q WILL All) EDUCATION AND HEALTH SERVICES TORONTO, Much " 011 tite suruglh ol A second tstrtsttrttt bat- 4rnu-d mun-x1 and Ian-nut: swelled u) rm o.d museum; duty collection; Ilerr “Ilthell Hepburn unlined to the Otttatto Legislature on Friday plans for Assuming agriculture Mu ouioa and healâ€: servicel Eight Page Treasure: as we†as premier. Mr Hepburn 'eported an emulated sun was at 310121.702 tor me ttttcal year eudznu Harrh 3L 1338 He budgeted " sm plus or $288.61? " for the com- l" tiara] erl‘, based on record ce, v. nu»: and rumnduuws Theo. a.“ hr nu HM‘AQ‘dbrs Ill l.l.\’dllull bl' "ttt um; fauna ot (an Inn "M tttr' uming tisml year" he aunoum‘rd n was me pre"rier's tutdeet spun h and the first suite his Lle al liovrt'rtmettt Ln n-Iulned to pump: m it gun-In] rlmnml Ill Omn- ber A y‘n dxu u, Hem-um estimated " sun-ks In] 1936-37 In $7.347J'Z9 The alum) surplus, announced set" ' "l muvulhs later in the public " rvuI|I~ mm $9311.10:th Tue sur- t.'ut, h:- annuunred Friday was on ae- lual futures tor " months and estim. " .. .tt F'hruary and Mann $3,013,702 Gain [Ontario Budget Highlights Says " Hepburn "TJJCCrnuTt'TtTaT,T,a"'r'ra_rt"rc2,- ttlt nutittt the ru'cu'l my" The Jr,CL7i,eli,T,7,,z7, w mm.†', Made Possible in Record folk-c» “on of Mon 1Atties-- To Help Agriculture. Saves life in Early Morning Blaze SID-Year-Old Guest at Kitchener Home Escapes While Cousin Battles Fire. A mambo: of the family had washed a sweater the previous night and put it in a basket on the fur, nace to (Inn When the basket caught lirv. early yesterday the ftame, ate thril way up through thc cellar into the bedroom of Mrs. Pidgin KlTCHFaNER.---Althoueh blinded by swit%ng clouds of smoke. MV year-olnl Mrs. B. Edgar was able to save her life early yesterday morn- ing when tire broke through the floor of her home near her bed. A guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Weber. Clarence Place, tht aged woman awoke in time to make her way to the srerandnh, while Mrs. Weber, her cousin, battled the fire single-handed in the basement. Aecording to firemen, she had the Male under control by the time they arrive_d. _ _ ' Vol tr2. No. 23 Two Arrests for Housebreaking " A"! indui Youths Sdmit Theft, at Five Waterloo "omes.--Stvipected of Car Then. ' . " m is:ht n: llh'x’ Iln A,ooiir. sl,.' and InTic Div-- III hom. . " Kw ".rtr..tt Hlxvl " «mum d " dux THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE “I my .HIVIII tchi-t l' E “menu 111M 'ir'.t" â€Infrwx'm) of huusr-hn-Jkim: in I; 'in past threr. .-;.. .v "tts un'u-lwi "ml: srlr,tns. ly', MI-s Il-ulu‘ma. 155: ll Snulvr. '.P.) Gum's“ ll" Johns Blvd 'JI' I) No 2| Ulnar“: In“ nun-h the nqu yea: lurch " 19'S8, with u "Irvin! ot $3 013 To: do moulhn actual and two month: alumna“ Sunnlun III the plenum; ,m: an 59,313,938 " Thur mil be no macaw- u: tax» anon nor an) new toruts of mutton tor the arming fucal year," he said Pte.- ' rpbmn manual tor an u>lllllalrd 'surplus at "trtr6TT9tt tor [he “at turat year eadtatt March 31 WISE A yeut “n he tnadtteted an en- mnarru “up.“ ox " 38190562 (‘ullecuon ot surreaswn dunes In 1937-38 amounted to $19,400.000~ono~ mm of the province's total revenue, Mr, Hepburn charged millions ot dor lus were sun owing the province in mun-55:91: duties The ploIlnte will continue to my are!