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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Feb 1938, p. 4

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CONCESSION To HEPBURN (St Thnmnc Trmps Journal) The RpprurHmvn, of human Marsha“ to the Do- minion Sonata look: an if Mackenzie King his ex- tended the olive brunch to Ontario“: Premier Hepburn, Or in it u full-sized limb Mr. King throws tow-rdl Mr. Hepburn? "I Who 11>an th, mml rsati-fartnty [ nvoid mistaer‘mw! um valuable ttrtrr cm t routes is the, qumuer Find. have a pi rack wrth pad: hos holdrr‘x vamp on it. and box-hoHor to hnvo Iwo small hag: made ' or some Tood bun y matvrml, with hi; nnmn on each bag. “no lute remains in H10 not! pack their mail I" “hie thr, other is left in box for loll”: and othrr mail to he placer When delivering an ynur route, jut! snmply bags. This syttom In: worked on my route 1 Much handur than tying up mml, it lawns 3 all tottcthcr and also helps to keep it motor the weather in the mm" months. Difrrrrnt ram; , methods of 'crirtrnw n‘u Island firri, the “av Lord Atholstan, bruttor known as: Hugh Graham. (Ivan of journalists and founder trf the Montreal Daily Star. rasst d to l is roman! last “wk. Inning rmvhod four store and ten years. llighligits of his life "T'tT the starting of the Nautical Shir on a 3100 capital, l is in- tense low of Britain. th" insuring for $1,000,000 the lives of Canadians in [hr South African war, and his (*ln'mlinn to lhr- yvolazzc in 1917. He gave hundrols of lhmmugds ol dollars to his city in promoting unrlhy muses. "--------------, I Appointment of Mr. John M. Codfroy. K.C., ' . 'seq . Ceo, go A. L'muluu‘t K.C. to the vacant an“. " L A N . I yy! Mr . . , ' . I N :10_E ff OPER STE high court judgeships “ere well merited honors. A lesson to othm- nations in tro-operation Both men have had notable records m public has been given by tho Scardina-imr: MW! " seruce. Denmark Finland Im'Tw' "rr '1" _ " . V ‘rn . . ' . A '.", C', '. I _' y 'r-. tit 1‘ . , J V“) .1 TV hax'ejrjuh-d m the HM” ll tion. a t tl. p w.‘ rim to J'"nlrilti if]! 'df.' fr: ’0; {11:61:31 'll/Joie,'), 9325:2321: l/il-:',,",,:":,",,:".::,,:.':,,:,' "c In)“. Hrphurn in Hm sat/ nf surplus hydro Enter their ;ig-.,lllu...,1. '"ilut 'i 'i",'(.i"rlres",', .c"1al,1l ’11] wl ich would not hydro ('lhlnmr-rs "1.33:1.mn more than .cH.ir',G.0tm.o0tt 0r 3‘12 PW out of Ill-1th: stile '/, (,"n',ti,,',y),',Tu'". this 5pm will be yy.yzyrhrs total, an] “as hrth rm! only by the O.s' 0 e “m" ”or" , United Stairs. iireat Britain um! f'-,,.,.,.. _ A - _ - ----, .w Jam. l Weather prrtplvts forctold a milrl one}: Power corporations must prepare years in.winter for 1928. The' winter has seen the advance for power and cannot supply the need heaviest snowfall in several years though the of users at a tttrtwnt's notice. New generating: weather has been moderate. stations must he planned and provided years, ahead of actual new! if power users are to be Gate receipts at Hanovcr's last rail Fair taken care of with no interruption of brsiress. were only 10 percent. of the Ieceipts in 1936. It is now evident that the former Hydro Com yet the Fair was alih- to pay 70 per cent. of the mission mimlx-rs and engineers were not far prizes. It has tlie earmarks