'Ci7i"i'ii'"iii"i""ri'r', I W ate. IIml ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttum Waterloo Wins Fourteen in Row KITt‘Hl-J\HR Buter'oo Tiger. unwed 1hr r Hm 31mm†“Hum ot lb. arm n here “w“ they drY'rJVL‘l Hill ' time 75 The lung I s'tMttGttmttttttmtmttittttttttttmt$MtR'-. i " Kin. St. s. - Phonic 5045 i A WATERLOO g annitutmttuummttmtu.autnumu" Mm to Jreersil c-i-c,,,.:"),') _ H ")flii eereter, Open Evenioes Quality Lft.0etentveck RIGHT NOW is ht lime We have an unusually wide xeleclion of tine Used Cars. We must more our stock. tbat's why you will lind bargains light "o" at C", ONTARIO ST. tl., Kitchener. 1935 Ford Coach _ v-. _ $450 1937 Studebaker Sedan .. _ . . $900 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan _ FF _.. Fr.. CrPt crrtetr8FP-ettr tres 1935 Chevrolet Master Coach _ l rr V . _ $525 1932 Chevrolet Sedan T (te- l . l -, _r___ "t ... tazs l930 Old~nmbnle Sedan T-. TN V, Trr) $215 1936 Bunk Srdan (rrrFt .‘ l.. _.. "e- Trr .. $925 ly37 Frrraplarse Sedan vr» r (_rP"Nr_r .rrrr_. $735 Save On These Used Cars CLOTHES (At Master's Milly The White Rose Stalk-ll tAttreux a View“; tita.t 600 Queen S. I88 King st. N., The Bengal Stations in Kitchener 19t King E. r, YEAR Cl AttANTFT', on All Models IAcrou from Ford Gangs) KITCHENER AUTO EXCHANGE 135 .King , Crit r15 n here \lwnauy “will Bttegt drfruul Hull Ter let's m aver- Tir The his: twinned all mt THIS MEANS \or ARF, MAKING A mum: sum; ON THESE I937 MODELS. Conte in immediately and let us show you where you can Low Down Payment “ain't Outfitter Ford Coach Studebaker Sedan .. Oidsmobiie Sedan _ FFF___ Chevrolet Master Coach Chevrolet Sedan T _ Trt, Old-snuobnle Sedan . . ' Bunk Sedan 'rr __ .. Terraplanr Sedan VrV -__ ot Many Others - Come In nad Sec. Al! C. 43 Ontario St. S.. Kitchener FRED WESSON Phone 3679 KITCHENER To Save from 20% to 25% on a new " \l.'r The curtain on the juulon 1) " A 5915“" was rurlrd down Wed- Lvmlu - uheu the Terrier Pups " "lated the Kitcltener Greentstttrts Stun Bruwu. a " year-old lad in the Galt goal was the man or the k IMP Appn-tmlwn ot the, lupporl or Wav (rt on sport (and m with; wulble lhr W avlulliun ut u bug to purer _ Babb) tuner ot the Boston Bruins __ the annal Monkey League at Use†game In Toronto Saturday “Ham um: expwssed before council Munch-y night by Mayor McKerisie. Hm “walnp tttads the yresenlJUOn Ovtuevu periods ot the game at Ma- tu- Lear Garden-t Aid Brtl! exp'alued that the 125 “Mm sen-urea by Mayor McKersle [minded 25 can" extra numb urn! lr was the calls or the presentation tgift Calt Juniors Beat Kitchener “manual poaaibiltty Turtlen u: mnkm; I mayo. They uaade " named!) Inmat- Ing tor 'ruteris, who nun-trad the mum ll In: KI until only " locum]. st regulumu lime remaining WI' ' rl..u puma] tttei' guano. Ed Tu‘hlr- 1.e dt tr,1 tue inummutc drtve and Lu: alum-z} pod Innuend- Waterloo Fans Paid For Gift to Hockey Graduate We ask you to bear in mind that l938 Madel- A F"0RT'UNAT'F,' PURCHASE ON A LIMITED QUANTITY OF 1937 MODELS OF KELVINATORS AT l SPECIAL PRICE ENABLES us TO MAKE . THIS SPECIAL OFFER. lltliillylll)ltlliT0l8 afumcfnn at We Pass hr Saving h To You! to list approximately l0", higher than $35.00 to $60.00 KITCHENER Phone 2664 ttad Kitchener Beaten 'OI, By Toronto in a If: Senior (LILA. Came Thr. district group winners will ‘lllL'l' the playdowms at Toronto on thrlxzu‘y "2.N when the winners of the 8: run opho district groups will com- ..w toy ‘hn British Cor-sols trophy. I.itNlrttN I-‘uh. latiThe right [0 .1. war Vim tirs,trict in the British t 1lsts "l, trijitipeiitiort at To- l lilrr “-le m them anlnn Curling ' sh \ tuuk skimu-d by Gar Ramon. ""' " Hun d Tsun Pratt's Plattg- l l ||ll mo: in the Iiuul game tr'ayed " Hr Lawton ('Iuhs nuk Wedneir an lll‘;:‘ll In} thte semen! 