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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jun 1938, p. 10

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men *7 -. "nun-um. Sal-um Fun“, I...“ A religion of the Selim: The Pirates softball tum jour- neyed to Music Grove last Thumb! event]: to sutfer defeat " the lands of “sinus: nun. who won out on a tr to a score. The league main; " the team did not sale: an Me.. count of thin u the Drowned Brew in one In: My been awarded the local by Arhitntinn a“-.. Pirates Suffer mam; iciTriiTa"r2riCrlt1'Lltg lam: hm u’ umuai"'i:; linked Scheme: read the Addre- and lin- Pep' Khalil made the manual: o an eegut claw Kilt EVE"?! wanted the, V...“ _.... - - WI". completing the list which In foOowed by tern-human. A raid feature of the t"N wan tation to Mr, idol Rheum-lb: unwed-tit": of his Plath]: ' mic}; rendered the q HELP WANTED q WORK FOR WORKERS 0 ARTICLES FOR SALE 0 ROOMS FOR RENT o CARS FOR SALE 0 RESULTS . In "ie no Mr. Kim" Liiiiiiit nun] nude-l nun-bun. It“: In.) mad Feet? knew w.- men! tit. Inttha'n Lathe: 1mm unnamed a: Laue. of BL Janet Church in St. Jacob. ad Bt. W: Church In Heidelbag, on 'My evening, The 9am uni-nod a mum of frt',T, AOL-m) itil' 1;.me loony: Luther League Are Entertained .- - V - - mu uwuuea local by Arbitration Board L... wi PHONE Luring In new“ can u of out who], with will PM " Mr. talcum HRONICLE .LENTY 5 - 3 Reverse ADS COST so u'rru: BRINGtcso MUCH ..._ - m. .u, 9nd _ the Seven "mils of dmseeatdnnta In: held at the farm home of Mr. and In. Charles R. Koch on Saturday. The extreme but is Wuhathe cutting of sweet. clover and all: a. Mrs. Atttert Frank. In. Kirby Mn. bane at Guelph "on! a with the [that family. In. George [Lugo- ud Ion Ala. Mr. and In. Albert Wanda»; And Mr and In. Jane! Brannon. au ot Kitchener, open! u day run the C. Halter Inn-Hy. Many young mule tom Kitchener, Preston and Guelph. enhyed the Pri. day night dunes hold at Weller-I new "thor Dimer! motored to Mlldmy on Tue-day. where no at- tended the In: mu. celebrated by an cousin. has! Minors. who In )nu ant-med to tho prlulhoonl In. ludred Frank has rammed tron NoLro he. Wnonlo-n. where aha has been attending school tor the “It you. I f Brother Bernard acne-leaned the “In with A very mun; reply The meeting then closed and menu um ensued by the my tn nuanthnce this, who I. having shortly for v. .11 yon:- uu In the Holy Lula, tort in! m the Manson new. more. [ The Roman cubonc Youth Oran!- uuou ot St Bantam UNtqrctt not. on Thur-day mun In ms school lull Prawn]! menu Kurt) Dru-Mud. Hana were made tor a picnic A pre- unuuon at m overnight In in nude to Brown: liq-turd. non of It and In Hellman ot 1uootrsing- Youth Group Meet At New Germany 1260 THU WATIRLOO scum; CHRONICLE any (i, Miss Selda Snyder of Preston (spent the week-end at thr, home of ‘her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Snyder. C I We are glad to welcome to our [town, Mr. and Mrs. Leiskau, who recently moved from Kitchener into 'thg.house_of hlr. Reg. _Eastman's. n.» a..-“ u. u... "cg. naanman s. I Mrs. J. Honderich, daughter Mary Ind sons Lorne and Teddy Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Neilson of Islington were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Neilson's mother. Mrs. Wm. Russell. ,, w, -- ...., Wu“.-. uvuur. Mr. L. E. Miller of the Bank of Commerce staff visited last week- emtwith friends in Durham. ttin, Hdnderich was a visitor Sunday' 'tt_hit_erentel home. Mr. Herbert Kipfer, formerly of United Skies but now of Kitchener. visited recently at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Gireerich. 1 Beautiful flowers were massed on all sides showing the tender tribute paid in memory of those wha have passed to their eternal reward, Penoulu. __ V “-~_.._‘.v.v.. ' .1... ":7. an. Goforth, minister of Waterloo. who delivered an impressive address on "h,rtmortafit." we -- __............ urn-cut!)