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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Feb 1938, p. 2

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Thai-whom Incl- 00.11...” u-t-ndb m. b a. bur-u at m Tow. a Int-bu and Int-in Gun-u. " - vwmwmu-gmum. “Mun-1 TDD-I'm- mu 3 Jana-What 2:oiC2 a-aadq"tartoo (.(A I "teel so many peopln who are tot- wrr unuplaluiux The world owes them a hung or somebody of their acquainmnco trwtM5 them some money __ or thvy urn tUtdinit fault with the tact thot Ill-a wete horn “Did I ask to lw hmu!‘ thvy (-xllaun, 1m- l‘mluail} and dummirallg Surh "mum‘s le,axe um may told and balm-4| To cur, " Sven]: such a prtvilscrr pm In haw: bcett born l mu upmw wax» or thc love and sap um. , m, a mulhm and father I huse 11mm [mun-d upun hunger (and I lun- human ll aplrmn losses, dis- uppnzmm-ML trettuoais at Irieudship. and tlrsurrrti mummy; as anything but Human (mining and disci- plinr I‘m Hut-Rial tln' than all. I could “an wruc a. book about Mun I hau- mum-d in life, um- could I happily tualie a llsl of the (lungs Mal I have wanted ur hoped to gain -and Inland. but I umld wrimu very bite hunk JhUlll all that t mu Yhnnk- tut tor Por insunr». l ulll glml titat I was not hum run. “or that I had In de, pend mum others for my inhiauve. I am thankful for heal": and tor weal love of books. the good grand ' Earth. massed with endless beauties. “hirh lhrills mo again and again. I am thankful tor an early knowledge _ A but I:.. "c'iTaiiriuTricu n 'tir Why Not Be Thankful? privih dr' ;om any“ I Jim , u' han- ll~'\‘ I have lo d1»pu'.nun and HUM but nhu: puma I't PAGE TWO I am thankful that I haw never Lemme humus enough tor adser- “UV-1 to hound me to endorse. for wouey. their channels, or satety ra- zurs. or pins-none of which I “to anyway. The only endirsements I ever 'river-and then treely--are than? attached to people whom I know. and book. which I have read and loved. Perhaps I am most thankful for the opportunities gin-l me for boosting mhors and adding to their happiness. Not always has it been appreciated, hm thot doesn't matter. Whpnever a good deed is enacted. at that mo- ment the reward is returned. (If God. Jiarsizat by {I aimpIe ing mother and tuber. I am thankful that I have always had to work. plan, struggle. and war- rv (“mush I know that the latter is foolish.) I hare learned that the se crest at genuine happiness Hes in he- inz thankful tor everything. and In dvterm‘ninz to make the has! ot the worst of any situation in llte. Recovers Sight of (, ',. Eye After 14 Years of Blindness sTRAT6NtD.--The sizht of an eye which had been Hum tor the past is years name back to Charle- Dr"rto a few days ago hv what he (:swm-ihod as “simply a miracle." "The other night I rubbed my good eye and I found I could see with the ("her one." ho said. "Yet doctors havo to'd me several times during tho past 18 years I would never see with it again." "Mr-ire his handicap of the loss of sight of on" eye when only " years old, Mr. Drane has been a steady worker since. Even in the rocvnt dt-pressinn years, he has he”: in Kitchener. Owen Sound and other -, a”, --a A. 1r. I\|lL'l|l‘lIVI. \I‘IKII ..\-...._ _.,, p'.tutr"S, as welt as Stratford and minnd employment. He is a sat by trade. Hi) Georgr Matthew Ada-mu I unmt so many peoi" who are DAVID BEAN . SONS umlo. PM BOY B. am.um. WILLIAM I. BEAN. Ammo an". mm” PAIL". I. ADV” -...r-tmc_ ".gq.er-trseboulo6Bema-aH8orat m--.--.-'-""-"'"-'-"- Hiss desire was nipped in tho ba- 1uet.---Punett, TH! Win-lama Gunmen TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1988 "-a-. and uh. Oman-0m Um sander liv- The Bell Telephone Company In: completed plans for rearrangement and rehabilitation of plant in Kitch- ener which will cost in the neigh. borhood of $35,000. William Inner. district manager of the company, stated today. This work will sun early m May and will cover the re- building of outside telephone plant III the Ahrens street and Waterloo Hreet sections. Bell Telephone 1111' " har to Spend '3ss0trl1,t's,i, A with)" of tht, estuttate wtil also provide for additional cable In the King street eayty"e_ .. _ Mr. Milner stated that in line With the cornpany's policy of removing poles from the city streets where- ever pos ible, the rearrangement of this 'toete'l'll','nl, plant has been planned so that a considerable por- tion of it will be placed in public lanes that run through the middle of some of the blocks. and