"District Markets - Want Ads do 37 atvre 315 to 1 do 36 aware Mtht to ', Quantum)†To - 1"“. Butters-- Q mun (Inna. No I uh to I do " Icon: 33% to l do " some 7. . "h to Guanine!“ ho [grade _ _ " FORONTO LIVESTOCK RECEIPTU The folio-mg Am the hue-wet re- celpu over the weqh-egttt u an Lawn stock Yards. to be ousted In Honda)“. â€th, (mm- _ - MM) valves 188 Hogs 1.053 Sheep and lambs 589 l‘munm unityâ€, Welt, 'taolrut, hogs - v -N._--e_ w- -e_--_ -__ V -e [lr mum. " " and $1: in lob. on Sat- ---_---.---_ . {N “may For Mondars delivery the) Butter 3t Cents and Chickens tre -- a u s:'.'. - , - mo "'2) Tll'. 11Ce,'. MI...“ “an“. Mt 25 Cents-potatoes Cu I nous QUOTED F.O.B. MOVE Dowzw'Akn Thu pus! week's buying started " u ahuul is " with somr hogs hung In: " 7n) burr Ah raslrr helm; db nhqwa aid around. Winnipeg wading thrs ~A|h>rl|llkltl pm» redurtiou with ' {m I" l 'urtttdretiwetrtti1 drop, about Titurroi.ts “Huh ct, New slam that a 1mm†unwv ot uppruximawly 25c " .Kllulod in Montreal. Th. tierlttse "l ho: putts is not annhvd lo the recon! wwknesn in Battle units, hug pr"'e movements being ruled more try Old Country marks-H The mule! mt rattle In Prion Plain: Mammy of bacon hog market.- re- ported (MW prices Salnrdty. De ohms as high as 35c came out at Hull Imbamr, London, Stratum! and Pe- arborough, Livesseighur--Huii 3850, London, 18.10; Chadian. " 25; Pele: borough, (8,40; Student $8.10. Dressed weu1sts-Hull. $11155; Kitchener, $10.80. London 810.80; Chnlham tlt 25: Peta-borough C11 or. Strattord, 810.80. POULTRY AND EGGS Buying Prim Dealers are quoting producers tor unguided eggs. delivered cases re- turned: Ee-- Grade A large T _ " Grade A medium _ Nrt (t ..er_trr_ " Pallets t-_m.NttF_.e"'t.'r" Nr' . twer-ee-r'""'. " Grade B PPV-iv _. .rNrrr. H .rrrNFrC_ irreW'Pit " Grade C .. .FrF- .rN NrrtN " we._._'e't.' " Dealers are quoted on graded asâ€. use: tree: Grade A large . _ re tFeV.r. 23 C'ade A medium V . Fr. _..'..' " Pallets .7 wr-e -v.rr__r_ _ __.. tr.r.emtt_. u IVadoB,, . .rrrrrrr'r'". " Irrad" I' .. V . _ __t_.._q. " TORONTO GRAIN PR|CES ToRON'69.--6ratn quotations Sat, urday, carious, delivered Ontario points all rail: _ . A -., n 1...!- ‘11. "'ir"iihririTieat---No. t, 163%: No. s. 154%; No. 3, 136%; No 2 durum. Ie89i. a --- - oater--No. 2 CW, 69; No. 8 CW. 01%; No. I read. 51%. Bar!or-No. 3 CW, 71%. No. 1 feed screenings $26 per ton. No. 2 feed screenings $26 per ton A D. corn 9b96. ton. Ontario country points: Ontario when, 38400. Ontario teed oats, 4345. Ontario making mrloy. 77-10. Ontario teed barter, 0254. Ontario rye. Tb80. Ontario buckwheat. 66-611 Natural corn. 70-7), TORONTO DADRV PRODUCE 31 GRAY COACH LINES TIME TABLE I U IUI‘UI‘ I v - v o 6.60 mm. 2.65 p.m. 11.10 1.11:. 8.20 run. 8.06 mm. 5.26 pm. 8.30 p.m. b 10.20 on. 11.05 mm. 7.55 mm. "-DaB. - an. I Mot.; b--thrrc l Rot. only. Conch connections at Toronto for North Bay, Ottawa. Montreal and Intermediate points. Ticket- out] Irsrormation " FRED WESSON - Phone 3679, Kitchener TO TORONTO 3th to (I) 33% to 00 LEAVE KITCHENER (In-un- sun-:4 Tuser Aau‘ng‘ Fa HI , with 2|â€:th about u ' will! that a " a " 25c " l' tr "h V‘um L'?. Is not a [mum es: in - ' A 1 ments lit 3m " 33" 8tre 30% Link Chat. ()0. . Woo. A----- Ii. Tar-on d Tani-IL Top Price for Eggs , N Cents at Market Waterloo Market Prices Hold Firm Tuululoll In lute umber: Ind [Ulla datum: in soc-nu; their neck I LIN!) supply at tho Wuerloa market an Batu)!