___ __...-._.-.. -uu Puma, “I: normel' being presented by Dr. H. P. Hamilton and the latter by Mrs. George W. Gordon. The program. originally to have been on the hos- riul campus, took place in the Col- egiate due to an untimely rain- storm during the afternoon. Ironic- ally, on completion of the event, the clouds begin to clear and the sun shone brightly. C. N. Weber was chairman, intro- ducing Mnyor George W. Gordon, Admittedly contrary to the be- lief of nanny distinguished doctors and ,ducatidmuists, Dr. Meyers ad- vised against hesitancy in making decisions. "Do not delay your de-1 cisions. but rather make them quick- ly and be prepared to be tolerant with any resulting failure," he urged. Chief among his "do's and don'ta" for mental health, Dr. Meyers listed the habit of getting along with people, which he asserted can and must be developed. Twelve nurses, the largest gradu- ating class in eight years. received their diplomas and pins,_the former "Worry," he stated, “is the most popular indoor sport in the world today, for which activity is possibly the only effective antidote. "We should form the habit of living in the here Ind now and not in "t future." "Such people will get no further than would the automobile driver who drove his our through a city looking continuously out the buck window, or the univenity student who is too interested in concluding as to what vocation he will follow at the completion of his course to devote sufficient time to classes to] p855." he declared. "'"e' ... ...- ...-nu: In ulc put. Too many 1:90:12 have formed the habit of going t run h life with their heads over their E'lu'le',r's', or with "binoculars glued to their eyes." ,7, _v_ ...»a- nun-“It. II: stated, citing the case of I school child blming his poor academic showing on the 'inc'oatriiity' of I teacher." Dr. Meyers particularly warned spins; living in the future or the! _-.a __ A _ - - . - "Everyone must fail at some time or other, that fact cannot. be evnded. When that happens, the mentally ill, that in to say some of them. no on 'emotional sprees' or employ the well-known ‘corkscrew method and succeed in their own minds to blame somegne else fer their ftilure," he; lens. in very many uses wealthy “Righly ','t"i',gedir cumin psycho om rou- ed the belief that the habit ogcing facts without getting emotional, is one or the best ways to correct mental illness. Parents, he com" tinned, make u big mistake in teach- ing their children how to be a “good winner" and not how to be I “grace- ful loser". I - "n... -......... "When We speak of patients men- tally ill," he continued, "we are not speaking of the feeble-minded, but rather of good Candi... pm. ,,,.___‘ -- .._ lune-I. "None of us are in perfect physical or mental health and com uquently we must at all time: keep workin at both." he declared. "The world in kneaded? to a certain extent on physical ygiene, thanks to our doctors and nurses, but we are still very much in tho dark in our fight against mental illnua. due to lack of information and itrtsor- ante.†Dr. Meyers hastened to point out that mental illness is not becoming any more frequent but, rather is more before the public eye due to the close study " lament being made__by mental experts The preceding are 'tsure-ttre' why: of Incoming unpopular with the world In general, Dr. C. It. Meyeru, consultant psycholoxm of the On- tano department of health, told the} gland clu- of K.