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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Apr 1938, p. 4

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i' T:- Im CHRONICL- " : rdhAtii.'iirtii",tte 't'its1tiitit?FSii1 '. i'e'd",'iitdiit.tais1.ttfiiaii"ii t',i'ftie1'le1 0* NM m It 32%.: t,sp2s 'utter' l That is nn unfnrlnnue Mate of “him. for every citizen should be rally to nupport the law. This man, holding a job in which intelligence is I annuity, “I humililtod by I browbeltlng liver In com um! It“! in urn-rum: from his experience. The tunnel to u b that judges Ind mnuintntp- do not Cie. neuter pm tertion In wimmos. particularly when they are obviounly giving their evidenco to tho be... of ther ability. WITNESSES RESENT BROWBEATING (Niagara Falls Review) A friend came into the offuus the other day and muted us, that, urn-r again. if he can possibly help it, will he he a witness in any kind of court of hut m, still was: smartinn from an experience where he had horn in such a position and had heard himself called, at leasi by implication n liar Ind I moron, by I cross-examining lawyer. "I'll run I mile if "or attain I see nnythinu which might mute it necessary for me to he a witness," ho says. THE FLAG QUESTION (Midland Free Press) We are amazed at the bunk talked by Hon, Howard Ferguson and others who oppose the idea of Canada having a distinctive Rag. Surely Australia and New Zealand are no less loyal to the British Empire than Canada. and each has its distinctive flag with I Union Jack in the upper left hand corner of the field. The Australian fhttt has the constellation of the South. em Cross on a blue field, while the New Zealand the hu the Southern Cross on a red field. Even the Union of South Africa. whose soldiers fought side by side with our boys in France. has a distinctive ftutt, three stripes of orange. white and blue, the Union Jnck being placed in the contu- of the white stripe. It im generally accepted that a Canadian nntionll ting wptthi, have a large Union Jack in the upper left hand corner near the pole with a green maple leaf or lelves in the lower right hind corner of a red field. And why 2t Over three hundred millions of new money will flow into an area which has been destitute of even food for its own population in the last three years. Mortgage companies, storekeepers, governments-municipal, provincial and Fed- eral-which have been shouldering a staggering financial load since the beginning of the great depression, will be relieved. It will be the turn in the road for real Canadian prosperity as known prior to the disastrous drought years. If the western wheat crop proves a normal or better one this year. it will make a tremend- ous change in Canada's national picture. A great area will be turned almost overnight from abject poverty and government relief to one of vigorous purchasing power. The effect on directly interested industries-farm imple- ments. automotive, home equipment and trans- portation---will be enormous. Those who have studied conditions in the West believe there is increasing evidence that the long drought cycle is over and a period of wet years is ahead. In the past such a change might have proved almost disastrous as drought, due to the menace of rust, but happily this danger, too, has been largely eliminated as a result of the wholesale introduction of Thatcher and other rust-resistant wheats. With copious rains since last tamlmsurins/reot? eotrrt and mttrry. Re Seems to take it for moisture reserves of almost 40% above it,iiiriiiii/t,,t,t:d, that a man looking for I wife is like one who Western Canada farmers are more optimist iclthmks of building a chicken house and goes to the now than at any time in recent years. 