†“INDOOR “are was a choice otreeUg ot balm. cc;- mid (OIL the top prices bell; Mc 28 And .t.U respecuve‘g. R. m _ m‘--ndm, m, Kilrhruer l w't.sttturl an SuHLlld} â€in-Hui ludd: '. u ' vnd u', A tesult 1' Mmk much Inn]? 1 t' 't many \hr 11m Ive the tuarket, . l' [r"tt mm mm atttl egg: priced t weâ€. :2 v. Ii‘M' a tiuzr-r. butter at Mc l a (Mum mu was.†tf from :0 to - ' A potttul "ht‘rzt. unld. trout 18 (it 3m " Winn-1 InuLMm a! Hr old, l It-est, :fu I Vegetable: wen» plentiful and po- t “(on werr' mired at 6.3" a bag Car- ma.» parsnip: and heel; sold an lic " iraskrt mrnlps at three tor 10e, Ilnvl mm) at c, .md P" winter ra-' tlsltee, at three fo, in; catrbagK hunted trom 2 to St to 1% each. [ At Apple stalls? -Sp.vr were $135 a f hushml, Tallman Sweets at trom Tire t to $135 a bushel. seeks at $1.10W (awnings at $1.50. Golden Russet: at $150. Baldwins " so. Salomes nJ ‘ngs $1.50. Baldwins $125 and Mc-', Humshe: $L65. I At “was! stalls flvsll pork musings sold at 3iic a pound smoked pork ~ausage at '27c, ribs at 26 and 284:. ham 24 and 26c. Imam 260, jellied meal 2N, headcheese 16c. backbone hi and 1lit and lard 14c. Mr, Norman Erb 1mm Wellesley spent Friday with Mr and Mrs. Allan Gingerich. - I Miss Clolildo SchnoMor and mu lRose Moser visited on Wednesday I'g,'g.'"""' with Mr. and Mrs. 349mm Roth. 1urnia. Heme: from Baden spent some timo with his uncle. Mr, Menno Roo, -- emu-mum: with ()esch. Miss Rose Maser from Bamherg I: spending some time with her cousin, Miss (‘lulilde Schneider. Mrs. Menno Roth spent Tumay ;:"turnuun with Miss Maxim and Bar- ham Saltzman "riii.sTiirkrresmur, and Inmily are spending some time with Mrs. Mary Balm. - u _ Mrs. "Giirwast- spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Petrr P'yxtrifh. Miés Manama Mr-trr from Kltete pnor spent the weekend at her home here. - --- - "36.: Catherine Stellar from torloo spent the took-end at home here. _ - _ - _ '"irii,eaGiatiomct o- n». 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter “which, a daughter. M r JOSEPHSBURG and Mrs, Alvin Schwoltur Shimmy: Spam 1331 Sunday To LONDON sit. and Mrs. John fill 'A‘I'IILOO, (Ont-rig QHLQEILQE at her . Ann. I) Tot-onto Mr. Interesting Talk and The Mm“, and»; ot ' . . sues, UNI-tun humanly wu Picture. on Brazil, held on Thurmy mm the war . . . dam, Anon Human-n, pry-Hm; Mr African MISSION Trout-u of Toronto. on at a. Try 1 A qua-in! service new lurid at the ll‘qu-cl "ruins-u Church on Sunday t winâ€: under mo- anspices ot the Christian Endeavor Sammy. The Pre- ~~ulent _\Ir Clare llilhoru, presided. {and the song service was led Br Mr. .\\‘ sunmm' or Kitchen†with Miss il'earl Yates of Kitchener at the piano Mrs. F'. E. Page read the strip- tturs" h-sson the 1m. chapter of Igc- gtlvsmum, whirl! was [allowed by dur The rhnmle Is very hot as her lu‘~>l~-l| aléllillll 15 siluah‘d only about tart tlt'Crtis [mm thc Hulalor Miss Svhutlv- teaches Ill (hr girls school ytad also assists with medical work, 57th Anniversary Service. “puma. hy Mrs E Ginsu-rich. Mr, ‘Unk Bailey at Gall was ttte guest lgwukvr and delivered an inspiration- tol and appealing address on the sub- "ect. .. The Unanswerablv Question", 'l.ased on Heh. P.: 3. "How Shall We Illsulpc- it We SPglecl so Great Sal- vallon". The Bethany Ladies' Quar- lttt.rr, or Kitchener rendered splendid ,mlIsu-al numbers throughout the pro- “mm and tin- closing prayer was lam-rod by Rev. E. Gingerictt. This srmrvice wus held in observ- ant-e of Christian Endeavor week and the 57th anniversary or the I‘uumImg ot" this gram world-wide youth organization, The hirlhday of Cltvistiart