of brilliant fin- off in their estimates. particularly when the ancing. depression years could not he fmwmn ' Rem-m "rmtts have clearly shor n that t' e IIydroCommission is following t'-o ri'SH cor ( in sewn in: fur Prol'_Ct' It: CYS an ath undo m " F' to la'.i" mm of ("It rgrt.eios svch as threatened the pm ur plum at Niagara Falls in the record ice jam, America. bring sm-pt auay attracted trousands, of Sightseer-s uho “we given a real thrill. A new bridge costing Ialsout $7,000,000 will ta':e its place. in Bridge PVllt'l'tS have nturstiom d tre Jubil- ity of the bridge and its abilitv to sh'nd up under ttuutfiv. (-nmlitinns of r- ('e-nt v, an I'lars; for replay: mm! are now tutd,vy C msi ', ‘atil n hy the Ottawa govm'nment and private bridge com- panics. That the Falls Vimv BridLvo at Nia"ara Falls has {zone without loss of life is a matter of satisfaction to those who were aware that it Was no longer suitul for modern Fume. If it had collapsed during th,, l(-ig‘.t of th" Iolr'ay season. many Inlvawrr sic' 01‘s mig': t ha *0 met death. The splendid reports presented bv Pres:- dent W. G. Wrichel and )lana'ving Director F. H. Maser. for the year just elosed, is furtLer evidence of the uninterrupted progress of this long and ,olidly established fire insurance com- pany and a source of 'Tratification to its ever- inereating number of policyholders. The Waterloo Mutual sin-o (r'Mnc , ' " 1863 has I» on ainlv mana-e' hv exve-i, n W! in- surancv ch-vutivm. C M. Tavlor Wilt?, the first manager. He was followed in order by Frank Haight, L. W, Shuh, Arthur Foster, and the present gencral munauer, F. H. Moser. The pr'og'rrss of Waterloo's oldest insurance companv, organized four years before Con- federation, is seen in its remarkable growth in surplus for the protection of polievholdees In the first quarter century it totalled 'rt.2tt'2.41. at the halCeenturv mart: 3‘19,60232. and to- day it mtitndc, at ..R1.tfl'7t29n.'7.r, The Waterloo Mutual sin-c or-rn'" , ' " The culmination of seventv-five years of efficient and ever-widening service to the tn- suring public. the aim of which has been to furnish fire insurance at the lowest mscihl' cost consi>tent with safetv, was reached by the Waterloo Mutual Fire lnsurnnre Pomraw' at its annual meeting on Saturday. Jnnnarv 29th, " " -.l. in}? AWE...“- u u Inn-o uxa Ion-q- -rttt and. I nu.- Fr+ Am.- I -.. "ter l . -, Gor, hs." " In.“ loud-y A “My. 1srUre"" Jun-an . DA V") BEAN R f"dth'ft LIV/"TED Dunn: and Publishers 113mg“...- mio at w - ,3? , ‘. nud- its " 'del-f x the.“ a I d . 'olorioo and N " the Ciro-kl. a. Pl but“. "tBee a. 'i"" "ter I n - gm 0. _. SORTING MAIL FOR Th Innis. Ciro-Ho, Waterloo C-" cab ”'00.” setup-pr domed u the lawn“: " " rem, of 'ulrrloo And Waterloo County. b publur " t O-rio Slrnt. Waterloo, "err Tun-Ida! In' Ma; The Cllonhlo h a member of the Clth' Woot y Not-pone: Apart-Hon, and tho Ontario W Nccwtw Anna-non. NEED RESERVE OF HYDRO POWER Word of the great ice jam which resulted tht "r.idl-,re, perhaps the best known in TH! WAnnLoo Cunomcu NOTED JOI 'RNAIJST PASSES - . “IA! " Inn-.1... Klimt. "'r'so"r'r"'t" PA VA"! I THE FALLS VIEW BRIDGE total, and ISHS “#111111! only by the Is. (ireat Britain and Cermany. 