hook. She IN Maid: might take a noun back and Mart all over as. “Don't expect help trom she. Anne, ever had expel a miracle. Down to three n a gardenerV Three an a house. a townhouse. two cl pampering rather, an adm hand. Poor Jock! If he w on Malda': mom..- In __.- - -"'""" more than circumstance. (Continued on Pup n -_'_ ......u u“ In. "1 mm a luncheon engagement, And don’t ring me up again. Mulch. until you can henna like a human being" Amu- mn Mas.., AL luv women! to your father and everything. You've simply go! to make a so at it. Don't expect help from me. Jock is absolutely cleaned out and we're living on the Income of my trttttt. Running the house with three mid: Ind A Bttrtter"sr--<rven the butler: gone. Gel Craig and mike it up. whatever'. happened One would think after the men your father made at it--" 'Xrood-trre." Anne cut in. “I In" .. F..-,., - - ---v _.., ”an": “sorry, Haida." was Anne‘ reply. 'Wee no control over Baden" . Anne hunted The hush In no! convincing. “I haven't the remnant Man that it mum," sum. Iran! on. “except I know I!" wuothlu are-dud. You mould be able to command enough respect from On); to loop him from Haunting chom- girls, when not! one} expecting you to announce your engngomeut any minute." “A” _. .. “we‘ll! mu tt. u an: “no out; 'iir"iiiiilyi'i Anu- wan-(muo- hu [one will! and [Auden “nu. ctrtee hire tor HotChlco, In n III- ermlno can. I. helping Crater can the latch!” ludn cu tum-c no: " All-or, tor nuance that I. not In D.- My ‘utuoneu In I.“ In“ Ana than!" 111 be caution and thtd out what the know; “a nil: “lam. lonely you're not on. o" no.» simmer soul- who “but everything In the um." “Sane." no he. was tt trom 31‘:an (ha In: ' den!) dropped you. Today In the mall I received a cunning. some on. out It from one of than "In column. " "yr-Trait-t In" " ttere-tat rm M. h an: Th. ('ka Braden-Ann. Ann. mun-gunn- “It” you an] 1.1 “_.-,,m.._ G sum." - -"re'-.9r. “an; She dunked 1unchiatt -"" AIAL didn't 1hr mum-i! 1M1 3...; "- bmmlmtumnm no i ' In.» A... an with a "Gai', and greeted, "back In town in: JV.-- w", down the receiver. sue was not Important. Austin would please -the clerk handed her {a was watching her FR. She let it remain: ake a nation to ring all yer Ila-In. Anne t"1rridrioi", It“? expect g " Anne Flu-ed. ""rmtattett for Miss that“ to I‘m " I. that 1126 iiarrii' (on ot chisrin. that mlgln en- ' "meted such three maids and Cant a country , command enough ( I to loop Mm (tom " girls. when on" would Instr-HE: status in: thi, you'v. In If. a]; yr In“: at ro cttildrmt. a adorns hun- us was "via; I’ll my“): to. They " Anne! cold “one. "I luvs

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