Endeavur dates back to Fun 2. IRSI. when the first society was founded by Dr. Francis E. Clark in the parsonage of the Wllllston congregational church at Portland. Maine. The movement grew until it has spread into every country of the salon" and societies have been or- ganized in 80 evangelical demmlna- lions throughout the world. Bible sway. The M110. Young People‘s Society met at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. " bert Egerdee on Friday evening. The lvador, Mr. Eldon Shark conducted I Hum» Study on the subject, "Lessons For All or IN". and also rendered a vocal solo entitled. "Think On Thy Way". A vocal duet, "I Believe The Bib'o". was contributed by Eldon and Alvin Pinker. Lutheran Ladlu' Aid Meet. Mrs. M. K. Toman. president of the St. James Lutheran Ladies' Aid "rrupted the chair at thp February meeting which was held at the home ot' Mrs. A. B Barton last 'isredprs-i day "vonimr. Psalm 121 was read rem sponsivaly and the scripture lesson‘ was read by Mrs, FM. Hitstartner. Sow-mean memhers responded to the m†can with "A Scripture rsrse in which God Karo a Command". Mrs. Olin-r Zinn gave a reading entitled, "True Experiences in the Mission Fields In the Canadian North West". altnr which Mrs. Barton read Psalm M. The meeting was closed with tho Lord's Prayer and Doxolagy. Do- licious relreshments were then served try tho hostess. NEW DUNDEE mum. t$ocrertarte. ot no Provincial (Imam “Ho-nip oraaaumtht= (on t upland“ MHIGOI on a. ub- tect, "Alum" lib: lulu" All a uuulello cap-pond ot In.- M. Alice Ruin-n. Vuln- Buur and Jean Hum-nu cola-[baud A "a! number. “The Church by the 8813 or the W.‘ Ami-d Funeral. i' former I'e-ldenl ot um village, uttictt Wu held at Kitchener on m dag afternoon Rev, L, R, “phat, than†ot the local MBA? Church. ‘uududud the sauce and interment mu: made m the Rouevl‘lv Cemetery Ill, Eh Rusrnberger and Mrs Heir n. Ilmlur, .Alv‘ alslel'b n! the deceas A number trom here “landed the funeral o! the late Mr Bun Snyder I Int A " unwise party in honor of Mr and Mrs A. C Becker‘s 45m Mending anniversary: which was held . , rlieit {mum my Roseville last Tues- 1mg .Avo-Hllm 45 Years Wedded. Ni gm! an: M " Skyler, tlex “no bit, E Uitotertch and Mr. and M, , l \AIAEUD Hellman and [anally u.- Brantford Man is z Charged with Wife's Death in a Brawl Mt and Mrs Roy undue! of Kitch- t'Uel have taken up residence in the 'ils'uto- where Mr Gildner is bolus .mp5» ed m the Creamery u: H.ors Main or Blair called on IL Jul ttrt, Wuhan: (‘munllnz last “MALI-x) Paved To Village. Mtsy Isabel Matthews and Mr Ar- Luv Shvnnl at Kitchener called at the mane or Mrs. A Shard last \‘Cwllmdday McGinnes, of Brantford, was charged with the murder of his wife. whose bruised body, allegedly from blows or kicks, was found in bed at. her home early Saturday morning. McGinnes and James Hanley, also of Brnntford. were held on vamncy chlrges in connection with the woman's death, which Dr. E. R. FYankish reported after a post- mortem examirttrtion was caused by internal injuries. Hartley was released yesterday on $5,000 bail. Police were notified of the Tro.. man's death Saturday by Dr. A. D. Riddell, called to the house by Me, Ginnes, who wanted him to examine his wife. At the time police said they be- lieved a drinking party had been held at the KcGinnes' home before the woman's death. Australia has compulsory voting. and in the recent lecuon there " per mu or the available ballots were Lust, and every candidate didn‘t late to sud can oat to “to the Totem to the you. o_M-6eee Its Time View 6ns---N. Rhythm“: A]. 