75 YEARS OF PROGRESS In tying up mml, it lawns you; mail also helps to keep it protrcted from FRIDAY, FEBRUARY i, 1988 I "CHI It power users are to bel Gate receipts at Hanovcr's last rail Fair rith no interruption of brsiress. were only 10 per cent. of the lecnipts in 1936. nt that the former Hydro Com yet the Fair was alrlr to pay 70 per cent. of the as and engineers were not far prizes. It has tl,o earmarks of brilliunt fin- limates. particularly when the ancing. 'ti could not be {custom I - , th, mud catrsfa 1hr "UNI \alid'ar var: vahmhlc limo " n RURAL ROUTES from I Mr (an I I'lLl [Al I BIA” Hiring- 'ttcm to nw cm thoo, long A't' 0 Pinon-hale it. and ink every made of earn-as k nnmn strncilled 'he PM! office to loft in the mail ' placed therein, Slmvly (xrhangn route for yt'ars. IN Al’VANrI’ in you a. In [bur m. Tho-‘1 - tn ci. int: thu ir nnro Edward a..." 0. us- A. blow-dam A-wurbla “In: _ Readers will he intmmtml to lnnw that public holidays in 1933 are as follows: Good Friday. April 15; Victoria Day, Tucsday, May 24; King's birthday. Thursdav. J: m- 'J. " min. ion Day, Friday, July I , Civic Holiday. Monday, August I; labor Day, Monday, Soptrmher 4; Thanksgiving Day (to be set); Remembrance Day. Friday. Novomlwr ll: Christmas. Sunday, December 25 (“ill be observed on Monday. December 20. The cash rohu-ns from "heat sale: in Saskatchewan rmrhrd a punk of 3:383 million in 1925, and the ymrly “mum siners tl on. in millions of dollars, have lwvn as follows: $220, $221. $217. NIH. $72, '.Mt, $36. $52. $57. $63, $8t and last your “("50 $16 million. It hardly seems pnssilnlp that one province srould raise $285 million dollars' worth of wheat in 1925 and drop to $16 million in 1927. and villages. 40 por Ct nt. /n' the ol Every automobile 1h nth costs the province $50,000 in medical. I ospital and in)‘ in] my» Ibo. police costs. insmunr-o :1an rrnru‘fy " mama For one}: amunmhilp Ill-11H! H r W 3'0 35 acci- dr-nts involving rmmnal inim'y and 150 in- volving property dumngu Shiv [u-r cent. of thr, accidents in Ont.urio I awn-n m nitios, tunn‘: Modern mrlhmls of linnm-inr: arr In ine in- troduced into churrlvs, St, Marys United Church is "IR-ring " hum] issue of 3121.000 to provide for all imh-htvrhn s< of the (mum ation. These bonds. “hich are Irving sold In tmmlters, are spread ovvr a mm n yvnr period. I Earnest “turd. a liarrir-lmm hay. claims to be world champion pie cater. If his perform- ances in this rcspwt can surpass tl at of rome local business men uho nttrn-I Hm country tcn meetings. his rnpuriiy must he wry consider- able.--P,arrie I'Ixnmim-r. Pniitiml "'iFrrenos s' or!!! nut be plltr.retl to Mand in thr. way of Prcmiers King and Hrphurn in thr, sulr nf surplus hydro [tn-oer wl ich would not hydro cttrlrmrt; "1.231100” If the sale is not approved. this sum will be lost to the Crmmisrion. sro million for new cvrs and Ontario drinkers could spend $55 millh n for liquor. The year 1937 sn-xmx' tn have lucn a Iretty good one when Ontario morists could s"en' Hon. Duncan Mania]! having landed in We Senate. it would he only fair to PIT mote tl at bull to Ottawa's Expmimvntal Farm.--Toronto Teluram. I THE BISON'S COMEBACK {Sunk Sir Mali.