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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Mar 1938, p. 4

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{AGE FOUR [MAL AUST‘IAN l - mmo" CLUB 10 CONTINUE - m Human The mm. ot Excellent Program me: u. e N Germ, o . Ki nol I; 'd,"'".'.,""",,':):', apart By Literary Society KITCHENS“ 'The annual». at men name Land by Nun Germ aiil not In any mu alert mo open- lvonu of the Autumn dub, neuron. 10 Frank Dot-met pendent Mr Doeluel t"tutttutd m1 no.0 Auauuuu ot ttte Tutu (my teen], :el: the tun ot Amman; independ- curt but pointed out that the club u .bwmlel) nonmalmcd. Mr, David Cownn of Toronto spent the other Sunday It the home of Mr. and Mrs. "mes Cow-n and on hi return Journey to his queen City home I!” accompanied by Mr, And In. June: Coin und family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Good And daughter, Kiss Ethel Good, were visiting " the (in Cieruiennan home in Kitchener tie other Sun- day and they attended the funeral of It: Florence Schultz. In Sch-nu - I gauging: ld the ltte Mr. tad Mrs. Tobin Schultz who lived here over " yous use and had removed to Kitchener (than Fermi) from here. I Mr. end Mrs. Calvin Cuneron end [wily of Brussels were Tuesday guest: at the Outer Buehn home. Mr. and In. Oscar Huehn and the l.tter's sister, Miss Emelyne Stein. of Brussels. were Tuesday business visitors if Milton? 113;; iariii GTeaieGedG" W-t'erloé Min!» 'Pet led; - .m_:A ' “a..- - - "-m, Mr. ttgt B. Snyder of Snider's 1 Corners, o land been . Kitchener hospital patient for me the fol- lowing a fall whereby he “the! . hi fracture . few month- .30.. has Len removed to the home of his daughter. In. lshmel 'iirtii) near this village. last week. It. Snyder's mmy friends will regret to 1 learn he is quite helplesa and will“ rqulre 1tler.Py"Pr, -.__ n“ “q...“ “u--. ---e--"-_ - Mrs. E. Nerlich aa son, the the family governess and Mr. Eur: Hayward of Toronto, were mid-wee visitors with Mrs. Elisabeth Schweitzer. -- _ -. .. . u The Conestoga Y.P.U. will hold their next meeting It the United Church on Thursday evening. Incl: 24th, at 8 o'clock, when Mr. Oliver Wright will be the guest speaker. 2 Stop: in Fighting} lino-Ion " an. visitors in Hamilton. Mr. and In. Fred Wepger, Jr.. .m .-|.-.. “n mid-ma in nterloo T l 3-0 in what to do: Take “'0 "diritti' m when you feel a em-a-ith, lull gla- d .3715- mt.“ my, tg't2etL1Mi,'g2ik"Ji in ouch pains. mnpudly. Th “m” I‘M of [dial is the VI; many doctors now mm or! his "Aeirin" foe mm itiiirT-%aTtsG- not-improved pom, mall the family doctor. aiiirif 1eiiii", in the regiswed tmd-mark the Bayer Company, limited. " Wild-myw Lmh [or 'iiiii"iiiiGiGGU the tom cl I an. on every ublet._ III. t I V I S - PAIN IA'IISS Q9tiiti'f I "risouuy mavrind to the woman i-vwv dour. I 6nd." rpplind another. “It“ smiling. M uni Vocd Hub... .0." j I," h... Wall ci---" The Palm; SchoorLueruy Society hold a delightful 8t. Pautcl’l noel- uu on Thur-any afternoon, mm the PretMoot, [tunnel Sunder occupyuag; the clam After the “It“! ot "0' W". the tonu+ unmbon were I mounted on the ptuuum. a you“ solo. “I ‘Wonld Be True" by hand Inner, as St. Patricks menu-non by June nun». "The Story ot s; P»; . -.. --- - ._ .-itts. t guru-cu, “.7..