in other cases rent of property distribution will be arranged. fic When the new destroyers arrsio four will be stationed on the West coast and two on the East. Navy Gets Only Increase Naval service is the only branch or the department to receive III- creased appropriations In the new el- timatea. The Increase amount: to th9Mi.3tl and there is also a slight Increase tor departmental adrninite tmtion. i293. iroi0irG/r isir services and 'a?.00.000 for general non-military lyk- pertditurert. Canada To Buy TFiGiumes" in the total depart- mental vote comes through who lions of $M33.216 (qr militia serv- The estimates are to provide tor , a; continuation of the defence prom gram laid downs year ago. the oh-i ire! of which was to provide a an, tom of coast defence tor Canada. com centrating ttrst on the Paeitte arse, giving secondly to naval and thirdly! to repairing dettefetutiea in equip- ment of the militia services. To Boy More Planes Provision is made tor the '.PSi (basin of additional aircraft similar to those bought last year and ill-. movements are eoutemp%ted in air? h rce facilities on the Athntic coat. Tho second stage of torutteation works on the PtuMe winch were ho gun last year is provided for. unmanned from Page ly An American investigator tiod.t, that an average Illinois farmer who' makes 31.000 a year pays out 105 "Pr cent. in txes. but his brother In the city. with the same income. pan. out 193 per cent. in taxes. The ft tio is not much ("Herein In OntarioJ " is estimated. The armor my not hare rity conveniences. but he also. does not have city taxes. I The ontario Department or Muni- viva! Affairs refuses to approve a by-law of Windsor city council declar- ing the day after Christmas a public holiday as "Boxing Day". There II no legal JustNeation tor ouch a hott. day. tho Department intimates. Tho (utterance between indirect and direct taxation is shown by tho C:ct there was not as mach said about an increse to 8 per cent. from 2 per cent in the sales tax. which everybody pays. as there is when tho radio “sense is increased trom " to te Mt in am» vase. it is an increase of 400 per cent: yet the radio license fen has only gone up " per cent. An [Mm-dam. New-pp“ January 9. I“. T!!! WATIRLOO SW) Kitchener Shares Public works estimates called tor ‘musa appropriations totaling $12.- 14::.n?..‘._ a uecrease of 3615.245 from 19.17.33 esiiniules Tttere is In Midi: ‘lmn $553,910 authorized by sulllle. I Largest item is for the chiet archi- zerts brunch at Ottawa. For main- u-uauce. operation. rents. repairs, tumitum and healing of public build- ings in Ottawa the estimate was {-1540 TOO. plus $96,000 tor telephone services. ' $75,000 Voted [or [Anal Fed- eral Ptnstodriee.--849,0tt6 for o- Sound. UT'I'AWA Under Government mum annual brought down Thur» any Western Gnu-n0 Ila Appor- lLunad 8102.000 tor uncouth! harbor Improvement: And a rotate at 8115,- 000 tor a whitt- building at Kitch- tn or Owen Sound ll‘urH-aslulx uwudnuru on Gm- erumeul services and adminiolulmu tor the next ttBcal year or $118,068- 4ti5, k “Mane ot hallway dancing and "Ate, tMlh, ["Illalli‘r Minute: Dun um; whim] mam tNbtiauoet', rot the btstl waning April l. 193a, Under the harbor projects. 825.000 la pronded tor Sunk Wt re- wunlrucuun. 823000 tor pier town- urucuou at Bandeau and “9.000 tor harbor realm-n And iaurroremtruts at Tm: Is a reduction of " 300.42) --u.pmed with [he 8421.868.st Voted itrt th,. snmr puny-set; during the mun-m titsol year I'nulblollh wr the Canadian Na, m-A..Al Raina) damn dud unrmp‘ov u ' lr? “lief will Ire made m hummu- HHWLU) ...~.vvnmv~s Votes under th, an lnudmgs numuuled to $55.30] . titil rm the current ftscal year. other supplementary and spend! mlpplullemuz-x "stitnittes will he Muughl down Luer tu swrll th, Kldnd total of all expenditures For Hm turreut f1scat year the grand to- test vuled for all purposes was $517,- Mih 659. "Loat. on Saturday last. but the loner does not know when or where. an empty sack with a ham In it. On the sack the latter: I. T. are marked, but so completely worn out u not to be legible," m All Man Paper The [allowing advertisement, says ttte the Londonderry Sentinel, ap- peared in an Irish newspaper: in Government Pods Estimates cin ok 32,900,411 CBEQAICLI Life Sentence renown! for upped Pulpml and during this tune the doctor will In (“on In osrator.t.unnr t9 prong: fer aee-utu.