. THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE "Therefore." the minister de- dared, "The Dominion Government will, in addition to any steps that my be taken by any provincial authority. Close an investigation to be made. . . If, as a result of such investing. . 'tion, it is considered that In offence mills: the Criminal Code is being committed by Fascists. Communists or otherwise, the Government will cause the necessary proceedings to be initiated by way of having such informntion and complaint laid as the {acts disclosed by the investi- gation m-y justify." Dr. Cline's trial on a charge of murdering Miss Mary Wilkinson, London schoolteacher. terminated suddenly before the defence evi- dence was called, when crown authorities agreed to accept a prof- fered plea of guilty to man- slaughter.» v, - - U He broke down for the first time in the tive days of his trial, when his widowed daughter went onto the witness stand in an attempt to gain a lighter sentence for him. To Provide for Estate. John Voelker, Wellington street, Kitchener, aged 74. escaped injury on Friday when his car skidded on a patch of ice on the Petersburg highway and turned turtle in a ditch. Little dumnge resulted, Dr, fi. A. flimt, TI, Found L0NDON.-Ftseing the gray walls of a Penitentiary for the declining years of his life, 71-grear-old Dr. Charles A. Cline on Fridny night calmly accepted a life sentence im- posed on him by Justice 3ettrey at winter assize court. After the elderly physician was led from the courtroom to com- mence his life term, in tragic con- clusion to the 49 years he spent as a widely-known medical practitioner in London, he was visited by mem- bers of his family in the Middlesex Cognty jail cell. . Dr. Cline will probably spend the first few weeks of his. sentence in Middlesex jail. The law provides a period a period of 30 days before rl'untinuml un Page s, No, 2) " YEAR OLD DRIVER DITCHED life Sentence for Udo Doctor trli'AWA 3““ llumuum. (An annual“ "wsll cause an "oveetttm- tion to be made," m addiuon to any steps that may be taken by pron†till authorsties, respecting uni-w ful drilling and taming by [lollllcll “cups, Juatic Minister Lapemtt: told the House of Commons. Three or four days ago. n petition for disallowmce was received by the Government. the minister of justice declared. which must be considered before the end of March. the limit of the year in which the Dominion any veto the provincial anti-Com- munism luv, u When his attention watskalled to reports of uniformed groups drilling in Montreal, Mr. anointe said such unauthorized movements were an otrenee under Section 99 of the Criminal Code, proclaimed in 1917. In, Atroet Dani-ion. Although administration of the criminal law rested with the pros- inces, the minister said, "the ques- tion of unlawful drilling and mili- tary training and exercises by po- litieal groups is one which may ttt, valve the Dominion as I whole." The minister of justice also an- nnunced that the Dominion Govern- ment will decide in the next few weeks whether it will diatllow the Quebec padlock law. Eiglu Paa- Ottawa to ht Stop To hlwfd Drill Hit., at Fascist and Communist Groups in Uuebee.-tusesti. galion Coming. vol. tt2, No. " Guilty of Manstamrtiter in Death of School Teacher. l (Sauna-dis Premier, W. L. M. King,‘ - . - has accepted an invitation to . ‘address the Kitchener Board Budget Armalnent Estimates (of Trade annual moms. pro-_ Cathy Two Mit1imv.-coaMar lvidlng his parliamentary duties will inâ€: inla'l’ere. It Is sixteen years Mute Strengthener. since he addressed a Kitchener eath- ---r_ ,e'ing. Hon. w. D. Euler and Mr. I. " PLANES FOR MR FORCE UL Smith, M.L.A., Hydro commission-. Hm wilt also attend. A large crowdi yum .itir.nd to pay tribute to three OT't'AWA. ~Canada‘s detetttNy hm Inf its cligtinguished men. for 1938-38, wlll he 32.000000 lea l __ --- ----- ------_--- ‘than last year, despite a proposal to T . _ purchase two new destroyers for the Gew Registry Illuyal Canadian Navy. [ m- ' . w H, straw. Ayr. chairman of tha C'ounty Property Committee. Lian-mung that Hm council ls giving workup: consideration to the erec- :Iinn oi' new registry alike this year. (Col. Dennison, K.C., Toronto, inspec- rmr ur Ivan] onicps. strongly urged that " new office be built. The cramped space and tire hazard to re- cords being tho chief reasons. G. V. Hilborn, local registrar. recommend- ed a. year ago the providing or more tuimble quarters. Prime Minister King Coming to Kitchener Sold His Horses Right After His Ad. Appeared New Registry Office Favored For This County BLENHEII. Feb. ti. - A disu- trom, blue completely destroyed the large hum on the farm of Gordon Wunrick, 6th concession, Harwich. A stnwmck ndjoining the barn was partly consumed, but a com crib close by and the house were not damaged. The tire, of undeter» mined origin, started while Mr. Warwick was at a neighbor's [Inn with " team and tut-son, and