-W. Hospital In the IIN'. Collegiate on Sunni-y afternoon. In on Imuctive. mute-ting and oat-mining addren. on "The Srmss toms of Good Mental Health". Dr. lady": give the lug. “Na? an annex many suggestions whie ' he believed, would prove invaluable in le combating of mental when. ‘ " AA __ - you: (Heads. TORONTO GIRL WINS I Twelve Nurses, [Arne-u Chas in Eight Yarn, Receive and 1)in 93 1a3qir1rta Exercise. in g - W Graduating Nurses Hear Address By Psychologist PAGE EIGHT Explau your friends - Be dtarsst- d --, Be t martyr - Dominate Mr, He driving b the Kit, Sunday a drawn Jig; latter vet and that unable to Preaching the crash GENERAL PROFICIENCY PRIZE Mr, and Mn Wm. R. Allen of Palmerston spent Sunday at the home or Dr. J. C. and Mrs, Ross. Light Wagon Demoliuhed. day. Mr. W, I, minister at Mr. Carl Sen) of Welland spent the weelwnd " his home in town. Mr. L, E. Miller was a weeh-em1 guest ot friends in Durham. Child Injured In Game. Little Audrey Meyer. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meyer, suffer- ed a fracture or the right collar'bone. when she and other youngsters were engaged in that dangerous play ot "raetr-thswhirc' g by Mr, Ed, Reiek. came in victorious is tn the 2.18 trot at the horse new t held in Liszowel. This same horse r-iwon the 2.24 not at the Canadian l- National Exhibition in Toronto last d your. Quite a large number ot Bnden !- fans were in Lintowel to see “Ed's?" horse nose out the wouldhe winners. e Mr. W. J. MoKeown, 'student-min. l. ister ot Livingston Presbyterian ' Church, spent last week renewing : acquaintances in Toronto and also intended the General Assembly or a... n__t.,h . --- - Mr the w ,,_V.,, -~.u-uuvu luv Health Otrieers' Convention which convened a; the Royal York Hotel. Miss Ethel Blakely of Fergus la a guest at the home at her friend. Miss Grace Miller. for a few days. Mr. Cart Sen) of Welland spent um .-atesG --" -= . _ ‘ Congratulations are extended to Mitts Evelyn Snyder. daughter of Mrs. Ed. Snyder, and nursein-train- ing at Toronto General Hospital. Evelyn‘s standing was tirst in a class at thirty-one student nurses, I Dr. J. c. and Mrs. Ross spent L few days in Toronto last week. Dr. Ross. Medical .H’enlth Otricer tor Wilmot Townuhtp, attended the Health Otrieers' Convention winch Local Nuns Head. - -""""'"" v. the Presbyterian Chunk. Miss Bernice Brown visited this weekend at her parental home in Fergus. Baden Horse Wins at Listowel r, . --""'-' w.-.“ _. ' Travis, Weston; Annie Vin]. Leslie. Thoma-lo; Evelyn Jean “mailing, Dayton, and Myrtle Irene Pfrimmer of Goduich. .. "iiTiii - _... "nun, J17trgl',vf,,',',; urine the prov-um. t. o " Orchestra provided musical enter. "imam. The painting clan coma ot the lines Cindy: Killer, Interim»; Eleanor Elisabeth Gilmour, B C8HV ville; Reta WW, Toronto Riel. Grace Stra n, Goderich; Esther {Elk-ninth Atkinson, Guelph; Helen Winnifred Peer, Freeman; Jean Puttemn Alina, Gait; Margery Pre, 1r1eeu.u.or_inia; turraref M. lay night. collided =n Ilttht wagon; It r vehicle had no that tho driver ol Gift: from the Waterloo Lndict' Auxiliary and the Kitchener [Adien’ Auxiliary were practiced by In. Wuhan and In. Hahn, relpectively. n.._:_._ 4L “7 . _ I Rev. Stewart Boehmer read the invmtion, while Rev. Finlay Stewart, Presbyterian ministers, of Kitchener, administered the Night- £11919 NW to the am. of Kstchener, lay-pr Whit; It Kenna of Waterloo, It - W, Scott. who {taunted her " on tg uhoolhor nurses, I†W. tiger, I. o reaqqd (noting from the media, all or the in» "ttation. tNNiPi--rvem Harvester. owned ,†._- a-..†er at the afternoon service in Presbyterian Church on Sam to McKeown was the guest ..._ -wa Toronto Graduates. TB! WATIBLQO {M} "_'""-'") , ST. mmm.