†municipality In Ontario a tgggtr sidy or one mm on the dollar of rib able tttbtbet5twrgteI" tot general munici- pal palm“! IIUIIIC3 I], I “INN rams, March 21.4mm and 1 tongrattMatioms trom many guns ot - ----- Am; province were received on Slut» 1 lee Jam in Grand River ""ete by Hon, and Mrs N Al, Hiperk or} . . Heston. the mansion being their Damage m Wellington 25m Healing annivelsary Included‘ County. among the sins are 25 roses from the l - (Provincial Legislature. of which Mr. l GRAN" VALLEY, March 2‘__‘H.ipel is Speaker, silver. from Mr F More than a score of families of Irutel'ts once It“! and a Miver entree this village were driven from thtsir,d"'h (Pom Hon, and Mrs. Peter Heen- _ homes during the week-end as the an, Mr. and MILEâ€! were married‘ 'f/tput/it,', "f,'S1i'i'od', 3331's; in new" ss year! ago mm but; 3 er as mg pe remove a jam which had formedl'ere tun-Ne to observe the univer- about a half mile south of this vil-,'sary event that day owing to Mr HF Inge. in the north of Wellington hers legislative duties. A more de-: County. lulled account ot ttte anniversaw wil! The trouble started on Saturday l wppear in the Friday issue ' l nfiprnnnn sand a< nhrht rump on H..." _ The trouble started on Saturday afternoon and as night came on the'; waters of the river eontinued toi rise until by " o'clock citizens were marooned in their homes and resent-i work with the only three boats ml town began. From then until early morning. those using the boats kept carrying not only human cargoes, but often livestock to higher ground and safely. Many Driven From Homes by Floods Considerable damage was wrought by the huge cakes of ice which u‘onlmuwi on Page 6-No 4) Quick Work of Firemen Saves Prof. Thiele's House Considerable Dunn-ge from Smoke. --Fire- Forced Io Use Mask: to Fight Blaze. As 'hr. Moulds of sun-lu- how-unh- 7In kno, " warcturitrrut urn limo tttat Tr,. hou.cr nuns vim-Inn! and mplimmtl with Was' masks. :m-n Eu-L'nn oitnor'mur arm-IN from the Imiklina, I: W0s “um‘ressm y, imwm’vl: tutr tit-r,, rm P'xulinu lh" origin of tho ttre had it ' n. t km! in " r'vw minutes. “h ‘. Mu...“ nLIIImL'I- an!" hrcrst Th, H , '.. hurl Kain-'4' cotgsitletolms hroOway 4'an " mm discovrqirl hy) Hrs. Wilt all Hrmlrr. a dhllluPlle-n “3m Innnnulinzvh <ummonu'cl tlttt tir", , upd! [mun C IN ma.- \uZum-u ot' a-nmlm whirl! re- I “I‘U'll in Euun‘y drtmasto In thrs in «nor. hill-arm! out of "vrry opening. “ml lirmnvn wmn- run-ml In use vas) rrnrsks In tltsrorrt thr. smut-u of ilto, !tluzr. “(hm- ~‘--..m IIJIIIJL'I' “as haunt 'ot."tt art-l, h} th,. Inumdv .m 'hI' tirm,Crt f, an mm _ ‘n " minimum harm-2v "mm rho Gamps was con- I'u, " A min " m 1hr u-llnt' Firv Chief Crown Knrsvs was un- phlo in giro any roasnn for the Mart a: Ilu. hi"?! uni: k purl mus was!†a I'II- l " ilzn mm In! hruli A HOME NEWSPAPER P_r1t, "mango, AND JrA_TEAtldp0 mum PEOPLE " t' inn fry “'ntrrlou Fire De “ml Ihr- nous» of Haml- P Tim-J». m: nukr sin-0L ‘-I-~ msiiuction at nno main} a5terttooti, “hu-n nu m tlto IU"dl' of tht' " min-Ml cotwsitleraltys " was discovrqirl by valrr. a 4tuuuhter, ly <umm-uu'cl tltst tirrs WAfum, Owning. TUEsoat, Mung: 22, I938 t Gum» Lu trlemeeuary schools Ln 1038 wilt exceed by “£00,000 those [and In I)“. Subunit“! Intranet will be made tn grant. to secondary nchoob. EISilver Wedding of ', Mon. and Mrs. Hipelj I In " clan to trrtuttcate ttte mew ace of tuberculin“; the Governmoul 'plau an expenditure or $1000.01» to orovute tree unulonum treatment in" "cums of the duet“: New Dundee Couple Celebrating _ Sixty-Four Years Wedded life _ -___e ,7 _"-""'.) “mm"; "v nu.