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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jun 1938, p. 5

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Iowa“ at tho clun- of tAO that at In. Joyce W. Mun. lmher on unsung hall . but.“ puny In to! boot". recently I!” Badman III presented with . - mg at tho Mouser lower an noon. by Mus Kathleen than Ir And In: 'uctusrd than“, John unseL can, enlabtnlod I zmn "dam; nnnlvernry. on Bun- any - . . . " In: J M Lam: and banner- Kathleen and Helen, lute let! to Ipeud the ammo: ll Saublo Bath. Must: Dorothy Taylor wu- week-end guest. Jace l‘hlvers, son or Mr, and In. Wut l‘mvers. Queen 31.. north, WV» Inlou. is receiving ttte coast-lull [ions at his friends, Inn-Hug Bttcce- um”. u. ...- .nw, F - (ully valued the am year cums In Finance and Commerce course It Toronlo University. Members of the Chrlnlm lothen’ Society ot St, Lon-ll Church will hold a picnic in Waterloo Park on July 12. it was decided " a recent meet- tug I-‘inal plans were also completed to hold a gdrden party on Bt. Lou!- school grounds. A The albu- t5yieia Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Smaller. Shoe- maker Are . Kitchener. announce the rugagmuetu at their daughter, Kath- leen Lydia. to Stewart Gerald Rah- In". sun of Mrs. Josiah Rahmer and the Cate Mr. Raluner ot Anions. Out. the marriage to lake place late In July. The leathers ot the beginners de-l parlment ot Trinity United Sundly‘ School were entertained recently at the home ot Mrs. Percy shunts. Nine Pines. Supper was served on the lawn. Urs. L‘large Logan. who leaves shortly tor Woodstock was tendered Ihe best wishes at the group by Mrs. Allan Mayer. Mrs. Sham: presented her with a farewell gilt, Social qlllll' persoml Ti'":?');'.',),',:',:',?,',":":",, Pour teachers ot the Waterloo pub‘ he schools staff. who are retiring tol be married, were honored by col- leagues at Elizabeth Ziegler School, recently. when they were presented with suitable gifts by Hector Meore. gut The party then adjourned to Swastika Beach tor luncheon and em tertainment. fin?" 'iiiiii' 331?: u - -e DINNERWARE to the LADIES Don To"! . .%7--.--."""rt-.--T, Coming Wed. & Thurs. Robert Montgomery . ' "First 100 Years' THEM is: ttist" " 2 HITS TO-DAY and human ga-uk- V H Attraction Rita turworek E. wal- Waterloo Girl A puny - In nun-ml. sun-my “mm. In an M. or Wu ‘3:me cum. 1m - lull“: Weill. “an“ or In. “Inn-m [lunch and the In. ”Wuhan June- O'Nelll. mm. a. - ot Chump)“ maul. at KW. Tu W0. (in. “u tn will. by he: Imp-lunar, ‘Wlllbn “but. wow l gun-or mut at Alumna! 1trF an lwued In who AM. will . tar ban and unaccom- at with: a“ Nae. WILD u we we a will. - der length 1.“ and ' con“. ot ‘Brurclllo mun and my ot I... vab I In She curled a lull Ilium _ The buds In: unaided by Milan!) 1 O'Nom. who wore . nun-lot can at moaned Incl: 1n robin as. blue, with I while but and M. . She wore a corona ot Premier was. Ad)»: .- A-. u... .. -_..- n She not. I wane ot Premier moon. The groom In attended " Ar- mand Klmck at Wuatloo. " ___ - hI-nh will“ nunu- v. -'_--._V, The bride'l mother were I btach [lowered crepe so" with I wine In: and loco-Ion“. She were I cor- nago ot Bullet Time Nits. ,u.-- “M..." u... .. _-._V, Following the wedding e-or" A reception It: held at the triad: home. The house was decanted with 'pink and while streamers. while treiin and pin-k no white peoniea. The bride'l “his was central with a large wedding cokeunellled with [pink lulle and sprinkled with con- told. Following the rocepllon the bride and groom tort on Ib honeymoon to Northern Ontario. For unveiling the bride chow a dark sheer are" with white coat 1nd hat. - ---- -"' .._, - u.-. ..__ .___. Mr and Mn. leoreaux will re shie In annual Out ot town guest: were In. ao. ben Barry and It" millet- at “London, ont.. and Dr. mum munch iot Port Arthur. "'1! - '--.