11-7. " ..- “WIMP" nua.ttied tor the Mah, art :1 ‘w d It‘llt’d J. B. Engl.sh‘s i'.,Tisy, in ||»l.l.1(‘l on an extra end x" ils. will) Innis The Londoners Alli?†all (an); hull and hold it Ill " My 111!) Ind. alum lln- \'.silors Ir} tl. awn. Tho local quartet r .m 1m} tht. ugh: IO continue to the lilull who “my finished two shots up on th,. oum end. Tow PratCs Plattsrilltr quartet, _ mhed the ftnals by eIIminallng; l wk t' Wiisoa's London Curling t' uh 23:21; by the srore ot 10-3 in the s', allirl'IIIJZS. iit the preliminary games Gar Red- .imz‘s Landau-rs duueated A. E. Ech- Ili'.‘ (lull curlers by the score ot " 'ot I and J. B. English won froml Armin Wright's Ontario Hospital um let by the score ot 1341. I Plattsville Inst To London Rink IILI Pray was featured by some new Jnuna: goal lendlng on the part o' [winner u the speedier, well- “mum: Turomo team outplayed mnmhma " minutes In a time. In "mung them Insidi- their own blue I'-utto-taial. Mchouen. db s'rurt_ lsumnan and Draper; centre. IhlulL Mug; Men and Primeau. wt» snudme, Robinson. Jennings, limb- and Whittaker and: by “on In: and Shun, the mmm gun: Tomato a 2-1 working 11mgâ€: In a itectic thr" period Lang "it 0.111 tor Uneeunhlru on a on" Lulu threnbach late in the Iesulon. Lang muted tur the ureeushuu In [Mr that period and Schmidt clicked any tn the third to completg, the km Itener total a 62 bum-5 m the local. In! home mum-Hunt†ot the tensor Ontario but.†Auwm1wu scttoduio. II mu nun close alt the In}, with l., 'htuuett, pulling three tgoals m Iii "st puma to one by tbe Green Mun! titTh MENDK‘ Feb. 10 ---Torogtto wwwexed the†Iueep at [be an“ mimuat Kmncuvr here Weduanday t, mu wtteu ttstty handed Green-mn- K l h I)!!! Pi B. English Loses Trophy Curling Competition to Former Kitchener Skip. [(‘htlll'r "M [I M, . A Stat: Jackson Hannah-n Goal Summary pun-d Tun-unto. 4.11, Tor- '- Ilium»: I. 13.33., Kitchetr IthmnlxnhI. I? 2" PHI- ‘unuu and Srhlnidl pr u-d Toronto, Rubiusoll. nil) Primeatt, pun-ll -K'.u~lqu-1 Schmidt rkl THU, Toronto, Heron It. Tun-um. Ho-rnn Hie!“ HIIIHU Rubinsun Ultimo-H Hm Jtutuiutits 1t'C '00:“. uahmer; defence and Schmidt; centre. Fem mums Inner and Lang; new: Sclmnrr H Kuntz um llunhwuk 1937 are clpecled Very Easy Terms 1 2950 H4 M 0 D E L S From Prawn 430:“, N tttutacoartre. do nmce Helen sault, Norm Hlpel; unite, Mum Schmuck. wings. ll- ne Bielulmn, Gladys Pitcher; Saba. Ilelul Schmuck, Violet Hall, Alice Williams. Ruth Darsel. Stratford-- L. R153. defence. Mary Haring Jean Sllrllng‘, centre. Tools Clarke, mugs 01m Alton. Wary \lvuune. Sum, Marjorle Gray. Mary McDoa'd, Sylvia Ptddy, "elen "asts Ruth Leney Referee "lee. OSHAWA trshawo detailed Kn ' onwl' Unvnslliuls TU here Monday null! In ttrum mm d second-place Inm- with Port l'olburnr Sailors In human "trckey Association senior '."