\l<t‘yy nu ucrplw ‘03 good as in former years. Theyilatt‘r they worshipped at this newiheavy rainfall the river has not have remarkably mind memories and ichnrrh in the villager which was reached flood level. In a few places 'italie a keen improsl in talking of the wound in 192], Thvir mod" of (mull along the lower banks the water has .arly days. Mr. "(lrli recalls helpinz kin the oarly days was an open Muzzy overflowed into the flats but this is his father as a troy on the old home land in 1916 Min Boris pun hast-d his (said to he a usual occurrence. ‘sread which is now owned by Mr. W 'first var. I The peak so far this year was ll (:mhrin. two In _ e u'rst of the; They hunk Iho-ir lirsI trip HI l'cnn- poached when the heavy ice left the nah-2v. whmu. pnwvinilly' all farm lsylvaniu 52 years mm in MM: rmvnl- =river tlurimt the thaw late in Janu- work was don" by hand. The grain “in: hy rail and tho sot-mil visit m irs. “as sowod by lmml. ml with a cradle Philadelphia was made in IE9.'t il . ---- _ ' --- Juli hound into shrovem, The grass years 5mm Mr, Burk ulso nm‘ollmltDleS Alter Fait from Hay Mow v. tr; mum-l with a snylliv and raked grin-mum ttto statos ot' Indiana and; HAMHiroN. Iniuz'ivs sutiered l.) hand. A flail was nle for lhrash- ’Ohin. The building of xlw "Ill Grand when he fell 12 rent from a hay mow. in: and Mr Bock m-ll rs‘nimnbm's Trunk Railway at l'vlnrslvur: and 'ylrecentl.v. Nannie-l in the death of the ptwehasins: ofthrmfirst small lun- tho (RR at Ayr slum an! --l-~-xv|y.WI1nam Downs, 73-yr~arnld Grimshy “mm-d tt1roslting mm: Thorn Wr're in Mr. Boeks' memory. trainer. in hospital here. vnry few implnmmmz in those ilaysI In 1900 they moved from the lsmlii Downs was assisting a neighbor Jun (Tops werv fairly stood hora-us!“ H‘mnium-vl rm l'iicvs c, No, 1) “hull thrs :n'vidvm nunrrwl. l Hydrueleclrlc pore: will be trough! to an estimated 12.900 and» The woman: “will â€H.301†In â€shun; the 1m Inlnuulv pan-Lula epidemic (Mario's minded debt named 81,709,303? to I totat ot 8915.“;- 38513. The gross debt Increased 825,321,919 Te, largely due to expend) é Hues tor highway (-onutruclion l on! cumumeru In 1938 by reducing Iron three to two the number ot unobser- per mile where new pri- mary Iineu are construrted, (By Chronicle Corresporsderttt NEW DUNDEE. March 21 --Sixty- ruur years ago on March 21m. 1S74. two well-known I'vsidenls of this community in the poisons of Miss Caroline Krupp. daughter of the late Air, and Mrs. Isaac Krupp and Mr. Moses Book, sun of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Burk. were joined in me D-nmls of holy mulrinmny at Preston. but. by the Rev. Wuster. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Bock. at 85 Years. Retain Remarkable Memories-Many Changes from Candle and Spinning Age of Early Fifties and To-day.---; Implements on Farm with Work Nearly All Done by Hand. MR. ROCK HELPED ERECT BETHEL CHURCH IN 1878; CHORIS’I‘ER FOR 25 YEARS NEW DUNDEE. March 21 -sixty-; Mrs Bock who was harm and full!’ years ago on March 21m. 157i.!ralsed on the tarm now known as the two well-known rosidams of lhfslold Baer homestead on the Huron community in the â€PI'WXIS of MissiRoud. recalls Rimming wool to have Caroline Krupp. daughter of the late idyvd and made into clothing for the Air, and Mrs. Isaac Krupp and Mr. lrimurs us(-. She also Spun flax and Moses Book, sun of the late Mr. and "no of her grpal pleasures down Mrs, John Burk. were joined in me ‘through the years was the making of "(UNIS of holy Inulrinmny at Preston. GiiEr Mrs. Bork amended when] in Ont. by the Rev. Wuster. Jlosotrank and Mr. Bock at tho Hail- Mr and Mrs Hock have lived to mais settooi in thsstlays “'10" it 1vllri_ "xperieruar many ch.amres, in TFroiss (uslomary tor pupils to nlanll nmi'. "dvromrttoat [ho par" three More and they were 12 years of nm- and "ttsn" tour year. tram the days of candies, ritat only in the Winn†moutlts winning and primitive methods of Mr. and Mrs. Bock hun- hm-n nn-nr (:.rming In ma prrsstsnt age ot New Tilers or the Mennonite Church in this trinity and modern conveuivnces. At Irummnnity for ovor 60 years. Mr. hi. 31er of ago both Mr. and Mtjriock helped to build the old Bothel Bork am enjoying rairly good health Church in 1878 whore he served as "'thotmh Mrs. Boek"s eyesight is 'de/il,',','?:",',',' for morn than 25 years, as good as in former years. They Later they worshipped at this new have remarkably mind memories and’chnrrh in the villages which was take a keen mines! in talking of the wound in 192], Thrir mod" of trawl .arly days, Mr. "(lrli recalls helpinz lin the early days was an open buzz." his father as a troy on the old home land in 1916 Mr. Bork pun hast-d his stead which is now owned by Mr. W 'first var. Ideaves great pleasure playing ieith \his crib. “Mei-Mei" was brought to 'American as I companion for “Su- jun", the first Panda brought to 'America by Mrs. Harkness. FUNNY LITTLE "MEI MEI" "Mei-Mei", the second Gian Panda which Mrs. Ruth Harlin recently brought to Chicago om the wilds In Asia. has t5 dily 'yfnpteti. himself to _civiljrlion. '.utumiiv I curious little “How, he derives great pleasure playing with of the newness of the land l Nothing abnormal in the be- haviour of the Grand River resulted from the ice jam in the Fergus diss- trict today. Although water levels lwere considerably higher, they re- ‘mained within bounds. and at same (points the river Wat err-n lower that lit had been during last week's heavy :rains, On Sunday wows of motor, (tsts, including many from Waterloo ldistriet, visited Fergus and were greatly impressed by the huge ice ‘jam which in liable to break any ltime. wnh good lube: and aim greeting: extended try represent..- mveu at u taree number ot um Club. throughout Ontario, who u- tended. the newly [armed Witch Lum- ware presented with M otncat “on; Luca-national club ter, hid-y nun Pronuncia- was made to President Herb Senna by District Governor H, W. Harm. a: a bamuet in St. John‘s â€than Church parish in“ with upwanil of 130 in attendance A cttaracterhtic uote of friendli- ness and good fellowshlv pervaded n..- entire lengthy program which wm-lnded with a community Bing and short entertainment. Ouuide Club any.“ Large representations wore intro duced by Distrtct Deputy Kenneth Waters, in attendance from Nut-r. Falls. (ML, and NY, Kitchener. Sinnllor . Gait, Dundas St. CnthAr- mes elland, Spalonh. Hinton. Mi hell and Brantford. / In short addresses. presidents of Matting Lions and service club, "hich K.v\\' Y's Men's Club. K-W. Rotary Club. K .w Kiwanis and Mr terloo Young Men's Club, replied to greetings trom Mayor Wes. Me- Karate. Ending. From Mayor Menu-lo Commanding the excellent walk of the Young Men's Club, only low nor- [ lt‘antlnuod on M4, Nit. " Addresses and Presentations at Lion Club Meet New MAYOR new AND VISITORS EXT-ND CONGRATULATIONS Huge ke Jam at Fergus Attracts - Many 1usails Tons of lee Floes Fail to Dire lodge Jam.--Fhsod May Result. FERGUS. March 21. -. Several thousand persons on Sunday and Monday lined the banks of the Grand River here or drove by in can to see the huge ice jam which is estimated to contain several mil- lion tons of ice. resin the elements and refuse to move even after large quantities of ice from farther up- stream had struck it. At New Hamburg the Nith River is causing no anxiety. for despite heavy rainfall the river has not reached flood level. In a few places along the lower banks the water has overflowed into the flats but this is and to he a usual occurrence. r WW Club Row Charter u Bisque! on Friday Night. Tannin! and '7!th hicc2C-h