- Musical selections were rendered by the String Trio from Waterloo and a male quartette composed of Messrs. Fred Schum, Clayton Miller, Albert Schmidt and Herb Miller of anden rendered two selections. Rev. iMr. Schultis, pastor of St. James‘ Iutheran Church, wus in charge of Arte service. Sermons delivered by special speakers were gvien by Rev. Mr. Coos, poster of New Dundee Lutheran Church, who stroke on :The !tesu.rrrtion", 3nd Rev. Mr. In spite of overhanging gray clouds and cool brutal. a large crowd attended the mum) Decora- tion Day service held on Sunday "tttee, It. Fajrmount Cemtters, "m _.___ -"-'."". "a... and Mr. W. J. McKeown "tended the joint picnic in Gait Park yesben day of the Guelph and Paris Pres bytery Young People's Unions. ‘Dosorluo- Dar Sort-ism -- I“ ll“- uzulluurn. ' Misses laura bouise Livingston. 'fyP29etertth Ppt Mariory Wrst 'in favour of the Baden teem would indicate, the Badenites proved much {the better team. Many local tens ;were out to cheer the boys on to :victory and All wish for them con- tinued success in their sehedule. ly me we; called at the end of the seventh inning because of dark-) 'tess, The next scheduled game will be played by Baden at Bright on Monday night. Come on, boys, we’re rooting for you. Hour Gnu! Spa-hr. I Mr. W. J. ireTrGiin, student min, ister of Livingston Presbyterian Church, we: guest speaker at Boon Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon. In the evening, Mr. Me, Keown preached in the Presbyterian church in Preston, while his place in the pulpit here wu taken by Rev. [clean ot near Brantlord. ' _ 1 BADEN.--rhe local ball team, _ with Mr. Bert, Killer " manager, played an exceptionAlIy good gune of bait on the diamond At the school grounds on Friday evening last. The use! team, which was scheduled to play Baden, has withdrawn from Ithe: league and Bright is Ming its I place. This was the firat appearance of the Bright team here on this Ieheee n. P the genre of " to 6 Bright Swamped By Baden Nine ‘mble and Marjory West a lovely leather-bound writing portfolio. Both girls nude suit; ie I precin- the replies. and expressed Tlf.' de- lire for the sweets of the society. 1 of both girl: in the put. Wished them the beat of ood luck in the Mature, and “are: them of I an of welcome at 3-, time they wen we to mink with the new”. Ruth Honderieh in prucntedi all: I beetAnu.seholtht Reference from) Wok ot . very bountiful with, Mun but. Louiu Livia - "on, maiden! of the Y.P.s., wage Wr-tations to In." Ruth Hon- derich And hrjory West. The President, In t (at: well-chmn .0198, upoks of the ancient work: do 'iev'e'nEE' G. m etf., pad, Junt Q0173: I On Friday a about twenty members of the 'IIN. of Livingston 1A"llll',T,r'i'li Church met It Livintr Jun camp to honour two member: ot the who who will shortly be having to take up and“? in other lou of labour The my pun of Honour Baden Y.P.S. Girls L. The 'v-chosen n work hushed in the I mt y acre miety. muted (creme lovely rdolio. preeia- eir de- iety. line team, user, 'a= Kline === reel. apex , (hath VI In Grum- 1"If -lbua Cole Juan A, Dummy Wanner A. Clare {Snillm‘ A. (home Uni-tiling A, Earl /l'ottey A. Leottami Hamacher A. Gur- don Howling It. Orval Baer B. Elmer Poll C. Grade I' to Grade 1rr--<Menn Roth A, Elmore Rouenberger A, Edward (Ermlv vu lo Grade Vl|l~Eldon Piptow A. Alvin Pillhe-r " Douglas Foote H. Fauna-mu Tmuan It. Thelma Lam: ll. Donzl.asruarnachm. H. Ray hivanhzn-hm‘ B. ‘Ilnrkln- Toman D. Loans Musseltnan I). i Tho mlinwinz pupils have heal 'granted thpir High School Entrance v.ithmtt writing the ttnal examina- tions: Russol Snidm- A. Miriam ('olmnan A, Ruth E'rb " and Betty Tnchlinski H. Announce Dundee School Results A pienie supper was served at the conclusion of the afternoon. Boys' iaGpGiGTC?