'tet lnmberyard to order a piece of timber ten feet long. falls are continuing. This big increase in mois‘ltwo feet wide and two inehes thiek. ture does not necessarily mean the prairies are Men do not Co se-erin' about looking for assured of a bumper wheat crop this season, wives that way or having them made according to but for the first time in five years the founda- Nth" peop1e's tspecifications. " the gal on whom he tion of heavy yields is firmly in place. From ‘sets his eye and-heart appears to have I bit of plump- now on only moderate precipitation will be nexness to bring as her share of the new existence then ceMary, whereas in the years between 1932 amrthe man is not minded to start an argument as to MBT, heavy and frequent rainfalls were neces_ ‘whether the plumpness is ftabbiness or not. A good saw all through the growing season and these many men know right well they dare not start such did not materialize. inn nutrient because fat rolls over the edge of their Those who have studied conditions in thelc.°"'m “Pd their Siomfchs "a assuming the rotund West believe there is incmasino pvidpnnn that [lines which so readily identify a rain barrel. I It must be remembered that every sound venture, every well-managed stock exchange. every institution We have introduced to safe- guard life, aims to eliminate rather than in- crease risk, so that the real wealth of the coun- try may be increased. It is said mining is a gamble, but its purpose is for the development of real tangible wealth. It is a real contrast to the sweepstake where every dollar gained is the other fellow's loss. A sweepstake law for Cert- ada is not desirable and we believe the Federal House will vote down any move in that direc- tion. RETURNING PROSPERITY FOR THE WEST We do not agree with the argument fre- quently heard that because some look upon busi- ness and the stock market as a gamble, that the country should put through legislation for sweepstakes and thus increase the human weak- Hess for gambling on horse races. At the present time there is a bill before the United States Congress to establish a federal lottery and favorable reports have al- ready been received from twelve States. A com- mittee reports that a survey showed over 55% of those questioned were in favor of legalized lotteries for taxation. Only 30% were against. the rest not interested. The action of Premier Hepburn, supported by Conservative Opposition Leader Macaulay and the legislature, giving approval to the pro- posed sweepstakes law for Canada, is not sup- ported by a large number of influential people in Ontario, including some of the Cabinet Min- isters and members of both sides of the House. The trend towards sweepstakes is sweeping many parts of the continent this year. WILL SWEEPSTAKES LAW BE ENACTED? V 77 flu-char?" “to: Wiv‘ -aai,aG ”Int IUWI PAYAILI I] unvoic- OLOOu’mn-(h-Ab‘ OlAuy-yurhKh-Ullud .t'tBq.-rormierotaata6.st-uao.6...Xu-0.aqdrttr. I can. M db. ' an; In“ aHGrGUv. V Juana 9. DAVID BEAN & sous LIMITED Owner- Ind Puma FRIDAY, APRIL 16, I988 Juana 9. I“. _ In their zeal to stop the huge losses on the Canadian National Railway many people, and jnfhrentiat too; have come out in favor of amal- gamation with the CARR. the latter to have control of management. It is however feared that this would establish a monopoly for a whom railway monopoly In Canada. I I The Minister of Justice for Canada recently ‘went on record as opposed to appeals to the ‘Privy Council because the judicial Committee in London. England, often misinterpret the Canadian Constitution. legislation will be placed before parliament to do away with the necessity of appeal to Privy Council. That Ontario is spending more on educa- tion, agriculture. health and hospitals than ever before is shown in figures tycgntlyniafle public. The amount to be -expended on" hiidiwii.vk 1938 is $8,420,000. and substantial increases other departments as compared to 1928. 