--v. Thirty children were In nttendnnce at the VON. "Well Bub," clinic, ult- der the supervision or Mlle Mnrlel Hunter, recently. Dr C. t Meeker administered the llrnt treatment ot diphtheria toxokl to three chlldren while ten were glven the second treatment. One new baby was pree- eut. all” Ihgrtter was noel-led by Mlle Jean Neale. We" Batty (aisle. Misses Elm. .Hechetrdorn and new gun Koeturststodt. ot Elmira. were joint hostesses at a miscellany!!!“ shower tor in" Aria leo' who” iwedding is an interesting - ot av. A, ll. - _..- -- -. nuances the engagement or hla elder daughter. I. Jean Cutting. or Water- loo Jo Mr. Wesley Matthew Whitney, third non ot Mr, and In. Thoma: /,l?litt'r'd; of Brunner. The marriage will mile place only In July. this week Word has been received In the Twin City ot the death of Wlluun Arnold, former resident. at Helvulo, Sash. 'He passed away last Tuesday. Plight from. - - " . Mary E. Clegg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Clogs. Preston, was united in marriage to Edvard Queu- ler of Waterloo. Thur-day atoning. la a twilight ceremony at St. JotuN Anglican Church. Preston. Row. C. B. Brownleo, rector, (undated. Dr. Conrad E. Weltluuer Illa m. Louis E. Wettlauler ot Bull-10 no visitors this week at the homes ot their sister. Mrs. Ballnmyno. 1':le- loch and brother-ta-taw, Mr. Willhm MoDougait. Waterloo, _ Mr. and In. 8. Wilson and - ter Maxine, of Milton, spent Qatar day in Waterloo with their loll. Mr. Harold Wilson. A A - . Mr. A. was Maude O’Donnell or Waterloo Is a guest "In '0“ ot. hot “not, Mrs. Zlck at ankle. ’onrad E. Weltlgugr ind Dr. H. Curd:- ot Mllverton, un- Trotii of Mr. and Italian:- m'2pu"i"'"'GrG"'i'G-Gauqie $ttoelh. iriiaiiiirr-tuei""'. GI... " -___-r--_ -__._.‘I In. mm Tu- nl In I ha. w... h - - I». “w“ - .m and my. not OI Ila iouoiTuto-.Mr. In. acorn Vic-(Int all Inn l . lull-u. In; St., WW. U! why to: locum-l. um my wul In nun u m I“ or molt no“. [no Belly Install at Dr Hon-u W F. rum... In. Mar- II.“ I. . "nu-ult- o! It. til In. Harry 81-9000, 'or-ty of Wuarloo. A new. and Mrn. may lit-ml. " Sunbelt 31., Burlington. ton-ct- " of Wuotloo. an cow-u“ than "munch nodding gunner-u on “army. Jun. " The, will b. at home to not - ll 1 roe-uto- to In new Iron "4) o'clock to 0 Old "on I to Mr. Chuck Members Dr. all Mrs. Walter Johns Hound by W“- of mm and Church LEAVING FOR EDHONTON At the clone at tho service u the l Waterloo Pint United Church on Sunday morning two mambo". Dr, and In. Waiter H. Johan. who leave tor Edmonton tn the no" nature. were pro-outed with untimely hound volume. ot Greek Authors. now. Mr. 'I'llton spoke ol the duo- tion of In And Mrs. Johan to their church in ,whlch they hove - moot active and on bah-ll ot the con- gregation wished then God speed In their new home. Dr. John- who has been on the “can, at tho W-terloo College (or some you". will mums charge otono ot the dmrtmonu at the Edmonton Unlvonity. Mr. W. o. III-e, chalrmon ot tho ollcul board, t made the present-non to whlch Dr. _ Johns mung” replied. Cites Democratic l I Value of Clutch An Impressive Commumon service was conducted " the Waterloo Hm United church on Sunday morning. The pulm- ureuod the importance ot the church in the life ot the In- [lioml of the world toll-y. The people he uld mun cum-u between slung a mono: and more Ion] support to their church which I: the best moons ot upholding de- mocracy. Failing thll they must ew poet to be governed try some form ot autocratic rule Jlmiht to that in Germany. in]! and Russia. normal-u. - u... --....-.