-" Miss Ftelty Tuchrusski who cettr "rated her lhirlwnlh ttictttday on 'x‘u'MIlesduy March 16th, was guest n: hum-r Au " o.riottuuv-arrarured lu’thday sttirper. given try her grand- oother Mrs Simon Weber The til- I,'." tiecorated in an attractive green rotor scitvme was renlred with I I. “Inlay unlu- “uh moon mud pink . .ndlvs, New Machine tnstaMed. A mun ‘Kmnp Seed Than-r is luring "Islam-cl an 1hr 1Vea llnmhw lelr Mills for [hr purpose or Healing seed JAM] (w :uml unnlrm 'ity' Ills- Uttst mr0od TV murmur Is " 1935 mo- Ilr'I hu‘x by vhn Wt.stertt Steel Pro- dun-n C‘mpum'mu of \VinuiIn-g :uul ltc., .: amenin In .uvrrrovttratsls a" T-ll‘h‘ " pm hum inothru I‘m-em im, .. rt'. "um ..I lh. mill bas Im-n Ihe 'r' v ts I: u III t--rl mi\m -.c|l.|l' Ws William me-nwh‘. a" Rasher or Kit-1w l E himzw HIt Personals. u, turl Mi- I.mn-~ limp-n In!) . rm! lit Tnlull’n n1: Friday M" Harlin-II " ”£1an mu» t'l Ill!- n-x‘u-q'nzs nu 1hr North watrsrlero Fara t:Trws' Mutual F"iro. IItsHwitucr. (‘n it; Hudml the FPio. I'Inlrmu'm-N‘ (my u-ntinn at Tum-mu last “not. _ Mrs. Kittte" lDz-nvoilm .uul riaueir 'HI'. Luis visi'ul with tit" mrmer's pirtzyttrs,Mr and Mrs Ell Schtteirbe 'xt Kiwhvnm KIM Wemtrssrtay i Mr and Urs. Wi'rtLttt. Mr, I-anr .wuzd Maitt and sun. l);njtl and Miss [Kt-11in “min ot' KHrlwnvr called an I‘II' and Mrs Aiitrrrq Pimlvrlt-iu last Momiay l nlml‘u-I xv. 2-1"!ch trits a!" “Marin \h-nm burly-n!" 'zh' Wool hus Huh of " ulm J M.uraulity n on 'rtwsrlay. --.,ul-.Iy Inm- ti " t'otuttr'r 70m Perfect Husbands 'AVltrtt :rrr‘ theso lwrfm-l hnshands wahpar so much ahout?" asked a man in: " <uhlulmn Pain th" other tjptt- h LUJidi M St. Patrick. 1tV Co-d hus ‘nrn-n n-w-iw-Il of 1h.- " of " ulzlnulnw In “I and “rs Luraulity itt Ills. Smliur'y Hospital 'rtwsrlay. ttare?: IT-IIL Mrs Mu- lay luv-c- (irlltlir- Gihtt of Galtt was n‘nwr rertclt'u' ot Iht- Junior mom hr lo, II Puhlic rm- m-vm'n! ymn's THE WATIILOO -_tlB-"-'"--T-T." It looks as though there's lots new under the sun. Behold the fifth unit in a new 6541a“! bridge deck which recently made its debut in New York from England. The title of the new suit in "Rorau" and the value is between spades and no trumps. Sixteen cards are dealt to each player, the 66th card going into the “kitty" from where it may be exchanged by the declarer for a can! in the dummy hand. A glme of poker might be pretty involved with a deck like ttuuv-Atspeci.lly if it was trevert card stud vice order. in providing milk, tood, (‘hrisimas hampers and calmness olher needs to the uniorlunnle. May- or Mckersie stressed the need of air other such organization Gii/ueueos wild Addresses "We have!“ a uni. in this town tor the use of our young boys and girls but tor the lasl two years we have had ctuonpionship hockey and baseball teams, Incidentally. we have no junk yards." remarked Mar- _ . Jr 7-----. Iluvr m. ,u..- ,...__. - or McKersie, smiling in the general (Inwnon at The Kitchener represen- “lives. (Conunuel mn Pale " Presentation to President Noun-mus prvsvmauuns were made In President Schaus ot the newly [armed urganiuliou, Ott be- half or Kitchener Lions, Walter Sign- “run, .......