1 Japan has spent some two billions of dollars in its war with Chit. thus far. The war that (was to have been pushed to a finish in several months has extended into eight months and the end is not in sight. Japan got stiffer opposition than it dreamed of. Germany is conscripting girls for farm work and household service. There is no place for idle women. says Hitler. ‘ Nobody an object if you don't contribute when you can't afford to do so. But the men and women who carry on we probably as buy us you Ire, Ind in fairness you should give at least your time and your suggestions. ‘ Do you accept an offiee and then fail to discharge its duties? Are you a drag on efforts to make the Soo I better place to live in? Do you support bodies which try to help the general good as far as you can “for!!! Or do you lie back 1nd let George do it? Just how good a citizen are you? How much would you be missed if you passed oat tonight? Do you break the speed lawn. and thus put others in danger? Do you spend money on things you could do without-money that really belongs to those who have trusted you? Are you really fair to these people? Bub-let's, get down to enses--do you pay your taxes Ind your bills when they should be paid? Or do you impose on everybody by putting these things " as long as you can? Are you one of those ,ktu, thinks "the'wo-rld owes you a living” you don't earn? Do you carry your own loud like a man? You may think you are a model citizen. You my _hridle up und think the above question ubsurd. HOW MUCH WOULD YOU BE MISSED (Sault Ste. Mule Star) “How good a citizen are you?" Did you ever sit down by yourself and ask your- self this question? Because it will be worth your while to do Bo. And not kid yourself about the answer. The Rev. Gilbert may be a fair enough preacher, but he's sending in water past his chin when he goes in for advising people of the dimensions at which people court and marry. Re seems to take it for grnnted that a man looking for a wife is like one who thinks of building a chicken house and goes to the lumberyard to order a piece of timber ten feet long. two feet wide and two inches thick. SELECTING A WIFE BY DIIIENSIONS (Peterborough Examiner) Rev. Gilbert Applehof, of Detroit, has been giving addresses before a newly-opened marriage clinic, and is reported having said: "A man cannot love a woman weighing upwards of 250 pounds; y can hardly get his unis around her. Men Are minded to nice lines, a plumpness, but not a soft fubbiness." 1 ‘ (London Daily Express) , 1 Arthur Bean brought his family six thousand miles from Alberta to Middlesbrough, found it was too cold --and the people too cold-ao now he's taking them back again. He used to live at Eaton, neu Kiddies- brough, but twelve years ago went farming in Alberta. His wife and seven-year-old dother, Ida, went with him. Two months ago they returned to England. hop- ing to settle down. But they found all their old friends had grown up. Did not know them. They could not get a house to suit, either. Then the cold! Nt's colder in a Yorkshire farmhouse than in my old home in Grande Prairie at 40 below," says Mr. Bean. So with Hrs. Bean and 19-year-old Ida he is on the liner Montrose, outward bound from Liverpool-for winter in Alberta. l , The Weltern viewpoint and policy should be those ‘of concllintion And eo-operation. To put it plainly. "0 should ttgist for the closest examination of “MI uni for lower min. whenever we see jultice in such. To itght for the abolition of WWI. or I further lower, in; when study reveals that none can be obtained without interfering with the pay-rolls in Eaten- com- munities, is merely to court defeat and ill-feeling and encounge sectionnliam. We in the Wert, tteneratir waking, do not be- lieve in We. lainly. doubtless, 5mm we whims it 'tVey beturitted from tarm- dined, um! tiasd it difBeutt to believe that we beneitt indirectly. But we can helluva in I united Canada from Cape Breton to Victoria and think we have trmsethtod from ml: t union. In believing thh 'e in the Want will have to cal-tho awfully the claims of some Eastern town: that complete withdrawal of protection will destroy may Cam and tho world with clan vision. we no convincod that the Adjocuvtl Canadian (whether the adjective in "wmternor" or "Raatarrner"y need- to 3|:th " mtionnlim into Cmdilnilm. VARIOUS - W mm (m DOM-on lulu. Duct-I, up n». m “dou- kindn at W. I. have Won-run, Ruhr-oh. tun-Won. wot-cm m... Islander; magic hon Bruce County. (ht. ad to Indy who toid the Whoa one" tutthreo-oftor-tt-Nov.tuotia. Tint. an popl- who consul _ (nod- and patdttu' auri venom of ”mom and there an others who would In" union-l question an!“ for the bond: ottheioealeammittoe. 