Award $500,000 l to Four Mothers Two Others Ruled Ineligible to Share in Will of Charles Milk". Eccentric Lawyer. WINNING MOTHERS TTED WITH NINE BABIES EACH {AGE SIX TORONTO. erth 2t, --3. It, Cartwright, wool-tum counsel for Mrs. Pauline Clarke, indicated on Saturday that an appeal will be taken against a judgment of Justtee W. E. Middleton declaring Mrs Clarke ineligible to share in the $500,000 Chnrles Vance Millar baby derby estate. Mr, Cartwright sud he would have to confer weth Mm Clarke Ind C. R. McKeown, hwcinled in we senlallun of Mrs. Clarke', cluinb. before announcing a definite de- ci,sion. "However, " "touldu't be "stticult to gueSs that In a mama of such importance. and as we feel Mrs. Clarke ha, an excellvnt Case. there will be an appeal. The stark nielby. l'hurle: Vanu- Millur'm cuutributior, to the fan- tastic side of c-ompettttort, yielded its 3500.000 prize today to four Toronto tttother, m equal parts of The rate for babie, ended Octo- ber 31, 1936, 10 years to the day after Millar died, leaving . will whose principal clause speeitied the residue of his estate was to go to the Toronto mother registering the largest number of births within IO yers 31'th his _death, - . . $125,000 Legal formalities of distribution were climaxed in Ontario Supreme Court when Justice W. E. Middle, ton announced the winning mothers, tied with nine eligible babies eaeh-- Mrs. Annie Smith, Mrs. Kathleen Nagle, Mrs. Alice Timleck and Mrs. Isabel Madman, He ruled out the brightest stars, of the stark derf?sr-2ryrfr-olti Mrs. Pauline Mae Clarke, pretty and) re-headed, and stocky Mrs. Lillian Kenny, who had promised to build a mausoleum in Millar's honor if she won, They could not qualify, one because of several stillborn and the other because of several alleged illegitimate children. New Dundee Mr. Bork haul thrs tumor of boiuz lznnsurnr o!' the Inca! branch or the Tppor Canada Bihie Sonia) tor 25 years and was [Emu-mod with a life nmmhvrship in tho society upon his ralirvmnnl in 19't2, It may be impr- "sting to not? that Mrs. Ttoeh had the dost/ion ot twins: the otdest lady prost'ut at the rmminn of ttto Halle mun Camily which was mlvndr-d hy 1000 (Ipsrpndams at Gait fast June Whsxrt askhd Ihoir “win? for 1mm- Wonxlnued from Parto It ' sity. Mr. Book replivd‘ "Plain. rare- ful and hottest living". whilp Mrs Bark can» as her answsr, the com- tnandtnettt: “Honor thy tattusr and [by mother that thy days may he 10m: upon lhn land which thp Lord my Gml zivoth thee" V pt ann Park Cnllpzo. Port Credit. Sylumnus (Huh or Toronto and Mrs. merciless attacks. - .m! “in Althnn Bock a student at W I) “one†of Hamilton, l Ruins a! lmmhod buildings yielded eratt‘nrd Normal School and thrpe A hast of friends wish Mr. and 145 bodies during tho day. Previous. grant granchildren. little Willard and Mrs. Bock continued health and hip I" 670 deed had been counted from Earl Bock and Marion Short. Mrs. pines: on this their can anniversary the raids which started Wednesday Bock also has two sisters living. Mrs. which will he observed on Thursday. and kept up tor two days and nights. Mr. and Mrs. Burk have one son, Mr, E. K Bork: four grandchildren. name?! Gammon Hark and Mrs. Mloyd Shark of this community. Rom .Hd Bork. RAW on thrs machine stat! pt Damn Park Pullman. Port Cred“. all KITCHENEB. __ Kitchener or Preston, mun probably Kitchener, " In believed, will derive a new In- duauy Huh the return of parent: to John Trop, Preston tinamith, on his new adv-need In conditioner. Tripp ha: Nrplied to Ottawa for lacuna on the new machine. Arrested on charges of reckless driving and operating a car without la permit, Graham was released on I bail of $500 to appenr April 15th, TORONTO By " Hue of " to at me Hepburn gmerumenl adopted tho swath from the Throne antler a vote nu when on lonuer Premier Henry‘- "ttttrttduttattt that " mm be adogtH. “mange he said " tuned to reveal we Government‘s changed hydro no my NEW INDUSTRY 50R PRESTON PROBABLE Puss Throne Speech Crlr. the young Leopold M- m (husruauw Hon†loader muted the adoption at the spends be made unanimous‘ an unusual happen- â€: m the House alter ant-Ion. Badly Hurt in Crash After Birthday Party LISTUWEL Returning ttottt a birthday ttarty late Friday night, Vernon Abram Its-year-old Listowel youth, was sersousiv' injured when the an III which he was a pa>>engel collided with another driven by Jack Graham. also of Listowel. “"qu on Plume: Hepburn's mug“ m ulna: u, Mocisuiay re- â€and a All“, In†slay! on Tuesday ' MI: thr. l'nnnm 'drive but!