\ 4")le standing I tfrttArFottu, Feb Ill Prawn ttreuttrttem vacuum: queens at etrla' “ml-e) added Another am to tttttir hm; sum; ot “Home: when they Branded summon! Ann " in an l. o " A gnaw new Wednendly “ugh! This At“ sol than [to goals tefore the Run was tuned cucu- nu; and here leading an the and ot ttttt rtrtst penod, bl Prawn came but all!) mu goal; In me lecond. uud added lh'o more III the lhlrt I'm Schmuck “New, Helcn Ind Mann did all ttte nearing tor the quleuea Helen uconsd than: of Preston's tire goth. and Hum Bot rm other two, Toou Clark And Syl- btit Fun†were the goalieuern tor the Acâ€. Pipe. "Where Sportsmen Meet" 50 King St. S. - Waggrloo F; tis'v Pho.o "" " Out-do St. S. KITCHENER Champions Extended to Score 5-2 Victury Tuesday Night Preston Girls Meat Stratford to 32300 Charon†THE HUB K ITCHENER LOSES ro o R DON S ooo LASSES Phone 4 2 8 0 sa ve, Bicycles Don E.htr Motoreyeles and C.C.M. huh-w Oreo Eve-I... rnJu un- Tobacco. Cignn srtatmi "Tlv-m " nn (huh! ahnul " .. "Thorr, arts thvnn $4 "00.000 and 3.1000 000 in Prizrs 0â€th tor a ran- trn rum“ ho unit! T-~:n'v m :1"an an 1ntormatiortat rumor (Winnings ho sugavslod Dr ( Urn mum luwk on his rolurn and} new thr, hul‘lil's of Ihr. laboratory.’ “hm!- he could “who his own test!“ ur.~twr "our 'suprwv'raiort". but "he has! wa‘Ihs-r cums nnr wriltr-n since thu' the." the letter said. I A Crtter from Dr, W B. Hendry' tt', thrs ['nlrorsxw of Toronto wall “ml hv [1? thln which said m ef-l r, r! thur Dr Hu‘nrlry had ofrored a rm» or won‘t! gynnrrnlr-giral (air mr which hurl nwt hum {round to Mr Hott with thr. nnfy stipulation, iwlm: that it rrrtrain tndp.- his otr" <-"\'.1‘im| Em ihw fiti,al opinion rar‘ carding the miun of (hu maximum ttrr? Hm t;ttru St.tc le "rripted l II‘ ftrvtt ' 'ttt 1w pruvmlnd by pat- ruin: tho :rwalmnm Dr Noble emf lr :rnrwl. .mrl “hon aakvrl it Dr Hen} “on!!! not tho Kuhn] pmâ€! in the; rum! ot Ma ftrrdirre a mnrnr cure.’ -vn'iort for ‘hr carding rho valur an! tho t;ftru tt.Fs' [r Hun l m M " 1tatttine's Intwr Jules! that mum: to tho Cart that ho had In n'lmlwr of Nunâ€! to tlamr-nm‘ly humans .. Ontario Medical u: C"anadian {ands an which the Ame- .»-m in 1927 mw-r 1933-, On classes I 1';le “riff was :‘mlm‘ml by the trea- ly, l“:nnl.i'- nun-HS iucroasod 30.3 I"'l' Cu 51! mmnmn-m .91.] an any"? trade , _ ;".1;,u.m um: [u 191'L Ths. mr'hl's export trade i'.usrrvsml S13 pm (EDI. while Cam trits t"ctde inrz‘msm] 22 per cent, Mr. Huh-r slum. Ac a result of the CtttartiumAnsrvira" trade treaty. Comadaus “sports: invru-nsod " pm tuotttntued trom Page As " ycsuy in: [Hulda-'2 In "lerc. rim ciu-., :I‘HWIXL‘ IVitu" suit C nu SI! mmnu-u _ F'HTMMII um Mr, Enlm- Hum ttttmed to a discus- s'on of ne'eotiations for a new can. adian-American trade treaty. He said Mr. Denna†was attempting to ino- culale the people of Canada with a bar their interests were to be Meri- ticed by tho Gnrvrnmvnl. He said Cris {an an the part of the people urs nothing nmr hut it had no basis in fact. Exports of Welsh coal had drop. )mi 3mm") tom. Mr. Euler said. But the reason was nnt a Canadian anion. it was hr-rmso ocean freight r-n-s inttyysol and because them was a hir, dvmzmd from continental coumrlrs for Welsh rod. "One of the chivr reasons why we Inlvn had a rnrmainn is Just that of N frur." Mr. link-r said. In Fourth Position As u ycsult of ths, policy of push- iltu t'nut:lu's plum-Vs into wor'd It' mm», timid: z. rztitrrut fourth W cic:, it'tPt.'iu Hmllu: uarioms. Mr. ljnmr mil C.rnasr, hull n total trado _"., C.', "mum. mto .31.] an yum" trade position ii", ul! thr, other. leading