'uoautarelthebesti.the an or womn who ll Just plain Canadian, thoroutdtly aaaimiuted. Sitting here in the West. when we think we can WARMER AT 40 BELOW EDITORIAL NOTES in in Slur» the new mini: want Into Mrert requirllu a porno!) to mrchuo mm license tor Mary radio he owns, the cam-anon no mulling more money. Sumo people buy as tinny " itottr and an "an". he slid. (hu- vuaom retain» 20:. on such Home. [rolls-clad l To omv: our an KITOHBNRR. _-__ Some lttethtstmgt poi-on" of "In tau and a luri- on! prawn-m hero The run In" ‘dled in 0119"an place. In tho bill- may. union. and tho “and: in "t ‘rlhln Tho halt): dirtgrtmst wttt ‘nlu tear ”a on tho “VIII. on. to time than out and no“ ll! hm» mun.- Arrordlnx to Inspector Johann, In charge or tttig dlurlct. people as mixing the Increase qulto calmly. than tar. with only a, few (rumba, WILL UOE YEAR GA. Dunnin- untoward threat. at vio- Tence to collectors uttered by I" Oll- Iarlo radio ownvrs at the limo radio liconso fees were incraued by PM- oral GovernmonL tt few week: no. CanTaMem report nothing out ot the ordinary to date. The new curriculum. according to the noted edtteatiotuuitst, Ins been outlined mrticularly to cultivue worthwhile interests and develop character rather than to cram down facts into children. which he be- lieved was the one under the old CODTBE. RADIO CANVASSERS ARE' MAKING ROUNDS E child 'is notVaiirn" G Lrimu mgr-the!- a tire to, be hindhstV _ This startling statement was made to Waterloo County Principals’ As.. soeiation by Thornton Mustard. 0n- tario Darn-uncut of Education and Principa of Toronto Normal School. He explained the new public school curriculum to members of the Association, meeting in the assembly hall'of the. Kcw. Collegiatg. _ “I wonder how mun: of us have been Ph to Bl? lea ing cinema intend of indling tirets," talked Mr. Mustard, citing I remark of the philosopher “march who 1900 Fee?! fp' remarked: "The ptitWot "There are more patients in men- tal institutions that in ans other hospitals. I sometimes won er how much of that fact is due to trying to compel school children to rent: the same standard of ncldemic " tainment. Forty-three young tanner: from every county in Eastern Ontario at- tended the short course in agricul- ture at Kemptvlllo Agricultura'l School this war. It was the has: class In the history ot tho Institution. with an increase or thirtoon over [at year. Principal James c. shearer Cramming Facts: Into Children h New Curriculum Aims "Our other big market in United Slams. With practically all the States already tested for TIL. and with the‘alate and federal result. tions becoming more sulngent. we must keep pace with the country that takes our 'iahii surplus of cattle.” "Therefore in it not reasonahle to suppose that in this cleanup there will be an enlarged market for an- adian dairy cows." asked Mr. O'Neill. "And we should be In a position to supply this market when It develops. This means that we will have to clean house ourselves." 7.8. Tooting of cam- ‘The success or (allure at our at- tle business will be directly propor- ‘lIunal to our ability to mine-ll “I! (If vamp our Dream)! export martot-- Great Britain and the United amen." declared L. E. OTNelH, director ot the Live Stock Brunch. Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. in dhcuulng the mule situation in Ontario. Mr, O'Neill pointed out that Great Britain was (ally comcloun of the u rrlllc toll T.B. was, taklng or Bruin cattle. Tho British government WIS spending the tremendous sum of three million dallars a rear to camp out bovine tutrercuiosik In Old Com; Iry mule. It was expected " W cent. would react to the lost. “With the etrorttt we are making Itingency, The Implications, tt n Hair to improve the health Intu- ot ot. aimed. would have to be wvizhmi unto cattle and eradicatay bovine tw very accurately. Bridges uuuld tum-d bercuiosis. it is evident that within to he trurued. a short period of time, the whole The L?oritservative mntmvnw hare Province or Ontario qriittrotsrqtttriet- Wine weeks ago- the Unn- timt Mr ed area." continued Mr. O'Neill. llBennett annount-ed his mtwttitm in "Would it not he good mine“ 