-%ek lull- mil“. A program of race- was then car- , ried out. with the winners being as ; (allows: 1 Children under school ngr--Bea- . trice Goodwin. _ Girls 6 to 7 -r--Either Ro- better. Boy: 6 to T--Enrl Goodwin. Girll 8 to 940an Dintref. Boys tr to 9-Lirteoin Col . Girls 10 to "--Elinore mn- berger. Boy: 10 to II-Earl Toma Girls 12 to lt-Jean Hiller. Boys 12 to "---Cameron Tainan. Girls over M~Jean Fried. Boys over 14-Neil Hall. Young men's rtsee---Donaid Hall. Wheelbarrow raee---Neil Hall and Cameron Toman. Shoe kicking race for girls--hur, Perrin. Balloon blowing "ree-Ellen Page and Alice Hallman. Paper bag rtree--Neil Hall. _ Pie plate race for trirls--Rudene I Topt? Ind, Thelma Lang._ _ __ A married men vs. mingle men which was called at the end of the third inning with a score of 4-2 in favour of glue latter mm. _ {Continued trom Page 4) Iowa: The Phines um Rmille schools vs. Roach-Ink nnd Perry's Corners which resulted in I score of 74 for the Utter team; The New Dundee oblic school u. I team com use: of III-yen from maven] of LE: visiting schools with a more of 11.f, for the loot} who]; .mttAe Many Badenites attended the monster Band Festival in Waterloo Dr. i. think-in. Ron left on Tuesday of but week for a week's {region in Philadelphia and New or . Mr. “on: Seip of Welland visited over the week-end with his mother anal than in town. spent Sunday with the former'. mother, Mrs. Armstrong of Kin, “was! _ NEW DUNDEE TAILORED SUITE SH IRT- WAIST DRESSES ", GOU’DIES ""e-'-_tt.r_.P m... the conclusion of [he evening. Mr. and ltrs. Oliver Benn whose marriage took Mac-p rpm-nth: were lutmmmuly surprised by about 35 501mg people of tho llII-nlmim Men- ‘nnnin- Church, at tho homo of Mr, 1am! Mrs. Warren Bean last Tum-May I‘vnnim: An :Imlrnprizltr "duress any rmd " Miss Viola llingmnan after which Mr. and Mrs, thon wee unwound with a mommy shower and " tat-l.» cloth. The latter gift was from tho members of Mrs. Bean‘s Sunday School class. Games were erttored and refreshments served at a“ ---_. . - Surprise Newlyweds Miss Evelyn Shouldice and Mise Audrey Lewis of Cantata“ to" guests or the farmer's sister. Mrs. Alex McKessock and Mr. MCKchk over the weekend. Mr. and Mr. d, t and Mrs Huhert G Ronald mulled an M "orsie at Galt I'm-9n Miss Isabel Maui-5w; 2:515. Ar- Ihur of Kitchener called on Mrs. A Sheard ltyCr'aesdar. ,,,__- ....- ...-......,. Mr. o. T. Coleman and daughter, Miriam and Mrs. Willard Haas mo lured to Toronto lam Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jatob Honing, Mm. Schrunk and Miss Rose Manta; ot Kitchener called on Mr, and Mrs. J. Greullch recently. Mrs. Henry Halal. Mrs. Clayton er, Mrs. Otto Here an]: daughter Ann and Men-era. Gerald and Florin Wake or Kitchener visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Simon We frer and Mr. and Mrs. John Howling last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Karelman and Miss Nellie Karrrlman called on Mrs, Bert Kriesel at Baden last Honda)“. . A equals " to 100; 'B, " to 74; C 50 to 59; D, below 50. Miss Carol Martyn, IB.A.. Teacher. Miss Joan Dinger was recently ‘nwarded llrslprize tor the hen Na, mural Science note book In the Junior ‘Room ot the Public School as judged by Mr. c. A. Sinclair B.A.. teacher of Agriculture. Person-II. Grade l to Grade U-Dorothea (Museum A, Yvonne name A, Esther 'toseabertyrr w. Mule Harllnan A, Shirley Einwachler A. Earl Goodwin Grade l to Grade IA-Round Brighton C. Garnet 'Koelller C. Inu- raipo Schmidt D, Ward Poll D. Grade " to Grade "t--Jimmy Brown A. Erma Blot B. Hugh Hall- nnn C. Carson Eiuwachter C. A equals " to 100 per cent; B. u to TB; C. 00 to 65; and I). " to " H. R. BM. Principal Junior Room Grade IV to Grade V-Joan Ding" A. Delmore Toma B, En milder B, Waiter Poll B, Jean Poll B, Linea): Coleman C. [ Grade MI to Grade leJune Bail” A, Cameron lit-Donna A. Bernice Bier A, Marie Howling B. Robert Brighton B, Elaine Toman CI Goottltrtg B, Howard Photo C, hr] (Brighton D. Hui-err crow/i/ Jud son .-1r d, Greulich and MI nn Mr. and Mrs Jack recently,

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