- Smut l Whcrt thinking about nmm- conscrvatinn in Algoma. just stop to \mnmh-r the Carts of the Canadian bison in Butralo National Park at Wainwright, Album where a hen! of Th} puuinul i,i,on hm m thirty years grown to such pummmvm that an” Frat " i, f, uru.’ necessary to slaughh-r run“ of thc animal,. "ihis year 2.000 had to hr kilh-d off. Thirty years ago, the bison was eonriGrvd to be nn the way to ex-. tinction. but now lm-k at 'rm. It double the cost of home relief may become a luxury the chantry cannot nth-rd. Much as we may dblike dt, the time has come to rv-examine the doctrine that it work is not >upplic-I hy "trlu,try It must be by gun-rm ment. _ TOO EXPENSIVE A LUXURY _ 1Chrictian Science Monitor! It mny be well for the country to face the fact that it cannot expert picsot goveicrncntal services without paying "t"ipirJo,0ur,r.ijon a year for tluan, But it might also be well to face the fact that work relief Only in Manitoba and Ontario do the Conserva- the. hold Any substantial membership in the Letritr lltureal In Mun-tuba there Is an Opposition of IO, In“, in Ontario, 23. Today not I provincial govern- ment is held by the Conservatives. The Conservative puny is in Very much the same position as the Re. publicans m the United States, except that the Re- publicans m overwhelming defeat are maintaining their organization. I force in Quebec ln Sukatrhcwnn, likewise. the Conwrvatives are without ii representative in the Legislature, although there iss an uetive Conservative lender who is endeavonng to rally the party for the ‘next elections. In Prince Edward [gland there is today no Opposition; the Legislature cumia'ts of a solid Liberal block. In New Brunswick the Conservative Opposition con>i~ta of only tive and in Nova Scotia of eight. The Alberta :Ituallun " no happier where the Conservatives have but six members. In British Columbia there In: only rune members. (London Free Pie-I) Ottawa dtapatchen Indicate that the Conunuivn a the eaprtal are urging u re organization of the party 11 . nlIIonnl bump, " la tune the party besurred ttself if it In to conunur to nun u u potent (new: in Can-- diu we. i The fortunes of the Conservative puny were 10!" " such I [on ebb Mute Confederation. Today ‘out of 1 House at Ottawa of 245 members there are only 88 Coruservattvets, In the pruvnucml field the situation u can worse. In Quebec the Conservative party for the pleaent has almost Muppet-red, There in no Conservative members "I the LeeUUture and the new party led by Premier Dupleuh has taken Ill piste. The Conservatives A: a party He no longer TIII FUTURE OF THE COISlIVATIVI PARTY EDITORIAL NOTES l n road l “’an‘mn Imp: vrrtT M" n~dnrnd m lurk I'TZ‘FQ ond If slur-Io [ll-kc. RTRATF‘ORD Onmrln 1.6:"er tTrTr' ot Serattord rm'rns Inerph N O" T! ' 'ho bt-nit-r, mw-n'n‘ PM: r nr lh‘s rits, at Ma t Mann» N-tCW Yct'",li [Pnrrnt'lfivo r, :VI"1'r‘:'m| Mrtr. S IV DDVVKIVI; PREVENT.; yir "‘1 lhnwr- "ho 1:9"an p. dr Mrlvml kw" NM 'ttto a sho. F""!"]Il (weir th i IT ru moral nf hh, I', <0?!" I! lln riptirn 'rtrttororl no rm] 1,u, \'0 thrs lines. mhn n "I: " "‘11:“ of tho I ttnrts,Vr CT with. ”rim w.tlli 'fHo 'n thr 'rn Wm ll ly 'MI thut "Iv “on" t' rlown th, l ajvat to tho hung in trttt Tyr, ‘Iwr mnl R?" n tho uh In ttrrir'surPnvrsitn "(I hold l,' h" 5o-sr:rrsl 1s p ORDERED TO PAY WAGES ' rtnrl a"! 5n!" Windsor Girl Crippled Six Years Ago by Trurk.