10: irettre--recommended lo tln- mun-n Western cattle to put their cgtuo on _ tion that instead or twin; tit" "minu- " sums so that they can freely gup- al LiberalL‘onsvrvatiw part; Ihe ply without hindrance the toesdrtr,trarty name should lw tlnr "utrouul market in Ontario and the medesr'.Corurarreativts party Tim "totiottal" market in United States where tho'pu‘t has never hem! tuttitlrasizett lltu' cattle are all tested?" [even the "Liberal“, tare, Toronto. Thaw who follow than rouommendluonn will be "qusd- (In: tturir money for Cordillera to 501%! Mun-Iago. lode": ”Dilute or (enumer- and their use. on)". which to new ttow (to: mu be Applied tor but (cult. and at lowest cost. There no may m- an! analysis ot funnier. ha the - ket and their who wheaol mun. pram and their anvil-o selection Ion and disappointment h oi all: 9.... tst ol Ill velop Character Rather but} Load Pupils with Studies. Kemptvillo Short Cot-m HHS AKHI'HF fthytin/hl) " Harmful The movemmt is appropriate at ‘this time as 1he UllilNI humor.”- Church in America this pair is run- chrallng its etrorts on Amvrhum missions rather than foreign. As Its missionary work for this rear, the Sunday School of St John's Lutheran church will pllrrllusn a church building tor the Lullu-run mm- gregalion at Btontsy Plain. Alircrta Stuney Plain is " mites from Ecl- monlon on the main hiLzlluu)‘ ltr Hm coast. _ Possible " Leader The decision of the convention committee as to who mu) attend not only opens up for Mr Stevens and his friends an opportunity ot owns " he in there, or eligible to tre, sumo aidetHte-carop may regard the orta lion as tavorahie to out him fot ward tor the leadership and such " mm tome Conservatives suspect is mm quite within the range of potssihility However. at this stage. there Is mm dimsition to consider sum]. a rou- lingeney, The implications, tt n nu» aoned. would have to be wvizhed very accuralely. Bridges would "rid to to burned. LUTHERANS TO BUY MISSION CHURCH IN ALBERTA All defeated Coustrrxauee nun]!- dnleu mt the 1335 your”! Auction Sanction of was The committee tUed the lulluwlug an. tor selection of deletrtstes All Con-ermine pm, councillors ho now support the pun, All CDDWVIUVO “mum; All Con-anal)" magnum: of the Home at (mum-nun lemurs ot prohuual legislnlultu“ who Nippon the Conservative party y (“Hilly , gtturuotesatms trom each {mural riding with tour non-voting aller- Intel, liltuuuuu I.“ Illw III. will.” - Ill - "U- OTTAWA. mttarto. --attoagt 1,500 It In blwdtlll over woven] Ill- " y“ W1 on the W". “I“. "H “mm“ Ut ouatorioi, Ttte ad loll-3'- wlro and unit all over a. min. ' Jtur b, ' and l tor m" “uni “Wanted A mid tor SW“ Sever-.1 than: nation. and iti- no" '"wn‘l‘" qtM5rttutioB at which " l‘uuuvuul'l Swen chlldl’III, iota “his“ trroadcasatq. 1‘ ltsagter will be cttotseu tat ggucweoU musi- uotttmtt In eat Husband and The " um punt,“ in In... or l Host t,'; 5 Bennett isstet tbteim oldetutsto uiothm luminou- on the (non: thaw in» million chem Im u, win-"lie tsud ”WWW!" 3m.- late, tor noun lunch in Lillian u that no “an new One must to trdrartt. (my. (lulu-i " heel Position 0.0!! the " can": train Ionplil. Toll. Dari-ion u to due and plans were spit-"dill upWIluully tor one vhh- ‘mun n middle-030d woman who on“ imputed on Emma) at a inertia; ILA In “in rhpellvllte in to mime-xi.» (Hula [uncle "Inn, but.“ all the contention commiltoe winch “mix in mimic reuuiiruiit or "mut'ouutreu and guuld shoot “to b-." gunk“ nudist the iuinl chairman» mm m mambo a Day Nut-err At the end at the loner In. _ My at John K, Inc-Nicol. member bx 4A.»; ll isllil tuterersted mil 4832‘H'1-low um I stotaar' 'r 't'ors"ttoabettrtvort, and Mauilcev is " “my 'rublusher ot "tsl Nan-wiper men estimate that the tune, ot Quohov (urinal wilriiun " ilruluiupc, purposely retrained ad trrtustttailly reached a circulate! enernli tre)ttt mulling all) special intuition ot lot well ill excel: at ten million. Mr. Battalion of was in.» ad m the paper, nut to gain thalimu maid that " nu the blunt! The minimum tUed the lullowiug ptsUin 'ts u».i.iiuii Friday the ail was maniac bargain in history null for Man-Mun A! duh-uni.