it was while he WIS returning home that he first noticed smoke issuing from the barn. Me â€rived in time to Helene all the livatock from the building. The antral. regarded u a new coucentration of all forces of the "tstron-political, economic and mili- tary--'"" regarded u a victory for the Nahum] Socialist Plrty over the old arm, command, May Cut Off Grants to Fall Fairs Says Minister of Agriculture Hr assumed pawnal ummmud ot ttu. "alum/n armed lunch; trp- pourtcd Jun-hum um ttitrbeuuop la foreurn unnubter; promoted Urinal} Hermann Goerintr to the rank of fteld manhul and made sweeping thingea in the "my high command. BERLIN, Feb. 4. - Chanceliot Hillel tonight announced by decree a drum re-urgumuuon of the German Cabinet and army which re» unwed the In»! traces of army mde. m1u1uwe hum control by the Natl: part.» Flames Destroy Big Kent Barn HITLER GETS CONTROL OF GERMAN ARMY Chronicle advertiser over the (slept... jut Info" - (in. yuterdly. “I could have sold both {no- .y .dvoniso- neat in Friday“ amide. I sold tho 0-- I did have â€I, "toe tho ad. -d. This "veetuoe'. experience in u - out“. ht people who have Jivuhock or :uyr Leau. to odrer for “I. uni use the Chunk“ clan-i“ duiiasoa too cut-at no ttttto, and luring out (In! Te. Only " - foe one. Eli... “lvisilludhlom-oof A HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 'A'I'ERUJOLMD WATERLOO COUNTY War-11.00, quw. Newâ€. Frau“! Big I " might be better to dlatribnto more may Among socloue- Attempt ing to do worthwhile work. tho mi- ister said. Under the Agriculunl Socletien Act. the damn-melt was l The increased destroyer strength will be assigned to duty on the Ptt- eitte coast. At present two alum are on the Atlantic and two on the PIM- f Continued on Page a, No. It use but Mr. Down; an“! the act could be amended. “The department In giv- ing .urther thought to the at“: ‘11: am. Mr. Dew-n, for Iowa you! - tarr-treatmrer ot the Woodstock Agricultural Soclty which candle" ; (Continued on Page T--Nq. " Purchaso at the two new destroy- prs will twing Canada‘s naval strength up to six turtstirtg ships. They will be named the "Crusader" and the "Comet" and will he bought from British admiralty tor delivery in the summer. Canada to Buy Two New Destroyers FCsr.umditures by the department of national tlrHenco totaling $M,0M.634 (mum-red with 336184.371 last year :x'v mnlinml in the vstimates tabled in tho House at Commons by Finance Minister Dunning. To Singl- Out Wonk Furs-au-. Inc-â€tan! Sacral-r3... obliged to make grant) to all - Drivers tor the bakery struck in In “tempt to get higher wages and better working conditions. Company and ouch]: of the W “in were to have met Friday in an attempt to solve dimcultiea but In. Dietrich's illness prevented the meeting. Strikers arid they would Elke no further ntion until lon- ay. T0ROMTNh-"Ne Ontario deqarb 12mm of agriculture is eon-Morin; withholding grant- from agricultural societies that are not hath; no 1.1.953, Hon. P. l. Devan, lumbar of agriculture. told the 38ttt luau! convention banquet ot the Ont-do Association of Agrlculturnl Socio- ties here. KITCHENER, Feb. 7.~l|lne- " Mrs. H. A. Dietrich, member of the Dietrich Mary Company here, In staiemated negotiations between striking employees end coup-l, 015cm. Robert Dietrich, cpmpany Innu- ager, said he was not inclined to make any commitments without the approval of his mother and she was too in to participate in the negoti- Mons. PAt INCREASE WILL MEAN BOOST IN BREAD PRICIB "ietrich's to Negotiate with Men.---' Unfair. Say Owners. Bakery Drivers Strike for More Pay at Kitchener TORONTO, Petr. T. - Thomas d.isrupt the ominous calm of these (Shorty) Brynn, mid by 1,015“ to nvers yihich are eneaued with ice the the last of the old Red Rran to a thickness of " mcheo in many gang who escaped from Portsmouth plaees. .A week of - weather â€Penitentiary in 1928, was matted and ram Would be required to here early today on tl charge of break up the present heavy ice. murder gnomy alter . filling trta- Residents of the met area are tear- Ltion attendant was found wounded, ful this year Of 3 'hto.ds. owing to the (The attendant, mom Ford, died heavy snows and thickness of ice. en route to hosoital. Shantz Dam, m Preston, burst Police tmid Bryan- - m b yesterday under the strain of the Mee from outside . service station, range, the water cascading down the "m front of which Ford. M, was PP"? highway between Preston and found lying in . pool of water. Kiteheqer and also the Preston- 1 Sergt. Earl Scott chased the Bee- Blajr highway. No damage was oe- ing man and reported the man at- eysioned, however. no drains CBP- tempted to tire a revolver at him. fled “"3 the truant waters. 'SAW was swan DOWN 1 RIVER mom LOCAL MILL (By Chronicle Wmndeat) I hrs-kl; CONESTOGO. Feb. 7.