6a.--r-eert In!" 'A5--Bitide Echoes 7 oo-ANd Time Enurhinon 7 "--o. Parade T.89--Hmrm- “all 7.454-anher arnd Did gANr--6ombeim Old Time 8-89---4Tospet Inhale- h "-Yomear Tucker 1: oo-ro be Announced 2 "--ogtener Upper 7A6-Morning Devotions 8AMr--0otrrrie Ind Wee Willie a 's-Norm'" Bullelin Baud 9.1t0---Morrtit" Fantasies 9 MAD-ace III-lo 9 "--Band Sand lo "--Pi-, Cavern 10.trr--Momenu of Metodr "i--Bimr Ora-by tco-The Cid. BRANTF'OR0, Feb. 7. -Eldon TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ' RADIO PROGRAMS CKCR - Kitchener-Waterloo , FOR SALE KR. l, Waterloo. Bumme- were plentiful “A than; mu slow on the Tom!» mm nun unclaimed. Prlnoo In.“ D... lonnunu. tm: to 00¢ not - - lot but, New Bun-um " to In; Oman-nun 1,4510%â€... Wtce. to the Include {rule it. 10 to IU. per In; higher li‘e “Mum-k lair, said he he- of the trials and tribal-non: ot mull; lace: and just what should be ex- ptsted of a secretary, But Intends» Mott had Shawn that in the majority of rams where societies were not '- mnug the†existence the trouble mum be traced to Incompetent leo- rename: May Cut Off (Outlined no. no " " my; {all [ma geumall)‘ ttttd I†secretaries, who made no “on to at- tout dislnu mnlcrencea or runwen- (Ions aud would not llslen to cull- ing or advice. the minister continued. Pullm- and potty community hick mugs should be kept out ot the elec- Mr. Dewan said he Ind mount Inquest: tor special grams trom . tew societies in financial d"'""""°4. tn some was the no“). was“ I'vcal smte and there certainly would be no humans. be said. The minister assured prone-sin loch lies ot uvery help and consideration and paid tribute to the tsaerNery of Mum and energy made by the want lmajorny or agricultural society all- ‘mrs mourn] directors anit appointment of 't t-t'etarttt6. He said some Mir directors am ently had overlooked a clause In the act which sated a society porn-mung attractions or features not numeral "a.'. the department "shalt tor-felt nil (aim to any legislative grunt during the hell ensulug year." Mr. Dewul. unloved atteactlotts at many nun. and “all: part ot the net will be rb gldly enforced in the ttttarm." “As the you: pun, let us try more and more to make our mm of Att agrieuhtartst nature." Ir. Down col- eluded. “Afr-lure We cow, bay-u. old; uEt)on I°._200;_uu " no! A German scientist. in the United States for 35 yin. announce. that newsprint and synthetic cotto- an be made trom atraw tend other VIII. farm products wt, hope Hitler and Inuollll m duly impressed with the claims undo by Canadim speakers that "all country. by u: expendituro ot 836 million. In becoming In med any. The tune ot Louis - VII called In Sudbury police court. Ind. when he didn't respond. a summons was issued. Two days later the no- llco lound that they had been hom- ing him In jail unlung trink tmitth-qnt 3:, he did. Smoking. drlnklng. and ten dollars. Bow1mr-"Did the neckline not. you give up anything? 're-s" I’ll-AM! "as-co' Sing; ".8tr--P-ts Form- "AF-But" Hon: ".tMt--i"tetseon Dunc: III-k "n6---sttmrt Hnmhlin "iStock qootnttotsn l2.l5~l.uncheon Inn-k: 1Abtt-rr"erotiortn' New. TA6-inee Tunes I ttr-Tet, Time Tunes t.45-Cln~niru BrM--Ntork quotations bJHa'GIy Club 5.S9--0omrt tos-Dinner Music l l.00-Mu~irn| New"! 6.t6--Thiq Rhythmic Age 6 80--Colleee Days 6A's--Fa'ventide Edwa- T.00~‘Old Time Enteruinq‘. {IL-0n Parade 7,"--Hnrmonr Inn 7Atr--Mother Ind DI. ttmr-Five Tenn: b81r---FrF Vida" 9.9tF-'ro be unwound. POT ATOII AT ‘I’OROITO Ti