otui'.tr'iss. Bu] tiuv was no Irade (“My wirh Hussiq "nd yet Russia vulumvpn-d to Unix its exports of anthrm-ih- to Caitada to 200 000 tons a yin: Shipments never had gone that high in any your since then. Euler Says [human-IL» Americans t'otiti ml NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING Internatuonal Secnon can 6 Runny)†3 Girls League Ptrstou ' Shanon! t (gm/ms ti, Truman 5 Intel-mann- "A" I. union ti. Woodstock 3 Intermediate 3 Sumlrldxn- h, Huntsville 7 Jumor A mammal-u "B" Elma 5 Guelph OAC' l Glcuum ' Slnlmoy 4. Iluuuvllh: 6 Huger-Hue b Pt-lc-‘xlnuu 3 Cubuurg ' (i‘mlxrlulu 3, Brampton t Jamar "A" O.t9.A. summon] 2, Gull l, Jumoc "B" o H.A. Bunllmd li, Landon 3 Stratford 13, New Hamburg: I) Sum-or tt, Wulerlonl 2, Palmensluu S, Elmira t Brandon! 5 Hagersvnlle 2 Harrie 4 Prnruug 2 Kingston te, Queens a Pun Hope 7 Cubourg ' WEDNESDAYS “ORE! nachagan-Ontarto Wlmhul‘ 7, Muskegon 1 Senior "A" o.K t. Tmonlu ti, Kllchener 2 Senior "B" HONDA?! SCORE. - 0.".A. Unnam- 7 lineman“ tt Con-or I Demon ir, Bul‘evlue I. Slap“; Fall» 15, Grimsby I. tit rum-Ime- 6, Pt, Calhoun ' Inurmodiah A “ah-H00 7 um ii, run mutual 3, Msduad l imwd trim Page 1) Russi; Ity Montreal at Rangers; an ..1 “mum; Toronto at Chi luis-tit-ans ut Dell-0h Offered Facilities tioy lLulm' ' itt Toronto tttire with tumors and ex, him that can-pr was tuw thr sum» in animals as Junior "A" 011A Amencan Gull " rs 7 tCt " 25 h Ill 5 70 94 2t Rama-rs c" Montreal. Ghey SI Sulfurd IS " 11 " 7 HI I: I Sect-on It 7 ltr.", h " 7 til I IN " " tCt 25 " M 22 " " 70 ll 41 t 58 90 94 " " tc?. " " 20 IANY DAY A FISH oar " "' 412 Friends of Mr, M William St. Many common ailments can he cured In chiropractic treatments . . . neuralgia . . . arthritis . . . headaches . . . backaches, etc. . . . can be relieved through scien- tific adjustment of the human frame. ST. CLEMENTS Kitehener's Big Family Store --Dueontia""d â€new: going um. at 3115 a. room lot. Also . clear-nee of paper. with only one, two and three mum quantities to I pattern, " and 80 inch width; Suuwurlhy qualms», roducod to half price 3nd I.- than half pncr, In follows 10 rolb Wall - " yds Border Enough for room up to " x12 I 8 ft. . Even if that dauntless fisherman didn't hem All} luck, today. be can have fish for supper and he will like it! Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish for you no mute: how fl: you are from open warm You anchooae from such Dried Push As Cat Haddock Hake, Cusk. and Pollock, and such Pickled PM. FN Herring. Mackerel and Alewives and (NET) one of them can be served in may. different ways Ehjoy this food in your home You can get Dried m Pickled Canadian Fish with all its goodness rctarnttl lot your enjoyment, Ask your dealer Yul: mil find it veg eeonomim1, too. Valentine De Luxe Goudies WALLPAPER ROOM LOTS At It): roll - Reg. to 25e. Eighteen patterns. At 12Yre roll - Reg. to 30e. Nine patterns. At 15: roll - Reg. In Me. Fourteen pattern i tthvrrl I-H'~I Clemens Esbansh through illness. E. G. FRY VIII?! [OI FREE BOOKLE' CHIROPRACTOR _""--" __..__ u ,0... WFT8" -. “Ir nun-rm A. Day . no. I), . (Mr-mm: mo 4"..th m min] Fun Inâ€. D-em-" M “no"- .4“va tsaiéirsiriaifi " WATERLOO tEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. 1.ttf E yum Ure " tpr' Rankin, ., Strand Flow “ill u, "mimmtrmmtTmrruttuotnmottt-titittt $1. lt an: III.“ he is sun an» a: St Clements Phone 76ttw Telephone 950 384 Q