-tate,arhietrier understood to be elven-i". At the end of that. tune. or retinal» . but: anther. Dr Cline wit be taken to . peeutenuary, likely to Portsmouth " Kinsman, The ill I operation which Mr md Id'/td'l'ld Roberta»: and the uhoolteuher underwent ut their home on Florence mt lea than " how baton sh: died. was admitted to the court by June: C. Helium. K.C., bud of the battery of defence lawyer.". “an...“ mu- m. " But while De. Chm had [rt-lily admitted III-mun of tho am. he had ulna-no denim! chm-ghoul the whole proceeding- that he had inmntionnlly Pat the schoolteacher to death, It. Icllucr said, as he told the court he wt: ready to plead guilty to In-nshughter on behalf of his client. Fir“ Idhlbn. was some pity left in you Ind that The spark ignited the fumes end you tried to use her dying mo- immediately awn" of fumes sprung merits. l up in front of the men. In jumping "But as I medical mu did you backward, Mutt knocked over his do the best you could for your pm contained of gasoline. Adding fun- tient? Great as the sin - in per- ther fuel to the ihre. Mr. McRuer's statement WI: the tirst public Indication of the stand of Dr. Clute am": the day his arrest culminated an Intensive four-day investigation by provsneial and uty policemen Intu Mis, Wilkinson', death. The Rubutwn,‘ had told a ttory of Dr. Citue mortally wounding Mise Wilkinson and netunmng at L30 the next warming to drip chloroform onto a mask on hes face While that wan being dome they nan], the leachel had (Med. The body wa> then dumped mm the North Thames, Robertson and, Senate-we Pronounced. Juatce Jeffrey asked in t Une to bland up. Then he began hi, wu- (ante: "You have been abts defended," declared his lordship. Everything has been done for you that could be done. My duty and lesponsibility is heavy. It weighs heavily on me to decide what would be proper punishment. _ "Your counsel any: that you an: un old man in the sunset of life. But the pity of it all is that this young girl 'buch in the morning of her life. She had not spent the middle of her day, "From the evidence t understand you have been performing these il- legal operations, At last the law has reached out and apprehended you. Other illegal operations have gone by ynreysiatttd. . . ' N cun’t think that you adminis- tered that ehoroform to kill that girl. It might have been tint there was some pity left in you and that you tried to use her dying mo- ments. 7 NEWU -e HATCHED, 700 000 SILK WORMS uuon one POUND. ' town-mo om: LAYER me SAME 9m mamas when 9500 _ 9e or""'"' you: "'"""". ...-- v -Vti-eie'ei" . W T . "an othic of your prob-Ion I not smocuung n in your duty to do All you could to try 3nd a" thot dying trsrl You did not nah u Wort to ave that girl bot and Ir 5de Via-had that yum life a. ta,- "oorlaioar' und- Dru! laying» that she must die, " "All you and, all you thought cl. was saving yourself To I". 'OM- self, you, with the um! of Bobertaaa. threw the bod mto the river. WU outouanesa,', an! brutality! __ “The mule-me of this court um be that you be contiaed for the rd of your day» In Kmpwn peoitoi tun." I KrTCHKNER.---Datmtge from the Bre in Goldstein's men's wear store in downtown Kitchener, on Friday. rwhich for a moment threatened the lives of two men, wns estimated at $2,300. _ _ _ - -- _ ENTRANCE EXAIS START JUNE 23; UPPER SCHOOL JUNE " Entrance eumimtions will not begin until June 23 when French grunmlr pope” tire to be written in the afternoon. French a "in; h scheduled for the game harm»; The following day, French liter.- ture and French composition wilt follow, while on Mortar. June 27. Entrltsh grammar, writing ind Eng- Issh tompoaitmn Will be written. Oat Tuesday, June 28, the time table will: for ennunutmn: In English literature. geography and English spawn? while on the 29th. the schedule conclude, with arithmetic and histsrty Annual departmental ennui-- non: will sun June 14th. Up). uhool alum use begin and con- clude on June 29th. Kitchener Workman Trapped in 'u.-" of Store.--; Lona $2,500. that Ausun Mum. and Bren u...- chow. working in the store, were cut oif from escape by the front door and were forced to retreat to the rear of the building while the fire denartment extinguished the outbreak. ' - 7 Fire Endangers Lives of Two Men Marta was scrubbing the ftoor of I front show window with gasoline and steel wool. when the wool brushed a metal electrical outlet cuneingnspgyk._ _ . - "iid/ttre developed .0.“ Tt-tut_retezA POUNDS

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