-V Rev. Mr Tillon leaves for a month's vacation this week The pul- pit next Sunday will he In charge ot In ropresenullvo or the Lords' Day Ainslie. The following Band-y: Rev. nun-nu. ' uv “an". - ___,7 _ er. " w. Hanan or Nauru Falls. a tormer pastor. um preach. The evening services hue been with- drawn tor the Bummer month. Are ”In, Int-non. in; Gif mm ghee-c ”It?" PM Sam Boy l l fret Drawing Jumplnl into the rum, tully‘ clothed. Rev. J. W. Sign“, pun): on Zion Evangelical Church. Ire-cud than Bubs. l1)yeu'-ohl non ot It. and In. 3. A. W Iran the do» Inter II Horn-n (have, ll: muo- Iell ot Tlvluock late Wand-y Inor- noon, The near tnullly resulted when l twelve members ot the Junior 1 League of Zion Evngellcal Church l were tnhen to the grove for their "h- I null plcnlc by Rev. Mr. Btettert. When the group arrived at the plo- nlc grounds. the young-ten hurled- ly got into their bathing salt. and rushed to the enter. The Barber lad was the Brat one ready and although hone umhle to swim. he jumped from the [Hoot hunk Into the ruler thnt men-urea " feet In depth at that wot. Rev, Blehert slghted the boy Btruirl gun; In the Inter trom the hunk there he was aundlng 1nd Immo- dlltely lumped Into the water Ind _ nun! 5 feet to the opooslto hank I wlth the boy In " arm. Although . the tttd had gone down for the ttrtgt “me when he was rescued. he auler- ed no ill elects other than u had The stream that passes through the grove is quite small and It in un- likely that the lad 1v” III"! ot “I extreme depth when he jumped into the water. Cyclist Suffers l l Serious Injuries 7.1. w. Suited. Fully Ch"! ed, J” Into Want u Hot-u Grove. Near “visual. qt-Year-Old Gideon Liwevrt Tnvistock Involved in Oldeon ‘Lippen. Ti, of 'l'avlstock.‘ soured , fracture or the left hip Tue-day evening when he - ‘knocked from his bicycle. Hubert was taken to the Strsttord General Hosollal. where his condlllon la TF ported as tavorahle. - A " _. n ..v..-.. -ee W Riding down Maria street ll 8 o'clock. Tuesday evening. Linen. was struck by a lad riding in the sumo direction. According to report like youih’s attention was attracted A - _ .._.-- 4...... u.- luv """"" .._._-__-" by several glrls walking along the sidewalk. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln ‘Brennomn. Ruth amt Don-Id spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr; Lloyd Klnfer In Mortr Ington. Miss Irene Ellis of Flint, Mich.. _ -- . -._- h..- an". ht..- w..- __ spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. John Yunker reeentir. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Well and Lea- ter upon! Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Louis W. [Kaufman at Cane]. Mr. and Mrs. C. l. Zehr upon! Sun- day wiih Mr. and Mrs. Noah Itottt. Mr. and 'Mrs. Moses Lichii, nan. tine, spam Sunday with Mr. Joseph Lichti. Mr. mud Mrs. Allen Otto spent Thuradny with rqtttthves " Schmu- ville. um ”IRA 'riiiit 1rt.tleg?,tiy' Efruul.’ W - of - -.-"et"%" - conTuLVI. nun-dubs - 9-! M3122 2.9:. lfigfifm‘fl'fi "rt.qMtMMMtir"PPP.t_"'%i=Yrii 't.Ts."tGaTfTGinriiu"'"" hdifii',-'i'i l imam ht I km! (ki-tte mum Tofu-II a... tan 1’ a '“n‘ [-mwwnmw "A.“ l o-“” ts-cod-ts-d-o-- Thu-Jhlu-h“ punmsou - than" Gray Co: ' Linen The Table linen-ire improvements are boll; undertaken It St. Agath- mm following a recent whit ot all.“ ot the Ontario lire lamb-1’. - mom. _ Two frame buildings. remnants of tune original orphan” will”. were condemned and their law ate removal ordered. shrub!” ' portion ot the veranda in: to be to constructed. Expenditures in connection rub the rebuilding ot tho (armor (all. slruclures will cost spurt-dual! t8.000. For this pnrpou the arml- age authorities have several uncu- ‘and dollars on hand. hall; the III- - - - ._.. =-. - ' lulu uuum. w. ...._._v __-" _ come from the bequest Iett by u " consul Kltchener erimud. The wo- ceeds of the ennui] llvn “will to to held this your on a Visually " July no expected to amount to . substantial sum and the ram debt wlll hue to In pk! from - able donations and other lawn. tint may be received In the future. u... u... WsG'I-yelg-mm - --....'.""".' -__ --m. *7 Renau- that and! (00m m _ Chute-mm iaTirtaGy,utiereetret_. A W old to mm: N, - new! Small In M an an Will-103““ my bGi-maehVt no sign-d Ttm. Talc-b

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