“ , Due to m Voting Odo-un- to “out At Convention in July 'a Shaw" (ro Erect New "I, Hydro Office _, at Tavislock Thu l,|Hi-i~‘ll.|hha~. m-rurml through n "Imp-4.- hnpurnn: house in Chicago. "t'rtr .ull~i.’l|l‘tl In Slurk Seo. 200- pound l‘luinnsv ctttu', who has Sutter- m. m; fun yum from t'ltisttrttatisnt, l; ",t.'i nut In“: Arley ran-{pl at the ‘i..- u-lelilllllt‘lll that Mark had the l:--.ui> HIT thr. rattlers. They were ulmxnml _.ml Urrrssod and placed in huh-xx m'ourm-l the venom. The ..-nm.‘liuuV lulu-n inwardly is said hf, Ihn- I'hiticsr. In luv a sun» rum tor tl;ruttcrtisgu. .\l.Irk has lost all faith in .nriulvnml Int-dim] "autumn”. _..‘...........r 4...": m... ._uuu children in City schools well be vac- cinated for small pox before the end of this week, according to Dr. J. W. Fraser, v. ho will supervise the ram- paign, Vtwcinatiart, which immurr izes the children against the dread disease. ha: been a yearly routine in the “hook for the past ten years: lHlahmlru-dly the result of this prurucr. there has not been a (use of mmllpox Ill [hr city in many years, he said. or no op osition9rom Ge Ontario Hydro Era-tru- Commission to its plan to erect a new oifice building in this village. It is understood the Commission has more than $3,000 in the bank here as well as a credit of $1500 with the Ontario Commits- sion. The coat of the proposed building Will not be charged against the ratepayers. NO SMALLPOX CASES IN MAN\ YEARS Live Rattlesnakes Lose Heads As Gmlerich Chef Wields Butcher Knife mu: LAKE Wm A “can nu- ad pawl-hm] In the 'ttco mu Vluuuolypq I‘m-II it, 00!;le mm! In Indiana! a would the. In damnation an "no the mutant and lh was blundnul over town] Ott. “on: Ttte ad follow. Tamara. People rua' 55(an Want Ad “Maid Wanted" TAVISTOCK. A Tavistock Public Utilities Commission expects little FITCHENER.--M0re than 1,000 WM. MILNER Big Engages” "a (all..- E\pn~ss and customs otneirtiq here have handled many oddities, hat (III! it.: tlu. tirst m-caaion on much they Ituvts "ttcountered rattlesnakas. an- atii,arts "an import as many as they like. tor thvy are duty tree. there "cittv, lmlhin: III the customs taril " run-r lhmll. How did Mark cut the heads cl the tattlers? Ho simply loosened t trtvr't' lumxd, raised it a little, stirred " " snakes into action and when they sunk titeir heads out at the openlu, mugs darting and rank-rs rattling. Ites Citt their heads " in one (all swoop with a sharp .butcher Imlte. Thr rattlesttake liquor will not be [with fur use tor six months. The lnlmm in is aged. [he more potent it is as a rheumatic ruro, it val ex~ Irlaiued by nu-mhers of the Chinese rnlmu who authe’red here. "Feta/VOA'., ontr--H. Whlmhy. Arno) Township farmer. lost “use Holstein cattle When he moved to a mum Ill t'hevry Valley he tound three Mm ks a! a white substance to mung!” salt Me Rave it to the cowl and Hwy died Later the tsuttataneo Was nth-untied as nitrate at .0118. on Saturday evening. April M. iiies at them) groups wilt have “comma- .lunun lor 200 guests. THREE COWS DIE AFTER EATING NITRA'I‘E OF SODA ll nu pm on the Aaaoertato- who and will all our the country Sunni "also nation. and " In - In!" ttruadctsat_ Moore [hall 600 lenders. ol'lchll and "mum-rs ot the Boy Scullu’ Al- the Inulhvr's clubs of the tad. Kitetv the! guoup at St, John's Anglia! 1'hurcls, the 9th Kitchener group " St PHrr's Lutheran Church and the Tim Waterloo group at St, Louis 34:. l hurch m Waterloo, to serve up” Au'urdmg to R. C. Wilson. presi- dem of am local “mention, at- mngemenu have been male with ennui on '" from - at a. Ill-nun“ but! all tho M Tr|bune_ Iou' ot the Till on p wr- can“ u u an! In, - m the Wtrqe aurmllon are expected to attend an tthe Allln‘a. pruvmrlal conference to he held m the K-W Coileghte unil- lunum, April 22 and 23, The ad Wihtb unmet In “you or Indie than. ttbtt million Chem that urn "an here One and to [hr all c4mv (rum Memphis. Ton... trum ' mlddlv-u‘od woman who.“ trCo could handle "Ion, but.“ I.“ chtUreu and could shoot “to h--." At the end at the letter In. at“. 500 BOY SCOUT LEADERS COMING "

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