-tirart Skin to Heel. Can Walk Again 1‘ After Operation Recent discoveries indicate that the Norxemen pemuated (tnurio in the 11th century. more than 400 yelrs before Columbus came to North America, claimed Philip H. Godscll when», noted author and Arctic explorer, wcaking from Winnipeg The timing! of a Nurse axe, sword and ,hichl handle lbout 1:C, miles nurthcwt of Port Arthur, near Beardmore, 'letinitely links the hardy Vikings with the forests of northern Ontario and proves the followers of Eric the Red and his successors pieicu! the heart of the North America ri-utment. said Mr, Godsell u "i.'" rn thor, Am“ sn'u'r‘ h t"o mm sst;l A who "r th drmfn‘l ck‘n STRATFORD MAN WI Iron In" sn'n'n “W! heal 4 that Dart o tu'-., St‘l '1"'.h"t| to thrs ab- 't .. ' cw'w‘l ‘er n‘1r'nd low, wn tltrrr., , Tis “r-ImMinz" pro- W.'tft yarn-WI] at Gvotwoek inlr'F "mu the tuhe had roached the 1h Rttt arror Free of Suture Scars thtc "r'Trrr to FC'ttrt t'm- and thrs '.rnsss- In.” trrwrs rf {mare "WI y""¥1\"¢ ., q!]“-””f‘1 trum 'o nab" 'n Yum Prrtvr'ytr-tr; ri 'ui bur: VIKINGS VISITS!) ONTJ "1'1 mm f Tun-1n" In tho who was 'n‘n tis ri-hl mm] "rumor! st'rrxapt or sk'rt and tat and r Mn itriuost urn": fonnw- Inf I‘m u'vl cfr‘n 1nd than M]! "oii; n'trs- hniug " ‘NT Mn cvrwnx'rh of tho WV] iwmli'w rm it. M'ss, w ti'tltrtttwiurt trom hor " c't' ~nn‘s' nffir" "irvat to "M; " rrtiy" Shh wrtlkse N no as» qhrs (1“? "rt'q ”win” lo n4 r‘n ttrut foot 'ttt mun man " help- tr, 'hn Irrvo awn of smr. to :nm- R m amount of who'e <RE'I with i's untlnl'lying m "'l (I l"'<1:"1"n‘ml sides ot t' :‘u‘wnnl 13 tho mid- F A thin skin gunman _ J:Iv~r rhn atwirtt. z"! 'l-‘i "1'11“!"an and "t IU'; Geir, walked. t " tr, , yP'n‘s "tRO. she "rm itr‘lt “'“ler ors V; “In trxo"rixd. be, " v, at Ma hrsmp 'lt K Tmp "Wm-a Mm Nu! fnl'mr: I'ma‘qlnnt. Vivi-"h- [lnrnmx v!"- , PAY WAGES pvmldnnt "thorse" nnnn wr'mary. _ 'ttrd-ov nmmv. mm“; m FVnnnnr iphrv'r I \hznum K'nmp, m =~4“‘~Y‘Il‘\ “Murat In (In; Eva R'nwn Hump Mn wrxi ' “:qu Prone: (01 t end! hy MI. rstfttroMortal FInrvnra Kramp. rayon- tl 'ratrord"rt landing o- Tt " pinnnnr 111- 't'acrnrirte In- at Me homp . "rss"",rvt 3111mm! nt “an: fachinn-‘wl and, 'ts, 1“"n<fm'rin: pro- I'ppvr rm] " the M "m! sutured to a 1k in a me! "u, Emil ' 14mm Froth :tnklns _ 'n a nnrm'vl pn- 'N' "I” M thr, lube hr inirvuvri ht-ol A 1min of! Ir: two I Tht h tr, rr‘mazn nnnrtr “PPR Stitch" NESS in] . nhov hr ‘ll'l ph tt thm Ivar”. J" ire wTrm. "yr tho (any (1""RR'Tro of v H thr, aura r Orin Jo. " 'lm nor". u rVIII Pk!!! ratmh morn- vlvl addinz Vn Mn pre- do mpr ll DIES will " timpYo “a: drawn " tttss her? h'vh Hm" 'scsi, Int ftutut her Y! _ NW] of lili/Jthh fcu:o “My mm: s'nuzhpd this accl- th own-- turrlrt or. Helen Krnmp Mr turd wr. 1udrcrr “who " T'otor Vimtvnh‘nm-vr mho I wavinuqlv III in b" Marx R I Kilrhonnr Luther Lenque Elect Officer- Thn Shanty gummy Lmbm mm in rum-HI "Minn tt thr hum \\'--i‘.. r of t, Sun-L1)- M hor name I Mr and Mr; Cm: H d’r‘n “NP cur-en: or In F'otorshtws: Snmhy Wr: Kli'w‘wth Irs-' tor in Kitrhrm.r Vic 1..er , .4! 1'tc ol Kit,hrmer '11] Mis Pr.:rx p, "il.- ur “TIM-Flam T an! Thrlrwln‘, “My Mrs 1-17.1th Fran“ Wilfrrad Wc/lr) in errrtrP'rve a thumb “i'h H nrv Turk in 1toRhoro. M- and Mrs; “nil! Wr tor upon! " du- in menm FCla ml Krmw v':c'trnd "t Htrt home n! Itrmrr mum» Viz; (T '.