†[wading ' n the "ttacl, Abram was hauled from the wrecking: and removed to Memorial Hospital where it an discovered " face was partly torn from his skull and badly battered. His jawbone was frpetured m seyeral places. Graham and Carl Sippel, a pas- nenger, were uninjured. A Dart. brook, Abrnm's companion. also sutrered a fractured jaw. _ FARM HAND BADLV HURT WALKkNtTON March 20, Al- phonse Kempel. employed on JY {tum of John Millem received seri- ous injuries when kicked try a horse Ur. was passing behind the animal In. l-‘m- mm: " G Kursers. " Wa. ‘ rrftit Tltoi" hull m with vase couslsted tr" small vaiuaules, including rings. .mlches and cameras. Part of the ,amlx' haw hm~n located in Kneeli- ml's hump and identiMd by tho mun-N hrs Iold the Chronicle. I'hivt" lludgsnu of Kitchener. stat- t I i!te youths urn being held In roll- wm In several break-ins ehiony In "l:.. Wtstmourtt area, and car thorn, fur which they are believed r4MPMF 'tltle, I: is umb-rsumd one of the sus- wm'ls mm hum-l in possession of a x.yT key halonzing lo a local otrieial “hose an was stolen nvm‘ a month as.) and recovered Two More Arrested. Robert Baird and Claude Hills- perger. two Kitchener youths, were also arrested and charged with househreakinm along with William Blake and Jack Knechtel. min-u tte I‘m-viral a kick in the lace, Lawn-king um _ievrrat teeth and lampr- ul‘uz the mouth swirled against houses and other buildings. _A_ _ ___.__ -- Carman Jelly and Gilbert Mc- Arthur, two Grand Valley youths. had a narrow escape about 10 o'clock last night when the boat in which they were riding was upset by the turbulent waters. The two men were tossed into the icy water and forced to swim more than a hum dre_d yards to shore. For a time the town was in dark, ness when the ice clipped oft half a daze" hydro poles. Eight feet of water covered the main road into village from the south throughout the night and today left large cakes of ice strewn across the street. ' "otttintted viz-om Page I) "uutlnued from Page " Many Driven Two Arrests THE wagingoolgnm canon new: Blames (on for 520.000 lime to City Trees WINDSOR (Wurst: that $10,000 worth of "to: hid been destroyed m I muon of than: csty th, outrh the Lament“; of cow» tsud goats, “we Ind today by tree Mutton w, F scaase Upward: of [.000 tine maxi†hm] also been dasrtustred, he an GOUERK'H ~Thiaves who broke mm St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. a! dimg's Bridge and stole' ‘viw sale containing two golden sa. cu, Vega-ls. valued at [more than 'it:oo are hemp: song!†try police and .rarishionrs"s In acumen. the rote .I-m's broke up": the {poor and special yanucnnn hues tteither of which fwmained money. , Police Iwilevv the men In hz- hiding " the Kim-amino area Printers Fined for "PPAWA Thr (“amen-Ia! Pram Lu] operated In Eugene Intranet I. H Lactusuce and Maruu Pol-net mun tuned $1200 and " cotHts', tor unwed "aed H200 and " CotHts', tor Miami " pnuuug when (u: a draw-mug on ttte Emu-m "owtts "trrQtx The ttue “10nd urge-n Veer uuposed In a: Ottawa court, was odd Guernsey Breeders Meet lutAN'PtNMe" Grunge L. Teitet fl; - 'mae, :1.- Bnef News Flashes} LONDON I'mnr “minim Chant In-rlam was reported hy authoritative s'0lrt'Ves In ttttve decided ll) make a dun nu alalenmn on Great Bri- lnm'> wrung" policy m the House of l mmuons this week . The Assnmawd Press said that Ctced with a revolt within the Gov- u'mnenl and the Conservative party, M, Chamberlain was understood In mun) given ground in an elm! to re store harmony: Chamberlain to Gas Kills Three "rtoCKVuaLF', futoCKVuaLF:. _ Tttrve members .. the family or Matthrw M. Brown dim]. Thursday. aflor lwing asphyxi- amd by gas from two open jets ot a kitchen stove. Enorts of {our doc- u-rs with thv aid of an Inhalamr mum] m I'mrivq- tho '30-yoarmid mo- urn-I and her two small sons, who --»-r-- found huddled