‘.. "'r"P""" half or 'Kitchener Lions, Walter Sign- w supplied Waterloo dub with a s,twrvetarv"s' Taro“! hook A hand- mm:- umw, .unl uravet were added to hm n-qulpnu-m hy the respective Mulls m l‘lmluu and seaforth. while Vugam Fnlis IOIIII Lions contri- lmr-d a Union Jack Greetings from Now York Doctor 'We. Jinn!!! "tritrerta1ra the [an 10-4: “v lives in mu countries side by sidr-, alto tonsulm thrut ttorders 2m tvvll wnmvlu-d In A l'mlolly. ot vim Ntau.itrtt Falls. NY Hub. amidst “BOYALS” IS SUIT or NEW “CARD BRIDGE DECK sidc, alto tonsillw tltrut IItIthl'i an: *7 uml o.mnrrrerl In A, l‘mlolly. ot of Bad Hm Nic.titto Falls. ACK, club. amidst Mr. " 'ulrrs" of upphmm- whe-tt 1w lll'Q'sl‘lllr P""", .ul " mulunl scltaus “in: " t'latt of Nownl vln l‘unul SI.u--~ Mr. a Thurs NN' ~lmuI-l .unn tittcouint" tlt" Mis 'rr' 'ltit \\-- luv m '\-.u tountvies Mr. 3. ',tvv" _. w |Irllm|m 'hl' UM} lx'un- III-mn- day ai _ I w-Inzuw hi: ltr m.- world: Mr, “II‘~> nun '.itet. ttt.ix ',loat sim. In Sun-la sol, snmitlizittu' thr, unmlh ot a ttvreh ctr',; .~In~.rr and harm-u: c:iiui<lrtr." Md. snmitlizittu' th mt: rInmu' mull happi- lu mwlarvql Talk on uValue of in! “lulu-I in “I l Talk on “Value ot Lionism" in! “lulu-I in NI Couollv. Hurr} Punch-hull t.:Ht's'l se:ilou. spolit' Inn-fly on Ills. "Vtthtr. ul I.iumsm in " couttuunity" Ila- 'Ntosscrui lhI' los, _ 1hr {nun-ling ot" tho Wan-dun humrh of Linux tntsuuurionu'. \u-u‘nl in tim" h" ‘Inznw‘llnns hismry". "le <uwoss ot tbtir. duh will ho "vtr.ruuitostl :IlmnhIh-ly oud unwind-I) hy what it Ins-zine to Us :m-nllu-I's. and to an! tho maul um of it. Hrery mvmllm's mus! ”mm-k in' and tlo his part." he declared. -The WI!!!“ who twn-r does uny- thin: for nothing is nut worth his plat-0 undvr tttrs sun With this Iitios ink» in mind. in! us stat-l this qluli PO the basis of ssxrpic" In utIu-rs .mal it will ln' n roal ns=vt to tha- town "If "tottthtwt', ntlhun- In IIII- with." continued Mr l'vmlvltun. “Linux ("an .n on" .I vim-nor pin. clssuttety gnvvrn- mom. an "Kort In assist umlvrpriri- hailed chiidrem and thus make this city a better plaee in which lo live it is thp kind of thin: than this Lionisni represents that ic unruly novtlv-tl in tho rottncil nt' 'lw \uu'ltl to avian the revolting and unthink. attie prosper-t of :Inulhrr arm" wat." he concluded Stresses Service Work In "is irmre,rks. t'1tairttttttt Irvin EN, of tho Kitchener Outt. "xprusssed the belief that the cooperation ot) the Twin City unitu would result ine , greater amount of work being 'ione.' (0-:wa CQBONICLB .pu In In dis! I It! Services Club 'to-ted Among those introduced were ltr “up Hemmerictt, Y's Men's Club; Dr K, Hughes, Waterloo Young Men's Uitrtt; Dr. Potter, president or Niatp we Falls 10m.) Lions: [so Wallis, ot K-W. Kiwanis Club; Hurry Schondelmayer past president Kim- uia Club; or, R. 0 Winn. vice-pmL sick-m at K;w Rotary Club. The 'Ladies’ Aid ot St. John's Lar theran church catered “mm: banquet Mr. and Mrs. Joe anler of neu- Wellesley spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henna Roth. Misses Mary and Frieda Schoen of Kitchener spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. Ind Mrs. Charles Schoen. -- _ . . Mr. and Mrs. Eli Zehr and family spent Sunday with Mr. Ind Mrs. Urias Kipfer at Baden. Miss Priscilla Roth spent Satan day afternoon with Xavier Meyer at St. Agntha. . .'E. "5..."... Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Giruserieh were: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gerber and family and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gimterieh and family of Bruien. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mertz, Miss Manetta Wagner and Marguerite Nowak of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wagm'r on Thursday. . u... .~...., . Miss Priscilla Roth vimited with Mr. and Mrs. George Ellen on Fri- dayafternoo_rc - _ \h. and Mrs. Sunday with , wsuinr-cday Mar!) among the deal in ttre SHANTz STATION JOSIPI'IullRG GRAY COACH LINES TIME TABLE n ssG.m. 2.55 pm. 11.10 mm. 8.05 mm. 5.25 p.m. 3.30 pan 11.05 3.1". 7.55 pm. .----tthm.a not: tr-tmt' Conch connections " Toronto for North Buy. and interned“ points. Ticket- and Information at FRED WESSON - Phone 3679, 'tl TO TORONTO, '. Isaac Wag!” spent Mr. and Mrs. John. LEAVE ME]! (w hat-hr! 1h.) - l KNEW. Folio-I“ Lb. {can um um work at the round] nu mu Advanced w an: we and. HI ll nulerlu; trom hot og “New“ ‘on the pun ot the dilectuts. the (our tummy Refraction Council lpwllll- led a rolnullllec to tuosatitgt"e the P""" at the board The committee «all: been authorised to tutu tn 5 ‘IeLunmehdlllon u up hot Chec- ‘lul’l can archer-Io mote oltcienuy (Hath the actual work or the count-ll L The mall!!! cu introduced by or, J In, Prueler, who reported the cunn- ‘t-il in dettrsiutly in need at a nun to MAKE charge or a bop placed tn the and: ot the council”), the juvenile court _ WANT mount-1w [manner m won or “cannon COUNCIL Dr. Prune! and L A Walla ten uelegalad to appear More the Young Mosul Club will: a New to obl‘unllg a gram u well an my!» lent-[lull ot that group on the board. or director- Linwood Sprint Hortw be held on Ayn] um. - -- .u-“ , Mr, and Mrs. Jack Root [on spent Sunday with .nunarn w... -"_-"""." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wine]. My Mr and Grant spent Sunday with Mr ond Mrs. A. o. Schnurr. Mr and Mrs Wm, Dechert and family of GlenaIlen. Mr. J9. Liniski ot Elmlm and Mr K. Knohlmuh m Tlesaun speut Sunday with Mrs John In... Mr. Theo. Zimmerman sold his hu- tel to a Mr Harper ot Midland who will take possession on April Ist Miss Mary Maclinnamon of Pr- ton called at the home ot Mrs, Geo Mauser on Monday. - . “mm. .... tls, evening with his parents here, Mr Alex Srhluvlu‘r has rt-mml h.- [arm and experts to haw a gal» ' first wm-k in April. Mrs Adam Hahn and Mrs How hon Zia-2hr ot' "oide1bertt q-rugl ,Mundm with [hr farmer's mmhv-v Mrs John "et-ttmt oechert. Sr Mr With tits. wunm-r weather hum and frusl 415mm out of the ground. sums ot' llu- math are not in "In: good couditiom Sap Running Some fau'mvrs in this alumna .m- ptteoarime tor the sammaple syrup ‘scason and sap is already runninc _ ttood suup yield is anticipated “Yb. .IUllu In _.._ .. Mrs Kn-n Wright and duusttot Mona Mae of Newton spent a Jrau days with hn-r parents here. Appendi: operation. Mr Wiihs tuusrlAtraclt. 11th ling Hast Zorn. underwent an operation at [hot Stratford General "ospitu' [or amu-ndivilis. Wr wish him a spvedy wun'my, Fonds Not Too Good. 11.10 Gil. 0.20 p.m 3.30 pan. b 10.20 p.m tr-tmt'. & Hal only I: Buy. Ottawa. Montreal EAST ZORRA TO mung! ‘uruorhan spent Flulzn MotNtrdie returned even! months will! Kitchener o. Luau. Wither Show In" in, John

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