-- Ir-rot, ha: noun-nod Ummn from it v ct uith hr~r <::Vr‘r, “m Por, r itrud, r M lv-ttr-Ir-ut (HI. c'.,r,orm pa pounds. Slum-l pmmth: Mummy Prices: Ru! rl ”a: Yo 1. Tb-. wnmus . 24's m't l-‘x-rw', Tlr, 000 tsounds: Iimnlhy 1.7mm." Imunds. Prices: Rm! vlnnr pm prutrut, ha. w“: No 1. Tb-, rmnllr'v lull. " to 1'": a1ialta, luv- pmmvl huh; No I, '17"; rr-unlry Inn tr', In 331. alrrike, I'""," Pond. ltaa a No I. L'Sc: munlry run, 17":) lo '33., <'.\w-" "lor-r. pnr muml, Gaiiiu No 1 Run .unmrry rm y, to 5r; timothc. I" F" pound kWh V” 1.1%. a-onmn um. i: In " s xpnyt )mfnuium iod 1h- Cl lon (If waif": and m Ir"- saw trtily in II inc watey For nur- n It-lt y wwnnnn' unn’niu: 2.“! in " _ Inn-MUN. 190" IN“ s, d ~\.IT\.- two mu'os of 'ntnss'inm Enrlidn 'n a Mm or aim “uh-v; spik!r. HIS mhnion over 10" pound: of “it gun-yd o-rvnh' and in " lhin IZIVI“ on " clrxart Hum: and mix up“. When tlt ::1]! ic dry mare it in a box “b "I- "In :In‘m.l's hivo 'mrs wnvw: 'u it PM “’30.“. tnliow thr, snmn- thn-l a: tlrt 'fF15, F- un». [INS-mu "no mulrr‘ or 190" rn\\~, d ~\:IT\\- 'ntnss'inm Enrlidn 'n a van-v»; swinhlv Mix 10" pound: of “It :p". in " lhfn IZIVI“ on " cl mis up“. When tlt an] arm-us. Fpmu‘u-s 1\ h " rmenrd. '.'S u: ]"'I':ll'}ll ofte- ll) 4 "'minicn 2.“! in! " I 130" m“ s, d ss,r"; q"NW Supply: Hz”, , 'outhvvestern Ontario Demnnd: Th» cifttttirtn mm not mar-r] mm h <|:.n _ In! In mth: tho xnnlr! rm' "I', in m: r\---'vl l'mothy 'JI‘I‘VI Srwl "" ~‘4-Y1Im< ilrr' Impuri- In Vu-qu’lu 1n ri, '. In Mr *ZIUIIL' cup- 1' in" te, [lay-Igni- ’rulv and for " SHANTZ STATION In ted. In many Luly m... good hours lion of [In “an be Prlnclp‘l. ot Guam. The swam; ot hum product: ll based on ttte pnuuph: that " I. sound bunnies: m usually “we noel n and: " $6'Mt tttut the munumet will be able to “magnum and Laurent“ quail!) yruduus‘ aud that the price ylmmm ninth ttte consumer will pay lor the bette: grade, should be damned to the producer ol them I"acttce ttua wow“ ' value ot the (Enemy tttroowU In ttte grading onu- uple Ulndlllg ~muuuca an“, been a emendous murmur to quality iLS,"lt"i','l', an); autumn" prtee M119“! to mud-NW: [nuance a grunt number or (253:. but sun'e brood) urns all] commonly march uul [hr Uest mnummg eggs alter the days Inn-g has ceased. f. run to gum-r kate ttt the day Is I chum-nu scum-u of Alumni deteriorw lion I." put dia tely Gather Egg. on.» Eggs alumni tse gnu-crud at least (mu: Ct day and Ihiet. tunes daily '.r better dun-n: hul acatuer The mm: at one tostlserlug should In: just before dark or an [Ivar to It as plac- ttcable Tm: last gmhvrmg may not produce a grml number ot 85:3. but mute brood) ban will commonly march out mu Itest ro"tauurttg eggs alter Um days [nu-g has ceased tttt “If " "Hum-min] t ', "a :‘m Mod tr"Tit1 first and fiv'rrsmrhot tho lt' tlte "ts " oti.,u- slrrssvd In Each dmillrllng alluuld be placed :1. m m I In IS lh. import:" hnhi' _ I Iu‘lsl _ 'ppl "Ir! tl’ 'v'as,m “00.831 other t um] Inuiu" In“: as this win! D Train best and mun...“ I Th.- m4“ lr, a siuers to ln-- s r :11 " "ti : um: an.