on the kitchen floor' when thr- father returned home ("um work, Killed When Hit try , Car Near Leanington I LEAMINGTON. March Ith-Arthur; Weir. C6. of Rnthven. was Kitted, shortly after 7 o'clock Saturday night I thn he was knocked down try a car driven hy James Hofheck, " of Kinzsville. on No. 3 highway, west of ‘no town ‘imits. n is thought that death was Instantaneous. Break Into Church Faces Murder of Child CFINTER. Tex -0n suspended winnin- ot" ttre years for slaying her xxubhand. Robert Curtis. M, ht 1936. Ins Lillie May Curtis. its, is being iuiiusted on a charge ot murder. fol- losing the Shel-gun slaying of six ot her nine (‘hildnsu Mrs Curtis told palire she kissed wie) at HIM“ good-by» before and tttet shooting them as they slept sitr. said sh» wag: in and unable» to ornvide mr them. They were believed to have died â€rm hour before Mr. Brown made, the arm-some discovery. Spanish Air Raids IuRCEbOXA. March mane bo- lus ot Tis victims of insurgents‘ whmmalr‘ air raids on Barcelona have been recovered, it was annonm.‘ u! today as atert Govern-ant patrol Manna Imam-d " rteurmption of the 1.300 Killed in .drru im Pl unuu ottt 1'attutite-d an Part, n ‘Anlllm (Haulmd l aud I. " Hat unn pu-Mdvul and Hugh Hull ll, $01101.“ y In manner [ms arm manual 43 mum... ke uprn the u boxes, n 1 money. lwilevv the nu-arclinv a re-elected iyresrdeat ot the levdt‘ls Aimmmlmu ot Mar aitttaol Int-“Hug new Pin-Arm. Ilalmllun was " HJIneM Mai' Loner) Printing Announce Policy nnml dn mm.†Minn-u], w S Ku-ll) llldunltun tur! Ellis tttcs Hepburn Collects Over $6.000,000 Income Taxes TORONTO-collection of income taxes in Ontario will amount to approximately $6.01HIJI00. almost 50 per cent. higher than last your, {reunion- Hepburn told the Lezislt are. The tax yielded $2JHIJENV in the titical year ending March 3t, 1937. According to the Premier the in- crease comes as the result of a backlog of arrears of former years. Legislation last year had the effect of cancelling the right of personal corporations, situated outside of Canada but controlled by Ontario residents, to deduct from their in- comes the levy exacted by Dominion authorities before computing the Ontario tax, he pointed out. "The City of Buffalo" Boat Burned at Docks (‘LEVELANIL March 21.--Fire ro dun-(l "Tho Uity oi numb)". Great huh-vs "£1850"va ship owned by tttrs (‘luvwlnud K- Buttaht Transit Com- puny to Ntarted timbers and twisted (“POX as the veteran hnal lay at hvr docks ymlordagx Bomb Home of "king" of the BaotIeggcrs HAMILTON. March 21 - In". home on Rocco Perri. our» sNGstyHed “Kim: of tho BootleRprsrs", was bad- ly damaged by tho oxplminn ot a time bomb under the from veranda Sunday night No one was injured in the blast that shook the centre at the city. ouk. Ralph Spurrier. of the C. h Et, line. Pstlmaled damazo at tsoo, 000. 155 King St. W. KITCHENER Phone 4280 ru f v f RAD/0 Myra Suppl y " "para: In: vvrtvthing tho Government any! at this time. he 'stated. 1 Although requested by members. v‘inrlulling otrtmsition Leader Bennett, our, Kin: refused In reveal any in- tside, information on rommnnicatlonn with tttts l’nitcd Kingdom Govern- imam vrurardirte shipments at farm to Hummus raun'rN-s, ‘$l 1.000.000 for Highways Announced by Hepburn TORONTO. -- Announcement of ;the expenditure of $14,000,000 on Jhighwny construction in the fiseal year of 1938-39 was embodied in Premier Hepburn's budget address to the Ontario Legislature on Fri- day. The proposed expenditure compared with $35,000.000 lost gehr. _ Accuracy Slressed for Commons Speeches OTTAWA Thr. Gnu-rumenl will plaeo no restriction on members of Parliament delratinp foreign affairs. PrimiMinister King has advised the House ot Commons. "hut the Govern- nn-nt must, with respect to its own mwmnm-r. "toke titem in tho light of the "'sponsitrilty which attaches to vvrtvthing tho Government any! at this time. he 'stated. Mrs. Oreo-erm not surprised You‘re always out ot something." Proprietor of villap Store (show ing photographs to a Cttrstomert---"f was out of focus when that one was taken, Mrs Green." _ We allow you $30.00 for your old Washer New Columbia Model 69.50 Iggsdzgiilgcizz. 1988 . 99.50 ONLY offer the at