---The Con- Grand estotro River, swollen by heavy out d, 'teeh-end rains and mild weather, the u rose seven feet above normal‘ buildin Saturday night, but waa almost 3 heavy feet below the level set in the com,“ damaging floods of 1087. Only loan street; a-aa here over the week-end was BRI when a number of log: piled along antic (the local mill were swept. dovm- Grand "m-. . i Before daybreak Sunday morning 'ei',ly ice blocks 20 inches thick jammed down; the river, but went out downstream below an hour before noon. The low-lying loves! - along the river banks were the w ftooded, but commenced to drain out At 'md" night. at": Sergt. Earl Scott chased the Bee- ing man and reported the mun nt- tempted to fire I revolver a him. The trigger jammed. Scott said, and the weapon did not discharge. Charged with Shooting Service Station Mttau.-Shot Mines Police Miter. Police said Bryan. was lull to Bee from outside a service station, in front of which Ford, M, was foeyd 1rin_tr ip , pool yf weter. _ On Saturday two buses and eight privala cars transported hunters to Linwood on a rabbit drive. he Btoehm “any Inches Thick Jan River and Flood last of Ryan Gang Held for Murder Conestoga River up Seven Feet; h Serious Damage NIAGARA FALLS, Um... Feb. 'I.‘ _ -rTr-. ----- msawing condition» Ind heavy Waters at Bridtte.ort, Pram runs over the waft-end appeared and Gattt Flood Low- to have softened tt ice iam w ich . A m- for three weeks has Chit?! blur Lying A river from the Falls to e n- _ mic, About H miles downstream “HANTZ DAÂ¥,AT , Veteran nvermen expresaed It, PRESTON BREAKS opmlun that the inn noon would, ---- -- move down river, carrying with it Flood water: manned my the bridge wreckage blown to pieces towns and cities in Ontario yester- Sound-y. or would break up ml- day following o week-end of heavy hiently to permit the debris to fall ninhll that sent rivers on the to the bottom of the river. ‘runme llqeyer-l sections of the Niagara River Ice Jam Likely to “I'm not." said the general. "I look at it from the technical point of View. and t know that no army which you into battle without some hope of an alter- life will 'tttht well, Hitler's ad- vicel'c are allowing Mm to ruin our raw material.†Strategy A great German general re- cemly condemned Hitler's Golly in attacking at one and the same time the Jews. the Cathollcs and the Protestants. "But I did not know you were such a religious man," interjected a foreigner who was present. HUNTERS AT LINWOOD Break Tuésday Vernon Bartlett pious l; GALT, Feb. '.--The ice jam , C broke up at 10 o'eloeh tonight. in the 's on- Grand River and gauged down with- g" out. doing much amase outside of ' err.the usual flooding of river bank mrmal buildings. The ice was exceptionally tost 3 heavy, but was limited to the river n the course. There was no flooding of I, loess streets. 1g,tt BRIDGEPORT, Feb. 7.--An apa- I on; thetie spectacle was provided by tho down- Grand River May when. follow. in; a prolongid mild spell and heavy 'rnhttt rains, it shifted in coating of it. mined downstream. Water remained well Ltream below the bridge Boor and only the r-lying lowest of low lying grounds along If: the water!†were mm. lulu": J. Srhlllil't. Bridgeport 'Road. Waterloo. who is alleged to have assaulted Abram Kerschem xlumm. Breslan mad butcher, at an (,airctiort sate at Bloomingdale. and [sought hy police, was toeated in the “Waterloo police cells Wednesdly nizht He had her-n fUrhtirur in a (i/iii';'::,': hotel and on Thursday paid a $10 and coats tine for drunkenness. ke Jam Breaks on Grand River PRESTON, Petr. 6. - The Grand and Speed rivers in the Preston urea remained solidly within their boundaries today. Heavy ruin, coupled with mild weather, failed to disrupt the ominous only: ot 3tet After Kersettrutbaurn was when tai the KAN. Hospital. his wife swore mu a warrant, for ftrhmidt's arrest, who is alleged to tsaGuileimrEG', schenbaum after hitting Mm wlth his first and honking him uncall- l In Western Ontario, scene of disastrous 'tooda ha spring, the Thames. the Grand, the Au 8-H. and other than was swiftly Sutur- day light and Sunday. Minor chm-go was caused in several Western Ontario town: tad cities. A ham, of " was emu- nted from a home in st. Tho-u seven] hours before ttood I“. poured into the building. The Sham: dam burst at Preston, Bood- ing a highway. At Gnu. Bridgeport. Conestoga, Blair and Brantford ttoods did little dun-32, Jan Broth It Can. Waterloo Man Held on Assault Charge Provincial: Locale "etton 51:th in Waterloo Jail After Fight at Bloomingdale Sale. At Bridgeport, foolhnrdy young- sters provided a thrill for the watching hundreds, with exhibitions of ttoe jumping. helping from the bank to Inst moving ice cakes, they floated downstream like so many log rollers, lenping nimbly from the to Ice in the fast moving current until they reached a convenient hnding place. SID-Ill! Dun Bro-h. rtovince. Thick ire broke up quick- y under driving nin- uad com- pnntinly high unpenulru and nun] centres reported inundation of low-Hing had} 7 Thad-z .91 Friar M2“