“ 2mm pounds uummv'r Jo Th eed A Balanced Rat-on e't. lr, ullv-lllllL: mum than .r" the nupuenuLo- trl which sid in hoc. Ir't'tl:tti,m. " is that don" arr 'lit' “mun-h to make 1:5 Jun! Hut a): Run produc- [In 5- Lu 2mm“ tum hog it 1mm th' . whurml 1.1mm Breedmg unit-=1 pun 0| the cellar " r um] qirtsi I: avaira0le, as gum :wl the» 'ttould not mu tun-nu trt' Ca'.ies Drum?- n Illis nun lw ttvoided. The is "my "ttttuit) H--- p- lr-rot, ha; non-mod v ct with hr~r <::Vr-r, M, r M \\’1Ir~lnn . of Kiwh‘nrr qpmft homo br.ro Cm: ”mun" 1nd rho, «a or Clifr Namath" lli<s--vn nun mum‘ of llh- crystrCs in mm as]. and mix nn-- Lub'mpnnn ' in :h-- [om] nr drink- pi! Illtx Is;. " q "my tua :IIN Ii XII in th (“I "oh-mu \‘l-x‘t- vr who Inc boon Mars R ”Winn-11. Ir, hws " nan-r h-n'n r in Ihr" lt' ~' " pt-tioti ll‘ t.athrrr Lanna qt thr home " tl Ml l'umdu. purtirw th.. I'toHitw Pro. .1 "bun0suce of " whit!) as they krluhlu, but when k rluitrs mum-live Troubles 'N ttr, "'m' M LII a qu- mrh 1mm: ll of [unusqium win m avatar MI tit F nu :\~ with deep 'f I. wmiwa m he. Hm .s ”wally ex- " is» tin in young a ind leln‘w and is srru'Rrsstpd that hp "arm! to a ttr. rhymill gland uni", :Iml 20-1505 ' he :n‘uidml try rlw (urn) if po- H “you J tin! 'v-nl Whiur. gums in: Mark pottittr:t In“) and 'o gm " pull-in supply- hut-d m Iralance In: Jilly " nIsiku 52.000 W": Tlr, 000 mud Gtymr, at t'iou',1 n n Gr. Dr trf york (an 't f I-ll‘n: Innk- Ihn puking In- ; .Il) Julian! pro- tl for hoe “pd, tr, t1uirhis 4itIt Ix at rust -s it tri-torc) " n" ”In whole " pt-tiotrirty 'is muvrmive I "'l ”mart-n!- ol'tsnt hmome [run In: hop" “infill: "1:33 its nuke! A.» the F Ihre "ms: "rats Kit, hrmer Wn I s-rlnn_ H, 'ra both ml d, h month III NU muimm Ill ' hm ausc- {In half"!!! Gtymr, ot in smm‘ 1m pe r Stu-Inn! (examining his shirt cut, [ ' mum) "Shlwks! I've gone and put an my history shirt instead of the Twin mm” Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Stemmler. son Louis. daughter Antoinette. Mr. .md Mrs. Elwood Strangways. Mr. uni \lrs Jun. Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Ruivh liner); and daughter Ruth slum! an even’nz recently with Mr. .wrl Mrs, an. Lavery. \l.-<~rs Jas. Benny and Louis Sh-mmh-r were business visitors in Kin-lu-nm- on Tuesday. Mr. Huzh Adam and aisler, Mrs, I.-l Hm such! the weekend with their aunt. Mrs. Lillie Cornell at Port Nelson, Mr, Armur Kennedy left on Tue.. My rm me am: of Wellenley where hr. hm boon engaged by Mr. Boyd H Immnnd H. 'riorl visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calder. ll T Rilwyn Logge and sister, Mrs. I Mk Quickt'all of Kitchener spent mu week-mud with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Legge. Mi', Aix Cooper and sons Gordon and Arthur attended the funeral of tlu. late Mrs. Arthur Rr-nnir- at Cross- II I: nu Sunday. ttr. Wm. Rennie or Glenallen. Mrs. \‘urnmu Mathews and son Nelson or m.- P,rd of Peel. Hailed on Sunday at Mr: A. Coopers and also attended tr:., funeral of the Into Mrs. Rennie. Mv. Wray Begs: was a business Color in Kitchener on Baturdar. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holzshuh .wf’l‘ Sunday visitors with his par- '.'