-Three frame , structures at Bt. Agatha Orphanuse I have been ordered removed follow- . in; an inwectlon or the premlses by government "tncialts. The inspec- tion is an aftermath of the fatal Bree at several Ontario and Quebec Institutions during the winter. Two old lrame buildings between the or- phanage proper and the laundry were ordered removed in addition to Reduce fire Risk At k Agatha Gilha's Home The Women‘s Auxiliary of the Wa, terloo Seminary will hold their tor nual business meeting in the base- ment of the church Tuesday evening. A good crowd attended the Tennis Club opening Friday night. Twenty- eight players participated in the ‘Ionrnamem. Miss Bemlce Dellon and Mr. Rey Arnett were the prize winners. Lunch was served at the close. Mr. and vGrTf Tvfiii;iii',r'i, o! Oshawa were week-end guests ot Mr. and Mra. Will Amman. _ Miss Marie Feldpuach. RPN.. at- tended the graduation exercises at Stratford Ftdptemtay afternoon. l The Misses Laura Allerm Mario Feldpunch were recent in Toronto u r.-.“ 4.... .uu Mrs. o. “Michel, Sehierturits sisters, Row. and Mrs. Malina“, Marie Feld- pusch. Mr. and Mrs. C P. kappa]. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rune] and Mr. Harry Weiche], Mr. O. Weichel marine the guest soloist and assisting arllsts The Happy. muslns' '"t tetto. ' l Among those who attended the on gall recital in New Hamburg on Thursday evening were: Mr, and u... n “1,:‘ . ---. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Allemang on Sunday were alr, and Mrs. R. Ferguson ind two ions -Bobbv and Peter ot Kitchener. Mes. Geo. Cherry. Preston, and Miss M. Irwin. RDI.. Gan. Mr. aners, C. N. Kline]: and the Mine. 14m: Klimt and Martha 'Hartman ot the "K" Beauly Salon. â€Kitchener were visitors to Listowet on Sunday the guests or Mr, and Mrs. A. Banana. The picture traced the lite of Chrinl from a youth ot 12 years. later in the Temple Ind in His ministry. It also showed a vivid picture or Christ walking on the Inter. later Hi. night to Egypt And the cruci- tirion. The pietuto an excemionaily realistic one, wan filmed in Jerusa- lem and Europe and has some of the features ot the Passion Play. Miss Marie F'ehttttaactt, KN. has returned to duty at the K.-W. Hospi. tal after spending a month's vacation at her home. ,,,,.-__, ..-.. “www.c- (ttta Nth year of pastorate this year mended. A reverent and "cred ul- monphere prevailed throughout the service. SI. June: Lutheran church unna- in; room vru u a premium on ThIll'Ida) erenlng when large mun. he†attended and enjoyed the movie pictures, depicting the Ute of Christ. [let Mr, KaRrneuch, who complete. M- ...L _ Elmira Congregation Enjoy Pictures (lf (3, mm. Camp-ant) you†of use 5 (not 4 niche: all. "out no vouch. and of medium comm. Whoa Inn! loan the an a"rar%q a any and" coat, without . ter eouu. - Nu Arena tnd a hll at tho bonnet tun-mt: a ribbon tying “do! II. this. Kitchener pone. in. boon at“ m an“ In the watch [or Donut, Moon, domesuc Ian-at of um. an has lul Been In mutant“: lay - hAhlitehi" mum Moon If athtacrthroxt " Stteeo iiiGrdii Allemang and visitors cutouggu the children‘s porch. At a later dale another lire escape will he installed. No recommendations were made tor the building proper as the home met with the government requirements. Considerable rewiring will tho be done. To defray the expenditures necessitated by the improvement: a lawn social will be held on July 13. Postmaster Winkler in conversa- tion with the Chronicle to-day re- called the early days ot the village when his uncle. John L Widelmm was postmaster and Woolwlch tttwrt- ship clerk. Until Mr. Wideman‘s death in 1917, Mr. Winkler acted as assistant clerk and postmasler. Mr. Winkler assumed his present dunes in 1872 alter leaving public school. l Mr. Winkier‘s family 13 long lived, I he having a brother, John Winkler. Markham. tailor. in hls seventies. a slster 89 and another sister who last week observed her 77th birthday. l One of the most active 3nd genial citizens or St. Jacobs is Postmaster W. H. Winkler. Despite the tact that he la in his 83rd year he enjoys good health and can set the pace for many a person a quarter century younger. Rising early. he puts m an average of " hours work a day. being kept busily engaged despatching mails. and taklng care of the wants of scores of customers who visit hisi stationery and drug store during the] Postmaster, 83, Enjoys Goad Health out at the cellar in the Intercoanty intermediate A series Saturday by defeating Preston " Trailing tour runs alter an early splurge by the visitors, tho Lents benetttted by the wildness of Powelko and Snyder, who walked the successive batters tr give them tour ‘nns in the sixth, and bunched hits to gain their man gin of victory in the eighth. ‘ Preston "merrtmt. 106 000 itiW--4t tr 6 Guelph 'VV.rtvt. 010 004 1314 8 5 Pawelko. Snyder and Walter; Smith and Leader, V. Kelly. ahh Climbs Fran Cellar Pat Neuman Out-Slugs ' i Singh In Grudge Match 1?trrf1e--puettut Lents climbed PRINTED Voiles and Batiste: at Me values, up to 39e "rd-lisrht IF DISPOSAL or SPRING STMWS, white felts included. biotin REGULAR PRICES TO mm mixtures. Drou- nnd wani- blue. One only in black. " â€menu MS" 60005. 25c & Be n. wr. JACOB. GOUDIES 5:19:95 - firtTfireEii HARRIS†TAILORED TYPE mod for yum of Bmart Ile- are in tune: 14, 16, 1655. lit. HATS CLEARING AT Be " o. s. com I 513 ltd-twang. squiremenls. an“ failed to raise the 15 men suf- hit tho be ttcient for a team and the race ho expenditures came a. two-tmun attain The old re- ‘ovemenls a cord or one hour and 20 minutes was on July 13, set by Guelph In 1932. . 16, was. 18. as Dali-tea at Me -- Other prints at 2Se, yard - light grounds. oe'--rweeouttrrevand known and ttemi-area. type. in brown Ind navy l black. lite 465:. Well made, good ilttiutr â€MUS. mostly dark shades, I few Majority In." dupes. GUELPH. - Kitchener Y.M.C.A. won the annual GaltGueIph 1lbunite relay- race and the Guelph Mercury trophy in record time Saturday. de, [eating Guelph by six feet In one hour, " minutes and 47 seconds, luumime. Kitchener y Wins Gall-Guelph Race To prove that anyahlng goes in wrestling, tho hill-buly's favorite trick was to force his opponent Into the corner where his "pet.†wa- perched on the ring post; The latter would take a bite at Every muscle bound athlete withln reach. except- ing his master. Bommereto has learned to respect a racoon since at; null-In; a couple ot gusts along his .....-, with Tony Bommereu; 7551;51th Tra each In " minutes. Both the preliminary bouts ended in draws Turf Grimes and Abe Greenberg battled a half hour with no falls gained. The tsemi-tmat brought oddest grunt and groan artist seen in these parts. Lem Steckiim. a bearded Mil-billy. who kept a tero. cioug rat-non tied in his corner. split -4... a-“ .., . - l Krh3HENER.--h, a grudge bout , in which no holds were barred and , no time limit was Bet. Pat Neumnn. . popular light heavyweight wrestler, b outmnghed and out-slugged Nani!) , stash. of India. to win two (all. out F of three after one hour and tour min- , tea ot dtNtd-irvearaetst wrestling. The largest wrestling crowd of the season turned out to see a highly touted match and they were not disappointed. Even after the anal gong. the ill-tempered Indian kept boring in on Neuman with everything but the ring posts. Spec- tators crowded around the ring boo- ins. while the more adventuresome grabbed Mann's left leg and pulled him any trom the ttard-pressed vic- tor. Rerereo "Duke" Wlllls of Ham- ilton had almost as much had hand- ling an the wrestlers as the under- !hand tactics of Slush had him ever on the nlert for strangle holds and dirty work at the ropes. HUGE CROWD MTENDS Takes 2 Out of 3 Fnlh in No- Time-Limit Slugfest in Best Match of Season. If! that never goes out of style we" unite. Theme sites, if you Tm“. @111.