.tc. Mr and Mrs. August Holzshuh uf tlt" 13111 line. 1i,scr,ys Edward Lina-man and him Kraemer have returned to their homes after spending the past tew ' mulls near Bait Ste. Marie. Metccrs, Ed. and Alex Bees'nzer .xnd sisters Florence and Edith of "LN Lit., .. ul‘llilt‘ with such celertty and gusto that Mr Shani: was almost dumb. .o-mniul Has guest was a horae, mind- while being driven along the thwu) south or the village, had Likt-ll fright and bolted The store, "huh lb situated on the Haysvilie lull with its entrance nightly lower nun the road-way lay directly in the i wt or the territied and last ttmite) lam: mums. and it took " "head on" running through the store-doors .ululllpdlllb‘d by a cloud of flowing guys and debris it made its startling an] dramatic entrance [mung its :1 “or and the cutter in a state m tli,rarray m the street outside. It, Shaun. who was raised on " :.:m, took in the situation at a u',trtce and immediately rushed tor hard lo Quit“! the animal. With the ml or some: persons. who happened l,. hr mun-by he ttttaux persuaded Hi unusual and quite unwelcome l may to evacualo the building. Young PIOpII Meet. Mr Leighton Shunt. gaunt pro- p1 new: ot the general “are at Hut Mlle I: always delighted to have ' wmera tome to his Itore, but early Tuesday afternoon he Ind a Vllllur LI Haysville Store 0wneF§17rFrisml As Unruly Horse Dashes Into Store " 10 " one o'clock Pan. tor annual report And the l The 64th Annual Meeting of the North Waterloo Fumm' Mutual Fire llllmMH Conway will be held m um Equitable Lu. Budding, Waterloo, on North Waterloo farmers' Mutual fire Insurance Company '. t WALLENSTEIN he o'clock Pan. tor the purpose or (evening tht l'ompauy's ral report uni the election of four Dun-tun By order or the Board. SOUTH-W EST W I LMOT Tuesday, February 8th, 1938 [to AkTiiGTFCE All Coach Travel FRED WESSON Phone 3679 KITCHENER ndon' for {v other ":1:me B; I "'15: c, where nHV h :nloxmumun al STi'tst Fxcunum 'uklx mud '" Thu“! and Q'andud sltwVrte lel‘ .ko on paw-um oi “wk”, higher Inns. plus pri, of In In or "m ROI’THs I Arthur, ty City Panenge’rixgent tM King St. W. - Phon, " ' tlu. aplendi orio iurun nizh' “PM _ Ta nadia n Pacific tir Skating Party I QUIEY. WELL CIJNDUC‘ED. CONVENIENT, MODERN too ROOM HOTEL as WITH BAY“ WRITE rot FOLDER ZIKE A OE LUKE IAXI "ttrm DEPOT OR WNIRF 25c to mum“. ”-11?" DAILY FEB 19 TO MARCH s RFtt Rh ilMIT: " Days, Mr", In WESTERN CANADA ham] “III-h tnittul EXCURR‘IONS morn: M Hm " In Luna: I 361125 full pr.vti, f, Th ONE (TNT PER MILE up Mt b" xv -- z- I . 'c'y'uieity . TO \l.l. ylTVrloxti IN JOSEPH H WOODS, T1CKrirs (.00!) TO TRAVEL IN (HA: HEN /.+~0 te/i.. J,“ / 0kg Izuv‘l/a, J pp- pm-ml Bargain “and "O Kitchener, Ont All AI'PR ‘ th] I \IATFLT v. M. wood a. . nmmudat an Managing Dirutol' ls Pood u: Tourist, Parlor 1”,. ng ' 'rs also nail-He 1. od. _ only. “ark M no higher plunge n 1.. or Ape..." a. "WI ' m l‘ullege Are. Wrodstock, next " l ("Immune w,“ 'al'rankemett" I , J)), kunole part) L' mums and con- H b" "" name“ I» .»~ Hum-d Church k M the oxtord tit, your 1937, t" u'iveu by Bill luv business was W.u:er School any agent. no... 535 t'l T _ In Port (in! . l‘hiclgo. v'vrr'rning Vl- Gamma: . ll !:--(In-, l'nit- Ulu l'url)‘ m _ on Monday me 1'hester, irsts us their mi lmurs ot t: zwl In tttr 7. UMtttyre it ‘. lunch. A ml bv ovonn (t Rum Krttm, ms reiretett- tho hastens .\Hl|1"~ 'Stti- t' of [hanks a family tor V u Port" and wel; " Marie. oi Inch-L with

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